blob: 5659ac2bd3372b3559b1cc3636cf2735eb4ef484 [file] [log] [blame]
= Rust Tutorial
Matthias Benkard <>
// Meta
:toclevels: 2
:keywords: MI, MSW, eGym, Rust
// Settings
:icons: font
:source-highlighter: pygments
These are the lecture notes for the introduction to the Rust
programming language held at eGym in 2019.
= Part I: The Language
== Crates & Cargo
== Basic Types
=== `u8`, `i32`, `f64`
=== Structs
=== `impl Struct`
=== Enums
== References & Lifetimes
=== `&` vs `&mut`
=== `'static`
=== `Box`, `Rc`
== Polymorphism
=== Traits
Ex.: `ToString`
=== Generics
=== `dyn Trait`
== Tidbits
=== Clippy
=== Lambdas
= Part II: The Standard Library
== Error Handling
== More Types
=== `String`, `&str`
=== `Vec`, `&[]`
=== `Fn`
=== `Iter`
=== `impl Trait`
== Safe Concurrency
=== `Sync`
=== `Send`
=== `Arc`