blob: 3b6875911d413ea790641b059d55ad4ac56636d5 [file] [log] [blame]
Matthias Andreas Benkard7b2a3a12021-08-16 10:57:25 +02001<?php
4 * This file is part of the Carbon package.
5 *
6 * (c) Brian Nesbitt <>
7 *
8 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
9 * file that was distributed with this source code.
10 */
11namespace Carbon;
13use Carbon\Traits\Date;
14use DateTime;
15use DateTimeInterface;
16use DateTimeZone;
19 * A simple API extension for DateTime.
20 *
21 * <autodoc generated by `composer phpdoc`>
22 *
23 * @property int $year
24 * @property int $yearIso
25 * @property int $month
26 * @property int $day
27 * @property int $hour
28 * @property int $minute
29 * @property int $second
30 * @property int $micro
31 * @property int $microsecond
32 * @property int|float|string $timestamp seconds since the Unix Epoch
33 * @property string $englishDayOfWeek the day of week in English
34 * @property string $shortEnglishDayOfWeek the abbreviated day of week in English
35 * @property string $englishMonth the month in English
36 * @property string $shortEnglishMonth the abbreviated month in English
37 * @property string $localeDayOfWeek the day of week in current locale LC_TIME
38 * @property string $shortLocaleDayOfWeek the abbreviated day of week in current locale LC_TIME
39 * @property string $localeMonth the month in current locale LC_TIME
40 * @property string $shortLocaleMonth the abbreviated month in current locale LC_TIME
41 * @property int $milliseconds
42 * @property int $millisecond
43 * @property int $milli
44 * @property int $week 1 through 53
45 * @property int $isoWeek 1 through 53
46 * @property int $weekYear year according to week format
47 * @property int $isoWeekYear year according to ISO week format
48 * @property int $dayOfYear 1 through 366
49 * @property int $age does a diffInYears() with default parameters
50 * @property int $offset the timezone offset in seconds from UTC
51 * @property int $offsetMinutes the timezone offset in minutes from UTC
52 * @property int $offsetHours the timezone offset in hours from UTC
53 * @property CarbonTimeZone $timezone the current timezone
54 * @property CarbonTimeZone $tz alias of $timezone
55 * @property-read int $dayOfWeek 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
56 * @property-read int $dayOfWeekIso 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
57 * @property-read int $weekOfYear ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday
58 * @property-read int $daysInMonth number of days in the given month
59 * @property-read string $latinMeridiem "am"/"pm" (Ante meridiem or Post meridiem latin lowercase mark)
60 * @property-read string $latinUpperMeridiem "AM"/"PM" (Ante meridiem or Post meridiem latin uppercase mark)
61 * @property-read string $timezoneAbbreviatedName the current timezone abbreviated name
62 * @property-read string $tzAbbrName alias of $timezoneAbbreviatedName
63 * @property-read string $dayName long name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
64 * @property-read string $shortDayName short name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
65 * @property-read string $minDayName very short name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
66 * @property-read string $monthName long name of month translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
67 * @property-read string $shortMonthName short name of month translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language
68 * @property-read string $meridiem lowercase meridiem mark translated according to Carbon locale, in latin if no translation available for current language
69 * @property-read string $upperMeridiem uppercase meridiem mark translated according to Carbon locale, in latin if no translation available for current language
70 * @property-read int $noZeroHour current hour from 1 to 24
71 * @property-read int $weeksInYear 51 through 53
72 * @property-read int $isoWeeksInYear 51 through 53
73 * @property-read int $weekOfMonth 1 through 5
74 * @property-read int $weekNumberInMonth 1 through 5
75 * @property-read int $firstWeekDay 0 through 6
76 * @property-read int $lastWeekDay 0 through 6
77 * @property-read int $daysInYear 365 or 366
78 * @property-read int $quarter the quarter of this instance, 1 - 4
79 * @property-read int $decade the decade of this instance
80 * @property-read int $century the century of this instance
81 * @property-read int $millennium the millennium of this instance
82 * @property-read bool $dst daylight savings time indicator, true if DST, false otherwise
83 * @property-read bool $local checks if the timezone is local, true if local, false otherwise
84 * @property-read bool $utc checks if the timezone is UTC, true if UTC, false otherwise
85 * @property-read string $timezoneName the current timezone name
86 * @property-read string $tzName alias of $timezoneName
87 * @property-read string $locale locale of the current instance
88 *
89 * @method bool isUtc() Check if the current instance has UTC timezone. (Both isUtc and isUTC cases are valid.)
90 * @method bool isLocal() Check if the current instance has non-UTC timezone.
91 * @method bool isValid() Check if the current instance is a valid date.
92 * @method bool isDST() Check if the current instance is in a daylight saving time.
93 * @method bool isSunday() Checks if the instance day is sunday.
94 * @method bool isMonday() Checks if the instance day is monday.
95 * @method bool isTuesday() Checks if the instance day is tuesday.
96 * @method bool isWednesday() Checks if the instance day is wednesday.
97 * @method bool isThursday() Checks if the instance day is thursday.
98 * @method bool isFriday() Checks if the instance day is friday.
99 * @method bool isSaturday() Checks if the instance day is saturday.
100 * @method bool isSameYear(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same year as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
101 * @method bool isCurrentYear() Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment.
102 * @method bool isNextYear() Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment next year.
103 * @method bool isLastYear() Checks if the instance is in the same year as the current moment last year.
104 * @method bool isSameWeek(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same week as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
105 * @method bool isCurrentWeek() Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment.
106 * @method bool isNextWeek() Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment next week.
107 * @method bool isLastWeek() Checks if the instance is in the same week as the current moment last week.
108 * @method bool isSameDay(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same day as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
109 * @method bool isCurrentDay() Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment.
110 * @method bool isNextDay() Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment next day.
111 * @method bool isLastDay() Checks if the instance is in the same day as the current moment last day.
112 * @method bool isSameHour(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same hour as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
113 * @method bool isCurrentHour() Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment.
114 * @method bool isNextHour() Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment next hour.
115 * @method bool isLastHour() Checks if the instance is in the same hour as the current moment last hour.
116 * @method bool isSameMinute(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same minute as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
117 * @method bool isCurrentMinute() Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment.
118 * @method bool isNextMinute() Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment next minute.
119 * @method bool isLastMinute() Checks if the instance is in the same minute as the current moment last minute.
120 * @method bool isSameSecond(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same second as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
121 * @method bool isCurrentSecond() Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment.
122 * @method bool isNextSecond() Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment next second.
123 * @method bool isLastSecond() Checks if the instance is in the same second as the current moment last second.
124 * @method bool isSameMicro(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same microsecond as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
125 * @method bool isCurrentMicro() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment.
126 * @method bool isNextMicro() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment next microsecond.
127 * @method bool isLastMicro() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment last microsecond.
128 * @method bool isSameMicrosecond(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same microsecond as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
129 * @method bool isCurrentMicrosecond() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment.
130 * @method bool isNextMicrosecond() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment next microsecond.
131 * @method bool isLastMicrosecond() Checks if the instance is in the same microsecond as the current moment last microsecond.
132 * @method bool isCurrentMonth() Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment.
133 * @method bool isNextMonth() Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment next month.
134 * @method bool isLastMonth() Checks if the instance is in the same month as the current moment last month.
135 * @method bool isCurrentQuarter() Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment.
136 * @method bool isNextQuarter() Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment next quarter.
137 * @method bool isLastQuarter() Checks if the instance is in the same quarter as the current moment last quarter.
138 * @method bool isSameDecade(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same decade as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
139 * @method bool isCurrentDecade() Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment.
140 * @method bool isNextDecade() Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment next decade.
141 * @method bool isLastDecade() Checks if the instance is in the same decade as the current moment last decade.
142 * @method bool isSameCentury(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same century as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
143 * @method bool isCurrentCentury() Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment.
144 * @method bool isNextCentury() Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment next century.
145 * @method bool isLastCentury() Checks if the instance is in the same century as the current moment last century.
146 * @method bool isSameMillennium(Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date = null) Checks if the given date is in the same millennium as the instance. If null passed, compare to now (with the same timezone).
147 * @method bool isCurrentMillennium() Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment.
148 * @method bool isNextMillennium() Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment next millennium.
149 * @method bool isLastMillennium() Checks if the instance is in the same millennium as the current moment last millennium.
150 * @method $this years(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
151 * @method $this year(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
152 * @method $this setYears(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
153 * @method $this setYear(int $value) Set current instance year to the given value.
154 * @method $this months(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
155 * @method $this month(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
156 * @method $this setMonths(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
157 * @method $this setMonth(int $value) Set current instance month to the given value.
158 * @method $this days(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
159 * @method $this day(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
160 * @method $this setDays(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
161 * @method $this setDay(int $value) Set current instance day to the given value.
162 * @method $this hours(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
163 * @method $this hour(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
164 * @method $this setHours(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
165 * @method $this setHour(int $value) Set current instance hour to the given value.
166 * @method $this minutes(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
167 * @method $this minute(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
168 * @method $this setMinutes(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
169 * @method $this setMinute(int $value) Set current instance minute to the given value.
170 * @method $this seconds(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
171 * @method $this second(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
172 * @method $this setSeconds(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
173 * @method $this setSecond(int $value) Set current instance second to the given value.
174 * @method $this millis(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
175 * @method $this milli(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
176 * @method $this setMillis(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
177 * @method $this setMilli(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
178 * @method $this milliseconds(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
179 * @method $this millisecond(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
180 * @method $this setMilliseconds(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
181 * @method $this setMillisecond(int $value) Set current instance millisecond to the given value.
182 * @method $this micros(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
183 * @method $this micro(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
184 * @method $this setMicros(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
185 * @method $this setMicro(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
186 * @method $this microseconds(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
187 * @method $this microsecond(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
188 * @method $this setMicroseconds(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
189 * @method $this setMicrosecond(int $value) Set current instance microsecond to the given value.
190 * @method $this addYears(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
191 * @method $this addYear() Add one year to the instance (using date interval).
192 * @method $this subYears(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
193 * @method $this subYear() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval).
194 * @method $this addYearsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
195 * @method $this addYearWithOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
196 * @method $this subYearsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
197 * @method $this subYearWithOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
198 * @method $this addYearsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
199 * @method $this addYearWithoutOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
200 * @method $this subYearsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
201 * @method $this subYearWithoutOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
202 * @method $this addYearsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
203 * @method $this addYearWithNoOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
204 * @method $this subYearsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
205 * @method $this subYearWithNoOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
206 * @method $this addYearsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
207 * @method $this addYearNoOverflow() Add one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
208 * @method $this subYearsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
209 * @method $this subYearNoOverflow() Sub one year to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
210 * @method $this addMonths(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
211 * @method $this addMonth() Add one month to the instance (using date interval).
212 * @method $this subMonths(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
213 * @method $this subMonth() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval).
214 * @method $this addMonthsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
215 * @method $this addMonthWithOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
216 * @method $this subMonthsWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
217 * @method $this subMonthWithOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
218 * @method $this addMonthsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
219 * @method $this addMonthWithoutOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
220 * @method $this subMonthsWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
221 * @method $this subMonthWithoutOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
222 * @method $this addMonthsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
223 * @method $this addMonthWithNoOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
224 * @method $this subMonthsWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
225 * @method $this subMonthWithNoOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
226 * @method $this addMonthsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
227 * @method $this addMonthNoOverflow() Add one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
228 * @method $this subMonthsNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
229 * @method $this subMonthNoOverflow() Sub one month to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
230 * @method $this addDays(int $value = 1) Add days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
231 * @method $this addDay() Add one day to the instance (using date interval).
232 * @method $this subDays(int $value = 1) Sub days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
233 * @method $this subDay() Sub one day to the instance (using date interval).
234 * @method $this addHours(int $value = 1) Add hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
235 * @method $this addHour() Add one hour to the instance (using date interval).
236 * @method $this subHours(int $value = 1) Sub hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
237 * @method $this subHour() Sub one hour to the instance (using date interval).
238 * @method $this addMinutes(int $value = 1) Add minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
239 * @method $this addMinute() Add one minute to the instance (using date interval).
240 * @method $this subMinutes(int $value = 1) Sub minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
241 * @method $this subMinute() Sub one minute to the instance (using date interval).
242 * @method $this addSeconds(int $value = 1) Add seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
243 * @method $this addSecond() Add one second to the instance (using date interval).
244 * @method $this subSeconds(int $value = 1) Sub seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
245 * @method $this subSecond() Sub one second to the instance (using date interval).
246 * @method $this addMillis(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
247 * @method $this addMilli() Add one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
248 * @method $this subMillis(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
249 * @method $this subMilli() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
250 * @method $this addMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
251 * @method $this addMillisecond() Add one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
252 * @method $this subMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
253 * @method $this subMillisecond() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using date interval).
254 * @method $this addMicros(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
255 * @method $this addMicro() Add one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
256 * @method $this subMicros(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
257 * @method $this subMicro() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
258 * @method $this addMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
259 * @method $this addMicrosecond() Add one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
260 * @method $this subMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
261 * @method $this subMicrosecond() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using date interval).
262 * @method $this addMillennia(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
263 * @method $this addMillennium() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval).
264 * @method $this subMillennia(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
265 * @method $this subMillennium() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval).
266 * @method $this addMillenniaWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
267 * @method $this addMillenniumWithOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
268 * @method $this subMillenniaWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
269 * @method $this subMillenniumWithOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
270 * @method $this addMillenniaWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
271 * @method $this addMillenniumWithoutOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
272 * @method $this subMillenniaWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
273 * @method $this subMillenniumWithoutOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
274 * @method $this addMillenniaWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
275 * @method $this addMillenniumWithNoOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
276 * @method $this subMillenniaWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
277 * @method $this subMillenniumWithNoOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
278 * @method $this addMillenniaNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
279 * @method $this addMillenniumNoOverflow() Add one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
280 * @method $this subMillenniaNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
281 * @method $this subMillenniumNoOverflow() Sub one millennium to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
282 * @method $this addCenturies(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
283 * @method $this addCentury() Add one century to the instance (using date interval).
284 * @method $this subCenturies(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
285 * @method $this subCentury() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval).
286 * @method $this addCenturiesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
287 * @method $this addCenturyWithOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
288 * @method $this subCenturiesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
289 * @method $this subCenturyWithOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
290 * @method $this addCenturiesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
291 * @method $this addCenturyWithoutOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
292 * @method $this subCenturiesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
293 * @method $this subCenturyWithoutOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
294 * @method $this addCenturiesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
295 * @method $this addCenturyWithNoOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
296 * @method $this subCenturiesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
297 * @method $this subCenturyWithNoOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
298 * @method $this addCenturiesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
299 * @method $this addCenturyNoOverflow() Add one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
300 * @method $this subCenturiesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
301 * @method $this subCenturyNoOverflow() Sub one century to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
302 * @method $this addDecades(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
303 * @method $this addDecade() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval).
304 * @method $this subDecades(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
305 * @method $this subDecade() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval).
306 * @method $this addDecadesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
307 * @method $this addDecadeWithOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
308 * @method $this subDecadesWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
309 * @method $this subDecadeWithOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
310 * @method $this addDecadesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
311 * @method $this addDecadeWithoutOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
312 * @method $this subDecadesWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
313 * @method $this subDecadeWithoutOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
314 * @method $this addDecadesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
315 * @method $this addDecadeWithNoOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
316 * @method $this subDecadesWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
317 * @method $this subDecadeWithNoOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
318 * @method $this addDecadesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
319 * @method $this addDecadeNoOverflow() Add one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
320 * @method $this subDecadesNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
321 * @method $this subDecadeNoOverflow() Sub one decade to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
322 * @method $this addQuarters(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
323 * @method $this addQuarter() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval).
324 * @method $this subQuarters(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
325 * @method $this subQuarter() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval).
326 * @method $this addQuartersWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
327 * @method $this addQuarterWithOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
328 * @method $this subQuartersWithOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
329 * @method $this subQuarterWithOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly allowed.
330 * @method $this addQuartersWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
331 * @method $this addQuarterWithoutOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
332 * @method $this subQuartersWithoutOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
333 * @method $this subQuarterWithoutOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
334 * @method $this addQuartersWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
335 * @method $this addQuarterWithNoOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
336 * @method $this subQuartersWithNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
337 * @method $this subQuarterWithNoOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
338 * @method $this addQuartersNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
339 * @method $this addQuarterNoOverflow() Add one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
340 * @method $this subQuartersNoOverflow(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
341 * @method $this subQuarterNoOverflow() Sub one quarter to the instance (using date interval) with overflow explicitly forbidden.
342 * @method $this addWeeks(int $value = 1) Add weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
343 * @method $this addWeek() Add one week to the instance (using date interval).
344 * @method $this subWeeks(int $value = 1) Sub weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
345 * @method $this subWeek() Sub one week to the instance (using date interval).
346 * @method $this addWeekdays(int $value = 1) Add weekdays (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
347 * @method $this addWeekday() Add one weekday to the instance (using date interval).
348 * @method $this subWeekdays(int $value = 1) Sub weekdays (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using date interval).
349 * @method $this subWeekday() Sub one weekday to the instance (using date interval).
350 * @method $this addRealMicros(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
351 * @method $this addRealMicro() Add one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
352 * @method $this subRealMicros(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
353 * @method $this subRealMicro() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
354 * @method CarbonPeriod microsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each microsecond or every X microseconds if a factor is given.
355 * @method $this addRealMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Add microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
356 * @method $this addRealMicrosecond() Add one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
357 * @method $this subRealMicroseconds(int $value = 1) Sub microseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
358 * @method $this subRealMicrosecond() Sub one microsecond to the instance (using timestamp).
359 * @method CarbonPeriod microsecondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each microsecond or every X microseconds if a factor is given.
360 * @method $this addRealMillis(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
361 * @method $this addRealMilli() Add one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
362 * @method $this subRealMillis(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
363 * @method $this subRealMilli() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
364 * @method CarbonPeriod millisUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millisecond or every X milliseconds if a factor is given.
365 * @method $this addRealMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Add milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
366 * @method $this addRealMillisecond() Add one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
367 * @method $this subRealMilliseconds(int $value = 1) Sub milliseconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
368 * @method $this subRealMillisecond() Sub one millisecond to the instance (using timestamp).
369 * @method CarbonPeriod millisecondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millisecond or every X milliseconds if a factor is given.
370 * @method $this addRealSeconds(int $value = 1) Add seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
371 * @method $this addRealSecond() Add one second to the instance (using timestamp).
372 * @method $this subRealSeconds(int $value = 1) Sub seconds (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
373 * @method $this subRealSecond() Sub one second to the instance (using timestamp).
374 * @method CarbonPeriod secondsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each second or every X seconds if a factor is given.
375 * @method $this addRealMinutes(int $value = 1) Add minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
376 * @method $this addRealMinute() Add one minute to the instance (using timestamp).
377 * @method $this subRealMinutes(int $value = 1) Sub minutes (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
378 * @method $this subRealMinute() Sub one minute to the instance (using timestamp).
379 * @method CarbonPeriod minutesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each minute or every X minutes if a factor is given.
380 * @method $this addRealHours(int $value = 1) Add hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
381 * @method $this addRealHour() Add one hour to the instance (using timestamp).
382 * @method $this subRealHours(int $value = 1) Sub hours (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
383 * @method $this subRealHour() Sub one hour to the instance (using timestamp).
384 * @method CarbonPeriod hoursUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each hour or every X hours if a factor is given.
385 * @method $this addRealDays(int $value = 1) Add days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
386 * @method $this addRealDay() Add one day to the instance (using timestamp).
387 * @method $this subRealDays(int $value = 1) Sub days (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
388 * @method $this subRealDay() Sub one day to the instance (using timestamp).
389 * @method CarbonPeriod daysUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each day or every X days if a factor is given.
390 * @method $this addRealWeeks(int $value = 1) Add weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
391 * @method $this addRealWeek() Add one week to the instance (using timestamp).
392 * @method $this subRealWeeks(int $value = 1) Sub weeks (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
393 * @method $this subRealWeek() Sub one week to the instance (using timestamp).
394 * @method CarbonPeriod weeksUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each week or every X weeks if a factor is given.
395 * @method $this addRealMonths(int $value = 1) Add months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
396 * @method $this addRealMonth() Add one month to the instance (using timestamp).
397 * @method $this subRealMonths(int $value = 1) Sub months (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
398 * @method $this subRealMonth() Sub one month to the instance (using timestamp).
399 * @method CarbonPeriod monthsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each month or every X months if a factor is given.
400 * @method $this addRealQuarters(int $value = 1) Add quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
401 * @method $this addRealQuarter() Add one quarter to the instance (using timestamp).
402 * @method $this subRealQuarters(int $value = 1) Sub quarters (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
403 * @method $this subRealQuarter() Sub one quarter to the instance (using timestamp).
404 * @method CarbonPeriod quartersUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each quarter or every X quarters if a factor is given.
405 * @method $this addRealYears(int $value = 1) Add years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
406 * @method $this addRealYear() Add one year to the instance (using timestamp).
407 * @method $this subRealYears(int $value = 1) Sub years (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
408 * @method $this subRealYear() Sub one year to the instance (using timestamp).
409 * @method CarbonPeriod yearsUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each year or every X years if a factor is given.
410 * @method $this addRealDecades(int $value = 1) Add decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
411 * @method $this addRealDecade() Add one decade to the instance (using timestamp).
412 * @method $this subRealDecades(int $value = 1) Sub decades (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
413 * @method $this subRealDecade() Sub one decade to the instance (using timestamp).
414 * @method CarbonPeriod decadesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each decade or every X decades if a factor is given.
415 * @method $this addRealCenturies(int $value = 1) Add centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
416 * @method $this addRealCentury() Add one century to the instance (using timestamp).
417 * @method $this subRealCenturies(int $value = 1) Sub centuries (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
418 * @method $this subRealCentury() Sub one century to the instance (using timestamp).
419 * @method CarbonPeriod centuriesUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each century or every X centuries if a factor is given.
420 * @method $this addRealMillennia(int $value = 1) Add millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
421 * @method $this addRealMillennium() Add one millennium to the instance (using timestamp).
422 * @method $this subRealMillennia(int $value = 1) Sub millennia (the $value count passed in) to the instance (using timestamp).
423 * @method $this subRealMillennium() Sub one millennium to the instance (using timestamp).
424 * @method CarbonPeriod millenniaUntil($endDate = null, int $factor = 1) Return an iterable period from current date to given end (string, DateTime or Carbon instance) for each millennium or every X millennia if a factor is given.
425 * @method $this roundYear(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
426 * @method $this roundYears(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance year with given precision using the given function.
427 * @method $this floorYear(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
428 * @method $this floorYears(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance year with given precision.
429 * @method $this ceilYear(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
430 * @method $this ceilYears(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance year with given precision.
431 * @method $this roundMonth(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
432 * @method $this roundMonths(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance month with given precision using the given function.
433 * @method $this floorMonth(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
434 * @method $this floorMonths(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision.
435 * @method $this ceilMonth(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
436 * @method $this ceilMonths(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision.
437 * @method $this roundDay(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
438 * @method $this roundDays(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function.
439 * @method $this floorDay(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
440 * @method $this floorDays(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision.
441 * @method $this ceilDay(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
442 * @method $this ceilDays(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision.
443 * @method $this roundHour(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
444 * @method $this roundHours(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function.
445 * @method $this floorHour(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
446 * @method $this floorHours(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision.
447 * @method $this ceilHour(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
448 * @method $this ceilHours(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision.
449 * @method $this roundMinute(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
450 * @method $this roundMinutes(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function.
451 * @method $this floorMinute(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
452 * @method $this floorMinutes(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision.
453 * @method $this ceilMinute(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
454 * @method $this ceilMinutes(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision.
455 * @method $this roundSecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
456 * @method $this roundSeconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function.
457 * @method $this floorSecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
458 * @method $this floorSeconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision.
459 * @method $this ceilSecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
460 * @method $this ceilSeconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision.
461 * @method $this roundMillennium(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
462 * @method $this roundMillennia(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function.
463 * @method $this floorMillennium(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
464 * @method $this floorMillennia(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision.
465 * @method $this ceilMillennium(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
466 * @method $this ceilMillennia(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision.
467 * @method $this roundCentury(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
468 * @method $this roundCenturies(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function.
469 * @method $this floorCentury(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
470 * @method $this floorCenturies(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision.
471 * @method $this ceilCentury(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
472 * @method $this ceilCenturies(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision.
473 * @method $this roundDecade(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
474 * @method $this roundDecades(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function.
475 * @method $this floorDecade(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
476 * @method $this floorDecades(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision.
477 * @method $this ceilDecade(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
478 * @method $this ceilDecades(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision.
479 * @method $this roundQuarter(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
480 * @method $this roundQuarters(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function.
481 * @method $this floorQuarter(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
482 * @method $this floorQuarters(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision.
483 * @method $this ceilQuarter(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
484 * @method $this ceilQuarters(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision.
485 * @method $this roundMillisecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
486 * @method $this roundMilliseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function.
487 * @method $this floorMillisecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
488 * @method $this floorMilliseconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision.
489 * @method $this ceilMillisecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
490 * @method $this ceilMilliseconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision.
491 * @method $this roundMicrosecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
492 * @method $this roundMicroseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function.
493 * @method $this floorMicrosecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
494 * @method $this floorMicroseconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision.
495 * @method $this ceilMicrosecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
496 * @method $this ceilMicroseconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision.
497 * @method string shortAbsoluteDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'Absolute' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
498 * @method string longAbsoluteDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'Absolute' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
499 * @method string shortRelativeDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'Relative' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
500 * @method string longRelativeDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'Relative' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
501 * @method string shortRelativeToNowDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'RelativeToNow' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
502 * @method string longRelativeToNowDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'RelativeToNow' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
503 * @method string shortRelativeToOtherDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'RelativeToOther' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
504 * @method string longRelativeToOtherDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'RelativeToOther' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.)
505 * @method static Carbon|false createFromFormat(string $format, string $time, string|DateTimeZone $timezone = null) Parse a string into a new Carbon object according to the specified format.
506 * @method static Carbon __set_state(array $array)
507 *
508 * </autodoc>
509 */
510class Carbon extends DateTime implements CarbonInterface
512 use Date;
514 /**
515 * Returns true if the current class/instance is mutable.
516 *
517 * @return bool
518 */
519 public static function isMutable()
520 {
521 return true;
522 }