blob: 8fa88c54b2a62f4fe182ac27ac274a246d46250e [file] [log] [blame]
Matthias Andreas Benkardb382b102021-01-02 15:32:21 +01001<html>
2 <head>
3 <meta name="x-apple-disable-message-reformatting" />
4 <style>
5 body {
6 font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Sans-Serif;
7 }
8 table {
9 border-collapse: collapse;
10 width: 100%;
11 margin-bottom: 20px;
12 }
13 th, td {
14 padding: 8px;
15 text-align: left;
16 border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
17 vertical-align: top;
18 }
19 td.fixed {
20 white-space: nowrap;
21 }
22 th {
23 background-color: #56B04C;
24 color: white;
25 }
26 tr:nth-child(even) {
27 background-color: #f2f2f2;
28 }
29 /* mobile devices */
30 @media all and (max-width: 480px) {
31 .mob {
32 display: none;
33 }
34 }
35 </style>
36 </head>
37 <body>
38 <p>Hi {{username}}!<br>
39 {% if counter == 1 %}
40 There is 1 new message waiting in quarantine:<br>
41 {% else %}
42 There are {{counter}} new messages waiting in quarantine:<br>
43 {% endif %}
44 <table>
45 <tr><th>Subject</th><th>Sender</th><th class="mob">Score</th><th class="mob">Action</th><th class="mob">Arrived on</th>{% if quarantine_acl == 1 %}<th>Actions</th>{% endif %}</tr>
46 {% for line in meta|reverse %}
47 <tr>
48 <td>{{ line.subject|e }}</td>
49 <td>{{ line.sender|e }}</td>
50 <td class="mob">{{ line.score }}</td>
51 {% if line.action == "reject" %}
52 <td class="mob">Rejected</td>
53 {% else %}
54 <td class="mob">Sent to Junk folder</td>
55 {% endif %}
56 <td class="mob">{{ line.created }}</td>
57 {% if quarantine_acl == 1 %}
58 {% if line.action == "reject" %}
59 <td class="fixed"><a href="https://{{ hostname }}/qhandler/release/{{ line.qhash }}">Release to inbox</a> | <a href="https://{{ hostname }}/qhandler/delete/{{ line.qhash }}">delete</a></td>
60 {% else %}
61 <td class="fixed"><a href="https://{{ hostname }}/qhandler/release/{{ line.qhash }}">Send copy to inbox</a> | <a href="https://{{ hostname }}/qhandler/delete/{{ line.qhash }}">delete</a></td>
62 {% endif %}
63 {% endif %}
64 </tr>
65 {% endfor %}
66 </table>
67 </p>
68 </body>