blob: ab13eb0295033acafa52d9a19dc4b829062d2800 [file] [log] [blame]
namespace Ddeboer\Imap\Message;
use Ddeboer\Imap\Exception\ImapFetchbodyException;
use Ddeboer\Imap\Exception\UnexpectedEncodingException;
use Ddeboer\Imap\ImapResourceInterface;
use Ddeboer\Imap\Message;
* A message part.
abstract class AbstractPart implements PartInterface
* @var ImapResourceInterface
protected $resource;
* @var bool
private $structureParsed = false;
* @var array
private $parts = [];
* @var string
private $partNumber;
* @var int
private $messageNumber;
* @var \stdClass
private $structure;
* @var Parameters
private $parameters;
* @var null|string
private $type;
* @var null|string
private $subtype;
* @var null|string
private $encoding;
* @var null|string
private $disposition;
* @var null|string
private $description;
* @var null|string
private $bytes;
* @var null|string
private $lines;
* @var null|string
private $content;
* @var null|string
private $decodedContent;
* @var int
private $key = 0;
* @var array
private static $typesMap = [
* @var array
private static $encodingsMap = [
* @var array
private static $attachmentKeys = [
'name' => true,
'filename' => true,
'name*' => true,
'filename*' => true,
* Constructor.
* @param ImapResourceInterface $resource IMAP resource
* @param int $messageNumber Message number
* @param string $partNumber Part number
* @param \stdClass $structure Part structure
public function __construct(
ImapResourceInterface $resource,
int $messageNumber,
string $partNumber,
\stdClass $structure
) {
$this->resource = $resource;
$this->messageNumber = $messageNumber;
$this->partNumber = $partNumber;
* Get message number (from headers).
final public function getNumber(): int
return $this->messageNumber;
* Ensure message exists.
protected function assertMessageExists(int $messageNumber): void
* @param \stdClass $structure Part structure
final protected function setStructure(\stdClass $structure): void
$this->structure = $structure;
* Part structure.
final public function getStructure(): \stdClass
return $this->structure;
* Lazy load structure.
protected function lazyLoadStructure(): void
* Part parameters.
final public function getParameters(): Parameters
return $this->parameters;
* Part charset.
final public function getCharset(): ?string
return $this->parameters->get('charset') ?: null;
* Part type.
final public function getType(): ?string
return $this->type;
* Part subtype.
final public function getSubtype(): ?string
return $this->subtype;
* Part encoding.
final public function getEncoding(): ?string
return $this->encoding;
* Part disposition.
final public function getDisposition(): ?string
return $this->disposition;
* Part description.
final public function getDescription(): ?string
return $this->description;
* Part bytes.
* @return null|int|string
final public function getBytes()
return $this->bytes;
* Part lines.
final public function getLines(): ?string
return $this->lines;
* Get raw part content.
final public function getContent(): string
if (null === $this->content) {
$this->content = $this->doGetContent($this->getContentPartNumber());
return $this->content;
* Get content part number.
protected function getContentPartNumber(): string
return $this->partNumber;
* Get part number.
final public function getPartNumber(): string
return $this->partNumber;
* Get decoded part content.
final public function getDecodedContent(): string
if (null === $this->decodedContent) {
if (self::ENCODING_UNKNOWN === $this->getEncoding()) {
throw new UnexpectedEncodingException('Cannot decode a content with an uknown encoding');
$content = $this->getContent();
if (self::ENCODING_BASE64 === $this->getEncoding()) {
$content = \base64_decode($content, false);
} elseif (self::ENCODING_QUOTED_PRINTABLE === $this->getEncoding()) {
$content = \quoted_printable_decode($content);
if (false === $content) {
throw new UnexpectedEncodingException('Cannot decode content');
// If this part is a text part, convert its charset to UTF-8.
// We don't want to decode an attachment's charset.
if (!$this instanceof Attachment && null !== $this->getCharset() && self::TYPE_TEXT === $this->getType()) {
$content = Transcoder::decode($content, $this->getCharset());
$this->decodedContent = $content;
return $this->decodedContent;
* Get raw message content.
final protected function doGetContent(string $partNumber): string
$return = \imap_fetchbody(
if (false === $return) {
throw new ImapFetchbodyException('imap_fetchbody failed');
return $return;
* Get an array of all parts for this message.
* @return PartInterface[]
final public function getParts(): array
return $this->parts;
* Get current child part.
* @return mixed
final public function current()
return $this->parts[$this->key];
* Get current child part.
* @return \RecursiveIterator
final public function getChildren()
return $this->current();
* Get current child part.
* @return bool
final public function hasChildren()
return \count($this->parts) > 0;
* Get current part key.
* @return int
final public function key()
return $this->key;
* Move to next part.
* @return void
final public function next()
* Reset part key.
* @return void
final public function rewind()
$this->key = 0;
* Check if current part is a valid one.
* @return bool
final public function valid()
return isset($this->parts[$this->key]);
* Parse part structure.
private function lazyParseStructure(): void
if (true === $this->structureParsed) {
$this->structureParsed = true;
$this->type = self::$typesMap[$this->structure->type] ?? self::TYPE_UNKNOWN;
// In our context, \ENCOTHER is as useful as an unknown encoding
$this->encoding = self::$encodingsMap[$this->structure->encoding] ?? self::ENCODING_UNKNOWN;
if (isset($this->structure->subtype)) {
$this->subtype = $this->structure->subtype;
if (isset($this->structure->bytes)) {
$this->bytes = $this->structure->bytes;
if ($this->structure->ifdisposition) {
$this->disposition = $this->structure->disposition;
if ($this->structure->ifdescription) {
$this->description = $this->structure->description;
$this->parameters = new Parameters();
if ($this->structure->ifparameters) {
if ($this->structure->ifdparameters) {
// When the message is not multipart and the body is the attachment content
// Prevents infinite recursion
if (self::isAttachment($this->structure) && !$this instanceof Attachment) {
$this->parts[] = new Attachment($this->resource, $this->getNumber(), '1', $this->structure);
if (isset($this->structure->parts)) {
$parts = $this->structure->parts;
if ($this instanceof Attachment && $this->isEmbeddedMessage() && 1 === \count($parts) && \TYPEMULTIPART === $parts[0]->type) {
$parts = $parts[0]->parts;
foreach ($parts as $key => $partStructure) {
$partNumber = (!$this instanceof Message) ? $this->partNumber . '.' : '';
$partNumber .= (string) ($key + 1);
$newPartClass = self::isAttachment($partStructure)
? Attachment::class
: SimplePart::class
$this->parts[] = new $newPartClass($this->resource, $this->getNumber(), $partNumber, $partStructure);
* Check if the given part is an attachment.
private static function isAttachment(\stdClass $part): bool
if (isset(self::$typesMap[$part->type]) && self::TYPE_MULTIPART === self::$typesMap[$part->type]) {
return false;
// Attachment with correct Content-Disposition header
if ($part->ifdisposition) {
if ('attachment' === \strtolower($part->disposition)) {
return true;
if (
'inline' === \strtolower($part->disposition)
&& self::SUBTYPE_PLAIN !== \strtoupper($part->subtype)
&& self::SUBTYPE_HTML !== \strtoupper($part->subtype)
) {
return true;
// Attachment without Content-Disposition header
if ($part->ifparameters) {
foreach ($part->parameters as $parameter) {
if (isset(self::$attachmentKeys[\strtolower($parameter->attribute)])) {
return true;
if ($part->ifdparameters) {
foreach ($part->dparameters as $parameter) {
if (isset(self::$attachmentKeys[\strtolower($parameter->attribute)])) {
return true;
if (self::SUBTYPE_RFC822 === \strtoupper($part->subtype)) {
return true;
return false;