blob: 44f6f8556143ef10f6f4a62fab69f3e53d220915 [file] [log] [blame]
RM_F = rm -f
DOCKER = docker
NIX_DOCKER_0 = $(DOCKER) run --rm --volume $$(pwd):$$(pwd) --workdir $$(pwd)
NIX_DOCKER_MAINT = $(NIX_DOCKER_0) --mount source=type=volume,source=nix,target=/nix2 nixos/nix
NIX_DOCKER = $(NIX_DOCKER_0) --mount source=type=volume,source=nix,target=/nix nixos/nix
NIX_BUILD = $(NIX_DOCKER) nix-build
NIX_BUILD_OUT = $(NIX_DOCKER) sh -c '$$(nix-build)'
IMAGES = mailcow nano nextcloud prosody samba vim webcron
IMAGES_BIN = $(patsubst %,%.bin,$(IMAGES))
IMAGES_LOAD = $(patsubst %,%.load,$(IMAGES))
.PHONY: all images clean init gc #$(IMAGES_LOAD)
all: images
# Deletes all build artifacts.
# Runs nix-collect-garbage in the Docker container.
$(NIX_DOCKER) nix-collect-garbage
# Initializes the Docker volume with a Nix store.
# Run this before any other target of this makefile.
$(NIX_DOCKER_MAINT) sh -c 'nix-env -iA nixpkgs.rsync && rsync --info=progress2 -a /nix/ /nix2/'
# Builds and loads all known Docker images.
images: $(IMAGES_LOAD)
# The following approaches were all considered and discarded:
# Takes ~240 seconds (nextcloud image):
#%.load: images.nix
# $(NIX_DOCKER) sh -c '$$(nix-build --no-out-link images.nix -A $(patsubst %.load,%,$@).streamed)' | $(DOCKER) load
# Takes ~60 seconds (nextcloud image):
#%.load: images.nix
# $(NIX_DOCKER) sh -c 'cat $$(nix-build --no-out-link images.nix -A $(patsubst %.load,%,$@).layered)' | $(DOCKER) load
# The final approach takes ~20 seconds to build the nextcloud image.
# Builds a Docker image as a .bin file that you can load with 'docker
# load'.
%.bin: images.nix
$(NIX_DOCKER) sh -c 'cp $$(nix-build --no-out-link images.nix -A $(patsubst %.bin,%,$@).layered) $@'
# Builds and loads a Docker image into your local Docker daemon.
%.load: %.bin
$(DOCKER) load --input=$<