| # This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'. |
| |
| |
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| "encoding/proto", |
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| "health/grpc_health_v1", |
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| "keepalive", |
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| "tap", |
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| packages = ["."] |
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| version = "v2.1" |
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| packages = ["."] |
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| "pkg/util/runtime", |
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| "pkg/util/yaml", |
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| "pkg/watch", |
| "third_party/forked/golang/json", |
| "third_party/forked/golang/reflect" |
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| "pkg/admission", |
| "pkg/admission/configuration", |
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| "pkg/admission/plugin/initialization", |
| "pkg/admission/plugin/namespace/lifecycle", |
| "pkg/admission/plugin/webhook/config", |
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| "pkg/admission/plugin/webhook/config/apis/webhookadmission/v1alpha1", |
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| "pkg/admission/plugin/webhook/generic", |
| "pkg/admission/plugin/webhook/mutating", |
| "pkg/admission/plugin/webhook/namespace", |
| "pkg/admission/plugin/webhook/request", |
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| "pkg/admission/plugin/webhook/validating", |
| "pkg/apis/apiserver", |
| "pkg/apis/apiserver/install", |
| "pkg/apis/apiserver/v1alpha1", |
| "pkg/apis/audit", |
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| "pkg/apis/audit/v1alpha1", |
| "pkg/apis/audit/v1beta1", |
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| "pkg/authentication/request/bearertoken", |
| "pkg/authentication/request/headerrequest", |
| "pkg/authentication/request/union", |
| "pkg/authentication/request/websocket", |
| "pkg/authentication/request/x509", |
| "pkg/authentication/serviceaccount", |
| "pkg/authentication/token/tokenfile", |
| "pkg/authentication/user", |
| "pkg/authorization/authorizer", |
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| "pkg/authorization/union", |
| "pkg/endpoints", |
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| "pkg/endpoints/handlers/negotiation", |
| "pkg/endpoints/handlers/responsewriters", |
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| "pkg/endpoints/openapi", |
| "pkg/endpoints/request", |
| "pkg/features", |
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| "pkg/registry/rest", |
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| "pkg/storage/storagebackend/factory", |
| "pkg/storage/value", |
| "pkg/util/feature", |
| "pkg/util/flag", |
| "pkg/util/flushwriter", |
| "pkg/util/logs", |
| "pkg/util/openapi", |
| "pkg/util/trace", |
| "pkg/util/webhook", |
| "pkg/util/wsstream", |
| "plugin/pkg/audit/buffered", |
| "plugin/pkg/audit/log", |
| "plugin/pkg/audit/truncate", |
| "plugin/pkg/audit/webhook", |
| "plugin/pkg/authenticator/token/webhook", |
| "plugin/pkg/authorizer/webhook" |
| ] |
| revision = "e59fba717fdb3c4dafdbe6c5af9653313c288119" |
| |
| [[projects]] |
| branch = "release-8.0" |
| name = "k8s.io/client-go" |
| packages = [ |
| "discovery", |
| "informers", |
| "informers/admissionregistration", |
| "informers/admissionregistration/v1alpha1", |
| "informers/admissionregistration/v1beta1", |
| "informers/apps", |
| "informers/apps/v1", |
| "informers/apps/v1beta1", |
| "informers/apps/v1beta2", |
| "informers/autoscaling", |
| "informers/autoscaling/v1", |
| "informers/autoscaling/v2beta1", |
| "informers/batch", |
| "informers/batch/v1", |
| "informers/batch/v1beta1", |
| "informers/batch/v2alpha1", |
| "informers/certificates", |
| "informers/certificates/v1beta1", |
| "informers/core", |
| "informers/core/v1", |
| "informers/events", |
| "informers/events/v1beta1", |
| "informers/extensions", |
| "informers/extensions/v1beta1", |
| "informers/internalinterfaces", |
| "informers/networking", |
| "informers/networking/v1", |
| "informers/policy", |
| "informers/policy/v1beta1", |
| "informers/rbac", |
| "informers/rbac/v1", |
| "informers/rbac/v1alpha1", |
| "informers/rbac/v1beta1", |
| "informers/scheduling", |
| "informers/scheduling/v1alpha1", |
| "informers/scheduling/v1beta1", |
| "informers/settings", |
| "informers/settings/v1alpha1", |
| "informers/storage", |
| "informers/storage/v1", |
| "informers/storage/v1alpha1", |
| "informers/storage/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes", |
| "kubernetes/scheme", |
| "kubernetes/typed/admissionregistration/v1alpha1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/admissionregistration/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/apps/v1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/apps/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/apps/v1beta2", |
| "kubernetes/typed/authentication/v1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/authentication/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/authorization/v1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/authorization/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/autoscaling/v1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/autoscaling/v2beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/batch/v1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/batch/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/batch/v2alpha1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/certificates/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/core/v1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/events/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/extensions/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/networking/v1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/policy/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/rbac/v1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/rbac/v1alpha1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/rbac/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/scheduling/v1alpha1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/scheduling/v1beta1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/settings/v1alpha1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/storage/v1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/storage/v1alpha1", |
| "kubernetes/typed/storage/v1beta1", |
| "listers/admissionregistration/v1alpha1", |
| "listers/admissionregistration/v1beta1", |
| "listers/apps/v1", |
| "listers/apps/v1beta1", |
| "listers/apps/v1beta2", |
| "listers/autoscaling/v1", |
| "listers/autoscaling/v2beta1", |
| "listers/batch/v1", |
| "listers/batch/v1beta1", |
| "listers/batch/v2alpha1", |
| "listers/certificates/v1beta1", |
| "listers/core/v1", |
| "listers/events/v1beta1", |
| "listers/extensions/v1beta1", |
| "listers/networking/v1", |
| "listers/policy/v1beta1", |
| "listers/rbac/v1", |
| "listers/rbac/v1alpha1", |
| "listers/rbac/v1beta1", |
| "listers/scheduling/v1alpha1", |
| "listers/scheduling/v1beta1", |
| "listers/settings/v1alpha1", |
| "listers/storage/v1", |
| "listers/storage/v1alpha1", |
| "listers/storage/v1beta1", |
| "pkg/apis/clientauthentication", |
| "pkg/apis/clientauthentication/v1alpha1", |
| "pkg/apis/clientauthentication/v1beta1", |
| "pkg/version", |
| "plugin/pkg/client/auth/exec", |
| "rest", |
| "rest/watch", |
| "tools/auth", |
| "tools/cache", |
| "tools/clientcmd", |
| "tools/clientcmd/api", |
| "tools/clientcmd/api/latest", |
| "tools/clientcmd/api/v1", |
| "tools/metrics", |
| "tools/pager", |
| "tools/reference", |
| "transport", |
| "util/buffer", |
| "util/cert", |
| "util/connrotation", |
| "util/flowcontrol", |
| "util/homedir", |
| "util/integer", |
| "util/retry" |
| ] |
| revision = "f2f85107cac6fe04c30435ca0ac0c3318fd1b94c" |
| |
| [[projects]] |
| branch = "master" |
| name = "k8s.io/gengo" |
| packages = [ |
| "args", |
| "examples/set-gen/sets", |
| "generator", |
| "namer", |
| "parser", |
| "types" |
| ] |
| revision = "906d99f89cd644eecf75ab547b29bf9f876f0b59" |
| |
| [[projects]] |
| branch = "master" |
| name = "k8s.io/kube-openapi" |
| packages = [ |
| "cmd/openapi-gen", |
| "cmd/openapi-gen/args", |
| "pkg/builder", |
| "pkg/common", |
| "pkg/generators", |
| "pkg/generators/rules", |
| "pkg/handler", |
| "pkg/util", |
| "pkg/util/proto" |
| ] |
| revision = "d83b052f768a50a309c692a9c271da3f3276ff88" |
| |
| [[projects]] |
| branch = "release-1.11" |
| name = "k8s.io/kubernetes" |
| packages = ["pkg/kubelet/apis/stats/v1alpha1"] |
| revision = "135cc4c1f479940da7b41d07996ae918f52010ef" |
| |
| [[projects]] |
| branch = "release-1.11" |
| name = "k8s.io/metrics" |
| packages = [ |
| "pkg/apis/metrics", |
| "pkg/apis/metrics/install", |
| "pkg/apis/metrics/v1beta1" |
| ] |
| revision = "b3132de4fe0fc20471297e9ba8902bac4132756e" |
| |
| [solve-meta] |
| analyzer-name = "dep" |
| analyzer-version = 1 |
| inputs-digest = "929b0843aac45ca92f55f9fe3030bff56079eb44373fcfbcd544ffa09706c1e6" |
| solver-name = "gps-cdcl" |
| solver-version = 1 |