| <?php |
| require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/inc/vars.inc.php'; |
| $default_autodiscover_config = $autodiscover_config; |
| if(file_exists('inc/vars.local.inc.php')) { |
| include_once 'inc/vars.local.inc.php'; |
| } |
| $autodiscover_config = array_merge($default_autodiscover_config, $autodiscover_config); |
| |
| error_reporting(0); |
| |
| if (empty($mailcow_hostname)) { |
| exit(); |
| } |
| |
| $domain_dot = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '.'); |
| $domain_port = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ':'); |
| if ($domain_port === FALSE) { |
| $domain = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $domain_dot+1); |
| $port = 443; |
| } |
| else { |
| $domain = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $domain_dot+1, $domain_port-$domain_dot-1); |
| $port = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $domain_port+1); |
| } |
| |
| header('Content-Type: application/xml'); |
| ?> |
| <?= '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; ?> |
| <clientConfig version="1.1"> |
| <emailProvider id="<?=$mailcow_hostname; ?>"> |
| <domain>%EMAILDOMAIN%</domain> |
| <displayName>A mailcow mail server</displayName> |
| <displayShortName>mail server</displayShortName> |
| |
| <incomingServer type="imap"> |
| <hostname><?=$autodiscover_config['imap']['server']; ?></hostname> |
| <port><?=$autodiscover_config['imap']['port']; ?></port> |
| <socketType>SSL</socketType> |
| <username>%EMAILADDRESS%</username> |
| <authentication>password-cleartext</authentication> |
| </incomingServer> |
| <incomingServer type="imap"> |
| <hostname><?=$autodiscover_config['imap']['server']; ?></hostname> |
| <port><?=$autodiscover_config['imap']['tlsport']; ?></port> |
| <socketType>STARTTLS</socketType> |
| <username>%EMAILADDRESS%</username> |
| <authentication>password-cleartext</authentication> |
| </incomingServer> |
| |
| <?php |
| $records = dns_get_record('_pop3s._tcp.' . $domain, DNS_SRV); // check if POP3 is announced as "not provided" via SRV record |
| if (count($records) == 0 || $records[0]['target'] != '') { ?> |
| <incomingServer type="pop3"> |
| <hostname><?=$autodiscover_config['pop3']['server']; ?></hostname> |
| <port><?=$autodiscover_config['pop3']['port']; ?></port> |
| <socketType>SSL</socketType> |
| <username>%EMAILADDRESS%</username> |
| <authentication>password-cleartext</authentication> |
| </incomingServer> |
| <?php } ?> |
| <?php |
| $records = dns_get_record('_pop3._tcp.' . $domain, DNS_SRV); // check if POP3 is announced as "not provided" via SRV record |
| if (count($records) == 0 || $records[0]['target'] != '') { ?> |
| <incomingServer type="pop3"> |
| <hostname><?=$autodiscover_config['pop3']['server']; ?></hostname> |
| <port><?=$autodiscover_config['pop3']['tlsport']; ?></port> |
| <socketType>STARTTLS</socketType> |
| <username>%EMAILADDRESS%</username> |
| <authentication>password-cleartext</authentication> |
| </incomingServer> |
| <?php } ?> |
| |
| <outgoingServer type="smtp"> |
| <hostname><?=$autodiscover_config['smtp']['server']; ?></hostname> |
| <port><?=$autodiscover_config['smtp']['port']; ?></port> |
| <socketType>SSL</socketType> |
| <username>%EMAILADDRESS%</username> |
| <authentication>password-cleartext</authentication> |
| </outgoingServer> |
| <outgoingServer type="smtp"> |
| <hostname><?=$autodiscover_config['smtp']['server']; ?></hostname> |
| <port><?=$autodiscover_config['smtp']['tlsport']; ?></port> |
| <socketType>STARTTLS</socketType> |
| <username>%EMAILADDRESS%</username> |
| <authentication>password-cleartext</authentication> |
| </outgoingServer> |
| |
| <enable visiturl="https://<?=$mailcow_hostname; ?><?php if ($port != 443) echo ':'.$port; ?>/admin.php"> |
| <instruction>If you didn't change the password given to you by the administrator or if you didn't change it in a long time, please consider doing that now.</instruction> |
| <instruction lang="de">Sollten Sie das Ihnen durch den Administrator vergebene Passwort noch nicht geändert haben, empfehlen wir dies nun zu tun. Auch ein altes Passwort sollte aus Sicherheitsgründen geändert werden.</instruction> |
| </enable> |
| |
| </emailProvider> |
| |
| <webMail> |
| <loginPage url="https://<?=$mailcow_hostname; ?><?php if ($port != 443) echo ':'.$port; ?>/SOGo/" /> |
| </webMail> |
| </clientConfig> |