blob: 78bf4363114c66d173b377d5b0aa659cec0a740d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Kubernetes Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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// limitations under the License.
package sources_test
import (
. ""
. ""
. ""
fakesrc ""
func TestSourceManager(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "Source Manager Suite")
// sleepySource returns a MetricSource that takes some amount of time (respecting
// context timeouts) to collect a MetricsBatch with a single node's data point.
func sleepySource(delay time.Duration, nodeName string, point MetricsPoint) MetricSource {
return &fakesrc.FunctionSource{
SourceName: "sleepy_source:" + nodeName,
GenerateBatch: func(ctx context.Context) (*MetricsBatch, error) {
select {
case <-time.After(delay):
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, fmt.Errorf("timed out")
return &MetricsBatch{
Nodes: []NodeMetricsPoint{
Name: nodeName,
MetricsPoint: point,
}, nil
func fullSource(ts time.Time, nodeInd, podStartInd, numPods int) MetricSource {
return &fakesrc.FunctionSource{
SourceName: fmt.Sprintf("static_source:node%d", nodeInd),
GenerateBatch: func(_ context.Context) (*MetricsBatch, error) {
podPoints := make([]PodMetricsPoint, numPods)
for i := range podPoints {
podInd := int64(podStartInd + i)
podPoints[i].Name = fmt.Sprintf("pod%d", podInd)
podPoints[i].Namespace = fmt.Sprintf("ns%d", nodeInd)
podPoints[i].Containers = []ContainerMetricsPoint{
Name: "container1",
MetricsPoint: MetricsPoint{
Timestamp: ts,
CpuUsage: *resource.NewQuantity(300+10*podInd, resource.DecimalSI),
MemoryUsage: *resource.NewQuantity(400+10*podInd, resource.DecimalSI),
Name: "container2",
MetricsPoint: MetricsPoint{
Timestamp: ts,
CpuUsage: *resource.NewQuantity(500+10*podInd, resource.DecimalSI),
MemoryUsage: *resource.NewQuantity(600+10*podInd, resource.DecimalSI),
return &MetricsBatch{
Nodes: []NodeMetricsPoint{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("node%d", nodeInd),
MetricsPoint: MetricsPoint{
Timestamp: ts,
CpuUsage: *resource.NewQuantity(100+10*int64(nodeInd), resource.DecimalSI),
MemoryUsage: *resource.NewQuantity(200+10*int64(nodeInd), resource.DecimalSI),
Pods: podPoints,
}, nil
var _ = Describe("Source Manager", func() {
var (
scrapeTime = time.Now()
nodeDataPoint = MetricsPoint{
Timestamp: scrapeTime,
CpuUsage: *resource.NewQuantity(100, resource.DecimalSI),
MemoryUsage: *resource.NewQuantity(200, resource.DecimalSI),
Context("when all sources return in time", func() {
It("should return the results of all sources, both pods and nodes", func() {
By("setting up sources that take 1 second to complete")
metricsSourceProvider := fakesrc.StaticSourceProvider{
sleepySource(1*time.Second, "node1", nodeDataPoint),
sleepySource(1*time.Second, "node2", nodeDataPoint),
By("running the source manager with a scrape and context timeout of 3*seconds")
start := time.Now()
manager := NewSourceManager(metricsSourceProvider, 3*time.Second)
timeoutCtx, doneWithWork := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second)
dataBatch, errs := manager.Collect(timeoutCtx)
By("ensuring that the full time took at most 3 seconds")
Expect(time.Now().Sub(start)).To(BeNumerically("<=", 3*time.Second))
By("ensuring that all the nodes are listed")
NodeMetricsPoint{Name: "node1", MetricsPoint: nodeDataPoint},
NodeMetricsPoint{Name: "node2", MetricsPoint: nodeDataPoint},
It("should return the results of all sources' nodes and pods", func() {
By("setting up multiple sources")
metricsSourceProvider := fakesrc.StaticSourceProvider{
fullSource(scrapeTime, 1, 0, 4),
fullSource(scrapeTime, 2, 4, 2),
fullSource(scrapeTime, 3, 6, 1),
By("running the source manager")
manager := NewSourceManager(metricsSourceProvider, 1*time.Second)
dataBatch, errs := manager.Collect(context.Background())
By("figuring out the expected node and pod points")
var expectedNodePoints []interface{}
var expectedPodPoints []interface{}
for _, src := range metricsSourceProvider {
res, err := src.Collect(context.Background())
for _, pt := range res.Nodes {
expectedNodePoints = append(expectedNodePoints, pt)
for _, pt := range res.Pods {
expectedPodPoints = append(expectedPodPoints, pt)
By("ensuring that all nodes are present")
By("ensuring that all pods are present")
Context("when some sources take too long", func() {
It("should pass the scrape timeout to the source context, so that sources can time out", func() {
By("setting up one source to take 4 seconds, and another to take 2")
metricsSourceProvider := fakesrc.StaticSourceProvider{
sleepySource(4*time.Second, "node1", nodeDataPoint),
sleepySource(2*time.Second, "node2", nodeDataPoint),
By("running the source manager with a scrape timeout of 3 seconds")
start := time.Now()
manager := NewSourceManager(metricsSourceProvider, 3*time.Second)
dataBatch, errs := manager.Collect(context.Background())
By("ensuring that scraping took around 3 seconds")
Expect(time.Now().Sub(start)).To(BeNumerically("~", 3*time.Second, 1*time.Millisecond))
By("ensuring that an error and partial results (data from source 2) were returned")
NodeMetricsPoint{Name: "node2", MetricsPoint: nodeDataPoint},
It("should respect the parent context's general timeout, even with a longer scrape timeout", func() {
By("setting up some sources with 4 second delays")
metricsSourceProvider := fakesrc.StaticSourceProvider{
sleepySource(4*time.Second, "node1", nodeDataPoint),
sleepySource(4*time.Second, "node2", nodeDataPoint),
By("running the source manager with a scrape timeout of 5 seconds, but a context timeout of 1 second")
start := time.Now()
manager := NewSourceManager(metricsSourceProvider, 5*time.Second)
timeoutCtx, doneWithWork := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 1*time.Second)
dataBatch, errs := manager.Collect(timeoutCtx)
By("ensuring that it times out after 1 second with errors and no data")
Expect(time.Now().Sub(start)).To(BeNumerically("~", 1*time.Second, 1*time.Millisecond))