blob: 7ba0e153418b0543652bc3755dc2ff34df3824c3 [file] [log] [blame]
namespace LdapRecord\Testing;
use Exception;
use LdapRecord\DetailedError;
use LdapRecord\DetectsErrors;
use LdapRecord\HandlesConnection;
use LdapRecord\LdapInterface;
use LdapRecord\Support\Arr;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert as PHPUnit;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\Constraint;
class LdapFake implements LdapInterface
use HandlesConnection, DetectsErrors;
* The expectations of the LDAP fake.
* @var array
protected $expectations = [];
* The default fake error number.
* @var int
protected $errNo = 1;
* The default fake last error string.
* @var string
protected $lastError = '';
* The default fake diagnostic message string.
* @var string
protected $diagnosticMessage = '';
* Create a new expected operation.
* @param string $method
* @return LdapExpectation
public static function operation($method)
return new LdapExpectation($method);
* Set the user that will pass binding.
* @param string $dn
* @return $this
public function shouldAuthenticateWith($dn)
return $this->expect(
static::operation('bind')->with($dn, PHPUnit::anything())->andReturn(true)
* Add an LDAP method expectation.
* @param LdapExpectation|array $expectations
* @return $this
public function expect($expectations = [])
$expectations = Arr::wrap($expectations);
foreach ($expectations as $key => $expectation) {
// If the key is non-numeric, we will assume
// that the string is the method name and
// the expectation is the return value.
if (! is_numeric($key)) {
$expectation = static::operation($key)->andReturn($expectation);
if (! $expectation instanceof LdapExpectation) {
$expectation = static::operation($expectation);
$this->expectations[$expectation->getMethod()][] = $expectation;
return $this;
* Determine if the method has any expectations.
* @param string $method
* @return bool
public function hasExpectations($method)
return count($this->getExpectations($method)) > 0;
* Get expectations by method.
* @param string $method
* @return LdapExpectation[]|mixed
public function getExpectations($method)
return $this->expectations[$method] ?? [];
* Remove an expectation by method and key.
* @param string $method
* @param int $key
* @return void
public function removeExpectation($method, $key)
* Set the error number of a failed bind attempt.
* @param int $number
* @return $this
public function shouldReturnErrorNumber($number = 1)
$this->errNo = $number;
return $this;
* Set the last error of a failed bind attempt.
* @param string $message
* @return $this
public function shouldReturnError($message = '')
$this->lastError = $message;
return $this;
* Set the diagnostic message of a failed bind attempt.
* @param string $message
* @return $this
public function shouldReturnDiagnosticMessage($message = '')
$this->diagnosticMessage = $message;
return $this;
* Return a fake error number.
* @return int
public function errNo()
return $this->errNo;
* Return a fake error.
* @return string
public function getLastError()
return $this->lastError;
* @inheritdoc
public function getDiagnosticMessage()
return $this->diagnosticMessage;
* Return a fake detailed error.
* @return DetailedError
public function getDetailedError()
return new DetailedError(
* @inheritdoc
public function getEntries($searchResults)
return $searchResults;
* @inheritdoc
public function isUsingSSL()
return $this->hasExpectations('isUsingSSL')
? $this->resolveExpectation('isUsingSSL')
: $this->useSSL;
* @inheritdoc
public function isUsingTLS()
return $this->hasExpectations('isUsingTLS')
? $this->resolveExpectation('isUsingTLS')
: $this->useTLS;
* @inheritdoc
public function isBound()
return $this->hasExpectations('isBound')
? $this->resolveExpectation('isBound')
: $this->bound;
* @inheritdoc
public function setOption($option, $value)
return $this->hasExpectations('setOption')
? $this->resolveExpectation('setOption', func_get_args())
: true;
* @inheritdoc
public function getOption($option, &$value = null)
return $this->resolveExpectation('getOption', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function startTLS()
return $this->resolveExpectation('startTLS', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function connect($hosts = [], $port = 389)
$this->bound = false;
$this->host = $this->makeConnectionUris($hosts, $port);
return $this->connection = $this->hasExpectations('connect')
? $this->resolveExpectation('connect', func_get_args())
: true;
* @inheritdoc
public function close()
$this->connection = null;
$this->bound = false;
$this->host = null;
return $this->hasExpectations('close')
? $this->resolveExpectation('close')
: true;
* @inheritdoc
public function bind($username, $password)
return $this->bound = $this->resolveExpectation('bind', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function search($dn, $filter, array $fields, $onlyAttributes = false, $size = 0, $time = 0, $deref = null, $serverControls = [])
return $this->resolveExpectation('search', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function listing($dn, $filter, array $fields, $onlyAttributes = false, $size = 0, $time = 0, $deref = null, $serverControls = [])
return $this->resolveExpectation('listing', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function read($dn, $filter, array $fields, $onlyAttributes = false, $size = 0, $time = 0, $deref = null, $serverControls = [])
return $this->resolveExpectation('read', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function parseResult($result, &$errorCode, &$dn, &$errorMessage, &$referrals, &$serverControls = [])
return $this->resolveExpectation('parseResult', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function add($dn, array $entry)
return $this->resolveExpectation('add', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function delete($dn)
return $this->resolveExpectation('delete', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function rename($dn, $newRdn, $newParent, $deleteOldRdn = false)
return $this->resolveExpectation('rename', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function modify($dn, array $entry)
return $this->resolveExpectation('modify', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function modifyBatch($dn, array $values)
return $this->resolveExpectation('modifyBatch', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function modAdd($dn, array $entry)
return $this->resolveExpectation('modAdd', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function modReplace($dn, array $entry)
return $this->resolveExpectation('modReplace', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function modDelete($dn, array $entry)
return $this->resolveExpectation('modDelete', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function controlPagedResult($pageSize = 1000, $isCritical = false, $cookie = '')
return $this->resolveExpectation('controlPagedResult', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function controlPagedResultResponse($result, &$cookie)
return $this->resolveExpectation('controlPagedResultResponse', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function freeResult($result)
return $this->resolveExpectation('freeResult', func_get_args());
* @inheritdoc
public function err2Str($number)
return $this->resolveExpectation('err2Str', func_get_args());
* Resolve the methods expectations.
* @param string $method
* @param array $args
* @throws Exception
* @return mixed
protected function resolveExpectation($method, array $args = [])
foreach ($this->getExpectations($method) as $key => $expectation) {
$this->assertMethodArgumentsMatch($method, $expectation->getExpectedArgs(), $args);
if ($expectation->getExpectedCount() === 0) {
$this->removeExpectation($method, $key);
if (! is_null($exception = $expectation->getExpectedException())) {
throw $exception;
if ($expectation->isReturningError()) {
return $expectation->getExpectedValue();
throw new Exception("LDAP method [$method] was unexpected.");
* Apply the expectation error to the fake.
* @param LdapExpectation $expectation
* @return void
protected function applyExpectationError(LdapExpectation $expectation)
* Assert that the expected arguments match the operations arguments.
* @param string $method
* @param Constraint[] $expectedArgs
* @param array $methodArgs
* @return void
protected function assertMethodArgumentsMatch($method, array $expectedArgs = [], array $methodArgs = [])
foreach ($expectedArgs as $key => $constraint) {
$argNumber = $key + 1;
"LDAP method [$method] argument #{$argNumber} does not exist."
"LDAP method [$method] expectation failed."