blob: 1562ec0a4fa8a774da0bf06c0a72ca9607ec869e [file] [log] [blame]
namespace LdapRecord\Query;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use DateInterval;
use DateTimeInterface;
* @author Taylor Otwell
* @see
trait InteractsWithTime
* Get the number of seconds until the given DateTime.
* @param DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay
* @return int
protected function secondsUntil($delay)
$delay = $this->parseDateInterval($delay);
return $delay instanceof DateTimeInterface
? max(0, $delay->getTimestamp() - $this->currentTime())
: (int) $delay;
* Get the "available at" UNIX timestamp.
* @param DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay
* @return int
protected function availableAt($delay = 0)
$delay = $this->parseDateInterval($delay);
return $delay instanceof DateTimeInterface
? $delay->getTimestamp()
: Carbon::now()->addRealSeconds($delay)->getTimestamp();
* If the given value is an interval, convert it to a DateTime instance.
* @param DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay
* @return DateTimeInterface|int
protected function parseDateInterval($delay)
if ($delay instanceof DateInterval) {
$delay = Carbon::now()->add($delay);
return $delay;
* Get the current system time as a UNIX timestamp.
* @return int
protected function currentTime()
return Carbon::now()->getTimestamp();