blob: 4eac74b3be3366d2727897cb165cf660d39ec9aa [file] [log] [blame]
namespace Adldap\Models\Attributes;
use InvalidArgumentException;
class TSPropertyArray
* Represents that the TSPropertyArray data is valid.
* The default values for the TSPropertyArray structure.
* @var array
const DEFAULTS = [
'CtxCfgPresent' => 2953518677,
'CtxWFProfilePath' => '',
'CtxWFProfilePathW' => '',
'CtxWFHomeDir' => '',
'CtxWFHomeDirW' => '',
'CtxWFHomeDirDrive' => '',
'CtxWFHomeDirDriveW' => '',
'CtxShadow' => 1,
'CtxMaxDisconnectionTime' => 0,
'CtxMaxConnectionTime' => 0,
'CtxMaxIdleTime' => 0,
'CtxWorkDirectory' => '',
'CtxWorkDirectoryW' => '',
'CtxCfgFlags1' => 2418077696,
'CtxInitialProgram' => '',
'CtxInitialProgramW' => '',
* @var string The default data that occurs before the TSPropertyArray (CtxCfgPresent with a bunch of spaces...?)
protected $defaultPreBinary = '43747843666750726573656e742020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020';
* @var TSProperty[]
protected $tsProperty = [];
* @var string
protected $signature = self::VALID_SIGNATURE;
* Binary data that occurs before the TSPropertyArray data in userParameters.
* @var string
protected $preBinary = '';
* Binary data that occurs after the TSPropertyArray data in userParameters.
* @var string
protected $postBinary = '';
* Construct in one of the following ways:.
* - Pass an array of TSProperty key => value pairs (See DEFAULTS constant).
* - Pass the userParameters binary value. The object representation of that will be decoded and constructed.
* - Pass nothing and a default set of TSProperty key => value pairs will be used (See DEFAULTS constant).
* @param mixed $tsPropertyArray
public function __construct($tsPropertyArray = null)
$this->preBinary = hex2bin($this->defaultPreBinary);
if (is_null($tsPropertyArray) || is_array($tsPropertyArray)) {
$tsPropertyArray = $tsPropertyArray ?: self::DEFAULTS;
foreach ($tsPropertyArray as $key => $value) {
$tsProperty = new TSProperty();
$this->tsProperty[$key] = $tsProperty->setName($key)->setValue($value);
} else {
* Check if a specific TSProperty exists by its property name.
* @param string $propName
* @return bool
public function has($propName)
return array_key_exists(strtolower($propName), array_change_key_case($this->tsProperty));
* Get a TSProperty object by its property name (ie. CtxWFProfilePath).
* @param string $propName
* @return TSProperty
public function get($propName)
return $this->getTsPropObj($propName);
* Add a TSProperty object. If it already exists, it will be overwritten.
* @param TSProperty $tsProperty
* @return $this
public function add(TSProperty $tsProperty)
$this->tsProperty[$tsProperty->getName()] = $tsProperty;
return $this;
* Remove a TSProperty by its property name (ie. CtxMinEncryptionLevel).
* @param string $propName
* @return $this
public function remove($propName)
foreach (array_keys($this->tsProperty) as $property) {
if (strtolower($propName) == strtolower($property)) {
return $this;
* Set the value for a specific TSProperty by its name.
* @param string $propName
* @param mixed $propValue
* @return $this
public function set($propName, $propValue)
return $this;
* Get the full binary representation of the userParameters containing the TSPropertyArray data.
* @return string
public function toBinary()
$binary = $this->preBinary;
$binary .= hex2bin(str_pad(dechex(MbString::ord($this->signature)), 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT));
$binary .= hex2bin(str_pad(dechex(count($this->tsProperty)), 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT));
foreach ($this->tsProperty as $tsProperty) {
$binary .= $tsProperty->toBinary();
return $binary.$this->postBinary;
* Get a simple associative array containing of all TSProperty names and values.
* @return array
public function toArray()
$userParameters = [];
foreach ($this->tsProperty as $property => $tsPropObj) {
$userParameters[$property] = $tsPropObj->getValue();
return $userParameters;
* Get all TSProperty objects.
* @return TSProperty[]
public function getTSProperties()
return $this->tsProperty;
* Validates that the given property name exists.
* @param string $propName
protected function validateProp($propName)
if (!$this->has($propName)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('TSProperty for "%s" does not exist.', $propName));
* @param string $propName
* @return TSProperty
protected function getTsPropObj($propName)
return array_change_key_case($this->tsProperty)[strtolower($propName)];
* Get an associative array with all of the userParameters property names and values.
* @param string $userParameters
* @return void
protected function decodeUserParameters($userParameters)
$userParameters = bin2hex($userParameters);
// Save the 96-byte array of reserved data, so as to not ruin anything that may be stored there.
$this->preBinary = hex2bin(substr($userParameters, 0, 96));
// The signature is a 2-byte unicode character at the front
$this->signature = MbString::chr(hexdec(substr($userParameters, 96, 2)));
// This asserts the validity of the tsPropertyArray data. For some reason 'P' means valid...
if ($this->signature != self::VALID_SIGNATURE) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid TSPropertyArray data');
// The property count is a 2-byte unsigned integer indicating the number of elements for the tsPropertyArray
// It starts at position 98. The actual variable data begins at position 100.
$length = $this->addTSPropData(substr($userParameters, 100), hexdec(substr($userParameters, 98, 2)));
// Reserved data length + (count and sig length == 4) + the added lengths of the TSPropertyArray
// This saves anything after that variable TSPropertyArray data, so as to not squash anything stored there
if (strlen($userParameters) > (96 + 4 + $length)) {
$this->postBinary = hex2bin(substr($userParameters, (96 + 4 + $length)));
* Given the start of TSPropertyArray hex data, and the count for the number
* of TSProperty structures in contains, parse and split out the
* individual TSProperty structures. Return the full length
* of the TSPropertyArray data.
* @param string $tsPropertyArray
* @param int $tsPropCount
* @return int The length of the data in the TSPropertyArray
protected function addTSPropData($tsPropertyArray, $tsPropCount)
$length = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $tsPropCount; $i++) {
// Prop length = name length + value length + type length + the space for the length data.
$propLength = hexdec(substr($tsPropertyArray, $length, 2)) + (hexdec(substr($tsPropertyArray, $length + 2, 2)) * 3) + 6;
$tsProperty = new TSProperty(hex2bin(substr($tsPropertyArray, $length, $propLength)));
$this->tsProperty[$tsProperty->getName()] = $tsProperty;
$length += $propLength;
return $length;