blob: d753a489a73d4dc2b380815bb0ca8a4a401f8b6d [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2021 Matthias Andreas Benkard <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
package eu.mulk.jgvariant.ostree;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
/** An operation in a static delta. */
public sealed interface DeltaOperation {
record OpenSpliceAndCloseMeta(long offset, long size) implements DeltaOperation {}
record OpenSpliceAndCloseReal(long offset, long size, long modeOffset, long xattrOffset)
implements DeltaOperation {}
record Open(long size, long modeOffset, long xattrOffset) implements DeltaOperation {}
record Write(long offset, long size) implements DeltaOperation {}
record SetReadSource(long offset) implements DeltaOperation {}
record UnsetReadSource() implements DeltaOperation {}
record Close() implements DeltaOperation {}
record BsPatch(long offset, long size) implements DeltaOperation {}
static DeltaOperation readFrom(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, ObjectType objectType) {
byte opcode = byteBuffer.get();
return switch (DeltaOperationType.valueOf(opcode)) {
if (objectType == ObjectType.FILE || objectType == ObjectType.PAYLOAD_LINK) {
long modeOffset = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
long xattrOffset = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
long size = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
long offset = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
yield new OpenSpliceAndCloseReal(offset, size, modeOffset, xattrOffset);
} else {
long size = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
long offset = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
yield new OpenSpliceAndCloseMeta(offset, size);
case OPEN -> {
long modeOffset = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
long xattrOffset = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
long size = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
yield new Open(size, modeOffset, xattrOffset);
case WRITE -> {
long size = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
long offset = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
yield new Write(offset, size);
long offset = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
yield new SetReadSource(offset);
case UNSET_READ_SOURCE -> new UnsetReadSource();
case CLOSE -> new Close();
case BSPATCH -> {
long offset = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
long size = readVarint64(byteBuffer);
yield new BsPatch(offset, size);
default void writeTo(ByteArrayOutputStream output) {
if (this instanceof OpenSpliceAndCloseMeta openSpliceAndCloseMeta) {
writeVarint64(output, openSpliceAndCloseMeta.offset);
writeVarint64(output, openSpliceAndCloseMeta.size);
} else if (this instanceof OpenSpliceAndCloseReal openSpliceAndCloseReal) {
writeVarint64(output, openSpliceAndCloseReal.modeOffset);
writeVarint64(output, openSpliceAndCloseReal.xattrOffset);
writeVarint64(output, openSpliceAndCloseReal.size);
writeVarint64(output, openSpliceAndCloseReal.offset);
} else if (this instanceof Open open) {
writeVarint64(output, open.modeOffset);
writeVarint64(output, open.xattrOffset);
writeVarint64(output, open.size);
} else if (this instanceof Write write) {
writeVarint64(output, write.size);
writeVarint64(output, write.offset);
} else if (this instanceof SetReadSource setReadSource) {
writeVarint64(output, setReadSource.offset);
} else if (this instanceof UnsetReadSource) {
} else if (this instanceof Close) {
} else if (this instanceof BsPatch bsPatch) {
writeVarint64(output, bsPatch.offset);
writeVarint64(output, bsPatch.size);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("unrecognized delta operation: %s".formatted(this));
* Reads a Protobuf varint from a byte buffer.
* <p>Varint64 encoding is little-endian and works by using the lower 7 bits of each byte as the
* payload and the 0x80 bit as an indicator of whether the varint continues.
private static long readVarint64(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {
long acc = 0L;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
long b = byteBuffer.get();
acc |= (b & 0x7F) << (i * 7);
if ((b & 0x80) == 0) {
return acc;
* Writes a Protobuf varint to an output stream.
* @see #readVarint64
private static void writeVarint64(ByteArrayOutputStream output, long value) {
while (value != 0) {
byte b = (byte) (value & 0x7F);
value >>= 7;
if (value != 0) {
b |= (byte) 0x80;
if (value == 0) {