blob: 9833998a8c83bb455e685fa4c2ca767dcbc6a582 [file] [log] [blame]
package eu.mulk.jgvariant.core;
import static java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.RecordComponent;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
* Type class for decodable types.
* <p>Use the {@code of*} family of constructor methods to acquire a suitable {@link Decoder} for
* the type you wish to decode.
* <p><strong>Example</strong>
* <p>To parse a GVariant of type {@code "a(si)"}, which is an array of pairs of {@link String} and
* {@code int}, you can use the following code:
* <pre>{@code
* record ExampleRecord(String s, int i) {}
* var decoder =
* Decoder.ofArray(
* Decoder.ofStructure(
* ExampleRecord.class,
* Decoder.ofString(UTF_8),
* Decoder.ofInt().withByteOrder(LITTLE_ENDIAN)));
* byte[] bytes = ...;
* List<ExampleRecord> example = decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes));
* }</pre>
* @param <T> the type that the {@link Decoder} can decode.
public abstract class Decoder<T> {
private Decoder() {}
* @throws java.nio.BufferUnderflowException if the byte buffer is shorter than the requested
* data.
public abstract T decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice);
abstract byte alignment();
abstract Integer fixedSize();
final boolean hasFixedSize() {
return fixedSize() != null;
* Switches the input {@link ByteBuffer} to a given {@link ByteOrder} before reading from it.
* @param byteOrder the byte order to use.
* @return a new, decorated {@link Decoder}.
public Decoder<T> withByteOrder(ByteOrder byteOrder) {
var delegate = this;
return new Decoder<>() {
public byte alignment() {
return delegate.alignment();
public @Nullable Integer fixedSize() {
return delegate.fixedSize();
public T decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
return delegate.decode(byteSlice);
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for an {@code Array} type.
* @param elementDecoder a {@link Decoder} for the elements of the array.
* @param <U> the element type.
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static <U> Decoder<List<U>> ofArray(Decoder<U> elementDecoder) {
return new ArrayDecoder<>(elementDecoder);
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for a {@code Maybe} type.
* @param elementDecoder a {@link Decoder} for the contained element.
* @param <U> the element type.
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static <U> Decoder<Optional<U>> ofMaybe(Decoder<U> elementDecoder) {
return new MaybeDecoder<>(elementDecoder);
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for a {@code Structure} type, decoding into a {@link Record}.
* @param recordType the {@link Record} type that represents the components of the structure.
* @param componentDecoders a {@link Decoder} for each component of the structure.
* @param <U> the {@link Record} type that represents the components of the structure.
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static <U extends Record> Decoder<U> ofStructure(
Class<U> recordType, Decoder<?>... componentDecoders) {
return new StructureDecoder<>(recordType, componentDecoders);
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for a {@code Structure} type, decoding into a {@link List}.
* <p>Prefer {@link #ofStructure(Class, Decoder[])} if possible, which is both more type-safe and
* more convenient.
* @param componentDecoders a {@link Decoder} for each component of the structure.
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static Decoder<Object[]> ofStructure(Decoder<?>... componentDecoders) {
return new TupleDecoder(componentDecoders);
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for the {@code Variant} type.
* <p>The returned {@link Object} can be of one of the following types:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Boolean}
* <li>{@link Byte}
* <li>{@link Short}
* <li>{@link Integer}
* <li>{@link Long}
* <li>{@link String}
* <li>{@link Optional} (a GVariant {@code Maybe} type)
* <li>{@link List} (a GVariant array)
* <li>{@link Object[]} (a GVariant structure)
* </ul>
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static Decoder<Object> ofVariant() {
return new VariantDecoder();
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for the {@code Boolean} type.
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static Decoder<Boolean> ofBoolean() {
return new BooleanDecoder();
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for the 8-bit {@code byte} type.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> It is often useful to apply {@link #withByteOrder(ByteOrder)} to the
* result of this method.
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static Decoder<Byte> ofByte() {
return new ByteDecoder();
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for the 16-bit {@code short} type.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> It is often useful to apply {@link #withByteOrder(ByteOrder)} to the
* result of this method.
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static Decoder<Short> ofShort() {
return new ShortDecoder();
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for the 32-bit {@code int} type.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> It is often useful to apply {@link #withByteOrder(ByteOrder)} to the
* result of this method.
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static Decoder<Integer> ofInt() {
return new IntegerDecoder();
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for the 64-bit {@code long} type.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> It is often useful to apply {@link #withByteOrder(ByteOrder)} to the
* result of this method.
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static Decoder<Long> ofLong() {
return new LongDecoder();
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for the {@code double} type.
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static Decoder<Double> ofDouble() {
return new DoubleDecoder();
* Creates a {@link Decoder} for the {@link String} type.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> While GVariant does not prescribe any particular encoding, {@link
* java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets#UTF_8} is the most common choice.
* @return a new {@link Decoder}.
public static Decoder<String> ofString(Charset charset) {
return new StringDecoder(charset);
private static int align(int offset, byte alignment) {
return offset % alignment == 0 ? offset : offset + alignment - (offset % alignment);
private static int getIntN(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
var intBytes = new byte[4];
byteSlice.get(intBytes, 0, Math.min(4, byteSlice.limit()));
return ByteBuffer.wrap(intBytes).order(LITTLE_ENDIAN).getInt();
private static int byteCount(int n) {
return n < (1 << 8) ? 1 : n < (1 << 16) ? 2 : 4;
private static class ArrayDecoder<U> extends Decoder<List<U>> {
private final Decoder<U> elementDecoder;
ArrayDecoder(Decoder<U> elementDecoder) {
this.elementDecoder = elementDecoder;
public byte alignment() {
return elementDecoder.alignment();
Integer fixedSize() {
return null;
public List<U> decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
List<U> elements;
var elementSize = elementDecoder.fixedSize();
if (elementSize != null) {
// A simple C-style array.
elements = new ArrayList<>(byteSlice.limit() / elementSize);
for (int i = 0; i < byteSlice.limit(); i += elementSize) {
var element = elementDecoder.decode(byteSlice.slice(i, elementSize));
} else {
// An array with aligned elements and a vector of framing offsets in the end.
int framingOffsetSize = byteCount(byteSlice.limit());
int lastFramingOffset =
getIntN(byteSlice.slice(byteSlice.limit() - framingOffsetSize, framingOffsetSize));
int elementCount = (byteSlice.limit() - lastFramingOffset) / framingOffsetSize;
elements = new ArrayList<>(elementCount);
int position = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) {
int framingOffset =
byteSlice.slice(lastFramingOffset + i * framingOffsetSize, framingOffsetSize));
elements.add(elementDecoder.decode(byteSlice.slice(position, framingOffset - position)));
position = align(framingOffset, alignment());
return elements;
private static class MaybeDecoder<U> extends Decoder<Optional<U>> {
private final Decoder<U> elementDecoder;
MaybeDecoder(Decoder<U> elementDecoder) {
this.elementDecoder = elementDecoder;
public byte alignment() {
return elementDecoder.alignment();
Integer fixedSize() {
return null;
public Optional<U> decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
if (!byteSlice.hasRemaining()) {
return Optional.empty();
} else {
if (!elementDecoder.hasFixedSize()) {
// Remove trailing zero byte.
byteSlice.limit(byteSlice.limit() - 1);
return Optional.of(elementDecoder.decode(byteSlice));
private static class StructureDecoder<U extends Record> extends Decoder<U> {
private final Class<U> recordType;
private final TupleDecoder tupleDecoder;
StructureDecoder(Class<U> recordType, Decoder<?>... componentDecoders) {
var recordComponents = recordType.getRecordComponents();
if (componentDecoders.length != recordComponents.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"number of decoders (%d) does not match number of structure components (%d)"
.formatted(componentDecoders.length, recordComponents.length));
this.recordType = recordType;
this.tupleDecoder = new TupleDecoder(componentDecoders);
public byte alignment() {
return tupleDecoder.alignment();
public Integer fixedSize() {
return tupleDecoder.fixedSize();
public U decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
Object[] recordConstructorArguments = tupleDecoder.decode(byteSlice);
try {
var recordComponentTypes =
var recordConstructor = recordType.getDeclaredConstructor(recordComponentTypes);
return recordConstructor.newInstance(recordConstructorArguments);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException
| InstantiationException
| IllegalAccessException
| InvocationTargetException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
private static class TupleDecoder extends Decoder<Object[]> {
private final Decoder<?>[] componentDecoders;
TupleDecoder(Decoder<?>... componentDecoders) {
this.componentDecoders = componentDecoders;
public byte alignment() {
return (byte);
public Integer fixedSize() {
int position = 0;
for (var componentDecoder : componentDecoders) {
var fixedComponentSize = componentDecoder.fixedSize();
if (fixedComponentSize == null) {
return null;
position = align(position, componentDecoder.alignment());
position += fixedComponentSize;
if (position == 0) {
return 1;
return align(position, alignment());
public Object[] decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
int framingOffsetSize = byteCount(byteSlice.limit());
var objects = new Object[componentDecoders.length];
int position = 0;
int framingOffsetIndex = 0;
int componentIndex = 0;
for (var componentDecoder : componentDecoders) {
position = align(position, componentDecoder.alignment());
var fixedComponentSize = componentDecoder.fixedSize();
if (fixedComponentSize != null) {
objects[componentIndex] =
componentDecoder.decode(byteSlice.slice(position, fixedComponentSize));
position += fixedComponentSize;
} else {
if (componentIndex == componentDecoders.length - 1) {
// The last component never has a framing offset.
int endPosition = byteSlice.limit() - framingOffsetIndex * framingOffsetSize;
objects[componentIndex] =
componentDecoder.decode(byteSlice.slice(position, endPosition - position));
position = endPosition;
} else {
int framingOffset =
byteSlice.limit() - (1 + framingOffsetIndex) * framingOffsetSize,
objects[componentIndex] =
componentDecoder.decode(byteSlice.slice(position, framingOffset - position));
position = framingOffset;
return objects;
private static class VariantDecoder extends Decoder<Object> {
public byte alignment() {
return 8;
Integer fixedSize() {
return null;
public Object decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
for (int i = byteSlice.limit() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (byteSlice.get(i) != 0) {
var data = byteSlice.slice(0, i);
var signature = byteSlice.slice(i + 1, byteSlice.limit() - (i + 1));
Decoder<?> decoder = parseSignature(signature);
return decoder.decode(data);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("variant signature not found");
private static Decoder<?> parseSignature(ByteBuffer signature) {
char c = (char) signature.get();
return switch (c) {
case 'b' -> Decoder.ofBoolean();
case 'y' -> Decoder.ofByte();
case 'n', 'q' -> Decoder.ofShort();
case 'i', 'u' -> Decoder.ofInt();
case 'x', 't' -> Decoder.ofLong();
case 'd' -> Decoder.ofDouble();
case 's', 'o', 'g' -> Decoder.ofString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
case 'v' -> Decoder.ofVariant();
case 'm' -> Decoder.ofMaybe(parseSignature(signature));
case 'a' -> Decoder.ofArray(parseSignature(signature));
case '(', '{' -> Decoder.ofStructure(parseTupleTypes(signature).toArray(new Decoder<?>[0]));
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("encountered unknown signature byte '%c'", c));
private static List<Decoder<?>> parseTupleTypes(ByteBuffer signature) {
List<Decoder<?>> decoders = new ArrayList<>();
while (true) {
char c = (char) signature.get(signature.position());
if (c == ')' || c == '}') {
return decoders;
private static class BooleanDecoder extends Decoder<Boolean> {
public byte alignment() {
return 1;
public Integer fixedSize() {
return 1;
public Boolean decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
return byteSlice.get() != 0;
private static class ByteDecoder extends Decoder<Byte> {
public byte alignment() {
return 1;
public Integer fixedSize() {
return 1;
public Byte decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
return byteSlice.get();
private static class ShortDecoder extends Decoder<Short> {
public byte alignment() {
return 2;
public Integer fixedSize() {
return 2;
public Short decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
return byteSlice.getShort();
private static class IntegerDecoder extends Decoder<Integer> {
public byte alignment() {
return 4;
public Integer fixedSize() {
return 4;
public Integer decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
return byteSlice.getInt();
private static class LongDecoder extends Decoder<Long> {
public byte alignment() {
return 8;
public Integer fixedSize() {
return 8;
public Long decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
return byteSlice.getLong();
private static class DoubleDecoder extends Decoder<Double> {
public byte alignment() {
return 8;
public Integer fixedSize() {
return 8;
public Double decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
return byteSlice.getDouble();
private static class StringDecoder extends Decoder<String> {
private final Charset charset;
public StringDecoder(Charset charset) {
this.charset = charset;
public byte alignment() {
return 1;
Integer fixedSize() {
return null;
public String decode(ByteBuffer byteSlice) {
byteSlice.limit(byteSlice.limit() - 1);
return charset.decode(byteSlice).toString();