blob: 28371fc00bbbc01f88fc658d2c0913e61ae36f9a [file] [log] [blame]
package eu.mulk.jgvariant.ostree;
import static org.apiguardian.api.API.Status.STABLE;
import org.apiguardian.api.API;
* An object type as found in an OSTree repository.
* <p>Each object type has its own file extension.
* <p>In an OSTree repository, objects are located in a subfolder of the {@code /objects} folder
* based on their {@link Checksum}. The schema for looking up objects is {@code
* /objects/{checksumHead}/{checksumRest}.{fileExtension}} where:
* <dl>
* <dt>{@code {checksumHead}}
* <dd>the first two characters of {@link Checksum#hex()}
* <dt>{@code {checksumRest}}
* <dd>the substring of {@link Checksum#hex()} starting from the 3rd character
* <dt>{@code {fileExtension}}
* <dd>the {@link #fileExtension()} of the object type
* </dl>
@API(status = STABLE)
public enum ObjectType {
FILE((byte) 1, "file"),
DIR_TREE((byte) 2, "dirtree"),
DIR_META((byte) 3, "dirmeta"),
COMMIT((byte) 4, "commit"),
TOMBSTONE_COMMIT((byte) 5, "commit-tombstone"),
COMMIT_META((byte) 6, "commitmeta"),
PAYLOAD_LINK((byte) 7, "payload-link");
private final byte byteValue;
private final String fileExtension;
* The serialized byte value.
* @return a byte representing this value in serialized GVariant structures.
public byte byteValue() {
return byteValue;
* The file extension carried by files of this type.
* @return a file extension.
public String fileExtension() {
return fileExtension;
ObjectType(byte byteValue, String fileExtension) {
this.byteValue = byteValue;
this.fileExtension = fileExtension;
* Returns the {@link ObjectType} corresponding to a serialized GVariant value.
* @param byteValue a serialized value as used in GVariant.
* @return the {@link ObjectType} corresponding to the serialized value.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the byte value is invalid.
public static ObjectType valueOf(byte byteValue) {
return switch (byteValue) {
case 1 -> FILE;
case 2 -> DIR_TREE;
case 3 -> DIR_META;
case 4 -> COMMIT;
case 6 -> COMMIT_META;
case 7 -> PAYLOAD_LINK;
default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid ObjectType: %d".formatted(byteValue));