blob: fa45475a2ded2739875d2f20e7c7113d6e98d445 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 Andrew Gottemoller.
# This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
# Weld license. Please consult the file "WELD_LICENSE" for
# details.
# This makefile defines the rule to expand for each component
# definition file found
define def_file_rule
# Clear out all possible variables a component definition file
# may define
def_file :=
def_path :=
def_deps :=
def_include_subdir :=
def_source_subdir :=
def_resource_subdir :=
name :=
type :=
lang :=
header_list :=
resource_list :=
source_list :=
definition_list :=
source_lib_list :=
lib_list :=
static_lib_list :=
lib_path_list :=
include_path_list :=
compiler_flag_list :=
link_flag_list :=
$$(call debug_info,including def: $(1))
def_file := $(1)
def_path := $$(call def_file_to_root_path,$$(def_file))
def_deps := $$(def_file) $$(config_file) $$(def_deps)
ifeq ($$(def_include_subdir),)
def_include_subdir := $$(include_subdir)
ifeq ($$(def_source_subdir),)
def_source_subdir := $$(source_subdir)
ifeq ($$(def_resource_subdir),)
def_resource_subdir := $$(resource_subdir)
# Include the found component definition file
include $$(def_file)
# Custom component definition files might not bother with a name so skip the below stuff if
# that's the case'
ifneq ($$(name),)
ifneq ($$(filter $$(name), $$(build_target_list)),)
$$(call def_error,duplicate component name used here: $$($$(name).def_file))
$$(name).def_file := $$(def_file)
# Include the config file again after including the definition file.
# This way a config file could specify component-specific settings
-include $$(config_file)
# If a header list was specified, include header rules
ifneq ($$(header_list),)
include $$(weld_path)/
# If a resource list was specified, include resourcerules
ifneq ($$(resource_list),)
include $$(weld_path)/
# If the type is set to bin or lib include the compilation rules for the
# specified language
ifneq ($$(filter bin lib,$$(type)),)
include $$(weld_path)/lang/$$(lang).mk
# Add the found component to the standard set of build targets
build_target_list := $$(name) $$(build_target_list)
headers_target_list := $$(name)_headers $$(headers_target_list)
clean_target_list := clean_$$(name) $$(clean_target_list)
clean_headers_target_list := clean_$$(name)_headers
# Declare default targets for this component. Various component rules
# may add build steps as dependencies to these targets
.PHONY : $$(name)_headers
$$(name)_headers : $$(name)_def_headers
$$(name)_headers :
.PHONY : $$(name)_def_headers
$$(name)_def_headers :
.PHONY : clean_$$(name)_headers
clean_$$(name)_headers : clean_$$(name)_def_headers
clean_$$(name)_headers :
.PHONY : clean_$$(name)_def_headers
clean_$$(name)_def_headers :
.PHONY : $$(name)_compile
$$(name)_compile : $$(name)_def_compile
$$(name)_compile :
.PHONY : $$(name)_def_compile
$$(name)_def_compile :
.PHONY : clean_$$(name)_compile
clean_$$(name)_compile : clean_$$(name)_def_compile
clean_$$(name)_compile :
.PHONY : clean_$$(name)_def_compile
clean_$$(name)_def_compile :
.PHONY : $$(name)_resources
$$(name)_resources : $$(name)_def_resources
$$(name)_resources :
.PHONY : $$(name)_def_resources
$$(name)_def_resources :
.PHONY : clean_$$(name)_resources
clean_$$(name)_resources : clean_$$(name)_def_resources
clean_$$(name)_resources :
.PHONY : clean_$$(name)_def_resources
clean_$$(name)_def_resources :
# Define the "make <name>" target for the component. This target
# should build the entire component
.PHONY : $$(name)
$$(name) : $$(name)_headers
$$(name) : $$(name)_compile
$$(name) : $$(name)_resources
$$(name) :
.PHONY : clean_$$(name)
clean_$$(name) : clean_$$(name)_headers
clean_$$(name) : clean_$$(name)_compile
clean_$$(name) : clean_$$(name)_resources
clean_$$(name) :