blob: fcb7247c10fc9b8852ca0a8c2af39389311f6ceb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 Andrew Gottemoller.
# This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
# Weld license. Please consult the file "WELD_LICENSE" for
# details.
# This makefile defines the set of rules for a resource list
# This makefile is included for each component definition so clear out
# any variables used by this makefile
def_resource_path :=
resource_file :=
def_resource_file :=
resource_alias :=
dest_path :=
resource_goal_list :=
# Figure out the resource path for this component definition
def_resource_path := $(def_path)/$(def_resource_subdir)
define resource_file_rule
$$(call debug_info,resource specified: $(1))
resource_file := $(1)
def_resource_file := $$(def_resource_path)/$$(resource_file)
resource_alias := $$(resource_file)
dest_path := $$(dir $$(resource_output_path)/$$(resource_file))
resource_goal_list := $$(resource_alias) $$(resource_goal_list)
directory_list := $$(dest_path) $$(directory_list)
# Define an alias for the resource file so the user can do
# "make path/to/resource" on the command line
vpath $$(resource_alias) $$(resource_output_path)
# Set the target specific variables and dependencies for this resource
$$(resource_alias) : resource_output_path := $$(resource_output_path)
$$(resource_alias) : def_resource_file := $$(def_resource_file)
$$(resource_alias) : resource_alias := $$(resource_alias)
$$(resource_alias) : $$(def_deps)
$$(resource_alias) : $$(def_resource_file)
$$(resource_alias) : | $$(dest_path)
# Expand the resource rule for each resource specified
$(foreach file,$(resource_list),$(eval $(call resource_file_rule,$(file))))
# Add the list of resource goals as a dependency of the component definition's
# headers target
$(name)_def_resources : $(resource_goal_list)
# Define the actual recipe for a resource
$(resource_goal_list) :
$(call print_progress,$(resource_alias))
$(call soft_copy,$(def_resource_file),$(resource_output_path)/$(resource_alias))
.PHONY : clean_$(name)_resources
clean_$(name)_resources : resource_output_path := $(resource_output_path)
clean_$(name)_resources : resource_goal_list := $(resource_goal_list)
clean_$(name)_resources :
$(call print_progress,$@)
$(call remove_files,$(addprefix $(resource_output_path)/,$(resource_goal_list)))