blob: 994121f3e905c8050da65cd1443dee4ded199745 [file] [log] [blame]
# For detailed information on using, building, and modifying Weld, please visit:
# There should be just a single makefile for an entire weld project. A weld
# project is expected to consist of many libraries, binaries, and resources.
# This top level makefile should specify defaults for the project and include
# the file.
# Specify sane defaults -- the projects source lives in the same directory
# as this makefile, the build will be output to the ./build folder, and
# sane defaults for the rest
source_path := .
build_path := ./build
arch := amd64
mode ?= debug
shell_name := sh
platform := unix
unix_flavor := linux
c_toolchain := gcc
# GCC toolchain specific options
# Clang and gcc are mostly compatible, so use all the gcc compilation infra but
# switch the compiler name to clang/clang++
gcc_opt_use_clang := 1
# Specify additional settings applicable to every component
global_compiler_flag_list := -Wall
global_link_flags := -Wl,foo
global_definition_list := MY_PROJECT_NAME
global_include_path_list := /third/party/include/path
global_lib_path := /third/party/lib/path
# Include the "" file in the weld build system directory
include /path/to/weld/install/