blob: da00bfe24e52f6f186525d69605d41d7df2b03c2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 Andrew Gottemoller.
# This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
# Weld license. Please consult the file "WELD_LICENSE" for
# details.
# This makefile discovers all the component definition files in a weld
# project and expands a set of rules for each found component
# If the user hasn't specified a predefined list of component definition
# files go ahead and discover them
ifeq ($(def_file_list),)
def_file_list := $(call find_files,$(source_path),$(def_file_name))
# Expand a component definition rule for each found component
$(foreach file,$(def_file_list),$(eval $(call def_file_rule,$(file))))