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+= Quarkus Google Cloud JSON Logging
+Matthias Andreas Benkard
+// Meta
+:toclevels: 2
+:description: Quarkus Google Cloud JSON Logging Manual
+:keywords: mulk
+// Settings
+:icons: font
+:source-highlighter: rouge
+Structured logging to standard output according to the Google Cloud
+Logging specification.
+== Summary
+This package contains a log formatter for JBoss Logging in the form of
+a Quarkus plugin that implements the
+[Google Cloud
+Logging JSON format] on standard output.
+It is possible to log unstructured text, structured data, or a mixture
+of both depending on the situation.
+To run the application with live reloading enabled:
+$ ./mvnw quarkus:dev
+== Activation
+Add the runtime POM to your dependency list. As long as the JAR is on
+the classpath at both build time and runtime, the log formatter
+automatically registers itself on startup.
+=== Activation with Maven
+  ...
+  <dependencies>
+    ...
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>eu.mulk.quarkus-googlecloud-jsonlogging</groupId>
+      <artifactId>quarkus-googlecloud-jsonlogging</artifactId>
+      <version>3.1.0</version>
+    </dependency>
+    ...
+  </dependencies>
+  ...
+=== Activation with Gradle
+dependencies {
+  ...
+  implementation("eu.mulk.quarkus-googlecloud-jsonlogging:quarkus-googlecloud-jsonlogging:3.1.0")
+  ...
+== Usage
+Logging unstructured data requires no code changes. All logs are
+automatically converted to Google-Cloud-Logging-compatible JSON.
+Structured data can be logged in one of 3 different ways: by passing
+as parameters to individual log entries, by supplying
+or by using the Mapped Diagnostic Context.
+=== Using Label and StructuredParameter
+Instances of
+can be passed as log parameters to the `*f` family of logging
+functions on JBoss Logging's
+Simple key–value pairs are represented by
+  "Request rejected: unauthorized.",
+  Label.of("requestId", "123"),
+  KeyValueParameter.of("resource", "/users/mulk"),
+  KeyValueParameter.of("method", "PATCH"),
+  KeyValueParameter.of("reason", "invalid token"));
+  "jsonPayload": {
+    "message": "Request rejected: unauthorized.",
+    "resource": "/users/mulk",
+    "method": "PATCH",
+    "reason": "invalid token"
+  },
+  "labels": {
+    "requestId": "123"
+  }
+=== Using LabelProvider and StructuredParameterProvider
+Any CDI beans that implement
+are discovered at build time and consulted to provide labels and
+parameters for each message that is logged.  This can be used to
+provide contextual information such as tracing and request IDs stored
+in thread-local storage.
+public final class TraceLogParameterProvider implements StructuredParameterProvider, LabelProvider {
+  @Override
+  public StructuredParameter getParameter() {
+    var b = Json.createObjectBuilder();
+    b.add("traceId", Span.current().getSpanContext().getTraceId());
+    b.add("spanId", Span.current().getSpanContext().getSpanId());
+    return () -> b;
+  }
+  @Override
+  public Collection<Label> getLabels() {
+    return List.of(Label.of("requestId", "123"));
+  }
+  "jsonPayload": {
+    "message": "Request rejected: unauthorized.",
+    "traceId": "39f9a49a9567a8bd7087b708f8932550",
+    "spanId": "c7431b14630b633d"
+  },
+  "labels": {
+    "requestId": "123"
+  }
+=== Using the Mapped Diagnostic Context
+Any key–value pairs in JBoss Logging's thread-local
+are added to the resulting JSON.
+MDC.put("resource", "/users/mulk");
+MDC.put("method", "PATCH");
+logger.logf("Request rejected: unauthorized.");
+  "jsonPayload": {
+    "message": "Request rejected: unauthorized.",
+    "resource": "/users/mulk",
+    "method": "PATCH"
+  }