git subrepo clone mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized

subrepo: subdir:   "mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized"
  merged:   "a832becb"
upstream: origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "a832becb"
git-subrepo: version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
Change-Id: If5be2d621a211e164c9b6577adaa7884449f16b5
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e82bc5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+FROM alpine:3.11
+LABEL maintainer "André Peters <>"
+# Installation
+RUN apk add --update \
+  && apk add --no-cache nagios-plugins-smtp \
+  nagios-plugins-tcp \
+  nagios-plugins-http \
+  nagios-plugins-ping \
+  mariadb-client \
+  curl \
+  bash \
+  coreutils \
+  jq \
+  fcgi \
+  openssl \
+  nagios-plugins-mysql \
+  nagios-plugins-dns \
+  nagios-plugins-disk \
+  bind-tools \
+  redis \
+  perl \
+  perl-net-dns \
+  perl-io-socket-ssl \
+  perl-io-socket-inet6 \
+  perl-socket \
+  perl-socket6 \
+  perl-mime-lite \
+  perl-term-readkey \
+  tini \
+  tzdata \
+  whois \
+  && curl -o /smtp-cli \
+  && chmod +x smtp-cli
+COPY /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/
+CMD / 2> /dev/null
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ed4f0db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+# Script:                              #
+# Author:       Claudio Kuenzler                #
+# Purpose:      Monitor MySQL Replication status with Nagios            #
+# Description:  Connects to given MySQL hosts and checks for running    #
+#               SLAVE state and delivers additional info                #
+# Original:     This script is a modified version of                    #
+#               check mysql slave sql running written by dhirajt        #
+# Thanks to:    Victor Balada Diaz for his ideas added on 20080930      #
+#               Soren Klintrup for stuff added on 20081015              #
+#               Marc Feret for Slave_IO_Running check 20111227          #
+#               Peter Lecki for his mods added on 20120803              #
+#               Serge Victor for his mods added on 20131223             #
+#               Omri Bahumi for his fix added on 20131230               #
+#               Marc Falzon for his option mods added on 20190822       #
+#               Andreas Pfeiffer for adding socket option on 20190822   #
+# History:                                                              #
+# 2008041700 Original Script modified                                   #
+# 2008041701 Added additional info if status OK                         #
+# 2008041702 Added usage of script with params -H -u -p                 #
+# 2008041703 Added bindir variable for multiple platforms               #
+# 2008041704 Added help because mankind needs help                      #
+# 2008093000 Using /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash                         #
+# 2008093001 Added port for MySQL server                                #
+# 2008093002 Added mysqldir if mysql binary is elsewhere                #
+# 2008101501 Changed bindir/mysqldir to use PATH                        #
+# 2008101501 Use $() instead of `` to avoid forks                       #
+# 2008101501 Use ${} for variables to prevent problems                  #
+# 2008101501 Check if required commands exist                           #
+# 2008101501 Check if mysql connection works                            #
+# 2008101501 Exit with unknown status at script end                     #
+# 2008101501 Also display help if no option is given                    #
+# 2008101501 Add warning/critical check to delay                        #
+# 2011062200 Add perfdata                                               #
+# 2011122700 Checking Slave_IO_Running                                  #
+# 2012080300 Changed to use only one mysql query                        #
+# 2012080301 Added warn and crit delay as optional args                 #
+# 2012080302 Added standard -h option for syntax help                   #
+# 2012080303 Added check for mandatory options passed in                #
+# 2012080304 Added error output from mysql                              #
+# 2012080305 Changed from 'cut' to 'awk' (eliminate ws)                 #
+# 2012111600 Do not show password in error output                       #
+# 2013042800 Changed PATH to use existing PATH, too                     #
+# 2013050800 Bugfix in PATH export                                      #
+# 2013092700 Bugfix in PATH export                                      #
+# 2013092701 Bugfix in getopts                                          #
+# 2013101600 Rewrite of threshold logic and handling                    #
+# 2013101601 Optical clean up                                           #
+# 2013101602 Rewrite help output                                        #
+# 2013101700 Handle Slave IO in 'Connecting' state                      #
+# 2013101701 Minor changes in output, handling UNKWNON situations now   #
+# 2013101702 Exit CRITICAL when Slave IO in Connecting state            #
+# 2013123000 Slave_SQL_Running also matched Slave_SQL_Running_State     #
+# 2015011600 Added 'moving' check to catch possible connection issues   #
+# 2015011900 Use its own threshold for replication moving check         #
+# 2019082200 Add support for mysql option file                          #
+# 2019082201 Improve password security (remove from mysql cli)          #
+# 2019082202 Added socket parameter (-S)                                #
+# 2019082203 Use default port 3306, makes -P optional                   #
+# 2019082204 Fix moving subcheck, improve documentation                 #
+# Usage: ./ (-o file|(-H dbhost [-P port]|-S socket) -u dbuser -p dbpass) [-s connection] [-w integer] [-c integer] [-m integer]
+help="\ (c) 2008-2019 GNU GPLv2 licence
+Usage: $0 (-o file|(-H dbhost [-P port]|-S socket) -u username -p password) [-s connection] [-w integer] [-c integer] [-m]\n
+Options:\n-o Path to option file containing connection settings (e.g. /home/nagios/.my.cnf). Note: If this option is used, -H, -u, -p parameters will become optional\n-H Hostname or IP of slave server\n-P MySQL Port of slave server (optional, defaults to 3306)\n-u Username of DB-user\n-p Password of DB-user\n-S database socket\n-s Connection name (optional, with multi-source replication)\n-w Replication delay in seconds for Warning status (optional)\n-c Replication delay in seconds for Critical status (optional)\n-m Threshold in seconds since when replication did not move (compares the slaves log position)\n
+Attention: The DB-user you type in must have CLIENT REPLICATION rights on the DB-server. Example:\n\tGRANT REPLICATION CLIENT on *.* TO 'nagios'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';"
+STATE_OK=0              # define the exit code if status is OK
+STATE_WARNING=1         # define the exit code if status is Warning (not really used)
+STATE_CRITICAL=2        # define the exit code if status is Critical
+STATE_UNKNOWN=3         # define the exit code if status is Unknown
+export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin # Set path
+crit="No"               # what is the answer of MySQL Slave_SQL_Running for a Critical status?
+ok="Yes"                # what is the answer of MySQL Slave_SQL_Running for an OK status?
+port="-P 3306"          # on which tcp port is the target MySQL slave listening?
+for cmd in mysql awk grep expr [
+ if ! `which ${cmd} &>/dev/null`
+ then
+  echo "UNKNOWN: This script requires the command '${cmd}' but it does not exist; please check if command exists and PATH is correct"
+  exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN}
+ fi
+# Check for people who need help
+if [ "${1}" = "--help" -o "${#}" = "0" ];
+        then
+        echo -e "${help}";
+        exit 1;
+# Important given variables for the DB-Connect
+while getopts "H:P:u:p:S:s:w:c:o:m:h" Input;
+        case ${Input} in
+        H)      host="-h ${OPTARG}";slavetarget=${OPTARG};;
+        P)      port="-P ${OPTARG}";;
+        u)      user="-u ${OPTARG}";;
+        p)      password="${OPTARG}"; export MYSQL_PWD="${OPTARG}";;
+        S)      socket="-S ${OPTARG}";;
+        s)      connection=\"${OPTARG}\";;
+        w)      warn_delay=${OPTARG};;
+        c)      crit_delay=${OPTARG};;
+        o)      optfile="--defaults-extra-file=${OPTARG}";;
+        m)      moving=${OPTARG};;
+        h)      echo -e "${help}"; exit 1;;
+        \?)     echo "Wrong option given. Check help (-h, --help) for usage."
+                exit 1
+                ;;
+        esac
+# Check if we can write to tmp
+test -w /tmp && tmpfile="/tmp/mysql_slave_${slavetarget}_pos.txt"
+# Connect to the DB server and check for informations
+# Check whether all required arguments were passed in (either option file or full connection settings)
+if [[ -z "${optfile}" && -z "${host}" && -z "${socket}" ]]; then
+  echo -e "Missing required parameter(s)"; exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN}
+elif [[ -n "${host}" && (-z "${user}" || -z "${password}") ]]; then
+  echo -e "Missing required parameter(s)"; exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN}
+elif [[ -n "${socket}" && (-z "${user}" || -z "${password}") ]]; then
+  echo -e "Missing required parameter(s)"; exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN}
+# Connect to the DB server and store output in vars
+if [[ -n $socket ]]; then 
+  ConnectionResult=$(mysql ${optfile} ${socket} ${user} -e "show slave ${connection} status\G" 2>&1)
+  ConnectionResult=$(mysql ${optfile} ${host} ${port} ${user} -e "show slave ${connection} status\G" 2>&1)
+if [ -z "`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Slave_IO_State`" ]; then
+        echo -e "CRITICAL: Unable to connect to server"
+        exit ${STATE_CRITICAL}
+check=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Slave_SQL_Running: | awk '{print $2}'`
+checkio=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Slave_IO_Running: | awk '{print $2}'`
+masterinfo=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep  Master_Host: | awk '{print $2}'`
+delayinfo=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Seconds_Behind_Master: | awk '{print $2}'`
+readpos=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Read_Master_Log_Pos: | awk '{print $2}'`
+execpos=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Exec_Master_Log_Pos: | awk '{print $2}'`
+# Output of different exit states
+if [ ${check} = "NULL" ]; then
+echo "CRITICAL: Slave_SQL_Running is answering NULL"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL};
+if [ ${check} = ${crit} ]; then
+echo "CRITICAL: ${host}:${port} Slave_SQL_Running: ${check}"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL};
+if [ ${checkio} = ${crit} ]; then
+echo "CRITICAL: ${host} Slave_IO_Running: ${checkio}"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL};
+if [ ${checkio} = "Connecting" ]; then
+echo "CRITICAL: ${host} Slave_IO_Running: ${checkio}"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL};
+if [ ${check} = ${ok} ] && [ ${checkio} = ${ok} ]; then
+ # Delay thresholds are set
+ if [[ -n ${warn_delay} ]] && [[ -n ${crit_delay} ]]; then
+  if ! [[ ${warn_delay} -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0"; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; fi
+  if ! [[ ${crit_delay} -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0"; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; fi
+  if [[ -z ${warn_delay} ]] || [[ -z ${crit_delay} ]]; then echo "Both warning and critical thresholds must be set"; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; fi
+  if [[ ${warn_delay} -gt ${crit_delay} ]]; then echo "Warning threshold cannot be greater than critical"; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; fi
+  if [[ ${delayinfo} -ge ${crit_delay} ]]
+  then echo "CRITICAL: Slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind Master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL}
+  elif [[ ${delayinfo} -ge ${warn_delay} ]]
+  then echo "WARNING: Slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind Master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_WARNING}
+  else 
+    # Everything looks OK here but now let us check if the replication is moving
+    if [[ -n ${moving} ]] && [[ -n ${tmpfile} ]] && [[ $readpos -eq $execpos ]]
+    then  
+      #echo "Debug: Read pos is $readpos - Exec pos is $execpos" 
+      # Check if tmp file exists
+      curtime=`date +%s`
+      if [[ -w $tmpfile ]] 
+      then 
+        tmpfiletime=`date +%s -r $tmpfile`
+        if [[ `expr $curtime - $tmpfiletime` -gt ${moving} ]]
+        then
+          exectmp=`cat $tmpfile`
+          #echo "Debug: Exec pos in tmpfile is $exectmp"
+          if [[ $exectmp -eq $execpos ]]
+          then 
+            # The value read from the tmp file and from db are the same. Replication hasnt moved!
+            echo "WARNING: Slave replication has not moved in ${moving} seconds. Manual check required."; exit ${STATE_WARNING}
+          else 
+            # Replication has moved since the tmp file was written. Delete tmp file and output OK.
+            rm $tmpfile
+            echo "OK: Slave SQL running: ${check} Slave IO running: ${checkio} / master: ${masterinfo} / slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_OK};
+          fi
+        else 
+          echo "OK: Slave SQL running: ${check} Slave IO running: ${checkio} / master: ${masterinfo} / slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_OK};
+        fi
+      else 
+        echo "$execpos" > $tmpfile
+        echo "OK: Slave SQL running: ${check} Slave IO running: ${checkio} / master: ${masterinfo} / slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_OK};
+      fi
+    else # Everything OK (no additional moving check)
+      echo "OK: Slave SQL running: ${check} Slave IO running: ${checkio} / master: ${masterinfo} / slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_OK};
+    fi
+  fi
+ else
+ # Without delay thresholds
+ echo "OK: Slave SQL running: ${check} Slave IO running: ${checkio} / master: ${masterinfo} / slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind master | delay=${delayinfo}s"
+ exit ${STATE_OK};
+ fi
+echo "UNKNOWN: should never reach this part (Slave_SQL_Running is ${check}, Slave_IO_Running is ${checkio})"
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1e7c2f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/
@@ -0,0 +1,1126 @@
+trap "exit" INT TERM
+trap "kill 0" EXIT
+# Prepare
+echo "Waiting for containers to settle..."
+sleep 30
+if [[ "${USE_WATCHDOG}" =~ ^([nN][oO]|[nN])+$ ]]; then
+  echo -e "$(date) - USE_WATCHDOG=n, skipping watchdog..."
+  sleep 365d
+  exec $(readlink -f "$0")
+# Checks pipe their corresponding container name in this pipe
+if [[ ! -p /tmp/com_pipe ]]; then
+  mkfifo /tmp/com_pipe
+# Wait for containers
+while ! mysqladmin status --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -u${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} --silent; do
+  echo "Waiting for SQL..."
+  sleep 2
+# Do not attempt to write to slave
+if [[ ! -z ${REDIS_SLAVEOF_IP} ]]; then
+  REDIS_CMDLINE="redis-cli -h redis -p 6379"
+until [[ $(${REDIS_CMDLINE} PING) == "PONG" ]]; do
+  echo "Waiting for Redis..."
+  sleep 2
+${REDIS_CMDLINE} DEL F2B_RES > /dev/null
+# Common functions
+  local IPV6=
+  local IPV6_SRCS=
+  local TRY=
+  IPV6_SRCS[0]=""
+  IPV6_SRCS[1]=""
+  until [[ ! -z ${IPV6} ]] || [[ ${TRY} -ge 10 ]]; do
+    IPV6=$(curl --connect-timeout 3 -m 10 -L6s ${IPV6_SRCS[$RANDOM % ${#IPV6_SRCS[@]} ]} | grep "^\([0-9a-fA-F]\{0,4\}:\)\{1,7\}[0-9a-fA-F]\{0,4\}$")
+    [[ ! -z ${TRY} ]] && sleep 1
+    TRY=$((TRY+1))
+  done
+  echo ${IPV6}
+array_diff() {
+  #, Alex Offshore
+  eval local ARR1=\(\"\${$2[@]}\"\)
+  eval local ARR2=\(\"\${$3[@]}\"\)
+  local IFS=$'\n'
+  mapfile -t $1 < <(comm -23 <(echo "${ARR1[*]}" | sort) <(echo "${ARR2[*]}" | sort))
+progress() {
+  SERVICE=${1}
+  TOTAL=${2}
+  CURRENT=${3}
+  DIFF=${4}
+  [[ -z ${DIFF} ]] && DIFF=0
+  [[ -z ${TOTAL} || -z ${CURRENT} ]] && return
+  [[ ${CURRENT} -gt ${TOTAL} ]] && return
+  [[ ${CURRENT} -lt 0 ]] && CURRENT=0
+  PERCENT=$(( 200 * ${CURRENT} / ${TOTAL} % 2 + 100 * ${CURRENT} / ${TOTAL} ))
+  ${REDIS_CMDLINE} LPUSH WATCHDOG_LOG "{\"time\":\"$(date +%s)\",\"service\":\"${SERVICE}\",\"lvl\":\"${PERCENT}\",\"hpnow\":\"${CURRENT}\",\"hptotal\":\"${TOTAL}\",\"hpdiff\":\"${DIFF}\"}" > /dev/null
+  log_msg "${SERVICE} health level: ${PERCENT}% (${CURRENT}/${TOTAL}), health trend: ${DIFF}" no_redis
+  # Return 10 to indicate a dead service
+  [ ${CURRENT} -le 0 ] && return 10
+log_msg() {
+  if [[ ${2} != "no_redis" ]]; then
+    ${REDIS_CMDLINE} LPUSH WATCHDOG_LOG "{\"time\":\"$(date +%s)\",\"message\":\"$(printf '%s' "${1}" | \
+      tr '\r\n%&;$"_[]{}-' ' ')\"}" > /dev/null
+  fi
+  echo $(date) $(printf '%s\n' "${1}")
+function mail_error() {
+  [[ -z ${1} ]] && return 1
+  # If exists, body will be the content of "/tmp/${1}", even if ${2} is set
+  [[ -z ${2} ]] && BODY="Service was restarted on $(date), please check your mailcow installation." || BODY="$(date) - ${2}"
+  # If exists, mail will be throttled by argument in seconds
+  [[ ! -z ${3} ]] && THROTTLE=${3}
+  if [[ ! -z ${THROTTLE} ]]; then
+    TTL_LEFT="$(${REDIS_CMDLINE} TTL THROTTLE_${1} 2> /dev/null)"
+    if [[ "${TTL_LEFT}" == "-2" ]]; then
+      # Delay key not found, setting a delay key now
+    else
+      log_msg "Not sending notification email now, blocked for ${TTL_LEFT} seconds..."
+      return 1
+    fi
+  fi
+  WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL=$(echo "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}" | sed 's/"//;s|"$||')
+  # Some exceptions for subject and body formats
+  if [[ ${1} == "fail2ban" ]]; then
+    SUBJECT="${BODY}"
+    BODY="Please see netfilter-mailcow for more details and triggered rules."
+  else
+    SUBJECT="Watchdog ALERT: ${1}"
+  fi
+  IFS=',' read -r -a MAIL_RCPTS <<< "${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL}"
+  for rcpt in "${MAIL_RCPTS[@]}"; do
+    #RCPT_MX=
+    RCPT_DOMAIN=$(echo ${rcpt} | awk -F @ {'print $NF'})
+    # Latest smtp-cli looks up mx via dns
+    #RCPT_MX=$(dig +short ${RCPT_DOMAIN} mx | sort -n | awk '{print $2; exit}')
+    #if [[ -z ${RCPT_MX} ]]; then
+    #  log_msg "Cannot determine MX for ${rcpt}, skipping email notification..."
+    #  return 1
+    #fi
+    [ -f "/tmp/${1}" ] && BODY="/tmp/${1}"
+    timeout 10s ./smtp-cli --missing-modules-ok \
+      --charset=UTF-8 \
+      --subject="${SUBJECT}" \
+      --body-plain="${BODY}" \
+      --add-header="X-Priority: 1" \
+      --to=${rcpt} \
+      --from="watchdog@${MAILCOW_HOSTNAME}" \
+      --hello-host=${MAILCOW_HOSTNAME} \
+      --ipv4
+      #--server="${RCPT_MX}"
+    log_msg "Sent notification email to ${rcpt}"
+  done
+get_container_ip() {
+  # ${1} is container
+  LOOP_C=1
+  until [[ ${CONTAINER_IP} =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]] || [[ ${LOOP_C} -gt 5 ]]; do
+    if [ ${IP_BY_DOCKER_API} -eq 0 ]; then
+      CONTAINER_IP=$(dig a "${1}" +short)
+    else
+      sleep 0.5
+      # get long container id for exact match
+      CONTAINER_ID=($(curl --silent --insecure https://dockerapi/containers/json | jq -r ".[] | {name: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.service\"], project: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.project\"], id: .Id}" | jq -rc "select( .name | tostring == \"${1}\") | select( .project | tostring | contains(\"${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME,,}\")) | .id"))
+      # returned id can have multiple elements (if scaled), shuffle for random test
+      CONTAINER_ID=($(printf "%s\n" "${CONTAINER_ID[@]}" | shuf))
+      if [[ ! -z ${CONTAINER_ID} ]]; then
+        for matched_container in "${CONTAINER_ID[@]}"; do
+          CONTAINER_IPS=($(curl --silent --insecure https://dockerapi/containers/${matched_container}/json | jq -r '.NetworkSettings.Networks[].IPAddress')) 
+          for ip_match in "${CONTAINER_IPS[@]}"; do
+            # grep will do nothing if one of these vars is empty
+            [[ -z ${ip_match} ]] && continue
+            [[ -z ${IPV4_NETWORK} ]] && continue
+            # only return ips that are part of our network
+            if ! grep -q ${IPV4_NETWORK} <(echo ${ip_match}); then
+              continue
+            else
+              CONTAINER_IP=${ip_match}
+              break
+            fi
+          done
+          [[ ! -z ${CONTAINER_IP} ]] && break
+        done
+      fi
+    fi
+    LOOP_C=$((LOOP_C + 1))
+  done
+  [[ ${LOOP_C} -gt 5 ]] && echo || echo ${CONTAINER_IP}
+# One-time check
+if grep -qi "$(echo ${IPV6_NETWORK} | cut -d: -f1-3)" <<< "$(ip a s)"; then
+  if [[ -z "$(get_ipv6)" ]]; then
+    mail_error "ipv6-config" "enable_ipv6 is true in docker-compose.yml, but an IPv6 link could not be established. Please verify your IPv6 connection."
+  fi
+external_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  GUID=$(mysql -u${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} ${DBNAME} -e "SELECT version FROM versions WHERE application = 'GUID'" -BN)
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    CHECK_REPONSE="$(curl --connect-timeout 3 -m 10 -4 -s -X POST -dguid=${GUID} 2> /dev/null)"
+    if [[ ! -z "${CHECK_REPONSE}" ]] && [[ "$(echo ${CHECK_REPONSE} | jq -r .response)" == "critical" ]]; then
+      echo ${CHECK_REPONSE} | jq -r .out > /tmp/external_checks
+      err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1 ))
+    fi
+    CHECK_REPONSE6="$(curl --connect-timeout 3 -m 10 -6 -s -X POST -dguid=${GUID} 2> /dev/null)"
+    if [[ ! -z "${CHECK_REPONSE6}" ]] && [[ "$(echo ${CHECK_REPONSE6} | jq -r .response)" == "critical" ]]; then
+      echo ${CHECK_REPONSE} | jq -r .out > /tmp/external_checks
+      err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1 ))
+    fi
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "External checks" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 60
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 20 ) + 120 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+nginx_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/nginx-mailcow; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/nginx-mailcow)" > /tmp/nginx-mailcow
+    host_ip=$(get_container_ip nginx-mailcow)
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -4 -H ${host_ip} -u / -p 8081 2>> /tmp/nginx-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Nginx" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+unbound_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/unbound-mailcow; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/unbound-mailcow)" > /tmp/unbound-mailcow
+    host_ip=$(get_container_ip unbound-mailcow)
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_dns -s ${host_ip} -H 2>> /tmp/unbound-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    DNSSEC=$(dig com +dnssec | egrep 'flags:.+ad')
+    if [[ -z ${DNSSEC} ]]; then
+      echo "DNSSEC failure" 2>> /tmp/unbound-mailcow 1>&2
+      err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1))
+    else
+      echo "DNSSEC check succeeded" 2>> /tmp/unbound-mailcow 1>&2
+    fi
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Unbound" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+redis_checks() {
+  # A check for the local redis container
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/redis-mailcow; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/redis-mailcow)" > /tmp/redis-mailcow
+    host_ip=$(get_container_ip redis-mailcow)
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_tcp -4 -H redis-mailcow -p 6379 -E -s "PING\n" -q "QUIT" -e "PONG" 2>> /tmp/redis-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Redis" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+mysql_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/mysql-mailcow; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/mysql-mailcow)" > /tmp/mysql-mailcow
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mysql -s /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -u ${DBUSER} -p ${DBPASS} -d ${DBNAME} 2>> /tmp/mysql-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mysql_query -s /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -u ${DBUSER} -p ${DBPASS} -d ${DBNAME} -q "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables" 2>> /tmp/mysql-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "MySQL/MariaDB" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+mysql_repl_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/mysql_repl_checks; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/mysql_repl_checks)" > /tmp/mysql_repl_checks
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ -S /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock -u root -p ${DBROOT} 2>> /tmp/mysql_repl_checks 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "MySQL/MariaDB replication" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 60
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+sogo_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/sogo-mailcow; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/sogo-mailcow)" > /tmp/sogo-mailcow
+    host_ip=$(get_container_ip sogo-mailcow)
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -4 -H ${host_ip} -u /SOGo.index/ -p 20000 -R "SOGo\.MainUI" 2>> /tmp/sogo-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "SOGo" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+postfix_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/postfix-mailcow; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/postfix-mailcow)" > /tmp/postfix-mailcow
+    host_ip=$(get_container_ip postfix-mailcow)
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_smtp -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 589 -f "watchdog@invalid" -C "RCPT TO:watchdog@localhost" -C DATA -C . -R 250 2>> /tmp/postfix-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_smtp -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 589 -S 2>> /tmp/postfix-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Postfix" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+clamd_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/clamd-mailcow; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/clamd-mailcow)" > /tmp/clamd-mailcow
+    host_ip=$(get_container_ip clamd-mailcow)
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_clamd -4 -H ${host_ip} 2>> /tmp/clamd-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Clamd" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 120 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+dovecot_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/dovecot-mailcow; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/dovecot-mailcow)" > /tmp/dovecot-mailcow
+    host_ip=$(get_container_ip dovecot-mailcow)
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_smtp -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 24 -f "watchdog@invalid" -C "RCPT TO:<watchdog@invalid>" -L -R "User doesn't exist" 2>> /tmp/dovecot-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_imap -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 993 -S -e "OK " 2>> /tmp/dovecot-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_imap -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 143 -e "OK " 2>> /tmp/dovecot-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_tcp -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 10001 -e "VERSION" 2>> /tmp/dovecot-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_tcp -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 4190 -e "Dovecot ready" 2>> /tmp/dovecot-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Dovecot" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+dovecot_repl_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  D_REPL_STATUS=$(redis-cli -h redis -r GET DOVECOT_REPL_HEALTH)
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    D_REPL_STATUS=$(redis-cli --raw -h redis GET DOVECOT_REPL_HEALTH)
+    if [[ "${D_REPL_STATUS}" != "1" ]]; then
+      err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1 ))
+    fi
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Dovecot replication" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 60
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+cert_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/certcheck; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/certcheck)" > /tmp/certcheck
+    host_ip_postfix=$(get_container_ip postfix)
+    host_ip_dovecot=$(get_container_ip dovecot)
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_smtp -H ${host_ip_postfix} -p 589 -4 -S -D 7 2>> /tmp/certcheck 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_imap -H ${host_ip_dovecot} -p 993 -4 -S -D 7 2>> /tmp/certcheck 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Primary certificate expiry check" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    # Always sleep 5 minutes, mail notifications are limited
+    sleep 300
+  done
+  return 1
+phpfpm_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/php-fpm-mailcow; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/php-fpm-mailcow)" > /tmp/php-fpm-mailcow
+    host_ip=$(get_container_ip php-fpm-mailcow)
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_tcp -H ${host_ip} -p 9001 2>> /tmp/php-fpm-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_tcp -H ${host_ip} -p 9002 2>> /tmp/php-fpm-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "PHP-FPM" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+ratelimit_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  RL_LOG_STATUS=$(redis-cli -h redis LRANGE RL_LOG 0 0 | jq .qid)
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    RL_LOG_STATUS=$(redis-cli -h redis LRANGE RL_LOG 0 0 | jq .qid)
+    if [[ ${RL_LOG_STATUS_PREV} != ${RL_LOG_STATUS} ]]; then
+      err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1 ))
+      echo 'Last 10 applied ratelimits (may overlap with previous reports).' > /tmp/ratelimit
+      echo 'Full ratelimit buckets can be emptied by deleting the ratelimit hash from within mailcow UI (see /debug -> Protocols -> Ratelimit):' >> /tmp/ratelimit
+      echo >> /tmp/ratelimit
+      redis-cli --raw -h redis LRANGE RL_LOG 0 10 | jq . >> /tmp/ratelimit
+    fi
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Ratelimit" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+mailq_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/mail_queue_status; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/mail_queue_status)" > /tmp/mail_queue_status
+    MAILQ_LOG_STATUS=$(find /var/spool/postfix/deferred -type f | wc -l)
+    echo "Mail queue contains ${MAILQ_LOG_STATUS} items (critical limit is ${MAILQ_CRIT}) at $(date)" >> /tmp/mail_queue_status
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    if [ ${MAILQ_LOG_STATUS} -ge ${MAILQ_CRIT} ]; then
+      err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1 ))
+      echo "Mail queue contains ${MAILQ_LOG_STATUS} items (critical limit is ${MAILQ_CRIT}) at $(date)" >> /tmp/mail_queue_status
+    fi
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Mail queue" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 60
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+fail2ban_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  F2B_RES=
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    if [[ ! -z "${F2B_RES}" ]]; then
+      err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1 ))
+      echo -n "${F2B_RES[@]}" | tr -cd "[a-fA-F0-9.:/] " | timeout 3s ${REDIS_CMDLINE} -x SET F2B_RES > /dev/null
+      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+         ${REDIS_CMDLINE} -x DEL F2B_RES
+      fi
+    fi
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Fail2ban" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+acme_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  ACME_LOG_STATUS=$(redis-cli -h redis GET ACME_FAIL_TIME)
+  if [[ -z "${ACME_LOG_STATUS}" ]]; then
+  fi
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    ACME_LC=0
+    until [[ ! -z ${ACME_LOG_STATUS} ]] || [ ${ACME_LC} -ge 3 ]; do
+      ACME_LOG_STATUS=$(redis-cli -h redis GET ACME_FAIL_TIME 2> /dev/null)
+      sleep 3
+      ACME_LC=$((ACME_LC+1))
+    done
+    if [[ ${ACME_LOG_STATUS_PREV} != ${ACME_LOG_STATUS} ]]; then
+      err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1 ))
+    fi
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "ACME" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+ipv6nat_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    CONTAINERS=$(curl --silent --insecure https://dockerapi/containers/json)
+    IPV6NAT_CONTAINER_ID=$(echo ${CONTAINERS} | jq -r ".[] | {name: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.service\"], project: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.project\"], id: .Id}" | jq -rc "select( .name | tostring | contains(\"ipv6nat-mailcow\")) | select( .project | tostring | contains(\"${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME,,}\")) | .id")
+    if [[ ! -z ${IPV6NAT_CONTAINER_ID} ]]; then
+      LATEST_STARTED="$(echo ${CONTAINERS} | jq -r ".[] | {name: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.service\"], project: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.project\"], StartedAt: .State.StartedAt}" | jq -rc "select( .project | tostring | contains(\"${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME,,}\")) | select( .name | tostring | contains(\"ipv6nat-mailcow\") | not)" | jq -rc .StartedAt | xargs -n1 date +%s -d | sort | tail -n1)"
+      LATEST_IPV6NAT="$(echo ${CONTAINERS} | jq -r ".[] | {name: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.service\"], project: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.project\"], StartedAt: .State.StartedAt}" | jq -rc "select( .project | tostring | contains(\"${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME,,}\")) | select( .name | tostring | contains(\"ipv6nat-mailcow\"))" | jq -rc .StartedAt | xargs -n1 date +%s -d | sort | tail -n1)"
+      if [[ "${DIFFERENCE_START_TIME}" -lt 30 ]]; then
+        err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1 ))
+      fi
+    fi
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "IPv6 NAT" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 30
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 300
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+rspamd_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/rspamd-mailcow; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/rspamd-mailcow)" > /tmp/rspamd-mailcow
+    host_ip=$(get_container_ip rspamd-mailcow)
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    SCORE=$(echo 'To: null@localhost
+From: watchdog@localhost
+' | usr/bin/curl --max-time 10 -s --data-binary @- --unix-socket /var/lib/rspamd/rspamd.sock http://rspamd/scan | jq -rc .default.required_score)
+    if [[ ${SCORE} != "9999" ]]; then
+      echo "Rspamd settings check failed, score returned: ${SCORE}" 2>> /tmp/rspamd-mailcow 1>&2
+      err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1))
+    else
+      echo "Rspamd settings check succeeded, score returned: ${SCORE}" 2>> /tmp/rspamd-mailcow 1>&2
+    fi
+    # A dirty hack until a PING PONG event is implemented to worker proxy
+    # We expect an empty response, not a timeout
+    if [ "$(curl -s --max-time 10 ${host_ip}:9900 2> /dev/null ; echo $?)" == "28" ]; then
+      echo "Milter check failed" 2>> /tmp/rspamd-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + 1 ));
+    else
+      echo "Milter check succeeded" 2>> /tmp/rspamd-mailcow 1>&2
+    fi
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Rspamd" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+olefy_checks() {
+  err_count=0
+  diff_c=0
+  # Reduce error count by 2 after restarting an unhealthy container
+  trap "[ ${err_count} -gt 1 ] && err_count=$(( ${err_count} - 2 ))" USR1
+  while [ ${err_count} -lt ${THRESHOLD} ]; do
+    touch /tmp/olefy-mailcow; echo "$(tail -50 /tmp/olefy-mailcow)" > /tmp/olefy-mailcow
+    host_ip=$(get_container_ip olefy-mailcow)
+    err_c_cur=${err_count}
+    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_tcp -4 -H ${host_ip} -p 10055 -s "PING\n" 2>> /tmp/olefy-mailcow 1>&2; err_count=$(( ${err_count} + $? ))
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -eq ${err_count} ] && [ ! $((${err_count} - 1)) -lt 0 ] && err_count=$((${err_count} - 1)) diff_c=1
+    [ ${err_c_cur} -ne ${err_count} ] && diff_c=$(( ${err_c_cur} - ${err_count} ))
+    progress "Olefy" ${THRESHOLD} $(( ${THRESHOLD} - ${err_count} )) ${diff_c}
+    if [[ $? == 10 ]]; then
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep 1
+    else
+      diff_c=0
+      sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 60 ) + 20 ))
+    fi
+  done
+  return 1
+# Notify about start
+if [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]]; then
+  mail_error "watchdog-mailcow" "Watchdog started monitoring mailcow."
+# Create watchdog agents
+while true; do
+  if ! nginx_checks; then
+    log_msg "Nginx hit error limit"
+    echo nginx-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned nginx_checks with PID ${PID}"
+if [[ ${WATCHDOG_EXTERNAL_CHECKS} =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$ ]]; then
+while true; do
+  if ! external_checks; then
+    log_msg "External checks hit error limit"
+    echo external_checks > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned external_checks with PID ${PID}"
+if [[ ${WATCHDOG_MYSQL_REPLICATION_CHECKS} =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$ ]]; then
+while true; do
+  if ! mysql_repl_checks; then
+    log_msg "MySQL replication check hit error limit"
+    echo mysql_repl_checks > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned mysql_repl_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! mysql_checks; then
+    log_msg "MySQL hit error limit"
+    echo mysql-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned mysql_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! redis_checks; then
+    log_msg "Local Redis hit error limit"
+    echo redis-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned redis_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! phpfpm_checks; then
+    log_msg "PHP-FPM hit error limit"
+    echo php-fpm-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned phpfpm_checks with PID ${PID}"
+if [[ "${SKIP_SOGO}" =~ ^([nN][oO]|[nN])+$ ]]; then
+while true; do
+  if ! sogo_checks; then
+    log_msg "SOGo hit error limit"
+    echo sogo-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned sogo_checks with PID ${PID}"
+if [ ${CHECK_UNBOUND} -eq 1 ]; then
+while true; do
+  if ! unbound_checks; then
+    log_msg "Unbound hit error limit"
+    echo unbound-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned unbound_checks with PID ${PID}"
+if [[ "${SKIP_CLAMD}" =~ ^([nN][oO]|[nN])+$ ]]; then
+while true; do
+  if ! clamd_checks; then
+    log_msg "Clamd hit error limit"
+    echo clamd-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned clamd_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! postfix_checks; then
+    log_msg "Postfix hit error limit"
+    echo postfix-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned postfix_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! mailq_checks; then
+    log_msg "Mail queue hit error limit"
+    echo mail_queue_status > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned mailq_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! dovecot_checks; then
+    log_msg "Dovecot hit error limit"
+    echo dovecot-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned dovecot_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! dovecot_repl_checks; then
+    log_msg "Dovecot hit error limit"
+    echo dovecot_repl_checks > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned dovecot_repl_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! rspamd_checks; then
+    log_msg "Rspamd hit error limit"
+    echo rspamd-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned rspamd_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! ratelimit_checks; then
+    log_msg "Ratelimit hit error limit"
+    echo ratelimit > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned ratelimit_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! fail2ban_checks; then
+    log_msg "Fail2ban hit error limit"
+    echo fail2ban > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned fail2ban_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! cert_checks; then
+    log_msg "Cert check hit error limit"
+    echo certcheck > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned cert_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! olefy_checks; then
+    log_msg "Olefy hit error limit"
+    echo olefy-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned olefy_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! acme_checks; then
+    log_msg "ACME client hit error limit"
+    echo acme-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned acme_checks with PID ${PID}"
+while true; do
+  if ! ipv6nat_checks; then
+    log_msg "IPv6 NAT warning: ipv6nat-mailcow container was not started at least 30s after siblings (not an error)"
+    echo ipv6nat-mailcow > /tmp/com_pipe
+  fi
+) &
+echo "Spawned ipv6nat_checks with PID ${PID}"
+# Monitor watchdog agents, stop script when agents fails and wait for respawn by Docker (restart:always:n)
+while true; do
+  for bg_task in ${BACKGROUND_TASKS[*]}; do
+    if ! kill -0 ${bg_task} 1>&2; then
+      log_msg "Worker ${bg_task} died, stopping watchdog and waiting for respawn..."
+      kill -TERM 1
+    fi
+    sleep 10
+  done
+) &
+# Monitor dockerapi
+while true; do
+  while nc -z dockerapi 443; do
+    sleep 3
+  done
+  log_msg "Cannot find dockerapi-mailcow, waiting to recover..."
+  until nc -z dockerapi 443; do
+    sleep 3
+  done
+  kill -USR1 ${BACKGROUND_TASKS[*]}
+) &
+# Actions when threshold limit is reached
+while true; do
+  read com_pipe_answer </tmp/com_pipe
+  if [ -s "/tmp/${com_pipe_answer}" ]; then
+    cat "/tmp/${com_pipe_answer}"
+  fi
+  if [[ ${com_pipe_answer} == "ratelimit" ]]; then
+    log_msg "At least one ratelimit was applied"
+    [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${com_pipe_answer}"
+  elif [[ ${com_pipe_answer} == "mail_queue_status" ]]; then
+    log_msg "Mail queue status is critical"
+    [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${com_pipe_answer}"
+  elif [[ ${com_pipe_answer} == "external_checks" ]]; then
+    log_msg "Your mailcow is an open relay!"
+    # Define $2 to override message text, else print service was restarted at ...
+    [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${com_pipe_answer}" "Please stop mailcow now and check your network configuration!"
+  elif [[ ${com_pipe_answer} == "mysql_repl_checks" ]]; then
+    log_msg "MySQL replication is not working properly"
+    # Define $2 to override message text, else print service was restarted at ...
+    # Once mail per 10 minutes
+    [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${com_pipe_answer}" "Please check the SQL replication status" 600
+  elif [[ ${com_pipe_answer} == "dovecot_repl_checks" ]]; then
+    log_msg "Dovecot replication is not working properly"
+    # Define $2 to override message text, else print service was restarted at ...
+    # Once mail per 10 minutes
+    [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${com_pipe_answer}" "Please check the Dovecot replicator status" 600
+  elif [[ ${com_pipe_answer} == "certcheck" ]]; then
+    log_msg "Certificates are about to expire"
+    # Define $2 to override message text, else print service was restarted at ...
+    # Only mail once a day
+    [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${com_pipe_answer}" "Please renew your certificate" 86400
+  elif [[ ${com_pipe_answer} == "acme-mailcow" ]]; then
+    log_msg "acme-mailcow did not complete successfully"
+    # Define $2 to override message text, else print service was restarted at ...
+    [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${com_pipe_answer}" "Please check acme-mailcow for further information."
+  elif [[ ${com_pipe_answer} == "fail2ban" ]]; then
+    F2B_RES=($(timeout 4s ${REDIS_CMDLINE} --raw GET F2B_RES 2> /dev/null))
+    if [[ ! -z "${F2B_RES}" ]]; then
+      ${REDIS_CMDLINE} DEL F2B_RES > /dev/null
+      host=
+      for host in "${F2B_RES[@]}"; do
+        log_msg "Banned ${host}"
+        rm /tmp/fail2ban 2> /dev/null
+        timeout 2s whois "${host}" > /tmp/fail2ban
+        [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && [[ ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_BAN} =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$ ]] && mail_error "${com_pipe_answer}" "IP ban: ${host}"
+      done
+    fi
+  elif [[ ${com_pipe_answer} =~ .+-mailcow ]]; then
+    kill -STOP ${BACKGROUND_TASKS[*]}
+    sleep 10
+    CONTAINER_ID=$(curl --silent --insecure https://dockerapi/containers/json | jq -r ".[] | {name: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.service\"], project: .Config.Labels[\"com.docker.compose.project\"], id: .Id}" | jq -rc "select( .name | tostring | contains(\"${com_pipe_answer}\")) | select( .project | tostring | contains(\"${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME,,}\")) | .id")
+    if [[ ! -z ${CONTAINER_ID} ]]; then
+      if [[ "${com_pipe_answer}" == "php-fpm-mailcow" ]]; then
+        HAS_INITDB=$(curl --silent --insecure -XPOST https://dockerapi/containers/${CONTAINER_ID}/top | jq '.msg.Processes[] | contains(["php -c /usr/local/etc/php -f /web/inc/"])' | grep true)
+      fi
+      S_RUNNING=$(($(date +%s) - $(curl --silent --insecure https://dockerapi/containers/${CONTAINER_ID}/json | jq .State.StartedAt | xargs -n1 date +%s -d)))
+      if [ ${S_RUNNING} -lt 360 ]; then
+        log_msg "Container is running for less than 360 seconds, skipping action..."
+      elif [[ ! -z ${HAS_INITDB} ]]; then
+        log_msg "Database is being initialized by php-fpm-mailcow, not restarting but delaying checks for a minute..."
+        sleep 60
+      else
+        log_msg "Sending restart command to ${CONTAINER_ID}..."
+        curl --silent --insecure -XPOST https://dockerapi/containers/${CONTAINER_ID}/restart
+        if [[ ${com_pipe_answer} != "ipv6nat-mailcow" ]]; then
+          [[ ! -z ${WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL} ]] && mail_error "${com_pipe_answer}"
+        fi
+        log_msg "Wait for restarted container to settle and continue watching..."
+        sleep 35
+      fi
+    fi
+    kill -CONT ${BACKGROUND_TASKS[*]}
+    sleep 1
+    kill -USR1 ${BACKGROUND_TASKS[*]}
+  fi