git subrepo clone mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized

subrepo: subdir:   "mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized"
  merged:   "a832becb"
upstream: origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "a832becb"
git-subrepo: version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
Change-Id: If5be2d621a211e164c9b6577adaa7884449f16b5
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/imapsync b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/imapsync
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c941f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/imapsync
@@ -0,0 +1,17261 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# $Id: imapsync,v 1.977 2019/12/23 20:18:02 gilles Exp gilles $
+# structure
+# pod documentation
+# use pragmas
+# main program
+# global variables initialization
+# get_options(  ) ;
+# default values
+# folder loop
+# subroutines
+# sub usage
+# pod documentation
+=head1 NAME
+imapsync - Email IMAP tool for syncing, copying, migrating
+and archiving email mailboxes between two imap servers, one way,
+and without duplicates.
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to Imapsync $Revision: 1.977 $
+=head1 USAGE
+ To synchronize the source imap account
+   "test1" on server "" with password "secret1"
+ to the destination imap account
+   "test2" on server "" with password "secret2"
+ do:
+  imapsync \
+   --host1 --user1 test1 --password1 secret1 \
+   --host2 --user2 test2 --password2 secret2
+We sometimes need to transfer mailboxes from one imap server to
+one another.
+Imapsync command is a tool allowing incremental and
+recursive imap transfers from one mailbox to another.
+If you don't understand the previous sentence, it's normal,
+it's pedantic computer oriented jargon.
+All folders are transferred, recursively, meaning
+the whole folder hierarchy is taken, all messages in them,
+and all messages flags (\Seen \Answered \Flagged etc.)
+are synced too.
+Imapsync reduces the amount of data transferred by not transferring
+a given message if it already resides on the destination side.
+Messages that are on the destination side but not on the
+source side stay as they are (see the --delete2
+option to have a strict sync).
+How imapsync knows a message is already on both sides?
+Same specific headers and the transfer is done only once.
+By default, the identification headers are
+"Message-Id:" and "Received:" lines
+but this choice can be changed with the --useheader option.
+All flags are preserved, unread messages will stay unread,
+read ones will stay read, deleted will stay deleted.
+You can abort the transfer at any time and restart it later,
+imapsync works well with bad connections and interruptions,
+by design. On a terminal hit Ctr-c twice within two seconds
+in order to abort the program. Hit Ctr-c just once makes
+imapsync reconnect to both imap servers.
+A classical scenario is synchronizing a mailbox B from another mailbox A
+where you just want to keep a strict copy of A in B. Strict meaning
+all messages in A will be in B but no more.
+For this, option --delete2 has to be used, it deletes messages in host2
+folder B that are not in host1 folder A. If you also need to destroy
+host2 folders that are not in host1 then use --delete2folders. See also
+--delete2foldersonly and --delete2foldersbutnot to set up exceptions
+on folders to destroy. INBOX will never be destroy, it's a mandatory
+folder in IMAP.
+A different scenario is to delete the messages from the source mailbox
+after a successful transfer, it can be a good feature when migrating
+mailboxes since messages will be only on one side. The source account
+will only have messages that are not on the destination yet, ie,
+messages that arrived after a sync or that failed to be copied.
+In that case, use the --delete1 option. Option --delete1 implies also
+option --expunge1 so all messages marked deleted on host1 will be really
+deleted. In IMAP protocol deleting a message does not really delete it,
+it marks it with the flag \Deleted, allowing an undelete. Expunging
+a folder removes, definitively, all the messages marked as \Deleted
+in this folder.
+You can also decide to remove empty folders once all of their messages
+have been transferred. Add --delete1emptyfolders to obtain this
+Imapsync is not adequate for maintaining two active imap accounts
+in synchronization when the user plays independently on both sides.
+Use offlineimap (written by John Goerzen) or mbsync (written by
+Michael R. Elkins) for a 2 ways synchronization.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+ usage: imapsync [options]
+The standard options are the six values forming the credentials.
+Three values on each side are needed in order to log in into the IMAP 
+servers. These six values are a host, a username, and a password, two times.
+Conventions used in the following descriptions of the options:
+ str means string
+ int means integer
+ reg means regular expression
+ cmd means command
+ --dry               : Makes imapsync doing nothing for real, just print what
+                       would be done without --dry.
+=head2 OPTIONS/credentials
+ --host1        str  : Source or "from" imap server.
+ --port1        int  : Port to connect on host1.
+                       Optional since default ports are the
+                       well known ports imap/143 or imaps/993.
+ --user1        str  : User to login on host1.
+ --password1    str  : Password for the user1.
+ --host2        str  : "destination" imap server.
+ --port2        int  : Port to connect on host2. Optional
+ --user2        str  : User to login on host2.
+ --password2    str  : Password for the user2.
+ --showpasswords     : Shows passwords on output instead of "MASKED".
+                       Useful to restart a complete run by just reading
+                       the command line used in the log,
+                       or to debug passwords.
+                       It's not a secure practice at all.
+ --passfile1    str  : Password file for the user1. It must contain the
+                       password on the first line. This option avoids showing
+                       the password on the command line like --password1 does.
+ --passfile2    str  : Password file for the user2.
+You can also pass the passwords in the environment variables
+=head2 OPTIONS/encryption
+ --nossl1            : Do not use a SSL connection on host1.
+ --ssl1              : Use a SSL connection on host1. On by default if possible.
+ --nossl2            : Do not use a SSL connection on host2.
+ --ssl2              : Use a SSL connection on host2. On by default if possible.
+ --notls1            : Do not use a TLS connection on host1.
+ --tls1              : Use a TLS connection on host1. On by default if possible.
+ --notls2            : Do not use a TLS connection on host2.
+ --tls2              : Use a TLS connection on host2. On by default if possible.
+ --debugssl     int  : SSL debug mode from 0 to 4.
+ --sslargs1     str  : Pass any ssl parameter for host1 ssl or tls connection. Example:
+                       --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=1 --sslargs1 SSL_version=SSLv3
+                       See all possibilities in the new() method of IO::Socket::SSL
+ --sslargs2     str  : Pass any ssl parameter for host2 ssl or tls connection.
+                       See --sslargs1
+ --timeout1     int  : Connection timeout in seconds for host1.
+                       Default is 120 and 0 means no timeout at all.
+ --timeout2     int  : Connection timeout in seconds for host2.
+                       Default is 120 and 0 means no timeout at all.
+=head2 OPTIONS/authentication
+ --authmech1    str  : Auth mechanism to use with host1:
+                       PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5 etc. Use UPPERCASE.
+ --authmech2    str  : Auth mechanism to use with host2. See --authmech1
+ --authuser1    str  : User to auth with on host1 (admin user).
+                       Avoid using --authmech1 SOMETHING with --authuser1.
+ --authuser2    str  : User to auth with on host2 (admin user).
+ --proxyauth1        : Use proxyauth on host1. Requires --authuser1.
+                       Required by Sun/iPlanet/Netscape IMAP servers to
+                       be able to use an administrative user.
+ --proxyauth2        : Use proxyauth on host2. Requires --authuser2.
+ --authmd51          : Use MD5 authentication for host1.
+ --authmd52          : Use MD5 authentication for host2.
+ --domain1      str  : Domain on host1 (NTLM authentication).
+ --domain2      str  : Domain on host2 (NTLM authentication).
+=head2 OPTIONS/folders
+ --folder       str  : Sync this folder.
+ --folder       str  : and this one, etc.
+ --folderrec    str  : Sync this folder recursively.
+ --folderrec    str  : and this one, etc.
+ --folderfirst  str  : Sync this folder first. Ex. --folderfirst "INBOX"
+ --folderfirst  str  : then this one, etc.
+ --folderlast   str  : Sync this folder last. --folderlast "[Gmail]/All Mail"
+ --folderlast   str  : then this one, etc.
+ --nomixfolders      : Do not merge folders when host1 is case-sensitive
+                       while host2 is not (like Exchange). Only the first
+                       similar folder is synced (example: with folders
+                       "Sent", "SENT" and "sent"
+                       on host1 only "Sent" will be synced to host2).
+ --skipemptyfolders  : Empty host1 folders are not created on host2.
+ --include      reg  : Sync folders matching this regular expression
+ --include      reg  : or this one, etc.
+                       If both --include --exclude options are used, then
+                       include is done before.
+ --exclude      reg  : Skips folders matching this regular expression
+                       Several folders to avoid:
+                        --exclude 'fold1|fold2|f3' skips fold1, fold2 and f3.
+ --exclude      reg  : or this one, etc.
+ --automap           : guesses folders mapping, for folders well known as
+                       "Sent", "Junk", "Drafts", "All", "Archive", "Flagged".
+ --f1f2    str1=str2 : Force folder str1 to be synced to str2,
+                       --f1f2 overrides --automap and --regextrans2.
+ --subfolder2   str  : Syncs the whole host1 folders hierarchy under the
+                       host2 folder named str.
+                       It does it internally by adding three
+                       --regextrans2 options before all others.
+                       Add --debug to see what's really going on.
+ --subfolder1   str  : Syncs the host1 folders hierarchy which is under folder
+                       str to the root hierarchy of host2.
+                       It's the couterpart of a sync done by --subfolder2
+                       when doing it in the reverse order.
+                       Backup/Restore scenario:
+                       Use --subfolder2 str for a backup to the folder str
+                       on host2. Then use --subfolder1 str for restoring
+                       from the folder str, after inverting
+                       host1/host2 user1/user2 values.
+ --subscribed        : Transfers subscribed folders.
+ --subscribe         : Subscribe to the folders transferred on the
+                       host2 that are subscribed on host1. On by default.
+ --subscribeall      : Subscribe to the folders transferred on the
+                       host2 even if they are not subscribed on host1.
+ --prefix1      str  : Remove prefix str to all destination folders,
+                       usually "INBOX." or "INBOX/" or an empty string "".
+                       imapsync guesses the prefix if host1 imap server
+                       does not have NAMESPACE capability. So this option
+                       should not be used most of the time.
+ --prefix2      str  : Add prefix to all host2 folders. See --prefix1
+ --sep1         str  : Host1 separator. This option should not be used
+                       most of the time.
+                       Imapsync gets the separator from the server itself,
+                       by using NAMESPACE, or it tries to guess it
+                       from the folders listing (it counts
+                       characters / . \\ \ in folder names and choose the
+                       more frequent, or finally / if nothing is found.
+ --sep2         str  : Host2 separator. See --sep1
+ --regextrans2  reg  : Apply the whole regex to each destination folders.
+ --regextrans2  reg  : and this one. etc.
+                       When you play with the --regextrans2 option, first
+                       add also the safe options --dry --justfolders
+                       Then, when happy, remove --dry for a run, then 
+                       remove --justfolders for the next ones.
+                       Have in mind that --regextrans2 is applied after
+                       the automatic prefix and separator inversion.
+                       For examples see:
+=head2 OPTIONS/folders sizes
+ --nofoldersizes     : Do not calculate the size of each folder at the
+                       beginning of the sync. Default is to calculate them.
+ --nofoldersizesatend: Do not calculate the size of each folder at the
+                       end of the sync. Default is to calculate them.
+ --justfoldersizes   : Exit after having printed the initial folder sizes.
+=head2 OPTIONS/tmp
+ --tmpdir       str  : Where to store temporary files and subdirectories.
+                       Will be created if it doesn't exist.
+                       Default is system specific, Unix is /tmp but
+                       /tmp is often too small and deleted at reboot.
+                       --tmpdir /var/tmp should be better.
+ --pidfile      str  : The file where imapsync pid is written,
+                       it can be dirname/filename.
+                       Default name is in tmpdir.
+ --pidfilelocking    : Abort if pidfile already exists. Useful to avoid
+                       concurrent transfers on the same mailbox.
+=head2 OPTIONS/log
+ --nolog             : Turn off logging on file
+ --logfile      str  : Change the default log filename (can be dirname/filename).
+ --logdir       str  : Change the default log directory. Default is LOG_imapsync/
+The default logfile name is for example
+ LOG_imapsync/2019_12_22_23_57_59_532_user1_user2.txt
+ 2019_12_22_23_57_59_532 is nearly the date of the start
+ year_month_day_hour_minute_seconde_millisecond
+and user1 user2 are the --user1 --user2 values.
+=head2 OPTIONS/messages
+ --skipmess     reg  : Skips messages matching the regex.
+                       Example: 'm/[\x80-ff]/' # to avoid 8bits messages.
+                       --skipmess is applied before --regexmess
+ --skipmess     reg  : or this one, etc.
+ --skipcrossduplicates : Avoid copying messages that are already copied
+                         in another folder,  good from Gmail to X when
+                         X is not also Gmail.
+                         Activated with --gmail1 unless --noskipcrossduplicates
+ --debugcrossduplicates : Prints which messages (UIDs) are skipped with
+                          --skipcrossduplicates (and in what other folders
+                          they are).
+ --pipemess     cmd  : Apply this cmd command to each message content
+                       before the copy.
+ --pipemess     cmd  : and this one, etc.
+                       With several --pipemess, the output of each cmd
+                       command (STDOUT) is given to the input (STDIN)
+                       of the next command.
+                       For example,
+                       --pipemess cmd1 --pipemess cmd2 --pipemess cmd3
+                       is like a Unix pipe:
+                       "cat message | cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3"
+ --disarmreadreceipts : Disarms read receipts (host2 Exchange issue)
+ --regexmess    reg  : Apply the whole regex to each message before transfer.
+                       Example: 's/\000/ /g' # to replace null by space.
+ --regexmess    reg  : and this one, etc.
+=head2 OPTIONS/labels
+Gmail present labels as folders in imap. Imapsync can accelerate the sync 
+by syncing X-GM-LABELS, it will avoid to transfer messages when they are
+already on host2.
+ --synclabels        : Syncs also Gmail labels when a message is copied to host2.
+                       Activated by default with --gmail1 --gmail2 unless
+                       --nosynclabels is added.
+ --resynclabels      : Resyncs Gmail labels when a message is already on host2.
+                       Activated by default with --gmail1 --gmail2 unless
+                       --noresynclabels is added.
+For Gmail syncs, see also:
+=head2 OPTIONS/flags
+ If you encounter flag problems see also:
+ --regexflag    reg  : Apply the whole regex to each flags list.
+                       Example: 's/"Junk"//g' # to remove "Junk" flag.
+ --regexflag    reg  : then this one, etc.
+ --resyncflags       : Resync flags for already transferred messages.
+                       On by default.
+ --noresyncflags     : Do not resync flags for already transferred messages.
+                       May be useful when a user has already started to play
+                       with its host2 account.
+=head2 OPTIONS/deletions
+ --delete1           : Deletes messages on host1 server after a successful
+                       transfer. Option --delete1 has the following behavior:
+                       it marks messages as deleted with the IMAP flag
+                       \Deleted, then messages are really deleted with an
+                       EXPUNGE IMAP command. If expunging after each message
+                       slows down too much the sync then use
+                       --noexpungeaftereach to speed up, expunging will then be
+                       done only twice per folder, one at the beginning and
+                       one at the end of a folder sync.
+ --expunge1          : Expunge messages on host1 just before syncing a folder.
+                       Expunge is done per folder.
+                       Expunge aims is to really delete messages marked deleted.
+                       An expunge is also done after each message copied
+                       if option --delete1 is set (unless --noexpungeaftereach).
+ --noexpunge1        : Do not expunge messages on host1.
+ --delete1emptyfolders : Deletes empty folders on host1, INBOX excepted.
+                         Useful with --delete1 since what remains on host1
+                         is only what failed to be synced.
+ --delete2           : Delete messages in host2 that are not in
+                       host1 server. Useful for backup or pre-sync.
+                       --delete2 implies --uidexpunge2
+ --delete2duplicates : Delete messages in host2 that are duplicates.
+                       Works only without --useuid since duplicates are
+                       detected with an header part of each message.
+ --delete2folders    : Delete folders in host2 that are not in host1 server.
+                       For safety, first try it like this (it is safe):
+                       --delete2folders --dry --justfolders --nofoldersizes
+                       and see what folders will be deleted.
+ --delete2foldersonly   reg : Delete only folders matching the regex reg.
+                              Example: --delete2foldersonly "/^Junk$|^INBOX.Junk$/"
+                              This option activates --delete2folders
+ --delete2foldersbutnot reg : Do not delete folders matching the regex rex.
+                              Example: --delete2foldersbutnot "/Tasks$|Contacts$|Foo$/"
+                              This option activates --delete2folders
+ --noexpunge2        : Do not expunge messages on host2.
+ --nouidexpunge2     : Do not uidexpunge messages on the host2 account
+                       that are not on the host1 account.
+=head2 OPTIONS/dates
+ If you encounter problems with dates, see also:
+ --syncinternaldates : Sets the internal dates on host2 same as host1.
+                       Turned on by default. Internal date is the date
+                       a message arrived on a host (Unix mtime).
+ --idatefromheader   : Sets the internal dates on host2 same as the
+                       ones in "Date:" headers.
+=head2 OPTIONS/message selection
+ --maxsize      int  : Skip messages larger  (or equal) than  int  bytes
+ --minsize      int  : Skip messages smaller (or equal) than  int  bytes
+ --maxage       int  : Skip messages older than  int days.
+                       final stats (skipped) don't count older messages
+                       see also --minage
+ --minage       int  : Skip messages newer than  int  days.
+                       final stats (skipped) don't count newer messages
+                       You can do (+ zone are the messages selected):
+                       past|----maxage+++++++++++++++>now
+                       past|+++++++++++++++minage---->now
+                       past|----maxage+++++minage---->now (intersection)
+                       past|++++minage-----maxage++++>now (union)
+ --search       str  : Selects only messages returned by this IMAP SEARCH
+                       command. Applied on both sides.
+                       For a complete set of what can be search see
+ --search1      str  : Same as --search but for selecting host1 messages only.
+ --search2      str  : Same as --search but for selecting host2 messages only.
+                       So --search CRIT equals --search1 CRIT --search2 CRIT
+ --maxlinelength int : skip messages with a line length longer than  int  bytes.
+                       RFC 2822 says it must be no more than 1000 bytes but
+                       real life servers and email clients do more.
+ --useheader    str  : Use this header to compare messages on both sides.
+                       Ex: Message-ID or Subject or Date.
+ --useheader    str    and this one, etc.
+ --usecache          : Use cache to speed up next syncs. Not set by default.
+ --nousecache        : Do not use cache. Caveat: --useuid --nousecache creates
+                       duplicates on multiple runs.
+ --useuid            : Use UIDs instead of headers as a criterion to recognize
+                       messages. Option --usecache is then implied unless
+                       --nousecache is used.
+=head2 OPTIONS/miscellaneous
+ --syncacls          : Synchronizes acls (Access Control Lists).
+                       Acls in IMAP are not standardized, be careful
+                       since one acl code on one side may signify something
+                       else on the other one.
+ --nosyncacls        : Does not synchronize acls. This is the default.
+ --addheader         : When a message has no headers to be identified,
+                       --addheader adds a "Message-Id" header,
+                       like "Message-Id: 12345@imapsync", where 12345
+                       is the imap UID of the message on the host1 folder.
+=head2 OPTIONS/debugging
+ --debug             : Debug mode.
+ --debugfolders      : Debug mode for the folders part only.
+ --debugcontent      : Debug content of the messages transferred. Huge output.
+ --debugflags        : Debug mode for flags.
+ --debugimap1        : IMAP debug mode for host1. Very verbose.
+ --debugimap2        : IMAP debug mode for host2. Very verbose.
+ --debugimap         : IMAP debug mode for host1 and host2. Twice very verbose.
+ --debugmemory       : Debug mode showing memory consumption after each copy.
+ --errorsmax     int : Exit when int number of errors is reached. Default is 50.
+ --tests             : Run local non-regression tests. Exit code 0 means all ok.
+ --testslive         : Run a live test with imap server.
+                       Useful to check the basics. Needs internet connection.
+ --testslive6        : Run a live test with imap server.
+                       Useful to check the ipv6 connectivity. Needs internet.
+=head2 OPTIONS/specific
+  --gmail1           : sets --host1 to Gmail and other options. See FAQ.Gmail.txt
+  --gmail2           : sets --host2 to Gmail and other options. See FAQ.Gmail.txt
+  --office1          : sets --host1 to Office365 and other options. See FAQ.Exchange.txt
+  --office2          : sets --host2 to Office365 and other options. See FAQ.Exchange.txt
+  --exchange1        : sets options for Exchange. See FAQ.Exchange.txt
+  --exchange2        : sets options for Exchange. See FAQ.Exchange.txt
+  --domino1          : sets options for Domino. See FAQ.Domino.txt
+  --domino2          : sets options for Domino. See FAQ.Domino.txt
+=head2 OPTIONS/behavior
+ --maxmessagespersecond int : limits the number of messages transferred per second.
+ --maxbytespersecond int : limits the average transfer rate per second.
+ --maxbytesafter     int : starts --maxbytespersecond limitation only after
+                           --maxbytesafter amount of data transferred.
+ --maxsleep      int : do not sleep more than int seconds.
+                       On by default, 2 seconds max, like --maxsleep 2
+ --abort             : terminates a previous call still running.
+                       It uses the pidfile to know what process to abort.
+ --exitwhenover int  : Stop syncing and exits when int total bytes
+                       transferred is reached.
+ --version           : Print only software version.
+ --noreleasecheck    : Do not check for any new imapsync release.
+ --releasecheck      : Check for new imapsync release.
+                       it's an http request to
+ --noid              : Do not send/receive ID command to imap servers.
+ --justconnect       : Just connect to both servers and print useful
+                       information. Need only --host1 and --host2 options.
+                       Obsolete since "imapsync --host1 imaphost" alone
+                       implies --justconnect
+ --justlogin         : Just login to both host1 and host2 with users
+                       credentials, then exit.
+ --justfolders       : Do only things about folders (ignore messages).
+ --help              : print this help.
+ Example: to synchronize imap account "test1" on ""
+                     to  imap account "test2" on ""
+                     with test1 password "secret1"
+                     and  test2 password "secret2"
+ imapsync \
+    --host1 --user1 test1 --password1 secret1 \
+    --host2 --user2 test2 --password2 secret2
+# comment
+=head1 SECURITY
+You can use --passfile1  instead of --password1 to give the
+password since it is safer. With --password1 option, on Linux,
+any user on your host can see the password by using the 'ps auxwwww'
+command. Using a variable (like IMAPSYNC_PASSWORD1) is also
+dangerous because of the 'ps auxwwwwe' command. So, saving
+the password in a well protected file (600 or rw-------) is
+the best solution.
+Imapsync activates ssl or tls encryption by default, if possible.
+What detailed behavior is under this "if possible"?
+Imapsync activates ssl if the well known port imaps port (993) is open
+on the imap servers. If the imaps port is closed then it open a
+normal (clear) connection on port 143 but it looks for TLS support
+in the CAPABILITY list of the servers. If TLS is supported
+then imapsync goes to encryption.
+If the automatic ssl and the tls detections fail then imapsync will
+not protect against sniffing activities on the network, especially 
+for passwords.
+If you want to force ssl or tls just use --ssl1 --ssl2 or --tls1 --tls2
+See also the document FAQ.Security.txt in the FAQ.d/ directory
+or at
+Imapsync will exit with a 0 status (return code) if everything went good.
+Otherwise, it exits with a non-zero status. That's classical Unix behavior.
+Here is the list of the exit code values (an integer between 0 and 255).
+The names reflect their meaning:
+=for comment
+egrep '^Readonly my.*\$EX' imapsync | egrep -o 'EX.*' | sed 's_^_     _'
+     EX_OK          => 0  ; #/* successful termination */
+     EX_USAGE       => 64 ; #/* command line usage error */
+     EX_NOINPUT     => 66 ; #/* cannot open input */
+     EX_UNAVAILABLE => 69 ; #/* service unavailable */
+     EX_SOFTWARE    => 70 ; #/* internal software error */
+     EXIT_CATCH_ALL              =>   1 ; # Any other error
+     EXIT_BY_SIGNAL              =>   6 ; # Should be 128+n where n is the sig_num
+     EXIT_PID_FILE_ERROR         =>   8 ;
+     EXIT_CONNECTION_FAILURE     =>  10 ;
+     EXIT_TLS_FAILURE            =>  12 ;
+     EXIT_SUBFOLDER1_NO_EXISTS   =>  21 ;
+     EXIT_WITH_ERRORS            => 111 ;
+     EXIT_WITH_ERRORS_MAX        => 112 ;
+     EXIT_TESTS_FAILED           => 254 ; # Like Test::More API
+Imapsync is free, open, public but not always gratis software
+cover by the NOLIMIT Public License, now called NLPL.
+See the LICENSE file included in the distribution or just read this
+simple sentence as it IS the licence text:
+ "No limits to do anything with this work and this license."
+In case it is not long enough, I repeat:
+ "No limits to do anything with this work and this license."
+Look at
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Good feedback is always welcome.
+Bad feedback is very often welcome.
+Gilles LAMIRAL earns his living by writing, installing,
+configuring and teaching free, open and often gratis
+software. Imapsync used to be "always gratis" but now it is
+only "often gratis" because imapsync is sold by its author,
+a good way to maintain and support free open public
+software over decades.
+=head1 IMAP SERVERS supported
+If you have many mailboxes to migrate think about a little
+shell program. Write a file called file.txt (for example)
+containing users and passwords.
+The separator used in this example is ';'
+The file.txt file contains:
+On Unix the shell program can be:
+ { while IFS=';' read  u1 p1 u2 p2; do
+        imapsync --host1 --user1 "$u1" --password1 "$p1" \
+                 --host2 --user2 "$u2" --password2 "$p2" ...
+ done ; } < file.txt
+On Windows the batch program can be:
+  FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=; eol=#" %%G IN (file.txt) DO imapsync ^
+  --host1 --user1 %%G --password1 %%H ^
+  --host2 --user2 %%I --password2 %%J ...
+The ... have to be replaced by nothing or any imapsync option.
+Welcome in shell or batch programming !
+You will find already written scripts at
+=head1 INSTALL
+ Imapsync works under any Unix with Perl.
+ Imapsync works under most Windows (2000, XP, Vista, Seven, Eight, Ten
+ and all Server releases 2000, 2003, 2008 and R2, 2012 and R2, 2016)
+ as a standalone binary software called imapsync.exe,
+ usually launched from a batch file in order to avoid always typing
+ the options. There is also a 64bit binary called imapsync_64bit.exe
+ Imapsync works under OS X as a standalone binary
+ software called imapsync_bin_Darwin
+ Purchase latest imapsync at
+ You'll receive a link to a compressed tarball called imapsync-x.xx.tgz
+ where x.xx is the version number. Untar the tarball where
+ you want (on Unix):
+  tar xzvf  imapsync-x.xx.tgz
+ Go into the directory imapsync-x.xx and read the INSTALL file.
+ As mentioned at
+ the INSTALL file can also be found at
+ It is now split in several files for each system
+There is no specific configuration file for imapsync,
+everything is specified by the command line parameters
+and the default behavior.
+=head1 HACKING
+Feel free to hack imapsync as the NOLIMIT license permits it.
+  See also
+  for a better up to date list.
+Last updated and verified on Sun Dec 8, 2019.
+ imapsync: (this is an imapsync copy, sometimes delayed, with --noreleasecheck by default since release 1.592, 2014/05/22)
+ imap_tools: The imap_tools code is now at
+ imaputils: (very old imap_tools fork)
+ Doveadm-Sync: ( Dovecot sync tool )
+ davmail:
+ offlineimap:
+ mbsync:
+ mailsync:
+ mailutil: part of the UW IMAP toolkit. (well, seems abandoned now)
+ imaprepl:
+ imapcopy (Pascal):
+ imapcopy (Java):
+ imapsize:
+ migrationtool:
+ imapmigrate:
+ larch: (derived from wonko_imapsync, good at Gmail)
+ wonko_imapsync: (superseded by larch)
+ pop2imap: (I wrote that too)
+ exchange-away:
+ SyncBackPro:
+ ImapSyncClient:
+ MailStore:
+ mnIMAPSync:
+ imap-upload: (A tool for uploading a local mbox file to IMAP4 server)
+ imapbackup: (A Python script for incremental backups of IMAP mailboxes)
+ BitRecover email-backup 99 USD, 299 USD
+ ImportExportTools: ImportExportTools for Mozilla Thunderbird by Paolo Kaosmos. ImportExportTools does not do IMAP.
+=head1 HISTORY
+I initially wrote imapsync in July 2001 because an enterprise,
+called BaSystemes, paid me to install a new imap server
+without losing huge old mailboxes located in a far
+away remote imap server, accessible by an
+often broken low-bandwidth ISDN link.
+I had to verify every mailbox was well transferred, all folders, all messages,
+without wasting bandwidth or creating duplicates upon resyncs. The imapsync 
+design was made with the beautiful rsync command in mind.
+Imapsync started its life as a patch of the
+script. The script comes from the Mail-IMAPClient-2.1.3 perl
+module tarball source (more precisely in the examples/ directory of the
+Mail-IMAPClient tarball).
+So many happened since then that I wonder
+if it remains any lines of the original in imapsync source code.
+# use pragmas
+use strict ;
+use warnings ;
+use Carp ;
+use Data::Dumper ;
+use Digest::HMAC_SHA1 qw( hmac_sha1 hmac_sha1_hex ) ;
+use Digest::MD5  qw( md5 md5_hex md5_base64 ) ;
+use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ;
+use Fcntl ;
+use File::Basename ;
+use File::Copy::Recursive ;
+use File::Glob qw( :glob ) ;
+use File::Path qw( mkpath rmtree ) ;
+use File::Spec ;
+use File::stat ;
+use Getopt::Long (  ) ;
+use IO::File ;
+use IO::Socket qw( :crlf SOL_SOCKET SO_KEEPALIVE ) ;
+use IO::Socket::INET6 ;
+use IO::Socket::SSL ;
+use IO::Tee ;
+use IPC::Open3 'open3' ;
+use Mail::IMAPClient 3.30 ;
+use MIME::Base64 ;
+use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage) ;
+use POSIX qw(uname SIGALRM :sys_wait_h) ;
+use Sys::Hostname ;
+use Term::ReadKey ;
+use Test::More ;
+use Time::HiRes qw( time sleep ) ;
+use Time::Local ;
+use Unicode::String ;
+use Cwd ;
+use Readonly ;
+use Sys::MemInfo ;
+use Regexp::Common ;
+use Text::ParseWords ; # for quotewords()
+use File::Tail ;
+use Encode ;
+use Encode::IMAPUTF7 ;
+local $OUTPUT_AUTOFLUSH = 1 ;
+# constants
+# Let us do like sysexits.h
+# /usr/include/sysexits.h
+# and
+# Should avoid 2 126 127 128..128+64=192 255
+# Should use   0 1 3..125 193..254
+Readonly my $EX_OK          => 0  ; #/* successful termination */
+Readonly my $EX_USAGE       => 64 ; #/* command line usage error */
+#Readonly my $EX_DATAERR     => 65 ; #/* data format error */
+Readonly my $EX_NOINPUT     => 66 ; #/* cannot open input */
+#Readonly my $EX_NOUSER      => 67 ; #/* addressee unknown */
+#Readonly my $EX_NOHOST      => 68 ; #/* host name unknown */
+Readonly my $EX_UNAVAILABLE => 69 ; #/* service unavailable */
+Readonly my $EX_SOFTWARE    => 70 ; #/* internal software error */
+#Readonly my $EX_OSERR       => 71 ; #/* system error (e.g., can't fork) */
+#Readonly my $EX_OSFILE      => 72 ; #/* critical OS file missing */
+#Readonly my $EX_CANTCREAT   => 73 ; #/* can't create (user) output file */
+#Readonly my $EX_IOERR       => 74 ; #/* input/output error */
+#Readonly my $EX_TEMPFAIL    => 75 ; #/* temp failure; user is invited to retry */
+#Readonly my $EX_PROTOCOL    => 76 ; #/* remote error in protocol */
+#Readonly my $EX_NOPERM      => 77 ; #/* permission denied */
+#Readonly my $EX_CONFIG      => 78 ; #/* configuration error */
+# Mine
+Readonly my $EXIT_CATCH_ALL              =>   1 ; # Any other error
+Readonly my $EXIT_BY_SIGNAL              =>   6 ; # Should be 128+n where n is the sig_num
+Readonly my $EXIT_PID_FILE_ERROR         =>   8 ;
+Readonly my $EXIT_CONNECTION_FAILURE     =>  10 ;
+Readonly my $EXIT_TLS_FAILURE            =>  12 ;
+Readonly my $EXIT_SUBFOLDER1_NO_EXISTS   =>  21 ;
+Readonly my $EXIT_WITH_ERRORS            => 111 ;
+Readonly my $EXIT_WITH_ERRORS_MAX        => 112 ;
+Readonly my $EXIT_TESTS_FAILED           => 254 ; # Like Test::More API
+Readonly my %EXIT_TXT => (
+        $EX_OK                       => 'EX_OK: successful termination',
+        $EX_USAGE                    => 'EX_USAGE: command line usage error',
+        $EX_NOINPUT                  => 'EX_NOINPUT: cannot open input',
+        $EX_UNAVAILABLE              => 'EX_UNAVAILABLE: service unavailable',
+        $EX_SOFTWARE                 => 'EX_SOFTWARE: internal software error',
+        $EXIT_CATCH_ALL              => 'EXIT_CATCH_ALL',
+        $EXIT_BY_SIGNAL              => 'EXIT_BY_SIGNAL',
+        $EXIT_PID_FILE_ERROR         => 'EXIT_PID_FILE_ERROR' ,
+        $EXIT_TLS_FAILURE            => 'EXIT_TLS_FAILURE',
+        $EXIT_WITH_ERRORS            => 'EXIT_WITH_ERRORS',
+        $EXIT_TESTS_FAILED           => 'EXIT_TESTS_FAILED',
+) ;
+Readonly my $DEFAULT_LOGDIR => 'LOG_imapsync' ;
+Readonly my $ERRORS_MAX     =>  50 ; # exit after 50 errors.
+Readonly my $ERRORS_MAX_CGI =>  20 ; # exit after 20 errors in CGI context.
+Readonly my $INTERVAL_TO_EXIT => 2 ; # interval max to exit instead of reconnect
+Readonly my $SPLIT        => 100 ; # By default, 100 at a time, not more.
+Readonly my $SPLIT_FACTOR =>  10 ; # init_imap() calls Maxcommandlength( $SPLIT_FACTOR * $split )
+                                   # which means default Maxcommandlength is 10*100 = 1000 characters ;
+Readonly my $IMAP_PORT     => 143 ; # Well know port for IMAP
+Readonly my $IMAP_SSL_PORT => 993 ; # Well know port for IMAP over SSL
+Readonly my $LAST => -1 ;
+Readonly my $MINUS_ONE => -1 ;
+Readonly my $MINUS_TWO => -2 ;
+Readonly my $RELEASE_NUMBER_EXAMPLE_1 => '1.351' ;
+Readonly my $RELEASE_NUMBER_EXAMPLE_2 => 42.4242 ;
+Readonly my $TCP_PING_TIMEOUT => 5 ;
+Readonly my $DEFAULT_TIMEOUT => 120 ;
+Readonly my $DEFAULT_UIDNEXT => 999_999 ;
+Readonly my $DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE => 4096 ;
+Readonly my $MAX_SLEEP => 2 ; # 2 seconds max for limiting too long sleeps from --maxbytespersecond and --maxmessagespersecond
+Readonly my $DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_TIME_OAUTH2_PK12 => 3600 ;
+Readonly my $PERMISSION_FILTER => 7777 ;
+Readonly my $KIBI => 1024 ;
+Readonly my $NUMBER_10 => 10 ;
+Readonly my $NUMBER_42 => 42 ;
+Readonly my $NUMBER_100 => 100 ;
+Readonly my $NUMBER_200 => 200 ;
+Readonly my $NUMBER_300 => 300 ;
+Readonly my $NUMBER_123456 => 123_456 ;
+Readonly my $NUMBER_654321 => 654_321 ;
+Readonly my $NUMBER_20_000 => 20_000 ;
+Readonly my $QUOTA_PERCENT_LIMIT => 90 ;
+Readonly my $NUMBER_104_857_600 => 104_857_600 ;
+Readonly my $SIZE_MAX_STR => 64 ;
+Readonly my $NB_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY => 86_400 ;
+Readonly my $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE => 80 ;
+Readonly my $TRUE  => 1 ;
+Readonly my $FALSE => 0 ;
+Readonly my $LAST_RESSORT_SEPARATOR => q{/} ;
+Readonly my $CGI_TMPDIR_TOP => '/var/tmp/imapsync_cgi' ;
+Readonly my $CGI_HASHFILE   => '/var/tmp/imapsync_hash' ;
+Readonly my $UMASK_PARANO   => '0077' ;
+Readonly my $STR_use_releasecheck => q{Check if a new imapsync release is available by adding --releasecheck} ;
+Readonly my $GMAIL_MAXSIZE => 35_651_584 ;
+Readonly my $FORCE => 1 ;
+# if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME )
+# if ( 'darwin' eq $OSNAME )
+# if ( 'linux' eq $OSNAME )
+# global variables
+# Currently working to finish with only $sync
+# Not finished yet...
+        $sync,
+        $timestart_str,
+        $debugimap, $debugimap1, $debugimap2, $debugcontent, $debugflags,
+        $debuglist, $debugdev, $debugmaxlinelength, $debugcgi,
+        $domain1, $domain2,
+        @include, @exclude, @folderrec,
+        @folderfirst, @folderlast,
+        @h1_folders_all, %h1_folders_all,
+        @h2_folders_all, %h2_folders_all,
+        @h2_folders_from_1_wanted, %h2_folders_from_1_all,
+        %requested_folder,
+        $h1_folders_wanted_nb, $h1_folders_wanted_ct,
+        @h2_folders_not_in_1,
+        %h1_subscribed_folder, %h2_subscribed_folder,
+        %h2_folders_from_1_wanted,
+        %h2_folders_from_1_several,
+        $prefix1, $prefix2,
+        @regexmess, @regexflag, @skipmess, @pipemess, $pipemesscheck,
+        $flagscase, $filterflags, $syncflagsaftercopy,
+        $syncinternaldates,
+        $idatefromheader,
+        $syncacls,
+        $fastio1, $fastio2,
+        $minsize, $maxage, $minage,
+        $search,
+        $skipheader, @useheader, %useheader,
+        $skipsize, $allowsizemismatch, $buffersize,
+        $authmd5, $authmd51, $authmd52,
+        $subscribed, $subscribe, $subscribeall,
+        $help,
+        $justbanner,
+        $fast,
+        $nb_msg_skipped_dry_mode,
+        $h1_nb_msg_duplicate,
+        $h2_nb_msg_duplicate,
+        $h2_nb_msg_noheader,
+        $h2_nb_msg_deleted,
+        $h1_bytes_processed,
+        $h1_nb_msg_end, $h1_bytes_end,
+        $h2_nb_msg_end, $h2_bytes_end,
+        $timeout,
+        $timestart_int,
+        $uid1, $uid2,
+        $authuser1, $authuser2,
+        $proxyauth1, $proxyauth2,
+        $authmech1, $authmech2,
+        $split1, $split2,
+        $reconnectretry1, $reconnectretry2,
+        $max_msg_size_in_bytes,
+        $modulesversion,
+        $delete2folders, $delete2foldersonly, $delete2foldersbutnot,
+        $usecache, $debugcache, $cacheaftercopy,
+        $wholeheaderifneeded, %h1_msgs_copy_by_uid, $useuid, $h2_uidguess,
+        $checkmessageexists,
+        $messageidnodomain,
+        $fixInboxINBOX,
+        $maxlinelength, $maxlinelengthcmd,
+        $minmaxlinelength,
+        $uidnext_default,
+        $fixcolonbug,
+        $create_folder_old,
+        $skipcrossduplicates, $debugcrossduplicates,
+        $disarmreadreceipts,
+        $mixfolders,
+        $fetch_hash_set,
+        $cgidir,
+        %month_abrev,
+        $warn_release,
+) ;
+single_sync(  ) ;
+sub single_sync
+# main program
+# global variables initialization
+# I'm currently removing all global variables except $sync
+# passing each of them under $sync->{variable_name}
+$sync->{timestart} = time ; # Is a float because of use Time::HiRres
+$sync->{rcs} = q{$Id: imapsync,v 1.977 2019/12/23 20:18:02 gilles Exp gilles $} ;
+$sync->{ memory_consumption_at_start } = memory_consumption(  ) || 0 ;
+my @loadavg = loadavg(  ) ;
+$sync->{cpu_number} = cpu_number(  ) ;
+$sync->{loaddelay} = load_and_delay( $sync->{cpu_number}, @loadavg ) ;
+$sync->{loadavg} = join( q{ }, $loadavg[ 0 ] )
+                   . " on $sync->{cpu_number} cores and "
+                   . ram_memory_info(  ) ;
+$sync->{ total_bytes_transferred } = 0 ;
+$sync->{ total_bytes_skipped } = 0 ;
+$sync->{ nb_msg_transferred } = 0 ;
+$sync->{ nb_msg_skipped } = $nb_msg_skipped_dry_mode = 0 ;
+$sync->{ h1_nb_msg_deleted } = 0 ;
+$h2_nb_msg_deleted  = 0 ;
+$h1_nb_msg_duplicate = 0 ;
+$h2_nb_msg_duplicate = 0 ;
+$sync->{ h1_nb_msg_noheader } = 0 ;
+$h2_nb_msg_noheader = 0 ;
+$sync->{ h1_nb_msg_start }  = 0 ;
+$sync->{ h1_bytes_start }   = 0 ;
+$sync->{ h2_nb_msg_start }  = 0 ;
+$sync->{ h2_bytes_start }   = 0 ;
+$sync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } = $h1_bytes_processed = 0 ;
+$sync->{ h2_nb_msg_crossdup } = 0 ;
+#$h1_nb_msg_end = $h1_bytes_end = 0 ;
+#$h2_nb_msg_end = $h2_bytes_end = 0 ;
+$sync->{nb_errors} = 0;
+$max_msg_size_in_bytes = 0;
+%month_abrev = (
+   Jan => '00',
+   Feb => '01',
+   Mar => '02',
+   Apr => '03',
+   May => '04',
+   Jun => '05',
+   Jul => '06',
+   Aug => '07',
+   Sep => '08',
+   Oct => '09',
+   Nov => '10',
+   Dec => '11',
+# Just create a CGI object if under cgi context only.
+# Needed for the get_options() call
+cgibegin( $sync ) ;
+# In cgi context, printing must start by the header so we delay other prints by using output() storage
+my $options_good = get_options( $sync, @ARGV ) ;
+# Is it the first myprint?
+docker_context( $sync ) ;
+cgibuildheader( $sync ) ;
+myprint( output( $sync ) ) ;
+output_reset_with( $sync ) ;
+# Old place for cgiload( $sync ) ;
+# don't go on if options are not all known.
+if ( ! defined $options_good ) { exit $EX_USAGE ; }
+# If you want releasecheck not to be done by default (like the github maintainer),
+# then just uncomment the first "$sync->{releasecheck} =" line, the line ending with "0 ;",
+# the second line (ending with "1 ;") can then stay active or be commented,
+# the result will be the same: no releasecheck by default (because 0 is then the defined value).
+#$sync->{releasecheck} = defined  $sync->{releasecheck}  ? $sync->{releasecheck} : 0 ;
+$sync->{releasecheck} = defined  $sync->{releasecheck}  ? $sync->{releasecheck} : 1 ;
+# just the version
+if ( $sync->{ version } ) {
+        myprint( imapsync_version( $sync ), "\n" ) ;
+        exit 0 ;
+#$sync->{debugenv} = 1 ;
+$sync->{debugenv} and printenv( $sync ) ; # if option --debugenv
+load_modules(  ) ;
+# after_get_options call usage and exit if --help or options were not well got
+after_get_options( $sync, $options_good ) ;
+# Under CGI environment, fix caveat emptor potential issues
+cgisetcontext( $sync ) ;
+# --gmail --gmail --exchange --office etc.
+easyany( $sync ) ;
+$sync->{ sanitize } = defined $sync->{ sanitize } ? $sync->{ sanitize } : 1 ;
+sanitize( $sync ) ;
+$sync->{ tmpdir } ||= File::Spec->tmpdir(  ) ;
+# Unit tests
+testsexit( $sync ) ;
+# init live varaiables
+testslive_init( $sync ) if ( $sync->{testslive} ) ;
+testslive6_init( $sync ) if ( $sync->{testslive6} )  ;
+pidfile( $sync ) ;
+# old abort place
+install_signals( $sync ) ;
+$sync->{log}        = defined $sync->{log}        ? $sync->{log}        :  1 ;
+$sync->{errorsdump} = defined $sync->{errorsdump} ? $sync->{errorsdump} :  1 ;
+$sync->{errorsmax}  = defined $sync->{errorsmax}  ? $sync->{errorsmax}  : $ERRORS_MAX ;
+# log and output
+binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)" ;
+if ( $sync->{log} ) {
+        setlogfile( $sync ) ;
+        teelaunch( $sync ) ;
+        # now $sync->{tee} is a filehandle to STDOUT and the logfile
+#binmode STDERR, ":encoding(UTF-8)" ;
+# STDERR goes to the same place: LOG and STDOUT (if logging is on)
+# Useful only for --debugssl 
+$sync->{tee} and local *STDERR = *${$sync->{tee}}{IO} ;
+$timestart_int = int( $sync->{timestart} ) ;
+$sync->{timebefore} = $sync->{timestart} ;
+$timestart_str = localtime( $sync->{timestart} ) ;
+# The prints in the log starts here
+myprint( localhost_info( $sync ), "\n" ) ;
+myprint( "Transfer started at $timestart_str\n" ) ;
+myprint( "PID is $PROCESS_ID my PPID is ", mygetppid(  ), "\n" ) ;
+myprint( "Log file is $sync->{logfile} ( to change it, use --logfile path ; or use --nolog to turn off logging )\n" ) if ( $sync->{log} ) ;
+myprint( "Load is " . ( join( q{ }, loadavg(  ) ) || 'unknown' ), " on $sync->{cpu_number} cores\n" ) ;
+#myprintf( "Memory consumption so far: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI ) ;
+myprint( 'Current directory is ' . getcwd(  ) . "\n" ) ;
+myprint( 'Real user id is ' . getpwuid_any_os( $REAL_USER_ID ) . " (uid $REAL_USER_ID)\n" ) ;
+myprint( 'Effective user id is ' . getpwuid_any_os( $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID ). " (euid $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID)\n" ) ;
+$modulesversion = defined  $modulesversion  ? $modulesversion : 1 ;
+$warn_release = ( $sync->{releasecheck} ) ? check_last_release(  ) : $STR_use_releasecheck ;
+$wholeheaderifneeded  = defined  $wholeheaderifneeded   ? $wholeheaderifneeded  : 1;
+# Activate --usecache if --useuid is set and no --nousecache
+$usecache = 1 if ( $useuid and ( ! defined  $usecache   ) ) ;
+$cacheaftercopy = 1 if ( $usecache and ( ! defined  $cacheaftercopy  ) ) ;
+$sync->{ checkselectable } = defined $sync->{ checkselectable } ? $sync->{ checkselectable } : 1 ;
+$sync->{ checkfoldersexist } = defined $sync->{ checkfoldersexist } ? $sync->{ checkfoldersexist } : 1 ;
+$checkmessageexists = defined  $checkmessageexists  ? $checkmessageexists : 0 ;
+$sync->{ expungeaftereach }   = defined  $sync->{ expungeaftereach }  ? $sync->{ expungeaftereach } : 1 ;
+# abletosearch is on by default
+$sync->{abletosearch}    = defined  $sync->{abletosearch}   ? $sync->{abletosearch} : 1 ;
+$sync->{abletosearch1}   = defined  $sync->{abletosearch1}  ? $sync->{abletosearch1} : $sync->{abletosearch} ;
+$sync->{abletosearch2}   = defined  $sync->{abletosearch2}  ? $sync->{abletosearch2} : $sync->{abletosearch} ;
+$checkmessageexists      = 0 if ( not $sync->{abletosearch1} ) ;
+$sync->{showpasswords}   = defined  $sync->{showpasswords}  ? $sync->{showpasswords} : 0 ;
+$sync->{ fixslash2 }     = defined  $sync->{ fixslash2 }  ? $sync->{ fixslash2 } : 1 ;
+$fixInboxINBOX      = defined  $fixInboxINBOX  ? $fixInboxINBOX : 1 ;
+$create_folder_old  = defined  $create_folder_old  ? $create_folder_old : 0 ;
+$mixfolders         = defined  $mixfolders  ? $mixfolders : 1 ;
+$sync->{automap}    = defined  $sync->{automap}  ? $sync->{automap} : 0 ;
+$sync->{ delete2duplicates } = 1 if ( $sync->{ delete2 } and ( ! defined  $sync->{ delete2duplicates }  ) ) ;
+$sync->{maxmessagespersecond} = defined  $sync->{maxmessagespersecond}  ? $sync->{maxmessagespersecond} : 0 ;
+$sync->{maxbytespersecond}    = defined  $sync->{maxbytespersecond}     ? $sync->{maxbytespersecond}    : 0 ;
+$sync->{sslcheck} = defined $sync->{sslcheck} ? $sync->{sslcheck} : 1 ;
+myprint( banner_imapsync( $sync, @ARGV ) ) ;
+myprint( "Temp directory is $sync->{ tmpdir } ( to change it use --tmpdir dirpath )\n" ) ;
+myprint( output( $sync ) ) ;
+output_reset_with( $sync ) ;
+do_valid_directory( $sync->{ tmpdir } ) || croak "Error creating tmpdir $sync->{ tmpdir } : $OS_ERROR" ;
+remove_pidfile_not_running( $sync->{pidfile} ) ;
+# if another imapsync is running then tail -f its logfile and exit
+# useful in cgi context
+if ( $sync->{ tail } and tail( $sync ) )
+        $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+        exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK, "Tail -f finished. Now finishing myself processus $PROCESS_ID\n" ) ;
+        exit $EX_OK ;
+if ( ! write_pidfile( $sync ) ) {
+        myprint( "Exiting with return value $EXIT_PID_FILE_ERROR ($EXIT_TXT{$EXIT_PID_FILE_ERROR}) $sync->{nb_errors}/$sync->{errorsmax} nb_errors/max_errors\n" ) ;
+        exit $EXIT_PID_FILE_ERROR ;
+# New place for abort
+# abort before simulong in order to be able to abort a simulong sync
+if ( $sync->{ abort } )
+        abort( $sync ) ;
+# simulong is just a loop printing some lines for xx seconds with option "--simulong xx".
+if ( $sync->{ simulong } )
+        simulong( $sync->{ simulong } ) ;
+# New place for cgiload 2019_03_03
+# because I want to log it
+# Can break here if load is too heavy
+cgiload( $sync ) ;
+$fixcolonbug = defined  $fixcolonbug  ? $fixcolonbug : 1 ;
+if ( $usecache and $fixcolonbug ) { tmpdir_fix_colon_bug( $sync ) } ;
+$modulesversion and myprint( "Modules version list:\n", modulesversion(), "( use --no-modulesversion to turn off printing this Perl modules list )\n" ) ;
+check_lib_version( $sync ) or
+  croak "imapsync needs perl lib Mail::IMAPClient release 3.30 or superior.\n";
+exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK ) if ( $justbanner ) ;
+# turn on RFC standard flags correction like \SEEN -> \Seen
+$flagscase = defined  $flagscase  ? $flagscase : 1 ;
+# Use PERMANENTFLAGS if available
+$filterflags = defined  $filterflags  ? $filterflags : 1 ;
+# sync flags just after an APPEND, some servers ignore the flags given in the APPEND
+# like MailEnable IMAP server.
+# Off by default since it takes time.
+$syncflagsaftercopy = defined  $syncflagsaftercopy   ? $syncflagsaftercopy : 0 ;
+# update flags on host2 for already transferred messages
+$sync->{resyncflags} = defined  $sync->{resyncflags} ? $sync->{resyncflags} : 1 ;
+if ( $sync->{resyncflags} ) {
+        myprint( "Info: will resync flags for already transferred messages. Use --noresyncflags to not resync flags.\n" ) ;
+        myprint( "Info: will not resync flags for already transferred messages. Use --resyncflags to resync flags.\n" ) ;
+sslcheck( $sync ) ;
+#print Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \$sync ] ) ;
+$split1 ||= $SPLIT ;
+$split2 ||= $SPLIT ;
+#$sync->{host1} || missing_option( $sync, '--host1' ) ;
+$sync->{port1} ||= ( $sync->{ssl1} ) ? $IMAP_SSL_PORT : $IMAP_PORT ;
+#$sync->{host2} || missing_option( $sync, '--host2' ) ;
+$sync->{port2} ||= ( $sync->{ssl2} ) ? $IMAP_SSL_PORT : $IMAP_PORT ;
+$debugimap1 = $debugimap2 = 1 if ( $debugimap ) ;
+$sync->{ debug } = 1 if ( $debugimap1 or $debugimap2 ) ;
+# By default, don't take size to compare
+$skipsize = (defined $skipsize) ? $skipsize : 1;
+$uid1 = defined $uid1 ? $uid1 : 1;
+$uid2 = defined $uid2 ? $uid2 : 1;
+$subscribe = defined $subscribe ? $subscribe : 1;
+# Allow size mismatch by default
+$allowsizemismatch = defined $allowsizemismatch ? $allowsizemismatch : 1;
+if ( defined  $delete2foldersbutnot  or defined  $delete2foldersonly  ) {
+	$delete2folders = 1 ;
+Readonly $SSL_VERIFY_POLICY => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE(  ) ;
+Readonly %SSL_VERIFY_STR => (
+	IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE(  ) => 'SSL_VERIFY_NONE, ie, do not check the certificate server.' ,
+	IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(  ) => 'SSL_VERIFY_PEER, ie, check the certificate server' ,
+) ;
+$IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG = defined( $sync->{debugssl} ) ? $sync->{debugssl} : 1 ;
+if ( $sync->{ssl1} or $sync->{ssl2} or $sync->{tls1} or $sync->{tls2}) {
+        myprint( "SSL debug mode level is --debugssl $IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG (can be set from 0 meaning no debug to 4 meaning max debug)\n" ) ;
+if ( $sync->{ssl1} ) {
+        myprint( qq{Host1: SSL default mode is like --sslargs1 "SSL_verify_mode=$SSL_VERIFY_POLICY", meaning for host1 $SSL_VERIFY_STR{$SSL_VERIFY_POLICY}\n} ) ;
+        myprint( 'Host1: Use --sslargs1 SSL_verify_mode=' . IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(  ) . " to have $SSL_VERIFY_STR{IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(  )} of host1\n" ) ;
+if ( $sync->{ssl2} ) {
+        myprint( qq{Host2: SSL default mode is like --sslargs2 "SSL_verify_mode=$SSL_VERIFY_POLICY", meaning for host2 $SSL_VERIFY_STR{$SSL_VERIFY_POLICY}\n} ) ;
+        myprint( 'Host2: Use --sslargs2 SSL_verify_mode=' . IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(  ) . " to have $SSL_VERIFY_STR{IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(  )} of host2\n" ) ;
+# ID on by default since 1.832
+$sync->{id} = defined  $sync->{id}  ? $sync->{id} : 1 ;
+if ( $sync->{justconnect}
+        or not $sync->{user1}
+        or not $sync->{user2}
+        or not $sync->{host1}
+        or not $sync->{host2}
+        )
+        my $justconnect = justconnect( $sync ) ;
+        myprint( debugmemory( $sync, " after justconnect() call" ) ) ;
+        exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK,
+                "Exiting after a justconnect on host(s): $justconnect\n"
+        ) ;
+#$sync->{user1} || missing_option( $sync, '--user1' ) ;
+#$sync->{user2} || missing_option( $sync, '--user2' ) ;
+$syncinternaldates = defined $syncinternaldates ? $syncinternaldates : 1;
+# Turn on expunge if there is not explicit option --noexpunge1 and option
+# --delete1 is given.
+# Done because --delete1 --noexpunge1 is very dangerous on the second run:
+# the Deleted flag is then synced to all previously transferred messages.
+# So --delete1 implies --expunge1 is a better usability default behavior.
+if ( $sync->{ delete1 } ) {
+        if ( ! defined  $sync->{ expunge1 }  ) {
+                myprint( "Info: turning on --expunge1 because --delete1 --noexpunge1 is very dangerous on the second run.\n" ) ;
+                $sync->{ expunge1 } = 1 ;
+        }
+                myprint( "Info: if expunging after each message slows down too much the sync then use --noexpungeaftereach to speed up\n" ) ;
+if ( $sync->{ uidexpunge2 } and not Mail::IMAPClient->can( 'uidexpunge' ) ) {
+        myprint( "Failure: uidexpunge not supported (IMAPClient release < 3.17), use nothing or --expunge2 instead\n" ) ;
+        $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+        exit_clean( $sync, $EX_SOFTWARE ) ;
+if ( ( $sync->{ delete2 } or $sync->{ delete2duplicates } ) and not defined  $sync->{ uidexpunge2 }  ) {
+        if ( Mail::IMAPClient->can( 'uidexpunge' ) ) {
+                myprint( "Info: will act as --uidexpunge2\n" ) ;
+                $sync->{ uidexpunge2 } = 1 ;
+        }elsif ( not defined  $sync->{ expunge2 }  ) {
+                 myprint( "Info: will act as --expunge2 (no uidexpunge support)\n" ) ;
+                $sync->{ expunge2 } = 1 ;
+        }
+if ( $sync->{ delete1 } and $sync->{ delete2 } ) {
+        myprint( "Warning: using --delete1 and --delete2 together is almost always a bad idea, exiting imapsync\n" ) ;
+        $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+        exit_clean( $sync, $EX_USAGE ) ;
+if ( $idatefromheader ) {
+        myprint( 'Turned ON idatefromheader, ',
+              "will set the internal dates on host2 from the 'Date:' header line.\n" ) ;
+        $syncinternaldates = 0 ;
+if ( $syncinternaldates ) {
+        myprint( 'Info: turned ON syncinternaldates, ',
+              "will set the internal dates (arrival dates) on host2 same as host1.\n" ) ;
+        myprint( "Info: turned OFF syncinternaldates\n" ) ;
+if ( defined $authmd5 and $authmd5 ) {
+        $authmd51 = 1 ;
+        $authmd52 = 1 ;
+if ( defined $authmd51 and $authmd51 ) {
+        $authmech1 ||= 'CRAM-MD5';
+        $authmech1 ||= $authuser1 ? 'PLAIN' : 'LOGIN';
+if ( defined $authmd52 and $authmd52 ) {
+        $authmech2 ||= 'CRAM-MD5';
+        $authmech2 ||= $authuser2 ? 'PLAIN' : 'LOGIN';
+$authmech1 = uc $authmech1;
+$authmech2 = uc $authmech2;
+if (defined $proxyauth1 && !$authuser1) {
+        missing_option( $sync, 'With --proxyauth1, --authuser1' ) ;
+if (defined $proxyauth2 && !$authuser2) {
+        missing_option( $sync, 'With --proxyauth2, --authuser2' ) ;
+#$authuser1 ||= $sync->{user1};
+#$authuser2 ||= $sync->{user2};
+myprint( "Host1: will try to use $authmech1 authentication on host1\n") ;
+myprint( "Host2: will try to use $authmech2 authentication on host2\n") ;
+$timeout = defined  $timeout  ? $timeout : $DEFAULT_TIMEOUT ;
+$sync->{h1}->{timeout} = defined  $sync->{h1}->{timeout}  ? $sync->{h1}->{timeout} : $timeout ;
+myprint( "Host1: imap connection timeout is $sync->{h1}->{timeout} seconds\n") ;
+$sync->{h2}->{timeout} = defined  $sync->{h2}->{timeout}  ? $sync->{h2}->{timeout} : $timeout ;
+myprint( "Host2: imap connection timeout is $sync->{h2}->{timeout} seconds\n" ) ;
+$syncacls = defined  $syncacls  ? $syncacls : 0 ;
+# No folders sizes if --justfolders, unless really wanted.
+if (
+        $sync->{ justfolders }
+        and not defined $sync->{ foldersizes }
+        and not $sync->{ justfoldersizes } )
+        $sync->{ foldersizes } = 0 ;
+        $sync->{ foldersizesatend } = 1 ;
+$sync->{ foldersizes }       = ( defined  $sync->{ foldersizes } )      ? $sync->{ foldersizes }      : 1 ;
+$sync->{ foldersizesatend }  = ( defined  $sync->{ foldersizesatend } ) ? $sync->{ foldersizesatend } : $sync->{ foldersizes } ;
+$fastio1 = defined  $fastio1  ? $fastio1 : 0 ;
+$fastio2 = defined  $fastio2  ? $fastio2 : 0 ;
+$reconnectretry1 = defined  $reconnectretry1  ? $reconnectretry1 : $DEFAULT_NB_RECONNECT_PER_IMAP_COMMAND ;
+$reconnectretry2 = defined  $reconnectretry2  ? $reconnectretry2 : $DEFAULT_NB_RECONNECT_PER_IMAP_COMMAND ;
+# Since select_msgs() returns no messages when uidnext does not return something
+# then $uidnext_default is never used. So I have to remove it.
+$uidnext_default = $DEFAULT_UIDNEXT ;
+if ( ! @useheader ) { @useheader = qw( Message-Id Received )  ; }
+# Make a hash %useheader of each --useheader 'key' in uppercase
+for ( @useheader ) { $useheader{ uc  $_  } = undef } ;
+#myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \%useheader ] )  ) ;
+#exit ;
+myprint( "Host1: IMAP server [$sync->{host1}] port [$sync->{port1}] user [$sync->{user1}]\n" ) ;
+myprint( "Host2: IMAP server [$sync->{host2}] port [$sync->{port2}] user [$sync->{user2}]\n" ) ;
+get_password1( $sync ) ;
+get_password2( $sync ) ;
+$sync->{dry_message} = q{} ;
+if( $sync->{dry} ) {
+        $sync->{dry_message} = "\t(not really since --dry mode)" ;
+$sync->{ search1 } ||= $search if ( $search ) ;
+$sync->{ search2 } ||= $search if ( $search ) ;
+if ( $disarmreadreceipts ) {
+        push @regexmess, q{s{\A((?:[^\n]+\r\n)+|)(^Disposition-Notification-To:[^\n]*\n)(\r?\n|.*\n\r?\n)}{$1X-$2$3}ims} ;
+$pipemesscheck = ( defined  $pipemesscheck  ) ? $pipemesscheck : 1 ;
+if ( @pipemess and $pipemesscheck ) {
+        myprint( 'Checking each --pipemess command, '
+                . join( q{, }, @pipemess )
+                . ", with an space string. ( Can avoid this check with --nopipemesscheck )\n" ) ;
+        my $string = pipemess( q{ }, @pipemess ) ;
+        # string undef means something was bad.
+        if ( not ( defined  $string  ) ) {
+                $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $sync, $EX_USAGE,
+                        "Error: one of --pipemess command is bad, check it\n"
+                ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "Ok with each --pipemess @pipemess\n"  ) ;
+if ( $maxlinelengthcmd ) {
+        myprint( "Checking --maxlinelengthcmd command,
+                $maxlinelengthcmd, with an space string.\n"
+        ) ;
+        my $string = pipemess( q{ }, $maxlinelengthcmd ) ;
+        # string undef means something was bad.
+        if ( not ( defined  $string  ) ) {
+                $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $sync, $EX_USAGE,
+                "Error: --maxlinelengthcmd command is bad, check it\n"
+                ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "Ok with --maxlinelengthcmd $maxlinelengthcmd\n"  ) ;
+if ( @regexmess ) {
+        my $string = regexmess( q{ } ) ;
+        myprint( "Checking each --regexmess command with an space string.\n"  ) ;
+        # string undef means one of the eval regex was bad.
+        if ( not ( defined  $string  ) ) {
+                #errors_incr( $sync, 'Warning: one of --regexmess option may be bad, check them' ) ;
+                exit_clean( $sync, $EX_USAGE,
+                        "Error: one of --regexmess option is bad, check it\n"
+                ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "Ok with each --regexmess\n"  ) ;
+if ( @skipmess ) {
+        myprint( "Checking each --skipmess command with an space string.\n"  ) ;
+        my $match = skipmess( q{ } ) ;
+        # match undef means one of the eval regex was bad.
+        if ( not ( defined  $match  ) ) {
+                $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $sync, $EX_USAGE,
+                        "Error: one of --skipmess option is bad, check it\n"
+                ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "Ok with each --skipmess\n"  ) ;
+if ( @regexflag ) {
+        myprint( "Checking each --regexflag command with an space string.\n"  ) ;
+        my $string = flags_regex( q{ } ) ;
+        # string undef means one of the eval regex was bad.
+        if ( not ( defined  $string  ) ) {
+                $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $sync, $EX_USAGE,
+                        "Error: one of --regexflag option is bad, check it\n"
+                ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "Ok with each --regexflag\n"  ) ;
+$sync->{imap1} = login_imap( $sync->{host1}, $sync->{port1}, $sync->{user1}, $domain1, $sync->{password1},
+                   $debugimap1, $sync->{h1}->{timeout}, $fastio1, $sync->{ssl1}, $sync->{tls1},
+                   $authmech1, $authuser1, $reconnectretry1,
+                   $proxyauth1, $uid1, $split1, 'Host1', $sync->{h1}, $sync ) ;
+$sync->{imap2} = login_imap( $sync->{host2}, $sync->{port2}, $sync->{user2}, $domain2, $sync->{password2},
+                 $debugimap2, $sync->{h2}->{timeout}, $fastio2, $sync->{ssl2}, $sync->{tls2},
+                 $authmech2, $authuser2, $reconnectretry2,
+                 $proxyauth2, $uid2, $split2, 'Host2', $sync->{h2}, $sync ) ;
+$sync->{ debug } and myprint( 'Host1 Buffer I/O: ', $sync->{imap1}->Buffer(), "\n" ) ;
+$sync->{ debug } and myprint( 'Host2 Buffer I/O: ', $sync->{imap2}->Buffer(), "\n" ) ;
+if ( ! $sync->{imap1}->IsAuthenticated( ) )
+        $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+        exit_clean( $sync, $EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE, "Not authenticated on host1\n" )  ;
+myprint( "Host1: state Authenticated\n" ) ;
+if ( ! $sync->{imap2}->IsAuthenticated( ) )
+        $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+        exit_clean( $sync, $EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE, "Not authenticated on host2\n" )  ;
+myprint( "Host2: state Authenticated\n" ) ;
+myprint( 'Host1 capability once authenticated: ', join(q{ }, @{ $sync->{imap1}->capability() || [] }), "\n" ) ;
+#myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $sync->{imap1} ] )  ) ;
+#myprint( "imap4rev1: " . $sync->{imap1}->imap4rev1() . "\n" ) ;
+myprint( 'Host2 capability once authenticated: ', join(q{ }, @{ $sync->{imap2}->capability() || [] }), "\n" ) ;
+imap_id_stuff( $sync ) ;
+#quota( $sync, $sync->{imap1}, 'h1' ) ; # quota on host1 is useless and pollute host2 output.
+quota( $sync, $sync->{imap2}, 'h2' )  ;
+maxsize_setting( $sync ) ;
+if ( $sync->{ justlogin } ) {
+        $sync->{imap1}->logout(  ) ;
+        $sync->{imap2}->logout(  ) ;
+        exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK, "Exiting because of --justlogin\n" ) ;
+# Folder stuff
+$h1_folders_wanted_nb = 0 ; # counter of folders to be done.
+$h1_folders_wanted_ct = 0 ; # counter of folders done.
+# All folders on host1 and host2
+@h1_folders_all = sort $sync->{imap1}->folders(  ) ;
+@h2_folders_all = sort $sync->{imap2}->folders(  ) ;
+myprint( 'Host1: found ', scalar  @h1_folders_all , " folders.\n"  ) ;
+myprint( 'Host2: found ', scalar  @h2_folders_all , " folders.\n"  ) ;
+foreach my $f ( @h1_folders_all )
+        $h1_folders_all{ $f } = 1
+foreach my $f ( @h2_folders_all )
+        $h2_folders_all{ $f } = 1 ;
+        $sync->{h2_folders_all_UPPER}{ uc  $f  } = 1 ;
+$sync->{h1_folders_all} = \%h1_folders_all ;
+$sync->{h2_folders_all} = \%h2_folders_all ;
+private_folders_separators_and_prefixes(  ) ;
+# Make a hash of subscribed folders in both servers.
+for ( $sync->{imap1}->subscribed(  ) ) { $h1_subscribed_folder{ $_ } = 1 } ;
+for ( $sync->{imap2}->subscribed(  ) ) { $h2_subscribed_folder{ $_ } = 1 } ;
+if ( defined $sync->{ subfolder1 } ) {
+        subfolder1( $sync ) ;
+if ( defined  $sync->{ subfolder2 } ) {
+        subfolder2(  $sync ) ;
+if ( $fixInboxINBOX and ( my $reg = fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( \%h1_folders_all, \%h2_folders_all ) ) ) {
+        push @{ $sync->{ regextrans2 } }, $reg ;
+if ( ( $sync->{ folder } and scalar @{ $sync->{ folder } } )
+     or $subscribed
+     or scalar @folderrec )
+        # folders given by option --folder
+        if ( $sync->{ folder } and scalar @{ $sync->{ folder } } ) {
+                add_to_requested_folders( @{ $sync->{ folder } } ) ;
+        }
+        # option --subscribed
+        if ( $subscribed ) {
+                add_to_requested_folders( keys  %h1_subscribed_folder  ) ;
+        }
+        # option --folderrec
+        if ( scalar @folderrec ) {
+                foreach my $folderrec ( @folderrec ) {
+                        add_to_requested_folders( $sync->{imap1}->folders( $folderrec ) ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        # no include, no folder/subscribed/folderrec options => all folders
+        if ( not scalar @include ) {
+                myprint( "Including all folders found by default. Use --subscribed or --folder or --folderrec or --include to select specific folders. Use --exclude to unselect specific folders.\n"  ) ;
+                add_to_requested_folders( @h1_folders_all ) ;
+        }
+# consider (optional) includes and excludes
+if ( scalar  @include  ) {
+        foreach my $include ( @include ) {
+                # No, do not add /x after the regex, never.
+                # Users would kill you!
+                my @included_folders = grep { /$include/ } @h1_folders_all ;
+                add_to_requested_folders( @included_folders ) ;
+                myprint( "Including folders matching pattern $include\n" . jux_utf8_list( @included_folders )  . "\n"  ) ;
+        }
+if ( scalar  @exclude  ) {
+        foreach my $exclude ( @exclude ) {
+                my @requested_folder = sort keys %requested_folder ;
+                # No, do not add /x after the regex, never.
+                # Users would kill you!
+                my @excluded_folders = grep { /$exclude/ } @requested_folder ;
+                remove_from_requested_folders( @excluded_folders ) ;
+                myprint( "Excluding folders matching pattern $exclude\n" . jux_utf8_list( @excluded_folders ) . "\n"  ) ;
+        }
+# sort before is not very powerful
+# it adds --folderfirst and --folderlast even if they don't exist on host1
+#@h1_folders_wanted = sort_requested_folders(  ) ;
+$sync->{h1_folders_wanted} = [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ] ;
+# Remove no selectable folders
+if ( $sync->{ checkfoldersexist } ) {
+        my @h1_folders_wanted_exist ;
+        myprint( "Host1: Checking wanted folders exist. Use --nocheckfoldersexist to avoid this check (shared of public namespace targeted).\n"  ) ;
+        foreach my $folder ( @{ $sync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ) {
+                ( $sync->{ debug } or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "Checking $folder exists on host1\n"  ) ;
+                if ( ! exists  $h1_folders_all{ $folder }  ) {
+                        myprint( "Host1: warning! ignoring folder $folder because it is not in host1 whole folders list.\n" ) ;
+                        next ;
+                }else{
+                        push  @h1_folders_wanted_exist, $folder  ;
+                }
+        }
+        @{ $sync->{h1_folders_wanted} } = @h1_folders_wanted_exist ;
+        myprint( "Host1: Not checking that wanted folders exist. Remove --nocheckfoldersexist to get this check.\n"  ) ;
+if ( $sync->{ checkselectable } ) {
+        my @h1_folders_wanted_selectable ;
+        myprint( "Host1: Checking wanted folders are selectable. Use --nocheckselectable to avoid this check.\n"  ) ;
+        foreach my $folder ( @{ $sync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ) {
+                ( $sync->{ debug } or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "Checking $folder is selectable on host1\n"  ) ;
+                # It does an imap command  LIST "" $folder and then search for no \Noselect
+                if ( ! $sync->{imap1}->selectable( $folder ) ) {
+                                myprint( "Host1: warning! ignoring folder $folder because it is not selectable\n" ) ;
+                }else{
+                        push  @h1_folders_wanted_selectable, $folder  ;
+                }
+        }
+        @{ $sync->{h1_folders_wanted} } = @h1_folders_wanted_selectable ;
+        ( $sync->{ debug } or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( 'Host1: checking folders took ', timenext( $sync ), " s\n"  ) ;
+        myprint( "Host1: Not checking that wanted folders are selectable. Remove --nocheckselectable to get this check.\n"  ) ;
+# Old place of private_folders_separators_and_prefixes(  ) call.
+#private_folders_separators_and_prefixes(  ) ;
+# this hack is because LWP post does not pass well a hash in the $form parameter
+# but it does pass well an array
+%{ $sync->{f1f2h} } = split_around_equal( @{ $sync->{f1f2} } ) ;
+automap( $sync ) ;
+foreach my $h1_fold ( @{ $sync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ) {
+        my $h2_fold ;
+        $h2_fold = imap2_folder_name( $sync, $h1_fold ) ;
+        $h2_folders_from_1_wanted{ $h2_fold }++ ;
+        if ( 1 < $h2_folders_from_1_wanted{ $h2_fold } ) {
+                $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }++ ;
+        }
+@h2_folders_from_1_wanted = sort keys %h2_folders_from_1_wanted;
+foreach my $h1_fold ( @h1_folders_all ) {
+        my $h2_fold ;
+        $h2_fold = imap2_folder_name( $sync, $h1_fold ) ;
+        $h2_folders_from_1_all{ $h2_fold }++ ;
+        # Follows a fix to avoid deleting folder $sync->{ subfolder2 }
+        # because it usually does not exist on host1.
+        if ( $sync->{ subfolder2 } )
+        {
+                $h2_folders_from_1_all{ $sync->{ h2_prefix } . $sync->{ subfolder2 } }++ ;
+                $h2_folders_from_1_all{ $sync->{ subfolder2 } }++ ;
+        }
+myprint( << 'END_LISTING'  ) ;
+++++ Listing folders
+All foldernames are presented between brackets like [X] where X is the foldername.
+When a foldername contains non-ASCII characters it is presented in the form
+[X] = [Y] where
+X is the imap foldername you have to use in command line options and
+Y is the utf8 output just printed for convenience, to recognize it.
+  "Host1: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]):\n",
+  $sync->{imap1}->list(  ),
+  "\n",
+  jux_utf8_list( @h1_folders_all ),
+  "\n",
+  "Host2: folders list (first the raw imap format then the [X] = [Y]):\n",
+  $sync->{imap2}->list(  ),
+  "\n",
+  jux_utf8_list( @h2_folders_all ),
+  "\n",
+  q{}
+) ;
+if ( $subscribed ) {
+        myprint(
+                'Host1 subscribed folders list: ',
+                jux_utf8_list( sort keys  %h1_subscribed_folder  ), "\n",
+        ) ;
+@h2_folders_not_in_1 = list_folders_in_2_not_in_1(  ) ;
+if ( @h2_folders_not_in_1 ) {
+        myprint( "Folders in host2 not in host1:\n",
+        jux_utf8_list( @h2_folders_not_in_1 ), "\n" ) ;
+if ( keys %{ $sync->{f1f2auto} } ) {
+        myprint( "Folders mapping from --automap feature (use --f1f2 to override any mapping):\n"  ) ;
+        foreach my $h1_fold ( keys %{ $sync->{f1f2auto} } ) {
+                my $h2_fold = $sync->{f1f2auto}{$h1_fold} ;
+                myprintf( "%-40s -> %-40s\n",
+                       jux_utf8( $h1_fold ), jux_utf8( $h2_fold ) ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "\n"  ) ;
+if ( keys %{ $sync->{f1f2h} } ) {
+        myprint( "Folders mapping from --f1f2 options, it overrides --automap:\n"  ) ;
+        foreach my $h1_fold ( keys %{ $sync->{f1f2h} } ) {
+                my $h2_fold = $sync->{f1f2h}{$h1_fold} ;
+                my $warn = q{} ;
+                if ( not exists  $h1_folders_all{ $h1_fold }  ) {
+                        $warn = "BUT $h1_fold does NOT exist on host1!" ;
+                }
+                myprintf( "%-40s -> %-40s %s\n",
+                       jux_utf8( $h1_fold ), jux_utf8( $h2_fold ), $warn ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "\n"  ) ;
+exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK, "Exiting because of --justfolderlists\n" ) if ( $sync->{ justfolderlists } ) ;
+exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK, "Exiting because of --justautomap\n" ) if ( $sync->{ justautomap } ) ;
+debugsleep( $sync ) ;
+if ( $sync->{ skipemptyfolders } )
+        myprint( "Host1: will not syncing empty folders on host1. Use --noskipemptyfolders to create them anyway on host2\n") ;
+if ( $sync->{ foldersizes } ) {
+        foldersizes_at_the_beggining( $sync ) ;
+        #foldersizes_at_the_beggining_old( $sync ) ;
+if ( $sync->{ justfoldersizes } )
+        exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK, "Exiting because of --justfoldersizes\n" ) ;
+$sync->{stats} = 1 ;
+if ( $sync->{ delete1emptyfolders } ) {
+        delete1emptyfolders( $sync ) ;
+delete_folders_in_2_not_in_1(  ) if $delete2folders ;
+# folder loop
+$h1_folders_wanted_nb = scalar  @{ $sync->{h1_folders_wanted} }  ;
+myprint( "++++ Looping on each one of $h1_folders_wanted_nb folders to sync\n" ) ;
+$sync->{begin_transfer_time} = time ;
+my %uid_candidate_for_deletion ;
+my %uid_candidate_no_deletion ;
+$sync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 } = {  } ;
+FOLDER: foreach my $h1_fold ( @{ $sync->{h1_folders_wanted} } )
+        $sync->{ h1_current_folder } = $h1_fold ;
+        eta_print( $sync ) ;
+        if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+        my $h2_fold = imap2_folder_name( $sync, $h1_fold ) ;
+        $sync->{ h2_current_folder } = $h2_fold ;
+        $h1_folders_wanted_ct++ ;
+        myprintf( "Folder %7s %-35s -> %-35s\n", "$h1_folders_wanted_ct/$h1_folders_wanted_nb",
+                jux_utf8( $h1_fold ), jux_utf8( $h2_fold ) ) ;
+        myprint( debugmemory( $sync, " at folder loop" ) ) ;
+        # host1 can not be fetched read only, select is needed because of expunge.
+        select_folder( $sync, $sync->{imap1}, $h1_fold, 'Host1' ) or next FOLDER ;
+        debugsleep( $sync ) ;
+        my $h1_fold_nb_messages = count_from_select( $sync->{imap1}->History ) ;
+        myprint( "Host1: folder [$h1_fold] has $h1_fold_nb_messages messages in total (mentioned by SELECT)\n" ) ;
+        if ( $sync->{ skipemptyfolders } and 0 == $h1_fold_nb_messages ) {
+                myprint( "Host1: skipping empty host1 folder [$h1_fold]\n"  ) ;
+                next FOLDER ;
+        }
+        # Code added from
+        # Thanks jh1995
+        # Goal: do not create folder if --search or --max/minage return 0 message.
+        # even if there are messages by SELECT (no not real empty, empty for the user point of vue).
+        if ( $sync->{ skipemptyfolders } )
+        {
+                my $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref_tmp = {  } ;
+                my @h1_msgs_tmp = select_msgs( $sync->{imap1}, $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref_tmp, $sync->{ search1 }, $h1_fold ) ;
+                my $h1_fold_nb_messages_tmp = scalar( @h1_msgs_tmp ) ;
+                if ( 0 == $h1_fold_nb_messages_tmp ) {
+                        myprint( "Host1: skipping empty host1 folder [$h1_fold] (0 message found by SEARCH)\n"  ) ;
+                        next FOLDER ;
+                }
+        }
+        if ( ! exists  $h2_folders_all{ $h2_fold }  ) {
+                create_folder( $sync, $sync->{imap2}, $h2_fold, $h1_fold ) or next FOLDER ;
+        }
+        acls_sync( $h1_fold, $h2_fold ) ;
+        # Sometimes the folder on host2 is listed (it exists) but is
+        # not selectable but becomes selectable by a create (Gmail)
+        select_folder( $sync, $sync->{imap2}, $h2_fold, 'Host2' )
+        or ( create_folder( $sync, $sync->{imap2}, $h2_fold, $h1_fold )
+             and select_folder( $sync, $sync->{imap2}, $h2_fold, 'Host2' ) )
+        or next FOLDER ;
+        my @select_results = $sync->{imap2}->Results(  ) ;
+        my $h2_fold_nb_messages = count_from_select( @select_results ) ;
+        myprint( "Host2: folder [$h2_fold] has $h2_fold_nb_messages messages in total (mentioned by SELECT)\n" ) ;
+        my $permanentflags2 = permanentflags( @select_results ) ;
+        myprint( "Host2: folder [$h2_fold] permanentflags: $permanentflags2\n"  ) ;
+        if ( $sync->{ expunge1 } )
+        {
+                myprint( "Host1: Expunging $h1_fold $sync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                if ( ! $sync->{dry} )
+                {
+                        $sync->{imap1}->expunge(  ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        if ( ( ( $subscribe and exists $h1_subscribed_folder{ $h1_fold } ) or $subscribeall )
+             and not exists  $h2_subscribed_folder{ $h2_fold }  )
+        {
+                myprint( "Host2: Subscribing to folder $h2_fold\n"  ) ;
+                if ( ! $sync->{dry} ) { $sync->{imap2}->subscribe( $h2_fold ) } ;
+        }
+        next FOLDER if ( $sync->{ justfolders } ) ;
+        if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+        my $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref = {  } ;
+        my @h1_msgs = select_msgs( $sync->{imap1}, $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref, $sync->{ search1 }, $sync->{abletosearch1}, $h1_fold );
+        if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+        my $h1_msgs_nb = scalar  @h1_msgs  ;
+        myprint( "Host1: folder [$h1_fold] considering $h1_msgs_nb messages\n"  ) ;
+        ( $sync->{ debug } or $debuglist ) and myprint( "Host1: folder [$h1_fold] considering $h1_msgs_nb messages, LIST gives: @h1_msgs\n" ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host1: selecting messages of folder [$h1_fold] took ", timenext( $sync ), " s\n" ) ;
+        my $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref = {  } ;
+        my @h2_msgs = select_msgs( $sync->{imap2}, $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref, $sync->{ search2 }, $sync->{abletosearch2}, $h2_fold ) ;
+        if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+        my $h2_msgs_nb = scalar  @h2_msgs  ;
+        myprint( "Host2: folder [$h2_fold] considering $h2_msgs_nb messages\n" ) ;
+        ( $sync->{ debug } or $debuglist ) and myprint( "Host2: folder [$h2_fold] considering $h2_msgs_nb messages, LIST gives: @h2_msgs\n" ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host2: selecting messages of folder [$h2_fold] took ", timenext( $sync ), " s\n" ) ;
+        my $cache_base = "$sync->{ tmpdir }/imapsync_cache/" ;
+        my $cache_dir = cache_folder( $cache_base,
+                "$sync->{host1}/$sync->{user1}/$sync->{host2}/$sync->{user2}", $h1_fold, $h2_fold ) ;
+        my ( $cache_1_2_ref, $cache_2_1_ref ) = ( {}, {} ) ;
+        my $h1_uidvalidity = $sync->{imap1}->uidvalidity(  ) || q{} ;
+        my $h2_uidvalidity = $sync->{imap2}->uidvalidity(  ) || q{} ;
+        if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+        if ( $usecache ) {
+                myprint( "Local cache directory: $cache_dir ( " . length( $cache_dir  )  . " characters long )\n"  ) ;
+                mkpath( "$cache_dir" ) ;
+                ( $cache_1_2_ref, $cache_2_1_ref )
+                = get_cache( $cache_dir, \@h1_msgs, \@h2_msgs, $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref, $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref ) ;
+                myprint( 'CACHE h1 h2: ', scalar  keys %{ $cache_1_2_ref } , " files\n"  ) ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( '[',
+                    map ( { "$_->$cache_1_2_ref->{$_} " } keys %{ $cache_1_2_ref } ), " ]\n" ) ;
+        }
+        my %h1_hash = (  ) ;
+        my %h2_hash = (  ) ;
+        my ( %h1_msgs, %h2_msgs ) ;
+        @h1_msgs{ @h1_msgs } = (  ) ;
+        @h2_msgs{ @h2_msgs } = (  ) ;
+        my @h1_msgs_in_cache = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $cache_1_2_ref } ;
+        my @h2_msgs_in_cache = keys %{ $cache_2_1_ref } ;
+        my ( %h1_msgs_not_in_cache, %h2_msgs_not_in_cache ) ;
+        %h1_msgs_not_in_cache = %h1_msgs ;
+        %h2_msgs_not_in_cache = %h2_msgs ;
+        delete @h1_msgs_not_in_cache{ @h1_msgs_in_cache } ;
+        delete @h2_msgs_not_in_cache{ @h2_msgs_in_cache } ;
+        my @h1_msgs_not_in_cache = keys %h1_msgs_not_in_cache ;
+        #myprint( "h1_msgs_not_in_cache: [@h1_msgs_not_in_cache]\n"  ) ;
+        my @h2_msgs_not_in_cache = keys %h2_msgs_not_in_cache ;
+        my @h2_msgs_delete2_not_in_cache = () ;
+        %h1_msgs_copy_by_uid = (  ) ;
+        if ( $useuid ) {
+                # use uid so we have to avoid getting header
+                @h1_msgs_copy_by_uid{ @h1_msgs_not_in_cache } = (  ) ;
+                @h2_msgs_delete2_not_in_cache = @h2_msgs_not_in_cache if $usecache ;
+                @h1_msgs_not_in_cache = (  ) ;
+                @h2_msgs_not_in_cache = (  ) ;
+                #myprint( "delete2: @h2_msgs_delete2_not_in_cache\n" ) ;
+        }
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host1: parsing headers of folder [$h1_fold]\n" ) ;
+        my ($h1_heads_ref, $h1_fir_ref) = ({}, {});
+        $h1_heads_ref = $sync->{imap1}->parse_headers([@h1_msgs_not_in_cache], @useheader) if (@h1_msgs_not_in_cache);
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host1: parsing headers of folder [$h1_fold] took ", timenext( $sync ), " s\n" ) ;
+        @{ $h1_fir_ref }{@h1_msgs} = ( undef ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host1: getting flags idate and sizes of folder [$h1_fold]\n"  ) ;
+        my @h1_common_fetch_param = ( 'FLAGS', 'INTERNALDATE', 'RFC822.SIZE' ) ;
+        if ( $sync->{ synclabels } or $sync->{ resynclabels } ) { push @h1_common_fetch_param, 'X-GM-LABELS' ; }
+        if ( $sync->{abletosearch1} )
+        {
+                $h1_fir_ref = $sync->{imap1}->fetch_hash( \@h1_msgs, @h1_common_fetch_param, $h1_fir_ref )
+                if ( @h1_msgs ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                my $uidnext = $sync->{imap1}->uidnext( $h1_fold ) || $uidnext_default ;
+                my $fetch_hash_uids = $fetch_hash_set || "1:$uidnext" ;
+                $h1_fir_ref = $sync->{imap1}->fetch_hash( $fetch_hash_uids, @h1_common_fetch_param, $h1_fir_ref )
+                if ( @h1_msgs ) ;
+        }
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host1: getting flags idate and sizes of folder [$h1_fold] took ", timenext( $sync ), " s\n"  ) ;
+        if ( ! $h1_fir_ref )
+        {
+                my $error = join( q{}, "Host1: folder $h1_fold : Could not fetch_hash ",
+                        scalar @h1_msgs, ' msgs: ', $sync->{imap1}->LastError || q{}, "\n" ) ;
+                errors_incr( $sync, $error ) ;
+                next FOLDER ;
+        }
+        my @h1_msgs_duplicate;
+        foreach my $m ( @h1_msgs_not_in_cache )
+        {
+                my $rc = parse_header_msg( $sync, $sync->{imap1}, $m, $h1_heads_ref, $h1_fir_ref, 'Host1', \%h1_hash ) ;
+                if ( ! defined $rc )
+                {
+                        my $h1_size = $h1_fir_ref->{$m}->{'RFC822.SIZE'} || 0;
+                        myprint( "Host1: $h1_fold/$m size $h1_size ignored (no wanted headers so we ignore this message. To solve this: use --addheader)\n"  ) ;
+                        $sync->{ total_bytes_skipped } += $h1_size ;
+                        $sync->{ nb_msg_skipped } += 1 ;
+                        $sync->{ h1_nb_msg_noheader }  +=1 ;
+                        $sync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } +=1 ;
+                } elsif(0 == $rc)
+                {
+                        # duplicate
+                        push @h1_msgs_duplicate, $m;
+                        # duplicate, same id same size?
+                        my $h1_size = $h1_fir_ref->{$m}->{'RFC822.SIZE'} || 0;
+                        $sync->{ nb_msg_skipped } += 1;
+                        $h1_nb_msg_duplicate += 1;
+                        $sync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } +=1 ;
+                }
+        }
+        my $h1_msgs_duplicate_nb = scalar  @h1_msgs_duplicate  ;
+        myprint( "Host1: folder [$h1_fold] selected $h1_msgs_nb messages, duplicates $h1_msgs_duplicate_nb\n" ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( 'Host1: whole time parsing headers took ', timenext( $sync ), " s\n"  ) ;
+        # Getting headers and metada can be so long that host2 might be disconnected here
+        if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host2: parsing headers of folder [$h2_fold]\n" ) ;
+        my ($h2_heads_ref, $h2_fir_ref) = ( {}, {} );
+        $h2_heads_ref =   $sync->{imap2}->parse_headers([@h2_msgs_not_in_cache], @useheader) if (@h2_msgs_not_in_cache);
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host2: parsing headers of folder [$h2_fold] took ", timenext( $sync ), " s\n"  ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host2: getting flags idate and sizes of folder [$h2_fold]\n"  ) ;
+        @{ $h2_fir_ref }{@h2_msgs} = (  ); # fetch_hash can select by uid with last arg as ref
+        my @h2_common_fetch_param = ( 'FLAGS', 'INTERNALDATE', 'RFC822.SIZE' ) ;
+        if ( $sync->{ synclabels } or $sync->{ resynclabels } ) { push @h2_common_fetch_param, 'X-GM-LABELS' ; }
+        if ( $sync->{abletosearch2} and scalar( @h2_msgs ) ) {
+                $h2_fir_ref = $sync->{imap2}->fetch_hash( \@h2_msgs, @h2_common_fetch_param, $h2_fir_ref) ;
+        }else{
+                my $uidnext = $sync->{imap2}->uidnext( $h2_fold ) || $uidnext_default ;
+                my $fetch_hash_uids = $fetch_hash_set || "1:$uidnext" ;
+                $h2_fir_ref = $sync->{imap2}->fetch_hash( $fetch_hash_uids, @h2_common_fetch_param, $h2_fir_ref )
+                if ( @h2_msgs ) ;
+        }
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host2: getting flags idate and sizes of folder [$h2_fold] took ", timenext( $sync ), " s\n"  ) ;
+        my @h2_msgs_duplicate;
+        foreach my $m (@h2_msgs_not_in_cache) {
+                my $rc = parse_header_msg( $sync, $sync->{imap2}, $m, $h2_heads_ref, $h2_fir_ref, 'Host2', \%h2_hash ) ;
+                my $h2_size = $h2_fir_ref->{$m}->{'RFC822.SIZE'} || 0 ;
+                if (! defined  $rc  ) {
+                        myprint( "Host2: $h2_fold/$m size $h2_size ignored (no wanted headers so we ignore this message)\n"  ) ;
+                        $h2_nb_msg_noheader += 1 ;
+                } elsif( 0 == $rc ) {
+                        # duplicate
+                        $h2_nb_msg_duplicate += 1 ;
+                        push  @h2_msgs_duplicate, $m  ;
+                }
+        }
+        # %h2_folders_of_md5
+        foreach my $md5 (  keys  %h2_hash  ) {
+                $sync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 }->{ $md5 }->{ $h2_fold } ++ ;
+        }
+        # %h1_folders_of_md5
+        foreach my $md5 (  keys  %h1_hash  ) {
+                $sync->{ h1_folders_of_md5 }->{ $md5 }->{ $h2_fold } ++ ;
+        }
+        my $h2_msgs_duplicate_nb = scalar  @h2_msgs_duplicate  ;
+        myprint( "Host2: folder [$h2_fold] selected $h2_msgs_nb messages, duplicates $h2_msgs_duplicate_nb\n" ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( 'Host2 whole time parsing headers took ', timenext( $sync ), " s\n"  ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "++++ Verifying [$h1_fold] -> [$h2_fold]\n" ) ;
+        # messages in host1 that are not in host2
+        my @h1_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid
+          = sort {$h1_hash{$a}{'m'} <=> $h1_hash{$b}{'m'}} keys %h1_hash;
+        #myprint( map { $h1_hash{$_}{'m'} . q{ }} @h1_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid ) ;
+        my @h2_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid
+          = sort {$h2_hash{$a}{'m'} <=> $h2_hash{$b}{'m'}} keys %h2_hash;
+        # Deletions on account2.
+        if( $sync->{ delete2duplicates } and not exists  $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }  ) {
+                my @h2_expunge ;
+                foreach my $h2_msg ( @h2_msgs_duplicate ) {
+                        myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg marked \\Deleted [duplicate] on host2 $sync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                        push  @h2_expunge, $h2_msg  if $sync->{ uidexpunge2 } ;
+                        if ( ! $sync->{dry} ) {
+                                $sync->{imap2}->delete_message( $h2_msg ) ;
+                                $h2_nb_msg_deleted += 1 ;
+                        }
+                }
+                my $cnt = scalar @h2_expunge ;
+                if( @h2_expunge and not $sync->{ expunge2 } ) {
+                        myprint( "Host2: UidExpunging $cnt message(s) in folder $h2_fold $sync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                        $sync->{imap2}->uidexpunge( \@h2_expunge ) if ! $sync->{dry} ;
+                }
+                if ( $sync->{ expunge2 } ){
+                        myprint( "Host2: Expunging folder $h2_fold $sync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                        $sync->{imap2}->expunge(  ) if ! $sync->{dry} ;
+                }
+        }
+        if( $sync->{ delete2 } and not exists  $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }  ) {
+                # No host1 folders f1a f1b ... going all to same f2 (via --regextrans2)
+                my @h2_expunge;
+                foreach my $m_id (@h2_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid) {
+                        #myprint( "$m_id " ) ;
+                        if ( ! exists $h1_hash{$m_id} ) {
+                                my $h2_msg  = $h2_hash{$m_id}{'m'};
+                                my $h2_flags  = $h2_hash{$m_id}{'F'} || q{};
+                                my $isdel  = $h2_flags =~ /\B\\Deleted\b/x ? 1 : 0;
+                                myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg marked \\Deleted on host2 [$m_id] $sync->{dry_message}\n" )
+                                  if ! $isdel;
+                                push @h2_expunge, $h2_msg if $sync->{ uidexpunge2 };
+                                if ( ! ( $sync->{dry} or $isdel ) ) {
+                                        $sync->{imap2}->delete_message($h2_msg);
+                                        $h2_nb_msg_deleted += 1;
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+                foreach my $h2_msg ( @h2_msgs_delete2_not_in_cache ) {
+                        myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg marked \\Deleted [not in cache] on host2 $sync->{dry_message}\n" ) ;
+                        push @h2_expunge, $h2_msg if $sync->{ uidexpunge2 };
+                        if ( ! $sync->{dry} ) {
+                                $sync->{imap2}->delete_message($h2_msg);
+                                $h2_nb_msg_deleted += 1;
+                        }
+                }
+                my $cnt = scalar @h2_expunge ;
+                if( @h2_expunge and not $sync->{ expunge2 } ) {
+                        myprint( "Host2: UidExpunging $cnt message(s) in folder $h2_fold $sync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                        $sync->{imap2}->uidexpunge( \@h2_expunge ) if ! $sync->{dry} ;
+                }
+                if ( $sync->{ expunge2 } ) {
+                        myprint( "Host2: Expunging folder $h2_fold $sync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                        $sync->{imap2}->expunge(  ) if ! $sync->{dry} ;
+                }
+        }
+        if( $sync->{ delete2 } and exists  $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }  ) {
+                myprint( "Host2: folder $h2_fold $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold } folders left to sync there\n"  ) ;
+                my @h2_expunge;
+                foreach my $m_id ( @h2_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid ) {
+                        my $h2_msg  = $h2_hash{ $m_id }{ 'm' } ;
+                        if ( ! exists  $h1_hash{ $m_id }  ) {
+                                my $h2_flags  = $h2_hash{ $m_id }{ 'F' } || q{} ;
+                                my $isdel  = $h2_flags =~ /\B\\Deleted\b/x ? 1 : 0 ;
+                                if ( ! $isdel ) {
+                                        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg candidate for deletion [$m_id]\n"  ) ;
+                                        $uid_candidate_for_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;
+                                }
+                        }else{
+                                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg will cancel deletion [$m_id]\n"  ) ;
+                                $uid_candidate_no_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;
+                        }
+                }
+                foreach my $h2_msg ( @h2_msgs_delete2_not_in_cache ) {
+                        myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg candidate for deletion [not in cache]\n" ) ;
+                        $uid_candidate_for_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;
+                }
+                foreach my $h2_msg ( @h2_msgs_in_cache ) {
+                        myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg will cancel deletion [in cache]\n" ) ;
+                        $uid_candidate_no_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;
+                }
+                if ( 0 == $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold } ) {
+                        # last host1 folder going to $h2_fold
+                        myprint( "Last host1 folder going to $h2_fold\n"  ) ;
+                        foreach my $h2_msg ( keys %{ $uid_candidate_for_deletion{ $h2_fold } } ) {
+                                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg candidate for deletion\n"  ) ;
+                                if ( exists  $uid_candidate_no_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }  ) {
+                                        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg canceled deletion\n"  ) ;
+                                }else{
+                                        myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg marked \\Deleted $sync->{dry_message}\n" ) ;
+                                        push  @h2_expunge, $h2_msg  if $sync->{ uidexpunge2 } ;
+                                        if ( ! $sync->{dry} ) {
+                                                $sync->{imap2}->delete_message( $h2_msg ) ;
+                                                $h2_nb_msg_deleted += 1 ;
+                                        }
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+                my $cnt = scalar @h2_expunge ;
+                if( @h2_expunge and not $sync->{ expunge2 } ) {
+                        myprint( "Host2: UidExpunging $cnt message(s) in folder $h2_fold $sync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                        $sync->{imap2}->uidexpunge( \@h2_expunge ) if ! $sync->{dry} ;
+                }
+                if ( $sync->{ expunge2 } ) {
+                        myprint( "Host2: Expunging host2 folder $h2_fold $sync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                        $sync->{imap2}->expunge(  ) if ! $sync->{dry} ;
+                }
+                $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }-- ;
+        }
+        my $h2_uidnext = $sync->{imap2}->uidnext( $h2_fold ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host2: uidnext is $h2_uidnext\n"  ) ;
+        $h2_uidguess = $h2_uidnext ;
+	# Getting host2 headers, metada and delete2 stuff can be so long that host1 might be disconnected here
+        if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+        my @h1_msgs_to_delete ;
+        MESS: foreach my $m_id (@h1_hash_keys_sorted_by_uid) {
+		if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+                #myprint( "h1_nb_msg_processed: $sync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed }\n"  ) ;
+                my $h1_size  = $h1_hash{$m_id}{'s'};
+                my $h1_msg   = $h1_hash{$m_id}{'m'};
+                my $h1_idate = $h1_hash{$m_id}{'D'};
+                #my $labels = labels( $sync->{imap1}, $h1_msg ) ;
+                #print "LABELS: $labels\n" ;
+                if ( ( not exists  $h2_hash{ $m_id }  )
+                        and ( not ( exists $sync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 }->{ $m_id } )
+                              or not $skipcrossduplicates ) )
+                {
+                        # copy
+                        my $h2_msg = copy_message( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h2_fold, $h1_fir_ref, $permanentflags2, $cache_dir ) ;
+                        if ( $h2_msg and $sync->{ delete1 } and not $sync->{ expungeaftereach } ) {
+                                # not  expunged
+                                push @h1_msgs_to_delete, $h1_msg ;
+                        }
+                        # A bug here with imapsync 1.920, fixed in 1.921
+                        # Added $h2_msg in the condition. Errors of APPEND were not counted as missing messages on host2!
+                        if ( $h2_msg and not $sync->{ dry } )
+                        {
+                                $sync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 }->{ $m_id }->{ $h2_fold } ++ ;
+                        }
+                        #
+                        if( $sync->{ delete2 } and ( exists $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold } ) and $h2_msg ) {
+                                myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg will cancel deletion [fresh copy] on host2\n"  ) ;
+                                $uid_candidate_no_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;
+                        }
+                        if ( total_bytes_max_reached( $sync ) ) {
+                                # a bug when using --delete1 --noexpungeaftereach
+                                # same thing below on all total_bytes_max_reached!
+                                last FOLDER ;
+                        }
+                        next MESS;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        # already on host2
+                        if ( exists  $h2_hash{ $m_id }  )
+                        {
+                                my $h2_msg   = $h2_hash{$m_id}{'m'} ;
+                                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host1: found that msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg equals Host2 $h2_fold/$h2_msg\n"  ) ;
+                                if ( $usecache )
+                                {
+                                        $debugcache and myprint( "touch $cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$h2_msg\n"  ) ;
+                                        touch( "$cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$h2_msg" )
+                                        or croak( "Couldn't touch $cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$h2_msg" ) ;
+                                }
+                        }
+                        elsif( exists  $sync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 }->{ $m_id }  )
+                        {
+                                my @folders_dup = keys  %{ $sync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 }->{ $m_id } }  ;
+                                ( $sync->{ debug } or $debugcrossduplicates ) and myprint( "Host1: found that msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg is also in Host2 folders @folders_dup\n"  ) ;
+                                $sync->{ h2_nb_msg_crossdup } +=1 ;
+                        }
+                        $sync->{ total_bytes_skipped } += $h1_size ;
+                        $sync->{ nb_msg_skipped } += 1 ;
+                        $sync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } +=1 ;
+                }
+                if ( exists  $h2_hash{ $m_id }  ) {
+                        #$debug and myprint( "MESSAGE $m_id\n" ) ;
+                        my $h2_msg  = $h2_hash{$m_id}{'m'};
+                        if ( $sync->{resyncflags} ) {
+                                sync_flags_fir( $sync, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $permanentflags2, $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref ) ;
+                        }
+                        # Good
+                        my $h2_size = $h2_hash{$m_id}{'s'};
+                        $sync->{ debug } and myprint(
+                        "Host1: size msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg = $h1_size <> $h2_size = Host2 $h2_fold/$h2_msg\n" ) ;
+                        if ( $sync->{ resynclabels } )
+                        {
+                                resynclabels( $sync, $h1_msg, $h2_msg, $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref, $h1_fold )
+                        }
+                }
+		if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+                if ( $sync->{ delete1 } ) {
+                        push @h1_msgs_to_delete, $h1_msg ;
+                }
+        }
+        # END MESS: loop
+        delete_message_on_host1( $sync, $h1_fold, $sync->{ expunge1 }, @h1_msgs_to_delete, @h1_msgs_in_cache ) ;
+	if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+        # MESS_IN_CACHE:
+        if ( ! $sync->{ delete1 } )
+        {
+                foreach my $h1_msg ( @h1_msgs_in_cache )
+                {
+                        my $h2_msg = $cache_1_2_ref->{ $h1_msg } ;
+                        $debugcache and myprint( "cache messages update flags $h1_msg->$h2_msg\n" ) ;
+                        if ( $sync->{resyncflags} )
+                        {
+                                sync_flags_fir( $sync, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $permanentflags2, $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref ) ;
+                        }
+                        my $h1_size = $h1_fir_ref->{ $h1_msg }->{ 'RFC822.SIZE' } || 0 ;
+                        $sync->{ total_bytes_skipped } += $h1_size;
+                        $sync->{ nb_msg_skipped } += 1;
+                        $sync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } +=1 ;
+                }
+        }
+        if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+        @h1_msgs_to_delete = (  ) ;
+        #myprint( "Messages by uid: ", map { "$_ " } keys %h1_msgs_copy_by_uid, "\n"  ) ;
+        # MESS_BY_UID:
+        foreach my $h1_msg ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %h1_msgs_copy_by_uid )
+        {
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Copy by uid $h1_fold/$h1_msg\n"  ) ;
+                if ( ! reconnect_12_if_needed( $sync ) ) { last FOLDER ; }
+                my $h2_msg = copy_message( $sync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h2_fold, $h1_fir_ref, $permanentflags2, $cache_dir ) ;
+                if( $sync->{ delete2 } and exists  $h2_folders_from_1_several{ $h2_fold }  and $h2_msg ) {
+                        myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg will cancel deletion [fresh copy] on host2\n"  ) ;
+                        $uid_candidate_no_deletion{ $h2_fold }{ $h2_msg }++ ;
+                }
+                last FOLDER if total_bytes_max_reached( $sync ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $sync->{ expunge1 } ){
+                myprint( "Host1: Expunging folder $h1_fold $sync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                if ( ! $sync->{dry} ) { $sync->{imap1}->expunge(  ) } ;
+        }
+        if ( $sync->{ expunge2 } ){
+                myprint( "Host2: Expunging folder $h2_fold $sync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                if ( ! $sync->{dry} ) { $sync->{imap2}->expunge(  ) } ;
+        }
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( 'Time: ', timenext( $sync ), " s\n"  ) ;
+eta_print( $sync ) ;
+myprint( "++++ End looping on each folder\n"  ) ;
+if ( $sync->{ delete1 } and $sync->{ delete1emptyfolders } ) {
+	delete1emptyfolders( $sync ) ;
+( $sync->{ debug } or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( 'Time: ', timenext( $sync ), " s\n"  ) ;
+if ( $sync->{ foldersizesatend } ) {
+        myprint( << 'END_SIZE'  ) ;
+Folders sizes after the synchronization.
+You can remove this foldersizes listing by using  "--nofoldersizesatend"
+        foldersizesatend( $sync ) ;
+if ( ! lost_connection( $sync, $sync->{imap1}, "for host1 [$sync->{host1}]" ) ) { $sync->{imap1}->logout(  )  ; }
+if ( ! lost_connection( $sync, $sync->{imap2}, "for host2 [$sync->{host2}]" ) ) { $sync->{imap2}->logout(  )  ; }
+stats( $sync ) ;
+myprint( errorsdump( $sync->{nb_errors}, errors_log( $sync ) ) ) if ( $sync->{errorsdump} ) ;
+tests_live_result( $sync->{nb_errors} ) if ( $sync->{testslive} or $sync->{testslive6} ) ;
+if ( $sync->{nb_errors} )
+        exit_clean( $sync, $EXIT_WITH_ERRORS ) ;
+        exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK ) ;
+return ;
+# END of sub single_sync
+# subroutines
+sub myprint
+        #print @ARG ;
+        print { $sync->{ tee } || \*STDOUT } @ARG ;
+        return ;
+sub myprintf
+        printf { $sync->{ tee } || \*STDOUT } @ARG ;
+        return ;
+sub mysprintf
+        my( $format, @list ) = @ARG ;
+        return sprintf $format, @list ;
+sub output_start
+	my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+	if ( not $mysync ) { return ; }
+	my @output = @ARG ;
+	$mysync->{ output } = join( q{}, @output ) . ( $mysync->{ output } || q{} ) ;
+	return $mysync->{ output } ;
+sub tests_output_start
+	note( 'Entering tests_output_start()' ) ;
+	my $mysync = { } ;
+	is( undef, output_start(  ), 'output_start: no args => undef' ) ;
+	is( q{}, output_start( $mysync ), 'output_start: one arg => ""' ) ;
+	is( 'rrrr', output_start( $mysync, 'rrrr' ), 'output_start: rrrr => rrrr' ) ;
+	is( 'aaaarrrr', output_start( $mysync, 'aaaa' ), 'output_start: aaaa => aaaarrrr' ) ;
+	is( "\naaaarrrr", output_start( $mysync, "\n" ), 'output_start: \n => \naaaarrrr' ) ;
+	is( "ABC\naaaarrrr", output_start( $mysync, 'A', 'B', 'C' ), 'output_start: A B C => ABC\naaaarrrr' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_output_start()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub tests_output
+	note( 'Entering tests_output()' ) ;
+	my $mysync = { } ;
+	is( undef, output(  ), 'output: no args => undef' ) ;
+	is( q{}, output( $mysync ), 'output: one arg => ""' ) ;
+	is( 'rrrr', output( $mysync, 'rrrr' ), 'output: rrrr => rrrr' ) ;
+	is( 'rrrraaaa', output( $mysync, 'aaaa' ), 'output: aaaa => rrrraaaa' ) ;
+	is( "rrrraaaa\n", output( $mysync, "\n" ), 'output: \n => rrrraaaa\n' ) ;
+	is( "rrrraaaa\nABC", output( $mysync, 'A', 'B', 'C' ), 'output: A B C => rrrraaaaABC\n' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_output()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub output
+	my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+	if ( not $mysync ) { return ; }
+	my @output = @ARG ;
+	$mysync->{ output } .= join( q{}, @output ) ;
+	return $mysync->{ output } ;
+sub tests_output_reset_with
+	note( 'Entering tests_output_reset_with()' ) ;
+	my $mysync = { } ;
+	is( undef,  output_reset_with(  ), 'output_reset_with: no args => undef' ) ;
+	is( q{},    output_reset_with( $mysync ), 'output_reset_with: one arg => ""' ) ;
+	is( 'rrrr', output_reset_with( $mysync, 'rrrr' ), 'output_reset_with: rrrr => rrrr' ) ;
+	is( 'aaaa', output_reset_with( $mysync, 'aaaa' ), 'output_reset_with: aaaa => aaaa' ) ;
+	is( "\n",   output_reset_with( $mysync, "\n" ), 'output_reset_with: \n => \n' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_output_reset_with()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub output_reset_with
+	my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+	if ( not $mysync ) { return ; }
+	my @output = @ARG ;
+	$mysync->{ output } = join( q{}, @output ) ;
+	return $mysync->{ output } ;
+sub pidfile
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        $mysync->{ pidfilelocking } = defined $mysync->{ pidfilelocking }  ? $mysync->{ pidfilelocking } : 0 ;
+        my $host1 = $mysync->{ host1 } || q{} ;
+        my $user1 = $mysync->{ user1 } || q{} ;
+        my $host2 = $mysync->{ host2 } || q{} ;
+        my $user2 = $mysync->{ user2 } || q{} ;
+        my $account1_filtered = filter_forbidden_characters( slash_to_underscore( $host1 . '_' . $user1 ) ) || q{} ;
+        my $account2_filtered = filter_forbidden_characters( slash_to_underscore( $host2 . '_' . $user2 ) ) || q{} ;
+        my $pidfile_basename ;
+        if ( $ENV{ 'NET_SERVER_SOFTWARE' } and ( $ENV{ 'NET_SERVER_SOFTWARE' } =~ /Net::Server::HTTP/ ) )
+        {
+                # under local webserver
+                $pidfile_basename = 'imapsync' . '_' . $account1_filtered . '_' . $account2_filtered . '.pid' ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $pidfile_basename = '' ;
+        }
+        $mysync->{ pidfile } =  defined  $mysync->{ pidfile }  ? $mysync-> { pidfile } : $mysync->{ tmpdir } . "/$pidfile_basename" ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_kill_zero
+        note( 'Entering tests_kill_zero()' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+        if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) { skip( 'Tests tests_kill_zero avoided on Windows', 8 ) ; }
+        is( 1, kill( 'ZERO', $PROCESS_ID ), "kill ZERO : myself $PROCESS_ID => 1" ) ;
+        is( 2, kill( 'ZERO', $PROCESS_ID, $PROCESS_ID ), "kill ZERO : myself $PROCESS_ID $PROCESS_ID => 2" ) ;
+        if ( (-e '/.dockerenv' ) or ( 0 == $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID) )
+        {
+                is( 1, kill( 'ZERO', 1 ), "kill ZERO : pid 1 => 1 (docker context or root)" ) ;
+                is( 2, kill( 'ZERO', $PROCESS_ID, 1 ), "kill ZERO : myself + pid 1, $PROCESS_ID 1 => 2 (docker context or root)" ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                is( 0, kill( 'ZERO', 1 ), "kill ZERO : pid 1 => 0 (non root)" ) ;
+                is( 1, kill( 'ZERO', $PROCESS_ID, 1 ), "kill ZERO : myself + pid 1, $PROCESS_ID 1 => 1 (one is non root)" ) ;
+        }
+        my $pid_1 = fork(  ) ;
+        if ( $pid_1 )
+        {
+                # parent
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                # child
+                sleep 3 ;
+                exit ;
+        }
+        my $pid_2 ;
+        $pid_2 = fork(  ) ;
+        if ( $pid_2 )
+        {
+                # I am the parent
+                ok( defined( $pid_2 ), "kill_zero: initial fork ok. I am the parent $PROCESS_ID" ) ;
+                ok( $pid_2 , "kill_zero: initial fork ok, child pid is $pid_2" ) ;
+                is( 3, kill( 'ZERO', $PROCESS_ID, $pid_2, $pid_1 ), "kill ZERO : myself $PROCESS_ID and child $pid_2 and brother $pid_1 => 3" ) ;
+                is( $pid_2, waitpid( $pid_2, 0 ),  "kill_zero: child $pid_2 no more there => waitpid return $pid_2" ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                # I am the child
+                note( 'This one fails under Windows, kill ZERO returns 0 instead of 2' ) ;
+                is( 2, kill( 'ZERO', $PROCESS_ID, $pid_1 ), "kill ZERO : myself child $PROCESS_ID brother $pid_1 => 2" ) ;
+                myprint( "I am the child pid $PROCESS_ID, Exiting\n" ) ;
+                exit ;
+        }
+        wait(  ) ;
+        # End of SKIP block
+        }
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_kill_zero()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_killpid_by_parent
+        note( 'Entering tests_killpid_by_parent()' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+        if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) { skip( 'Tests tests_killpid_by_parent avoided on Windows', 7 ) ; }
+        is( undef, killpid(  ),  'killpid: no args => undef' ) ;
+        note( "killpid: trying to kill myself pid $PROCESS_ID, hope I will not succeed" ) ;
+        is( undef, killpid( $PROCESS_ID ),  'killpid: myself => undef' ) ;
+        local $SIG{'QUIT'} = sub { myprint "GOT SIG QUIT! I am PID $PROCESS_ID. Exiting\n" ; exit ; } ;
+        my $pid ;
+        $pid = fork(  ) ;
+        if ( $pid )
+        {
+                # I am the parent
+                ok( defined( $pid ), "killpid: initial fork ok. I am the parent $PROCESS_ID" ) ;
+                ok( $pid , "killpid: initial fork ok, child pid is $pid" ) ;
+                is( 2, kill( 'ZERO', $PROCESS_ID, $pid ), "kill ZERO : myself $PROCESS_ID and child $pid => 2" ) ;
+                is( 1, killpid( $pid ),  "killpid: child $pid killed => 1" ) ;
+                is( -1, waitpid( $pid, 0 ),  "killpid: child $pid no more there => waitpid return -1" ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                # I am the child
+                myprint( "I am the child pid $PROCESS_ID, sleeping 1 + 3 seconds then kill myself\n" ) ;
+                sleep 1 ;
+                myprint( "I am the child pid $PROCESS_ID, slept 1 second, should be killed by my parent now, PPID " . mygetppid(  ) . "\n" ) ;
+                sleep 3 ;
+                # this test should not be run. If it happens => failure.
+                ok( 0 == 1, "killpid: child pid $PROCESS_ID not dead => failure" ) ;
+                myprint( "I am the child pid $PROCESS_ID, killing myself failure... Exiting\n" ) ;
+                exit ;
+        }
+        # End of SKIP block
+        }
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_killpid_by_parent()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_killpid_by_brother
+        note( 'Entering tests_killpid_by_brother()' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+        if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) { skip( 'Tests tests_killpid_by_brother avoided on Windows', 2 ) ; }
+        local $SIG{'QUIT'} = sub { myprint "GOT SIG QUIT! I am PID $PROCESS_ID. Exiting\n" ; exit ; } ;
+        my $pid_parent = $PROCESS_ID ;
+        myprint( "I am the parent pid $pid_parent\n" ) ;
+        my $pid_1 = fork(  ) ;
+        if ( $pid_1 )
+        {
+                # parent
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                # child
+                #while ( 1 ) {  } ;
+                sleep 2 ;
+                sleep 2 ;
+                # this test should not be run. If it happens => failure.
+                # Well under Windows this always fails, shit!
+                ok( 0 == 1 or ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) , "killpid: child pid $PROCESS_ID killing by brother but not dead => failure" ) ;
+                myprint( "I am the child pid $PROCESS_ID, killing by brother failed... Exiting\n" ) ;
+                exit ;
+        }
+        my $pid_2 ;
+        $pid_2 = fork(  ) ;
+        if ( $pid_2 )
+        {
+                # parent
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                # I am the child
+                myprint( "I am the child pid $PROCESS_ID, my brother has pid $pid_1\n" ) ;
+                is( 1, killpid( $pid_1 ),  "killpid: brother $pid_1 killed => 1" ) ;
+                sleep 2 ;
+                exit ;
+        }
+        #sleep 1 ;
+        is( $pid_1, waitpid( $pid_1, 0), "I am the parent $PROCESS_ID waitpid _1( $pid_1 )" ) ;
+        is( $pid_2, waitpid( $pid_2, 0 ), "I am the parent $PROCESS_ID waitpid _2( $pid_2 )" ) ;
+        # End of SKIP block
+        }
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_killpid_by_brother()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub killpid
+        my $pidtokill = shift ;
+        if ( ! $pidtokill ) {
+                myprint( "No process to abort.\n" ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        if ( $PROCESS_ID == $pidtokill ) {
+                myprint( "I will not kill myself pid $PROCESS_ID via killpid. Sractch it!\n" ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        # First ask for suicide
+        if ( kill( 'ZERO', $pidtokill ) or ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ) {
+                myprint( "Sending signal QUIT to PID $pidtokill \n" ) ;
+                kill 'QUIT', $pidtokill ;
+                sleep 2 ;
+                waitpid( $pidtokill, WNOHANG) ;
+        }else{
+                myprint( "Can not send signal kill ZERO to PID $pidtokill.\n" ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        #while ( waitpid( $pidtokill, WNOHANG) > 0 ) {  } ;
+	# Then murder
+	if ( kill( 'ZERO', $pidtokill ) or ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ) {
+		myprint( "Sending signal KILL to PID $pidtokill \n" ) ;
+		kill 'KILL', $pidtokill ;
+		sleep 1 ;
+                waitpid( $pidtokill, WNOHANG) ;
+	}else{
+		myprint( "Process PID $pidtokill ended.\n" ) ;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	# Well ...
+	if ( kill( 'ZERO', $pidtokill ) or ( 'xMSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ) {
+		myprint( "Process PID $pidtokill seems still there. Can not do much.\n" ) ;
+		return ;
+	}else{
+		myprint( "Process PID $pidtokill ended.\n" ) ;
+		return 1;
+	}
+        return ;
+sub tests_abort
+        note( 'Entering tests_abort()' ) ;
+        is( undef, abort(  ),  'abort: no args => undef' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_abort()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub abort
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( not $mysync ) { return ; }
+        if ( ! -r $mysync->{pidfile} ) {
+                myprint( "Can not read pidfile $mysync->{pidfile}. Exiting.\n" ) ;
+                exit $EX_OK ;
+        }
+        my $pidtokill = firstline( $mysync->{pidfile} ) ;
+        if ( ! $pidtokill ) {
+                myprint( "No process to abort. Exiting.\n" ) ;
+                exit $EX_OK ;
+        }
+        killpid( $pidtokill ) ;
+        # well, the abort job is done anyway, because even when not succeeded
+        # in aborting another run, this run has to end without doing any
+        # thing else
+        exit $EX_OK ;
+sub under_docker_context
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( -e '/.dockerenv' )
+        {
+                return 1 ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                return 0 ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub docker_context
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+        #-e '/.dockerenv'  || return ;
+        if ( ! under_docker_context( $mysync ) )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+	$mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "Docker context detected with /.dockerenv\n" ) ;
+	# No pidfile
+	$mysync->{pidfile} = q{} ;
+	# No log
+	$mysync->{log} = 0 ;
+	# In case
+	$mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "Changing current directory to /var/tmp/\n" ) ;
+	chdir '/var/tmp/' ;
+	return ;
+sub cgibegin
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	if ( ! under_cgi_context( $mysync ) ) { return ; }
+	require CGI ;
+	CGI->import( qw( -no_debug -utf8 ) ) ;
+	require CGI::Carp ;
+	CGI::Carp->import( qw( fatalsToBrowser ) ) ;
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( ) ;
+	return ;
+sub tests_under_cgi_context
+	note( 'Entering tests_under_cgi_context()' ) ;
+	# $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} = 'under imapsync' ;
+	do {
+		# Not in cgi context
+		delete local $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} ;
+		is( undef, under_cgi_context(  ), 'under_cgi_context: SERVER_SOFTWARE unset => not in cgi context' ) ;
+	} ;
+	do {
+		# In cgi context
+		local $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} = 'under imapsync' ;
+		is( 1, under_cgi_context(  ), 'under_cgi_context: SERVER_SOFTWARE set => in cgi context' ) ;
+	} ;
+	do {
+		# Not in cgi context
+		delete local $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} ;
+		is( undef, under_cgi_context(  ), 'under_cgi_context: SERVER_SOFTWARE unset => not in cgi context' ) ;
+	} ;
+	do {
+		# In cgi context
+		local $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} = 'under imapsync' ;
+		is( 1, under_cgi_context(  ), 'under_cgi_context: SERVER_SOFTWARE set => in cgi context' ) ;
+	} ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_under_cgi_context()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub under_cgi_context
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        # Under cgi context
+        if ( $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} ) {
+                return 1 ;
+        }
+        # Not in cgi context
+        return ;
+sub cgibuildheader
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	if ( ! under_cgi_context( $mysync ) ) { return ; }
+	my $imapsync_runs = $mysync->{cgi}->cookie( 'imapsync_runs' ) || 0 ;
+	my $cookie = $mysync->{cgi}->cookie(
+			-name => 'imapsync_runs',
+			-value => 1 + $imapsync_runs,
+			-expires => '+20y',
+			-path    => '/cgi-bin/imapsync',
+		) ;
+	my $httpheader ;
+	if ( $mysync->{ abort } ) {
+		$httpheader = $mysync->{cgi}->header(
+			-type   => 'text/plain',
+			-status => '200 OK to abort syncing IMAP boxes' . ". Here is " . hostname(),
+		) ;
+	}elsif( $mysync->{ loaddelay } ) {
+# 503 Service Unavailable
+# The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
+		$httpheader = $mysync->{cgi}->header(
+			-type   => 'text/plain',
+			-status => '503 Service Unavailable' . ". Be back in $mysync->{ loaddelay } min. Load on " . hostname() . " is $mysync->{ loadavg }",
+		) ;
+	}else{
+		$httpheader = $mysync->{cgi}->header(
+		-type   => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
+		-status => '200 OK to sync IMAP boxes' . ". Load on " . hostname() . " is $mysync->{ loadavg }",
+		-cookie => $cookie,
+		) ;
+	}
+	output_start( $mysync, $httpheader ) ;
+	return ;
+sub cgiload
+        # Exit on heavy load in CGI context
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! under_cgi_context( $mysync ) ) { return ; }
+        if ( $mysync->{ abort } ) { return ; } # keep going to abort since some ressources will be free soon
+        if ( $mysync->{ loaddelay } )
+        {
+                $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $mysync, $EX_UNAVAILABLE,
+                        "Server is on heavy load. Be back in $mysync->{ loaddelay } min. Load is $mysync->{ loadavg }\n"
+                ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_set_umask
+	note( 'Entering tests_set_umask()' ) ;
+	my $save_umask = umask ;
+	my $mysync = {} ;
+	if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) {
+		is( undef, set_umask( $mysync ), "set_umask: set failure to $UMASK_PARANO on MSWin32" ) ;
+	}else{
+		is( 1, set_umask( $mysync ), "set_umask: set to $UMASK_PARANO" ) ;
+	}
+	umask $save_umask ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_set_umask()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub set_umask
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	my $previous_umask = umask_str(  ) ;
+	my $new_umask = umask_str( $UMASK_PARANO ) ;
+	output( $mysync, "Umask set with $new_umask (was $previous_umask)\n" ) ;
+	if ( $new_umask eq $UMASK_PARANO ) {
+		return 1 ;
+	}
+	return ;
+sub tests_umask_str
+	note( 'Entering tests_umask_str()' ) ;
+	my $save_umask = umask ;
+	is( umask_str(  ), umask_str(  ),  'umask_str: no parameters => idopotent' ) ;
+	is( my $save_umask_str = umask_str(  ), umask_str(  ),  'umask_str: no parameters => idopotent + save' ) ;
+	is( '0000', umask_str(    q{ } ),  'umask_str:  q{ } => 0000' ) ;
+	is( '0000', umask_str(     q{} ),  'umask_str:   q{} => 0000' ) ;
+	is( '0000', umask_str(  '0000' ),  'umask_str:  0000 => 0000' ) ;
+	is( '0000', umask_str(     '0' ),  'umask_str:     0 => 0000' ) ;
+	is( '0200', umask_str(  '0200' ),  'umask_str:  0200 => 0200' ) ;
+	is( '0400', umask_str(  '0400' ),  'umask_str:  0400 => 0400' ) ;
+	is( '0600', umask_str(  '0600' ),  'umask_str:  0600 => 0600' ) ;
+	SKIP: {
+	if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) { skip( 'Tests success only for Unix', 6 ) ; }
+	is( '0100', umask_str(  '0100' ),  'umask_str:  0100 => 0100' ) ;
+	is( '0001', umask_str(  '0001' ),  'umask_str:  0001 => 0001' ) ;
+	is( '0777', umask_str(  '0777' ),  'umask_str:  0777 => 0777' ) ;
+	is( '0777', umask_str( '00777' ),  'umask_str: 00777 => 0777' ) ;
+	is( '0777', umask_str( ' 777 ' ),  'umask_str:  777  => 0777' ) ;
+	is( "$UMASK_PARANO", umask_str( $UMASK_PARANO ),   "umask_str: UMASK_PARANO $UMASK_PARANO => $UMASK_PARANO" ) ;
+	}
+	is( $save_umask_str, umask_str( $save_umask_str ),  'umask_str: restore with str' ) ;
+	is( $save_umask, umask, 'umask_str: umask is restored, controlled by direct umask' ) ;
+	is( $save_umask, umask $save_umask, 'umask_str: umask is restored by direct umask' ) ;
+	is( $save_umask, umask, 'umask_str: umask initial controlled by direct umask' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_umask_str()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub umask_str
+	my $value = shift ;
+	if ( defined $value ) {
+		umask oct( $value ) ;
+	}
+	my $current = umask ;
+	return( sprintf( '%#04o', $current ) ) ;
+sub tests_umask
+	note( 'Entering tests_umask()' ) ;
+	my $save_umask ;
+	is( umask, umask, 'umask: umask is umask' ) ;
+	is( $save_umask = umask, umask, "umask: umask is umask again + save it: $save_umask" ) ;
+	is( $save_umask, umask oct(0000), 'umask: umask 0000' ) ;
+	is( oct(0000), umask, 'umask: umask is now 0000' ) ;
+	is( oct(0000), umask oct(777), 'umask: umask 0777 call, previous 0000' ) ;
+	SKIP: {
+	if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) { skip( 'Tests success only for Unix', 2 ) ; }
+	is( oct(777), umask, 'umask: umask is now  0777' ) ;
+	is( oct(777), umask $save_umask, "umask: umask $save_umask restore inital value, previous 0777" ) ;
+	}
+	ok( defined umask $save_umask, "umask: umask $save_umask restore inital value, previous defined" ) ;
+	is( $save_umask, umask, 'umask: umask is umask restored' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_umask()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub  cgisetcontext
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	if ( ! under_cgi_context( $mysync ) ) { return ; }
+	output( $mysync, "Under cgi context\n" ) ;
+	set_umask( $mysync ) ;
+        # Remove all content in unsafe evaled options
+        @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } } = (  ) ;
+        @regexflag   = (  ) ;
+        @regexmess   = (  ) ;
+        @skipmess    = (  ) ;
+        @pipemess    = (  ) ;
+        $delete2foldersonly   = undef ;
+        $delete2foldersbutnot = undef ;
+	$maxlinelengthcmd     = undef ;
+	# Set safe default values (I hope...)
+        #$mysync->{pidfile} =  '' ;
+	$mysync->{pidfilelocking} = 1 ;
+	$mysync->{errorsmax} = $ERRORS_MAX_CGI ;
+	$modulesversion = 0 ;
+	$mysync->{releasecheck} = defined  $mysync->{releasecheck}  ? $mysync->{releasecheck} : 1 ;
+	$usecache = 0 ;
+	$mysync->{showpasswords} = 0 ;
+	$debugimap1 = $debugimap2 = $debugimap = 0 ;
+	$reconnectretry1 = $reconnectretry2 = $DEFAULT_NB_RECONNECT_PER_IMAP_COMMAND ;
+	$pipemesscheck = 0 ;
+	$mysync->{hashfile} = $CGI_HASHFILE ;
+	my $hashsynclocal = hashsynclocal( $mysync ) || die "Can not get hashsynclocal. Exiting\n" ;
+        if ( $ENV{ 'NET_SERVER_SOFTWARE' } and ( $ENV{ 'NET_SERVER_SOFTWARE' } =~ /Net::Server::HTTP/ ) )
+        {
+                # under local webserver
+                $cgidir = q{.} ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $cgidir = $CGI_TMPDIR_TOP . '/' . $hashsynclocal ;
+        }
+        -d $cgidir or mkpath $cgidir or die "Can not create $cgidir: $OS_ERROR\n" ;
+        $mysync->{ tmpdir } = $cgidir ;
+        chdir  $cgidir or die "Can not cd to $cgidir: $OS_ERROR\n" ;
+        cgioutputenvcontext( $mysync ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and output( $mysync, 'Current directory is ' . getcwd(  ) . "\n" ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and output( $mysync, 'Real user id is ' . getpwuid_any_os( $REAL_USER_ID ) . " (uid $REAL_USER_ID)\n" ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and output( $mysync, 'Effective user id is ' . getpwuid_any_os( $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID ). " (euid $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID)\n" ) ;
+        $mysync->{ skipemptyfolders } = defined  $mysync->{ skipemptyfolders }  ? $mysync->{ skipemptyfolders } : 1 ;
+        # Out of memory with messages over 1 GB ?
+        $mysync->{ maxsize } = defined  $mysync->{ maxsize }  ? $mysync->{ maxsize } : 1_000_000_000 ;
+        # tail -f behaviour on by default
+        $mysync->{ tail } = defined  $mysync->{ tail }  ? $mysync->{ tail } : 1 ;
+        # not sure it's for good
+        @useheader = qw( Message-Id ) ;
+        # addheader on by default
+        $mysync->{ addheader } = defined  $mysync->{ addheader }  ? $mysync->{ addheader } : 1 ;
+        return ;
+sub cgioutputenvcontext
+	my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+		my $envval = $ENV{ $envvar } || q{} ;
+		if ( $envval ) { output( $mysync, "$envvar is $envval\n" ) } ;
+	}
+	return ;
+sub debugsleep
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( defined $mysync->{debugsleep} ) {
+                myprint( "Info: sleeping $mysync->{debugsleep}s\n" ) ;
+                sleep $mysync->{debugsleep} ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_foldersize
+        note( 'Entering tests_foldersize()' ) ;
+        is( undef, foldersize(  ),  'foldersize: no args => undef' ) ;
+        #is_deeply( {}, {}, 'foldersize: a hash is a hash' ) ;
+        #is_deeply( [], [], 'foldersize: an array is an array' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_foldersize()' ) ;
+        return ;
+# Globals:
+# $uidnext_default
+# $fetch_hash_set
+sub foldersize
+        # size of one folder
+        my ( $mysync, $side, $imap, $search_cmd, $abletosearch, $folder ) = @ARG ;
+        if ( ! all_defined( $mysync, $side, $imap, $folder ) )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        # FTGate is RFC buggy with EXAMINE it does not act as SELECT
+        #if ( ! $imap->examine( $folder ) ) {
+        if ( ! $imap->select( $folder ) ) {
+                my $error = join q{},
+                        "$side Folder $folder: Could not select: ",
+                        $imap->LastError,  "\n"  ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        if ( $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $hash_ref = { } ;
+        my @msgs = select_msgs( $imap, undef, $search_cmd, $abletosearch, $folder ) ;
+        my $nb_msgs = scalar  @msgs  ;
+        my $biggest_in_folder = 0 ;
+        @{ $hash_ref }{ @msgs } = ( undef ) if @msgs ;
+        my $stot = 0 ;
+        if ( $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        if ( $nb_msgs > 0 and @msgs ) {
+                if ( $abletosearch ) {
+                        if ( ! $imap->fetch_hash( \@msgs, 'RFC822.SIZE', $hash_ref) ) {
+                                my $error = "$side failure with fetch_hash: $EVAL_ERROR\n" ;
+                                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                                return ;
+                        }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        my $uidnext = $imap->uidnext( $folder ) || $uidnext_default ;
+                        my $fetch_hash_uids = $fetch_hash_set || "1:$uidnext" ;
+                        if ( ! $imap->fetch_hash( $fetch_hash_uids, 'RFC822.SIZE', $hash_ref ) ) {
+                                my $error = "$side failure with fetch_hash: $EVAL_ERROR\n" ;
+                                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                                return ;
+                        }
+                }
+                for ( keys %{ $hash_ref } ) {
+                        my $size =  $hash_ref->{ $_ }->{ 'RFC822.SIZE' } ;
+                        $stot    += $size ;
+                        $biggest_in_folder =  max( $biggest_in_folder, $size ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        return( $stot, $nb_msgs, $biggest_in_folder ) ;
+# The old subroutine that performed just one side at a time.
+# Still here for a while, until confident with sub foldersize_diff_compute()
+sub foldersizes
+        my ( $mysync, $side, $imap, $search_cmd, $abletosearch, @folders ) = @_ ;
+        my $total_size = 0 ;
+        my $total_nb = 0 ;
+        my $biggest_in_all = 0 ;
+        my $nb_folders = scalar  @folders  ;
+        my $ct_folders = 0 ; # folder counter.
+        myprint( "++++ Calculating sizes of $nb_folders folders on $side\n"  ) ;
+        foreach my $folder ( @folders )     {
+                my $stot = 0 ;
+                my $nb_msgs = 0 ;
+                my $biggest_in_folder = 0 ;
+                $ct_folders++ ;
+                myprintf( "$side folder %7s %-35s", "$ct_folders/$nb_folders", jux_utf8( $folder ) ) ;
+                if ( 'Host2' eq $side and not exists  $mysync->{h2_folders_all_UPPER}{ uc  $folder  }  ) {
+                        myprint( " does not exist yet\n") ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                if ( 'Host1' eq $side and not exists  $h1_folders_all{ $folder }  ) {
+                        myprint( " does not exist\n" ) ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                last if $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) ;
+                ( $stot, $nb_msgs, $biggest_in_folder ) = foldersize( $mysync, $side, $imap, $search_cmd, $abletosearch, $folder ) ;
+                myprintf( ' Size: %9s', $stot ) ;
+                myprintf( ' Messages: %5s', $nb_msgs ) ;
+                myprintf( " Biggest: %9s\n", $biggest_in_folder ) ;
+                $total_size += $stot ;
+                $total_nb += $nb_msgs ;
+                $biggest_in_all =  max( $biggest_in_all, $biggest_in_folder ) ;
+        }
+        myprintf( "%s Nb folders:           %11s folders\n",    $side, $nb_folders ) ;
+        myprintf( "%s Nb messages:          %11s messages\n",   $side, $total_nb ) ;
+        myprintf( "%s Total size:           %11s bytes (%s)\n", $side, $total_size, bytes_display_string( $total_size ) ) ;
+        myprintf( "%s Biggest message:      %11s bytes (%s)\n", $side, $biggest_in_all, bytes_display_string( $biggest_in_all ) ) ;
+        myprintf( "%s Time spent on sizing: %11.1f seconds\n",  $side, timenext( $mysync ) ) ;
+        return( $total_nb, $total_size ) ;
+sub foldersize_diff_present
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $folder1 = shift ;
+        my $folder2 = shift ;
+        my $counter_str = shift ;
+        my $force = shift ;
+        my $values1_str ;
+        my $values2_str ;
+        if ( ! defined $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ size } || $force )
+        {
+                foldersize_diff_compute( $mysync, $folder1, $folder2, $force ) ;
+        }
+        # again, but this time it means no availaible data.
+        if ( defined $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ size } )
+        {
+                $values1_str = sprintf( "Size: %9s Messages: %5s Biggest: %9s\n",
+                        $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ size },
+                        $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ nb_msgs },
+                        $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ biggest },
+                ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $values1_str = " does not exist\n" ;
+        }
+        if ( defined $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ size } )
+        {
+                $values2_str = sprintf( "Size: %9s Messages: %5s Biggest: %9s\n",
+                        $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ size },
+                        $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ nb_msgs },
+                        $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ biggest },
+                ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $values2_str = " does not exist yet\n" ;
+        }
+        myprintf( "Host1 folder %7s %-35s %s",
+                "$counter_str",
+                jux_utf8( $folder1 ),
+                $values1_str
+        ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host2 folder %7s %-35s %s",
+                "$counter_str",
+                jux_utf8( $folder2 ),
+                $values2_str
+        ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host2-Host1  %7s %-35s       %9s           %5s          %9s\n\n",
+                "",
+                "",
+                $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ size_diff },
+                $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ nb_msgs_diff },
+                $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ biggest_diff },
+        ) ;
+        return ;
+sub foldersize_diff_compute
+        my $mysync  = shift ;
+        my $folder1 = shift ;
+        my $folder2 = shift ;
+        my $force   = shift ;
+        my ( $size_1, $nb_msgs_1, $biggest_1 ) ;
+        # memoization
+        if (
+                exists $h1_folders_all{ $folder1 }
+                &&
+                (
+                        ! defined $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ size }
+                        || $force
+                )
+        )
+        {
+                #myprint( "foldersize folder1 $h1_folders_all{ $folder1 }\n" ) ;
+                ( $size_1, $nb_msgs_1, $biggest_1 ) =
+                        foldersize( $mysync,
+                                'Host1',
+                                $mysync->{ imap1 },
+                                $mysync->{ search1 },
+                                $mysync->{ abletosearch1 },
+                                $folder1
+                        ) ;
+                $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ size }    = $size_1 ;
+                $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ nb_msgs } = $nb_msgs_1 ;
+                $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ biggest } = $biggest_1 ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $size_1    = $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ size } ;
+                $nb_msgs_1 = $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ nb_msgs } ;
+                $biggest_1 = $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ biggest } ;
+        }
+        my ( $size_2, $nb_msgs_2, $biggest_2 ) ;
+        if (
+                exists  $mysync->{ h2_folders_all_UPPER }{ uc $folder2 }
+                &&
+                (
+                        ! defined $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ size }
+                        || $force
+                )
+        )
+        {
+                #myprint( "foldersize folder2\n" ) ;
+                ( $size_2, $nb_msgs_2, $biggest_2 ) =
+                        foldersize( $mysync,
+                                'Host2',
+                                $mysync->{ imap2 },
+                                $mysync->{ search2 },
+                                $mysync->{ abletosearch2 },
+                                $folder2
+                        ) ;
+                $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ size }    = $size_2    ;
+                $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ nb_msgs } = $nb_msgs_2 ;
+                $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ biggest } = $biggest_2 ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $size_2    = $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ size } ;
+                $nb_msgs_2 = $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ nb_msgs } ;
+                $biggest_2 = $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ biggest } ;
+        }
+        my $size_diff    = diff( $size_2, $size_1 ) ;
+        my $nb_msgs_diff = diff( $nb_msgs_2, $nb_msgs_1 ) ;
+        my $biggest_diff = diff( $biggest_2, $biggest_1 ) ;
+        $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ size_diff }    = $size_diff ;
+        $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ nb_msgs_diff } = $nb_msgs_diff ;
+        $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ biggest_diff } = $biggest_diff ;
+        # It's redundant but easier to access later
+        $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ size_diff }    = $size_diff ;
+        $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ nb_msgs_diff } = $nb_msgs_diff ;
+        $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ biggest_diff } = $biggest_diff ;
+        return ;
+sub diff
+        my $x = shift ;
+        my $y = shift ;
+        $x ||= 0 ;
+        $y ||= 0 ;
+        return $x - $y ;
+sub add
+        my $x = shift ;
+        my $y = shift ;
+        $x ||= 0 ;
+        $y ||= 0 ;
+        return $x + $y ;
+sub foldersizes_diff_list
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $force  = shift ;
+        my @folders = @{ $mysync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ;
+        my $nb_folders = scalar  @folders  ;
+        my $ct_folders = 0 ; # folder counter.
+        foreach my $folder1 ( @folders )
+        {
+                $ct_folders++ ;
+                my $counter_str = "$ct_folders/$nb_folders" ;
+                my $folder2 = imap2_folder_name( $mysync, $folder1 ) ;
+                foldersize_diff_present( $mysync, $folder1, $folder2, $counter_str, $force ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub foldersizes_total
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my @folders_1 = @{ $mysync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ;
+        my @folders_2 = @h2_folders_from_1_wanted ;
+        my $nb_folders_1 = scalar( @folders_1 ) ;
+        my $nb_folders_2 = scalar( @folders_2 ) ;
+        my ( $total_size_1, $total_nb_1, $biggest_in_all_1 ) = ( 0, 0, 0 ) ;
+        my ( $total_size_2, $total_nb_2, $biggest_in_all_2 ) = ( 0, 0, 0 ) ;
+        foreach my $folder1 ( @folders_1 )
+        {
+                $total_size_1     = add( $total_size_1,      $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ size } ) ;
+                $total_nb_1       = add( $total_nb_1,        $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ nb_msgs } ) ;
+                $biggest_in_all_1 = max( $biggest_in_all_1 , $mysync->{ folder1 }->{ $folder1 }->{ biggest } ) ;
+        }
+        foreach my $folder2 ( @folders_2 )
+        {
+                $total_size_2     = add( $total_size_2,      $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ size } ) ;
+                $total_nb_2       = add( $total_nb_2,        $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ nb_msgs } ) ;
+                $biggest_in_all_2 = max( $biggest_in_all_2 , $mysync->{ folder2 }->{ $folder2 }->{ biggest } ) ;
+        }
+        myprintf( "Host1 Nb folders:           %11s folders\n",    $nb_folders_1 ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host2 Nb folders:           %11s folders\n",    $nb_folders_2 ) ;
+        myprint( "\n" ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host1 Nb messages:          %11s messages\n",   $total_nb_1 ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host2 Nb messages:          %11s messages\n",   $total_nb_2 ) ;
+        myprint( "\n" ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host1 Total size:           %11s bytes (%s)\n", $total_size_1, bytes_display_string( $total_size_1 ) ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host2 Total size:           %11s bytes (%s)\n", $total_size_2, bytes_display_string( $total_size_2 ) ) ;
+        myprint( "\n" ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host1 Biggest message:      %11s bytes (%s)\n", $biggest_in_all_1, bytes_display_string( $biggest_in_all_1 ) ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host2 Biggest message:      %11s bytes (%s)\n", $biggest_in_all_2, bytes_display_string( $biggest_in_all_2 ) ) ;
+        myprint( "\n" ) ;
+        myprintf( "Time spent on sizing: %11.1f seconds\n", timenext( $mysync ) ) ;
+        my @total_1_2 = ( $total_nb_1, $total_size_1, $total_nb_2, $total_size_2 ) ;
+        return @total_1_2 ;
+sub foldersizesatend_old
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        timenext( $mysync ) ;
+        return if ( $mysync->{imap1}->IsUnconnected(  ) ) ;
+        return if ( $mysync->{imap2}->IsUnconnected(  ) ) ;
+        # Get all folders on host2 again since new were created
+        @h2_folders_all = sort $mysync->{imap2}->folders();
+        for ( @h2_folders_all ) {
+                $h2_folders_all{ $_ } = 1 ;
+                $mysync->{h2_folders_all_UPPER}{ uc  $_  } = 1 ;
+        } ;
+        ( $h1_nb_msg_end, $h1_bytes_end ) = foldersizes( $mysync, 'Host1', $mysync->{imap1}, $mysync->{ search1 }, $mysync->{abletosearch1}, @{ $mysync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ) ;
+        ( $h2_nb_msg_end, $h2_bytes_end ) = foldersizes( $mysync, 'Host2', $mysync->{imap2}, $mysync->{ search2 }, $mysync->{abletosearch2}, @h2_folders_from_1_wanted ) ;
+        if ( not all_defined( $h1_nb_msg_end, $h1_bytes_end, $h2_nb_msg_end, $h2_bytes_end ) ) {
+                my $error = "Failure getting foldersizes, final differences will not be calculated\n" ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub foldersizesatend
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        timenext( $mysync ) ;
+        return if ( $mysync->{imap1}->IsUnconnected(  ) ) ;
+        return if ( $mysync->{imap2}->IsUnconnected(  ) ) ;
+        # Get all folders on host2 again since new were created
+        @h2_folders_all = sort $mysync->{imap2}->folders();
+        for ( @h2_folders_all ) {
+                $h2_folders_all{ $_ } = 1 ;
+                $mysync->{h2_folders_all_UPPER}{ uc  $_  } = 1 ;
+        } ;
+        foldersizes_diff_list( $mysync, $FORCE ) ;
+        ( $h1_nb_msg_end, $h1_bytes_end, $h2_nb_msg_end, $h2_bytes_end )
+        = foldersizes_total( $mysync ) ;
+        if ( not all_defined( $h1_nb_msg_end, $h1_bytes_end, $h2_nb_msg_end, $h2_bytes_end ) ) {
+                my $error = "Failure getting foldersizes, final differences will not be calculated\n" ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub foldersizes_at_the_beggining
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        myprint( << 'END_SIZE'  ) ;
+Folders sizes before the synchronization.
+You can remove foldersizes listings by using "--nofoldersizes" and "--nofoldersizesatend"
+but then you will also lose the ETA (Estimation Time of Arrival) given after each message copy.
+        foldersizes_diff_list( $mysync ) ;
+        ( $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_start }, $mysync->{ h1_bytes_start },
+          $mysync->{ h2_nb_msg_start }, $mysync->{ h2_bytes_start } )
+        = foldersizes_total( $mysync ) ;
+        if ( not all_defined(
+                $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_start },
+                $mysync->{ h1_bytes_start },
+                $mysync->{ h2_nb_msg_start },
+                $mysync->{ h2_bytes_start } ) )
+        {
+                my $error = "Failure getting foldersizes, ETA and final diff will not be displayed\n" ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                $mysync->{ foldersizes } = 0 ;
+                $mysync->{ foldersizesatend } = 0 ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $h2_bytes_limit = $mysync->{h2}->{quota_limit_bytes} || 0 ;
+        if ( $h2_bytes_limit and ( $h2_bytes_limit < $mysync->{ h1_bytes_start } ) )
+        {
+                my $quota_percent = mysprintf( '%.0f', $NUMBER_100 * $mysync->{ h1_bytes_start } / $h2_bytes_limit ) ;
+                my $error = "Host2: Quota limit will be exceeded! Over $quota_percent % ( $mysync->{ h1_bytes_start } bytes / $h2_bytes_limit bytes )\n" ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+# Globals:
+# @h2_folders_from_1_wanted
+sub foldersizes_at_the_beggining_old
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        myprint( << 'END_SIZE'  ) ;
+Folders sizes before the synchronization.
+You can remove foldersizes listings by using "--nofoldersizes" and "--nofoldersizesatend"
+but then you will also lose the ETA (Estimation Time of Arrival) given after each message copy.
+        ( $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_start }, $mysync->{ h1_bytes_start } ) =
+                foldersizes( $mysync, 'Host1', $mysync->{imap1}, $mysync->{ search1 },
+                $mysync->{abletosearch1}, @{ $mysync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ) ;
+        ( $mysync->{ h2_nb_msg_start }, $mysync->{ h2_bytes_start } )             =
+                foldersizes( $mysync, 'Host2', $mysync->{imap2}, $mysync->{ search2 },
+                $mysync->{abletosearch2}, @h2_folders_from_1_wanted ) ;
+        if ( not all_defined( $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_start },
+                $mysync->{ h1_bytes_start }, $mysync->{ h2_nb_msg_start }, $mysync->{ h2_bytes_start } ) )
+        {
+                my $error = "Failure getting foldersizes, ETA and final diff will not be displayed\n" ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                $mysync->{ foldersizes } = 0 ;
+                $mysync->{ foldersizesatend } = 0 ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $h2_bytes_limit = $mysync->{h2}->{quota_limit_bytes} || 0 ;
+        if ( $h2_bytes_limit and ( $h2_bytes_limit < $mysync->{ h1_bytes_start } ) )
+        {
+                my $quota_percent = mysprintf( '%.0f', $NUMBER_100 * $mysync->{ h1_bytes_start } / $h2_bytes_limit ) ;
+                my $error = "Host2: Quota limit will be exceeded! Over $quota_percent % ( $mysync->{ h1_bytes_start } bytes / $h2_bytes_limit bytes )\n" ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub total_bytes_max_reached
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! $mysync->{ exitwhenover } ) {
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $mysync->{ total_bytes_transferred } >= $mysync->{ exitwhenover } ) {
+                myprint( "Maximum bytes transferred reached, $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} >= $mysync->{ exitwhenover }, ending sync\n"  ) ;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_mock_capability
+        note( 'Entering tests_mock_capability()' ) ;
+        my $myimap ;
+        ok( $myimap = mock_capability(  ),
+            'mock_capability: (1) no args => a Test::MockObject'
+        ) ;
+        ok( $myimap->isa( 'Test::MockObject' ),
+            'mock_capability: (2) no args => a Test::MockObject'
+        ) ;
+        is( undef, $myimap->capability(  ),
+            'mock_capability: (3) no args => capability undef'
+        ) ;
+        ok( mock_capability( $myimap ),
+            'mock_capability: (1) one arg  => MockObject'
+        ) ;
+        is( undef, $myimap->capability(  ),
+            'mock_capability: (2) one arg OO style => capability undef'
+        ) ;
+        ok( mock_capability( $myimap, $NUMBER_123456 ),
+            'mock_capability: (1) two args 123456 => capability 123456'
+        ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_123456, $myimap->capability(  ),
+            'mock_capability: (2) two args 123456 => capability 123456'
+        ) ;
+        ok( mock_capability( $myimap, 'ABCD' ),
+            'mock_capability: (1) two args ABCD => capability ABCD'
+        ) ;
+        is( 'ABCD', $myimap->capability(  ),
+            'mock_capability: (2) two args ABCD => capability ABCD'
+        ) ;
+        ok( mock_capability( $myimap, [ 'ABCD' ] ),
+            'mock_capability: (1) two args [ ABCD ] => capability [ ABCD ]'
+        ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'ABCD' ], $myimap->capability(  ),
+            'mock_capability: (2) two args [ ABCD ] => capability [ ABCD ]'
+        ) ;
+        ok( mock_capability( $myimap, [ 'ABC', 'DEF' ] ),
+            'mock_capability: (1) two args [ ABC, DEF ] => capability [ ABC, DEF ]'
+        ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'ABC', 'DEF' ], $myimap->capability(  ),
+            'mock_capability: (2) two args [ ABC, DEF ] => capability capability [ ABC, DEF ]'
+        ) ;
+        ok( mock_capability( $myimap, 'ABC', 'DEF' ),
+            'mock_capability: (1) two args ABC, DEF => capability [ ABC, DEF ]'
+        ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'ABC', 'DEF' ], [ $myimap->capability(  ) ],
+            'mock_capability: (2) two args ABC, DEF => capability capability [ ABC, DEF ]'
+        ) ;
+        ok( mock_capability( $myimap, 'IMAP4rev1', 'APPENDLIMIT=123456' ),
+            'mock_capability: (1) two args IMAP4rev1, APPENDLIMIT=123456 => capability [ IMAP4rev1, APPENDLIMIT=123456 ]'
+        ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'IMAP4rev1', 'APPENDLIMIT=123456' ], [ $myimap->capability(  ) ],
+            'mock_capability: (2) two args IMAP4rev1, APPENDLIMIT=123456 => capability capability [ IMAP4rev1, APPENDLIMIT=123456 ]'
+        ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_mock_capability()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub sig_install_toggle_sleep
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( 'MSWin32' ne $OSNAME ) {
+                #myprint( "sig_install( $mysync, \&toggle_sleep, 'USR1' )\n" ) ;
+                sig_install( $mysync, 'toggle_sleep', 'USR1' ) ;
+        }
+        #myprint( "Leaving sig_install_toggle_sleep\n" ) ;
+        return ;
+sub mock_capability
+        my $myimap = shift ;
+        my @has_capability_value = @ARG ;
+        my ( $has_capability_value ) = @has_capability_value ;
+        if ( ! $myimap )
+        {
+                require_ok( "Test::MockObject" ) ;
+                $myimap = Test::MockObject->new(  ) ;
+        }
+        $myimap->mock(
+                'capability',
+                sub { return  wantarray ?
+                                @has_capability_value
+                                : $has_capability_value ;
+                }
+        ) ;
+        return $myimap ;
+sub tests_capability_of
+        note( 'Entering tests_capability_of()' ) ;
+        is( undef, capability_of(  ),
+            'capability_of: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $myimap ;
+        is( undef, capability_of( $myimap ),
+            'capability_of: undef => undef' ) ;
+        $myimap = mock_capability( $myimap, 'IMAP4rev1', 'APPENDLIMIT=123456' ) ;
+        is( undef, capability_of( $myimap, 'CACA' ),
+            'capability_of: two args unknown capability => undef' ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_123456, capability_of( $myimap, 'APPENDLIMIT' ),
+            'capability_of: two args APPENDLIMIT 123456 => 123456 yeah!' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_capability_of()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub capability_of
+        my $imap = shift || return ;
+        my $capability_keyword = shift || return ;
+        my @capability = $imap->capability ;
+        if ( ! @capability ) { return ; }
+        my $capability_value = search_in_array( $capability_keyword, @capability ) ;
+        return $capability_value ;
+sub tests_search_in_array
+        note( 'Entering tests_search_in_array()' ) ;
+        is( undef, search_in_array( 'KA' ),
+                'search_in_array: no array => undef ' ) ;
+        is( 'VA', search_in_array( 'KA', ( 'KA=VA' ) ),
+                'search_in_array: KA KA=VA => VA ' ) ;
+        is( 'VA', search_in_array( 'KA', ( 'KA=VA', 'KB=VB' ) ),
+                'search_in_array: KA KA=VA KB=VB => VA ' ) ;
+        is( 'VB', search_in_array( 'KB', ( 'KA=VA', 'KB=VB' ) ),
+                'search_in_array: KA=VA KB=VB => VB ' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_search_in_array()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub search_in_array
+        my ( $key, @array ) = @ARG ;
+        foreach my $item ( @array )
+        {
+        if ( $item =~ /([^=]+)=(.*)/ )
+                {
+                        if ( $1 eq $key )
+                        {
+                                return $2 ;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_appendlimit_from_capability
+        note( 'Entering tests_appendlimit_from_capability()' ) ;
+        is( undef, appendlimit_from_capability(  ),
+            'appendlimit_from_capability: no args => undef'
+        ) ;
+        my $myimap ;
+        is( undef, appendlimit_from_capability( $myimap ),
+            'appendlimit_from_capability: undef arg => undef'
+        ) ;
+        $myimap = mock_capability( $myimap, 'IMAP4rev1', 'APPENDLIMIT=123456' ) ;
+        # Normal behavior
+        is( $NUMBER_123456, appendlimit_from_capability( $myimap ),
+            'appendlimit_from_capability: APPENDLIMIT=123456 => 123456'
+        ) ;
+        # Not a number
+        $myimap = mock_capability( $myimap, 'IMAP4rev1', 'APPENDLIMIT=ABC' ) ;
+        is( undef, appendlimit_from_capability( $myimap ),
+            'appendlimit_from_capability: not a number => undef'
+        ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_appendlimit_from_capability()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub appendlimit_from_capability
+        my $myimap = shift ;
+        if ( ! $myimap )
+        {
+                myprint( "Warn: no imap with call to appendlimit_from_capability\n" ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \$myimap ] )  ) ;
+        my $appendlimit = capability_of( $myimap, 'APPENDLIMIT' ) ;
+        #myprint( "has_capability APPENDLIMIT $appendlimit\n" ) ;
+        if ( is_an_integer( $appendlimit ) )
+        {
+                return $appendlimit ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_appendlimit
+        note( 'Entering tests_appendlimit()' ) ;
+        is( undef, appendlimit(  ),
+            'appendlimit: no args => undef'
+        ) ;
+        my $mysync = {  } ;
+        is( undef, appendlimit( $mysync ),
+            'appendlimit: no imap2 => undef'
+        ) ;
+        my $myimap ;
+        $myimap = mock_capability( $myimap, 'IMAP4rev1', 'APPENDLIMIT=123456' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ imap2 } = $myimap ;
+        is( 123456, appendlimit( $mysync ),
+            'appendlimit: imap2 with APPENDLIMIT=123456 => 123456'
+        ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_appendlimit()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub appendlimit
+        my $mysync = shift || return ;
+        my $myimap = $mysync->{ imap2 } ;
+        my $appendlimit = appendlimit_from_capability( $myimap ) ;
+        if ( defined $appendlimit )
+        {
+                myprint( "Host2: found APPENDLIMIT=$appendlimit in CAPABILITY (use --appendlimit xxxx to override this automatic setting)\n" ) ;
+                return $appendlimit ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub  tests_maxsize_setting
+        note( 'Entering tests_maxsize_setting()' ) ;
+        is( undef, maxsize_setting(  ),
+           'maxsize_setting: no args => undef'
+        ) ;
+        my $mysync ;
+        is( undef, maxsize_setting( $mysync  ),
+           'maxsize_setting: undef arg => undef'
+        ) ;
+        $mysync = {  } ;
+        $mysync->{ maxsize } = $NUMBER_123456 ;
+        #  --maxsize alone
+        is( $NUMBER_123456, maxsize_setting( $mysync ),
+                'maxsize_setting: --maxsize 123456 alone => 123456'
+        ) ;
+        $mysync = {  } ;
+        my $myimap ;
+        $myimap = mock_capability( $myimap, 'IMAP4rev1', 'APPENDLIMIT=654321' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ imap2 } = $myimap ;
+        # APPENDLIMIT alone
+        is( $NUMBER_654321, maxsize_setting( $mysync ),
+                'maxsize_setting: APPENDLIMIT 654321 alone => 654321'
+        ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_654321, $mysync->{ maxsize },
+                'maxsize_setting: APPENDLIMIT 654321 alone => maxsize 654321'
+        ) ;
+        # APPENDLIMIT with --appendlimit => --appendlimit wins
+        $mysync->{ appendlimit } = $NUMBER_123456 ;
+        is( $NUMBER_123456, maxsize_setting( $mysync ),
+                'maxsize_setting: APPENDLIMIT 654321 + --appendlimit 123456 => 123456'
+        ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_123456, $mysync->{ maxsize },
+                'maxsize_setting: APPENDLIMIT 654321 + --appendlimit 123456 => maxsize 123456'
+        ) ;
+        # Fresh
+        $mysync = {  } ;
+        $mysync->{ imap2 } = $myimap = mock_capability( $myimap, 'IMAP4rev1', 'APPENDLIMIT=654321' ) ;
+        # Case: "APPENDLIMIT >= --maxsize" => maxsize.
+        $mysync->{ maxsize } = $NUMBER_123456 ;
+        is( $NUMBER_123456, maxsize_setting( $mysync ),
+                'maxsize_setting: APPENDLIMIT 654321 --maxsize 123456 => 123456'
+        ) ;
+        # Case: "APPENDLIMIT < --maxsize" => APPENDLIMIT.
+        # Fresh
+        $mysync = {  } ;
+        $mysync->{ imap2 } = $myimap = mock_capability( $myimap, 'IMAP4rev1', 'APPENDLIMIT=123456' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ maxsize } = $NUMBER_654321 ;
+        is( $NUMBER_123456, maxsize_setting( $mysync ),
+                'maxsize_setting: APPENDLIMIT 123456 --maxsize 654321  => 123456 '
+        ) ;
+        # Now --truncmess stuff
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_maxsize_setting()' ) ;
+        return ;
+# Three variables to take account of
+# appendlimit (given by --appendlimit or CAPABILITY...)
+# maxsize
+# truncmess
+sub maxsize_setting
+        my $mysync = shift || return ;
+        if ( defined $mysync->{ appendlimit } )
+        {
+                myprint( "Host2: Getting appendlimit from --appendlimit $mysync->{ appendlimit }\n" ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $mysync->{ appendlimit } = appendlimit( $mysync ) ;
+        }
+        if ( all_defined( $mysync->{ appendlimit },  $mysync->{ maxsize } ) )
+        {
+                my $min_maxsize_appendlimit = min( $mysync->{ maxsize }, $mysync->{ appendlimit } ) ;
+                myprint( "Host2: Setting maxsize to $min_maxsize_appendlimit (min of --maxsize $mysync->{ maxsize } and appendlimit $mysync->{ appendlimit }\n" ) ;
+                $mysync->{ maxsize } = $min_maxsize_appendlimit ;
+                return $mysync->{ maxsize } ;
+        }
+        elsif ( defined $mysync->{ appendlimit } )
+        {
+                myprint( "Host2: Setting maxsize to appendlimit $mysync->{ appendlimit }\n" ) ;
+                $mysync->{ maxsize } = $mysync->{ appendlimit } ;
+                return $mysync->{ maxsize } ;
+        }elsif ( defined $mysync->{ maxsize } )
+        {
+                return $mysync->{ maxsize } ;
+        }else
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+sub all_defined
+        if ( not @ARG ) {
+                return 0 ;
+        }
+        foreach my $elem ( @ARG ) {
+                if ( not defined $elem ) {
+                        return 0 ;
+                }
+        }
+        return 1 ;
+sub tests_all_defined
+	note( 'Entering tests_all_defined()' ) ;
+        is( 0, all_defined(  ),             'all_defined: no param  => 0' ) ;
+        is( 0, all_defined( () ),           'all_defined: void list => 0' ) ;
+        is( 0, all_defined( undef ),        'all_defined: undef     => 0' ) ;
+        is( 0, all_defined( undef, undef ), 'all_defined: undef     => 0' ) ;
+        is( 0, all_defined( 1, undef ),     'all_defined: 1 undef   => 0' ) ;
+        is( 0, all_defined( undef, 1 ),     'all_defined: undef 1   => 0' ) ;
+        is( 1, all_defined( 1, 1 ),         'all_defined: 1 1   => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, all_defined( (1, 1) ),       'all_defined: (1 1) => 1' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_all_defined()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_hashsynclocal
+	note( 'Entering tests_hashsynclocal()' ) ;
+	my $mysync = {
+		host1 => q{},
+		user1 => q{},
+		password1 => q{},
+		host2 => q{},
+		user2 => q{},
+		password2 => q{},
+	} ;
+	is( undef, hashsynclocal( $mysync ), 'hashsynclocal: no hashfile name' ) ;
+	$mysync->{ hashfile } = q{} ;
+	is( undef, hashsynclocal( $mysync ), 'hashsynclocal: empty hashfile name' ) ;
+	$mysync->{ hashfile } = './noexist/rrr' ;
+	is( undef, hashsynclocal( $mysync ), 'hashsynclocal: no exists hashfile dir' ) ;
+	SKIP: {
+		if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME or '0' eq $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID ) { skip( 'Tests only for non-root Unix', 1 ) ; }
+		$mysync->{ hashfile } = '/rrr' ;
+		is( undef, hashsynclocal( $mysync ), 'hashsynclocal: permission denied' ) ;
+	}
+	ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' ) ), 'hashsynclocal: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+	$mysync->{ hashfile } = 'W/tmp/tests/imapsync_hash' ;
+	ok( ! -e 'W/tmp/tests/imapsync_hash' || unlink 'W/tmp/tests/imapsync_hash', 'hashsynclocal: unlink W/tmp/tests/imapsync_hash' ) ;
+	ok( ! -e 'W/tmp/tests/imapsync_hash', 'hashsynclocal: verify there is no W/tmp/tests/imapsync_hash' ) ;
+	is( 'ecdeb4ede672794d173da4e08c52b8ee19b7d252', hashsynclocal( $mysync, 'mukksyhpmbixkxkpjlqivmlqsulpictj' ), 'hashsynclocal: creating/reading W/tmp/tests/imapsync_hash' ) ;
+	# A second time now
+	is( 'ecdeb4ede672794d173da4e08c52b8ee19b7d252', hashsynclocal( $mysync ), 'hashsynclocal: reading W/tmp/tests/imapsync_hash second time => same' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_hashsynclocal()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub hashsynclocal
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	my $hashkey = shift ; # Optional, only there for tests
+	my $hashfile = $mysync->{ hashfile } ;
+	$hashfile = createhashfileifneeded( $hashfile, $hashkey ) ;
+	if ( ! $hashfile ) {
+		return ;
+	}
+	$hashkey = firstline( $hashfile ) ;
+	if ( ! $hashkey ) {
+		myprint( "No hashkey!\n" ) ;
+		return ;
+	}
+	my $hashsynclocal = hashsync( $mysync, $hashkey ) ;
+	return( $hashsynclocal ) ;
+sub tests_hashsync
+	note( 'Entering tests_hashsync()' ) ;
+	is( 'fbdb1d1b18aa6c08324b7d64b71fb76370690e1d', hashsync( {}, q{} ), 'hashsync: empty args' ) ;
+	my $mysync ;
+	$mysync->{ host1 } = 'zzz' ;
+	is( 'e86a28a3611c1e7bbaf8057cd00ae122781a11fe', hashsync( $mysync, q{} ), 'hashsync: host1 zzz => ' ) ;
+	is( 'e86a28a3611c1e7bbaf8057cd00ae122781a11fe', hashsync( $mysync, q{} ), 'hashsync: host1 zzz => ' ) ;
+	$mysync->{ host2 } = 'zzz' ;
+	is( '15959573e4a86763253a7aedb1a2b0c60d133dc2', hashsync( $mysync, q{} ), 'hashsync: + host2 zzz => ' ) ;
+	is( 'b8d4ab541b209c75928528020ca28ee43488bd8f', hashsync( $mysync, 'A' ), 'hashsync: + hashkey A => ' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_hashsync()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub hashsync
+	my $mysync  = shift ;
+	my $hashkey = shift ;
+	my $mystring = join( q{},
+		$mysync->{ host1 }     || q{},
+		$mysync->{ user1 }     || q{},
+		$mysync->{ password1 } || q{},
+		$mysync->{ host2 }     || q{},
+		$mysync->{ user2 }     || q{},
+		$mysync->{ password2 } || q{},
+	) ;
+	my $hashsync = hmac_sha1_hex( $mystring, $hashkey ) ;
+	#myprint( "$hashsync\n" ) ;
+	return( $hashsync ) ;
+sub tests_createhashfileifneeded
+	note( 'Entering tests_createhashfileifneeded()' ) ;
+	is( undef, createhashfileifneeded(  ), 'createhashfileifneeded: no parameters => undef' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_createhashfileifneeded()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub createhashfileifneeded
+	my $hashfile = shift ;
+	my $hashkey  = shift || rand32(  ) ;
+	# no name
+	if ( ! $hashfile ) {
+		return ;
+	}
+	# already there
+	if ( -e -r $hashfile ) {
+		return $hashfile ;
+	}
+	# not creatable
+	if ( ! -w dirname( $hashfile ) ) {
+		return ;
+	}
+	# creatable
+	open my $FILE_HANDLE, '>', $hashfile
+                or do {
+                        myprint( "Could not open $hashfile for writing. Check permissions or disk space."  ) ;
+                return ;
+        } ;
+        myprint( "Writing random hashkey in $hashfile, once for all times\n"  ) ;
+        print $FILE_HANDLE $hashkey ;
+        close $FILE_HANDLE ;
+	# Should be there now
+	if ( -e -r $hashfile ) {
+		return $hashfile ;
+	}
+	# unknown failure
+	return ;
+sub tests_rand32
+	note( 'Entering tests_rand32()' ) ;
+	my $string = rand32(  ) ;
+	myprint( "$string\n" ) ;
+	is( 32, length( $string ),    'rand32: 32 characters long' ) ;
+	is( 32, length( rand32(  ) ), 'rand32: 32 characters long, another one' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_rand32()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub rand32
+	my @chars = ( "a".."z" ) ;
+	my $string;
+	$string .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1..32 ;
+	return $string ;
+sub imap_id_stuff
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( not $mysync->{id} ) { return ; } ;
+        $mysync->{h1_imap_id} = imap_id( $mysync, $mysync->{imap1}, 'Host1' ) ;
+        #myprint( 'Host1: ' . $mysync->{h1_imap_id}  ) ;
+        $mysync->{h2_imap_id} = imap_id( $mysync, $mysync->{imap2}, 'Host2' ) ;
+        #myprint( 'Host2: ' . $mysync->{h2_imap_id}  ) ;
+        return ;
+sub imap_id
+        my ( $mysync, $imap, $Side ) = @_ ;
+        if ( not $mysync->{id} ) { return q{} ; } ;
+        $Side ||= q{} ;
+        my $imap_id_response = q{} ;
+        if ( not $imap->has_capability( 'ID' ) ) {
+                 $imap_id_response = 'No ID capability' ;
+                 myprint( "$Side: No ID capability\n"  ) ;
+        }else{
+                my $id_inp = imapsync_id( $mysync, { side => lc $Side } ) ;
+                myprint( "\n$Side: found ID capability. Sending/receiving ID, presented in raw IMAP for now.\n"
+                . "In order to avoid sending/receiving ID, use option --noid\n" ) ;
+                my $debug_before = $imap->Debug(  ) ;
+                $imap->Debug( 1 ) ;
+                my $id_out = $imap->tag_and_run( 'ID ' . $id_inp ) ;
+                #my $id_out = $imap->tag_and_run( 'ID NIL' ) ;
+                myprint( "\n" ) ;
+                $imap->Debug( $debug_before ) ;
+                #$imap_id_response = Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $id_out ], [ 'IMAP_ID' ] ) ;
+        }
+        return( $imap_id_response ) ;
+sub imapsync_id
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $overhashref = shift ;
+        # See
+        my $imapsync_id = { } ;
+        my $imapsync_id_lamiral = {
+                name          => 'imapsync',
+                version       => imapsync_version( $mysync ),
+                os            => $OSNAME,
+                vendor        => 'Gilles LAMIRAL',
+                'support-url' => '',
+                # Example of date-time:  19-Sep-2015 08:56:07
+                date          => date_from_rcs( q{$Date: 2019/12/23 20:18:02 $ } ),
+        } ;
+        my $imapsync_id_github  = {
+                name          => 'imapsync',
+                version       => imapsync_version( $mysync ),
+                os            => $OSNAME,
+                vendor        => 'github',
+                'support-url' => '',
+                date          => date_from_rcs( q{$Date: 2019/12/23 20:18:02 $ } ),
+        } ;
+        $imapsync_id = $imapsync_id_lamiral ;
+        #$imapsync_id = $imapsync_id_github ;
+        my %mix = ( %{ $imapsync_id }, %{ $overhashref } ) ;
+        my $imapsync_id_str = format_for_imap_arg( \%mix ) ;
+        #myprint( "$imapsync_id_str\n"  ) ;
+        return( $imapsync_id_str ) ;
+sub tests_imapsync_id
+	note( 'Entering tests_imapsync_id()' ) ;
+        my $mysync ;
+        ok( '("name" "imapsync" "version" "111" "os" "beurk" "vendor" "Gilles LAMIRAL" "support-url" "" "date" "22-12-1968" "side" "host1")'
+                eq imapsync_id( $mysync,
+                        {
+                        version => 111,
+                        os => 'beurk',
+                        date => '22-12-1968',
+                        side => 'host1'
+                        }
+                ),
+                'tests_imapsync_id override'
+        ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_imapsync_id()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub format_for_imap_arg
+        my $ref = shift ;
+        my $string = q{} ;
+        my %terms = %{ $ref } ;
+        my @terms = (  ) ;
+        if ( not ( %terms ) ) { return( 'NIL' ) } ;
+        # sort like in RFC then add extra key/values
+        foreach my $key ( qw( name version os os-version vendor support-url address date command arguments environment) ) {
+                if ( $terms{ $key } ) {
+                        push  @terms, $key, $terms{ $key }  ;
+                        delete $terms{ $key } ;
+                }
+        }
+        push  @terms, %terms  ;
+        $string = '(' . ( join q{ }, map { '"' . $_ . '"' } @terms )  . ')' ;
+        return( $string ) ;
+sub tests_format_for_imap_arg
+	note( 'Entering tests_format_for_imap_arg()' ) ;
+        ok( 'NIL' eq format_for_imap_arg( { } ), 'format_for_imap_arg empty hash ref' ) ;
+        ok( '("name" "toto")' eq format_for_imap_arg( { name => 'toto' } ), 'format_for_imap_arg { name => toto }' ) ;
+        ok( '("name" "toto" "key" "val")' eq format_for_imap_arg( { name => 'toto', key => 'val' } ), 'format_for_imap_arg 2 x key val' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_format_for_imap_arg()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub quota
+        my ( $mysync, $imap, $side ) = @_ ;
+	my %side = (
+		h1 => 'Host1',
+		h2 => 'Host2',
+	) ;
+        my $Side = $side{ $side } ;
+        my $debug_before = $imap->Debug(  ) ;
+        $imap->Debug( 1 ) ;
+        if ( not $imap->has_capability( 'QUOTA' ) ) {
+                $imap->Debug( $debug_before ) ;
+                return ;
+        } ;
+        myprint( "\n$Side: found quota, presented in raw IMAP\n"  ) ;
+        my $getquotaroot = $imap->getquotaroot( 'INBOX' ) ;
+        # Gmail INBOX quotaroot is "" but with it Mail::IMAPClient does a literal GETQUOTA {2} \n ""
+        #$imap->quota( 'ROOT' ) ;
+        #$imap->quota( '""' ) ;
+        myprint( "\n"  ) ;
+        $imap->Debug( $debug_before ) ;
+        my $quota_limit_bytes   = quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes( $mysync, $getquotaroot ) ;
+        my $quota_current_bytes = quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes( $mysync, $getquotaroot ) ;
+        $mysync->{$side}->{quota_limit_bytes}   = $quota_limit_bytes ;
+        $mysync->{$side}->{quota_current_bytes} = $quota_current_bytes ;
+        my $quota_percent ;
+        if ( $quota_limit_bytes > 0 ) {
+                $quota_percent = mysprintf( '%.2f', $NUMBER_100 * $quota_current_bytes / $quota_limit_bytes ) ;
+        }else{
+                $quota_percent = 0 ;
+        }
+        myprint( "$Side: Quota current storage is $quota_current_bytes bytes. Limit is $quota_limit_bytes bytes. So $quota_percent % full\n"  ) ;
+        if ( $QUOTA_PERCENT_LIMIT < $quota_percent ) {
+                my $error = "$Side: $quota_percent % full: it is time to find a bigger place! ( $quota_current_bytes bytes / $quota_limit_bytes bytes )\n" ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes
+        note( 'Entering tests_quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes()' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        my $imap_output = [
+        '* QUOTAROOT "INBOX" "Storage quota" "Messages quota"',
+        '* QUOTA "Storage quota" (STORAGE 1 104857600)',
+        '* QUOTA "Messages quota" (MESSAGE 2 100000)',
+        '5 OK Getquotaroot completed.'
+        ] ;
+        ok( $NUMBER_104_857_600 * $KIBI == quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes( $mysync, $imap_output ), 'quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes ') ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $imap_output = shift ;
+        my $limit_kb ;
+        $limit_kb = ( map { /.*\(\s*STORAGE\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s*\)/x ? $1 : () } @{ $imap_output } )[0] ;
+        $limit_kb ||= 0 ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "storage_limit_kb = $limit_kb\n"  ) ;
+        return( $KIBI * $limit_kb ) ;
+sub tests_quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes
+	note( 'Entering tests_quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes()' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        my $imap_output = [
+        '* QUOTAROOT "INBOX" "Storage quota" "Messages quota"',
+        '* QUOTA "Storage quota" (STORAGE 1 104857600)',
+        '* QUOTA "Messages quota" (MESSAGE 2 100000)',
+        '5 OK Getquotaroot completed.'
+        ] ;
+        ok( 1*$KIBI == quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes( $mysync, $imap_output ), 'quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes: 1 => 1024 ') ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $imap_output = shift ;
+        my $current_kb ;
+        $current_kb = ( map { /.*\(\s*STORAGE\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s*\)/x ? $1 : () } @{ $imap_output } )[0] ;
+        $current_kb ||= 0 ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "storage_current_kb = $current_kb\n"  ) ;
+        return( $KIBI * $current_kb ) ;
+sub automap
+        my ( $mysync ) = @_ ;
+        if ( $mysync->{automap} ) {
+                myprint( "Turned on automapping folders ( use --noautomap to turn off automapping )\n"  ) ;
+        }else{
+                myprint( "Turned off automapping folders ( use --automap to turn on automapping )\n"  ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        $mysync->{h1_special} = special_from_folders_hash( $mysync, $mysync->{imap1}, 'Host1' ) ;
+        $mysync->{h2_special} = special_from_folders_hash( $mysync, $mysync->{imap2}, 'Host2' ) ;
+        build_possible_special( $mysync ) ;
+        build_guess_special(  $mysync ) ;
+        build_automap( $mysync ) ;
+        return ;
+sub build_guess_special
+        my ( $mysync ) = shift ;
+        foreach my $h1_fold ( sort keys  %{ $mysync->{h1_folders_all} }  ) {
+                my $special = guess_special( $h1_fold, $mysync->{possible_special}, $mysync->{h1_prefix} ) ;
+                if ( $special ) {
+                        $mysync->{h1_special_guessed}{$h1_fold} = $special ;
+                        my $already_guessed = $mysync->{h1_special_guessed}{$special} ;
+                        if ( $already_guessed ) {
+                                myprint( "Host1: $h1_fold not $special because set to $already_guessed\n"  ) ;
+                        }else{
+                                $mysync->{h1_special_guessed}{$special} = $h1_fold ;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        foreach my $h2_fold ( sort keys  %{ $mysync->{h2_folders_all} }  ) {
+                my $special = guess_special( $h2_fold, $mysync->{possible_special}, $mysync->{h2_prefix} ) ;
+                if ( $special ) {
+                        $mysync->{h2_special_guessed}{$h2_fold} = $special ;
+                        my $already_guessed = $mysync->{h2_special_guessed}{$special} ;
+                        if ( $already_guessed ) {
+                                myprint( "Host2: $h2_fold not $special because set to $already_guessed\n"  ) ;
+                        }else{
+                                $mysync->{h2_special_guessed}{$special} = $h2_fold ;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        return ;
+sub guess_special
+        my( $folder, $possible_special_ref, $prefix ) = @_ ;
+        my $folder_no_prefix = $folder ;
+        $folder_no_prefix =~ s/\Q${prefix}\E//xms ;
+        #$debug and myprint( "folder_no_prefix: $folder_no_prefix\n"  ) ;
+        my $guess_special = $possible_special_ref->{ $folder }
+                || $possible_special_ref->{ $folder_no_prefix }
+                || q{} ;
+        return( $guess_special ) ;
+sub tests_guess_special
+	note( 'Entering tests_guess_special()' ) ;
+        my $possible_special_ref = build_possible_special( my $mysync ) ;
+        ok( '\Sent' eq guess_special( 'Sent', $possible_special_ref, q{} ) ,'guess_special: Sent => \Sent' ) ;
+        ok( q{} eq guess_special( 'Blabla', $possible_special_ref, q{} ) ,'guess_special: Blabla => q{}' ) ;
+        ok( '\Sent' eq guess_special( 'INBOX.Sent', $possible_special_ref, 'INBOX.' ) ,'guess_special: INBOX.Sent => \Sent' ) ;
+        ok( '\Sent' eq guess_special( 'IN BOX.Sent', $possible_special_ref, 'IN BOX.' ) ,'guess_special: IN BOX.Sent => \Sent' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_guess_special()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub build_automap
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+	$mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "Entering build_automap\n" ) ;
+        foreach my $h1_fold ( @{ $mysync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ) {
+                my $h2_fold ;
+                my $h1_special = $mysync->{h1_special}{$h1_fold} ;
+                my $h1_special_guessed = $mysync->{h1_special_guessed}{$h1_fold} ;
+                # Case 1: special on both sides.
+                if ( $h1_special
+                     and exists  $mysync->{h2_special}{$h1_special}  ) {
+                        $h2_fold = $mysync->{h2_special}{$h1_special} ;
+                        $mysync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } = $h2_fold ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                # Case 2: special on host1, not on host2
+                if ( $h1_special
+                     and ( not exists  $mysync->{h2_special}{$h1_special}  )
+                     and ( exists  $mysync->{h2_special_guessed}{$h1_special}  )
+                   ) {
+                        # special_guessed on host2
+                        $h2_fold = $mysync->{h2_special_guessed}{$h1_special} ;
+                        $mysync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } = $h2_fold ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                # Case 3: no special on host1, special on host2
+                if ( ( not $h1_special )
+                     and ( $h1_special_guessed )
+                     and ( exists  $mysync->{h2_special}{$h1_special_guessed}  )
+                ) {
+                        $h2_fold = $mysync->{h2_special}{$h1_special_guessed} ;
+                        $mysync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } = $h2_fold ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                # Case 4: no special on both sides.
+                if ( ( not $h1_special )
+                     and ( $h1_special_guessed )
+                     and ( not exists  $mysync->{h2_special}{$h1_special_guessed}  )
+                     and ( exists  $mysync->{h2_special_guessed}{$h1_special_guessed}  )
+                ) {
+                        $h2_fold = $mysync->{h2_special_guessed}{$h1_special_guessed} ;
+                        $mysync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } = $h2_fold ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+        }
+        return( $mysync->{f1f2auto} ) ;
+# I will not add what there is at:
+# because it works well without
+sub build_possible_special
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $possible_special = { } ;
+        # All|Archive|Drafts|Flagged|Junk|Sent|Trash
+        $possible_special->{'\All'}     = [ 'All', 'All Messages', '&BBIEQQQ1-' ] ;
+        $possible_special->{'\Archive'} = [ 'Archive', 'Archives', '&BBAEQARFBDgEMg-' ] ;
+        $possible_special->{'\Drafts'}  = [ 'Drafts', 'DRAFTS', '&BCcENQRABD0EPgQyBDgEOgQ4-', 'Szkice', 'Wersje robocze' ] ;
+        $possible_special->{'\Flagged'} = [ 'Flagged', 'Starred', '&BB8EPgQ8BDUERwQ1BD0EPQRLBDU-' ] ;
+        $possible_special->{'\Junk'}    = [ 'Junk', 'junk', 'Spam', 'SPAM', '&BCEEPwQwBDw-',
+                                            'Potwierdzony spam', 'Wiadomo&AVs-ci-&AVs-mieci',
+                                            'Junk E-Mail', 'Junk Email'] ;
+        $possible_special->{'\Sent'}    = [ 'Sent', 'Sent Messages', 'Sent Items',
+                                            'Gesendete Elemente', 'Gesendete Objekte',
+                                            '&AMk-l&AOk-ments envoy&AOk-s', 'Envoy&AOk-', 'Objets envoy&AOk-s',
+                                            'Elementos enviados',
+                                            '&kAFP4W4IMH8wojCkMMYw4A-',
+                                            '&BB4EQgQ,BEAEMAQyBDsENQQ9BD0ESwQ1-',
+                                            'Elementy wys&AUI-ane'] ;
+        $possible_special->{'\Trash'}   = [ 'Trash', 'TRASH',
+                                            '&BCMENAQwBDsENQQ9BD0ESwQ1-', '&BBoEPgRABDcEOAQ9BDA-',
+                                            'Kosz',
+                                            'Deleted Items', 'Deleted Messages' ] ;
+        foreach my $special ( qw( \All \Archive \Drafts \Flagged \Junk \Sent \Trash ) ){
+                foreach my $possible_folder ( @{ $possible_special->{$special} } ) {
+                        $possible_special->{ $possible_folder } = $special ;
+                } ;
+        }
+        $mysync->{possible_special} = $possible_special ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $possible_special ], [ 'possible_special' ] )  ) ;
+        return( $possible_special ) ;
+sub tests_special_from_folders_hash
+	note( 'Entering tests_special_from_folders_hash()' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        require_ok( "Test::MockObject" ) ;
+        my $imapT = Test::MockObject->new(  ) ;
+        is( undef, special_from_folders_hash(  ), 'special_from_folders_hash: no args' ) ;
+        is( undef, special_from_folders_hash( $mysync ), 'special_from_folders_hash: undef args' ) ;
+        is_deeply( {}, special_from_folders_hash( $mysync, $imapT ), 'special_from_folders_hash: $imap void' ) ;
+        $imapT->mock( 'folders_hash', sub { return( [ { name => 'Sent', attrs => [ '\Sent' ] } ] ) } ) ;
+        is_deeply( { Sent => '\Sent', '\Sent' => 'Sent' },
+                special_from_folders_hash( $mysync, $imapT ), 'special_from_folders_hash: $imap \Sent' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_special_from_folders_hash()' ) ;
+        return(  ) ;
+sub special_from_folders_hash
+        my ( $mysync, $imap, $side ) = @_ ;
+        my %special = (  ) ;
+        if ( ! defined $imap  ) { return ; }
+        $side = defined $side ? $side : 'Host?' ;
+        if ( ! $imap->can( 'folders_hash' ) ) {
+                my $error =  "$side: To have automagic rfc6154 folder mapping, upgrade Mail::IMAPClient >= 3.34\n" ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                return( \%special ) ; # empty hash ref
+        }
+        my $folders_hash = $imap->folders_hash(  ) ;
+        foreach my $fhash (@{ $folders_hash } ) {
+                        my @special =  grep { /\\(?:All|Archive|Drafts|Flagged|Junk|Sent|Trash)/x } @{ $fhash->{attrs} }  ;
+                        if ( @special ) {
+                                my $special = $special[0] ; # keep first one. Could be not very good.
+                                if ( exists  $special{ $special }  ) {
+                                        myprintf( "%s: special %-20s = %s already assigned to %s\n",
+                                                $side, $fhash->{name}, join( q{ }, @special ), $special{ $special } ) ;
+                                }else{
+                                        myprintf( "%s: special %-20s = %s\n",
+                                                $side, $fhash->{name}, join( q{ }, @special ) ) ;
+                                        $special{ $special } = $fhash->{name} ;
+                                        $special{ $fhash->{name} } = $special ; # double entry value => key
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+        myprint( "\n" ) if ( %special ) ;
+        return( \%special ) ;
+sub errors_incr
+        my ( $mysync, @error ) = @ARG ;
+        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+        if ( @error ) {
+                errors_log( $mysync, @error ) ;
+                myprint( @error ) ;
+        }
+        $mysync->{errorsmax} ||= $ERRORS_MAX ;
+        if ( $mysync->{nb_errors} >= $mysync->{errorsmax} ) {
+                myprint( "Maximum number of errors $mysync->{errorsmax} reached ( you can change $mysync->{errorsmax} to any value, for example 100 with --errorsmax 100 ). Exiting.\n"  ) ;
+                if ( $mysync->{errorsdump} ) {
+                        myprint( errorsdump( $mysync->{nb_errors}, errors_log( $mysync ) ) ) ;
+                        # again since errorsdump(  ) can be very verbose and masquerade previous warning
+                        myprint( "Maximum number of errors $mysync->{errorsmax} reached ( you can change $mysync->{errorsmax} to any value, for example 100 with --errorsmax 100 ). Exiting.\n"  ) ;
+                }
+                exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_WITH_ERRORS_MAX ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_errors_log
+        note( 'Entering tests_errors_log()' ) ;
+        is( undef, errors_log(  ), 'errors_log: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        is( undef, errors_log( $mysync ), 'errors_log: empty => undef' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'aieaie' ], [ errors_log( $mysync, 'aieaie' ) ], 'errors_log: aieaie => aieaie' ) ;
+        # cumulative
+        is_deeply( [ 'aieaie' ], [ errors_log( $mysync ) ], 'errors_log: nothing more => aieaie' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'aieaie', 'ouille' ], [ errors_log( $mysync, 'ouille' ) ], 'errors_log: ouille => aieaie ouille' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'aieaie', 'ouille' ], [ errors_log( $mysync ) ], 'errors_log: nothing more => aieaie ouille' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_errors_log()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub errors_log
+        my ( $mysync, @error ) = @ARG ;
+        if ( ! $mysync->{errors_log} ) {
+                $mysync->{errors_log} = [] ;
+        }
+        if ( @error ) {
+                push  @{ $mysync->{errors_log} }, join( q{}, @error  ) ;
+        }
+        if ( @{ $mysync->{errors_log} } ) {
+                return @{ $mysync->{errors_log} } ;
+        }
+        else {
+                return ;
+        }
+sub errorsdump
+        my( $nb_errors, @errors_log ) = @ARG ;
+        my $error_num = 0 ;
+        my $errors_list = q{} ;
+        if ( @errors_log ) {
+                $errors_list = "++++ Listing $nb_errors errors encountered during the sync ( avoid this listing with --noerrorsdump ).\n" ;
+                foreach my $error ( @errors_log ) {
+                        $error_num++ ;
+                        $errors_list .= "Err $error_num/$nb_errors: $error" ;
+                }
+        }
+        return( $errors_list ) ;
+sub tests_live_result
+	note( 'Entering tests_live_result()' ) ;
+        my $nb_errors = shift ;
+        if ( $nb_errors  ) {
+                myprint( "Live tests failed with $nb_errors errors\n"  ) ;
+        } else {
+                myprint( "Live tests ended successfully\n"  ) ;
+        }
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_live_result()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub size_filtered_flag
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $h1_size = shift ;
+        if ( defined $mysync->{ maxsize } and $h1_size >= $mysync->{ maxsize } ) {
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        if ( defined $minsize and $h1_size <= $minsize ) {
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        return( 0 ) ;
+sub sync_flags_fir
+        my ( $mysync, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $permanentflags2, $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref ) = @_ ;
+        if ( not defined  $h1_msg  ) { return } ;
+        if ( not defined  $h2_msg  ) { return } ;
+        my $h1_size = $h1_fir_ref->{$h1_msg}->{'RFC822.SIZE'} ;
+        return if size_filtered_flag( $mysync, $h1_size ) ;
+        # used cached flag values for efficiency
+        my $h1_flags = $h1_fir_ref->{ $h1_msg }->{ 'FLAGS' } || q{} ;
+        my $h2_flags = $h2_fir_ref->{ $h2_msg }->{ 'FLAGS' } || q{} ;
+        sync_flags( $mysync, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h1_flags, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $h2_flags, $permanentflags2 ) ;
+        return ;
+sub sync_flags_after_copy
+        # Activated with option --syncflagsaftercopy
+        my( $mysync, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h1_flags, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $permanentflags2 ) = @_ ;
+        if ( my @h2_flags = $mysync->{imap2}->flags( $h2_msg ) ) {
+                my $h2_flags = "@h2_flags" ;
+                ( $mysync->{ debug } or $debugflags ) and myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg flags before sync flags after copy ( $h2_flags )\n"  ) ;
+                sync_flags( $mysync, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h1_flags, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $h2_flags, $permanentflags2 ) ;
+        }else{
+                myprint( "Host2: msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg could not get its flags for sync flags after copy\n"  ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+# Globals
+# $debug
+# $debugflags
+# $permanentflags2
+sub sync_flags
+        my( $mysync, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h1_flags, $h2_fold, $h2_msg, $h2_flags, $permanentflags2 ) = @_ ;
+        ( $mysync->{ debug } or $debugflags ) and
+        myprint( "Host1: flags init msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg flags( $h1_flags ) Host2 msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg flags( $h2_flags )\n"  ) ;
+        $h1_flags = flags_for_host2( $h1_flags, $permanentflags2 ) ;
+        $h2_flags = flagscase( $h2_flags ) ;
+        ( $mysync->{ debug } or $debugflags ) and
+        myprint( "Host1: flags filt msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg flags( $h1_flags ) Host2 msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg flags( $h2_flags )\n"  ) ;
+        # compare flags - set flags if there a difference
+        my @h1_flags = sort split(q{ }, $h1_flags );
+        my @h2_flags = sort split(q{ }, $h2_flags );
+        my $diff = compare_lists( \@h1_flags, \@h2_flags );
+        $diff and ( $mysync->{ debug } or $debugflags )
+              and myprint( "Host2: flags msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg replacing h2 flags( $h2_flags ) with h1 flags( $h1_flags )\n" ) ;
+        # This sets flags exactly. So flags can be removed with this.
+        # When you remove a \Seen flag on host1 you want it
+        # to be removed on host2. Just add flags is not what
+        # we need most of the time, so no + like in "+FLAGS.SILENT".
+        if ( not $mysync->{dry} and $diff and not $mysync->{imap2}->store( $h2_msg, "FLAGS.SILENT (@h1_flags)" ) ) {
+                my $error_msg = join q{}, "Host2: flags msg $h2_fold/$h2_msg could not add flags [@h1_flags]: ",
+                  $mysync->{imap2}->LastError || q{}, "\n" ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error_msg ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub _filter
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $str = shift or return q{} ;
+        my $sz  = $SIZE_MAX_STR ;
+        my $len = length $str ;
+        if ( not $mysync->{ debug } and $len > $sz*2 ) {
+                my $beg = substr $str, 0, $sz ;
+                my $end = substr $str, -$sz, $sz ;
+                $str = $beg . '...' . $end ;
+        }
+        $str =~ s/\012?\015$//x ;
+        return "(len=$len) " . $str ;
+sub lost_connection
+        my( $mysync, $imap, $error_message ) = @_;
+        if ( $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) ) {
+                $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                my $lcomm = $imap->LastIMAPCommand || q{} ;
+                my $einfo = $imap->LastError || @{$imap->History}[$LAST] || q{} ;
+                # if string is long try reduce to a more reasonable size
+                $lcomm = _filter( $mysync, $lcomm ) ;
+                $einfo = _filter( $mysync, $einfo ) ;
+                myprint( "Failure: last command: $lcomm\n") if ( $mysync->{ debug } && $lcomm) ;
+                myprint( "Failure: lost connection $error_message: ", $einfo, "\n") ;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        else{
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }
+sub tests_max
+	note( 'Entering tests_max()' ) ;
+        is( 0, max( 0 ),  'max 0 => 0' ) ;
+        is( 1, max( 1 ),  'max 1 => 1' ) ;
+        is( $MINUS_ONE, max( $MINUS_ONE ), 'max -1 => -1') ;
+        is( undef, max(  ), 'max no arg => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, max( undef ), 'undef => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, max( undef, undef ), 'undef, undef => undef' ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_100, max( 1, $NUMBER_100 ), 'max 1 100 => 100' ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_100, max( $NUMBER_100, 1 ), 'max 100 1 => 100' ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_100, max( $NUMBER_100, $NUMBER_42, 1 ), 'max 100 42 1 => 100' ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_100, max( $NUMBER_100, '42', 1 ), 'max 100 42 1 => 100' ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_100, max( '100', '42', 1 ), 'max 100 42 1 => 100' ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_100, max( $NUMBER_100, 'haha', 1 ), 'max 100 haha 1 => 100') ;
+        is( $NUMBER_100, max( 'bb', $NUMBER_100, 'haha' ), 'max bb 100 haha => 100') ;
+        is( $MINUS_ONE, max( q{}, $MINUS_ONE, 'haha' ), 'max "" -1 haha => -1') ;
+        is( $MINUS_ONE, max( q{}, $MINUS_ONE, $MINUS_TWO ), 'max "" -1 -2 => -1') ;
+        is( $MINUS_ONE, max( 'haha', $MINUS_ONE, $MINUS_TWO ), 'max haha -1 -2 => -1') ;
+	is( 1, max( $MINUS_ONE, 1 ), 'max -1 1 => 1') ;
+	is( 1, max( undef, 1 ), 'max undef 1 => 1' ) ;
+	is( 0, max( undef, 0 ), 'max undef 0 => 0' ) ;
+        is( 'haha', max( 'haha' ), 'max haha => haha') ;
+        is( 'bb', max( 'aa', 'bb' ), 'max aa bb => bb') ;
+        is( 'bb', max( 'bb', 'aa' ), 'max bb aa => bb') ;
+        is( 'bb', max( 'bb', 'aa', 'bb' ), 'max bb aa bb => bb') ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_max()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub max
+        my @list = @_ ;
+        return( undef ) if ( 0 == scalar  @list  ) ;
+        my( @numbers, @notnumbers ) ;
+        foreach my $item ( @list )
+        {
+                if ( is_number( $item ) )
+                {
+                        push @numbers, $item ;
+                }
+                elsif ( defined $item )
+                {
+                        push @notnumbers, $item ;
+                }
+        }
+        my @sorted ;
+        if ( @numbers )
+        {
+                @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @numbers ;
+        }
+        elsif ( @notnumbers )
+        {
+                @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @notnumbers ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        return( pop @sorted ) ;
+sub tests_is_number
+        note( 'Entering tests_is_number()' ) ;
+        is( undef, is_number( ),    'is_number: no args => undef ' ) ;
+        is( undef, is_number( undef ),    'is_number: undef => undef ' ) ;
+        ok( is_number( 1 ),    'is_number:  1 => 1' ) ;
+        ok( is_number( 1.1 ),  'is_number:  1.1 => 1' ) ;
+        ok( is_number( 0 ),    'is_number:  0 => 1' ) ;
+        ok( is_number( -1 ),   'is_number: -1 => 1' ) ;
+        ok( ! is_number( 1.1.1 ),   'is_number: 1.1.1 => no' ) ;
+        ok( ! is_number( q{} ),     'is_number:   q{} => no' ) ;
+        ok( ! is_number( 'haha' ),  'is_number:  haha => no' ) ;
+        ok( ! is_number( '0haha' ), 'is_number: 0haha => no' ) ;
+        ok( ! is_number( '2haha' ), 'is_number: 2haha => no' ) ;
+        ok( ! is_number( 'haha2' ), 'is_number: haha2 => no' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_is_number()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub is_number
+        my $item = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined $item ) { return ; }
+        if ( $item =~ /\A$RE{num}{real}\Z/ ) {
+                return 1 ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_min
+	note( 'Entering tests_min()' ) ;
+        is( 0, min( 0 ),  'min 0 => 0' ) ;
+        is( 1, min( 1 ),  'min 1 => 1' ) ;
+        is( $MINUS_ONE, min( $MINUS_ONE ), 'min -1 => -1' ) ;
+        is( undef, min(  ), 'min no arg => undef' ) ;
+        is( 1, min( 1, $NUMBER_100 ), 'min 1 100 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, min( $NUMBER_100, 1 ), 'min 100 1 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, min( $NUMBER_100, $NUMBER_42, 1 ), 'min 100 42 1 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, min( $NUMBER_100, '42', 1 ), 'min 100 42 1 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, min( '100', '42', 1 ), 'min 100 42 1 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, min( $NUMBER_100, 'haha', 1 ), 'min 100 haha 1 => 1') ;
+	is( $MINUS_ONE, min( $MINUS_ONE, 1 ), 'min -1 1 => -1') ;
+	is( 1, min( undef, 1 ), 'min undef 1 => 1' ) ;
+	is( 0, min( undef, 0 ), 'min undef 0 => 0' ) ;
+	is( 1, min( undef, 1 ), 'min undef 1 => 1' ) ;
+	is( 0, min( undef, 2, 0, 1 ), 'min undef, 2, 0, 1 => 0' ) ;
+        is( 'haha', min( 'haha' ), 'min haha => haha') ;
+        is( 'aa', min( 'aa', 'bb' ), 'min aa bb => aa') ;
+        is( 'aa', min( 'bb', 'aa' ), 'min bb aa bb => aa') ;
+        is( 'aa', min( 'bb', 'aa', 'bb' ), 'min bb aa bb => aa') ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_min()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub min
+        my @list = @_ ;
+        return( undef ) if ( 0 == scalar  @list  ) ;
+        my( @numbers, @notnumbers ) ;
+        foreach my $item ( @list ) {
+                if ( is_number( $item ) ) {
+                        push @numbers, $item ;
+                }else{
+                        push @notnumbers, $item ;
+                }
+        }
+        my @sorted ;
+        if ( @numbers ) {
+                @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @numbers ;
+        }elsif( @notnumbers ) {
+                @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @notnumbers ;
+        }else{
+                return ;
+        }
+        return( shift @sorted ) ;
+sub check_lib_version
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "IMAPClient $Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION\n"  ) ;
+        if ( '2.2.9' eq $Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION ) {
+                myprint( "imapsync no longer supports Mail::IMAPClient 2.2.9, upgrade it\n"  ) ;
+                return 0 ;
+        }
+        else{
+                # 3.x.x is no longer buggy with imapsync.
+                # 3.30 or currently superior is imposed in the Perl "use Mail::IMAPClient line".
+                return 1 ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub module_version_str
+        my( $module_name, $module_version ) = @_ ;
+        my $str = mysprintf( "%-20s %s\n", $module_name, $module_version ) ;
+        return( $str ) ;
+sub modulesversion
+        my @list_version;
+        my %modulesversion = (
+                'Authen::NTLM'          => sub { $Authen::NTLM::VERSION },
+                'CGI'                   => sub { $CGI::VERSION },
+                'Compress::Zlib'        => sub { $Compress::Zlib::VERSION },
+                'Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA'   => sub { $Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA::VERSION },
+                'Data::Uniqid'          => sub { $Data::Uniqid::VERSION },
+                'Digest::HMAC_MD5'      => sub { $Digest::HMAC_MD5::VERSION },
+                'Digest::HMAC_SHA1'     => sub { $Digest::HMAC_SHA1::VERSION },
+                'Digest::MD5'           => sub { $Digest::MD5::VERSION },
+                'Encode'                => sub { $Encode::VERSION },
+                'Encode::IMAPUTF7'      => sub { $Encode::IMAPUTF7::VERSION },
+                'File::Copy::Recursive' => sub { $File::Copy::Recursive::VERSION },
+                'File::Spec'            => sub { $File::Spec::VERSION },
+                'Getopt::Long'          => sub { $Getopt::Long::VERSION },
+                'HTML::Entities'        => sub { $HTML::Entities::VERSION },
+                'IO::Socket'            => sub { $IO::Socket::VERSION },
+                'IO::Socket::INET'      => sub { $IO::Socket::INET::VERSION },
+                'IO::Socket::INET6'     => sub { $IO::Socket::INET6::VERSION },
+                'IO::Socket::IP'        => sub { $IO::Socket::IP::VERSION },
+                'IO::Socket::SSL'       => sub { $IO::Socket::SSL::VERSION },
+                'IO::Tee'               => sub { $IO::Tee::VERSION },
+                'JSON'                  => sub { $JSON::VERSION },
+                'JSON::WebToken'        => sub { $JSON::WebToken::VERSION },
+                'LWP'                   => sub { $LWP::VERSION },
+                'Mail::IMAPClient'      => sub { $Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION },
+                'MIME::Base64'          => sub { $MIME::Base64::VERSION },
+                'Net::Ping'             => sub { $Net::Ping::VERSION },
+                'Net::SSLeay'           => sub { $Net::SSLeay::VERSION },
+                'Term::ReadKey'         => sub { $Term::ReadKey::VERSION },
+                'Test::MockObject'      => sub { $Test::MockObject::VERSION },
+                'Time::HiRes'           => sub { $Time::HiRes::VERSION },
+                'Unicode::String'       => sub { $Unicode::String::VERSION },
+                'URI::Escape'           => sub { $URI::Escape::VERSION },
+                #'Lalala'                => sub { $Lalala::VERSION },
+        ) ;
+        foreach my $module_name ( sort keys %modulesversion ) {
+                # trick from
+                my $file_name = $module_name . '.pm' ;
+                $file_name =~s,::,/,xmgs; # Foo::Bar::Baz => Foo/Bar/
+                my $v ;
+                eval {
+                        require $file_name ;
+                        $v = defined $modulesversion{ $module_name } ? $modulesversion{ $module_name }->() : q{?} ;
+                } or $v = q{Not installed} ;
+                push  @list_version, module_version_str( $module_name, $v )  ;
+        }
+        return( @list_version ) ;
+sub tests_command_line_nopassword
+        note( 'Entering tests_command_line_nopassword()' ) ;
+        ok( q{} eq command_line_nopassword(), 'command_line_nopassword void' );
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        ok( '--blabla' eq command_line_nopassword( $mysync, '--blabla' ), 'command_line_nopassword --blabla' );
+        #myprint( command_line_nopassword((qw{ --password1 secret1 })), "\n" ) ;
+        ok( '--password1 MASKED' eq command_line_nopassword( $mysync, qw{ --password1 secret1}), 'command_line_nopassword --password1' );
+        ok( '--blabla --password1 MASKED --blibli'
+        eq command_line_nopassword( $mysync, qw{ --blabla --password1 secret1 --blibli } ), 'command_line_nopassword --password1 --blibli' );
+        $mysync->{showpasswords} = 1 ;
+        ok( q{} eq command_line_nopassword(), 'command_line_nopassword void' );
+        ok( '--blabla' eq command_line_nopassword( $mysync, '--blabla'), 'command_line_nopassword --blabla' );
+        #myprint( command_line_nopassword((qw{ --password1 secret1 })), "\n" ) ;
+        ok( '--password1 secret1' eq command_line_nopassword( $mysync, qw{ --password1 secret1} ), 'command_line_nopassword --password1' );
+        ok( '--blabla --password1 secret1 --blibli'
+        eq command_line_nopassword( $mysync, qw{ --blabla --password1 secret1 --blibli } ), 'command_line_nopassword --password1 --blibli' );
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_command_line_nopassword()' ) ;
+        return ;
+# Construct a command line copy with passwords replaced by MASKED.
+sub command_line_nopassword
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my @argv = @ARG ;
+        my @argv_nopassword ;
+        if ( $mysync->{ cmdcgi } ) {
+                @argv_nopassword = mask_password_value( @{ $mysync->{ cmdcgi } } ) ;
+                return( "@argv_nopassword" ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $mysync->{showpasswords} )
+        {
+                return( "@argv" ) ;
+        }
+        @argv_nopassword = mask_password_value( @argv ) ;
+        return("@argv_nopassword") ;
+sub mask_password_value
+        my @argv = @ARG ;
+        my @argv_nopassword ;
+        while ( @argv ) {
+                my $arg = shift @argv ; # option name or value
+                if ( $arg =~ m/-password[12]/x ) {
+                        shift @argv ; # password value
+                        push  @argv_nopassword, $arg, 'MASKED'  ; # option name and fake value
+                }else{
+                        push  @argv_nopassword, $arg ; # same option or value
+                }
+        }
+        return @argv_nopassword ;
+sub tests_get_stdin_masked
+        note( 'Entering tests_get_stdin_masked()' ) ;
+        is( q{}, get_stdin_masked(  ), 'get_stdin_masked: no args' ) ;
+        is( q{}, get_stdin_masked( 'Please ENTER: ' ), 'get_stdin_masked: ENTER' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_get_stdin_masked()' ) ;
+        return ;
+# The issue is that prompt() does not prompt the prompt
+# when the program is used like
+# { sleep 2 ; echo blablabla ; } | ./imapsync ...--host1 lo --user1 tata --host2 lo --user2 titi
+# use IO::Prompter ;
+sub get_stdin_masked
+        my $prompt = shift || 'Say something: ' ;
+        local @ARGV = () ;
+        my $input = prompt(
+                -prompt => $prompt,
+                -echo => '*',
+        ) ;
+        #myprint( "You said: $input\n" ) ;
+        return $input ;
+sub ask_for_password_new
+        my $prompt = shift ;
+        my $password = get_stdin_masked( $prompt ) ;
+        return $password ;
+sub ask_for_password
+        my $prompt = shift ;
+        myprint( $prompt  ) ;
+        Term::ReadKey::ReadMode( 2 ) ;
+        ## no critic (InputOutput::ProhibitExplicitStdin)
+        my $password = <STDIN> ;
+        chomp $password ;
+        myprint( "\nGot it\n" ) ;
+        Term::ReadKey::ReadMode( 0 ) ;
+        return $password ;
+# Have to refactor get_password1() get_password2()
+# to have only get_password() and two calls
+sub get_password1
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	$mysync->{password1}
+	|| $mysync->{ passfile1 }
+	|| 'PREAUTH' eq $authmech1
+	|| 'EXTERNAL' eq $authmech1
+	|| do
+        {
+                myprint( << 'FIN_PASSFILE'  ) ;
+If you are afraid of giving password on the command line arguments, you can put the
+password of user1 in a file named file1 and use "--passfile1 file1" instead of typing it.
+Then give this file restrictive permissions with the command "chmod 600 file1".
+An other solution is to set the environment variable IMAPSYNC_PASSWORD1
+                my $user = $authuser1 || $mysync->{user1} ;
+                my $host =  $mysync->{host1} ;
+                my $prompt = "What's the password for $user" . ' at ' . "$host? (not visible while you type, then enter RETURN) " ;
+                $mysync->{password1} = ask_for_password( $prompt ) ;
+        } ;
+	if ( defined  $mysync->{ passfile1 }  ) {
+		if ( ! -e -r $mysync->{ passfile1 } ) {
+			myprint( "Failure: file from parameter --passfile1 $mysync->{ passfile1 } does not exist or is not readable\n" ) ;
+                        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+			exit_clean( $mysync, $EX_NOINPUT ) ;
+		}
+		# passfile1 readable
+		$mysync->{password1} = firstline ( $mysync->{ passfile1 } ) ;
+		return ;
+	}
+		$mysync->{password1} = $ENV{IMAPSYNC_PASSWORD1} ;
+		return ;
+	}
+	return ;
+sub get_password2
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	$mysync->{password2}
+	|| $mysync->{ passfile2 }
+	|| 'PREAUTH' eq $authmech2
+	|| 'EXTERNAL' eq $authmech2
+	|| do
+        {
+                myprint( << 'FIN_PASSFILE'  ) ;
+If you are afraid of giving password on the command line arguments, you can put the
+password of user2 in a file named file2 and use "--passfile2 file2" instead of typing it.
+Then give this file restrictive permissions with the command "chmod 600 file2".
+An other solution is to set the environment variable IMAPSYNC_PASSWORD2
+                my $user = $authuser2 || $mysync->{user2} ;
+                my $host =  $mysync->{host2} ;
+                my $prompt = "What's the password for $user" . ' at ' . "$host? (not visible while you type, then enter RETURN) " ;
+                $mysync->{password2} = ask_for_password( $prompt ) ;
+        } ;
+	if ( defined  $mysync->{ passfile2 }  ) {
+		if ( ! -e -r $mysync->{ passfile2 } ) {
+			myprint( "Failure: file from parameter --passfile2 $mysync->{ passfile2 } does not exist or is not readable\n" ) ;
+                        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+			exit_clean( $mysync, $EX_NOINPUT ) ;
+		}
+		# passfile2 readable
+		$mysync->{password2} = firstline ( $mysync->{ passfile2 } ) ;
+		return ;
+	}
+		$mysync->{password2} = $ENV{IMAPSYNC_PASSWORD2} ;
+		return ;
+	}
+	return ;
+sub remove_tmp_files
+        my $mysync = shift or return ;
+        $mysync->{pidfile} or return ;
+        if ( -e $mysync->{pidfile} ) {
+                unlink $mysync->{pidfile} ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub cleanup_before_exit
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        remove_tmp_files( $mysync ) ;
+        if ( $mysync->{imap1} and $mysync->{imap1}->IsConnected() )
+        {
+                myprint( "Disconnecting from host1 $mysync->{ host1 } user1 $mysync->{ user1 }\n" ) ;
+                $mysync->{imap1}->logout(  ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $mysync->{imap2} and $mysync->{imap2}->IsConnected() )
+        {
+                myprint( "Disconnecting from host2 $mysync->{ host2 } user2 $mysync->{ user2 }\n" ) ;
+                $mysync->{imap2}->logout(  ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $mysync->{log} ) {
+                myprint( "Log file is $mysync->{logfile} ( to change it, use --logfile filepath ; or use --nolog to turn off logging )\n" ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $mysync->{log} and $mysync->{logfile_handle} ) {
+                #myprint( "Closing $mysync->{ logfile }\n" ) ;
+                close $mysync->{logfile_handle} ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub exit_clean
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $status = shift @ARG ;
+        my @messages = @ARG ;
+        if ( @messages )
+        {
+                myprint( @messages ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "Exiting with return value $status ($EXIT_TXT{$status}) $mysync->{nb_errors}/$mysync->{errorsmax} nb_errors/max_errors\n" ) ;
+        cleanup_before_exit( $mysync ) ;
+        exit $status ;
+sub missing_option
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $option  = shift ;
+        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+        exit_clean( $mysync, $EX_USAGE, "$option option is mandatory, for help run $PROGRAM_NAME --help\n" ) ;
+        return ;
+sub catch_ignore
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $signame = shift ;
+        my $sigcounter = ++$mysync->{ sigcounter }{ $signame } ;
+        myprint( "\nGot a signal $signame (my PID is $PROCESS_ID my PPID is ", getppid(  ),
+                 "). Received $sigcounter $signame signals so far. Thanks!\n" ) ;
+        stats( $mysync ) ;
+        return ;
+sub catch_exit
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $signame = shift || q{} ;
+        if ( $signame ) {
+                myprint( "\nGot a signal $signame (my PID is $PROCESS_ID my PPID is ", getppid(  ),
+                         "). Asked to terminate\n" ) ;
+                if ( $mysync->{stats} ) {
+                        myprint( "Here are the final stats of this sync not completely finished so far\n" ) ;
+                        stats( $mysync ) ;
+                        myprint( "Ended by a signal $signame (my PID is $PROCESS_ID my PPID is ",
+                        getppid(  ), "). I am asked to terminate immediately.\n" ) ;
+                        myprint( "You should resynchronize those accounts by running a sync again,\n",
+                        "since some messages and entire folders might still be missing on host2.\n" ) ;
+                }
+                ## no critic (RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
+                $SIG{ $signame }  = 'DEFAULT'; # restore default action
+                # kill myself with $signame
+                #
+                myprint( "Killing myself with signal $signame\n" ) ;
+                cleanup_before_exit( $mysync ) ;
+                kill( $signame, $PROCESS_ID ) ;
+                sleep 1 ;
+                $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_BY_SIGNAL,
+                        "Still there after killing myself with signal $signame...\n"
+                ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_BY_SIGNAL, "Exiting in catch_exit with no signal...\n" ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub catch_print
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $signame = shift ;
+        my $sigcounter = ++$mysync->{ sigcounter }{ $signame } ;
+        myprint( "\nGot a signal $signame (my PID is $PROCESS_ID my PPID is ", getppid(  ),
+                 "). Received $sigcounter $signame signals so far. Thanks!\n" ) ;
+        return ;
+sub here_twice
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $now = time ;
+        my $previous = $mysync->{lastcatch} || 0 ;
+        $mysync->{lastcatch} = $now ;
+        if ( $INTERVAL_TO_EXIT >= $now - $previous ) {
+                return $TRUE ;
+        }else{
+                return $FALSE ;
+        }
+sub catch_reconnect
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $signame = shift ;
+        if ( here_twice( $mysync ) ) {
+                myprint( "Got two signals $signame within $INTERVAL_TO_EXIT seconds. Exiting...\n" ) ;
+                catch_exit( $mysync, $signame ) ;
+        }else{
+                myprint( "\nGot a signal $signame (my PID is $PROCESS_ID my PPID is ", getppid(  ), ")\n",
+                        "Hit 2 ctr-c within 2 seconds to exit the program\n",
+                        "Hit only 1 ctr-c to reconnect to both imap servers\n",
+                ) ;
+                myprint( "For now only one signal $signame within $INTERVAL_TO_EXIT seconds.\n" ) ;
+                if ( ! defined $mysync->{imap1} ) { return ; }
+                if ( ! defined $mysync->{imap2} ) { return ; }
+                myprint( "Info: reconnecting to host1 imap server $mysync->{host1}\n" ) ;
+                $mysync->{imap1}->State( Mail::IMAPClient::Unconnected ) ;
+                $mysync->{imap1}->{IMAPSYNC_RECONNECT_COUNT} += 1 ;
+                if ( $mysync->{imap1}->reconnect(  ) )
+                {
+                        myprint( "Info: reconnected to host1 imap server $mysync->{host1}\n" ) ;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                        exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_CONNECTION_FAILURE ) ;
+                }
+                myprint( "Info: reconnecting to host2 imap server\n" ) ;
+                $mysync->{imap2}->State( Mail::IMAPClient::Unconnected ) ;
+                $mysync->{imap2}->{IMAPSYNC_RECONNECT_COUNT} += 1 ;
+                if ( $mysync->{imap2}->reconnect(  ) )
+                {
+                        myprint( "Info: reconnected to host2 imap server $mysync->{host2}\n" ) ;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                        exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_CONNECTION_FAILURE ) ;
+                }
+                myprint( "Info: reconnected to both imap servers\n" ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub install_signals
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( under_docker_context( $mysync ) )
+        {
+                # output( $mysync, "Under docker context so leaving signals as they are\n" ) ;
+                output( $mysync, "Under docker context so installing only signals to exit\n" ) ;
+                @{ $mysync->{ sigexit } } = ( defined( $mysync->{ sigexit } ) ) ? @{ $mysync->{ sigexit } } : ( 'INT', 'QUIT', 'TERM' ) ;
+                sig_install( $mysync, 'catch_exit', @{ $mysync->{ sigexit } } ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                # Unix signals
+                @{ $mysync->{ sigexit } }      = ( defined( $mysync->{ sigexit } ) )      ? @{ $mysync->{ sigexit } }      : ( 'QUIT', 'TERM' ) ;
+                @{ $mysync->{ sigreconnect } } = ( defined( $mysync->{ sigreconnect } ) ) ? @{ $mysync->{ sigreconnect } } : ( 'INT' ) ;
+                @{ $mysync->{ sigprint } }     = ( defined( $mysync->{ sigprint } ) )     ? @{ $mysync->{ sigprint } }     : ( 'HUP' ) ;
+                @{ $mysync->{ sigignore } }    = ( defined( $mysync->{ sigignore } ) )    ? @{ $mysync->{ sigignore } }    : ( ) ;
+                #local %SIG = %SIG ;
+                sig_install( $mysync, 'catch_exit',      @{ $mysync->{ sigexit      } } ) ;
+                sig_install( $mysync, 'catch_reconnect', @{ $mysync->{ sigreconnect } } ) ;
+                sig_install( $mysync, 'catch_print',     @{ $mysync->{ sigprint     } } ) ;
+                # --sigignore can override sigexit, sigreconnect and sigprint (for the same signals only)
+                sig_install( $mysync, 'catch_ignore',    @{ $mysync->{ sigignore }  } ) ;
+                sig_install_toggle_sleep( $mysync ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_reconnect_12_if_needed
+	note( 'Entering tests_reconnect_12_if_needed()' ) ;
+	my $mysync ;
+	$mysync->{imap1} = Mail::IMAPClient->new(  ) ;
+	$mysync->{imap2} = Mail::IMAPClient->new(  ) ;
+	$mysync->{imap1}->Server( '' ) ;
+	$mysync->{imap2}->Server( '' ) ;
+	is( 2, reconnect_12_if_needed( $mysync ), 'reconnect_12_if_needed: test1&test2 => 1' ) ;
+	is( 1, $mysync->{imap1}->{IMAPSYNC_RECONNECT_COUNT}, 'reconnect_12_if_needed: IMAPSYNC_RECONNECT_COUNT => 1' ) ;
+	is( 1, $mysync->{imap2}->{IMAPSYNC_RECONNECT_COUNT}, 'reconnect_12_if_needed: IMAPSYNC_RECONNECT_COUNT => 1' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_reconnect_12_if_needed()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub reconnect_12_if_needed
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+	#return 2 ;
+	if ( ! reconnect_if_needed( $mysync->{imap1} ) ) {
+		return ;
+	}
+	if ( ! reconnect_if_needed( $mysync->{imap2} ) ) {
+		return ;
+	}
+	# both were good
+	return 2 ;
+sub tests_reconnect_if_needed
+	note( 'Entering tests_reconnect_if_needed()' ) ;
+	my $myimap ;
+	is( undef, reconnect_if_needed( ), 'reconnect_if_needed: no args => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, reconnect_if_needed( $myimap ), 'reconnect_if_needed: undef arg => undef' ) ;
+	$myimap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(  ) ;
+        $myimap->Debug( 1 ) ;
+	is( undef, reconnect_if_needed( $myimap ), 'reconnect_if_needed: empty new Mail::IMAPClient => undef' ) ;
+	$myimap->Server( '' ) ;
+	is( 1, reconnect_if_needed( $myimap ), 'reconnect_if_needed: => 1' ) ;
+	is( 1, $myimap->{IMAPSYNC_RECONNECT_COUNT}, 'reconnect_if_needed: IMAPSYNC_RECONNECT_COUNT => 1' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_reconnect_if_needed()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub reconnect_if_needed
+	# return undef upon failure.
+	# return 1 upon connection success, with or without reconnection.
+        my $imap = shift ;
+	if ( ! defined $imap ) { return ; }
+	if ( ! $imap->Server(  ) ) { return ; }
+	if ( $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) ) {
+		if ( $imap->reconnect( ) )  {
+			return 1 ;
+		}
+	}else{
+		return 1 ;
+	}
+	# A last forced one
+	$imap->State( Mail::IMAPClient::Unconnected ) ;
+	$imap->reconnect(  ) ;
+	if ( $imap->noop ) {
+		# NOOP is ok
+		return 1 ;
+	}
+	return ;
+#        $sync->{id} = defined  $sync->{id}  ? $sync->{id} : 1 ;
+#        imap_id_stuff( $sync ) ;
+sub justconnect
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $justconnect1 = justconnect1( $sync ) ;
+        my $justconnect2 = justconnect2( $sync ) ;
+        return "$justconnect1 $justconnect2";
+sub justconnect1
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( $mysync->{host1} )
+        {
+                myprint( "Host1: Will just connect to $mysync->{host1} without login\n" ) ;
+                $mysync->{imap1} = connect_imap(
+                        $mysync->{host1}, $mysync->{port1}, $debugimap1,
+                        $mysync->{ssl1}, $mysync->{tls1}, 'Host1',
+                        $mysync->{h1}->{timeout}, $mysync->{h1} ) ;
+                imap_id( $mysync, $mysync->{imap1}, 'Host1' ) ;
+                $mysync->{imap1}->logout(  ) ;
+                return $mysync->{host1} ;
+        }
+        return q{} ;
+sub justconnect2
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( $mysync->{host2} )
+        {
+                myprint( "Host2: Will just connect to $mysync->{host2} without login\n" ) ;
+                $mysync->{imap2} = connect_imap(
+                        $mysync->{host2}, $mysync->{port2}, $debugimap2,
+                        $mysync->{ssl2}, $mysync->{tls2}, 'Host2',
+                        $mysync->{h2}->{timeout}, $mysync->{h2} ) ;
+                imap_id( $mysync, $mysync->{imap2}, 'Host2' ) ;
+                $mysync->{imap2}->logout(  ) ;
+                return $mysync->{host2} ;
+        }
+        return q{} ;
+sub skip_macosx
+        #return ;
+        return( '' eq hostname() ) ;
+sub tests_mailimapclient_connect
+        note( 'Entering tests_mailimapclient_connect()' ) ;
+        my $imap ;
+        # ipv4
+        ok( $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(  ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4: new' ) ;
+        is( 'Mail::IMAPClient', ref( $imap ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4: ref is Mail::IMAPClient' ) ;
+        # Mail::IMAPClient 3.40 die on this... So we skip it, thanks to "mature" IO::Socket::IP
+        # Mail::IMAPClient 3.42 is ok so this test is back.
+        is( undef, $imap->connect(  ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4: connect with no server => failure' ) ;
+        is( '', $imap->Server( '' ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4: setting Server(' ) ;
+        is( 1, $imap->Debug( 1 ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4: setting Debug( 1 )' ) ;
+        is( 143, $imap->Port( 143 ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4: setting Port( 143 )' ) ;
+        is( 3, $imap->Timeout( 3 ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4: setting Timout( 3 )' ) ;
+        like( ref( $imap->connect(  ) ), qr/IO::Socket::INET|IO::Socket::IP/, 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4: connect to' ) ;
+        like( $imap->logout( ), qr/Mail::IMAPClient/, 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4: logout' ) ;
+        is( undef, undef $imap, 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4: free variable' ) ;
+        # ipv4 + ssl
+        ok( $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(  ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4 + ssl: new' ) ;
+        is( '', $imap->Server( '' ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4 + ssl: setting Server(' ) ;
+        is( 1, $imap->Debug( 1 ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4 + ssl: setting Debug( 1 )' ) ;
+        ok( $imap->Ssl( [ SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, SSL_cipher_list => 'DEFAULT:!DH' ] ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4 + ssl: setting Ssl( SSL_VERIFY_NONE )' ) ;
+        is( 993, $imap->Port( 993 ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4 + ssl: setting Port( 993 )' ) ;
+        like( ref( $imap->connect(  ) ), qr/IO::Socket::SSL/, 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4 + ssl: connect to' ) ;
+        like( $imap->logout( ), qr/Mail::IMAPClient/, 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4 + ssl: logout in ssl does not cause failure' ) ;
+        is( undef, undef $imap, 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4 + ssl: free variable' ) ;
+        # ipv6 + ssl
+        # Fails often on
+        ok( $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(  ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv6 + ssl: new' ) ;
+        is( '', $imap->Server( '' ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv6 + ssl: setting Server' ) ;
+        is( 3, $imap->Timeout( 3 ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4: setting Timout( 3 )' ) ;
+        ok( $imap->Ssl( [ SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE, SSL_cipher_list => 'DEFAULT:!DH' ] ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv6 + ssl: setting Ssl( SSL_VERIFY_NONE )' ) ;
+        is( 993, $imap->Port( 993 ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv6 + ssl: setting Port( 993 )' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+        if (
+                'CUILLERE' eq hostname()
+                or
+                skip_macosx()
+                or
+                -e '/.dockerenv'
+                or
+                'pcHPDV7-HP' eq hostname()
+                )
+        {
+                skip( 'Tests avoided on CUILLERE/pcHPDV7-HP/ cannot do ipv6', 4 ) ;
+        }
+        is( 1, $imap->Debug( 1 ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4 + ssl: setting Debug( 1 )' ) ;
+        # It sounds stupid but it avoids failures on the next test about $imap->connect
+        is( '2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7', resolv( '' ), 'resolv: => 2001:41d0:8:bebd::1' ) ;
+        like( ref( $imap->connect(  ) ), qr/IO::Socket::SSL/, 'mailimapclient_connect ipv6 + ssl: connect to' ) ;
+        # This one is ok on petite, not on ks2, do not know why, so commented.
+        like( ref( $imap->logout(  ) ), qr/Mail::IMAPClient/, 'mailimapclient_connect ipv6 + ssl: logout in ssl is ok on' ) ;
+        }
+        is( undef, undef $imap, 'mailimapclient_connect ipv6 + ssl: free variable' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_mailimapclient_connect()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_mailimapclient_connect_bug
+        note( 'Entering tests_mailimapclient_connect_bug()' ) ;
+        my $imap ;
+        # ipv6
+        ok( $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(  ), 'mailimapclient_connect_bug ipv6: new' ) ;
+        is( '', $imap->Server( '' ), 'mailimapclient_connect_bug ipv6: setting Server(' ) ;
+        is( 143, $imap->Port( 143 ), 'mailimapclient_connect_bug ipv6: setting Port( 993 )' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+                if (
+                        'CUILLERE' eq hostname()
+                or
+                        skip_macosx()
+                or
+                        -e '/.dockerenv'
+                or
+                'pcHPDV7-HP' eq hostname()
+                )
+                {
+                        skip( 'Tests avoided on CUILLERE/pcHPDV7-HP/ cannot do ipv6', 1 ) ;
+                }
+                like( ref( $imap->connect(  ) ), qr/IO::Socket::INET/, 'mailimapclient_connect_bug ipv6: connect to' )
+                or diag( 'mailimapclient_connect_bug ipv6: ', $imap->LastError(  ), $!,  ) ;
+        }
+        #is( $imap->logout( ), undef, 'mailimapclient_connect_bug ipv6: logout in ssl causes failure' ) ;
+        is( undef, undef $imap, 'mailimapclient_connect_bug ipv6: free variable' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_mailimapclient_connect_bug()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_connect_socket
+        note( 'Entering tests_connect_socket()' ) ;
+	is( undef, connect_socket(  ), 'connect_socket: no args' ) ;
+        my $socket ;
+        my $imap ;
+        SKIP: {
+                if (
+                        'CUILLERE' eq hostname()
+                or
+                        skip_macosx()
+                or
+                        -e '/.dockerenv'
+                or
+                        'pcHPDV7-HP' eq hostname()
+                )
+                {
+                        skip( 'Tests avoided on CUILLERE/pcHPDV7-HP/ cannot do ipv6', 2 ) ;
+                }
+                $socket = IO::Socket::INET6->new(
+                        PeerAddr => '',
+                        PeerPort => 143,
+                ) ;
+                ok( $imap = connect_socket( $socket ), 'connect_socket: port 143 IO::Socket::INET6' ) ;
+                #$imap->Debug( 1 ) ;
+                # myprint( $imap->capability(  ) ) ;
+                if ( $imap ) {
+                        $imap->logout(  ) ;
+                }
+                $IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG = 4 ;
+                $socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
+                        PeerHost => '',
+                        PeerPort => 993,
+                        SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE,
+                        SSL_cipher_list => 'DEFAULT:!DH',
+                ) ;
+                # myprint( $socket ) ;
+                ok( $imap = connect_socket( $socket ), 'connect_socket: port 993 IO::Socket::SSL' ) ;
+                #$imap->Debug( 1 ) ;
+                # myprint( $imap->capability(  ) ) ;
+                # $socket->close(  ) ;
+                if ( $imap ) {
+                        $socket->close(  ) ;
+                }
+                #$socket->close(SSL_no_shutdown => 1) ;
+                #$imap->logout(  ) ;
+                #myprint( "\n" ) ;
+                #$imap->logout(  ) ;
+        }
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_connect_socket()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub connect_socket
+	my( $socket ) = @ARG ;
+	if ( ! defined $socket ) { return ; }
+	my $host = $socket->peerhost(  ) ;
+	my $port = $socket->peerport(  ) ;
+	#print "socket->peerhost: ", $socket->peerhost(  ), "\n" ;
+	#print "socket->peerport: ", $socket->peerport(  ), "\n" ;
+	my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(  ) ;
+	$imap->Socket( $socket ) ;
+	my $banner = $imap->Results()->[0] ;
+	#myprint( "banner: $banner"  ) ;
+	return $imap ;
+sub tests_probe_imapssl
+        note( 'Entering tests_probe_imapssl()' ) ;
+        is( undef, probe_imapssl(  ),          'probe_imapssl: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, probe_imapssl( 'unknown' ), 'probe_imapssl: unknown => undef' ) ;
+        note( "hostname is: ", hostname() ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+                if (
+                        'CUILLERE' eq hostname()
+                or
+                        skip_macosx()
+                or
+                        -e '/.dockerenv'
+                or
+                        'pcHPDV7-HP' eq hostname()
+                )
+                {
+                        skip( 'Tests avoided on CUILLERE or pcHPDV7-HP or Mac or docker: cannot do ipv6', 0 ) ;
+                }
+                # fed up with this one
+                #like( probe_imapssl( '' ), qr/^\* OK/, 'probe_imapssl: matches "* OK"' ) ;
+        } ;
+        # It sounds stupid but it avoids failures on the next test about $imap->connect
+        ok( resolv( '' ), 'resolv: => something' ) ;
+        like( probe_imapssl( '' ),       qr/^\* OK/, 'probe_imapssl: matches "* OK"' ) ;
+        like( probe_imapssl( '' ),   qr/^\* OK/, 'probe_imapssl: matches "* OK"' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_probe_imapssl()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub probe_imapssl
+        my $host = shift ;
+        if ( ! $host ) { return ; }
+        $sync->{ debug } and $IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG = 4 ;
+  	my $socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new(
+		PeerHost => $host,
+		PeerPort => $IMAP_SSL_PORT,
+                SSL_verifycn_scheme => 'imap',
+                SSL_verify_mode => $SSL_VERIFY_POLICY,
+                SSL_cipher_list => 'DEFAULT:!DH',
+	) ;
+        if ( ! $socket ) { return ; }
+        $sync->{ debug } and print "socket: $socket\n" ;
+        my $banner ;
+        $socket->sysread( $banner, 65_536 ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and print "banner: $banner" ;
+        $socket->close(  ) ;
+        return $banner ;
+sub connect_imap
+        my( $host, $port, $mydebugimap, $ssl, $tls, $Side, $mytimeout, $h ) = @_ ;
+        my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(  ) ;
+        if ( $ssl ) { set_ssl( $imap, $h ) }
+        $imap->Server( $host ) ;
+        $imap->Port( $port ) ;
+        $imap->Debug( $mydebugimap ) ;
+        $imap->Timeout( $mytimeout ) ;
+        my $side = lc $Side ;
+        myprint( "$Side: connecting on $side [$host] port [$port]\n"  ) ;
+        if ( ! $imap->connect(  ) )
+        {
+                $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $sync, $EXIT_CONNECTION_FAILURE,
+                        "$Side: Can not open imap connection on [$host]: ",
+                        $imap->LastError,
+                        " $OS_ERROR\n"
+                ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "$Side IP address: ", $imap->Socket->peerhost(), "\n"  ) ;
+        my $banner = $imap->Results()->[0] ;
+        myprint( "$Side banner: $banner"  ) ;
+        myprint( "$Side capability: ", join(q{ }, @{ $imap->capability() || [] }), "\n" ) ;
+        if ( $tls ) {
+                set_tls( $imap, $h ) ;
+                if ( ! $imap->starttls(  ) )
+                {
+                        $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                        exit_clean( $sync, $EXIT_TLS_FAILURE,
+                                "$Side: Can not go to tls encryption on $side [$host]:",
+                                $imap->LastError, "\n"
+                        ) ;
+                }
+                myprint( "$Side: Socket successfuly converted to SSL\n"  ) ;
+        }
+        return( $imap ) ;
+sub login_imap
+        my @allargs = @_ ;
+        my(
+                $host, $port, $user, $domain, $password,
+                $mydebugimap, $mytimeout, $fastio,
+                $ssl, $tls, $authmech, $authuser, $reconnectretry,
+                $proxyauth, $uid, $split, $Side, $h, $mysync ) = @allargs ;
+        my $side = lc $Side ;
+        myprint( "$Side: connecting and login on $side [$host] port [$port] with user [$user]\n"  ) ;
+        my $imap = init_imap( @allargs ) ;
+        if ( ! $imap->connect() )
+        {
+                $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_CONNECTION_FAILURE,
+                        "$Side failure: can not open imap connection on $side [$host] with user [$user]: ",
+                        $imap->LastError . " $OS_ERROR\n"
+                ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "$Side IP address: ", $imap->Socket->peerhost(), "\n"  ) ;
+        my $banner = $imap->Results()->[0] ;
+        myprint( "$Side banner: $banner"  ) ;
+	myprint( "$Side capability before authentication: ", join(q{ }, @{ $imap->capability() || [] }), "\n" ) ;
+	if ( (! $ssl) and (! defined $tls ) and $imap->has_capability( 'STARTTLS' ) ) {
+		myprint( "$Side: going to ssl because STARTTLS is in CAPABILITY. Use --notls1 or --notls2 to avoid that behavior\n" ) ;
+		$tls = 1 ;
+	}
+        if ( $authmech eq 'PREAUTH' ) {
+                if ( $imap->IsAuthenticated( ) ) {
+                        $imap->Socket ;
+                        myprintf("%s: Assuming PREAUTH for %s\n", $Side, $imap->Server ) ;
+                }else{
+                        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                        exit_clean(
+                                $mysync, $EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE,
+                                "$Side failure: error login on $side [$host] with user [$user] auth [PREAUTH]\n"
+                        ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        if ( $tls ) {
+                set_tls( $imap, $h ) ;
+                if ( ! $imap->starttls(  ) )
+                {
+                        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                        exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_TLS_FAILURE,
+                                "$Side failure: Can not go to tls encryption on $side [$host]:",
+                                $imap->LastError, "\n"
+                        ) ;
+                }
+                myprint( "$Side: Socket successfuly converted to SSL\n"  ) ;
+        }
+        authenticate_imap( $imap, @allargs ) ;
+        myprint( "$Side: success login on [$host] with user [$user] auth [$authmech]\n"  ) ;
+        return( $imap ) ;
+sub authenticate_imap
+        my( $imap,
+           $host, $port, $user, $domain, $password,
+           $mydebugimap, $mytimeout, $fastio,
+           $ssl, $tls, $authmech, $authuser, $reconnectretry,
+           $proxyauth, $uid, $split, $Side, $h, $mysync ) = @_ ;
+        check_capability( $imap, $authmech, $Side ) ;
+        $imap->User( $user ) ;
+        $imap->Domain( $domain ) if ( defined $domain ) ;
+        $imap->Authuser( $authuser ) ;
+        $imap->Password( $password ) ;
+        if ( 'X-MASTERAUTH' eq $authmech )
+        {
+                xmasterauth( $imap ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        if ( $proxyauth ) {
+                $imap->Authmechanism(q{}) ;
+                $imap->User( $authuser ) ;
+        } else {
+                $imap->Authmechanism( $authmech ) unless ( $authmech eq 'LOGIN'  or $authmech eq 'PREAUTH' ) ;
+        }
+        $imap->Authcallback(\&xoauth)  if ( 'XOAUTH'  eq $authmech ) ;
+        $imap->Authcallback(\&xoauth2) if ( 'XOAUTH2' eq $authmech ) ;
+        $imap->Authcallback(\&plainauth) if ( ( 'PLAIN' eq $authmech ) or ( 'EXTERNAL' eq $authmech )  ) ;
+        unless ( $authmech eq 'PREAUTH' or $imap->login( ) ) {
+                my $info  = "$Side failure: Error login on [$host] with user [$user] auth" ;
+                my $einfo = $imap->LastError || @{$imap->History}[$LAST] ;
+                chomp $einfo ;
+                my $error = "$info [$authmech]: $einfo\n" ;
+                if ( ( $authmech eq 'LOGIN' ) or $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) or $authuser ) {
+                        $authuser ||= "" ;
+                        myprint( "$Side info: authmech [$authmech] user [$user] authuser [$authuser] IsUnconnected [", $imap->IsUnconnected(  ), "]\n" ) ;
+                        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                        exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE, $error ) ;
+                }else{
+                        myprint( $error ) ;
+                }
+                # It is not secure to try plain text LOGIN when another authmech failed
+                # but I do it.
+                # I shell remove this code one day.
+                myprint( "$Side info: trying LOGIN Auth mechanism on [$host] with user [$user]\n"  ) ;
+                $imap->Authmechanism(q{}) ;
+                if ( ! $imap->login(  ) )
+                {
+                        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                        exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE,
+                                "$info [LOGIN]: ",
+                                $imap->LastError, "\n"
+                        ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        if ( $proxyauth ) {
+                if ( ! $imap->proxyauth( $user ) ) {
+                        my $info  = "$Side failure: Error doing proxyauth as user [$user] on [$host] using proxy-login as [$authuser]" ;
+                        my $einfo = $imap->LastError || @{$imap->History}[$LAST] ;
+                        chomp $einfo ;
+                        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                        exit_clean( $mysync,
+                                $EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE,
+                                "$info: $einfo\n"
+                        ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        return ;
+sub check_capability
+        my( $imap, $authmech, $Side ) = @_ ;
+        if ( $imap->has_capability( "AUTH=$authmech" )
+                or $imap->has_capability( $authmech ) )
+        {
+                myprintf("%s: %s says it has CAPABILITY for AUTHENTICATE %s\n",
+                        $Side, $imap->Server, $authmech) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        if ( $authmech eq 'LOGIN' )
+        {
+                # Well, the warning is so common and useless that I prefer to remove it
+                # No more "... says it has NO CAPABILITY for AUTHENTICATE LOGIN"
+                return ;
+        }
+        myprintf( "%s: %s says it has NO CAPABILITY for AUTHENTICATE %s\n",
+                $Side, $imap->Server, $authmech ) ;
+        if ( $authmech eq 'PLAIN' )
+        {
+                myprint( "$Side: frequently PLAIN is only supported with SSL, try --ssl or --tls options\n" ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub set_ssl
+        my ( $imap, $h ) = @_ ;
+        # SSL_version can be
+        #    SSLv3 SSLv2 SSLv23 SSLv23:!SSLv2 (last one is the default in IO-Socket-SSL-1.953)
+        #
+        my $sslargs_hash = $h->{sslargs} ;
+        my $sslargs_default = {
+                SSL_verify_mode => $SSL_VERIFY_POLICY,
+                SSL_verifycn_scheme => 'imap',
+		SSL_cipher_list => 'DEFAULT:!DH',
+        } ;
+        # initiate with default values
+        my %sslargs_mix = %{ $sslargs_default } ;
+        # now override with passed values
+        @sslargs_mix{ keys %{ $sslargs_hash } } = values %{ $sslargs_hash } ;
+        # remove keys with undef values
+        foreach my $key ( keys %sslargs_mix ) {
+                delete $sslargs_mix{ $key } if ( not defined  $sslargs_mix{ $key }  ) ;
+        }
+        # back to an ARRAY
+        my @sslargs_mix = %sslargs_mix ;
+        #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $sslargs_hash, $sslargs_default, \%sslargs_mix, \@sslargs_mix ] )  ) ;
+        $imap->Ssl( \@sslargs_mix ) ;
+        return ;
+sub set_tls
+        my ( $imap, $h ) = @_ ;
+        my $sslargs_hash = $h->{sslargs} ;
+        my $sslargs_default = {
+                SSL_verify_mode => $SSL_VERIFY_POLICY,
+		SSL_cipher_list => 'DEFAULT:!DH',
+        } ;
+        # initiate with default values
+        my %sslargs_mix = %{ $sslargs_default } ;
+        # now override with passed values
+        @sslargs_mix{ keys %{ $sslargs_hash } } = values %{ $sslargs_hash } ;
+        # remove keys with undef values
+        foreach my $key ( keys %sslargs_mix ) {
+                delete $sslargs_mix{ $key } if ( not defined  $sslargs_mix{ $key } ) ;
+        }
+        # back to an ARRAY
+        my @sslargs_mix = %sslargs_mix ;
+        $imap->Starttls( \@sslargs_mix ) ;
+        return ;
+sub init_imap 
+        my(
+           $host, $port, $user, $domain, $password,
+           $mydebugimap, $mytimeout, $fastio,
+           $ssl, $tls, $authmech, $authuser, $reconnectretry,
+           $proxyauth, $uid, $split, $Side, $h, $mysync ) = @_ ;
+        my ( $imap ) ;
+        $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new() ;
+        if ( $mysync->{ tee } ) 
+        {
+                # Well, it does not change anything, does it?
+                # It does when suppressing the hack with *STDERR 
+                $imap->Debug_fh( $mysync->{ tee } ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $ssl ) { set_ssl( $imap, $h ) }
+        if ( $tls ) {  } # can not do set_tls() here because connect() will directly do a STARTTLS
+        $imap->Clear(1);
+        $imap->Server($host);
+        $imap->Port($port);
+        $imap->Fast_io($fastio);
+        $imap->Buffer($buffersize || $DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE);
+        $imap->Uid($uid);
+        $imap->Peek(1);
+        $imap->Debug($mydebugimap);
+	if ( $mysync->{ showpasswords } ) {
+		$imap->Showcredentials( 1 ) ;
+	}
+        defined  $mytimeout  and $imap->Timeout( $mytimeout ) ;
+        $imap->Reconnectretry( $reconnectretry ) if ( $reconnectretry ) ;
+        $imap->Ignoresizeerrors( $allowsizemismatch ) ;
+        $split and $imap->Maxcommandlength( $SPLIT_FACTOR * $split ) ;
+        return( $imap ) ;
+sub plainauth
+        my $code = shift;
+        my $imap = shift;
+        my $string = mysprintf("%s\x00%s\x00%s", $imap->User,
+                            $imap->Authuser, $imap->Password);
+        return encode_base64("$string", q{});
+# Copy from
+# Changes "use" pragmas to "require".
+# The openssl system call shall be replaced by pure Perl and
+# Now the Joaquin Lopez code:
+# Used this as an example:
+# And this as a reference:
+# (note there is an http/rest tab, where the real info is hidden away... went on a witch hunt
+# until I noticed that...)
+# This is targeted at gmail to maintain compatibility after google's oauth1 service is deactivated
+# on May 5th, 2015:
+# If there are other oauth2 implementations out there, this would need to be modified to be
+# compatible
+# This is a good guide on setting up the google api/apps side of the equation:
+# 2016/05/27: Updated to support oauth/key data in the .json files Google now defaults to
+# when creating gmail service accounts. They're easier to work with since they neither
+# requiring decrypting nor specifying the oauth2 client id separately.
+# If the password arg ends in .json, it will assume this new json method, otherwise it
+# will fallback to the "oauth client id;.p12" format it was previously using.
+sub xoauth2
+        require JSON::WebToken ;
+        require LWP::UserAgent ;
+        require HTML::Entities ;
+        require JSON ;
+        require JSON::WebToken::Crypt::RSA ;
+        require Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA ;
+        require Encode::Byte ;
+        require IO::Socket::SSL ;
+        my $code = shift;
+        my $imap = shift;
+        my ($iss,$key);
+        if( $imap->Password =~ /^(.*\.json)$/x )
+        {
+                my $json = JSON->new( ) ;
+                my $filename = $1;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "XOAUTH2 json file: $filename\n" ) ;
+                my $FILE ;
+                if ( ! open( $FILE, '<', $filename ) )
+                {
+                        $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                        exit_clean( $sync, $EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE,
+                                "error [$filename]: $OS_ERROR\n"
+                        ) ;
+                }
+                my $jsonfile = $json->decode( join q{}, <$FILE> ) ;
+                close $FILE ;
+                $iss = $jsonfile->{client_id};
+                $key = $jsonfile->{private_key};
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Service account: $iss\n");
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Private key:\n$key\n");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            # Get iss (service account address), keyfile name, and keypassword if necessary
+            ( $iss, my $keyfile, my $keypass ) = $imap->Password =~ /([\-\d\w\@\.]+);([a-zA-Z0-9 \_\-\.\/]+);?(.*)?/x ;
+            # Assume key password is google default if not provided
+            $keypass = 'notasecret' if not $keypass;
+            $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Service account: $iss\nKey file: $keyfile\nKey password: $keypass\n");
+            # Get private key from p12 file (would be better in perl...)
+            $key = `openssl pkcs12 -in "$keyfile" -nodes -nocerts -passin pass:$keypass -nomacver`;
+            $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Private key:\n$key\n");
+        }
+        # Create jwt of oauth2 request
+        my $time = time ;
+        my $jwt = JSON::WebToken->encode( {
+        'iss' => $iss, # service account
+        'scope' => '',
+        'aud' => '',
+        'exp' => $time + $DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_TIME_OAUTH2_PK12,
+        'iat' => $time,
+        'prn' => $imap->User # user to auth as
+        },
+        $key, 'RS256', {'typ' => 'JWT'} ); # Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA needed here.
+        # Post oauth2 request
+        my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(  ) ;
+        $ua->env_proxy(  ) ;
+        my $response = $ua->post('',
+        { grant_type => HTML::Entities::encode_entities('urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer'),
+        assertion => $jwt } ) ;
+        unless( $response->is_success(  ) ) {
+                $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $sync, $EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE,
+                        $response->code, "\n", $response->content, "\n"
+                ) ;
+        }else{
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( $response->content  ) ;
+        }
+        # access_token in response is what we need
+        my $data = JSON::decode_json( $response->content ) ;
+        # format as oauth2 auth data
+        my $xoauth2_string = encode_base64( 'user=' . $imap->User . "\1auth=Bearer " . $data->{access_token} . "\1\1", q{} ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "XOAUTH2 String: $xoauth2_string\n");
+        return($xoauth2_string);
+# xoauth() thanks to Eduardo Bortoluzzi Junior
+sub xoauth
+        require URI::Escape  ;
+        require Data::Uniqid ;
+        my $code = shift;
+        my $imap = shift;
+        # The base information needed to construct the OAUTH authentication
+        my $method = 'GET' ;
+        my $url = mysprintf( '', $imap->User ) ;
+        my $urlparm = mysprintf( 'xoauth_requestor_id=%s', URI::Escape::uri_escape( $imap->User ) ) ;
+        # For Google Apps, the consumer key is the primary domain
+        # TODO: create a command line argument to define the consumer key
+        my @user_parts = split /@/x, $imap->User ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "XOAUTH: consumer key: $user_parts[1]\n" ) ;
+        # All the parameters needed to be signed on the XOAUTH
+        my %hash = ();
+        $hash { 'xoauth_requestor_id' } = URI::Escape::uri_escape($imap->User);
+        $hash { 'oauth_consumer_key' } = $user_parts[1];
+        $hash { 'oauth_nonce' } = md5_hex(Data::Uniqid::uniqid(rand(), 1==1));
+        $hash { 'oauth_signature_method' } = 'HMAC-SHA1';
+        $hash { 'oauth_timestamp' } = time ;
+        $hash { 'oauth_version' } = '1.0';
+        # Base will hold the string to be signed
+        my $base = "$method&" . URI::Escape::uri_escape( $url ) . q{&} ;
+        # The parameters must be in dictionary order before signing
+        my $baseparms = q{} ;
+        foreach my $key ( sort keys %hash ) {
+                if ( length( $baseparms ) > 0 ) {
+                        $baseparms .= q{&} ;
+                }
+                $baseparms .= "$key=$hash{$key}" ;
+        }
+        $base .= URI::Escape::uri_escape($baseparms);
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "XOAUTH: base request to sign: $base\n" ) ;
+        # Sign it with the consumer secret, informed on the command line (password)
+        my $digest = hmac_sha1( $base, URI::Escape::uri_escape( $imap->Password ) . q{&} ) ;
+        # The parameters signed become a parameter and...
+        $hash { 'oauth_signature' } = URI::Escape::uri_escape( substr encode_base64( $digest ), 0, $MINUS_ONE ) ;
+        # ... we don't need the requestor_id anymore.
+        delete $hash{'xoauth_requestor_id'} ;
+        # Create the final authentication string
+        my $string = $method . q{ } . $url . q{?} . $urlparm .q{ } ;
+        # All the parameters must be sorted
+        $baseparms = q{};
+        foreach my $key (sort keys %hash) {
+                if(length($baseparms)>0) {
+                        $baseparms .= q{,} ;
+                }
+                $baseparms .= "$key=\"$hash{$key}\"";
+        }
+        $string .= $baseparms;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "XOAUTH: authentication string: $string\n" ) ;
+       # It must be base64 encoded
+        return encode_base64("$string", q{});
+sub xmasterauth
+        # This is Kerio auth admin
+        # This code comes from
+        #
+        my $imap = shift ;
+        my $user     = $imap->User(  ) ;
+        my $password = $imap->Password(  ) ;
+        my $authmech = 'X-MASTERAUTH' ;
+        my @challenge = $imap->tag_and_run( $authmech, "+" ) ;
+        if ( not defined $challenge[0] )
+        {
+                $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $sync, $EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE,
+                        "Failure authenticate with $authmech: ",
+                        $imap->LastError, "\n"
+                ) ;
+                return ; # hahaha!
+        }
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "X-MASTERAUTH challenge: [@challenge]\n" ) ;
+        $challenge[1] =~ s/^\+ |^\s+|\s+$//g ;
+        if ( ! $imap->_imap_command( { addcrlf => 1, addtag => 0, tag => $imap->Count }, md5_hex( $challenge[1] . $password ) ) )
+        {
+                $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $sync, $EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE,
+                        "Failure authenticate with $authmech: ",
+                        $imap->LastError, "\n"
+                ) ;
+        }
+        if ( ! $imap->tag_and_run( 'X-SETUSER ' . $user ) )
+        {
+                $sync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                exit_clean( $sync, $EXIT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE,
+                        "Failure authenticate with $authmech: ",
+                        "X-SETUSER ", $imap->LastError, "\n"
+                ) ;
+        }
+        $imap->State( Mail::IMAPClient::Authenticated ) ;
+        # I comment this state because "Selected" state is usually done by SELECT or EXAMINE imap commands
+        # $imap->State( Mail::IMAPClient::Selected ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_do_valid_directory
+	note( 'Entering tests_do_valid_directory()' ) ;
+        Readonly my $NB_UNIX_tests_do_valid_directory => 2 ;
+        SKIP: {
+                skip( 'Tests only for Unix', $NB_UNIX_tests_do_valid_directory ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ;
+                ok( 1 == do_valid_directory( '.'), 'do_valid_directory: . good' ) ;
+                ok( 1 == do_valid_directory( './W/tmp/tests/valid/sub'), 'do_valid_directory: ./W/tmp/tests/valid/sub good' ) ;
+        }
+        Readonly my $NB_UNIX_tests_do_valid_directory_non_root => 2 ;
+        SKIP: {
+                skip( 'Tests only for Unix', $NB_UNIX_tests_do_valid_directory_non_root ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME or '0' eq $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID ) ;
+                diag( 'Error / not writable is on purpose' ) ;
+                ok( 0 == do_valid_directory( '/'), 'do_valid_directory: / bad' ) ;
+                diag( 'Error permission denied on /noway is on purpose' ) ;
+                ok( 0 == do_valid_directory( '/noway'), 'do_valid_directory: /noway bad' ) ;
+        }
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_do_valid_directory()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub banner_imapsync
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my @argv = @ARG ;
+        my $banner_imapsync = join q{},
+                q{$RCSfile: imapsync,v $ },
+                q{$Revision: 1.977 $ },
+                q{$Date: 2019/12/23 20:18:02 $ },
+                "\n",
+                "Command line used, run by $EXECUTABLE_NAME:\n",
+                "$PROGRAM_NAME ", command_line_nopassword( $mysync, @argv ), "\n" ;
+        return( $banner_imapsync ) ;
+sub do_valid_directory
+        my $dir = shift @ARG ;
+        # all good => return ok.
+        return( 1 ) if ( -d $dir and -r _ and -w _ ) ;
+        # exist but bad
+        if ( -e $dir and not -d _ ) {
+                myprint( "Error: $dir exists but is not a directory\n"  ) ;
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }
+        if ( -e $dir and not -w _ ) {
+                my $sb = stat $dir ;
+                myprintf( "Error: directory %s is not writable for user %s, permissions are %04o and owner is %s ( uid %s )\n",
+                         $dir, getpwuid_any_os( $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID ), ($sb->mode & oct($PERMISSION_FILTER) ), getpwuid_any_os( $sb->uid ), $sb->uid(  ) ) ;
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }
+        # Trying to create it
+        myprint( "Creating directory $dir\n"  ) ;
+        if ( ! eval { mkpath( $dir ) } ) {
+                myprint( "$EVAL_ERROR" ) if ( $EVAL_ERROR )  ;
+        }
+        return( 1 ) if ( -d $dir and -r _ and -w _ ) ;
+        return( 0 ) ;
+sub tests_match_a_pid_number
+        note( 'Entering tests_match_a_pid_number()' ) ;
+        is( undef, match_a_pid_number(  ), 'match_a_pid_number: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, match_a_pid_number( q{} ), 'match_a_pid_number: "" => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, match_a_pid_number( 'lalala' ), 'match_a_pid_number: lalala => undef' ) ;
+        is( 1, match_a_pid_number( 1 ), 'match_a_pid_number: 1 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, match_a_pid_number( 123 ), 'match_a_pid_number: 123 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, match_a_pid_number( -123 ), 'match_a_pid_number: -123 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, match_a_pid_number( '123' ), 'match_a_pid_number: "123" => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, match_a_pid_number( '-123' ), 'match_a_pid_number: "-123" => 1' ) ;
+        is( undef, match_a_pid_number( 'a123' ), 'match_a_pid_number: a123 => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, match_a_pid_number( '-a123' ), 'match_a_pid_number: -a123 => undef' ) ;
+        is( 1, match_a_pid_number( 99999 ), 'match_a_pid_number: 99999 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, match_a_pid_number( -99999 ), 'match_a_pid_number: -99999 => 1' ) ;
+        is( undef, match_a_pid_number( 0 ), 'match_a_pid_number: 0 => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, match_a_pid_number( 100000 ), 'match_a_pid_number: 100000 => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, match_a_pid_number( 123456 ), 'match_a_pid_number: 123456 => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, match_a_pid_number( '-0' ), 'match_a_pid_number: "-0" => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, match_a_pid_number( -100000 ), 'match_a_pid_number: -100000 => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, match_a_pid_number( -123456 ), 'match_a_pid_number: -123456 => undef' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_match_a_pid_number()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub match_a_pid_number
+        my $pid = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( ! defined $pid ) { return ; }
+        #print "$pid\n" ;
+        if ( ! match( $pid, '^-?\d+$' ) ) { return ; }
+        #print "$pid\n" ;
+        # can be negative on Windows
+        #if ( 0 > $pid ) { return ; }
+        #if ( 65535 < $pid ) { return ; }
+        if ( 99999 < abs( $pid ) ) { return ; }
+        if ( 0 == abs( $pid ) ) { return ; }
+        return 1 ;
+sub tests_remove_pidfile_not_running
+        note( 'Entering tests_remove_pidfile_not_running()' ) ;
+        ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' ) ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        is( undef, remove_pidfile_not_running(  ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, remove_pidfile_not_running( './W' ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: a dir => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, remove_pidfile_not_running( 'noexists' ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: noexists => undef' ) ;
+        is( 1, touch( 'W/tmp/tests/' ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: prepa empty W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        is( undef, remove_pidfile_not_running( 'W/tmp/tests/' ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: W/tmp/tests/ => undef' ) ;
+        is( 'lalala', string_to_file( 'lalala', 'W/tmp/tests/' ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: prepa W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        is( undef, remove_pidfile_not_running( 'W/tmp/tests/' ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: W/tmp/tests/ => undef' ) ;
+        is( '55555', string_to_file( '55555', 'W/tmp/tests/' ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: prepa W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        is( 1, remove_pidfile_not_running( 'W/tmp/tests/' ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: W/tmp/tests/ => 1' ) ;
+        is( $PROCESS_ID, string_to_file( $PROCESS_ID, 'W/tmp/tests/' ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: prepa W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        is( undef, remove_pidfile_not_running( 'W/tmp/tests/' ), 'remove_pidfile_not_running: W/tmp/tests/ => undef' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_remove_pidfile_not_running()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub remove_pidfile_not_running
+        #
+        my $pid_filename = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( ! $pid_filename )    { myprint( "No variable pid_filename\n" ) ; return } ;
+        if ( ! -e $pid_filename ) { myprint( "File $pid_filename does not exist\n" ) ; return } ;
+        if ( ! -f $pid_filename ) { myprint( "File $pid_filename is not a file\n" ) ; return } ;
+        my $pid = firstline( $pid_filename ) ;
+        if ( ! match_a_pid_number( $pid ) ) { myprint( "pid $pid in $pid_filename is not a number\n" ) ; return } ;
+        # can't kill myself => do nothing
+        if ( ! kill 'ZERO', $PROCESS_ID  ) { myprint( "Can not kill ZERO myself $PROCESS_ID\n" ) ; return } ;
+        # can't kill ZERO the pid => it is gone or own by another user => remove pidfile
+        if ( ! kill 'ZERO', $pid ) {
+                myprint( "Removing old $pid_filename since its PID $pid is not running anymore (oo-killed?)\n" ) ;
+                if ( unlink $pid_filename ) {
+                        myprint( "Removed old $pid_filename\n" ) ;
+                        return 1 ;
+                }else{
+                        myprint( "Could not remove old $pid_filename because $!\n" ) ;
+                        return ;
+                }
+        }
+        myprint( "Another imapsync process $pid is running as says pidfile $pid_filename\n" ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_tail
+        note( 'Entering tests_tail()' ) ;
+        ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' ) ), 'tail: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        ok( ( ! -e 'W/tmp/tests/' || unlink 'W/tmp/tests/' ), 'tail: unlink W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        ok( ( ! -e 'W/tmp/tests/tail.txt' || unlink 'W/tmp/tests/tail.txt' ), 'tail: unlink W/tmp/tests/tail.txt' ) ;
+        is( undef, tail(  ),  'tail: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync ;
+        is( undef, tail( $mysync ),  'tail: no pidfile => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync->{pidfile} = 'W/tmp/tests/' ;
+        is( undef, tail( $mysync ),  'tail: no pidfilelocking => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync->{pidfilelocking} = 1 ;
+        is( undef, tail( $mysync ),  'tail: pidfile no exists => undef' ) ;
+        my $pidandlog = "33333\nW/tmp/tests/tail.txt\n" ;
+        is( $pidandlog, string_to_file( $pidandlog, $mysync->{pidfile} ), 'tail: put pid 33333 and tail.txt in pidfile' ) ;
+        is( undef, tail( $mysync ), 'tail: logfile to tail no exists => undef' ) ;
+        my $tailcontent = "L1\nL2\nL3\nL4\nL5\n" ;
+        is( $tailcontent, string_to_file( $tailcontent, 'W/tmp/tests/tail.txt' ),
+            'tail: put L1\nL2\nL3\nL4\nL5\n in W/tmp/tests/tail.txt' ) ;
+        is( undef, tail( $mysync ),  'tail: fake pid in pidfile + tail off => 1' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ tail } = 1 ;
+        is( 1, tail( $mysync ),  'tail: fake pid in pidfile + tail on=> 1' ) ;
+        # put my own pid, won't do tail
+        $pidandlog = "$PROCESS_ID\nW/tmp/tests/tail.txt\n" ;
+        is( $pidandlog, string_to_file( $pidandlog, $mysync->{pidfile} ),  'tail: put my own PID in pidfile' ) ;
+        is( undef, tail( $mysync ),  'tail: my own pid in pidfile => undef' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_tail()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tail
+        # return undef on failures
+        # return 1 on success
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        # no tail when aborting!
+        if ( $mysync->{ abort } ) { return ; }
+        my $pidfile = $mysync->{pidfile} ;
+        my $lock    = $mysync->{pidfilelocking} ;
+        my $tail    = $mysync->{tail} ;
+        if ( ! $pidfile ) { return ; }
+        if ( ! $lock )    { return ; }
+        if ( ! $tail )    { return ; }
+        my $pidtotail = firstline( $pidfile ) ;
+        if ( ! $pidtotail ) { return ; }
+        # It should not happen but who knows...
+        if ( $pidtotail eq $PROCESS_ID ) { return ; }
+        my $filetotail = secondline( $pidfile ) ;
+        if ( ! $filetotail ) { return ; }
+        if ( ! -r $filetotail )
+        {
+                #myprint( "Error: can not read $filetotail\n" ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        myprint( "Doing a tail -f on $filetotail for processus pid $pidtotail until it is finished.\n" ) ;
+        my $file = File::Tail->new(
+                name        => $filetotail,
+                nowait      => 1,
+                interval    => 1,
+                tail        => 1,
+                adjustafter => 2
+        );
+        my $moretimes = 200 ;
+        # print one line at least
+        my $line = $file->read ;
+        myprint( $line ) ;
+        while ( isrunning( $pidtotail, \$moretimes )  and defined( $line = $file->read ) )
+        {
+                myprint( $line );
+                sleep( 0.02 ) ;
+        }
+        return 1 ;
+sub isrunning
+        my $pidtocheck    = shift ;
+        my $moretimes_ref = shift ;
+        if ( kill 'ZERO', $pidtocheck )
+        {
+                #myprint( "$pidtocheck running\n" ) ;
+                return 1 ;
+        }
+        elsif ( $$moretimes_ref >= 0 )
+        {
+                # continue to consider it running
+                $$moretimes_ref-- ;
+                return 1 ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                myprint( "Tailed processus $pidtocheck ended\n" ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+sub tests_write_pidfile
+        note( 'Entering tests_write_pidfile()' ) ;
+        my $mysync ;
+        is( 1, write_pidfile(  ), 'write_pidfile: no args => 1' ) ;
+        # no pidfile => ok
+        $mysync->{pidfile} = q{} ;
+        is( 1, write_pidfile( $mysync ), 'write_pidfile: no pidfile => undef' ) ;
+        # The pidfile path is bad => failure
+        $mysync->{pidfile} = '/no/no/' ;
+        is( undef, write_pidfile( $mysync ), 'write_pidfile: no permission for /no/no/, no lock => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync->{pidfilelocking} = 1 ;
+        is( undef, write_pidfile( $mysync ), 'write_pidfile: no permission for /no/no/ + lock => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync->{pidfile} = 'W/tmp/tests/' ;
+        ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' ) ), 'write_pidfile: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        is( 1, touch( $mysync->{pidfile} ), 'write_pidfile: lock prepa' ) ;
+        $mysync->{pidfilelocking} = 0 ;
+        is( 1, write_pidfile( $mysync ), 'write_pidfile: W/tmp/tests/ + no lock => 1' ) ;
+        is( $PROCESS_ID, firstline( 'W/tmp/tests/' ), "write_pidfile: W/tmp/tests/ contains $PROCESS_ID" ) ;
+        is( q{}, secondline( 'W/tmp/tests/' ), "write_pidfile: W/tmp/tests/ contains no second line" ) ;
+        $mysync->{pidfilelocking} = 1 ;
+        is( undef, write_pidfile( $mysync ), 'write_pidfile: W/tmp/tests/ + lock => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync->{pidfilelocking} = 0 ;
+        $mysync->{ logfile } = 'rrrr.txt' ;
+        is( 1, write_pidfile( $mysync ), 'write_pidfile: W/tmp/tests/ + no lock + logfile => 1' ) ;
+        is( $PROCESS_ID, firstline( 'W/tmp/tests/' ),  "write_pidfile: + no lock + logfile W/tmp/tests/ contains $PROCESS_ID" ) ;
+        is( q{rrrr.txt}, secondline( 'W/tmp/tests/' ), "write_pidfile: + no lock + logfile W/tmp/tests/ contains rrrr.txt" ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_write_pidfile()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub write_pidfile
+        # returns undef if something is considered fatal
+        # returns 1 otherwise
+        if ( ! @ARG ) { return 1 ; }
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        # Do not write the pid file if this process goal is to abort the process designed by the pid file
+        if ( $mysync->{abort} ) { return 1 ; }
+        #
+        my $pid_filename = $mysync->{ pidfile } ;
+        my $lock         = $mysync->{ pidfilelocking } ;
+        if ( ! $pid_filename )
+        {
+                myprint( "PID file is unset ( to set it, use --pidfile filepath ; to avoid it use --pidfile \"\" )\n" ) ;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "PID file is $pid_filename ( to change it, use --pidfile filepath ; to avoid it use --pidfile \"\" )\n" ) ;
+        if ( -e $pid_filename and $lock ) {
+                myprint( "$pid_filename already exists, another imapsync may be curently running. Aborting imapsync.\n"  ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        if ( -e $pid_filename ) {
+                myprint( "$pid_filename already exists, overwriting it ( use --pidfilelocking to avoid concurrent runs )\n"  ) ;
+        }
+        my $pid_string = "$PROCESS_ID\n" ;
+        my $pid_message = "Writing my PID $PROCESS_ID in $pid_filename\n" ;
+        if ( $mysync->{ logfile } )
+        {
+                $pid_string  .= "$mysync->{ logfile }\n" ;
+                $pid_message .= "Writing also my logfile name in $pid_filename : $mysync->{ logfile }\n" ;
+        }
+        if ( open my $FILE_HANDLE, '>', $pid_filename ) {
+                myprint( $pid_message ) ;
+                print $FILE_HANDLE $pid_string ;
+                close $FILE_HANDLE ;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                myprint( "Could not open $pid_filename for writing. Check permissions or disk space: $OS_ERROR\n"  ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+sub fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping
+        my( $h1_all, $h2_all ) = @_ ;
+        my $regex = q{} ;
+        SWITCH: {
+                if ( exists  $h1_all->{INBOX}  and exists  $h2_all->{INBOX}  ) { $regex = q{} ; last SWITCH ; } ;
+                if ( exists  $h1_all->{Inbox}  and exists  $h2_all->{Inbox}  ) { $regex = q{} ; last SWITCH ; } ;
+                if ( exists  $h1_all->{INBOX}  and exists  $h2_all->{Inbox}  ) { $regex = q{s/^INBOX$/Inbox/x} ; last SWITCH ; } ;
+                if ( exists  $h1_all->{Inbox}  and exists  $h2_all->{INBOX}  ) { $regex = q{s/^Inbox$/INBOX/x} ; last SWITCH ; } ;
+        } ;
+        return( $regex ) ;
+sub tests_fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping
+	note( 'Entering tests_fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping()' ) ;
+        my( $h1_all, $h2_all ) ;
+        $h1_all = { 'INBOX' => q{} } ;
+        $h2_all = { 'INBOX' => q{} } ;
+        ok( q{} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: INBOX INBOX' ) ;
+        $h1_all = { 'Inbox' => q{} } ;
+        $h2_all = { 'Inbox' => q{} } ;
+        ok( q{} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: Inbox Inbox' ) ;
+        $h1_all = { 'INBOX' => q{} } ;
+        $h2_all = { 'Inbox' => q{} } ;
+        ok( q{s/^INBOX$/Inbox/x} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: INBOX Inbox' ) ;
+        $h1_all = { 'Inbox' => q{} } ;
+        $h2_all = { 'INBOX' => q{} } ;
+        ok( q{s/^Inbox$/INBOX/x} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: Inbox INBOX' ) ;
+        $h1_all = { 'INBOX' => q{} } ;
+        $h2_all = { 'rrrrr' => q{} } ;
+        ok( q{} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: INBOX rrrrrr' ) ;
+        $h1_all = { 'rrrrr' => q{} } ;
+        $h2_all = { 'Inbox' => q{} } ;
+        ok( q{} eq fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping( $h1_all, $h2_all ), 'fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping: rrrrr Inbox' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub jux_utf8_list
+        my @s_inp = @_ ;
+        my $s_out = q{} ;
+        foreach my $s ( @s_inp ) {
+                $s_out .= jux_utf8( $s ) . "\n" ;
+        }
+        return( $s_out ) ;
+sub tests_jux_utf8_list
+        note( 'Entering tests_jux_utf8_list()' ) ;
+        use utf8 ;
+        is( q{}, jux_utf8_list(  ), 'jux_utf8_list: void' ) ;
+        is( "[]\n", jux_utf8_list( q{} ), 'jux_utf8_list: empty string' ) ;
+        is( "[INBOX]\n", jux_utf8_list( 'INBOX' ), 'jux_utf8_list: INBOX' ) ;
+        is( "[&ANY-] = [Ö]\n", jux_utf8_list( '&ANY-' ), 'jux_utf8_list: [&ANY-] = [Ö]' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_jux_utf8_list()' ) ;
+        return( 0 ) ;
+# editing utf8 can be tricky without an utf8 editor
+sub tests_jux_utf8_old
+        note( 'Entering tests_jux_utf8_old()' ) ;
+        no utf8 ;
+        is( '[]', jux_utf8_old( q{} ), 'jux_utf8_old: void => []' ) ;
+        is( '[INBOX]', jux_utf8_old( 'INBOX'), 'jux_utf8_old: INBOX => [INBOX]' ) ;
+        is( '[&ZTZO9nux-] = [收件箱]', jux_utf8_old( '&ZTZO9nux-'), 'jux_utf8_old: => [&ZTZO9nux-] = [收件箱]' ) ;
+        is( '[&ANY-] = [Ö]', jux_utf8_old( '&ANY-'), 'jux_utf8_old: &ANY- => [&ANY-] = [Ö]' ) ;
+        #     +BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM- SHOULD stay as is!
+        is( '[+BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM-] = [предлог]', jux_utf8_old( '+BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM-' ), 'jux_utf8_old: => [+BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM-] = [предлог]' ) ;
+        is( '[&BB8EQAQ+BDUEOgRC-] = [Проект]', jux_utf8_old( '&BB8EQAQ+BDUEOgRC-' ),    'jux_utf8_old: => [&BB8EQAQ+BDUEOgRC-] = [Проект]' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_jux_utf8_old()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub jux_utf8_old
+        # juxtapose utf8 at the right if different
+        my ( $s_utf7 ) =  shift ;
+        my ( $s_utf8 ) =  imap_utf7_decode_old( $s_utf7 ) ;
+        if ( $s_utf7 eq $s_utf8 ) {
+                #myprint( "[$s_utf7]\n"  ) ;
+                return( "[$s_utf7]" ) ;
+        }else{
+                #myprint( "[$s_utf7] = [$s_utf8]\n"  ) ;
+                return( "[$s_utf7] = [$s_utf8]" ) ;
+        }
+# Copied from
+# and then fixed with
+sub imap_utf7_decode_old
+        my ( $s ) = shift ;
+        # Algorithm
+        # On remplace , par / dans les BASE 64 (, entre & et -)
+        # On remplace les &, non suivi d'un - par +
+        # On remplace les &- par &
+        $s =~ s/&([^,&\-]*),([^,\-&]*)\-/&$1\/$2\-/xg ;
+        $s =~ s/&(?!\-)/\+/xg ;
+        $s =~ s/&\-/&/xg ;
+        return( Unicode::String::utf7( $s )->utf8 ) ;
+sub tests_jux_utf8
+        note( 'Entering tests_jux_utf8()' ) ;
+        #no utf8 ;
+        use utf8 ;
+        #binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)" ;
+        binmode STDERR, ":encoding(UTF-8)" ;
+        # This test is because the binary can fail on it, a issue.
+        # The failure was with the underlying Encode::IMAPUTF7 module line 66 release 1.05
+        # Was solved by including Encode in imapsync and using "pp -x".
+        ok( find_encoding( "UTF-16BE"), 'jux_utf8: Encode::find_encoding: UTF-16BE' ) ;
+        #
+        is( '[]', jux_utf8( q{} ), 'jux_utf8: void => []' ) ;
+        is( '[INBOX]', jux_utf8( 'INBOX'), 'jux_utf8: INBOX => [INBOX]' ) ;
+        is( '[&ANY-] = [Ö]', jux_utf8( '&ANY-'), 'jux_utf8: &ANY- => [&ANY-] = [Ö]' ) ;
+        #     +BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM- must stay as is
+        is( '[+BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM-]', jux_utf8( '+BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM-' ), 'jux_utf8: => [+BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM-] = [+BD8EQAQ1BDQEOwQ+BDM-]' ) ;
+        is( '[&BB8EQAQ+BDUEOgRC-] = [Проект]', jux_utf8( '&BB8EQAQ+BDUEOgRC-' ),    'jux_utf8: => [&BB8EQAQ+BDUEOgRC-] = [Проект]' ) ;
+        is( '[R&AOk-ponses 1200+1201+1202] = [Réponses 1200+1201+1202]', jux_utf8( q{R&AOk-ponses 1200+1201+1202} ), 'jux_utf8: [R&AOk-ponses 1200+1201+1202] = [Réponses 1200+1201+1202]' ) ;
+        my $str = Encode::IMAPUTF7::encode("IMAP-UTF-7", 'Réponses 1200+1201+1202' ) ;
+        is( '[R&AOk-ponses 1200+1201+1202] = [Réponses 1200+1201+1202]', jux_utf8( $str ), "jux_utf8: [$str] = [Réponses 1200+1201+1202]" ) ;
+        is( '[INBOX.&AOkA4ADnAPk-&-*] = [INBOX.éà çù&*]', jux_utf8( 'INBOX.&AOkA4ADnAPk-&-*' ), "jux_utf8: [INBOX.&AOkA4ADnAPk-&-*] = [INBOX.éà çù&*]" ) ;
+        is( '[&ZTZO9nux-] = [收件箱]', jux_utf8( '&ZTZO9nux-'), 'jux_utf8: => [&ZTZO9nux-] = [收件箱]' ) ;
+        #
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_jux_utf8()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub jux_utf8
+        #use utf8 ;
+        # juxtapose utf8 at the right if different
+        my ( $s_utf7 ) =  shift ;
+        my ( $s_utf8 ) =  imap_utf7_decode( $s_utf7 ) ;
+        if ( $s_utf7 eq $s_utf8 ) {
+                #myprint( "[$s_utf7]\n"  ) ;
+                return( "[$s_utf7]" ) ;
+        }else{
+                #myprint( "[$s_utf7] = [$s_utf8]\n"  ) ;
+                return( "[$s_utf7] = [$s_utf8]" ) ;
+        }
+sub imap_utf7_decode
+        #use utf8 ;
+        my ( $s ) = shift ;
+        return( Encode::IMAPUTF7::decode("IMAP-UTF-7", $s ) ) ;
+sub imap_utf7_encode
+        #use utf8 ;
+        my ( $s ) = shift ;
+        return( Encode::IMAPUTF7::encode("IMAP-UTF-7", $s ) ) ;
+sub imap_utf7_encode_old
+        my ( $s ) = @_ ;
+        $s = Unicode::String::utf8( $s )->utf7 ;
+        $s =~ s/\+([^\/&\-]*)\/([^\/\-&]*)\-/\+$1,$2\-/xg ;
+        $s =~ s/&/&\-/xg ;
+        $s =~ s/\+([^+\-]+)?\-/&$1\-/xg ;
+        return( $s ) ;
+sub select_folder
+        my ( $mysync, $imap, $folder, $hostside ) = @_ ;
+        if ( ! $imap->select( $folder ) ) {
+                my $error = join q{},
+                        "$hostside folder $folder: Could not select: ",
+                        $imap->LastError,  "\n" ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }else{
+                # ok select succeeded
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+sub examine_folder
+        my ( $mysync, $imap, $folder, $hostside ) = @_ ;
+        if ( ! $imap->examine( $folder ) ) {
+                my $error = join q{},
+                        "$hostside folder $folder: Could not examine: ",
+                        $imap->LastError,  "\n" ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }else{
+                # ok select succeeded
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+sub count_from_select
+        my @lines = @ARG ;
+        my $count ;
+        foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
+                #myprint( "line = [$line]\n"  ) ;
+                if ( $line =~ m/^\*\s+(\d+)\s+EXISTS/x ) {
+                        $count = $1 ;
+                        return( $count ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        return( undef ) ;
+sub create_folder_old
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my( $imap, $h2_fold, $h1_fold ) = @ARG ;
+        myprint( "Creating (old way) folder [$h2_fold] on host2\n" ) ;
+        if ( ( 'INBOX' eq uc  $h2_fold )
+         and ( $imap->exists( $h2_fold ) ) ) {
+                myprint( "Folder [$h2_fold] already exists\n"  ) ;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        if ( ! $mysync->{dry} ){
+                if ( ! $imap->create( $h2_fold ) ) {
+                        my $error = join q{},
+                                "Could not create folder [$h2_fold] from [$h1_fold]: ",
+                                $imap->LastError(  ), "\n" ;
+                        errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                        # success if folder exists ("already exists" error)
+                        return( 1 ) if $imap->exists( $h2_fold ) ;
+                        # failure since create failed
+                        return( 0 ) ;
+                }else{
+                        #create succeeded
+                        myprint( "Created ( the old way ) folder [$h2_fold] on host2\n"  ) ;
+                        return( 1 ) ;
+                }
+        }else{
+                # dry mode, no folder so many imap will fail, assuming failure
+                myprint( "Created ( the old way ) folder [$h2_fold] on host2 $mysync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }
+sub create_folder
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my( $myimap2 , $h2_fold , $h1_fold ) = @ARG ;
+        my( @parts , $parent ) ;
+        if ( $myimap2->IsUnconnected(  ) ) {
+                myprint( "Host2: Unconnected state\n"  ) ;
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $create_folder_old ) {
+                return( create_folder_old( $mysync, $myimap2 , $h2_fold , $h1_fold ) ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( "Creating folder [$h2_fold] on host2\n"  ) ;
+        if ( ( 'INBOX' eq uc  $h2_fold  )
+         and ( $myimap2->exists( $h2_fold ) ) ) {
+                myprint( "Folder [$h2_fold] already exists\n"  ) ;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $mixfolders and $myimap2->exists( $h2_fold ) ) {
+                myprint( "Folder [$h2_fold] already exists (--nomixfolders is not set)\n"  ) ;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        if ( ( not $mixfolders ) and ( $myimap2->exists( $h2_fold ) ) ) {
+                myprint( "Folder [$h2_fold] already exists and --nomixfolders is set\n"  ) ;
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }
+        @parts = split /\Q$mysync->{ h2_sep }\E/x, $h2_fold ;
+        pop @parts ;
+        $parent = join $mysync->{ h2_sep }, @parts ;
+        $parent =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//xg ;
+        if ( ( $parent ne q{} ) and ( ! $myimap2->exists( $parent ) ) ) {
+                create_folder( $mysync, $myimap2 , $parent , $h1_fold ) ;
+        }
+        if ( ! $mysync->{dry} ) {
+                if ( ! $myimap2->create( $h2_fold ) ) {
+                        my $error = join q{},
+                                "Could not create folder [$h2_fold] from [$h1_fold]: " ,
+                                $myimap2->LastError(  ), "\n" ;
+                        errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                        # success if folder exists ("already exists" error)
+                        return( 1 ) if $myimap2->exists( $h2_fold ) ;
+                        # failure since create failed
+                        return( 0 ) ;
+                }else{
+                        #create succeeded
+                        myprint( "Created folder [$h2_fold] on host2\n"  ) ;
+                        return( 1 ) ;
+                }
+        }else{
+                # dry mode, no folder so many imap will fail, assuming failure
+                myprint( "Created folder [$h2_fold] on host2 $mysync->{dry_message}\n"  ) ;
+                if ( ! $mysync->{ justfolders } ) {
+                        myprint( "Since --dry mode is on and folder [$h2_fold] on host2 does not exist yet, syncing messages will not be simulated.\n"
+                        . "To simulate message syncing, use --justfolders without --dry to first create the missing folders then rerun the --dry sync.\n" ) ;
+                }
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }
+sub tests_folder_routines
+	note( 'Entering tests_folder_routines()' ) ;
+        ok( !is_requested_folder('folder_foo'), 'is_requested_folder folder_foo 1'               );
+        ok(  add_to_requested_folders('folder_foo'), 'add_to_requested_folders folder_foo'       );
+        ok(  is_requested_folder('folder_foo'), 'is_requested_folder folder_foo 2'               );
+        ok( !is_requested_folder('folder_NO_EXIST'), 'is_requested_folder folder_NO_EXIST'       );
+        is_deeply( [ 'folder_foo' ], [ remove_from_requested_folders( 'folder_foo' ) ], 'removed folder_foo => folder_foo' ) ;
+        ok( !is_requested_folder('folder_foo'), 'is_requested_folder folder_foo 3'               );
+        my @f ;
+        ok(  @f = add_to_requested_folders('folder_bar', 'folder_toto'), "add result: @f"        );
+        ok(  is_requested_folder('folder_bar'), 'is_requested_folder 4'                          );
+        ok(  is_requested_folder('folder_toto'), 'is_requested_folder 5'                         );
+        ok(  remove_from_requested_folders('folder_toto'), 'remove_from_requested_folders: '       );
+        ok( !is_requested_folder('folder_toto'), 'is_requested_folder 6'                         );
+        is_deeply( [ 'folder_bar' ], [ remove_from_requested_folders('folder_bar') ], 'remove_from_requested_folders: empty' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [] ), 'sort_requested_folders: all empty' ) ;
+        ok(  add_to_requested_folders( 'A_99', 'M_55', 'Z_11' ), 'add_to_requested_folders M_55 Z_11'       );
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [ 'A_99', 'M_55', 'Z_11' ] ), 'sort_requested_folders: middle' ) ;
+        @folderfirst = ( 'Z_11' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [ 'Z_11', 'A_99', 'M_55' ] ), 'sort_requested_folders: first+middle' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'Z_11', 'A_99', 'M_55' ], [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], 'sort_requested_folders: first+middle is_deeply' ) ;
+        @folderlast = ( 'A_99' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [ 'Z_11', 'M_55', 'A_99' ] ), 'sort_requested_folders: first+middle+last 1' ) ;
+        ok(  add_to_requested_folders('M_55', 'M_44',), 'add_to_requested_folders M_55 M_44'       ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [ 'Z_11', 'M_44', 'M_55', 'A_99'] ), 'sort_requested_folders: first+middle+last 2' ) ;
+        ok(  add_to_requested_folders('A_88', 'Z_22',), 'add_to_requested_folders A_88 Z_22'       ) ;
+        @folderfirst = qw( Z_22  Z_11 ) ;
+        @folderlast  = qw( A_99  A_88 ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ sort_requested_folders(  ) ], [  'Z_22', 'Z_11', 'M_44', 'M_55', 'A_99', 'A_88' ] ), 'sort_requested_folders: first+middle+last 3' ) ;
+        undef @folderfirst ;
+        undef @folderlast ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_folder_routines()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub sort_requested_folders
+        my @requested_folders_sorted = () ;
+        #myprint "folderfirst: @folderfirst\n" ;
+        my @folderfirst_requested = remove_from_requested_folders( @folderfirst ) ;
+        #myprint "folderfirst_requested: @folderfirst_requested\n" ;
+        my @folderlast_requested  = remove_from_requested_folders( @folderlast ) ;
+        my @middle = sort keys %requested_folder ;
+        @requested_folders_sorted = ( @folderfirst_requested, @middle, @folderlast_requested ) ;
+        #myprint "requested_folders_sorted: @requested_folders_sorted\n" ;
+        add_to_requested_folders( @requested_folders_sorted ) ;
+        return( @requested_folders_sorted ) ;
+sub is_requested_folder
+        my ( $folder ) = @_;
+        return( defined $requested_folder{ $folder } ) ;
+sub add_to_requested_folders
+        my @wanted_folders = @_ ;
+        foreach my $folder ( @wanted_folders ) {
+                ++$requested_folder{ $folder } ;
+        }
+        return( keys  %requested_folder  ) ;
+sub tests_remove_from_requested_folders
+        note( 'Entering tests_remove_from_requested_folders()' ) ;
+        is( undef, undef,  'remove_from_requested_folders: undef is undef' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [], [ remove_from_requested_folders(  ) ], 'remove_from_requested_folders: no args' ) ;
+        %requested_folder = (
+                'F1' => 1,
+        ) ;
+        is_deeply( [], [ remove_from_requested_folders(  ) ], 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove nothing among F1 => nothing' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [], [ remove_from_requested_folders( 'Fno' ) ], 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove Fno among F1 => nothing' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'F1' ], [ remove_from_requested_folders( 'F1' ) ], 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove F1 among F1 => F1' ) ;
+        is_deeply( { }, { %requested_folder }, 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove F1 among F1 => %requested_folder emptied' ) ;
+        %requested_folder = (
+                'F1' => 1,
+                'F2' => 1,
+        ) ;
+        is_deeply( [], [ remove_from_requested_folders(  ) ], 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove nothing among F1 F2 => nothing' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [], [ remove_from_requested_folders( 'Fno' ) ], 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove Fno among F1 F2 => nothing' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'F1' ], [ remove_from_requested_folders( 'F1' ) ], 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove F1 among F1 F2 => F1' ) ;
+        is_deeply( { 'F2' => 1 }, { %requested_folder }, 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove F1 among F1 F2 => %requested_folder F2' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [], [ remove_from_requested_folders( 'F1' ) ], 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove F1 among F2 => nothing' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'F2' ], [ remove_from_requested_folders( 'F1', 'F2' ) ], 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove F1 F2 among F2 => F2' ) ;
+        is_deeply( {}, { %requested_folder }, 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove F1 among F1 F2 => %requested_folder F2' ) ;
+        %requested_folder = (
+                'F1' => 1,
+                'F2' => 1,
+                'F3' => 1,
+        ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'F1', 'F2' ], [ remove_from_requested_folders( 'F1', 'F2' ) ], 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove F1 F2 among F1 F2 F3 => F1 F2' ) ;
+        is_deeply( { 'F3' => 1 }, { %requested_folder }, 'remove_from_requested_folders: remove F1 F2 among F1 F2 F3 => %requested_folder F3' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_remove_from_requested_folders()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub remove_from_requested_folders
+        my @unwanted_folders = @_ ;
+        my @removed_folders = () ;
+        foreach my $folder ( @unwanted_folders ) {
+                if ( exists $requested_folder{ $folder } )
+                {
+                        delete $requested_folder{ $folder } ;
+                        push @removed_folders, $folder ;
+                }
+        }
+        return( @removed_folders ) ;
+sub compare_lists
+        my ($list_1_ref, $list_2_ref) = @_;
+        return($MINUS_ONE) if ((not defined $list_1_ref) and defined $list_2_ref);
+        return(0)  if ((not defined $list_1_ref) and not defined $list_2_ref); # end if no list
+        return(1)  if (not defined $list_2_ref); # end if only one list
+        if (not ref $list_1_ref ) {$list_1_ref = [$list_1_ref]};
+        if (not ref $list_2_ref ) {$list_2_ref = [$list_2_ref]};
+        my $last_used_indice = $MINUS_ONE;
+        ELEMENT:
+        foreach my $indice ( 0 .. $#{ $list_1_ref } ) {
+                $last_used_indice = $indice ;
+                # End of list_2
+                return 1 if ($indice > $#{ $list_2_ref } ) ;
+                my $element_list_1 = $list_1_ref->[$indice] ;
+                my $element_list_2 = $list_2_ref->[$indice] ;
+                my $balance = $element_list_1 cmp $element_list_2 ;
+                next ELEMENT if ($balance == 0) ;
+                return $balance ;
+        }
+        # each element equal until last indice of list_1
+        return $MINUS_ONE if ($last_used_indice < $#{ $list_2_ref } ) ;
+        # same size, each element equal
+        return 0 ;
+sub tests_compare_lists
+	note( 'Entering tests_compare_lists()' ) ;
+        my $empty_list_ref = [];
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists()               , 'compare_lists, no args');
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists(undef)          , 'compare_lists, undef = nothing');
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists(undef, undef)   , 'compare_lists, undef = undef');
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(undef , [])     , 'compare_lists, undef < []');
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(undef , [1])    , 'compare_lists, undef < [1]');
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(undef , [0])    , 'compare_lists, undef < [0]');
+        ok(+1 == compare_lists([])             , 'compare_lists, [] > nothing');
+        ok(+1 == compare_lists([], undef)      , 'compare_lists, [] > undef');
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists([] , [])        , 'compare_lists, [] = []');
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists([] , [1])        , 'compare_lists, [] < [1]');
+        ok(+1 == compare_lists([1] , [])        , 'compare_lists, [1] > []');
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists([1],  1 )          , 'compare_lists, [1] =  1 ') ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( 1 , [1])          , 'compare_lists,  1  = [1]') ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( 1 ,  1 )          , 'compare_lists,  1  =  1 ') ;
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists( 0 ,  1 )          , 'compare_lists,  0  <  1 ') ;
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists($MINUS_ONE ,  0 )          , 'compare_lists, -1  <  0 ') ;
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists( 1 ,  2 )          , 'compare_lists,  1  <  2 ') ;
+        ok(+1 == compare_lists( 2 ,  1 )          , 'compare_lists,  2  >  1 ') ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists([1,2], [1,2])   , 'compare_lists,  [1,2] = [1,2]' ) ;
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists([1], [1,2])     , 'compare_lists,    [1] < [1,2]' ) ;
+        ok(+1 == compare_lists([2], [1,2])     , 'compare_lists,    [2] > [1,2]' ) ;
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists([1], [1,1])     , 'compare_lists,    [1] < [1,1]' ) ;
+        ok(+1 == compare_lists([1, 1], [1])    , 'compare_lists, [1, 1] >   [1]' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists([1 .. $NUMBER_20_000] , [1 .. $NUMBER_20_000])
+                                               , 'compare_lists, [1..20_000] = [1..20_000]' ) ;
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists([1], [2])       , 'compare_lists, [1] < [2]') ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists([2], [2])       , 'compare_lists, [0] = [2]') ;
+        ok(+1 == compare_lists([2], [1])       , 'compare_lists, [2] > [1]') ;
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(['a'],  ['b'])   , 'compare_lists, ["a"] < ["b"]') ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists(['a'],  ['a'])   , 'compare_lists, ["a"] = ["a"]') ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists(['ab'], ['ab']) , 'compare_lists, ["ab"] = ["ab"]') ;
+        ok(+1 == compare_lists(['b'],  ['a'])   , 'compare_lists, ["b"] > ["a"]') ;
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(['a'],  ['aa'])  , 'compare_lists, ["a"] < ["aa"]') ;
+        ok($MINUS_ONE == compare_lists(['a'],  ['a', 'a']), 'compare_lists, ["a"] < ["a", "a"]') ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists([split q{ }, 'a b' ], ['a', 'b']), 'compare_lists, split') ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists([sort split q{ }, 'b a' ], ['a', 'b']), 'compare_lists, sort split') ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_compare_lists()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub guess_prefix
+        my @foldernames = @_ ;
+        my $prefix_guessed = q{} ;
+        foreach my $folder ( @foldernames ) {
+                next if ( $folder =~ m{^INBOX$}xi ) ; # no guessing from INBOX
+                if ( $folder !~ m{^INBOX}xi ) {
+                        $prefix_guessed = q{} ; # prefix empty guessed
+                        last ;
+                }
+                if ( $folder =~ m{^(INBOX(?:\.|\/))}xi ) {
+                        $prefix_guessed = $1 ;  # prefix Inbox/ or INBOX. guessed
+                }
+        }
+        return( $prefix_guessed ) ;
+sub tests_guess_prefix
+	note( 'Entering tests_guess_prefix()' ) ;
+        is( guess_prefix(  ), q{}, 'guess_prefix: no args => empty string' ) ;
+        is( q{} , guess_prefix( 'INBOX' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX alone' ) ;
+        is( q{} , guess_prefix( 'Inbox' ), 'guess_prefix: Inbox alone' ) ;
+        is( q{} , guess_prefix( 'INBOX' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX alone' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX/' , guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'INBOX/Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX INBOX/Junk' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX.' , guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'INBOX.Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX INBOX.Junk' ) ;
+        is( 'Inbox/' , guess_prefix( 'Inbox', 'Inbox/Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: Inbox Inbox/Junk' ) ;
+        is( 'Inbox.' , guess_prefix( 'Inbox', 'Inbox.Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: Inbox Inbox.Junk' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX/' , guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'INBOX/Junk', 'INBOX/rrr' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX INBOX/Junk INBOX/rrr' ) ;
+        is( q{} , guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'INBOX/Junk', 'INBOX/rrr', 'zzz' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX INBOX/Junk INBOX/rrr zzz' ) ;
+        is( q{} , guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX Junk' ) ;
+        is( q{} , guess_prefix( 'INBOX', 'Junk' ), 'guess_prefix: INBOX Junk' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_guess_prefix()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub get_prefix
+        my( $imap, $prefix_in, $prefix_opt, $Side, $folders_ref ) = @_ ;
+        my( $prefix_out, $prefix_guessed ) ;
+        ( $sync->{ debug } or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "$Side: Getting prefix\n"  ) ;
+        $prefix_guessed = guess_prefix( @{ $folders_ref } ) ;
+        myprint( "$Side: guessing prefix from folder listing: [$prefix_guessed]\n"  ) ;
+        ( $sync->{ debug } or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "$Side: Calling namespace capability\n"  ) ;
+        if ( $imap->has_capability( 'namespace' ) ) {
+                my $r_namespace = $imap->namespace(  ) ;
+                $prefix_out = $r_namespace->[0][0][0] ;
+                myprint( "$Side: prefix given by NAMESPACE: [$prefix_out]\n"  ) ;
+                if ( defined  $prefix_in  ) {
+                        myprint( "$Side: but using [$prefix_in] given by $prefix_opt\n"  ) ;
+                        $prefix_out = $prefix_in ;
+                        return( $prefix_out ) ;
+                }else{
+                        # all good
+                        return( $prefix_out ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        else{
+                if ( defined  $prefix_in  ) {
+                        myprint( "$Side: using [$prefix_in] given by $prefix_opt\n"  ) ;
+                        $prefix_out = $prefix_in ;
+                        return( $prefix_out ) ;
+                }else{
+                        myprint(
+                          "$Side: No NAMESPACE capability so using guessed prefix [$prefix_guessed]\n",
+                          help_to_guess_prefix( $imap, $prefix_opt ) ) ;
+                        return( $prefix_guessed ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        return ;
+sub guess_separator
+        my @foldernames = @_ ;
+        #return( undef ) unless ( @foldernames ) ;
+        my $sep_guessed ;
+        my %counter ;
+        foreach my $folder ( @foldernames ) {
+                $counter{'/'}++  while ( $folder =~ m{/}xg ) ;  # count /
+                $counter{'.'}++  while ( $folder =~ m{\.}xg ) ; # count .
+                $counter{'\\\\'}++ while ( $folder =~ m{(\\){2}}xg ) ; # count \\
+                $counter{'\\'}++ while ( $folder =~ m{[^\\](\\){1}(?=[^\\])}xg ) ; # count \
+        }
+        my @race_sorted = sort { $counter{ $b } <=> $counter{ $a } } keys  %counter  ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "@foldernames\n@race_sorted\n", %counter, "\n"  ) ;
+        $sep_guessed = shift @race_sorted || $LAST_RESSORT_SEPARATOR ; # / when nothing found.
+        return( $sep_guessed ) ;
+sub tests_guess_separator
+	note( 'Entering tests_guess_separator()' ) ;
+        ok( '/' eq  guess_separator(  ), 'guess_separator: no args' ) ;
+        ok( '/' eq guess_separator( 'abcd' ), 'guess_separator: abcd' ) ;
+        ok( '/' eq guess_separator( 'a/b/c.d' ), 'guess_separator: a/b/c.d' ) ;
+        ok( '.' eq guess_separator( 'a.b/c.d' ), 'guess_separator: a.b/c.d' ) ;
+        ok( '\\\\' eq guess_separator( 'a\\\\b\\\\c.c\\\\d/e/f' ), 'guess_separator: a\\\\b\\\\c.c\\\\d/e/f' ) ;
+        ok( '\\' eq guess_separator( 'a\\b\\c.c\\d/e/f' ), 'guess_separator: a\\b\\c.c\\d/e/f' ) ;
+        ok( '\\' eq guess_separator( 'a\\b' ), 'guess_separator: a\\b' ) ;
+        ok( '\\' eq guess_separator( 'a\\b\\c' ), 'guess_separator: a\\b\\c' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_guess_separator()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub get_separator
+        my( $imap, $sep_in, $sep_opt, $Side, $folders_ref ) = @_ ;
+        my( $sep_out, $sep_guessed ) ;
+        ( $sync->{ debug } or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "$Side: Getting separator\n"  ) ;
+        $sep_guessed = guess_separator( @{ $folders_ref } ) ;
+        myprint( "$Side: guessing separator from folder listing: [$sep_guessed]\n"  ) ;
+        ( $sync->{ debug } or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "$Side: calling namespace capability\n"  ) ;
+        if ( $imap->has_capability( 'namespace' ) )
+        {
+                $sep_out = $imap->separator(  ) ;
+                if ( defined  $sep_out  ) {
+                        myprint( "$Side: separator given by NAMESPACE: [$sep_out]\n"  ) ;
+                        if ( defined  $sep_in  ) {
+                                myprint( "$Side: but using [$sep_in] given by $sep_opt\n"  ) ;
+                                $sep_out = $sep_in ;
+                                return( $sep_out ) ;
+                        }else{
+                                return( $sep_out ) ;
+                        }
+                }else{
+                        if ( defined  $sep_in  ) {
+                                myprint( "$Side: NAMESPACE request failed but using [$sep_in] given by $sep_opt\n"  ) ;
+                                $sep_out = $sep_in ;
+                                return( $sep_out ) ;
+                        }else{
+                                myprint(
+                                "$Side: NAMESPACE request failed so using guessed separator [$sep_guessed]\n",
+                                help_to_guess_sep( $imap, $sep_opt ) ) ;
+                                return( $sep_guessed ) ;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                if ( defined  $sep_in  ) {
+                        myprint( "$Side: No NAMESPACE capability but using [$sep_in] given by $sep_opt\n"  ) ;
+                        $sep_out = $sep_in ;
+                        return( $sep_out ) ;
+                }else{
+                        myprint(
+                        "$Side: No NAMESPACE capability, so using guessed separator [$sep_guessed]\n",
+                        help_to_guess_sep( $imap, $sep_opt ) ) ;
+                        return( $sep_guessed ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        return ;
+sub help_to_guess_sep
+        my( $imap, $sep_opt ) = @_ ;
+        my $help_to_guess_sep = "You can set the separator character with the $sep_opt option,\n"
+        . "the complete listing of folders may help you to find it\n"
+        . folders_list_to_help( $imap ) ;
+        return( $help_to_guess_sep ) ;
+sub help_to_guess_prefix
+        my( $imap, $prefix_opt ) = @_ ;
+        my $help_to_guess_prefix = "You can set the prefix namespace with the $prefix_opt option,\n"
+        . "the folowing listing of folders may help you to find it:\n"
+        . folders_list_to_help( $imap ) ;
+        return( $help_to_guess_prefix ) ;
+sub folders_list_to_help
+        my( $imap ) = shift ;
+        my @folders = $imap->folders ;
+        my $listing = join q{}, map { "[$_]\n" } @folders ;
+        return( $listing ) ;
+sub private_folders_separators_and_prefixes
+# what are the private folders separators and prefixes for each server ?
+        ( $sync->{ debug } or $sync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "Getting separators\n"  ) ;
+        $sync->{ h1_sep } = get_separator( $sync->{imap1}, $sync->{ sep1 }, '--sep1', 'Host1', \@h1_folders_all ) ;
+        $sync->{ h2_sep } = get_separator( $sync->{imap2}, $sync->{ sep2 }, '--sep2', 'Host2', \@h2_folders_all ) ;
+        $sync->{ h1_prefix } = get_prefix( $sync->{imap1}, $prefix1, '--prefix1', 'Host1', \@h1_folders_all ) ;
+        $sync->{ h2_prefix } = get_prefix( $sync->{imap2}, $prefix2, '--prefix2', 'Host2', \@h2_folders_all ) ;
+        myprint( "Host1: separator and prefix: [$sync->{ h1_sep }][$sync->{ h1_prefix }]\n"  ) ;
+        myprint( "Host2: separator and prefix: [$sync->{ h2_sep }][$sync->{ h2_prefix }]\n"  ) ;
+        return ;
+sub subfolder1
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $subfolder1 = sanitize_subfolder( $mysync->{ subfolder1 } ) ;
+        if ( $subfolder1 )
+        {
+                # turns off automap
+                myprint( "Turning off automapping folders because of --subfolder1\n"  ) ;
+                $mysync->{ automap } = undef ;
+                myprint( "Sanitizing subfolder1: [$mysync->{ subfolder1 }] => [$subfolder1]\n" ) ;
+                $mysync->{ subfolder1 } = $subfolder1 ;
+                if ( ! add_subfolder1_to_folderrec( $mysync ) )
+                {
+                        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                        exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_SUBFOLDER1_NO_EXISTS, "subfolder1 $subfolder1 does not exist\n" ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $mysync->{ subfolder1 } = undef ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub subfolder2
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $subfolder2 = sanitize_subfolder( $mysync->{ subfolder2 } ) ;
+        if ( $subfolder2 )
+        {
+                # turns off automap
+                myprint( "Turning off automapping folders because of --subfolder2\n"  ) ;
+                $mysync->{ automap } = undef ;
+                myprint( "Sanitizing subfolder2: [$mysync->{ subfolder2 }] => [$subfolder2]\n" ) ;
+                $mysync->{ subfolder2 } = $subfolder2 ;
+                set_regextrans2_for_subfolder2( $mysync ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $mysync->{ subfolder2 } = undef ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_sanitize_subfolder
+        note( 'Entering tests_sanitize_subfolder()' ) ;
+        is( undef, sanitize_subfolder(  ),  'sanitize_subfolder: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, sanitize_subfolder( q{} ),  'sanitize_subfolder: empty => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, sanitize_subfolder( ' ' ),  'sanitize_subfolder: blank => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, sanitize_subfolder( '  ' ),  'sanitize_subfolder: blanks => undef' ) ;
+        is( 'abcd', sanitize_subfolder( 'abcd' ),  'sanitize_subfolder: abcd => abcd' ) ;
+        is( 'ab cd', sanitize_subfolder( ' ab cd ' ),  'sanitize_subfolder: " ab cd " => "ab cd"' ) ;
+        is( 'abcd', sanitize_subfolder( q{a&~b#\\c[]=d;} ),  'sanitize_subfolder: "a&~b#\\c[]=d;" => "abcd"' ) ;
+        is( 'aA.b-_ 8c/dD', sanitize_subfolder( 'aA.b-_ 8c/dD' ),  'sanitize_subfolder: aA.b-_ 8c/dD => aA.b-_ 8c/dD' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_sanitize_subfolder()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub sanitize_subfolder
+        my $subfolder = shift ;
+        if ( ! $subfolder )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        # Remove edging blanks
+        $subfolder =~ s,^ +| +$,,g ;
+        # Keep only abcd...ABCD...0123... and -_./
+        $subfolder =~ tr,-_a-zA-Z0-9./ ,,cd ;
+        # A blank subfolder is not a subfolder
+        if ( ! $subfolder )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                return $subfolder ;
+        }
+sub tests_add_subfolder1_to_folderrec
+        note( 'Entering tests_add_subfolder1_to_folderrec()' ) ;
+        is( undef, add_subfolder1_to_folderrec(  ),  'add_subfolder1_to_folderrec: undef => undef' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [], [ add_subfolder1_to_folderrec(  ) ], 'add_subfolder1_to_folderrec: no args => empty array' ) ;
+        @folderrec = () ;
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        is_deeply( [  ], [ add_subfolder1_to_folderrec( $mysync ) ], 'add_subfolder1_to_folderrec: empty => empty array' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [  ], [ @folderrec ], 'add_subfolder1_to_folderrec: empty => empty folderrec' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ subfolder1 } = 'SUBI' ;
+        $h1_folders_all{ 'SUBI' } = 1 ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_prefix } = 'INBOX/' ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'SUBI' ], [ add_subfolder1_to_folderrec( $mysync ) ], 'add_subfolder1_to_folderrec: SUBI => SUBI' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'SUBI' ], [ @folderrec ], 'add_subfolder1_to_folderrec: SUBI => folderrec SUBI ' ) ;
+        @folderrec = () ;
+        $mysync->{ subfolder1 } = 'SUBO' ;
+        is_deeply( [  ], [ add_subfolder1_to_folderrec( $mysync ) ], 'add_subfolder1_to_folderrec: SUBO no exists => empty array' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [  ], [ @folderrec ], 'add_subfolder1_to_folderrec: SUBO no exists => empty folderrec' ) ;
+        $h1_folders_all{ 'INBOX/SUBO' } = 1 ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'INBOX/SUBO' ], [ add_subfolder1_to_folderrec( $mysync ) ], 'add_subfolder1_to_folderrec: SUBO + INBOX/SUBO exists => INBOX/SUBO' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'INBOX/SUBO' ], [ @folderrec ], 'add_subfolder1_to_folderrec: SUBO + INBOX/SUBO exists => INBOX/SUBO folderrec' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_add_subfolder1_to_folderrec()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub add_subfolder1_to_folderrec
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! $mysync || ! $mysync->{ subfolder1 } )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $subfolder1 = $mysync->{ subfolder1 } ;
+        my $subfolder1_extended = $mysync->{ h1_prefix } . $subfolder1 ;
+        if ( exists  $h1_folders_all{ $subfolder1 }  )
+        {
+                myprint( qq{Acting like --folderrec "$subfolder1"\n} ) ;
+                push @folderrec, $subfolder1 ;
+        }
+        elsif ( exists  $h1_folders_all{ $subfolder1_extended } )
+        {
+                myprint( qq{Acting like --folderrec "$subfolder1_extended"\n} ) ;
+                push @folderrec, $subfolder1_extended ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                myprint( qq{Nor folder "$subfolder1" nor "$subfolder1_extended" exists on host1\n} ) ;
+        }
+        return @folderrec ;
+sub set_regextrans2_for_subfolder2
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        unshift @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } },
+                q(s,^$mysync->{ h2_prefix }(.*),$mysync->{ h2_prefix }$mysync->{ subfolder2 }$mysync->{ h2_sep }$1,),
+                q(s,^INBOX$,$mysync->{ h2_prefix }$mysync->{ subfolder2 }$mysync->{ h2_sep }INBOX,),
+                q(s,^($mysync->{ h2_prefix }){2},$mysync->{ h2_prefix },);
+        #myprint( "@{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } }\n" ) ;
+        return ;
+# Looks like no globals here
+sub tests_imap2_folder_name
+        note( 'Entering tests_imap2_folder_name()' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_prefix } = q{} ;
+        $mysync->{ h2_prefix } = q{} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_sep } = '/';
+        $mysync->{ h2_sep } = '.';
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( <<"EOS"
+prefix1: [$mysync->{ h1_prefix }]
+prefix2: [$mysync->{ h2_prefix }]
+sep1:    [$sync->{ h1_sep }]
+sep2:    [$sync->{ h2_sep }]
+) ;
+        $mysync->{ fixslash2 } = 0 ;
+        is( q{INBOX}, imap2_folder_name( $mysync, q{} ), 'imap2_folder_name: empty string' ) ;
+        is( 'blabla', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'blabla' ), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla' ) ;
+        is('spam.spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam/spam' ), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam' ) ;
+        is( 'spam/spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam.spam' ), 'imap2_folder_name: spam.spam') ;
+        is( 'spam.spam/spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam/spam.spam' ), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam.spam' ) ;
+        is( 's pam.spam/sp  am', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 's pam/spam.sp  am' ), 'imap2_folder_name: s pam/spam.sp  am' ) ;
+        $mysync->{f1f2h}{ 'auto' } = 'moto' ;
+        is( 'moto', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'auto' ), 'imap2_folder_name: auto' ) ;
+        $mysync->{f1f2h}{ 'auto/auto' } = 'moto x 2' ;
+        is( 'moto x 2', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'auto/auto' ), 'imap2_folder_name: auto/auto' ) ;
+        @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } } = ( 's,/,X,g' ) ;
+        is( q{INBOX}, imap2_folder_name( $mysync, q{} ), 'imap2_folder_name: empty string [s,/,X,g]' ) ;
+        is( 'blabla', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'blabla' ), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla [s,/,X,g]' ) ;
+        is('spam.spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam/spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam [s,/,X,g]');
+        is('spamXspam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam.spam [s,/,X,g]');
+        is('spam.spamXspam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam/spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam.spam [s,/,X,g]');
+        @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } } = ( 's, ,_,g' ) ;
+        is('blabla', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'blabla'), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla [s, ,_,g]');
+        is('bla_bla', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'bla bla'), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla [s, ,_,g]');
+        @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } } = ( q{s,(.*),\U$1,} ) ;
+        is( 'BLABLA', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'blabla' ), q{imap2_folder_name: blabla [s,\U(.*)\E,$1,]} ) ;
+        $mysync->{ fixslash2 } = 1 ;
+        @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } } = (  ) ;
+        is(q{INBOX}, imap2_folder_name( $mysync, q{}), 'imap2_folder_name: empty string');
+        is('blabla', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'blabla'), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla');
+        is('spam.spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam/spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam -> spam.spam');
+        is('spam_spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam.spam -> spam_spam');
+        is('spam.spam_spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam/spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam.spam -> spam.spam_spam');
+        is('s pam.spam_spa  m', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 's pam/  m'), 'imap2_folder_name: s pam/ m -> s pam.spam_spa  m');
+        $mysync->{ h1_sep } = '.';
+        $mysync->{ h2_sep } = '/';
+        is( q{INBOX}, imap2_folder_name( $mysync, q{}), 'imap2_folder_name: empty string');
+        is('blabla', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'blabla'), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla');
+        is('spam.spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam/spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam -> spam.spam');
+        is('spam/spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam.spam -> spam/spam');
+        is('spam.spam/spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam/spam.spam'), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam.spam -> spam.spam/spam');
+        $mysync->{ fixslash2 } = 0 ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_prefix } = q{ };
+        is( 'spam.spam/spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'spam/spam.spam' ), 'imap2_folder_name: spam/spam.spam -> spam.spam/spam' ) ;
+        is( 'spam.spam/spam', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, ' spam/spam.spam' ), 'imap2_folder_name:  spam/spam.spam -> spam.spam/spam' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_sep } = '.' ;
+        $mysync->{ h2_sep } = '/' ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_prefix } = 'INBOX.' ;
+        $mysync->{ h2_prefix } = q{} ;
+        @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } } = ( q{s,(.*),\U$1,} ) ;
+        is( 'BLABLA', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'blabla' ), 'imap2_folder_name: blabla' ) ;
+        is( 'TEST/TEST/TEST/TEST', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'INBOX.TEST.test.Test.tesT' ), 'imap2_folder_name: INBOX.TEST.test.Test.tesT' ) ;
+        @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } } = ( q{s,(.*),\L$1,} ) ;
+        is( 'test/test/test/test', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'INBOX.TEST.test.Test.tesT' ), 'imap2_folder_name: INBOX.TEST.test.Test.tesT' ) ;
+        # INBOX
+        $mysync = {} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_prefix } = q{Pf1.} ;
+        $mysync->{ h2_prefix } = q{Pf2/} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_sep } = '.';
+        $mysync->{ h2_sep } = '/';
+        #
+        #$mysync->{ debug } = 1 ;
+        is( 'Pf2/F1/F2/F3', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'F1.F2.F3' ), 'imap2_folder_name: F1.F2.F3 -> Pf2/F1/F2/F3' ) ;
+        is( 'Pf2/F1/INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'F1.INBOX' ), 'imap2_folder_name: F1.INBOX -> Pf2/F1/INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'INBOX' ), 'imap2_folder_name: INBOX -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'Pf2/F1/F2/F3', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1.F1.F2.F3' ), 'imap2_folder_name: Pf1.F1.F2.F3 -> Pf2/F1/F2/F3' ) ;
+        is( 'Pf2/F1/INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1.F1.INBOX' ), 'imap2_folder_name: Pf1.F1.INBOX -> Pf2/F1/INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1.INBOX' ), 'imap2_folder_name: Pf1.INBOX -> INBOX' ) ; # not Pf2/INBOX: Yes I can!
+        # subfolder2
+        $mysync = {} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_prefix } = q{} ;
+        $mysync->{ h2_prefix } = q{} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_sep } = '/';
+        $mysync->{ h2_sep } = '.';
+        set_regextrans2_for_subfolder2( $mysync ) ;
+        $mysync->{ subfolder2 } = 'S1.S2' ;
+        is( 'S1.S2.F1.F2.F3', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'F1/F2/F3' ), 'imap2_folder_name: F1/F2/F3 -> S1.S2.F1.F2.F3' ) ;
+        is( 'S1.S2.INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'INBOX' ), 'imap2_folder_name: F1/F2/F3 -> S1.S2.INBOX' ) ;
+        $mysync = {} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_prefix } = q{Pf1/} ;
+        $mysync->{ h2_prefix } = q{Pf2.} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_sep } = '/';
+        $mysync->{ h2_sep } = '.';
+        #$mysync->{ debug } = 1 ;
+        set_regextrans2_for_subfolder2( $mysync ) ;
+        $mysync->{ subfolder2 } = 'Pf2.S1.S2' ;
+        is( 'Pf2.S1.S2.F1.F2.F3', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'F1/F2/F3' ),     'imap2_folder_name: F1/F2/F3 -> Pf2.S1.S2.F1.F2.F3' ) ;
+        is( 'Pf2.S1.S2.INBOX',    imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'INBOX' ),        'imap2_folder_name: INBOX -> Pf2.S1.S2.INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'Pf2.S1.S2.F1.F2.F3', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1/F1/F2/F3' ), 'imap2_folder_name: F1/F2/F3 -> Pf2.S1.S2.F1.F2.F3' ) ;
+        is( 'Pf2.S1.S2.INBOX',    imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1/INBOX' ),    'imap2_folder_name: INBOX -> Pf2.S1.S2.INBOX' ) ;
+        # subfolder1
+        # scenario as the reverse of the previous tests, separators point of vue
+        $mysync = {} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_prefix } = q{Pf1.} ;
+        $mysync->{ h2_prefix } = q{Pf2/} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_sep } = '.';
+        $mysync->{ h2_sep } = '/';
+        #$mysync->{ debug } = 1 ;
+        $mysync->{ subfolder1 } = 'S1.S2' ;
+        is( 'Pf2/F1/F2/F3', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1.S2.F1.F2.F3' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1.S2.F1.F2.F3 -> Pf2/F1/F2/F3' ) ;
+        is( 'Pf2/F1/F2/F3', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1.S1.S2.F1.F2.F3' ), 'imap2_folder_name: Pf1.S1.S2.F1.F2.F3 -> Pf2/F1/F2/F3' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1.S2.INBOX' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1.S2.INBOX -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1.S2' ),  'imap2_folder_name: S1.S2 -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1.S2.' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1.S2. -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1.S1.S2.INBOX' ), 'imap2_folder_name: Pf1.S1.S2.INBOX -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1.S1.S2' ),  'imap2_folder_name: Pf1.S1.S2 -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1.S1.S2.' ), 'imap2_folder_name: Pf1.S1.S2. -> INBOX' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ subfolder1 } = 'S1.S2.' ;
+        is( 'Pf2/F1/F2/F3', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1.S2.F1.F2.F3' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1.S2.F1.F2.F3 -> Pf2/F1/F2/F3' ) ;
+        is( 'Pf2/F1/F2/F3', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1.S1.S2.F1.F2.F3' ), 'imap2_folder_name: Pf1.S1.S2.F1.F2.F3 -> Pf2/F1/F2/F3' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1.S2.INBOX' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1.S2.INBOX -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1.S2' ),  'imap2_folder_name: S1.S2 -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1.S2.' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1.S2. -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1.S1.S2.INBOX' ), 'imap2_folder_name: Pf1.S1.S2.INBOX -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1.S1.S2' ),  'imap2_folder_name: Pf1.S1.S2 -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'Pf1.S1.S2.' ), 'imap2_folder_name: Pf1.S1.S2. -> INBOX' ) ;
+        # subfolder1
+        # scenario as Gmail
+        $mysync = {} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_prefix } = q{} ;
+        $mysync->{ h2_prefix } = q{} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_sep } = '/';
+        $mysync->{ h2_sep } = '/';
+        #$mysync->{ debug } = 1 ;
+        $mysync->{ subfolder1 } = 'S1/S2' ;
+        is( 'F1/F2/F3', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1/S2/F1/F2/F3' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1/S2/F1/F2/F3 -> F1/F2/F3' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1/S2/INBOX' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1/S2/INBOX -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1/S2' ),  'imap2_folder_name: S1/S2 -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1/S2/' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1/S2/ -> INBOX' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ subfolder1 } = 'S1/S2/' ;
+        is( 'F1/F2/F3', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1/S2/F1/F2/F3' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1/S2/F1/F2/F3 -> F1/F2/F3' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1/S2/INBOX' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1/S2/INBOX -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1/S2' ),  'imap2_folder_name: S1/S2 -> INBOX' ) ;
+        is( 'INBOX', imap2_folder_name( $mysync, 'S1/S2/' ), 'imap2_folder_name: S1/S2/ -> INBOX' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_imap2_folder_name()' ) ;
+        return ;
+# Global variables to remove:
+# None?
+sub imap2_folder_name
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my ( $h1_fold ) = shift ;
+        my ( $h2_fold ) ;
+        if ( $mysync->{f1f2h}{ $h1_fold } ) {
+                $h2_fold = $mysync->{f1f2h}{ $h1_fold } ;
+                ( $mysync->{ debug } or $mysync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "f1f2 [$h1_fold] -> [$h2_fold]\n"  ) ;
+                return( $h2_fold ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $mysync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } ) {
+                $h2_fold = $mysync->{f1f2auto}{ $h1_fold } ;
+                ( $mysync->{ debug } or $mysync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "automap [$h1_fold] -> [$h2_fold]\n"  ) ;
+                return( $h2_fold ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $mysync->{ subfolder1 } )
+        {
+                my $esc_h1_sep = "\\" . $mysync->{ h1_sep } ;
+                # case where subfolder1 has the sep1 at the end, then remove it
+                my $part_to_removed = remove_last_char_if_is( $mysync->{ subfolder1 }, $mysync->{ h1_sep } ) ;
+                # remove the subfolder1 part and the sep1 if present after
+                $h1_fold =~ s{$part_to_removed($esc_h1_sep)?}{} ;
+                #myprint( "h1_fold=$h1_fold\n" ) ;
+        }
+        if ( ( q{} eq $h1_fold ) or ( $mysync->{ h1_prefix } eq $h1_fold ) )
+        {
+                $h1_fold = 'INBOX' ;
+        }
+        $h2_fold = prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, $h1_fold ) ;
+        $h2_fold = regextrans2( $mysync, $h2_fold ) ;
+        return( $h2_fold ) ;
+sub tests_remove_last_char_if_is
+        note( 'Entering tests_remove_last_char_if_is()' ) ;
+        is( undef, remove_last_char_if_is(  ),  'remove_last_char_if_is: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is( q{}, remove_last_char_if_is( q{} ),  'remove_last_char_if_is: empty => empty' ) ;
+        is( q{}, remove_last_char_if_is( q{}, 'Z' ),  'remove_last_char_if_is: empty Z => empty' ) ;
+        is( q{}, remove_last_char_if_is( 'Z', 'Z' ),  'remove_last_char_if_is: Z Z => empty' ) ;
+        is( 'abc', remove_last_char_if_is( 'abcZ', 'Z' ),  'remove_last_char_if_is: abcZ Z => abc' ) ;
+        is( 'abcY', remove_last_char_if_is( 'abcY', 'Z' ),  'remove_last_char_if_is: abcY Z => abcY' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_remove_last_char_if_is()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub remove_last_char_if_is
+        my $string = shift ;
+        my $char   = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined $string )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        if ( ! defined $char )
+        {
+                return $string ;
+        }
+        my $last_char = substr $string, -1 ;
+        if ( $char eq $last_char )
+        {
+                chop $string ;
+                return $string ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                return $string ;
+        }
+sub tests_prefix_seperator_invertion
+        note( 'Entering tests_prefix_seperator_invertion()' ) ;
+        is( undef, prefix_seperator_invertion(  ),                     'prefix_seperator_invertion: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is( q{}, prefix_seperator_invertion( undef, q{} ),             'prefix_seperator_invertion: empty string => empty string' ) ;
+        is( 'lalala', prefix_seperator_invertion( undef, 'lalala' ),   'prefix_seperator_invertion: lalala => lalala' ) ;
+        is( 'lal/ala', prefix_seperator_invertion( undef, 'lal/ala' ), 'prefix_seperator_invertion: lal/ala => lal/ala' ) ;
+        is( 'lal.ala', prefix_seperator_invertion( undef, 'lal.ala' ), 'prefix_seperator_invertion: lal.ala => lal.ala' ) ;
+        is( '////', prefix_seperator_invertion( undef, '////' ),       'prefix_seperator_invertion: //// => ////' ) ;
+        is( '.....', prefix_seperator_invertion( undef, '.....' ),     'prefix_seperator_invertion: ..... => .....' ) ;
+        my $mysync  = {
+                h1_prefix => q{},
+                h2_prefix => q{},
+                h1_sep    => '/',
+                h2_sep    => '/',
+        } ;
+        is( q{}, prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, q{} ),             'prefix_seperator_invertion: $mysync empty string => empty string' ) ;
+        is( 'lalala', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, 'lalala' ),   'prefix_seperator_invertion: $mysync lalala => lalala' ) ;
+        is( 'lal/ala', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, 'lal/ala' ), 'prefix_seperator_invertion: $mysync lal/ala => lal/ala' ) ;
+        is( 'lal.ala', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, 'lal.ala' ), 'prefix_seperator_invertion: $mysync lal.ala => lal.ala' ) ;
+        is( '////', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, '////' ),       'prefix_seperator_invertion: $mysync //// => ////' ) ;
+        is( '.....', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, '.....' ),     'prefix_seperator_invertion: $mysync ..... => .....' ) ;
+        $mysync  = {
+                h1_prefix => 'PPP',
+                h2_prefix => 'QQQ',
+                h1_sep    => 's',
+                h2_sep    => 't',
+        } ;
+        is( q{QQQ}, prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, q{} ),           'prefix_seperator_invertion: PPPQQQst empty string => QQQ' ) ;
+        is( 'QQQlalala', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, 'lalala' ), 'prefix_seperator_invertion: PPPQQQst lalala => QQQlalala' ) ;
+        is( 'QQQlal/ala', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, 'lal/ala' ),  'prefix_seperator_invertion: PPPQQQst lal/ala => QQQlal/ala' ) ;
+        is( 'QQQlal.ala', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, 'lal.ala' ),  'prefix_seperator_invertion: PPPQQQst lal.ala => QQQlal.ala' ) ;
+        is( 'QQQ////', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, '////' ),        'prefix_seperator_invertion: PPPQQQst //// => QQQ////' ) ;
+        is( 'QQQ.....', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, '.....' ),      'prefix_seperator_invertion: PPPQQQst ..... => QQQ.....' ) ;
+        is( 'QQQPlalala', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, 'PPPPlalala' ),   'prefix_seperator_invertion: PPPQQQst PPPPlalala => QQQPlalala' ) ;
+        is( 'QQQ', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, 'PPP' ),                 'prefix_seperator_invertion: PPPQQQst PPP => QQQ' ) ;
+        is( 'QQQttt', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, 'sss' ),              'prefix_seperator_invertion: PPPQQQst sss => QQQttt' ) ;
+        is( 'QQQt', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, 's' ),                  'prefix_seperator_invertion: PPPQQQst s => QQQt' ) ;
+        is( 'QQQtAAAtBBB', prefix_seperator_invertion( $mysync, 'PPPsAAAsBBB' ), 'prefix_seperator_invertion: PPPQQQst PPPsAAAsBBB => QQQtAAAtBBB' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_prefix_seperator_invertion()' ) ;
+        return ;
+# Global variables to remove:
+sub prefix_seperator_invertion
+        my $mysync  = shift ;
+        my $h1_fold = shift ;
+        my $h2_fold ;
+        if ( not defined $h1_fold ) { return ; }
+        my $my_h1_prefix =  $mysync->{ h1_prefix } || q{} ;
+        my $my_h2_prefix =  $mysync->{ h2_prefix } || q{} ;
+        my $my_h1_sep    = $mysync->{ h1_sep } || '/' ;
+        my $my_h2_sep    = $mysync->{ h2_sep } || '/' ;
+        # first we remove the prefix
+        $h1_fold =~ s/^\Q$my_h1_prefix\E//x ;
+        ( $mysync->{ debug } or $mysync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "removed host1 prefix: [$h1_fold]\n"  ) ;
+        $h2_fold = separator_invert( $mysync, $h1_fold, $my_h1_sep, $my_h2_sep ) ;
+        ( $mysync->{ debug } or $mysync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "inverted separators: [$h2_fold]\n"  ) ;
+        # Adding the prefix supplied by namespace or the --prefix2 option
+        # except for INBOX or Inbox
+        if ( $h2_fold !~ m/^INBOX$/xi )
+        {
+                $h2_fold = $my_h2_prefix . $h2_fold ;
+        }
+        ( $mysync->{ debug } or $mysync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "added host2 prefix: [$h2_fold]\n"  ) ;
+        return( $h2_fold ) ;
+sub tests_separator_invert
+	note( 'Entering tests_separator_invert()' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        $mysync->{ fixslash2 } = 0 ;
+        ok( not( defined separator_invert(  )  ), 'separator_invert: no args' ) ;
+        ok( not( defined separator_invert( q{} ) ), 'separator_invert: not enough args' ) ;
+        ok( not( defined separator_invert( q{}, q{} ) ), 'separator_invert: not enough args' ) ;
+        ok( q{} eq separator_invert( $mysync, q{}, q{}, q{} ), 'separator_invert: 3 empty strings' ) ;
+        ok( 'lalala' eq separator_invert( $mysync, 'lalala', q{}, q{} ), 'separator_invert: empty separator' ) ;
+        ok( 'lalala' eq separator_invert( $mysync, 'lalala', '/', '/' ), 'separator_invert: same separator /' ) ;
+        ok( 'lal/ala' eq separator_invert( $mysync, 'lal/ala', '/', '/' ), 'separator_invert: same separator / 2' ) ;
+        ok( 'lal.ala' eq separator_invert( $mysync, 'lal/ala', '/', '.' ), 'separator_invert: separators /.' ) ;
+        ok( 'lal/ala' eq separator_invert( $mysync, 'lal.ala', '.', '/' ), 'separator_invert: separators ./' ) ;
+        ok( 'la.l/ala' eq separator_invert( $mysync, 'la/l.ala', '.', '/' ), 'separator_invert: separators ./' ) ;
+        ok( 'l/al.ala' eq separator_invert( $mysync, '', '/', '.' ), 'separator_invert: separators /.' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ fixslash2 } = 1 ;
+        ok( 'l_al.ala' eq separator_invert( $mysync, '', '/', '.' ), 'separator_invert: separators /.' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_separator_invert()' ) ;
+        return ;
+# Global variables to remove:
+sub separator_invert
+        my( $mysync, $h1_fold, $h1_separator, $h2_separator ) = @_ ;
+        return( undef ) if ( not all_defined( $mysync, $h1_fold, $h1_separator, $h2_separator ) ) ;
+        # The separator we hope we'll never encounter: 00000000 == 0x00
+        my $o_sep = "\000" ;
+        my $h2_fold = $h1_fold ;
+        $h2_fold =~ s,\Q$h2_separator,$o_sep,xg ;
+        $h2_fold =~ s,\Q$h1_separator,$h2_separator,xg ;
+        $h2_fold =~ s,\Q$o_sep,$h1_separator,xg ;
+        $h2_fold =~ s,/,_,xg if( $mysync->{ fixslash2 } and '/' ne $h2_separator and '/' eq $h1_separator ) ;
+        return( $h2_fold ) ;
+sub regextrans2
+        my( $mysync, $h2_fold ) = @_ ;
+        # Transforming the folder name by the --regextrans2 option(s)
+        foreach my $regextrans2 ( @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } } ) {
+                my $h2_fold_before = $h2_fold ;
+                my $ret = eval "\$h2_fold =~ $regextrans2 ; 1 " ;
+                ( $mysync->{ debug } or $mysync->{debugfolders} ) and myprint( "[$h2_fold_before] -> [$h2_fold] using regextrans2 [$regextrans2]\n"  ) ;
+                if ( not ( defined  $ret  ) or $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+                        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
+                        exit_clean( $mysync, $EX_USAGE,
+                                "error: eval regextrans2 '$regextrans2': $EVAL_ERROR\n"
+                        ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        return( $h2_fold ) ;
+sub tests_decompose_regex
+	note( 'Entering tests_decompose_regex()' ) ;
+        ok( 1, 'decompose_regex 1' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ q{}, q{} ], [ decompose_regex( q{} ) ] ), 'decompose_regex empty string' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ '.*', 'lala' ], [ decompose_regex( 's/.*/lala/' ) ] ), 'decompose_regex s/.*/lala/' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_decompose_regex()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub decompose_regex
+        my $regex = shift ;
+        my( $left_part, $right_part ) ;
+        ( $left_part, $right_part ) = $regex =~ m{^s/((?:[^/]|\\/)+)/((?:[^/]|\\/)+)/}x;
+        return( q{}, q{} ) if not $left_part ;
+        return( $left_part, $right_part ) ;
+sub tests_timenext
+        note( 'Entering tests_timenext()' ) ;
+        is( undef, timenext(  ),  'timenext: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync ;
+        is( undef, timenext( $mysync ),  'timenext: undef => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync = {} ;
+        ok( time - timenext( $mysync ) <= 1e-02,  'timenext: defined first time => ~ time' ) ;
+        ok( timenext( $mysync ) <= 1e-02,  'timenext: second time => less than 1e-02' ) ;
+        ok( timenext( $mysync ) <= 1e-02,  'timenext: third time => less than 1e-02' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_timenext()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub timenext
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined $mysync )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my ( $timenow, $timediff ) ;
+        $mysync->{ timebefore } ||= 0; # epoch...
+        $timenow    = time ;
+        $timediff   = $timenow - $mysync->{ timebefore } ;
+        $mysync->{ timebefore } = $timenow ;
+        # myprint( "timenext: $timediff\n" ) ;
+        return( $timediff ) ;
+sub tests_timesince
+        note( 'Entering tests_timesince()' ) ;
+        ok( timesince( time - 1 ) - 1 <= 1e-02,  'timesince: time - 1 => <= 1 + 1e-02'  ) ;
+        ok( timesince( time )    <= 1e-02,     'timesince: time => <= 1e-02'  ) ;
+        ok( timesince(  ) - time <= 1e-02,  'timesince: no args => <= time + 1e-02'  ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_timesince()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub timesince
+        my $timeinit = shift || 0 ;
+        my ( $timenow, $timediff ) ;
+        $timenow    = time ;
+        $timediff   = $timenow - $timeinit ;
+        # Often used in a division so no 0 but a nano seconde.
+        return( max( $timediff, min( 1e-09, $timediff ) ) ) ;
+sub tests_flags_regex
+	note( 'Entering tests_flags_regex()' ) ;
+        ok( q{} eq flags_regex(q{} ), 'flags_regex, null string q{}' ) ;
+        ok( q{\Seen NonJunk $Spam} eq flags_regex( q{\Seen NonJunk $Spam} ), q{flags_regex, nothing to do} ) ;
+        @regexflag = ('I am BAD' ) ;
+        ok( not ( defined flags_regex( q{} ) ), 'flags_regex, bad regex' ) ;
+        @regexflag = ( 's/NonJunk//g' ) ;
+        ok( q{\Seen  $Spam} eq flags_regex( q{\Seen NonJunk $Spam} ), q{flags_regex, remove NonJunk: 's/NonJunk//g'} ) ;
+        @regexflag = ( q{s/\$Spam//g} ) ;
+        ok( q{\Seen NonJunk } eq flags_regex( q{\Seen NonJunk $Spam} ), q{flags_regex, remove $Spam: 's/\$Spam//g'} ) ;
+        @regexflag = ( 's/\\\\Seen//g' ) ;
+        ok( q{ NonJunk $Spam} eq flags_regex( q{\Seen NonJunk $Spam} ), q{flags_regex, remove \Seen: 's/\\\\\\\\Seen//g'} ) ;
+        @regexflag = ( 's/(\s|^)[^\\\\]\w+//g' ) ;
+        ok( q{\Seen \Middle \End}   eq flags_regex( q{\Seen NonJunk \Middle $Spam \End} ), q{flags_regex: only \word among \Seen NonJunk \Middle $Spam \End} ) ;
+        ok( q{ \Seen \Middle \End1} eq flags_regex( q{Begin \Seen NonJunk \Middle $Spam \End1 End} ),
+                     q{flags_regex: only \word among Begin \Seen NonJunk \Middle $Spam \End1 End} ) ;
+        @regexflag = ( q{s/.*?(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3)/$1 /g} ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2  ReB' eq flags_regex('ReA Keep1 REM Keep2 ReB'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'REM REM Keep1 Keep2'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'Keep1 REM REM Keep2'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'REM Keep1 REM REM  Keep2'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'Keep1 Keep2'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 ' eq flags_regex( 'REM Keep1'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        @regexflag = ( q{s/(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3) (?!(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3)).*/$1 /g} ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'Keep1 Keep2 ReB'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex( 'Keep1 Keep2 REM REM  REM'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('Keep2 REM REM  REM'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        @regexflag = ( q{s/.*?(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3)/$1 /g},
+           's/(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3) (?!(Keep1|Keep2|Keep3)).*/$1 /g' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 REM Keep2 REM'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('Keep1 REM Keep2 REM'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 Keep2 REM'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 REM Keep2'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep2 Keep3 ' eq flags_regex('REM Keep1 REM Keep2 REM REM Keep3 REM'), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 ' eq flags_regex('REM  REM Keep1 REM REM REM '), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        ok( 'Keep1 Keep3 ' eq flags_regex('RE1 Keep1 RE2 Keep3 RE3 RE4 RE5 '), 'Keep only regex' ) ;
+        @regexflag = ( 's/(.*)/$1 jrdH8u/' ) ;
+        ok('REM  REM  REM REM REM jrdH8u' eq flags_regex('REM  REM  REM REM REM'), q{Add jrdH8u 's/(.*)/\$1 jrdH8u/'} ) ;
+        @regexflag = ('s/jrdH8u *//');
+        ok('REM  REM  REM REM REM ' eq flags_regex('REM  REM  REM REM REM jrdH8u'), q{Remove jrdH8u s/jrdH8u *//} ) ;
+        @regexflag = (
+        's/.*?(?:(\\\\(?:Answered|Flagged|Deleted|Seen|Draft)\s?)|$)/defined($1)?$1:q()/eg'
+        );
+        ok( '\\Deleted \\Answered '
+        eq flags_regex('Blabla \$Junk \\Deleted machin \\Answered truc'),
+        'Keep only regex: Exchange case (Phil)' ) ;
+        ok( q{} eq flags_regex( q{} ), 'Keep only regex: Exchange case, null string (Phil)' ) ;
+        ok( q{}
+        eq flags_regex('Blabla $Junk  machin  truc'),
+        'Keep only regex: Exchange case, no accepted flags (Phil)' ) ;
+        ok('\\Deleted \\Answered \\Draft \\Flagged '
+        eq flags_regex('\\Deleted    \\Answered  \\Draft \\Flagged '),
+        'Keep only regex: Exchange case (Phil)' ) ;
+        @regexflag = ( 's/\\\\Flagged//g' ) ;
+        is('\Deleted \Answered \Draft  ',
+        flags_regex('\\Deleted \\Answered \\Draft \\Flagged '),
+        'flags_regex: remove \Flagged 1' ) ;
+        is('\\Deleted  \\Answered \\Draft',
+        flags_regex('\\Deleted \\Flagged \\Answered \\Draft'),
+        'flags_regex: remove \Flagged 2' ) ;
+        # I didn't understand why it gives \F
+        #
+        # \F                Foldcase till \E.  Not in [].
+        #
+        # \F Not available in old Perl so I comment the test
+        # @regexflag = ( 's/\\Flagged/X/g' ) ;
+        #is('\Deleted FX \Answered \FX \Draft \FX',
+        #flags_regex( '\Deleted Flagged \Answered \Flagged \Draft \Flagged' ),
+        # 'flags_regex: remove \Flagged 3 mistery...' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_flags_regex()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub flags_regex
+        my ( $h1_flags ) = @_ ;
+        foreach my $regexflag ( @regexflag ) {
+                my $h1_flags_orig = $h1_flags ;
+                $debugflags and myprint( "eval \$h1_flags =~ $regexflag\n"  ) ;
+                my $ret = eval "\$h1_flags =~ $regexflag ; 1 " ;
+                $debugflags and myprint( "regexflag $regexflag [$h1_flags_orig] -> [$h1_flags]\n"  ) ;
+                if( not ( defined $ret ) or $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+                        myprint( "Error: eval regexflag '$regexflag': $EVAL_ERROR\n"  ) ;
+                        return( undef ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        return( $h1_flags ) ;
+sub acls_sync
+        my($h1_fold, $h2_fold) = @_ ;
+        if ( $syncacls ) {
+                my $h1_hash = $sync->{imap1}->getacl($h1_fold)
+                  or myprint( "Could not getacl for $h1_fold: $EVAL_ERROR\n" ) ;
+                my $h2_hash = $sync->{imap2}->getacl($h2_fold)
+                  or myprint( "Could not getacl for $h2_fold: $EVAL_ERROR\n" ) ;
+                my %users = map { ($_, 1) } ( keys  %{ $h1_hash} , keys %{ $h2_hash }  ) ;
+                foreach my $user (sort keys %users ) {
+                        my $acl = $h1_hash->{$user} || 'none' ;
+                        myprint( "acl $user: [$acl]\n" ) ;
+                        next if ($h1_hash->{$user} && $h2_hash->{$user} &&
+                                 $h1_hash->{$user} eq $h2_hash->{$user});
+                        unless ($sync->{dry}) {
+                                myprint( "setting acl $h2_fold $user $acl\n" ) ;
+                                $sync->{imap2}->setacl($h2_fold, $user, $acl)
+                                  or myprint( "Could not set acl: $EVAL_ERROR\n" ) ;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_permanentflags
+	note( 'Entering tests_permanentflags()' ) ;
+        my $string;
+        ok(q{} eq permanentflags(' * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\* \Draft \Answered)] Limited'),
+           'permanentflags \*');
+        ok('\Draft \Answered' eq permanentflags(' * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Draft \Answered)] Limited'),
+           'permanentflags \Draft \Answered');
+        ok('\Draft \Answered'
+           eq permanentflags('Blabla',
+                             ' * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Draft \Answered)] Limited',
+                             'Blabla'),
+           'permanentflags \Draft \Answered'
+        );
+        ok(q{} eq permanentflags('Blabla'), 'permanentflags nothing');
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_permanentflags()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub permanentflags
+        my @lines = @_ ;
+        foreach my $line (@lines) {
+                if ( $line =~ m{\[PERMANENTFLAGS\s\(([^)]+?)\)\]}x ) {
+                        ( $debugflags or $sync->{ debug } ) and myprint( "permanentflags: $line"  ) ;
+                        my $permanentflags = $1 ;
+                        if ( $permanentflags =~ m{\\\*}x ) {
+                                $permanentflags = q{} ;
+                        }
+                        return($permanentflags) ;
+                } ;
+        }
+        return( q{} ) ;
+sub tests_flags_filter
+	note( 'Entering tests_flags_filter()' ) ;
+        ok( '\Seen' eq flags_filter('\Seen', '\Draft \Seen \Answered'), 'flags_filter ' );
+        ok( q{} eq flags_filter('\Seen', '\Draft  \Answered'), 'flags_filter ' );
+        ok( '\Seen' eq flags_filter('\Seen', '\Seen'), 'flags_filter ' );
+        ok( '\Seen' eq flags_filter('\Seen', ' \Seen '), 'flags_filter ' );
+        ok( '\Seen \Draft'
+           eq flags_filter('\Seen \Draft', '\Draft \Seen \Answered'), 'flags_filter ' );
+        ok( '\Seen \Draft'
+           eq flags_filter('\Seen \Draft', ' \Draft \Seen \Answered '), 'flags_filter ' );
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_flags_filter()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub flags_filter
+        my( $flags, $allowed_flags ) = @_ ;
+        my @flags = split  /\s+/x, $flags ;
+        my %allowed_flags = map { $_ => 1 } split q{ }, $allowed_flags ;
+        my @flags_out     = map { exists $allowed_flags{$_} ? $_ : () } @flags ;
+        my $flags_out = join q{ }, @flags_out ;
+        return( $flags_out ) ;
+sub flagscase
+        my $flags = shift ;
+        my @flags = split /\s+/x, $flags ;
+        my %rfc_flags = map { $_ => 1 } split q{ }, '\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft' ;
+        my @flags_out = map { exists $rfc_flags{ ucsecond( lc $_ ) } ? ucsecond( lc $_ ) : $_ } @flags ;
+        my $flags_out = join q{ }, @flags_out ;
+        return( $flags_out ) ;
+sub tests_flagscase
+	note( 'Entering tests_flagscase()' ) ;
+        ok( '\Seen' eq flagscase( '\Seen' ), 'flagscase: \Seen -> \Seen' ) ;
+        ok( '\Seen' eq flagscase( '\SEEN' ), 'flagscase: \SEEN -> \Seen' ) ;
+        ok( '\Seen \Draft' eq flagscase( '\SEEN \DRAFT' ), 'flagscase: \SEEN \DRAFT -> \Seen \Draft' ) ;
+        ok( '\Draft \Seen' eq flagscase( '\DRAFT \SEEN' ), 'flagscase: \DRAFT \SEEN -> \Draft \Seen' ) ;
+        ok( '\Draft LALA \Seen' eq flagscase( '\DRAFT  LALA \SEEN' ), 'flagscase: \DRAFT  LALA \SEEN -> \Draft LALA \Seen' ) ;
+        ok( '\Draft lala \Seen' eq flagscase( '\DRAFT  lala \SEEN' ), 'flagscase: \DRAFT  lala \SEEN -> \Draft lala \Seen' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_flagscase()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub ucsecond
+        my $string = shift ;
+        my $output ;
+        return( $string )  if ( 1 >= length $string ) ;
+        $output = ( substr( $string, 0, 1) ) . ( uc substr $string, 1, 1 ) . ( substr $string, 2 ) ;
+        #myprint( "UUU $string -> $output\n"  ) ;
+        return( $output ) ;
+sub tests_ucsecond
+	note( 'Entering tests_ucsecond()' ) ;
+        ok( 'aBcde' eq ucsecond( 'abcde' ), 'ucsecond: abcde -> aBcde' ) ;
+        ok( 'ABCDE' eq ucsecond( 'ABCDE' ), 'ucsecond: ABCDE -> ABCDE'  ) ;
+        ok( 'ABCDE' eq ucsecond( 'AbCDE' ), 'ucsecond: AbCDE -> ABCDE'  ) ;
+        ok( 'ABCde' eq ucsecond( 'AbCde' ), 'ucsecond: AbCde -> ABCde'  ) ;
+        ok( 'A'     eq ucsecond( 'A' ),     'ucsecond: A  -> A'  ) ;
+        ok( 'AB'    eq ucsecond( 'Ab' ),    'ucsecond: Ab -> AB' ) ;
+        ok( '\B'    eq ucsecond( '\b' ),    'ucsecond: \b -> \B' ) ;
+        ok( '\Bcde' eq ucsecond( '\bcde' ), 'ucsecond: \bcde -> \Bcde' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_ucsecond()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub select_msgs
+        my ( $imap, $msgs_all_hash_ref, $search_cmd, $abletosearch, $folder ) = @_ ;
+        my ( @msgs ) ;
+        if ( $abletosearch ) {
+                @msgs = select_msgs_by_search( $imap, $msgs_all_hash_ref, $search_cmd, $folder ) ;
+        }else{
+                @msgs = select_msgs_by_fetch( $imap, $msgs_all_hash_ref, $search_cmd, $folder ) ;
+        }
+        return(  @msgs ) ;
+sub select_msgs_by_search
+        my ( $imap, $msgs_all_hash_ref, $search_cmd, $folder ) = @_ ;
+        my ( @msgs, @msgs_all ) ;
+        # Need to have the whole list in msgs_all_hash_ref
+        # without calling messages() several times.
+        # Need all messages list to avoid deleting useful cache part
+        # in case of --search or --minage or --maxage
+        if ( ( defined  $msgs_all_hash_ref  and $usecache )
+        or ( not defined  $maxage  and not defined  $minage  and not defined  $search_cmd  )
+        ) {
+                $debugdev and myprint( "Calling messages()\n"  ) ;
+                @msgs_all = $imap->messages(  ) ;
+                return if ( $#msgs_all == 0 && !defined  $msgs_all[0]  ) ;
+                if ( defined  $msgs_all_hash_ref  ) {
+                        @{ $msgs_all_hash_ref }{ @msgs_all } =  () ;
+                }
+                # return all messages
+                if ( not defined  $maxage  and not defined  $minage  and not defined  $search_cmd  ) {
+                        return( @msgs_all ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        if ( defined  $search_cmd  ) {
+                @msgs = $imap->search( $search_cmd ) ;
+                return( @msgs ) ;
+        }
+        # we are here only if $maxage or $minage is defined
+        @msgs = select_msgs_by_age( $imap ) ;
+        return( @msgs );
+sub select_msgs_by_fetch
+        my ( $imap, $msgs_all_hash_ref, $search_cmd, $folder ) = @_ ;
+        my ( @msgs, @msgs_all, %fetch ) ;
+        # Need to have the whole list in msgs_all_hash_ref
+        # without calling messages() several times.
+        # Need all messages list to avoid deleting useful cache part
+        # in case of --search or --minage or --maxage
+        $debugdev and myprint( "Calling fetch_hash()\n"  ) ;
+        my $uidnext = $imap->uidnext( $folder ) || $uidnext_default ;
+        my $fetch_hash_uids = $fetch_hash_set || "1:$uidnext" ;
+        %fetch = %{$imap->fetch_hash( $fetch_hash_uids, 'INTERNALDATE' ) } ;
+        @msgs_all = sort { $a <=> $b } keys  %fetch  ;
+        $debugdev and myprint( "Done fetch_hash()\n"  ) ;
+        return if ( $#msgs_all == 0 && !defined  $msgs_all[0]  ) ;
+        if ( defined  $msgs_all_hash_ref  ) {
+                 @{ $msgs_all_hash_ref }{ @msgs_all } =  () ;
+        }
+        # return all messages
+        if ( not defined  $maxage  and not defined  $minage  and not defined  $search_cmd  ) {
+                return( @msgs_all ) ;
+        }
+        if ( defined  $search_cmd  ) {
+                myprint( "Warning: strange to see --search with --noabletosearch, an error can happen\n"  ) ;
+                @msgs = $imap->search( $search_cmd ) ;
+                return( @msgs ) ;
+        }
+        # we are here only if $maxage or $minage is defined
+        my( @max, @min, $maxage_epoch, $minage_epoch ) ;
+        if ( defined  $maxage  ) { $maxage_epoch = $timestart_int - $NB_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY * $maxage ; }
+        if ( defined  $minage  ) { $minage_epoch = $timestart_int - $NB_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY * $minage ; }
+        foreach my $msg ( @msgs_all ) {
+                my $idate = $fetch{ $msg }->{'INTERNALDATE'} ;
+                #myprint( "$idate\n"  ) ;
+                if ( defined  $maxage  and ( epoch( $idate ) >= $maxage_epoch ) ) {
+                        push  @max, $msg  ;
+                }
+                if ( defined  $minage  and ( epoch( $idate ) <= $minage_epoch ) ) {
+                        push  @min, $msg  ;
+                }
+        }
+        @msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( \@max, \@min ) ;
+        return( @msgs ) ;
+sub select_msgs_by_age
+        my( $imap ) = @_ ;
+        my( @max, @min, @msgs, @inter, @union ) ;
+        if ( defined  $maxage  ) {
+                @max = $imap->sentsince( $timestart_int - $NB_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY * $maxage ) ;
+        }
+        if ( defined  $minage  ) {
+                @min = $imap->sentbefore( $timestart_int - $NB_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY * $minage ) ;
+        }
+        @msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( \@max, \@min ) ;
+        return( @msgs ) ;
+sub msgs_from_maxmin
+        my( $max_ref, $min_ref ) = @_ ;
+        my( @max, @min, @msgs, @inter, @union ) ;
+        @max = @{ $max_ref } ;
+        @min = @{ $min_ref } ;
+        SWITCH: {
+                unless( defined  $minage  ) { @msgs = @max ; last SWITCH } ;
+                unless( defined  $maxage  ) { @msgs = @min ; last SWITCH } ;
+                my ( %union, %inter ) ;
+                foreach my $m ( @min, @max ) { $union{ $m }++ && $inter{ $m }++ }
+                @inter = sort { $a <=> $b } keys  %inter  ;
+                @union = sort { $a <=> $b } keys  %union  ;
+                # normal case
+                if ( $minage <= $maxage )  { @msgs = @inter ; last SWITCH } ;
+                # just exclude messages between
+                if ( $minage > $maxage )  { @msgs = @union ; last SWITCH } ;
+        }
+        return( @msgs ) ;
+sub tests_msgs_from_maxmin
+	note( 'Entering tests_msgs_from_maxmin()' ) ;
+        my @msgs ;
+        $maxage = $NUMBER_200 ;
+        @msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( [ '1', '2' ], [ '2', '3' ] ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ '1', '2' ], \@msgs ), 'msgs_from_maxmin: maxage++' ) ;
+        $minage = $NUMBER_100 ;
+        @msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( [ '1', '2' ], [ '2', '3' ] ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ '2' ], \@msgs ), 'msgs_from_maxmin:  -maxage++minage-' ) ;
+        $minage = $NUMBER_300 ;
+        @msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( [ '1', '2' ], [ '2', '3' ] ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ '1', '2', '3' ], \@msgs ), 'msgs_from_maxmin:  ++maxage-minage++' ) ;
+        $maxage = undef ;
+        @msgs = msgs_from_maxmin( [ '1', '2' ], [ '2', '3' ] ) ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ '2', '3' ], \@msgs ), 'msgs_from_maxmin:  ++minage-' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_msgs_from_maxmin()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_info_date_from_uid
+        note( 'Entering tests_info_date_from_uid()' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_info_date_from_uid()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub info_date_from_uid
+        #my $first_uid   = $msgs_all[ 0 ] ;
+        #my $first_idate = $fetch{ $first_uid }->{'INTERNALDATE'} ;
+        #my $first_epoch = epoch( $first_idate ) ;
+        #my $first_days  = ( $timestart_int - $first_epoch ) / $NB_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY ;
+        #myprint( "\nOldest msg has UID $first_uid INTERNALDATE $first_idate EPOCH $first_epoch DAYS AGO $first_days\n" ) ;
+sub lastuid
+        my $imap   = shift ;
+        my $folder = shift ;
+        my $lastuid_guess  = shift ;
+        my $lastuid ;
+        # rfc3501: The only reliable way to identify recent messages is to
+        #          look at message flags to see which have the \Recent flag
+        #          set, or to do a SEARCH RECENT.
+        # SEARCH RECENT doesn't work this way on courrier.
+        my @recent_messages ;
+        # SEARCH RECENT for each transfer can be expensive with a big folder
+        # Call commented for now
+        #@recent_messages = $imap->recent(  ) ;
+        #myprint( "Recent: @recent_messages\n" ) ;
+        my $max_recent ;
+        $max_recent = max( @recent_messages ) ;
+        if ( defined  $max_recent  and ($lastuid_guess <= $max_recent ) ) {
+                $lastuid = $max_recent ;
+        }else{
+                $lastuid = $lastuid_guess
+        }
+        return( $lastuid ) ;
+sub size_filtered
+        my( $h1_size, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h2_fold  ) = @_ ;
+        $h1_size = 0 if ( ! $h1_size ) ; # null if empty or undef
+        if ( defined $sync->{ maxsize } and $h1_size > $sync->{ maxsize } ) {
+                myprint( "msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg skipped ($h1_size exceeds maxsize limit $sync->{ maxsize } bytes)\n" ) ;
+                $sync->{ total_bytes_skipped } += $h1_size;
+                $sync->{ nb_msg_skipped } += 1;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        if ( defined $minsize and $h1_size <= $minsize ) {
+                myprint( "msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg skipped ($h1_size smaller than minsize $minsize bytes)\n" ) ;
+                $sync->{ total_bytes_skipped } += $h1_size;
+                $sync->{ nb_msg_skipped } += 1;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        return( 0 ) ;
+sub message_exists
+        my( $imap, $msg ) = @_ ;
+        return( 1 ) if not $imap->Uid(  ) ;
+        my $search_uid ;
+        ( $search_uid ) = $imap->search( "UID $msg" ) ;
+        #myprint( "$search ? $msg\n"  ) ;
+        return( 1 ) if ( $search_uid eq $msg ) ;
+        return( 0 ) ;
+# Globals
+# $sync->{ total_bytes_skipped }
+# $sync->{ nb_msg_skipped }
+# $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed }
+sub stats_update_skip_message
+        my $mysync  = shift ; # to be used
+        my $h1_size = shift ;
+        $mysync->{ total_bytes_skipped } += $h1_size ;
+        $mysync->{ nb_msg_skipped } += 1 ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } +=1 ;
+        return ;
+sub copy_message
+        # copy
+        my ( $mysync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h2_fold, $h1_fir_ref, $permanentflags2, $cache_dir ) = @_ ;
+        ( $mysync->{ debug } or $mysync->{dry} )
+                and myprint( "msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg copying to $h2_fold $mysync->{dry_message} " . eta( $mysync ) . "\n" ) ;
+        my $h1_size  = $h1_fir_ref->{$h1_msg}->{'RFC822.SIZE'}  || 0 ;
+        my $h1_flags = $h1_fir_ref->{$h1_msg}->{'FLAGS'}        || q{} ;
+        my $h1_idate = $h1_fir_ref->{$h1_msg}->{'INTERNALDATE'} || q{} ;
+        if ( size_filtered( $h1_size, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h2_fold  ) ) {
+                $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } +=1 ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        debugsleep( $mysync ) ;
+        myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate] has RFC822.SIZE null!\n" ) if ( ! $h1_size )   ;
+        if ( $checkmessageexists and not message_exists( $mysync->{imap1}, $h1_msg ) ) {
+                stats_update_skip_message( $mysync, $h1_size ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        myprint( debugmemory( $mysync, " at C1" ) ) ;
+        my ( $string, $string_len ) ;
+        ( $string_len ) = message_for_host2( $mysync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, \$string ) ;
+        myprint( debugmemory( $mysync, " at C2" ) ) ;
+        # not defined or empty $string
+        if ( ( not $string ) or ( not $string_len ) ) {
+                myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg skipped.\n"  ) ;
+                stats_update_skip_message( $mysync, $h1_size ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        # Lines too long (or not enough) => do no copy or fix
+        if ( ( defined $maxlinelength ) or ( defined $minmaxlinelength ) ) {
+                $string = linelengthstuff( $string, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $string_len, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate ) ;
+                if ( not defined  $string  ) {
+                        stats_update_skip_message( $mysync, $h1_size ) ;
+                        return ;
+                }
+        }
+        my $h1_date = date_for_host2( $h1_msg, $h1_idate ) ;
+        ( $mysync->{ debug } or $debugflags ) and
+        myprint( "Host1: flags init msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg date [$h1_date] flags [$h1_flags] size [$h1_size]\n"  ) ;
+        $h1_flags = flags_for_host2( $h1_flags, $permanentflags2 ) ;
+        ( $mysync->{ debug } or $debugflags ) and
+        myprint( "Host1: flags filt msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg date [$h1_date] flags [$h1_flags] size [$h1_size]\n"  ) ;
+        $h1_date = undef if ( $h1_date eq q{} ) ;
+        my $new_id = append_message_on_host2( $mysync, \$string, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $string_len, $h2_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_date, $cache_dir ) ;
+        if ( $new_id and $syncflagsaftercopy ) {
+                sync_flags_after_copy( $mysync, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $h1_flags, $h2_fold, $new_id, $permanentflags2 ) ;
+        }
+        myprint( debugmemory( $mysync, " at C3" ) ) ;
+        return $new_id ;
+sub linelengthstuff
+        my( $string, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $string_len, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate  ) = @_ ;
+        my $maxlinelength_string = max_line_length( $string ) ;
+        $debugmaxlinelength and myprint( "msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg maxlinelength: $maxlinelength_string\n"  ) ;
+        if ( ( defined $minmaxlinelength )  and ( $maxlinelength_string <= $minmaxlinelength ) ) {
+                my $subject = subject( $string ) ;
+                $debugdev and myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg skipped S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate] "
+                        . "(Subject:[$subject]) (max line length under minmaxlinelength $minmaxlinelength bytes)\n" ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        if ( ( defined $maxlinelength )  and ( $maxlinelength_string > $maxlinelength ) ) {
+                my $subject = subject( $string ) ;
+                if ( $maxlinelengthcmd ) {
+                        $string = pipemess( $string, $maxlinelengthcmd ) ;
+                        # string undef means something was bad.
+                        if ( not ( defined  $string  ) ) {
+                                myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate] "
+                                      . "(Subject:[$subject]) could not be successfully transformed by --maxlinelengthcmd option\n" ) ;
+                                return ;
+                        }else{
+                                return $string ;
+                        }
+                }
+                myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg skipped S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate] "
+                      . "(Subject:[$subject]) (line length exceeds maxlinelength $maxlinelength bytes)\n" ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        return $string ;
+sub message_for_host2
+# global variable list:
+# @skipmess
+# @regexmess
+# @pipemess
+# $debugcontent
+# $debug
+# API current
+# at failure:
+#   * return nothing ( will then be undef or () )
+#   * $string_ref content is undef or empty
+# at success:
+#   * return string length ($string_ref content length)
+#   * $string_ref content filled with message
+# API future
+        my ( $mysync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ) = @_ ;
+        # abort when missing a parameter
+        if ( ( ! $mysync ) or  ( ! $h1_msg ) or ( ! $h1_fold ) or ( ! defined $h1_size )
+             or ( ! defined $h1_flags) or ( ! defined $h1_idate )
+             or ( ! $h1_fir_ref) or ( ! $string_ref ) )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        myprint( debugmemory( $mysync, " at M1" ) ) ;
+        my $string_ok = $mysync->{imap1}->message_to_file( $string_ref, $h1_msg ) ;
+        myprint( debugmemory( $mysync, " at M2" ) ) ;
+        my $string_len = length_ref( $string_ref  ) ;
+        unless ( defined  $string_ok  and $string_len ) {
+                # undef or 0 length
+                my $error = join q{},
+                        "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate] could not be fetched: ",
+                        $mysync->{imap1}->LastError || q{}, "\n"  ;
+                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } +=1 ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        if ( @skipmess ) {
+                my $match = skipmess( ${ $string_ref } ) ;
+                # string undef means the eval regex was bad.
+                if ( not ( defined  $match  ) ) {
+                        myprint(
+                        "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate]"
+                        . " could not be skipped by --skipmess option, bad regex\n" ) ;
+                        return ;
+                }
+                if ( $match ) {
+                        my $subject = subject( ${ $string_ref } ) ;
+                        myprint( "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate]"
+                            . " (Subject:[$subject]) skipped by --skipmess\n" ) ;
+                        return ;
+                }
+        }
+        if ( @regexmess ) {
+                ${ $string_ref } = regexmess( ${ $string_ref } ) ;
+                # string undef means the eval regex was bad.
+                if ( not ( defined  ${ $string_ref }  ) ) {
+                        myprint(
+                        "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate]"
+                        . " could not be transformed by --regexmess\n" ) ;
+                        return ;
+                }
+        }
+        if ( @pipemess ) {
+                ${ $string_ref } = pipemess( ${ $string_ref }, @pipemess ) ;
+                # string undef means something was bad.
+                if ( not ( defined  ${ $string_ref }  ) ) {
+                        myprint(
+                        "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} S[$h1_size] F[$h1_flags] I[$h1_idate]"
+                        . " could not be successfully transformed by --pipemess option\n" ) ;
+                        return ;
+                }
+        }
+        if ( $mysync->{addheader} and defined $h1_fir_ref->{$h1_msg}->{'NO_HEADER'} ) {
+                my $header = add_header( $h1_msg ) ;
+                $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg adding custom header [$header]\n"  ) ;
+                ${ $string_ref } = $header . "\r\n" . ${ $string_ref } ;
+        }
+        if ( ( defined $mysync->{ truncmess } ) and is_an_integer( $mysync->{ truncmess } ) )
+        {
+                ${ $string_ref } = truncmess( ${ $string_ref }, $mysync->{ truncmess } ) ;
+        }
+        $string_len = length_ref( $string_ref  ) ;
+        $debugcontent and myprint(
+                q{=} x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n",
+                "F message content begin next line ($string_len characters long)\n",
+                ${ $string_ref },
+                "\nF message content ended on previous line\n", q{=} x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n" ) ;
+        myprint( debugmemory( $mysync, " at M3" ) ) ;
+        return $string_len ;
+sub tests_truncmess
+        note( 'Entering tests_truncmess()' ) ;
+        is( undef, truncmess(  ),  'truncmess: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is( 'abc', truncmess( 'abc' ),  'truncmess: abc => abc' ) ;
+        is( 'ab', truncmess( 'abc', 2 ),  'truncmess: abc 2 => ab' ) ;
+        is( 'abc', truncmess( 'abc', 3 ),  'truncmess: abc 3 => abc' ) ;
+        is( 'abc', truncmess( 'abc', 4 ),  'truncmess: abc 4 => abc' ) ;
+        is( '12345', truncmess( "123456789\n", 5 ),  'truncmess: "123456789\n", 5 => 12345' ) ;
+        is( "123456789\n" x 5000, truncmess( "123456789\n" x 100000, 50000 ),  'truncmess: "123456789\n" x 100000, 50000 => "123456789\n" x 5000' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_truncmess()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub truncmess
+        my $string = shift ;
+        my $length = shift ;
+        if ( not defined $string ) { return ; }
+        if ( not defined $length ) { return $string ; }
+        $string = substr $string, 0,  $length ;
+        return $string ;
+sub tests_message_for_host2
+	note( 'Entering tests_message_for_host2()' ) ;
+        my ( $mysync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ) ;
+        is( undef, message_for_host2(  ), q{message_for_host2: no args} ) ;
+        is( undef, message_for_host2( $mysync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ), q{message_for_host2: undef args} ) ;
+        require_ok( "Test::MockObject" ) ;
+        my $imapT = Test::MockObject->new(  ) ;
+        $mysync->{imap1} = $imapT ;
+        my $string ;
+        $h1_msg = 1 ;
+        $h1_fold = 'FoldFoo';
+        $h1_size =  9 ;
+        $h1_flags = q{} ;
+        $h1_idate = '10-Jul-2015 09:00:00 +0200' ;
+        $h1_fir_ref = {} ;
+        $string_ref = \$string ;
+        $imapT->mock( 'message_to_file',
+                sub {
+                        my ( $imap, $mystring_ref, $msg ) = @_ ;
+                        ${$mystring_ref} = 'blablabla' ;
+                        return length ${$mystring_ref} ;
+                }
+        ) ;
+        is( 9, message_for_host2( $mysync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ),
+        q{message_for_host2: msg 1 == "blablabla", length} ) ;
+        is( 'blablabla', $string, q{message_for_host2: msg 1 == "blablabla", value} ) ;
+        # so far so good
+        # now the --pipemess stuff
+        SKIP: {
+                Readonly my $NB_WIN_tests_message_for_host2 => 0 ;
+                skip( 'Not on MSWin32', $NB_WIN_tests_message_for_host2 ) if ('MSWin32' ne $OSNAME) ;
+                # Windows
+                # "type" command does not accept redirection of STDIN with <
+                # "sort" does
+        } ;
+        SKIP: {
+                Readonly my $NB_UNX_tests_message_for_host2 => 6 ;
+                skip( 'Not on Unix', $NB_UNX_tests_message_for_host2 ) if ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) ;
+                # Unix
+                # no change by cat
+                @pipemess = ( 'cat' ) ;
+                is( 9, message_for_host2( $mysync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ),
+                q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'cat', length} ) ;
+                is( 'blablabla', $string, q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'cat', value} ) ;
+                # failure by false
+                @pipemess = ( 'false' ) ;
+                is( undef, message_for_host2( $mysync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ),
+                q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'false', length} ) ;
+                is( undef, $string, q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'false', value} ) ;
+                # failure by true since no output
+                @pipemess = ( 'true' ) ;
+                is( undef, message_for_host2( $mysync, $h1_msg, $h1_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_idate, $h1_fir_ref, $string_ref ),
+                q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'true', length} ) ;
+                is( undef, $string, q{message_for_host2: --pipemess 'true', value} ) ;
+        }
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_message_for_host2()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_labels_remove_subfolder1
+        note( 'Entering tests_labels_remove_subfolder1()' ) ;
+        is( undef, labels_remove_subfolder1(  ), 'labels_remove_subfolder1: no parameters => undef' ) ;
+        is( 'Blabla', labels_remove_subfolder1( 'Blabla' ), 'labels_remove_subfolder1: one parameter Blabla => Blabla' ) ;
+        is( 'Blan blue', labels_remove_subfolder1( 'Blan blue' ), 'labels_remove_subfolder1: one parameter Blan blue => Blan blue' ) ;
+        is( '\Bla "Blan blan" Blabla', labels_remove_subfolder1( '\Bla "Blan blan" Blabla' ),
+                'labels_remove_subfolder1: one parameter \Bla "Blan blan" Blabla => \Bla "Blan blan" Blabla' ) ;
+        is( 'Bla', labels_remove_subfolder1( 'Subf/Bla', 'Subf' ), 'labels_remove_subfolder1: Subf/Bla Subf => "Bla"' ) ;
+        is( '"\\\\Bla"', labels_remove_subfolder1( '"\\\\Bla"', 'Subf' ), 'labels_remove_subfolder1: "\\\\Bla" Subf => "\\\\Bla"' ) ;
+        is( 'Bla Kii', labels_remove_subfolder1( 'Subf/Bla Subf/Kii', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_remove_subfolder1: Subf/Bla Subf/Kii, Subf => "Bla" "Kii"' ) ;
+        is( '"\\\\Bla" Kii', labels_remove_subfolder1( '"\\\\Bla" Subf/Kii', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_remove_subfolder1: "\\\\Bla" Subf/Kii Subf => "\\\\Bla" Kii' ) ;
+        is( '"Blan blan"', labels_remove_subfolder1( '"Subf/Blan blan"', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_remove_subfolder1: "Subf/Blan blan" Subf => "Blan blan"' ) ;
+        is( '"\\\\Loo" "Blan blan" Kii', labels_remove_subfolder1( '"\\\\Loo" "Subf/Blan blan" Subf/Kii', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_remove_subfolder1: "\\\\Loo" "Subf/Blan blan" Subf/Kii + Subf => "\\\\Loo" "Blan blan" Kii' ) ;
+        is( '"\\\\Inbox"', labels_remove_subfolder1( 'Subf/INBOX', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_remove_subfolder1: Subf/INBOX + Subf => "\\\\Inbox"' ) ;
+        is( '"\\\\Loo" "Blan blan" Kii "\\\\Inbox"', labels_remove_subfolder1( '"\\\\Loo" "Subf/Blan blan" Subf/Kii Subf/INBOX', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_remove_subfolder1: "\\\\Loo" "Subf/Blan blan" Subf/Kii Subf/INBOX + Subf => "\\\\Loo" "Blan blan" Kii "\\\\Inbox"' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_labels_remove_subfolder1()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub labels_remove_subfolder1
+        my $labels = shift ;
+        my $subfolder1 = shift ;
+        if ( not defined $labels ) { return ; }
+        if ( not defined $subfolder1  ) { return $labels ; }
+        my @labels = quotewords('\s+', 1, $labels ) ;
+        #myprint( "@labels\n" ) ;
+        my @labels_subfolder2 ;
+        foreach my $label ( @labels )
+        {
+                if ( $label =~ m{zzzzzzzzzz} )
+                {
+                        # \Seen \Deleted ... stay the same
+                        push @labels_subfolder2, $label ;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        # Remove surrounding quotes if any, to add them again in case of space
+                        $label = join( q{}, quotewords('\s+', 0, $label ) ) ;
+                        $label =~ s{$subfolder1/?}{} ;
+                        if ( 'INBOX' eq $label )
+                        {
+                                push @labels_subfolder2, q{"\\\\Inbox"} ;
+                        }
+                        elsif ( $label =~ m{\\} )
+                        {
+                                push @labels_subfolder2, qq{"\\$label"} ;
+                        }
+                        elsif ( $label =~ m{ } )
+                        {
+                                push @labels_subfolder2, qq{"$label"} ;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                                push @labels_subfolder2, $label ;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        my $labels_subfolder2 = join( ' ', sort uniq( @labels_subfolder2 ) ) ;
+        return $labels_subfolder2 ;
+sub tests_labels_remove_special
+        note( 'Entering tests_labels_remove_special()' ) ;
+        is( undef, labels_remove_special(  ), 'labels_remove_special: no parameters => undef' ) ;
+        is( q{}, labels_remove_special( q{} ), 'labels_remove_special: empty string => empty string' ) ;
+        is( q{}, labels_remove_special( '"\\\\Inbox"' ), 'labels_remove_special:"\\\\Inbox" => empty string' ) ;
+        is( q{}, labels_remove_special( '"\\\\Inbox" "\\\\Starred"' ), 'labels_remove_special:"\\\\Inbox" "\\\\Starred" => empty string' ) ;
+        is( 'Bar Foo', labels_remove_special( 'Foo Bar' ), 'labels_remove_special:Foo Bar => Bar Foo' ) ;
+        is( 'Bar Foo', labels_remove_special( 'Foo Bar "\\\\Inbox"' ), 'labels_remove_special:Foo Bar "\\\\Inbox" => Bar Foo' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_labels_remove_special()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub labels_remove_special
+        my $labels = shift ;
+        if ( not defined $labels ) { return ; }
+        my @labels = quotewords('\s+', 1, $labels ) ;
+        myprint( "labels before remove_non_folded: @labels\n" ) ;
+        my @labels_remove_special ;
+        foreach my $label ( @labels )
+        {
+                if ( $label =~ m{^\"\\\\} )
+                {
+                        # not kept
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        push @labels_remove_special, $label ;
+                }
+        }
+        my $labels_remove_special = join( ' ', sort @labels_remove_special ) ;
+        return $labels_remove_special ;
+sub tests_labels_add_subfolder2
+        note( 'Entering tests_labels_add_subfolder2()' ) ;
+        is( undef, labels_add_subfolder2(  ), 'labels_add_subfolder2: no parameters => undef' ) ;
+        is( 'Blabla', labels_add_subfolder2( 'Blabla' ), 'labels_add_subfolder2: one parameter Blabla => Blabla' ) ;
+        is( 'Blan blue', labels_add_subfolder2( 'Blan blue' ), 'labels_add_subfolder2: one parameter Blan blue => Blan blue' ) ;
+        is( '\Bla "Blan blan" Blabla', labels_add_subfolder2( '\Bla "Blan blan" Blabla' ),
+                'labels_add_subfolder2: one parameter \Bla "Blan blan" Blabla => \Bla "Blan blan" Blabla' ) ;
+        is( 'Subf/Bla', labels_add_subfolder2( 'Bla', 'Subf' ), 'labels_add_subfolder2: Bla Subf => "Subf/Bla"' ) ;
+        is( 'Subf/\Bla', labels_add_subfolder2( '\\\\Bla', 'Subf' ), 'labels_add_subfolder2: \Bla Subf => \Bla' ) ;
+        is( 'Subf/Bla Subf/Kii', labels_add_subfolder2( 'Bla Kii', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_add_subfolder2: Bla Kii Subf => "Subf/Bla" "Subf/Kii"' ) ;
+        is( 'Subf/Kii Subf/\Bla', labels_add_subfolder2( '\\\\Bla Kii', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_add_subfolder2: \Bla Kii Subf => \Bla Subf/Kii' ) ;
+        is( '"Subf/Blan blan"', labels_add_subfolder2( '"Blan blan"', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_add_subfolder2: "Blan blan" Subf => "Subf/Blan blan"' ) ;
+        is( '"Subf/Blan blan" Subf/Kii Subf/\Loo', labels_add_subfolder2( '\\\\Loo "Blan blan" Kii', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_add_subfolder2: \Loo "Blan blan" Kii + Subf => "Subf/Blan blan" Subf/Kii Subf/\Loo' ) ;
+        # "\\Inbox" is special, add to subfolder INBOX also because Gmail will but ...
+        is( '"Subf/\\\\Inbox" Subf/INBOX', labels_add_subfolder2( '"\\\\Inbox"', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_add_subfolder2: "\\\\Inbox" Subf => "Subf/\\\\Inbox" Subf/INBOX' ) ;
+        # but not with INBOX folder
+        is( '"Subf/\\\\Inbox"', labels_add_subfolder2( '"\\\\Inbox"', 'Subf', 'INBOX' ),
+                'labels_add_subfolder2: "\\\\Inbox" Subf INBOX => "Subf/\\\\Inbox"' ) ;
+        # two times => one time
+        is( '"Subf/\\\\Inbox" Subf/INBOX', labels_add_subfolder2( '"\\\\Inbox" "\\\\Inbox"', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_add_subfolder2: "\\\\Inbox" "\\\\Inbox" Subf => "Subf/\\\\Inbox"' ) ;
+        is( '"Subf/\\\\Starred"', labels_add_subfolder2( '"\\\\Starred"', 'Subf' ),
+                'labels_add_subfolder2: "\\\\Starred" Subf => "Subf/\\\\Starred"' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_labels_add_subfolder2()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub labels_add_subfolder2
+        my $labels = shift ;
+        my $subfolder2 = shift ;
+        my $h1_folder = shift || q{} ;
+        if ( not defined $labels ) { return ; }
+        if ( not defined $subfolder2  ) { return $labels ; }
+        # Isn't it messy?
+        if ( 'INBOX' eq $h1_folder )
+        {
+                $labels .= ' "\\\\Inbox"' ;
+        }
+        my @labels = uniq( quotewords('\s+', 1, $labels ) ) ;
+        myprint( "labels before subfolder2: @labels\n" ) ;
+        my @labels_subfolder2 ;
+        foreach my $label ( @labels )
+        {
+                # Isn't it more messy?
+                if ( ( q{"\\\\Inbox"} eq $label ) and ( 'INBOX' ne $h1_folder ) )
+                {
+                        if ( $subfolder2 =~ m{ } )
+                        {
+                                push @labels_subfolder2, qq{"$subfolder2/INBOX"} ;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                                push @labels_subfolder2, "$subfolder2/INBOX" ;
+                        }
+                }
+                if ( $label =~ m{^\"\\\\} )
+                {
+                        # \Seen \Deleted ... stay the same
+                        #push @labels_subfolder2, $label ;
+                        # Remove surrounding quotes if any, to add them again
+                        $label = join( q{}, quotewords('\s+', 0, $label ) ) ;
+                        push @labels_subfolder2, qq{"$subfolder2/\\$label"} ;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        # Remove surrounding quotes if any, to add them again in case of space
+                        $label = join( q{}, quotewords('\s+', 0, $label ) ) ;
+                        if ( $label =~ m{ } )
+                        {
+                                push @labels_subfolder2, qq{"$subfolder2/$label"} ;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                                push @labels_subfolder2, "$subfolder2/$label" ;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        my $labels_subfolder2 = join( ' ', sort @labels_subfolder2 ) ;
+        return $labels_subfolder2 ;
+sub tests_labels
+        note( 'Entering tests_labels()' ) ;
+        is( undef, labels(  ),      'labels: no parameters => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, labels( undef ), 'labels: undef => undef' ) ;
+        require_ok( "Test::MockObject" ) ;
+        my $myimap = Test::MockObject->new(  ) ;
+        $myimap->mock( 'fetch_hash',
+                sub {
+                        return(
+                                { '1' => {
+                                        'X-GM-LABELS' => '\Seen Blabla'
+                                        }
+                                }
+                        ) ;
+                }
+        ) ;
+        $myimap->mock( 'Debug'   , sub { } ) ;
+        $myimap->mock( 'Unescape', sub { return Mail::IMAPClient::Unescape( @_ ) } ) ; # real one
+        is( undef, labels( $myimap ), 'labels: one parameter => undef' ) ;
+        is( '\Seen Blabla', labels( $myimap, '1' ), 'labels: $mysync UID_1 => \Seen Blabla' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_labels()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub labels
+        my ( $myimap, $uid ) = @ARG ;
+        if ( not all_defined( $myimap, $uid ) ) {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $hash = $myimap->fetch_hash( [ $uid ], 'X-GM-LABELS' ) ;
+        my $labels = $hash->{ $uid }->{ 'X-GM-LABELS' } ;
+        #$labels = $myimap->Unescape( $labels ) ;
+        return $labels ;
+sub tests_synclabels
+        note( 'Entering tests_synclabels()' ) ;
+        is( undef, synclabels(  ), 'synclabels: no parameters => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, synclabels( undef ), 'synclabels: undef => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync ;
+        is( undef, synclabels( $mysync ), 'synclabels: var undef => undef' ) ;
+        require_ok( "Test::MockObject" ) ;
+        $mysync = {} ;
+        my $myimap1 = Test::MockObject->new(  ) ;
+        $myimap1->mock( 'fetch_hash',
+                sub {
+                        return(
+                                { '1' => {
+                                        'X-GM-LABELS' => '\Seen Blabla'
+                                        }
+                                }
+                        ) ;
+                }
+        ) ;
+        $myimap1->mock( 'Debug',    sub { } ) ;
+        $myimap1->mock( 'Unescape', sub { return Mail::IMAPClient::Unescape( @_ ) } ) ; # real one
+        my $myimap2 = Test::MockObject->new(  ) ;
+        $myimap2->mock( 'store',
+                sub {
+                        return 1 ;
+                }
+        ) ;
+        $mysync->{imap1} = $myimap1 ;
+        $mysync->{imap2} = $myimap2 ;
+        is( undef, synclabels( $mysync ), 'synclabels: fresh $mysync => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, synclabels( $mysync, '1' ),  'synclabels: $mysync UID_1 alone => undef' )  ;
+        is( 1,     synclabels( $mysync, '1', '2' ), 'synclabels: $mysync UID_1 UID_2 => 1' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_synclabels()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub synclabels
+        my( $mysync, $uid1, $uid2 ) = @ARG ;
+        if ( not all_defined( $mysync, $uid1, $uid2 ) ) {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $myimap1 = $mysync->{ 'imap1' } || return ;
+        my $myimap2 = $mysync->{ 'imap2' } || return ;
+        $mysync->{debuglabels} and $myimap1->Debug( 1 ) ;
+        my $labels1 = labels( $myimap1, $uid1 ) ;
+        $mysync->{debuglabels} and $myimap1->Debug( 0 ) ;
+        $mysync->{debuglabels} and myprint( "Host1 labels: $labels1\n" ) ;
+        if ( $mysync->{ subfolder1 } and $labels1 )
+        {
+                $labels1 = labels_remove_subfolder1( $labels1, $mysync->{ subfolder1 } ) ;
+                $mysync->{debuglabels} and myprint( "Host1 labels with subfolder1: $labels1\n" ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $mysync->{ subfolder2 } and $labels1 )
+        {
+                $labels1 = labels_add_subfolder2( $labels1, $mysync->{ subfolder2 } ) ;
+                $mysync->{debuglabels} and myprint( "Host1 labels with subfolder2: $labels1\n" ) ;
+        }
+        my $store ;
+        if ( $labels1 and not $mysync->{ dry } )
+        {
+                $mysync->{ debuglabels } and $myimap2->Debug( 1 ) ;
+                $store = $myimap2->store( $uid2, "X-GM-LABELS ($labels1)" ) ;
+                $mysync->{ debuglabels } and $myimap2->Debug( 0 ) ;
+        }
+        return $store ;
+sub tests_resynclabels
+        note( 'Entering tests_resynclabels()' ) ;
+        is( undef, resynclabels(  ), 'resynclabels: no parameters => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, resynclabels( undef ), 'resynclabels: undef => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync ;
+        is( undef, resynclabels( $mysync ), 'resynclabels: var undef => undef' ) ;
+        my ( $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debuglabels } = 1 ;
+        $h1_fir_ref->{ 11 }->{ 'X-GM-LABELS' } = '\Seen Baa Kii' ;
+        $h2_fir_ref->{ 22 }->{ 'X-GM-LABELS' } = '\Seen Baa Kii' ;
+        # labels are equal
+        is( 1,     resynclabels( $mysync, 11, 22, $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref ),
+                'resynclabels: $mysync UID_1 UID_2 labels are equal => 1' ) ;
+        # labels are different
+        $h2_fir_ref->{ 22 }->{ 'X-GM-LABELS' } = '\Seen Zuu' ;
+        require_ok( "Test::MockObject" ) ;
+        my $myimap2 = Test::MockObject->new(  ) ;
+        $myimap2->mock( 'store',
+                sub {
+                        return 1 ;
+                }
+        ) ;
+        $myimap2->mock( 'Debug',    sub { } ) ;
+        $mysync->{imap2} = $myimap2 ;
+        is( 1,     resynclabels( $mysync, 11, 22, $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref ),
+                'resynclabels: $mysync UID_1 UID_2 labels are not equal => store => 1' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_resynclabels()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub resynclabels
+        my( $mysync, $uid1, $uid2, $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref, $h1_folder ) = @ARG ;
+        if ( not all_defined( $mysync, $uid1, $uid2, $h1_fir_ref, $h2_fir_ref ) ) {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $labels1 = $h1_fir_ref->{ $uid1 }->{ 'X-GM-LABELS' } || q{} ;
+        my $labels2 = $h2_fir_ref->{ $uid2 }->{ 'X-GM-LABELS' } || q{} ;
+        if ( $mysync->{ subfolder1 } and $labels1 )
+        {
+                $labels1 = labels_remove_subfolder1( $labels1, $mysync->{ subfolder1 } ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $mysync->{ subfolder2 } and $labels1 )
+        {
+                $labels1 = labels_add_subfolder2( $labels1, $mysync->{ subfolder2 }, $h1_folder ) ;
+                $labels2 = labels_remove_special( $labels2 ) ;
+        }
+        $mysync->{ debuglabels } and myprint( "Host1 labels fixed: $labels1\n" ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debuglabels } and myprint( "Host2 labels      : $labels2\n" ) ;
+        my $store ;
+        if ( $labels1 eq $labels2 )
+        {
+                # no sync needed
+                $mysync->{ debuglabels } and myprint( "Labels are already equal\n" ) ;
+                return 1 ;
+        }
+        elsif ( not $mysync->{ dry } )
+        {
+                # sync needed
+                $mysync->{debuglabels} and $mysync->{imap2}->Debug( 1 ) ;
+                $store = $mysync->{imap2}->store( $uid2, "X-GM-LABELS ($labels1)" ) ;
+                $mysync->{debuglabels} and $mysync->{imap2}->Debug( 0 ) ;
+        }
+        return $store ;
+sub tests_uniq
+        note( 'Entering tests_uniq()' ) ;
+        is( 0, uniq(  ),  'uniq: undef => 0' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'one' ], [ uniq( 'one' ) ],  'uniq: one => one' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'one' ], [ uniq( 'one', 'one' ) ],  'uniq: one one => one' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'one', 'two' ], [ uniq( 'one', 'one', 'two', 'one', 'two' ) ],  'uniq: one one two one two => one two' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_uniq()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub uniq
+        my @list = @ARG ;
+        my %seen = (  ) ;
+        my @uniq = (  ) ;
+        foreach my $item ( @list ) {
+        if ( ! $seen{ $item } ) {
+                $seen{ $item } = 1 ;
+        push( @uniq, $item ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        return @uniq ;
+sub length_ref
+        my $string_ref = shift ;
+        my $string_len = defined  ${ $string_ref }  ? length( ${ $string_ref } ) : q{} ; # length or empty string
+        return $string_len ;
+sub tests_length_ref
+	note( 'Entering tests_length_ref()' ) ;
+        my $notdefined ;
+        is( q{}, length_ref( \$notdefined ), q{length_ref: value not defined} ) ;
+        my $notref ;
+        is( q{}, length_ref( $notref ), q{length_ref: param not a ref} ) ;
+        my $lala = 'lala' ;
+        is( 4, length_ref( \$lala ), q{length_ref: lala length == 4} ) ;
+        is( 4, length_ref( \'lili' ), q{length_ref: lili length == 4} ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_length_ref()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub date_for_host2
+        my( $h1_msg, $h1_idate ) = @_ ;
+        my $h1_date = q{} ;
+        if ( $syncinternaldates ) {
+                $h1_date = $h1_idate ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "internal date from host1: [$h1_date]\n"  ) ;
+                $h1_date = good_date( $h1_date ) ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "internal date from host1: [$h1_date] (fixed)\n"  ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $idatefromheader ) {
+                $h1_date = $sync->{imap1}->get_header( $h1_msg, 'Date' ) ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "header date from host1: [$h1_date]\n"  ) ;
+                $h1_date = good_date( $h1_date ) ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "header date from host1: [$h1_date] (fixed)\n"  ) ;
+        }
+        return( $h1_date ) ;
+sub flags_for_host2
+        my( $h1_flags, $permanentflags2 ) = @_ ;
+        # RFC 2060: This flag can not be altered by any client
+        $h1_flags =~ s@\\Recent\s?@@xgi ;
+        my $h1_flags_re ;
+        if ( @regexflag and defined( $h1_flags_re = flags_regex( $h1_flags ) ) ) {
+                $h1_flags = $h1_flags_re ;
+        }
+        $h1_flags = flagscase( $h1_flags ) if $flagscase ;
+        $h1_flags = flags_filter( $h1_flags, $permanentflags2) if ( $permanentflags2 and $filterflags ) ;
+        return( $h1_flags ) ;
+sub subject
+        my $string = shift ;
+        my $subject = q{} ;
+        my $header = extract_header( $string ) ;
+        if( $header =~ m/^Subject:\s*([^\n\r]*)\r?$/msx ) {
+                #myprint( "MMM[$1]\n"  ) ;
+                $subject = $1 ;
+        }
+        return( $subject ) ;
+sub tests_subject
+	note( 'Entering tests_subject()' ) ;
+        ok( q{} eq subject( q{} ), 'subject: null') ;
+        ok( 'toto le hero' eq subject( 'Subject: toto le hero' ), 'subject: toto le hero') ;
+        ok( 'toto le hero' eq subject( 'Subject:toto le hero' ), 'subject: toto le hero blank') ;
+        ok( 'toto le hero' eq subject( "Subject:toto le hero\r\n" ), 'subject: toto le hero\r\n') ;
+        my $MESS ;
+        $MESS = <<'EOF';
+From: lalala
+Subject: toto le hero
+Date: zzzzzz
+Boogie boogie
+        ok( 'toto le hero' eq subject( $MESS ), 'subject: toto le hero 2') ;
+        $MESS = <<'EOF';
+Subject: toto le hero
+From: lalala
+Date: zzzzzz
+Boogie boogie
+        ok( 'toto le hero' eq subject( $MESS ), 'subject: toto le hero 3') ;
+        $MESS = <<'EOF';
+From: lalala
+Subject: cuicui
+Date: zzzzzz
+Subject: toto le hero
+        ok( 'cuicui' eq subject( $MESS ), 'subject: cuicui') ;
+        $MESS = <<'EOF';
+From: lalala
+Date: zzzzzz
+Subject: toto le hero
+        ok( q{} eq subject( $MESS ), 'subject: null but body could') ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_subject()' ) ;
+        return ;
+# GlobVar
+# $max_msg_size_in_bytes
+# $h2_uidguess
+# ...
+sub append_message_on_host2
+        my( $mysync, $string_ref, $h1_fold, $h1_msg, $string_len, $h2_fold, $h1_size, $h1_flags, $h1_date, $cache_dir ) = @_ ;
+        myprint( debugmemory( $mysync, " at A1" ) ) ;
+        my $new_id ;
+        if ( ! $mysync->{dry} ) {
+                $max_msg_size_in_bytes = max( $string_len, $max_msg_size_in_bytes ) ;
+                $new_id = $mysync->{imap2}->append_string( $h2_fold, ${ $string_ref }, $h1_flags, $h1_date ) ;
+                myprint( debugmemory( $mysync, " at A2" ) ) ;
+                if ( ! $new_id){
+                        my $subject = subject( ${ $string_ref } ) ;
+                        my $error_imap = $mysync->{imap2}->LastError || q{} ;
+                        my $error = "- msg $h1_fold/$h1_msg {$string_len} could not append ( Subject:[$subject], Date:[$h1_date], Size:[$h1_size], Flags:[$h1_flags] ) to folder $h2_fold: $error_imap\n" ;
+                        errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                        $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } +=1 ;
+                        return ;
+                }
+                else{
+                        # good
+                        # $new_id is an id if the IMAP server has the
+                        # UIDPLUS capability else just a ref
+                        if ( $new_id !~ m{^\d+$}x ) {
+                                $new_id = lastuid( $mysync->{imap2}, $h2_fold, $h2_uidguess ) ;
+                        }
+                        if ( $mysync->{ synclabels } ) { synclabels( $mysync, $h1_msg, $new_id ) }
+                        $h2_uidguess += 1 ;
+                        $mysync->{ total_bytes_transferred } += $string_len ;
+                        $mysync->{ nb_msg_transferred } += 1 ;
+                        $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } +=1 ;
+                        my $time_spent = timesince( $mysync->{begin_transfer_time} ) ;
+                        my $rate = bytes_display_string( $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} / $time_spent ) ;
+                        my $eta = eta( $mysync ) ;
+                        my $amount_transferred = bytes_display_string( $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} ) ;
+                        myprintf( "msg %s/%-19s copied to %s/%-10s %.2f msgs/s  %s/s %s copied %s\n",
+                        $h1_fold, "$h1_msg {$string_len}", $h2_fold, $new_id, $mysync->{nb_msg_transferred}/$time_spent, $rate,
+                        $amount_transferred,
+                        $eta );
+                        sleep_if_needed( $mysync ) ;
+                        if ( $usecache and $cacheaftercopy and $new_id =~ m{^\d+$}x ) {
+                                $debugcache and myprint( "touch $cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$new_id\n"  ) ;
+                                touch( "$cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$new_id" )
+                                or croak( "Couldn't touch $cache_dir/${h1_msg}_$new_id" ) ;
+                        }
+                        if ( $mysync->{ delete1 } ) {
+                                delete_message_on_host1( $mysync, $h1_fold, $mysync->{ expungeaftereach }, $h1_msg ) ;
+                        }
+                        #myprint( "PRESS ENTER" ) and my $a = <> ;
+                        return( $new_id ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        else{
+                $nb_msg_skipped_dry_mode += 1 ;
+                $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } += 1 ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_sleep_if_needed
+	note( 'Entering tests_sleep_if_needed()' ) ;
+	is( undef, sleep_if_needed(  ), 'sleep_if_needed: no args => undef' ) ;
+	my $mysync ;
+	is( undef, sleep_if_needed( $mysync ), 'sleep_if_needed: arg undef => undef' ) ;
+	$mysync->{maxbytespersecond} = 1000 ;
+	is( 0, sleep_if_needed( $mysync ), 'sleep_if_needed: maxbytespersecond only => no sleep => 0' ) ;
+	$mysync->{begin_transfer_time} = time ; # now
+	is( 0, sleep_if_needed( $mysync ), 'sleep_if_needed: begin_transfer_time now => no sleep => 0' ) ;
+	$mysync->{begin_transfer_time} = time - 2 ; # 2 s before
+	is( 0, sleep_if_needed( $mysync ), 'sleep_if_needed: total_bytes_transferred == 0 => no sleep => 0' ) ;
+	$mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} = 2200 ;
+	$mysync->{begin_transfer_time} = time - 2 ; # 2 s before
+	is( '0.20', sleep_if_needed( $mysync ), 'sleep_if_needed: total_bytes_transferred == 2200 since 2s => sleep 0.2s' ) ;
+	is( '0',  sleep_if_needed( $mysync ),   'sleep_if_needed: total_bytes_transferred == 2200 since 2+2 == 4s => no sleep' ) ;
+	$mysync->{maxsleep} = 0.1 ;
+	$mysync->{begin_transfer_time} = time - 2 ; # 2 s before again
+	is( '0.10', sleep_if_needed( $mysync ), 'sleep_if_needed: total_bytes_transferred == 4000 since 2s but maxsleep 0.1s => sleep 0.1s' ) ;
+	$mysync->{maxbytesafter} = 4000 ;
+	$mysync->{begin_transfer_time} = time - 2 ; # 2 s before again
+	is( 0, sleep_if_needed( $mysync ), 'sleep_if_needed: maxbytesafter == total_bytes_transferred => no sleep => 0' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_sleep_if_needed()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub sleep_if_needed
+        my( $mysync ) = shift ;
+	if ( ! $mysync ) {
+		return ;
+	}
+	# No need to go further if there is no limit set
+	if (  not ( $mysync->{maxmessagespersecond}
+		or $mysync->{maxbytespersecond} )
+	) {
+		return ;
+	}
+	$mysync->{maxsleep} = defined $mysync->{maxsleep} ? $mysync->{maxsleep} : $MAX_SLEEP ;
+        # Must be positive
+        $mysync->{maxsleep} = max( 0, $mysync->{maxsleep} ) ;
+	my $time_spent = timesince( $mysync->{begin_transfer_time} ) ;
+        my $sleep_max_messages = sleep_max_messages( $mysync->{nb_msg_transferred}, $time_spent, $mysync->{maxmessagespersecond} ) ;
+	my $maxbytesafter = $mysync->{maxbytesafter} || 0 ;
+	my $total_bytes_transferred = $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} || 0 ;
+	my $total_bytes_to_consider = $total_bytes_transferred - $maxbytesafter ;
+	#myprint( "maxbytesafter:$maxbytesafter\n" ) ;
+	#myprint( "total_bytes_to_consider:$total_bytes_to_consider\n" ) ;
+        my $sleep_max_bytes = sleep_max_bytes( $total_bytes_to_consider, $time_spent, $mysync->{maxbytespersecond}  ) ;
+        my $sleep_max = min( $mysync->{maxsleep}, max( $sleep_max_messages, $sleep_max_bytes ) ) ;
+	$sleep_max = mysprintf( "%.2f", $sleep_max ) ; # round with 2 decimals.
+        if ( $sleep_max > 0 ) {
+                myprint( "sleeping $sleep_max s\n" ) ;
+                sleep $sleep_max ;
+		# Slept
+		return $sleep_max ;
+        }
+	# No sleep
+        return 0 ;
+sub sleep_max_messages
+        # how long we have to sleep to go under max_messages_per_second
+        my( $nb_msg_transferred, $time_spent, $maxmessagespersecond ) = @_ ;
+        if ( ( not defined  $maxmessagespersecond  ) or $maxmessagespersecond <= 0 ) { return( 0 ) } ;
+        my $sleep = ( $nb_msg_transferred / $maxmessagespersecond ) - $time_spent ;
+        # the sleep must be positive
+        return( max( 0, $sleep ) ) ;
+sub tests_sleep_max_messages
+	note( 'Entering tests_sleep_max_messages()' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_messages( 4, 2, undef ),  'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = undef') ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_messages( 4, 2, 0 ),  'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = 0') ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_messages( 4, 2, $MINUS_ONE ), 'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = -1') ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_messages( 4, 2, 2 ),  'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = 2 max reached') ;
+        ok( 2 == sleep_max_messages( 8, 2, 2 ),  'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = 2 max over') ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_messages( 2, 2, 2 ),  'sleep_max_messages: maxmessagespersecond = 2 max not reached') ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_sleep_max_messages()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub sleep_max_bytes
+        # how long we have to sleep to go under max_bytes_per_second
+        my( $total_bytes_to_consider, $time_spent, $maxbytespersecond ) = @_ ;
+	$total_bytes_to_consider ||= 0 ;
+	$time_spent ||= 0 ;
+        if ( ( not defined  $maxbytespersecond  ) or $maxbytespersecond <= 0 ) { return( 0 ) } ;
+	#myprint( "total_bytes_to_consider:$total_bytes_to_consider\n" ) ;
+        my $sleep = ( $total_bytes_to_consider / $maxbytespersecond ) - $time_spent ;
+        # the sleep must be positive
+        return( max( 0, $sleep ) ) ;
+sub tests_sleep_max_bytes
+	note( 'Entering tests_sleep_max_bytes()' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( 4000, 2, undef ),  'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond == undef => sleep 0' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( 4000, 2, 0 ),  'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = 0 => sleep 0') ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( 4000, 2, $MINUS_ONE ), 'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = -1 => sleep 0') ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( 4000, 2, 2000 ),  'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = 2k max reached sharp => sleep 0') ;
+        ok( 2 == sleep_max_bytes( 8000, 2, 2000 ),  'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = 2k max over => sleep a little') ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( -8000, 2, 2000 ), 'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = 2k max not reached => sleep 0') ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( 2000, 2, 2000 ),  'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = 2k max not reached => sleep 0') ;
+        ok( 0 == sleep_max_bytes( -2000, 2, 1000 ), 'sleep_max_bytes: maxbytespersecond = 1k max not reached => sleep 0') ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_sleep_max_bytes()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub delete_message_on_host1
+        my( $mysync, $h1_fold, $expunge, @h1_msg ) = @_ ;
+        if ( ! $mysync->{ delete1 } ) { return ; }
+        if ( ! @h1_msg ) { return ; }
+        delete_messages_on_any(
+                $mysync,
+                $mysync->{imap1},
+                "Host1: $h1_fold",
+                $expunge,
+                $split1,
+                @h1_msg ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence
+        note( 'Entering tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence()' ) ;
+        is(  1, ! 0, 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: ! 0 => 1' ) ;
+        is( "", ! 1, 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: ! 1 => ""' ) ;
+        is(  1, not( 0 ), 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: not( 0 ) => 1' ) ;
+        is( "", not( 1 ), 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: not( 1 ) => ""' ) ;
+        # I wrote those tests to avoid perlcrit "Mixed high and low-precedence booleans"
+        # and change sub delete_messages_on_any() but got 4 more warnings... So now commented.
+        #is(  0, ( ! 0 and 0 ), 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: ! 0 and 0 ) =>  0' ) ;
+        #is(  1, ( ! 0 and 1 ), 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: ! 0 and 1 ) =>  1' ) ;
+        #is( "", ( ! 1 and 0 ), 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: ! 1 and 0 ) => ""' ) ;
+        #is( "", ( ! 1 and 1 ), 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: ! 1 and 1 ) => ""' ) ;
+        is(  0, ( ! 0 && 0 ), 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: ! 0 && 0 ) =>  0' ) ;
+        is(  1, ( ! 0 && 1 ), 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: ! 0 && 1 ) =>  1' ) ;
+        is( "", ( ! 1 && 0 ), 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: ! 1 && 0 ) => ""' ) ;
+        is( "", ( ! 1 && 1 ), 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: ! 1 && 1 ) => ""' ) ;
+        is(  2, ( ! 0 && 2 ), 'tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence: ! 0 && 2 ) =>  1' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub delete_messages_on_any
+        my( $mysync, $imap, $hostX_folder, $expunge, $split, @messages  ) = @_ ;
+        my $expunge_message = q{} ;
+        my $dry_message = $mysync->{ dry_message } ;
+        $expunge_message = 'and expunged' if ( $expunge ) ;
+        # "Host1: msg "
+        $imap->Debug( 1 ) ;
+        while ( my @messages_part = splice @messages, 0, $split )
+        {
+                foreach my $message ( @messages_part )
+                {
+                        myprint( "$hostX_folder/$message marking deleted $expunge_message $dry_message\n"  ) ;
+                }
+                if ( ! $mysync->{dry} && @messages_part )
+                {
+                        my $nb_deleted = $imap->delete_message( $imap->Range( @messages_part ) ) ;
+                        if ( defined $nb_deleted )
+                        {
+                                # $nb_deleted is not accurate
+                                $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_deleted } += scalar @messages_part ;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                                my $error_imap = $imap->LastError || q{} ;
+                                my $error = join( q{}, "$hostX_folder folder, could not delete ",
+                                        scalar @messages_part, ' messages: ', $error_imap, "\n" ) ;
+                                errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        if ( $expunge ) {
+                uidexpunge_or_expunge( $mysync, $imap, @messages ) ;
+        }
+        $imap->Debug( 0 ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_uidexpunge_or_expunge
+        note( 'Entering tests_uidexpunge_or_expunge()' ) ;
+        is( undef, uidexpunge_or_expunge(  ), 'uidexpunge_or_expunge: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync ;
+        is( undef, uidexpunge_or_expunge( $mysync ), 'uidexpunge_or_expunge: undef args => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync = {} ;
+        is( undef, uidexpunge_or_expunge( $mysync ), 'uidexpunge_or_expunge: arg empty => undef' ) ;
+        my $imap ;
+        is( undef, uidexpunge_or_expunge( $mysync, $imap ), 'uidexpunge_or_expunge: undef Mail-IMAPClient instance => undef' ) ;
+        require_ok( "Test::MockObject" ) ;
+        $imap = Test::MockObject->new(  ) ;
+        is( undef, uidexpunge_or_expunge( $mysync, $imap ), 'uidexpunge_or_expunge: no message (1) to uidexpunge => undef' ) ;
+        my @messages = (  ) ;
+        is( undef, uidexpunge_or_expunge( $mysync, $imap, @messages ), 'uidexpunge_or_expunge: no message (2) to uidexpunge => undef' ) ;
+        @messages = ( '2', '1' ) ;
+        $imap->mock( 'uidexpunge', sub { return ; } ) ;
+        $imap->mock( 'expunge',    sub { return ; } ) ;
+        is( undef, uidexpunge_or_expunge( $mysync, $imap, @messages ), 'uidexpunge_or_expunge: uidexpunge failure => expunge failure => undef' ) ;
+        $imap->mock( 'expunge',    sub { return 1 ; } ) ;
+        is( 1, uidexpunge_or_expunge( $mysync, $imap, @messages ), 'uidexpunge_or_expunge: uidexpunge failure => expunge ok => 1' ) ;
+        $imap->mock( 'uidexpunge',    sub { return 1 ; } ) ;
+        is( 1, uidexpunge_or_expunge( $mysync, $imap, @messages ), 'uidexpunge_or_expunge: messages to uidexpunge ok => 1' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_uidexpunge_or_expunge()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub uidexpunge_or_expunge
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $imap = shift ;
+        my @messages = @ARG ;
+        if ( ! $imap ) { return ; } ;
+        if ( ! @messages ) { return ; } ;
+        # Doing uidexpunge
+        my @uidexpunge_result = $imap->uidexpunge( @messages ) ;
+        if ( @uidexpunge_result ) {
+                return 1 ;
+        }
+        # Failure so doing expunge
+        my $expunge_result = $imap->expunge(  ) ;
+        if ( $expunge_result ) {
+                return 1 ;
+        }
+        # bad trip
+        return ;
+sub eta_print
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( my $eta = eta( $mysync ) )
+        {
+                myprint( "$eta\n" ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_eta
+        note( 'Entering tests_eta()' ) ;
+        is( q{}, eta(  ),      'eta: no args => ""' ) ;
+        is( q{}, eta( undef ),  'eta: undef => ""' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        # No foldersizes
+        is( q{}, eta( $mysync ),  'eta: No foldersizes => ""' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ foldersizes } = 1 ;
+        $mysync->{ begin_transfer_time } = time ; # Now
+        $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } = 0 ;
+        is( "ETA: " . localtime( time ) . "  0 s  0/0 msgs left",
+                eta( $mysync ),
+                'eta: no args => ETA: "Now"  0 s  0/0 msgs left' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } = 1 ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_start }     = 2 ;
+        is( "ETA: " . localtime( time ) . "  0 s  1/2 msgs left",
+                eta( $mysync ),
+                'eta: 1, 1, 2 => ETA: "Now"  0 s  1/2 msgs left' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_eta()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub eta
+        my( $mysync ) = shift ;
+        if ( ! $mysync )
+        {
+                return q{} ;
+        }
+        return( q{} ) if not $mysync->{ foldersizes } ;
+        my $h1_nb_msg_start    = $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_start } ;
+        my $h1_nb_processed    = $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } ;
+        my $nb_msg_transferred = ( $mysync->{dry} ) ? $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_processed } : $mysync->{ nb_msg_transferred } ;
+        my $time_spent = timesince( $mysync->{ begin_transfer_time } ) ;
+        $h1_nb_processed ||= 0 ;
+        $h1_nb_msg_start ||= 0 ;
+        $time_spent      ||= 0 ;
+        my $time_remaining = time_remaining( $time_spent, $h1_nb_processed, $h1_nb_msg_start, $nb_msg_transferred ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "time_spent: $time_spent time_remaining: $time_remaining\n" ) ;
+        my $nb_msg_remaining = $h1_nb_msg_start - $h1_nb_processed ;
+        my $eta_date = localtime( time + $time_remaining ) ;
+        return( mysprintf( 'ETA: %s  %1.0f s  %s/%s msgs left',
+                $eta_date, $time_remaining, $nb_msg_remaining, $h1_nb_msg_start ) ) ;
+sub time_remaining
+        my( $my_time_spent, $h1_nb_processed, $h1_nb_msg_start, $nb_transferred ) = @_ ;
+        $nb_transferred  ||= 1 ; # At least one is done (no division by zero)
+        $h1_nb_processed ||= 0 ;
+        $h1_nb_msg_start ||= $h1_nb_processed ;
+        $my_time_spent   ||= 0 ;
+        my $time_remaining = ( $my_time_spent / $nb_transferred ) * ( $h1_nb_msg_start - $h1_nb_processed ) ;
+        return( $time_remaining ) ;
+sub tests_time_remaining
+        note( 'Entering tests_time_remaining()' ) ;
+        # time_spent, nb_processed, nb_to_do_total, nb_transferred
+        is( 0, time_remaining(  ), 'time_remaining: no args -> 0'   ) ;
+        is( 0, time_remaining( 0, 0,  0, 0 ), 'time_remaining: 0, 0, 0, 0 -> 0'   ) ;
+        is( 1, time_remaining( 1, 1,  2, 1 ), 'time_remaining: 1, 1, 2, 1 -> 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, time_remaining( 9, 9, 10, 9 ), 'time_remaining: 9, 9, 10, 9 -> 1' ) ;
+        is( 9, time_remaining( 1, 1, 10, 1 ), 'time_remaining: 1, 1, 10, 1 -> 9' ) ;
+        is( 5, time_remaining( 5, 5, 10, 5 ), 'time_remaining: 5, 5, 10, 5 -> 5' ) ;
+        is( 25, time_remaining( 5, 5, 10, 0 ), 'time_remaining: 5, 5, 10, 0 -> ( 5 / 1 ) * ( 10 - 5) = 25' ) ;
+        is( 25, time_remaining( 5, 5, 10, 1 ), 'time_remaining: 5, 5, 10, 1 -> ( 5 / 1 ) * ( 10 - 5) = 25' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_time_remaining()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub cache_map
+        my ( $cache_files_ref, $h1_msgs_ref, $h2_msgs_ref ) = @_;
+        my ( %map1_2, %map2_1, %done2 ) ;
+        my $h1_msgs_hash_ref = {  } ;
+        my $h2_msgs_hash_ref = {  } ;
+        @{ $h1_msgs_hash_ref }{ @{ $h1_msgs_ref } } = (  ) ;
+        @{ $h2_msgs_hash_ref }{ @{ $h2_msgs_ref } } = (  ) ;
+        foreach my $file ( sort @{ $cache_files_ref } ) {
+                $debugcache and myprint( "C12: $file\n"  ) ;
+                ( $uid1, $uid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( $file ) ;
+                if (  exists( $h1_msgs_hash_ref->{ defined  $uid1  ? $uid1 : q{} } )
+                  and exists( $h2_msgs_hash_ref->{ defined  $uid2  ? $uid2 : q{} } ) ) {
+                        # keep only the greatest uid2
+                        # 130_2301 and
+                        # 130_231  => keep only 130 -> 2301
+                        # keep only the greatest uid1
+                        # 1601_260 and
+                        #  161_260 => keep only 1601 -> 260
+                        my $max_uid2 = max( $uid2, $map1_2{ $uid1 } || $MINUS_ONE ) ;
+                        if ( exists $done2{ $max_uid2 } ) {
+                                if ( $done2{ $max_uid2 } < $uid1 )  {
+                                        $map1_2{ $uid1 } = $max_uid2 ;
+                                        delete $map1_2{ $done2{ $max_uid2 } } ;
+                                        $done2{ $max_uid2 } = $uid1 ;
+                                }
+                        }else{
+                                $map1_2{ $uid1 } = $max_uid2 ;
+                                $done2{ $max_uid2 } = $uid1 ;
+                        }
+                };
+        }
+        %map2_1 = reverse %map1_2 ;
+        return( \%map1_2, \%map2_1) ;
+sub tests_cache_map
+	note( 'Entering tests_cache_map()' ) ;
+        #$debugcache = 1 ;
+        my @cache_files = qw (
+        100_200
+        101_201
+        120_220
+        142_242
+        143_243
+        177_277
+        177_278
+        177_279
+        155_255
+        180_280
+        181_280
+        182_280
+        130_231
+        130_2301
+        161_260
+        1601_260
+        ) ;
+        my $msgs_1 = [120, 142, 143, 144, 161, 1601,           177,      182, 130 ];
+        my $msgs_2 = [     242, 243,       260,      299, 377, 279, 255, 280, 231, 2301 ];
+        my( $c12, $c21 ) ;
+        ok( ( $c12, $c21 ) = cache_map( \@cache_files, $msgs_1, $msgs_2 ), 'cache_map: 02' );
+        my $a1 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c12 } ] ;
+        my $a2 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c21 } ] ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ 130, 142, 143,      177, 182, 1601      ], $a1 ), 'cache_map: 03' );
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [      242, 243, 260, 279, 280,      2301 ], $a2 ), 'cache_map: 04' );
+        ok( ! $c12->{161},        'cache_map: ! 161 ->  260' );
+        ok( 260  == $c12->{1601}, 'cache_map:  1601 ->  260' );
+        ok( 2301 == $c12->{130},  'cache_map:   130 -> 2301' );
+        #myprint( $c12->{1601}, "\n" ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_cache_map()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub cache_dir_fix
+        my $cache_dir = shift ;
+        $cache_dir =~ s/([;<>\*\|`&\$!#\(\)\[\]\{\}:'"\\])/\\$1/xg ;
+        #myprint( "cache_dir_fix: $cache_dir\n"  ) ;
+        return( $cache_dir ) ;
+sub tests_cache_dir_fix
+	note( 'Entering tests_cache_dir_fix()' ) ;
+        ok( 'lalala' eq  cache_dir_fix('lalala'),  'cache_dir_fix: lalala -> lalala' );
+        ok( 'ii\\\\ii' eq  cache_dir_fix('ii\ii'), 'cache_dir_fix: ii\ii -> ii\\\\ii' );
+        ok( 'ii@ii' eq  cache_dir_fix('ii@ii'),  'cache_dir_fix: ii@ii -> ii@ii' );
+        ok( 'ii@ii\\:ii' eq  cache_dir_fix('ii@ii:ii'), 'cache_dir_fix: ii@ii:ii -> ii@ii\\:ii' );
+        ok( 'i\\\\i\\\\ii' eq  cache_dir_fix('i\i\ii'), 'cache_dir_fix: i\i\ii -> i\\\\i\\\\ii' );
+        ok( 'i\\\\ii' eq  cache_dir_fix('i\\ii'), 'cache_dir_fix: i\\ii -> i\\\\\\\\ii' );
+        ok( '\\\\ ' eq  cache_dir_fix('\\ '), 'cache_dir_fix: \\  -> \\\\\ ' );
+        ok( '\\\\ ' eq  cache_dir_fix('\ '), 'cache_dir_fix: \  -> \\\\\ ' );
+        ok( '\[bracket\]' eq  cache_dir_fix('[bracket]'), 'cache_dir_fix: [bracket] -> \[bracket\]' );
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_cache_dir_fix()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub cache_dir_fix_win
+        my $cache_dir = shift ;
+        $cache_dir =~ s/(\[|\])/[$1]/xg ;
+        #myprint( "cache_dir_fix_win: $cache_dir\n"  ) ;
+        return( $cache_dir ) ;
+sub tests_cache_dir_fix_win
+	note( 'Entering tests_cache_dir_fix_win()' ) ;
+        ok( 'lalala' eq  cache_dir_fix_win('lalala'),  'cache_dir_fix_win: lalala -> lalala' );
+        ok( '[[]bracket[]]' eq  cache_dir_fix_win('[bracket]'), 'cache_dir_fix_win: [bracket] -> [[]bracket[]]' );
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_cache_dir_fix_win()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub get_cache
+        my ( $cache_dir, $h1_msgs_ref, $h2_msgs_ref, $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref, $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref ) = @_;
+        $debugcache and myprint( "Entering get_cache\n" ) ;
+        -d $cache_dir or return( undef ); # exit if cache directory doesn't exist
+        $debugcache and myprint( "cache_dir : $cache_dir\n" ) ;
+        if ( 'MSWin32' ne $OSNAME ) {
+                $cache_dir = cache_dir_fix( $cache_dir ) ;
+        }else{
+                $cache_dir = cache_dir_fix_win( $cache_dir ) ;
+        }
+        $debugcache and myprint( "cache_dir_fix: $cache_dir\n"  ) ;
+        my @cache_files = bsd_glob( "$cache_dir/*" ) ;
+        #$debugcache and myprint( "cache_files: [@cache_files]\n"  ) ;
+        $debugcache and myprint( 'cache_files: ', scalar  @cache_files , " files found\n" ) ;
+        my( $cache_1_2_ref, $cache_2_1_ref )
+          = cache_map( \@cache_files, $h1_msgs_ref, $h2_msgs_ref ) ;
+        clean_cache( \@cache_files, $cache_1_2_ref, $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref, $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref ) ;
+        $debugcache and myprint( "Exiting get_cache\n" ) ;
+        return( $cache_1_2_ref, $cache_2_1_ref ) ;
+sub tests_get_cache
+	note( 'Entering tests_get_cache()' ) ;
+        ok( not( get_cache('/cache_no_exist') ), 'get_cache: /cache_no_exist' );
+        ok( ( not -d 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2' or rmtree( 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2' ) ), 'get_cache: rmtree W/tmp/cache/F1/F2' ) ;
+        ok( mkpath( 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2' ), 'get_cache: mkpath W/tmp/cache/F1/F2' ) ;
+        my @test_files_cache = ( qw(
+        W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/100_200
+        W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/101_201
+        W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/120_220
+        W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/142_242
+        W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/143_243
+        W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/177_277
+        W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/177_377
+        W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/177_777
+        W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/155_255
+        ) ) ;
+        ok( touch( @test_files_cache ), 'get_cache: touch W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/...' ) ;
+        # on cache: 100_200 101_201 142_242 143_243 177_277 177_377 177_777 155_255
+        # on live:
+        my $msgs_1 = [120, 142, 143, 144,          177      ];
+        my $msgs_2 = [     242, 243,     299, 377, 777, 255 ];
+        my $msgs_all_1 = { 120 => 0, 142 => 0, 143 => 0, 144 => 0, 177 => 0 } ;
+        my $msgs_all_2 = { 242 => 0, 243 => 0, 299 => 0, 377 => 0, 777 => 0, 255 => 0 } ;
+        my( $c12, $c21 ) ;
+        ok( ( $c12, $c21 ) = get_cache( 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2', $msgs_1, $msgs_2, $msgs_all_1, $msgs_all_2 ), 'get_cache: 02' );
+        my $a1 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c12 } ] ;
+        my $a2 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c21 } ] ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ 142, 143, 177 ], $a1 ), 'get_cache: 03' );
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ 242, 243, 777 ], $a2 ), 'get_cache: 04' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/142_242', 'get_cache: file kept 142_242');
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/142_242', 'get_cache: file kept 143_243');
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/100_200', 'get_cache: file removed 100_200');
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/101_201', 'get_cache: file removed 101_201');
+        # test clean_cache executed
+        $maxage = 2 ;
+        ok( touch(@test_files_cache), 'get_cache: touch W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/...' ) ;
+        ok( ( $c12, $c21 ) = get_cache('W/tmp/cache/F1/F2', $msgs_1, $msgs_2, $msgs_all_1, $msgs_all_2 ), 'get_cache: 02' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/142_242', 'get_cache: file kept 142_242');
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/142_242', 'get_cache: file kept 143_243');
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/100_200', 'get_cache: file NOT removed 100_200');
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/F1/F2/101_201', 'get_cache: file NOT removed 101_201');
+        # strange files
+        #$debugcache = 1 ;
+        $maxage = undef ;
+        ok( ( not -d 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee' or rmtree( 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee' )), 'get_cache: rmtree W/tmp/cache/rr\uee' ) ;
+        ok( mkpath( 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee' ), 'get_cache: mkpath W/tmp/cache/rr\uee' ) ;
+        @test_files_cache = ( qw(
+        W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/100_200
+        W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/101_201
+        W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/120_220
+        W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/142_242
+        W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/143_243
+        W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/177_277
+        W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/177_377
+        W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/177_777
+        W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/155_255
+        ) ) ;
+        ok( touch(@test_files_cache), 'get_cache: touch strange W/tmp/cache/...' ) ;
+        # on cache: 100_200 101_201 142_242 143_243 177_277 177_377 177_777 155_255
+        # on live:
+        $msgs_1 = [120, 142, 143, 144,          177      ] ;
+        $msgs_2 = [     242, 243,     299, 377, 777, 255 ] ;
+        $msgs_all_1 = { 120 => q{}, 142 => q{}, 143 => q{}, 144 => q{}, 177 => q{} } ;
+        $msgs_all_2 = { 242 => q{}, 243 => q{}, 299 => q{}, 377 => q{}, 777 => q{}, 255 => q{} } ;
+        ok( ( $c12, $c21 ) = get_cache('W/tmp/cache/rr\uee', $msgs_1, $msgs_2, $msgs_all_1, $msgs_all_2), 'get_cache: strange path 02' );
+        $a1 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c12 } ] ;
+        $a2 = [ sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{ $c21 } ] ;
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ 142, 143, 177 ], $a1 ), 'get_cache: strange path 03' );
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [ 242, 243, 777 ], $a2 ), 'get_cache: strange path 04' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/142_242', 'get_cache: strange path file kept 142_242');
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/142_242', 'get_cache: strange path file kept 143_243');
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/100_200', 'get_cache: strange path file removed 100_200');
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/rr\uee/101_201', 'get_cache: strange path file removed 101_201');
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_get_cache()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub match_a_cache_file
+        my $file = shift ;
+        my ( $cache_uid1, $cache_uid2 ) ;
+        return( ( undef, undef ) ) if ( ! $file ) ;
+        if ( $file =~ m{(?:^|/)(\d+)_(\d+)$}x ) {
+                $cache_uid1 = $1 ;
+                $cache_uid2 = $2 ;
+        }
+        return( $cache_uid1, $cache_uid2 ) ;
+sub tests_match_a_cache_file
+	note( 'Entering tests_match_a_cache_file()' ) ;
+        my ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) ;
+        ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file(  ), 'match_a_cache_file: no arg' ) ;
+        ok( ! defined  $tuid1 , 'match_a_cache_file: no arg 1' ) ;
+        ok( ! defined  $tuid2 , 'match_a_cache_file: no arg 2' ) ;
+        ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( q{} ), 'match_a_cache_file: empty arg' ) ;
+        ok( ! defined  $tuid1 , 'match_a_cache_file: empty arg 1' ) ;
+        ok( ! defined  $tuid2 , 'match_a_cache_file: empty arg 2' ) ;
+        ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( '000_000' ), 'match_a_cache_file: 000_000' ) ;
+        ok( '000' eq $tuid1, 'match_a_cache_file: 000_000 1' ) ;
+        ok( '000' eq $tuid2, 'match_a_cache_file: 000_000 2' ) ;
+        ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( '123_456' ), 'match_a_cache_file: 123_456' ) ;
+        ok( '123' eq $tuid1, 'match_a_cache_file: 123_456 1' ) ;
+        ok( '456' eq $tuid2, 'match_a_cache_file: 123_456 2' ) ;
+        ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( '/tmp/truc/123_456' ), 'match_a_cache_file: /tmp/truc/123_456' ) ;
+        ok( '123' eq $tuid1, 'match_a_cache_file: /tmp/truc/123_456 1' ) ;
+        ok( '456' eq $tuid2, 'match_a_cache_file: /tmp/truc/123_456 2' ) ;
+        ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( '/lala123_456' ), 'match_a_cache_file: NO /lala123_456' ) ;
+        ok( ! $tuid1, 'match_a_cache_file: /lala123_456 1' ) ;
+        ok( ! $tuid2, 'match_a_cache_file: /lala123_456 2' ) ;
+        ok( ( $tuid1, $tuid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( 'la123_456' ), 'match_a_cache_file: NO la123_456' ) ;
+        ok( ! $tuid1, 'match_a_cache_file: la123_456 1' ) ;
+        ok( ! $tuid2, 'match_a_cache_file: la123_456 2' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_match_a_cache_file()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub clean_cache
+        my ( $cache_files_ref, $cache_1_2_ref, $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref, $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref )  = @_ ;
+        $debugcache and myprint( "Entering clean_cache\n" ) ;
+        $debugcache and myprint( map { "$_ -> " . $cache_1_2_ref->{ $_ } . "\n" } keys %{ $cache_1_2_ref }  ) ;
+        foreach my $file ( @{ $cache_files_ref } ) {
+                $debugcache and myprint( "$file\n"  ) ;
+                my ( $cache_uid1, $cache_uid2 ) = match_a_cache_file( $file ) ;
+                $debugcache and myprint( "u1: $cache_uid1 u2: $cache_uid2 c12: ", $cache_1_2_ref->{ $cache_uid1 } || q{}, "\n") ;
+#                 or ( ! exists( $cache_1_2_ref->{ $cache_uid1 } ) )
+#                 or ( ! ( $cache_uid2 == $cache_1_2_ref->{ $cache_uid1 } ) )
+                if ( ( not defined  $cache_uid1  )
+                  or ( not defined  $cache_uid2  )
+                  or ( not exists  $h1_msgs_all_hash_ref->{ $cache_uid1 }  )
+                  or ( not exists  $h2_msgs_all_hash_ref->{ $cache_uid2 }  )
+                ) {
+                        $debugcache and myprint( "remove $file\n"  ) ;
+                        unlink $file or myprint( "$OS_ERROR"  ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        $debugcache and myprint( "Exiting clean_cache\n" ) ;
+        return( 1 ) ;
+sub tests_clean_cache
+	note( 'Entering tests_clean_cache()' ) ;
+        ok( ( not -d  'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' or rmtree( 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' )), 'clean_cache: rmtree W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ) ;
+        ok( mkpath( 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ), 'clean_cache: mkpath W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ) ;
+        my @test_files_cache = ( qw(
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/100_200
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/101_201
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/120_220
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/142_242
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/143_243
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_277
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_377
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_777
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/155_255
+        ) ) ;
+        ok( touch(@test_files_cache), 'clean_cache: touch W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/...' ) ;
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/100_200', 'clean_cache: 100_200 before' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/142_242', 'clean_cache: 142_242 before' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_277', 'clean_cache: 177_277 before' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_377', 'clean_cache: 177_377 before' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_777', 'clean_cache: 177_777 before' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/155_255', 'clean_cache: 155_255 before' );
+        my $cache = {
+                142 => 242,
+                177 => 777,
+        } ;
+        my $all_1 = {
+                142 => q{},
+                177 => q{},
+        } ;
+        my $all_2 = {
+                200 => q{},
+                242 => q{},
+                777 => q{},
+        } ;
+        ok( clean_cache( \@test_files_cache, $cache, $all_1, $all_2 ), 'clean_cache: ' ) ;
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/100_200', 'clean_cache: 100_200 after' );
+        ok(   -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/142_242', 'clean_cache: 142_242 after' );
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_277', 'clean_cache: 177_277 after' );
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_377', 'clean_cache: 177_377 after' );
+        ok(   -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_777', 'clean_cache: 177_777 after' );
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/155_255', 'clean_cache: 155_255 after' );
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_clean_cache()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_clean_cache_2
+	note( 'Entering tests_clean_cache_2()' ) ;
+        ok( ( not -d  'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' or rmtree( 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' )), 'clean_cache_2: rmtree W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ) ;
+        ok( mkpath( 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ), 'clean_cache_2: mkpath W/tmp/cache/G1/G2' ) ;
+        my @test_files_cache = ( qw(
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/100_200
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/101_201
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/120_220
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/142_242
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/143_243
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_277
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_377
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_777
+        W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/155_255
+        ) ) ;
+        ok( touch(@test_files_cache), 'clean_cache_2: touch W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/...' ) ;
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/100_200', 'clean_cache_2: 100_200 before' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/142_242', 'clean_cache_2: 142_242 before' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_277', 'clean_cache_2: 177_277 before' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_377', 'clean_cache_2: 177_377 before' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_777', 'clean_cache_2: 177_777 before' );
+        ok( -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/155_255', 'clean_cache_2: 155_255 before' );
+        my $cache = {
+                142 => 242,
+                177 => 777,
+        } ;
+        my $all_1 = {
+                $NUMBER_100 => q{},
+                142 => q{},
+                177 => q{},
+        } ;
+        my $all_2 = {
+                200 => q{},
+                242 => q{},
+                777 => q{},
+        } ;
+        ok( clean_cache( \@test_files_cache, $cache, $all_1, $all_2 ), 'clean_cache_2: ' ) ;
+        ok(   -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/100_200', 'clean_cache_2: 100_200 after' );
+        ok(   -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/142_242', 'clean_cache_2: 142_242 after' );
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_277', 'clean_cache_2: 177_277 after' );
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_377', 'clean_cache_2: 177_377 after' );
+        ok(   -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/177_777', 'clean_cache_2: 177_777 after' );
+        ok( ! -f 'W/tmp/cache/G1/G2/155_255', 'clean_cache_2: 155_255 after' );
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_clean_cache_2()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_mkpath
+	note( 'Entering tests_mkpath()' ) ;
+	ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' )), 'mkpath: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+                skip( 'Tests only for Unix', 10   ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ;
+                my $long_path_unix = '123456789/' x 30 ;
+                ok( ( -d "W/tmp/tests/long/$long_path_unix" or mkpath( "W/tmp/tests/long/$long_path_unix" ) ), 'mkpath: mkpath 300 char' ) ;
+		ok( -d "W/tmp/tests/long/$long_path_unix", 'mkpath: mkpath > 300 char verified' ) ;
+                ok( ( -d "W/tmp/tests/long/$long_path_unix" and rmtree( 'W/tmp/tests/long/' ) ), 'mkpath: rmtree 300 char' ) ;
+		ok( ! -d "W/tmp/tests/long/$long_path_unix", 'mkpath: rmtree 300 char verified' ) ;
+		ok( ( -d 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...' ) ), 'mkpath: mkpath trailing_dots...' ) ;
+		ok( -d 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...', 'mkpath: mkpath trailing_dots... verified' ) ;
+		ok( ( -d 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...' and rmtree( 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...' ) ), 'mkpath: rmtree trailing_dots...' ) ;
+		ok( ! -d 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...', 'mkpath: rmtree trailing_dots... verified' ) ;
+		eval { ok( 1 / 0, 'mkpath: divide by 0' ) ; } or ok( 1, 'mkpath: can not divide by 0' ) ;
+		ok( 1, 'mkpath: still alive' ) ;
+        } ;
+        SKIP: {
+                skip( 'Tests only for MSWin32', 13  ) if ( 'MSWin32' ne $OSNAME ) ;
+                my $long_path_2_prefix =  ".\\imapsync_tests" || '\\\?\\E:\\TEMP\\imapsync_tests'  ;
+                myprint( "long_path_2_prefix: $long_path_2_prefix\n"  ) ;
+                my $long_path_100   = $long_path_2_prefix . '\\' . '123456789\\' x 10 . 'END' ;
+                my $long_path_300 = $long_path_2_prefix . '\\' . '123456789\\' x 30 . 'END' ;
+                #myprint( "$long_path_100\n"  ) ;
+                ok( ( -d $long_path_2_prefix or mkpath( $long_path_2_prefix ) ), 'mkpath: -d mkpath small path' ) ;
+                ok( ( -d $long_path_2_prefix ), 'mkpath: -d mkpath small path done' ) ;
+                ok( ( -d $long_path_100        or mkpath( $long_path_100 ) ),        'mkpath: mkpath > 100 char' ) ;
+                ok( ( -d $long_path_100 ), 'mkpath: -d mkpath > 200 char done' ) ;
+                ok( ( -d $long_path_2_prefix and rmtree( $long_path_2_prefix ) ), 'mkpath: rmtree > 100 char' ) ;
+                ok( (! -d $long_path_2_prefix ), 'mkpath: ! -d rmtree done' ) ;
+                # Without the eval the following mkpath 300 just kill the whole process without a whisper
+                #myprint( "$long_path_300\n"  ) ;
+                eval { ok( ( -d $long_path_300 or mkpath( $long_path_300 ) ),  'mkpath: create a path with 300 characters' ) ; }
+			or ok( 1, 'mkpath: can not create a path with 300 characters' ) ;
+                ok( ( ( ! -d $long_path_300 ) or -d $long_path_300 and rmtree( $long_path_300 ) ), 'mkpath: rmtree the 300 character path' ) ;
+		ok( 1, 'mkpath: still alive' ) ;
+		ok( ( -d 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...' ) ), 'mkpath: mkpath trailing_dots...' ) ;
+		ok( -d 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...', 'mkpath: mkpath trailing_dots... verified' ) ;
+		ok( ( -d 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...' and rmtree( 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...' ) ), 'mkpath: rmtree trailing_dots...' ) ;
+		ok( ! -d 'W/tmp/tests/trailing_dots...', 'mkpath: rmtree trailing_dots... verified' ) ;
+        } ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_mkpath()' ) ;
+	# Keep this because of the eval used by the caller (failed badly?)
+        return 1 ;
+sub tests_touch
+	note( 'Entering tests_touch()' ) ;
+        ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' )), 'touch: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == touch( 'W/tmp/tests/lala'), 'touch: W/tmp/tests/lala') ;
+        ok( 1 == touch( 'W/tmp/tests/\y'), 'touch: W/tmp/tests/\y') ;
+        ok( 0 == touch( '/no/no/no/aaa'), 'touch: not /aaa') ;
+        ok( 1 == touch( 'W/tmp/tests/lili', 'W/tmp/tests/lolo'), 'touch: 2 files') ;
+        ok( 0 == touch( 'W/tmp/tests/\y', '/no/no/aaa'), 'touch: 2 files, 1 fails' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_touch()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub touch
+        my @files = @_ ;
+        my $failures = 0 ;
+        foreach my $file ( @files ) {
+                my  $fh = IO::File->new ;
+                if ( $fh->open(">> $file" ) ) {
+                        $fh->close ;
+                }else{
+                        myprint( "Could not open file $file in write/append mode\n"  ) ;
+                        $failures++ ;
+                }
+        }
+        return( ! $failures );
+sub tests_tmpdir_has_colon_bug
+	note( 'Entering tests_tmpdir_has_colon_bug()' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == tmpdir_has_colon_bug( q{} ),        'tmpdir_has_colon_bug: ' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == tmpdir_has_colon_bug( '/tmp' ),    'tmpdir_has_colon_bug: /tmp' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == tmpdir_has_colon_bug( 'C:' ),      'tmpdir_has_colon_bug: C:' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == tmpdir_has_colon_bug( 'C:\temp' ), 'tmpdir_has_colon_bug: C:\temp' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_tmpdir_has_colon_bug()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tmpdir_has_colon_bug
+        my $path = shift ;
+        my $path_filtered = filter_forbidden_characters( $path ) ;
+        if ( $path_filtered ne $path ) {
+                ( -d $path_filtered ) and myprint( "Path $path was previously mistakely changed to $path_filtered\n"  ) ;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        return( 0 ) ;
+sub tmpdir_fix_colon_bug
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $err = 0 ;
+        if ( not (-d $mysync->{ tmpdir } and -r _ and -w _) ) {
+                myprint( "tmpdir $mysync->{ tmpdir } is not valid\n"  ) ;
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }
+        my $cachedir_new = "$mysync->{ tmpdir }/imapsync_cache" ;
+        if ( not tmpdir_has_colon_bug( $cachedir_new ) ) { return( 0 ) } ;
+        # check if old cache directory already exists
+        my $cachedir_old = filter_forbidden_characters( $cachedir_new ) ;
+        if ( not ( -d $cachedir_old ) ) {
+                myprint( "Old cache directory $cachedir_new no exists, nothing to do\n"  ) ;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+        # check if new cache directory already exists
+        if ( -d $cachedir_new ) {
+                myprint( "New fixed cache directory $cachedir_new already exists, not moving the old one $cachedir_old. Fix this manually.\n"  ) ;
+                return( 0 ) ;
+        }else{
+                # move the old one to the new place
+                myprint( "Moving $cachedir_old to $cachedir_new Do not interrupt this task.\n"  ) ;
+                File::Copy::Recursive::rmove( $cachedir_old, $cachedir_new )
+                or do {
+                        myprint( "Could not move $cachedir_old to $cachedir_new\n"  ) ;
+                        $err++ ;
+                } ;
+                # check it succeeded
+                if ( -d $cachedir_new and -r _ and -w _ ) {
+                        myprint( "New fixed cache directory $cachedir_new ok\n"  ) ;
+                }else{
+                        myprint( "New fixed cache directory $cachedir_new does not exist\n"  ) ;
+                        $err++ ;
+                }
+                if ( -d $cachedir_old ) {
+                        myprint( "Old cache directory $cachedir_old still exists\n"  ) ;
+                        $err++ ;
+                }else{
+                        myprint( "Old cache directory $cachedir_old successfuly moved\n"  ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        return( not $err ) ;
+sub tests_cache_folder
+	note( 'Entering tests_cache_folder()' ) ;
+        ok( '/path/fold1/fold2' eq cache_folder( q{}, '/path', 'fold1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: /path, fold1, fold2 -> /path/fold1/fold2' ) ;
+        ok( '/pa_th/fold1/fold2' eq cache_folder( q{}, '/pa*th', 'fold1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: /pa*th, fold1, fold2 -> /path/fold1/fold2' ) ;
+        ok( '/_p_a__th/fol_d1/fold2' eq cache_folder( q{}, '/>p<a|*th', 'fol*d1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: />p<a|*th, fol*d1, fold2 -> /path/fol_d1/fold2' ) ;
+        ok( 'D:/path/fold1/fold2' eq cache_folder( 'D:', '/path', 'fold1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: /path, fold1, fold2 -> /path/fold1/fold2' ) ;
+        ok( 'D:/pa_th/fold1/fold2' eq cache_folder( 'D:', '/pa*th', 'fold1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: /pa*th, fold1, fold2 -> /path/fold1/fold2' ) ;
+        ok( 'D:/_p_a__th/fol_d1/fold2' eq cache_folder( 'D:', '/>p<a|*th', 'fol*d1', 'fold2'), 'cache_folder: />p<a|*th, fol*d1, fold2 -> /path/fol_d1/fold2' ) ;
+        ok( '//' eq cache_folder( q{}, q{}, q{}, q{}), 'cache_folder:  -> //' ) ;
+        ok( '//_______' eq cache_folder( q{}, q{}, q{}, '*|?:"<>'), 'cache_folder: *|?:"<> -> //_______' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_cache_folder()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub cache_folder
+        my( $cache_base, $cache_dir, $h1_fold, $h2_fold ) = @_ ;
+        my $sep_1 = $sync->{ h1_sep } || '/';
+        my $sep_2 = $sync->{ h2_sep } || '/';
+        #myprint( "$cache_dir h1_fold $h1_fold sep1 $sep_1 h2_fold $h2_fold sep2 $sep_2\n" ) ;
+        $h1_fold = convert_sep_to_slash( $h1_fold, $sep_1 ) ;
+        $h2_fold = convert_sep_to_slash( $h2_fold, $sep_2 ) ;
+        my $cache_folder = "$cache_base" . filter_forbidden_characters( "$cache_dir/$h1_fold/$h2_fold" ) ;
+        #myprint( "cache_folder [$cache_folder]\n"  ) ;
+        return( $cache_folder ) ;
+sub tests_filter_forbidden_characters
+	note( 'Entering tests_filter_forbidden_characters()' ) ;
+        ok( 'a_b' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a_b' ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a_b -> a_b' ) ;
+        ok( 'a_b' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a*b' ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a*b -> a_b' ) ;
+        ok( 'a_b' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a|b' ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a|b -> a_b' ) ;
+        ok( 'a_b' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a?b' ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a?b -> a_b' ) ;
+        ok( 'a_______b' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a*|?:"<>b' ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a*|?:"<>b -> a_______b' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+                skip( 'Not on MSWin32', 1 ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ;
+                ok( ( 'a b ' eq filter_forbidden_characters( 'a b ' ) ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: "a b " -> "a b "' ) ;
+        } ;
+        SKIP: {
+                skip( 'Only on MSWin32', 2 ) if ( 'MSWin32' ne $OSNAME ) ;
+                ok( ( ' a b_' eq filter_forbidden_characters( ' a b ' ) ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: "a b " -> "a b_"' ) ;
+                ok( ( ' a b_/ c d_' eq filter_forbidden_characters( ' a b / c d ' ) ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: " a b / c d " -> "a b_/ c d_"' ) ;
+        } ;
+        ok( 'a_b' eq filter_forbidden_characters( "a\tb" ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a\tb -> a_b' ) ;
+        ok( "a_b" eq filter_forbidden_characters( "a\rb" ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a\rb -> a_b' ) ;
+        ok( "a_b" eq filter_forbidden_characters( "a\nb" ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a\nb -> a_b' ) ;
+        ok( "a_b" eq filter_forbidden_characters( "a\\b" ), 'filter_forbidden_characters: a\b -> a_b' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_filter_forbidden_characters()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub filter_forbidden_characters
+        my $string = shift ;
+	if ( ! defined $string ) { return ; }
+        if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) {
+                # Move trailing whitespace to _ " a b /c d " -> " a b_/c d_"
+                $string =~ s{\ (/|$)}{_$1}xg ;
+        }
+        $string =~ s{[\Q*|?:"<>\E\t\r\n\\]}{_}xg ;
+        #myprint( "[$string]\n"  ) ;
+        return( $string ) ;
+sub tests_convert_sep_to_slash
+	note( 'Entering tests_convert_sep_to_slash()' ) ;
+        ok(q{} eq convert_sep_to_slash(q{}, '/'), 'convert_sep_to_slash: no folder');
+        ok('INBOX' eq convert_sep_to_slash('INBOX', '/'), 'convert_sep_to_slash: INBOX');
+        ok('INBOX/foo' eq convert_sep_to_slash('INBOX/foo', '/'), 'convert_sep_to_slash: INBOX/foo');
+        ok('INBOX/foo' eq convert_sep_to_slash('INBOX_foo', '_'), 'convert_sep_to_slash: INBOX_foo');
+        ok('INBOX/foo/zob' eq convert_sep_to_slash('INBOX_foo_zob', '_'), 'convert_sep_to_slash: INBOX_foo_zob');
+        ok('INBOX/foo' eq convert_sep_to_slash('', '.'), 'convert_sep_to_slash:');
+        ok('INBOX/foo/hi' eq convert_sep_to_slash('', '.'), 'convert_sep_to_slash:');
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_convert_sep_to_slash()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub convert_sep_to_slash
+        my ( $folder, $sep ) = @_ ;
+        $folder =~ s{\Q$sep\E}{/}xg ;
+        return( $folder ) ;
+sub tests_regexmess
+	note( 'Entering tests_regexmess()' ) ;
+        ok( 'blabla' eq regexmess( 'blabla' ), 'regexmess, no regexmess, nothing to do' ) ;
+        @regexmess = ( 'lalala' ) ;
+        ok( not( defined regexmess( 'popopo' ) ), 'regexmess, bad regex lalala' ) ;
+        @regexmess = ( 's/p/Z/g' ) ;
+        ok( 'ZoZoZo' eq regexmess( 'popopo' ), 'regexmess, s/p/Z/g' ) ;
+        @regexmess = ( 's{c}{C}gxms' ) ;
+        ok("H1: abC\nH2: Cde\n\nBody abC"
+                   eq regexmess( "H1: abc\nH2: cde\n\nBody abc"),
+           'regexmess, c->C');
+        @regexmess = ( 's{\AFrom\ }{From:}gxms' ) ;
+        ok(          q{}
+        eq regexmess(q{}),
+        'From mbox 1 add colon blank');
+        ok(          'From:<tartanpion@machin.truc>'
+        eq regexmess('From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
+        'From mbox 2 add colo');
+        ok(          "\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'
+        eq regexmess("\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
+        'From mbox 3 add colo') ;
+        ok(          "From: zzz\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'
+        eq regexmess("From  zzz\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
+        'From mbox 4 add colo') ;
+        @regexmess = ( 's{\AFrom\ [^\n]*(\n)?}{}gxms' ) ;
+        ok(          q{}
+        eq regexmess(q{}),
+        'From mbox 1 remove, blank');
+        ok(          q{}
+        eq regexmess('From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
+        'From mbox 2 remove');
+        ok(          "\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'
+        eq regexmess("\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
+        'From mbox 3 remove');
+        #myprint( "[", regexmess("From zzz\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'), "]" ) ;
+        ok(          q{}            . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'
+        eq regexmess("From  zzz\n" . 'From <tartanpion@machin.truc>'),
+        'From mbox 4 remove');
+        ok(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+        eq regexmess(
+From  zzz
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+), 'From mbox 5 remove');
+@regexmess = ( 's{\A((?:[^\n]+\n)+|)^Disposition-Notification-To:[^\n]*\n(\r?\n|.*\n\r?\n)}{$1$2}xms' ) ; # SUPER SUPER BEST!
+        ok(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        ),
+        'regexmess: 1 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+        ok(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 2 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+        ok(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+        eq regexmess(
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+        'regexmess: 3 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+        ok(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 4 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+        ok(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 5 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 6 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 7 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+        'regexmess: 8 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 9 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 10 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 11 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 12 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+@regexmess = ( 's{\A(.*?(?! ^$))^Disposition-Notification-To:(.*?)$}{$1X-Disposition-Notification-To:$2}igxms' ) ; # BAD!
+@regexmess = ( 's{\A((?:[^\n]+\n)+|)(^Disposition-Notification-To:[^\n]*\n)(\r?\n|.*\n\r?\n)}{$1X-$2$3}ims' ) ;
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 13 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+X-Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 14 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+X-Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 15 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+X-Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        eq regexmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+        'regexmess: 16 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+X-Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+        eq regexmess(
+Disposition-Notification-To: Gilles LAMIRAL <>
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+        'regexmess: 17 Delete header Disposition-Notification-To:');
+        @regexmess = ( 's/.{11}\K.*//gs' ) ;
+        is( "0123456789\n", regexmess( "0123456789\n" x 100 ), 'regexmess, truncate whole message after 11 characters' ) ;
+        is( "0123456789\n", regexmess( "0123456789\n" x 100_000 ), 'regexmess, truncate whole message after 11 characters ~ 1MB' ) ;
+        @regexmess = ( 's/.{10000}\K.*//gs' ) ;
+        is( "123456789\n" x 1000, regexmess( "123456789\n" x 100_000 ), 'regexmess, truncate whole message after 10000 characters ~ 1MB' ) ;
+@regexmess = ( 's/^(X-Ham-Report.*?\n)^X-/X-/sm' ) ;
+X-Spam-Score: -1
+X-Spam-Bar: /
+X-Spam-Flag: NO
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+X-Spam-Score: -1
+X-Spam-Bar: /
+X-Ham-Report: =?utf-8?Q?Spam_detection_software=2C_running?=
+        =?utf-8?Q?_on_the_system_=22ohp-ag006.int200?=
+        =?utf-8?Q?s_incoming_email_as_spam.__The_o?=
+        =?utf-8?Q?hed_to_this_so_you_can_view_it_o?=
+        =?utf-8?Q?__author's_domain
+X-Spam-Flag: NO
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+        'regexmess: 1 Delete header X-Ham-Report:');
+# regex to play with Date: from the FAQ
+#@regexmess = 's{\A(.*?(?! ^$))^Date:(.*?)$}{$1Date:$2\nX-Date:$2}gxms'
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_regexmess()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub regexmess
+        my ( $string ) = @_ ;
+        foreach my $regexmess ( @regexmess ) {
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "eval \$string =~ $regexmess\n" ) ;
+                my $ret = eval "\$string =~ $regexmess ; 1" ;
+                #myprint( "eval [$ret]\n" ) ;
+                if ( ( not $ret ) or $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+                        myprint( "Error: eval regexmess '$regexmess': $EVAL_ERROR" ) ;
+                        return( undef ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "$string\n" ) ;
+        return( $string ) ;
+sub tests_skipmess
+	note( 'Entering tests_skipmess()' ) ;
+        ok( not( defined skipmess( 'blabla' ) ), 'skipmess, no skipmess, no skip' ) ;
+        @skipmess = ('[') ;
+        ok( not( defined skipmess( 'popopo' ) ), 'skipmess, bad regex [' ) ;
+        @skipmess = ('lalala') ;
+        ok( not( defined skipmess( 'popopo' ) ), 'skipmess, bad regex lalala' ) ;
+        @skipmess = ('/popopo/') ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess( 'popopo' ), 'skipmess, popopo match regex /popopo/' ) ;
+        @skipmess = ('/popopo/') ;
+        ok( 0 == skipmess( 'rrrrrr' ), 'skipmess, rrrrrr does not match regex /popopo/' ) ;
+        @skipmess = ('m{^$}') ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess( q{} ),    'skipmess: empty string yes' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == skipmess( 'Hi!' ), 'skipmess: empty string no' ) ;
+        @skipmess = ('m{i}') ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess( 'Hi!' ),  'skipmess: i string yes' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == skipmess( 'Bye!' ), 'skipmess: i string no' ) ;
+        @skipmess = ('m{[\x80-\xff]}') ;
+        ok( 0 == skipmess( 'Hi!' ),  'skipmess: i 8bit no' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess( "\xff" ), 'skipmess: \xff 8bit yes' ) ;
+        @skipmess = ('m{A}', 'm{B}') ;
+        ok( 0 == skipmess( 'Hi!' ),  'skipmess: A or B no' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == skipmess( 'lala' ), 'skipmess: A or B no' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == skipmess( "\xff" ), 'skipmess: A or B no' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess( 'AB' ),   'skipmess: A or B yes' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess( 'BA' ),   'skipmess: A or B yes' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess( 'AA' ),   'skipmess: A or B yes' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess( 'Ok Bye' ), 'skipmess: A or B yes' ) ;
+        @skipmess = ( 'm#\A((?:[^\n]+\n)+|)^Content-Type: Message/Partial;[^\n]*\n(?:\n|.*\n\n)#ism' ) ; # SUPER BEST!
+        ok( 1 == skipmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla
+    'skipmess: 1 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == skipmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+    'skipmess: 2 not match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla
+    'skipmess: 3 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == skipmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla
+    'skipmess: 4 not match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == skipmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla
+    'skipmess: 5 not match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla
+Content-Type: Message/Partial; blabla
+    'skipmess: 6 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess(
+Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2010 05:34:45 -0700
+Content-Type: Message/Partial;
+    'skipmess: 7 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == skipmess(
+Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2014 02:26:40 +0000
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: message/partial;
+        id="TAN_U_P<1404267997.00007489ed17>";
+        number=3;
+        total=3
+    'skipmess: 8 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+ok( 1 == skipmess(
+Return-Path: <>
+Received: by (Postfix, from userid 1000)
+        id 21EB12443BF; Mon,  2 Mar 2015 15:38:35 +0100 (CET)
+Subject: test: aethaecohngiexao
+To: <>
+X-Mailer: mail (GNU Mailutils 2.2)
+Message-Id: <>
+Content-Type: message/partial;
+        id="TAN_U_P<1404267997.00007489ed17>";
+        number=3;
+        total=3
+Date: Mon,  2 Mar 2015 15:38:34 +0100 (CET)
+From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)
+test: aethaecohngiexao
+    'skipmess: 9 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+ok( 1 == skipmess(
+Date: Mon,  2 Mar 2015 15:38:34 +0100 (CET)
+From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)
+Content-Type: message/partial;
+        id="TAN_U_P<1404267997.00007489ed17>";
+        number=3;
+        total=3
+test: aethaecohngiexao
+. "lalala\n" x 3_000_000
+    'skipmess: 10 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+ok( 0 == skipmess(
+Date: Mon,  2 Mar 2015 15:38:34 +0100 (CET)
+From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)
+test: aethaecohngiexao
+. "lalala\n" x 3_000_000
+    'skipmess: 11 match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+ok( 0 == skipmess(
+From: fff\r
+To: fff\r
+Subject: Testing imapsync --skipmess\r
+Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 08:40:20 +0800\r
+Mime-Version: 1.0\r
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r
+. qq{!#"d%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefg\r\n } x 32_730
+    'skipmess: 12 not match Content-Type: Message/Partial' ) ;
+        # Complex regular subexpression recursion limit (32766) exceeded with more lines
+        # exit;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_skipmess()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub skipmess
+        my ( $string ) = @_ ;
+        my $match ;
+        #myprint( "$string\n" ) ;
+        foreach my $skipmess ( @skipmess ) {
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "eval \$match = \$string =~ $skipmess\n" ) ;
+                my $ret = eval "\$match = \$string =~ $skipmess ; 1" ;
+                #myprint( "eval [$ret]\n" ) ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "match [$match]\n" ) ;
+                if ( ( not $ret ) or $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+                        myprint( "Error: eval skipmess '$skipmess': $EVAL_ERROR" ) ;
+                        return( undef ) ;
+                }
+                return( $match ) if ( $match ) ;
+        }
+        return( $match ) ;
+sub tests_bytes_display_string
+	note( 'Entering tests_bytes_display_string()' ) ;
+        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string(       ), 'bytes_display_string: no args => NA' ) ;
+        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string( undef ), 'bytes_display_string: undef   => NA' ) ;
+        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string( 'blabla' ), 'bytes_display_string: blabla   => NA' ) ;
+        ok(    '0.000 KiB' eq bytes_display_string(       0 ), 'bytes_display_string:       0' ) ;
+        ok(    '0.001 KiB' eq bytes_display_string(       1 ), 'bytes_display_string:       1' ) ;
+        ok(    '0.010 KiB' eq bytes_display_string(      10 ), 'bytes_display_string:      10' ) ;
+        ok(    '1.000 MiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1_048_575 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_048_575' ) ;
+        ok(    '1.000 MiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1_048_576 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_048_576' ) ;
+        ok(    '1.000 GiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1_073_741_823 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_073_741_823 ' ) ;
+        ok(    '1.000 GiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1_073_741_824 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_073_741_824 ' ) ;
+        ok(    '1.000 TiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1_099_511_627_775 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_099_511_627_775' ) ;
+        ok(    '1.000 TiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1_099_511_627_776 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_099_511_627_776' ) ;
+        ok(    '1.000 PiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1_125_899_906_842_623 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_125_899_906_842_623' ) ;
+        ok(    '1.000 PiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1_125_899_906_842_624 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_125_899_906_842_624' ) ;
+        ok( '1024.000 PiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1_152_921_504_606_846_975 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_152_921_504_606_846_975' ) ;
+        ok( '1024.000 PiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1_152_921_504_606_846_976 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_152_921_504_606_846_976' ) ;
+        ok( '1048576.000 PiB' eq bytes_display_string( 1_180_591_620_717_411_303_424 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_180_591_620_717_411_303_424' ) ;
+        #myprint(  bytes_display_string( 1_180_591_620_717_411_303_424 ), "\n" ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_bytes_display_string()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub bytes_display_string
+        my ( $bytes ) = @_ ;
+        my $readable_value = q{} ;
+        if ( ! defined( $bytes ) ) {
+                return( 'NA' ) ;
+        }
+        if ( not match_number( $bytes ) ) {
+                return( 'NA' ) ;
+        }
+        SWITCH: {
+                if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 1000 * $KIBI ) ) {
+                        $readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f KiB', $bytes / $KIBI) ;
+                        last SWITCH ;
+                }
+                if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 1000 * $KIBI * $KIBI ) ) {
+                        $readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f MiB', $bytes / ($KIBI * $KIBI) ) ;
+                        last SWITCH ;
+                }
+                if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 1000 * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI) ) {
+                        $readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f GiB', $bytes / ($KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI) ) ;
+                        last SWITCH ;
+                }
+                if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 1000 * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI) ) {
+                        $readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f TiB', $bytes / ($KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI) ) ;
+                        last SWITCH ;
+                } else {
+                        $readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f PiB', $bytes / ($KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI * $KIBI) ) ;
+                }
+                # if you have exabytes (EiB) of email to transfer, you have too much email!
+        }
+        #myprint( "$bytes = $readable_value\n" ) ;
+        return( $readable_value ) ;
+sub tests_useheader_suggestion
+        note( 'Entering tests_useheader_suggestion()' ) ;
+        is( undef, useheader_suggestion(  ), 'useheader_suggestion: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_noheader } = 0 ;
+        is( q{}, useheader_suggestion( $mysync ), 'useheader_suggestion: h1_nb_msg_noheader count null => no suggestion' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_noheader } = 2 ;
+        is( q{in order to sync those 2 unidentified messages, add option --addheader}, useheader_suggestion( $mysync ),
+        'useheader_suggestion: h1_nb_msg_noheader count 2 => suggestion of --addheader' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_useheader_suggestion()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub useheader_suggestion
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_noheader } )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        elsif ( 1 <= $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_noheader } )
+        {
+                return qq{in order to sync those $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_noheader } unidentified messages, add option --addheader} ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                return q{} ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub stats
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! $mysync->{stats} ) {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $timeend = time ;
+        my $timediff = $timeend - $mysync->{timestart} ;
+        my $timeend_str   = localtime $timeend ;
+        my $memory_consumption_at_end = memory_consumption(  ) || 0 ;
+        my $memory_consumption_at_start = $mysync->{ memory_consumption_at_start } || 0 ;
+        my $memory_ratio = ($max_msg_size_in_bytes) ?
+                mysprintf('%.1f', $memory_consumption_at_end / $max_msg_size_in_bytes) : 'NA' ;
+        # my $useheader_suggestion = useheader_suggestion( $mysync ) ;
+        myprint(  "++++ Statistics\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  "Transfer started on                     : $timestart_str\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  "Transfer ended on                       : $timeend_str\n" ) ;
+        myprintf( "Transfer time                           : %.1f sec\n", $timediff ) ;
+        myprint(  "Folders synced                          : $h1_folders_wanted_ct/$h1_folders_wanted_nb synced\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  "Messages transferred                    : $mysync->{ nb_msg_transferred } " ) ;
+        myprint(  "(could be $nb_msg_skipped_dry_mode without dry mode)" ) if ( $mysync->{dry} ) ;
+        myprint(  "\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  "Messages skipped                        : $mysync->{ nb_msg_skipped }\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  "Messages found duplicate on host1       : $h1_nb_msg_duplicate\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  "Messages found duplicate on host2       : $h2_nb_msg_duplicate\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  "Messages found crossduplicate on host2  : $mysync->{ h2_nb_msg_crossdup }\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  "Messages void (noheader) on host1       : $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_noheader }  ", useheader_suggestion( $mysync ), "\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  "Messages void (noheader) on host2       : $h2_nb_msg_noheader\n" ) ;
+        nb_messages_in_1_not_in_2( $mysync ) ;
+        nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1( $mysync ) ;
+        myprintf( "Messages found in host1 not in host2    : %s messages\n", $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_1_not_in_2 } ) ;
+        myprintf( "Messages found in host2 not in host1    : %s messages\n", $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1 } ) ;
+        myprint(  "Messages deleted on host1               : $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_deleted }\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  "Messages deleted on host2               : $h2_nb_msg_deleted\n" ) ;
+        myprintf( "Total bytes transferred                 : %s (%s)\n",
+                $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred},
+                bytes_display_string( $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} ) ) ;
+        myprintf( "Total bytes skipped                     : %s (%s)\n",
+                $mysync->{ total_bytes_skipped },
+                bytes_display_string( $mysync->{ total_bytes_skipped } ) ) ;
+        $timediff ||= 1 ; # No division per 0
+        myprintf("Message rate                            : %.1f messages/s\n", $mysync->{nb_msg_transferred} / $timediff ) ;
+        myprintf("Average bandwidth rate                  : %.1f KiB/s\n", $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} / $KIBI / $timediff ) ;
+        myprint( "Reconnections to host1                  : $mysync->{imap1}->{IMAPSYNC_RECONNECT_COUNT}\n" ) ;
+        myprint( "Reconnections to host2                  : $mysync->{imap2}->{IMAPSYNC_RECONNECT_COUNT}\n" ) ;
+        myprintf("Memory consumption at the end           : %.1f MiB (started with %.1f MiB)\n",
+                 $memory_consumption_at_end / $KIBI / $KIBI,
+                 $memory_consumption_at_start / $KIBI / $KIBI ) ;
+        myprint( "Load end is                             : " . ( join( q{ }, loadavg(  ) ) || 'unknown' ), " on $mysync->{cpu_number} cores\n" ) ;
+        myprintf("Biggest message                         : %s bytes (%s)\n",
+                $max_msg_size_in_bytes,
+                bytes_display_string( $max_msg_size_in_bytes) ) ;
+        myprint(  "Memory/biggest message ratio            : $memory_ratio\n" ) ;
+        if ( $mysync->{ foldersizesatend } and $mysync->{ foldersizes } ) {
+        my $nb_msg_start_diff = diff_or_NA( $mysync->{ h2_nb_msg_start }, $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_start } ) ;
+        my $bytes_start_diff  = diff_or_NA( $mysync->{ h2_bytes_start },  $mysync->{ h1_bytes_start }  ) ;
+        myprintf("Start difference host2 - host1          : %s messages, %s bytes (%s)\n", $nb_msg_start_diff,
+                                                        $bytes_start_diff,
+                                                        bytes_display_string( $bytes_start_diff ) ) ;
+        my $nb_msg_end_diff = diff_or_NA( $h2_nb_msg_end, $h1_nb_msg_end ) ;
+        my $bytes_end_diff  = diff_or_NA( $h2_bytes_end,  $h1_bytes_end  ) ;
+        myprintf("Final difference host2 - host1          : %s messages, %s bytes (%s)\n", $nb_msg_end_diff,
+                                                        $bytes_end_diff,
+                                                        bytes_display_string( $bytes_end_diff ) ) ;
+        }
+        comment_on_final_diff_in_1_not_in_2( $mysync ) ;
+        comment_on_final_diff_in_2_not_in_1( $mysync ) ;
+        myprint( "Detected $mysync->{nb_errors} errors\n\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  $warn_release, "\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  homepage(  ), "\n" ) ;
+        return ;
+sub diff_or_NA
+        my( $n1, $n2 ) = @ARG ;
+        if ( not defined $n1 or not defined $n2 ) {
+                return 'NA' ;
+        }
+        if ( not match_number( $n1 )
+          or not match_number( $n2 ) ) {
+                 return 'NA' ;
+        }
+        return( $n1 - $n2 ) ;
+sub match_number
+        my $n = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( not defined $n ) {
+                return 0 ;
+        }
+        if ( $n =~  /[0-9]+\.?[0-9]?/x ) {
+                return 1 ;
+        }
+        else {
+                return 0 ;
+        }
+sub tests_match_number
+	note( 'Entering tests_match_number()' ) ;
+        is( 0, match_number(   ),        'match_number: no parameters => 0' ) ;
+        is( 0, match_number( undef ),    'match_number:         undef => 0' ) ;
+        is( 0, match_number( 'blabla' ), 'match_number:        blabla => 0' ) ;
+        is( 1, match_number( 0 ),        'match_number:             0 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, match_number( 1 ),        'match_number:             1 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, match_number( 1.0 ),      'match_number:           1.0 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, match_number( 0.0 ),      'match_number:           0.0 => 1' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_match_number()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_diff_or_NA
+	note( 'Entering tests_diff_or_NA()' ) ;
+        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA(  ),             'diff_or_NA: no parameters => NA' ) ;
+        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( undef ),        'diff_or_NA: undef         => NA' ) ;
+        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( undef, undef ), 'diff_or_NA: undef  undef  => NA' ) ;
+        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( undef, 1 ),     'diff_or_NA: undef  1      => NA' ) ;
+        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( 1, undef ),     'diff_or_NA: 1      undef  => NA' ) ;
+        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( 'blabla', 1 ),  'diff_or_NA: blabla 1      => NA' ) ;
+        is( 'NA', diff_or_NA( 1, 'blabla' ),  'diff_or_NA: 1      blabla => NA' ) ;
+        is( 0, diff_or_NA( 1, 1 ),            'diff_or_NA: 1      1      =>  0' ) ;
+        is( 1, diff_or_NA( 1, 0 ),            'diff_or_NA: 1      0      =>  1' ) ;
+        is( -1, diff_or_NA( 0, 1 ),           'diff_or_NA: 0      1      => -1' ) ;
+        is( 0, diff_or_NA( 1.0, 1 ),          'diff_or_NA: 1.0    1      =>  0' ) ;
+        is( 1, diff_or_NA( 1.0, 0 ),          'diff_or_NA: 1.0    0      =>  1' ) ;
+        is( -1, diff_or_NA( 0, 1.0 ),         'diff_or_NA: 0      1.0    => -1' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_diff_or_NA()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub homepage
+        return( 'Homepage:' ) ;
+sub load_modules
+        if ( $sync->{ssl1}
+	  or $sync->{ssl2}
+	  or $sync->{tls1}
+	  or $sync->{tls2}) {
+                if ( $sync->{inet4} ) {
+                        IO::Socket::SSL->import( 'inet4' ) ;
+                }
+                if ( $sync->{inet6} ) {
+                        IO::Socket::SSL->import( 'inet6' ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        return ;
+sub parse_header_msg
+        my ( $mysync, $imap, $m_uid, $s_heads, $s_fir, $side, $s_hash ) = @_ ;
+        my $head = $s_heads->{$m_uid} ;
+        my $headnum =  scalar keys  %{ $head }   ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "$side: uid $m_uid number of headers, pass one: ", $headnum, "\n" ) ;
+        if ( ( ! $headnum ) and ( $wholeheaderifneeded ) ){
+                $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "$side: uid $m_uid no header by parse_headers so taking whole header with BODY.PEEK[HEADER]\n" ) ;
+                $imap->fetch($m_uid, 'BODY.PEEK[HEADER]' ) ;
+                my $whole_header = $imap->_transaction_literals ;
+                #myprint( $whole_header ) ;
+                $head = decompose_header( $whole_header ) ;
+                $headnum =  scalar  keys  %{ $head }   ;
+                $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "$side: uid $m_uid number of headers, pass two: ", $headnum, "\n" ) ;
+        }
+        #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $head, \%useheader ] )  ) ;
+        my $headstr ;
+        $headstr = header_construct( $head, $side, $m_uid ) ;
+        if ( ( ! $headstr ) and ( $mysync->{addheader} ) and ( $side eq 'Host1' ) ) {
+                my $header = add_header( $m_uid ) ;
+                $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "$side: uid $m_uid no header found so adding our own [$header]\n" ) ;
+                $headstr .= uc  $header  ;
+                $s_fir->{$m_uid}->{NO_HEADER} = 1;
+        }
+        return if ( ! $headstr ) ;
+        my $size  = $s_fir->{$m_uid}->{'RFC822.SIZE'} ;
+        my $flags = $s_fir->{$m_uid}->{'FLAGS'} ;
+        my $idate = $s_fir->{$m_uid}->{'INTERNALDATE'} ;
+        $size = length $headstr  unless ( $size ) ;
+        my $m_md5 = md5_base64( $headstr ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "$side: uid $m_uid sig $m_md5 size $size idate $idate\n" ) ;
+        my $key ;
+        if ($skipsize) {
+                $key = "$m_md5";
+        }
+        else {
+                $key = "$m_md5:$size";
+        }
+        # 0 return code is used to identify duplicate message hash
+        return 0 if exists $s_hash->{"$key"};
+        $s_hash->{"$key"}{'5'} = $m_md5;
+        $s_hash->{"$key"}{'s'} = $size;
+        $s_hash->{"$key"}{'D'} = $idate;
+        $s_hash->{"$key"}{'F'} = $flags;
+        $s_hash->{"$key"}{'m'} = $m_uid;
+        return( 1 ) ;
+sub header_construct
+        my( $head, $side, $m_uid ) = @_ ;
+        my $headstr ;
+        foreach my $h ( sort keys  %{ $head }  ) {
+                next if ( not ( exists $useheader{ uc  $h  } )
+                      and ( not exists  $useheader{ 'ALL' } )
+                ) ;
+                foreach my $val ( sort @{$head->{$h}} ) {
+                        my $H = header_line_normalize( $h, $val ) ;
+                        # show stuff in debug mode
+                        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "$side uid $m_uid header [$H]", "\n" ) ;
+                        if ($skipheader and $H =~ m/$skipheader/xi) {
+                                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "$side uid $m_uid skipping header [$H]\n" ) ;
+                                next ;
+                        }
+                        $headstr .= "$H" ;
+                }
+        }
+        return( $headstr ) ;
+sub header_line_normalize
+        my( $header_key,  $header_val ) = @_ ;
+        # no 8-bit data in headers !
+        $header_val =~ s/[\x80-\xff]/X/xog;
+        # change tabulations to space (Gmail bug on with "Received:" on multilines)
+        $header_val =~ s/\t/\ /xgo ;
+        # remove the first blanks ( dbmail bug? )
+        $header_val =~ s/^\s*//xo;
+        # remove the last blanks ( Gmail bug )
+        $header_val =~ s/\s*$//xo;
+        # remove successive blanks ( Mailenable does it )
+        $header_val =~ s/\s+/ /xgo;
+        # remove Message-Id value domain part ( Mailenable changes it )
+        if ( ( $messageidnodomain ) and ( 'MESSAGE-ID' eq uc  $header_key  ) ) { $header_val =~ s/^([^@]+).*$/$1/xo ; }
+        # and uppercase header line
+        # (dbmail and dovecot)
+        my $header_line = uc "$header_key: $header_val" ;
+        return( $header_line ) ;
+sub tests_header_line_normalize
+	note( 'Entering tests_header_line_normalize()' ) ;
+        ok( ': ' eq header_line_normalize( q{}, q{} ), 'header_line_normalize: empty args' ) ;
+        ok( 'HHH: VVV' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', 'vvv' ), 'header_line_normalize: hhh vvv ' ) ;
+        ok( 'HHH: VVV' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', '  vvv' ), 'header_line_normalize: remove first blancs' ) ;
+        ok( 'HHH: AA BB CCC D' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', 'aa  bb   ccc d' ), 'header_line_normalize: remove succesive blanks' ) ;
+        ok( 'HHH: AA BB CCC' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', 'aa  bb   ccc   ' ), 'header_line_normalize: remove last blanks' ) ;
+        ok( 'HHH: VVV XX YY' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', "vvv\t\txx\tyy" ), 'header_line_normalize: tabs' ) ;
+        ok( 'HHH: XABX' eq header_line_normalize( 'hhh', "\x80AB\xff" ), 'header_line_normalize: 8bit' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_header_line_normalize()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_firstline
+        note( 'Entering tests_firstline()' ) ;
+        is( q{}, firstline( 'W/tmp/tests/noexist.txt' ), 'firstline: getting empty string from inexisting W/tmp/tests/noexist.txt' ) ;
+        ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' ) ), 'firstline: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        is( "blabla\n" , string_to_file( "blabla\n", 'W/tmp/tests/firstline.txt' ), 'firstline: put blabla in W/tmp/tests/firstline.txt' ) ;
+        is( 'blabla' , firstline( 'W/tmp/tests/firstline.txt' ), 'firstline: get blabla from W/tmp/tests/firstline.txt' ) ;
+        is( q{} , string_to_file( q{}, 'W/tmp/tests/firstline2.txt' ), 'firstline: put empty string in W/tmp/tests/firstline2.txt' ) ;
+        is( q{} , firstline( 'W/tmp/tests/firstline2.txt' ), 'firstline: get empty string from W/tmp/tests/firstline2.txt' ) ;
+        is( "\n" , string_to_file( "\n", 'W/tmp/tests/firstline3.txt' ), 'firstline: put CR in W/tmp/tests/firstline3.txt' ) ;
+        is( q{} , firstline( 'W/tmp/tests/firstline3.txt' ), 'firstline: get empty string from W/tmp/tests/firstline3.txt' ) ;
+        is( "blabla\nTiti\n" , string_to_file( "blabla\nTiti\n", 'W/tmp/tests/firstline4.txt' ), 'firstline: put blabla\nTiti\n in W/tmp/tests/firstline4.txt' ) ;
+        is( 'blabla' , firstline( 'W/tmp/tests/firstline4.txt' ), 'firstline: get blabla from W/tmp/tests/firstline4.txt' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_firstline()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub firstline
+        # extract the first line of a file (without \n)
+        # return empty string if error or empty string
+        my $file = shift ;
+        my $line ;
+        $line = nthline( $file, 1 ) ;
+        return $line ;
+sub tests_secondline
+        note( 'Entering tests_secondline()' ) ;
+        is( q{}, secondline( 'W/tmp/tests/noexist.txt' ), 'secondline: getting empty string from inexisting W/tmp/tests/noexist.txt' ) ;
+        is( q{}, secondline( 'W/tmp/tests/noexist.txt', 2 ), 'secondline: 2nd getting empty string from inexisting W/tmp/tests/noexist.txt' ) ;
+        ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' ) ), 'secondline: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        is( "L1\nL2\nL3\nL4\n" , string_to_file( "L1\nL2\nL3\nL4\n", 'W/tmp/tests/secondline.txt' ), 'secondline: put L1\nL2\nL3\nL4\n in W/tmp/tests/secondline.txt' ) ;
+        is( 'L2' , secondline( 'W/tmp/tests/secondline.txt' ), 'secondline: get L2 from W/tmp/tests/secondline.txt' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_secondline()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub secondline
+        # extract the second line of a file (without \n)
+        # return empty string if error or empty string
+        my $file = shift ;
+        my $line ;
+        $line = nthline( $file, 2 ) ;
+        return $line ;
+sub tests_nthline
+        note( 'Entering tests_nthline()' ) ;
+        is( q{}, nthline( 'W/tmp/tests/noexist.txt' ), 'nthline: getting empty string from inexisting W/tmp/tests/noexist.txt' ) ;
+        is( q{}, nthline( 'W/tmp/tests/noexist.txt', 2 ), 'nthline: 2nd getting empty string from inexisting W/tmp/tests/noexist.txt' ) ;
+        ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' ) ), 'nthline: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+        is( "L1\nL2\nL3\nL4\n" , string_to_file( "L1\nL2\nL3\nL4\n", 'W/tmp/tests/nthline.txt' ), 'nthline: put L1\nL2\nL3\nL4\n in W/tmp/tests/nthline.txt' ) ;
+        is( 'L3' , nthline( 'W/tmp/tests/nthline.txt', 3 ), 'nthline: get L3 from W/tmp/tests/nthline.txt' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_nthline()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub nthline
+        # extract the nth line of a file (without \n)
+        # return empty string if error or empty string
+        my $file = shift ;
+        my $num  = shift ;
+        if ( ! all_defined( $file, $num ) ) { return q{} ; }
+        my $line ;
+        $line = ( file_to_array( $file ) )[$num - 1] ;
+        if ( ! defined $line )
+        {
+                return q{} ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                chomp $line ;
+                return $line ;
+        }
+# Should be unit tested and then be used by file_to_string, refactoring file_to_string
+sub file_to_array
+        my( $file ) = shift ;
+        my @string ;
+        open my $FILE, '<', $file or do {
+		myprint( "Error reading file $file : $OS_ERROR\n" ) ;
+		return ;
+	} ;
+        @string = <$FILE> ;
+        close $FILE ;
+        return( @string ) ;
+sub tests_file_to_string
+	note( 'Entering tests_file_to_string()' ) ;
+	is( undef, file_to_string(  ), 'file_to_string: no args => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, file_to_string( '/noexist' ), 'file_to_string: /noexist => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, file_to_string( '/' ), 'file_to_string: reading a directory => undef' ) ;
+	ok( file_to_string( $PROGRAM_NAME ), 'file_to_string: reading myself' ) ;
+        ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' ) ), 'file_to_string: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+	is( 'lilili', string_to_file( 'lilili', 'W/tmp/tests/canbewritten' ), 'file_to_string: string_to_file filling W/tmp/tests/canbewritten with lilili' ) ;
+	is( 'lilili', file_to_string( 'W/tmp/tests/canbewritten' ), 'file_to_string: reading W/tmp/tests/canbewritten is lilili' ) ;
+	is( q{}, string_to_file( q{}, 'W/tmp/tests/empty' ), 'file_to_string: string_to_file filling W/tmp/tests/empty with empty string' ) ;
+	is( q{}, file_to_string( 'W/tmp/tests/empty' ), 'file_to_string: reading W/tmp/tests/empty is empty' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_file_to_string()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub file_to_string
+        my  $file  = shift ;
+	if ( ! $file ) { return ; }
+	if ( ! -e $file ) { return ; }
+	if ( ! -f $file ) { return ; }
+	if ( ! -r $file ) { return ; }
+        my @string ;
+        if ( open my $FILE, '<', $file ) {
+		@string = <$FILE> ;
+		close $FILE ;
+		return( join q{}, @string ) ;
+	}else{
+		myprint( "Error reading file $file : $OS_ERROR\n" ) ;
+		return ;
+	}
+sub tests_string_to_file
+	note( 'Entering tests_string_to_file()' ) ;
+	is( undef, string_to_file(  ),         'string_to_file: no args => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, string_to_file( 'lalala' ), 'string_to_file: one arg => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, string_to_file( 'lalala', '.' ), 'string_to_file: writing a directory => undef' ) ;
+	ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/' ) ), 'string_to_file: mkpath W/tmp/tests/' ) ;
+	is( 'lalala', string_to_file( 'lalala', 'W/tmp/tests/canbewritten' ), 'string_to_file: W/tmp/tests/canbewritten with lalala' ) ;
+	is( q{}, string_to_file( q{}, 'W/tmp/tests/empty' ), 'string_to_file: W/tmp/tests/empty with empty string' ) ;
+	SKIP: {
+                Readonly my $NB_UNX_tests_string_to_file => 1 ;
+                skip( 'Not on Unix non-root', $NB_UNX_tests_string_to_file ) if ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME or '0' eq $EFFECTIVE_USER_ID ) ;
+		is( undef, string_to_file( 'lalala', '/cantouch' ), 'string_to_file: /cantouch denied => undef' ) ;
+	}
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_string_to_file()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub string_to_file
+        my( $string, $file ) = @_ ;
+	if( ! defined $string ) { return ; }
+	if( ! defined $file )   { return ; }
+	if ( ! -e $file && ! -w dirname( $file ) ) {
+		myprint( "string_to_file: directory of $file is not writable\n" ) ;
+		return ;
+	}
+        if ( ! sysopen( FILE, $file, O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT, 0600) ) {
+		myprint( "string_to_file: failure writing to $file with error: $OS_ERROR\n" ) ;
+		return ;
+	}
+        print FILE $string ;
+        close FILE ;
+        return $string ;
+This is a multiline comment.
+Based on David Carter discussion, to do:
+* Call parameters stay the same.
+* Now always "return( $string, $error )". Descriptions below.
+OK * Still    capture STDOUT via "1> $output_tmpfile" to finish in $string and "return( $string, $error )"
+OK * Now also capture STDERR via "2> $error_tmpfile"  to finish in $error  and "return( $string, $error )"
+OK * in case of CHILD_ERROR, return( undef, $error )
+  and print $error, with folder/UID/maybeSubject context,
+  on console and at the end with the final error listing. Count this as a sync error.
+* in case of good command, take final $string as is, unless void. In case $error with value then print it.
+* in case of good command and final $string empty, consider it like CHILD_ERROR =>
+  return( undef, $error ) and print $error, with folder/UID/maybeSubject context,
+  on console and at the end with the final error listing. Count this as a sync error.
+# End of multiline comment.
+sub pipemess
+        my ( $string, @commands ) = @_ ;
+        my $error = q{} ;
+        foreach my $command ( @commands ) {
+                my $input_tmpfile  = "$sync->{ tmpdir }/imapsync_tmp_file.$PROCESS_ID.inp.txt" ;
+                my $output_tmpfile = "$sync->{ tmpdir }/imapsync_tmp_file.$PROCESS_ID.out.txt" ;
+                my $error_tmpfile  = "$sync->{ tmpdir }/imapsync_tmp_file.$PROCESS_ID.err.txt" ;
+                string_to_file( $string, $input_tmpfile  ) ;
+                ` $command < $input_tmpfile 1> $output_tmpfile 2> $error_tmpfile ` ;
+                my $is_command_ko = $CHILD_ERROR ;
+                my $error_cmd = file_to_string( $error_tmpfile ) ;
+                chomp( $error_cmd ) ;
+                $string = file_to_string( $output_tmpfile ) ;
+                my $string_len = length( $string ) ;
+                unlink $input_tmpfile, $output_tmpfile, $error_tmpfile ;
+                if ( $is_command_ko or ( ! $string_len ) ) {
+                        my $cmd_exit_value = $CHILD_ERROR >> 8 ;
+                        my $cmd_end_signal = $CHILD_ERROR & 127 ;
+                        my $signal_log = ( $cmd_end_signal ) ? " signal $cmd_end_signal and" : q{} ;
+                        my $error_log = qq{Failure: --pipemess command "$command" ended with$signal_log "$string_len" characters exit value "$cmd_exit_value" and STDERR "$error_cmd"\n} ;
+                        myprint( $error_log ) ;
+                        if ( wantarray ) {
+                                return @{ [ undef, $error_log ] }
+                        }else{
+                                return ;
+                        }
+                }
+                if ( $error_cmd ) {
+                        $error .= qq{STDERR of --pipemess "$command": $error_cmd\n} ;
+                        myprint(  qq{STDERR of --pipemess "$command": $error_cmd\n} ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        #myprint( "[$string]\n" ) ;
+        if ( wantarray ) {
+                return ( $string, $error ) ;
+        }else{
+                return $string ;
+        }
+sub tests_pipemess
+	note( 'Entering tests_pipemess()' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+                Readonly my $NB_WIN_tests_pipemess => 3 ;
+                skip( 'Not on MSWin32', $NB_WIN_tests_pipemess ) if ('MSWin32' ne $OSNAME) ;
+                # Windows
+                # "type" command does not accept redirection of STDIN with <
+                # "sort" does
+                ok( "nochange\n" eq pipemess( 'nochange', 'sort' ), 'pipemess: nearly no change by sort' ) ;
+                ok( "nochange2\n" eq pipemess( 'nochange2', qw( sort sort ) ), 'pipemess: nearly no change by sort,sort' ) ;
+                # command not found
+                #diag( 'Warning and failure about cacaprout are on purpose' ) ;
+                ok( ! defined( pipemess( q{}, 'cacaprout' ) ), 'pipemess: command not found' ) ;
+        } ;
+        my ( $stringT, $errorT ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+                Readonly my $NB_UNX_tests_pipemess => 25 ;
+                skip( 'Not on Unix', $NB_UNX_tests_pipemess ) if ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) ;
+                # Unix
+                ok( 'nochange' eq pipemess( 'nochange', 'cat' ), 'pipemess: no change by cat' ) ;
+                ok( 'nochange2' eq pipemess( 'nochange2', 'cat', 'cat' ), 'pipemess: no change by cat,cat' ) ;
+                ok( "     1\tnumberize\n" eq pipemess( "numberize\n", 'cat -n' ), 'pipemess: numberize by cat -n' ) ;
+                ok( "     1\tnumberize\n     2\tnumberize\n" eq pipemess( "numberize\nnumberize\n", 'cat -n' ), 'pipemess: numberize by cat -n' ) ;
+                ok( "A\nB\nC\n" eq pipemess( "A\nC\nB\n", 'sort' ), 'pipemess: sort' ) ;
+                # command not found
+                #diag( 'Warning and failure about cacaprout are on purpose' ) ;
+                is( undef, pipemess( q{}, 'cacaprout' ), 'pipemess: command not found' ) ;
+                # success with true but no output at all
+                is( undef, pipemess( q{blabla}, 'true' ), 'pipemess: true but no output' ) ;
+                # failure with false and no output at all
+                is( undef, pipemess( q{blabla}, 'false' ), 'pipemess: false and no output' ) ;
+                # Failure since pipemess is not a real pipe, so first cat wait for standard input
+                is( q{blabla}, pipemess( q{blabla}, '( cat|cat ) ' ), 'pipemess: ok by ( cat|cat )' ) ;
+                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'nochange', 'cat' ) ;
+                is( $stringT, 'nochange', 'pipemess: list context, no change by cat, string' ) ;
+                is( $errorT, q{}, 'pipemess: list context, no change by cat, no error' ) ;
+                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', 'true' ) ;
+                is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, true but no output, string' ) ;
+                like( $errorT, qr{\QFailure: --pipemess command "true" ended with "0" characters exit value "0" and STDERR ""\E}xm, 'pipemess: list context, true but no output, error' ) ;
+                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', 'false' ) ;
+                is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, false and no output, string' ) ;
+                like( $errorT, qr{\QFailure: --pipemess command "false" ended with "0" characters exit value "1" and STDERR ""\E}xm,
+		'pipemess: list context, false and no output, error' ) ;
+                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', '/bin/echo -n blablabla' ) ;
+                is( $stringT, q{blablabla}, 'pipemess: list context, "echo -n blablabla", string' ) ;
+                is( $errorT, q{},  'pipemess: list context, "echo blablabla", error' ) ;
+                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', '( echo -n blablabla 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 )' ) ;
+                is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, "no output STDERR blablabla", string' ) ;
+                like( $errorT,  qr{blablabla"}xm, 'pipemess: list context, "no output STDERR blablabla", error' ) ;
+                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', '( echo -n blablabla 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 )', 'false' ) ;
+                is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, "no output STDERR blablabla then false", string' ) ;
+                like( $errorT,  qr{blablabla"}xm, 'pipemess: list context, "no output STDERR blablabla then false", error' ) ;
+                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', 'false', '( echo -n blablabla 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 )' ) ;
+                is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, "false then STDERR blablabla", string' ) ;
+                like( $errorT,  qr{\QFailure: --pipemess command "false" ended with "0" characters exit value "1" and STDERR ""\E}xm,
+		'pipemess: list context, "false then STDERR blablabla", error' ) ;
+                ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', '( echo rrrrr ; echo -n error_blablabla 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 )' ) ;
+                like( $stringT, qr{rrrrr}xm, 'pipemess: list context, "STDOUT rrrrr STDERR error_blablabla", string' ) ;
+                like( $errorT,  qr{STDERR.*error_blablabla}xm,  'pipemess: list context, "STDOUT rrrrr STDERR error_blablabla", error' ) ;
+        }
+        ( $stringT, $errorT ) = pipemess( 'dontcare', 'cacaprout' ) ;
+        is( $stringT, undef, 'pipemess: list context, cacaprout not found, string' ) ;
+        like( $errorT, qr{\QFailure: --pipemess command "cacaprout" ended with "0" characters exit value\E}xm,
+	'pipemess: list context, cacaprout not found, error' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_pipemess()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_is_a_release_number
+	note( 'Entering tests_is_a_release_number()' ) ;
+        is( undef, is_a_release_number(  ), 'is_a_release_number: no args => undef' ) ;
+        ok( is_a_release_number( $RELEASE_NUMBER_EXAMPLE_1 ), 'is_a_release_number 1.351' ) ;
+        ok( is_a_release_number( $RELEASE_NUMBER_EXAMPLE_2 ), 'is_a_release_number 42.4242' ) ;
+        ok( is_a_release_number( imapsync_version( $sync ) ), 'is_a_release_number imapsync_version(  )' ) ;
+        ok( ! is_a_release_number( 'blabla' ), '! is_a_release_number blabla' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_is_a_release_number()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub is_a_release_number
+        my $number = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined $number ) { return ; }
+        return( $number =~ m{^\d+\.\d+$}xo ) ;
+sub imapsync_version_public
+        my $local_version = imapsync_version( $sync ) ;
+        my $imapsync_basename = imapsync_basename(  ) ;
+        my $context = imapsync_context(  ) ;
+        my $agent_info = "$OSNAME system, perl "
+                . mysprintf( '%vd', $PERL_VERSION)
+                . ", Mail::IMAPClient $Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION"
+                . " $imapsync_basename"
+                . " $context" ;
+        my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+                PeerAddr => '',
+                PeerPort => 80,
+                Proto    => 'tcp',
+                ) ;
+        return( 'unknown' ) if not $sock ;
+        print $sock
+                "GET /prj/imapsync/VERSION HTTP/1.0\r\n",
+                "User-Agent: imapsync/$local_version ($agent_info)\r\n",
+                "Host:\r\n\r\n" ;
+        my @line = <$sock> ;
+        close $sock ;
+        my $last_release = $line[$LAST] ;
+        chomp $last_release ;
+        return( $last_release ) ;
+sub not_long_imapsync_version_public
+        #myprint( "Entering not_long_imapsync_version_public\n" ) ;
+	my $fake = shift ;
+	if ( $fake ) { return $fake }
+        my $val ;
+        # Doesn't work with gethostbyname (see perlipc)
+        #local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" } ;
+        if ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) {
+                local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" } ;
+        }else{
+                POSIX::sigaction(SIGALRM,
+                         POSIX::SigAction->new(sub { croak 'alarm' } ) )
+                        or myprint( "Error setting SIGALRM handler: $OS_ERROR\n" ) ;
+        }
+        my $ret = eval {
+                alarm 3 ;
+                {
+                        $val = imapsync_version_public(  ) ;
+                        #sleep 4 ;
+                        #myprint( "End of imapsync_version_public\n" ) ;
+                }
+                alarm 0 ;
+                1 ;
+        } ;
+        #myprint( "eval [$ret]\n" ) ;
+        if ( ( not $ret ) or $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+                #myprint( "$EVAL_ERROR" ) ;
+                if ($EVAL_ERROR =~ /alarm/) {
+                # timed out
+                        return('timeout') ;
+                }else{
+                        alarm 0 ;
+                        return( 'unknown' ) ; # propagate unexpected errors
+                }
+        }else {
+        # Good!
+                return( $val ) ;
+        }
+sub tests_not_long_imapsync_version_public
+	note( 'Entering tests_not_long_imapsync_version_public()' ) ;
+	is( 1, is_a_release_number( not_long_imapsync_version_public(  ) ),
+		'not_long_imapsync_version_public: public release is a number' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_not_long_imapsync_version_public()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub check_last_release
+	my $fake = shift ;
+        my $public_release = not_long_imapsync_version_public( $fake ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "check_last_release: [$public_release]\n" ) ;
+        my $inline_help_when_on = '( Use --noreleasecheck to avoid this release check. )' ;
+        if ( $public_release eq 'unknown' ) {
+                return( 'Imapsync public release is unknown.' . $inline_help_when_on ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $public_release eq 'timeout' ) {
+                return( 'Imapsync public release is unknown (timeout).' . $inline_help_when_on )  ;
+        }
+        if ( ! is_a_release_number( $public_release ) ) {
+                return( "Imapsync public release is unknown ($public_release)." . $inline_help_when_on ) ;
+        }
+        my $imapsync_here  = imapsync_version( $sync ) ;
+        if ( $public_release > $imapsync_here ) {
+                return( 'This imapsync is not up to date. ' . "( local $imapsync_here < official $public_release )" . $inline_help_when_on ) ;
+        }else{
+                return( 'This imapsync is up to date. ' . "( local $imapsync_here >= official $public_release )" . $inline_help_when_on ) ;
+        }
+	return( 'really unknown' ) ; # Should never arrive here
+sub tests_check_last_release
+	note( 'Entering tests_check_last_release()' ) ;
+	diag( check_last_release( 1.1 ) ) ;
+        # \Q \E here to avoid putting \ before each space
+	like( check_last_release( 1.1 ), qr/\Qis up to date\E/mxs, 'check_last_release: up to date' ) ;
+	like( check_last_release( 1.1 ), qr/1\.1/mxs, 'check_last_release: up to date, include number' ) ;
+	diag( check_last_release( 999.999 ) ) ;
+	like( check_last_release( 999.999 ), qr/\Qnot up to date\E/mxs, 'check_last_release: not up to date' ) ;
+	like( check_last_release( 999.999 ), qr/999\.999/mxs, 'check_last_release: not up to date, include number' ) ;
+	like( check_last_release( 'unknown' ), qr/\QImapsync public release is unknown\E/mxs,           'check_last_release: unknown' ) ;
+	like( check_last_release( 'timeout' ), qr/\QImapsync public release is unknown (timeout)\E/mxs, 'check_last_release: timeout' ) ;
+	like( check_last_release( 'lalala' ),  qr/\QImapsync public release is unknown (lalala)\E/mxs,  'check_last_release: lalala' ) ;
+	diag( check_last_release(  ) ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_check_last_release()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub tests_imapsync_context
+        note( 'Entering tests_imapsync_context()' ) ;
+        like( imapsync_context(  ), qr/^CGI|^Docker|^DockerCGI|^Standard/, 'imapsync_context: CGI or Docker or DockerCGI or Standard' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_imapsync_context()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub imapsync_context
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $context = q{} ;
+        if ( under_docker_context( $mysync ) && under_cgi_context( $mysync ) )
+        {
+                $context = 'DockerCGI' ;
+        }
+        elsif ( under_docker_context( $mysync ) )
+        {
+                $context = 'Docker' ;
+        }
+        elsif ( under_cgi_context( $mysync ) )
+        {
+                $context = 'CGI' ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $context = 'Standard' ;
+        }
+        return $context ;
+sub imapsync_version
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $rcs = $mysync->{rcs} ;
+        my $version ;
+        $version = version_from_rcs( $rcs ) ;
+        return( $version ) ;
+sub tests_version_from_rcs
+	note( 'Entering tests_version_from_rcs()' ) ;
+	is( undef, version_from_rcs(  ), 'version_from_rcs: no args => UNKNOWN' ) ;
+	is( 1.831, version_from_rcs( q{imapsync,v 1.831 2017/08/27} ), 'version_from_rcs: imapsync,v 1.831 2017/08/27 => 1.831' ) ;
+	is( 'UNKNOWN', version_from_rcs( 1.831 ), 'version_from_rcs:  1.831  => UNKNOWN' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_version_from_rcs()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub version_from_rcs
+        my $rcs = shift ;
+        if ( ! $rcs ) { return ; }
+        my $version = 'UNKNOWN' ;
+        if ( $rcs =~ m{,v\s+(\d+\.\d+)}mxso ) {
+                $version = $1
+        }
+        return( $version ) ;
+sub tests_imapsync_basename
+	note( 'Entering tests_imapsync_basename()' ) ;
+        ok( imapsync_basename() =~ m/imapsync/, 'imapsync_basename: match imapsync');
+        ok( 'blabla'   ne imapsync_basename(), 'imapsync_basename: do not equal blabla');
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_imapsync_basename()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub imapsync_basename
+        return basename( $PROGRAM_NAME ) ;
+sub localhost_info
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my( $infos ) = join( q{},
+                "Here is imapsync ", imapsync_version( $mysync ),
+                " on host " . hostname(),
+                ", a $OSNAME system with ",
+                ram_memory_info(  ),
+                "\n",
+                'with Perl ',
+                mysprintf( '%vd ', $PERL_VERSION),
+                "and Mail::IMAPClient $Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION",
+             ) ;
+        return( $infos ) ;
+sub tests_cpu_number
+	note( 'Entering tests_cpu_number()' ) ;
+        is( 1, is_an_integer( cpu_number(  ) ), "cpu_number: is_an_integer" ) ;
+	ok( 1 <= cpu_number(  ), "cpu_number: 1 or more" ) ;
+        is( 1, cpu_number( 1 ), "cpu_number: 1 => 1" ) ;
+        is( 1, cpu_number( $MINUS_ONE ), "cpu_number: -1 => 1" ) ;
+        is( 1, cpu_number( 'lalala' ), "cpu_number: lalala => 1" ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_42, cpu_number( $NUMBER_42 ), "cpu_number: $NUMBER_42 => $NUMBER_42" ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_cpu_number()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub cpu_number
+        my $cpu_number_forced = shift ;
+	# Well, here 1 is better than 0 or undef
+	my $cpu_number = 1 ; # Default value, erased if better found
+        my @cpuinfo ;
+		# might be under a Windows system
+		$cpu_number = $ENV{"NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"} ;
+		$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Number of processors found by env var NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS: $cpu_number\n" ) ;
+	}elsif ( 'darwin' eq $OSNAME or 'freebsd' eq $OSNAME ) {
+		$cpu_number = backtick( "sysctl -n hw.ncpu" ) ;
+		chomp( $cpu_number ) ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Number of processors found by cmd 'sysctl -n hw.ncpu': $cpu_number\n" ) ;
+	}elsif ( ! -e '/proc/cpuinfo' ) {
+		$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Number of processors not found so I might assume there is only 1\n" ) ;
+		$cpu_number = 1 ;
+	}elsif( @cpuinfo = file_to_array( '/proc/cpuinfo' ) ) {
+                $cpu_number = grep { /^processor/mxs } @cpuinfo ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Number of processors found via /proc/cpuinfo: $cpu_number\n" ) ;
+	}
+        if ( defined $cpu_number_forced ) {
+                $cpu_number = $cpu_number_forced ;
+        }
+	return( integer_or_1( $cpu_number ) ) ;
+sub tests_integer_or_1
+        note( 'Entering tests_integer_or_1()' ) ;
+        is( 1, integer_or_1(  ), 'integer_or_1: no args => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, integer_or_1( undef ), 'integer_or_1: undef => 1' ) ;
+        is( $NUMBER_10, integer_or_1( $NUMBER_10 ), 'integer_or_1: 10 => 10' ) ;
+        is( 1, integer_or_1( q{} ), 'integer_or_1: empty string => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, integer_or_1( 'lalala' ), 'integer_or_1: lalala => 1' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_integer_or_1()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub integer_or_1
+        my $number = shift ;
+        if ( is_an_integer( $number  ) ) {
+                return $number ;
+        }
+        # else
+        return 1 ;
+sub tests_is_an_integer
+	note( 'Entering tests_is_an_integer()' ) ;
+        is( undef, is_an_integer(  ), 'is_an_integer: no args => undef ' ) ;
+        ok( is_an_integer( 1 ), 'is_an_integer: 1 => yes ') ;
+        ok( is_an_integer( $NUMBER_42 ), 'is_an_integer: 42 => yes ') ;
+        ok( is_an_integer( "$NUMBER_42" ), 'is_an_integer: "$NUMBER_42" => yes ') ;
+        ok( is_an_integer( '42' ), 'is_an_integer: "42" => yes ') ;
+        ok( is_an_integer( $NUMBER_104_857_600 ), 'is_an_integer: 104_857_600 => yes') ;
+        ok( is_an_integer( "$NUMBER_104_857_600" ), 'is_an_integer: "$NUMBER_104_857_600" => yes') ;
+        ok( is_an_integer( '104857600' ), 'is_an_integer: 104857600 => yes') ;
+        ok( ! is_an_integer( 'blabla' ), 'is_an_integer: blabla => no' ) ;
+        ok( ! is_an_integer( q{} ), 'is_an_integer: empty string => no' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_is_an_integer()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub is_an_integer
+        my $number = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined $number ) { return ; }
+        return( $number =~ m{^\d+$}xo ) ;
+sub tests_loadavg
+	note( 'Entering tests_loadavg()' ) ;
+	SKIP: {
+		skip( 'Tests for darwin', 2 ) if ('darwin' ne $OSNAME) ;
+		is( undef, loadavg( '/noexist' ), 'loadavg: /noexist => undef' ) ;
+		is_deeply( [ '0.11', '0.22', '0.33' ],
+		[ loadavg( 'W/t/loadavg.out' ) ],
+		'loadavg W/t/loadavg.out => 0.11 0.22 0.33' ) ;
+	} ;
+	SKIP: {
+		skip( 'Tests for linux', 3 ) if ('linux' ne $OSNAME) ;
+		is( undef, loadavg( '/noexist' ), 'loadavg: /noexist => undef' ) ;
+		ok( loadavg( ), 'loadavg: no args' ) ;
+		is_deeply( [ '0.39', '0.30', '0.37', '1/602' ],
+		[ loadavg( '0.39 0.30 0.37 1/602 6073' ) ],
+		'loadavg 0.39 0.30 0.37 1/602 6073 => [0.39, 0.30, 0.37, 1/602]' ) ;
+	} ;
+	SKIP: {
+		skip( 'Tests for Windows', 1 ) if ('MSWin32' ne $OSNAME) ;
+		is_deeply( [ 0 ],
+		[ loadavg( ) ],
+		'loadavg on MSWin32 => 0' ) ;
+	} ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_loadavg()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub loadavg
+	if ( 'linux' eq $OSNAME ) {
+		return ( loadavg_linux( @ARG ) ) ;
+	}
+	if ( 'freebsd' eq $OSNAME ) {
+		return ( loadavg_freebsd( @ARG ) ) ;
+	}
+	if ( 'darwin' eq $OSNAME ) {
+		return ( loadavg_darwin( @ARG ) ) ;
+	}
+	if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) {
+		return ( loadavg_windows( @ARG ) ) ;
+	}
+	return( 'unknown' ) ;
+sub loadavg_linux
+	my $line = shift ;
+	if ( ! $line ) {
+                $line = firstline( '/proc/loadavg'  ) or return ;
+	}
+	my ( $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min, $current_runs ) = split /\s/mxs, $line ;
+	if ( all_defined( $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min ) ) {
+		$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "System load: $avg_1_min $avg_5_min $avg_15_min $current_runs\n" ) ;
+		return ( $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min, $current_runs ) ;
+	}
+	return ;
+sub loadavg_freebsd
+	my $file = shift ;
+	# Example of output of command "sysctl vm.loadavg":
+	# vm.loadavg: { 0.15 0.08 0.08 }
+	my $loadavg ;
+	if ( ! defined $file ) {
+		eval {
+			$loadavg = `/sbin/sysctl vm.loadavg` ;
+			#myprint( "LOADAVG FREEBSD: $loadavg\n" ) ;
+		} ;
+		if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { myprint( "[$EVAL_ERROR]\n" ) ; return ; }
+	}else{
+		$loadavg = firstline( $file ) or return ;
+	}
+	my ( $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min )
+	= $loadavg =~ /vm\.loadavg\s*[:=]\s*\{?\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)/mxs ;
+	$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "System load: $avg_1_min $avg_5_min $avg_15_min\n" ) ;
+	return ( $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min ) ;
+sub loadavg_darwin
+	my $file = shift ;
+	# Example of output of command "sysctl vm.loadavg":
+	# vm.loadavg: { 0.15 0.08 0.08 }
+	my $loadavg ;
+	if ( ! defined $file ) {
+		eval {
+			$loadavg = `/usr/sbin/sysctl vm.loadavg` ;
+			#myprint( "LOADAVG DARWIN: $loadavg\n" ) ;
+		} ;
+		if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { myprint( "[$EVAL_ERROR]\n" ) ; return ; }
+	}else{
+		$loadavg = firstline( $file ) or return ;
+	}
+	my ( $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min )
+	= $loadavg =~ /vm\.loadavg\s*[:=]\s*\{?\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)/mxs ;
+	$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "System load: $avg_1_min $avg_5_min $avg_15_min\n" ) ;
+	return ( $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min ) ;
+sub loadavg_windows
+	my $file = shift ;
+	# Example of output of command "wmic cpu get loadpercentage":
+	# LoadPercentage
+        # 12
+	my $loadavg ;
+	if ( ! defined $file ) {
+		eval {
+			#$loadavg = `CMD wmic cpu get loadpercentage` ;
+			$loadavg = "LoadPercentage\n0\n" ;
+			#myprint( "LOADAVG WIN: $loadavg\n" ) ;
+		} ;
+		if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { myprint( "[$EVAL_ERROR]\n" ) ; return ; }
+	}else{
+		$loadavg = file_to_string( $file ) or return ;
+		#myprint( "$loadavg" ) ;
+	}
+	$loadavg =~ /LoadPercentage\n(\d+)/xms ;
+	my $num = $1 ;
+	$num /= 100 ;
+	$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "System load: $num\n" ) ;
+	return ( $num ) ;
+sub tests_load_and_delay
+	note( 'Entering tests_load_and_delay()' ) ;
+	is( undef, load_and_delay(  ), 'load_and_delay: no args => undef ' ) ;
+	is( undef, load_and_delay( 1 ), 'load_and_delay: not 4 args => undef ' ) ;
+	is( undef, load_and_delay( 0, 1, 1, 1 ), 'load_and_delay: division per 0 => undef ' ) ;
+	is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 1, 1, 1 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, loads are all 1 => ok ' ) ;
+	is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 1, 1, 1, 'lalala' ), 'load_and_delay: five arguments is ok' ) ;
+	is(  0, load_and_delay( 2, 2, 2, 2 ), 'load_and_delay: two core, loads are all 2 => ok ' ) ;
+	is(  0, load_and_delay( 2, 2, 4, 5 ), 'load_and_delay: two core, load1m     is 2 => ok ' ) ;
+# Old behavior, rather strict
+        # is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 0, 0, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=0 load5m=0 load15m=0 => 0 ' ) ;
+	# is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 0, 0, 2 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=0 load5m=0 load15m=2 => 0 ' ) ;
+	# is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 0, 2, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=0 load5m=2 load15m=0 => 0 ' ) ;
+	# is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 0, 2, 2 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=0 load5m=2 load15m=2 => 0 ' ) ;
+	# is(  1, load_and_delay( 1, 2, 0, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=2 load5m=0 load15m=0 => 1 ' ) ;
+	# is(  1, load_and_delay( 1, 2, 0, 2 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=2 load5m=0 load15m=2 => 1 ' ) ;
+	# is(  5, load_and_delay( 1, 2, 2, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=2 load5m=2 load15m=0 => 5 ' ) ;
+	# is( 15, load_and_delay( 1, 2, 2, 2 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=2 load5m=2 load15m=2 => 15 ' ) ;
+	# is(  0, load_and_delay( 4, 0, 2, 2 ), 'load_and_delay: four core, load1m=0 load5m=2 load15m=2 => 0 ' ) ;
+	# is(  1, load_and_delay( 4, 8, 0, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: four core, load1m=2 load5m=0 load15m=0 => 1 ' ) ;
+	# is(  1, load_and_delay( 4, 8, 0, 2 ), 'load_and_delay: four core, load1m=2 load5m=0 load15m=2 => 1 ' ) ;
+	# is(  5, load_and_delay( 4, 8, 8, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: four core, load1m=2 load5m=2 load15m=0 => 5 ' ) ;
+	# is( 15, load_and_delay( 4, 8, 8, 8 ), 'load_and_delay: four core, load1m=2 load5m=2 load15m=2 => 15 ' ) ;
+# New behavior, tolerate more load
+        is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 0, 0, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=0 load5m=0 load15m=0 => 0 ' ) ;
+        is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 0, 0, 2 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=0 load5m=0 load15m=2 => 0 ' ) ;
+        is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 0, 2, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=0 load5m=2 load15m=0 => 0 ' ) ;
+        is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 0, 2, 2 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=0 load5m=2 load15m=2 => 0 ' ) ;
+        is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 2, 0, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=2 load5m=0 load15m=0 => 1 ' ) ;
+        is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 2, 0, 2 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=2 load5m=0 load15m=2 => 1 ' ) ;
+        is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 2, 2, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=2 load5m=2 load15m=0 => 5 ' ) ;
+        is(  0, load_and_delay( 1, 2, 2, 2 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=2 load5m=2 load15m=2 => 15 ' ) ;
+        is(  1, load_and_delay( 1, 4, 0, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=4 load5m=0 load15m=0 => 1 ' ) ;
+        is(  1, load_and_delay( 1, 4, 0, 4 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=4 load5m=0 load15m=4 => 1 ' ) ;
+        is(  5, load_and_delay( 1, 4, 4, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=4 load5m=4 load15m=0 => 5 ' ) ;
+        is( 15, load_and_delay( 1, 4, 4, 4 ), 'load_and_delay: one core, load1m=4 load5m=4 load15m=4 => 15 ' ) ;
+        is(  0, load_and_delay( 4, 0, 9, 9 ), 'load_and_delay: four core, load1m=0 load5m=9 load15m=9 => 0 ' ) ;
+        is(  1, load_and_delay( 4, 9, 0, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: four core, load1m=9 load5m=0 load15m=0 => 1 ' ) ;
+        is(  1, load_and_delay( 4, 9, 0, 9 ), 'load_and_delay: four core, load1m=9 load5m=0 load15m=9 => 1 ' ) ;
+        is(  5, load_and_delay( 4, 9, 9, 0 ), 'load_and_delay: four core, load1m=9 load5m=9 load15m=0 => 5 ' ) ;
+        is( 15, load_and_delay( 4, 9, 9, 9 ), 'load_and_delay: four core, load1m=9 load5m=9 load15m=9 => 15 ' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_load_and_delay()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub load_and_delay
+	# Basically return 0 if load is not heavy, ie <= 1 per processor
+        # Not enough arguments
+	if ( 4 > scalar @ARG ) { return ; }
+	my ( $cpu_num, $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min ) = @ARG ;
+	if ( 0 == $cpu_num ) { return ; }
+	# Let divide by number of cores
+	( $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min ) = map { $_ / $cpu_num } ( $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min ) ;
+	# One of avg ok => ok, for now it is a OR
+	if ( $avg_1_min <= 2 ) { return 0 ; }
+	if ( $avg_5_min <= 2 ) { return 1 ; } # Retry in 1 minute
+	if ( $avg_15_min <= 2 ) { return 5 ; } # Retry in 5 minutes
+	return 15 ; # Retry in 15 minutes
+sub ram_memory_info
+        # In GigaBytes so division by 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+	#
+	return(
+		sprintf( "%.1f/%.1f free GiB of RAM",
+                Sys::MemInfo::get("freemem") / ( $KIBI ** 3 ),
+                Sys::MemInfo::get("totalmem") / ( $KIBI ** 3 ),
+                )
+	) ;
+sub tests_memory_stress
+        note( 'Entering tests_memory_stress()' ) ;
+        is( undef, memory_stress(  ), 'memory_stress: => undef' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_memory_stress()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub memory_stress
+        my $total_ram_in_MB = Sys::MemInfo::get("totalmem") / ( $KIBI * $KIBI ) ;
+        my $i = 1 ;
+        myprintf("Stress memory consumption before: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI ) ;
+        while ( $i < $total_ram_in_MB / 1.7 ) { $a .= "A" x 1000_000; $i++ } ;
+        myprintf("Stress memory consumption after: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_memory_consumption
+	note( 'Entering tests_memory_consumption()' ) ;
+        like( memory_consumption(  ),  qr{\d+}xms,'memory_consumption no args') ;
+        like( memory_consumption( 1 ), qr{\d+}xms,'memory_consumption 1') ;
+        like( memory_consumption( $PROCESS_ID ), qr{\d+}xms,"memory_consumption_of_pids $PROCESS_ID") ;
+        like( memory_consumption_ratio(), qr{\d+}xms,   'memory_consumption_ratio' ) ;
+        like( memory_consumption_ratio(1), qr{\d+}xms,  'memory_consumption_ratio 1' ) ;
+        like( memory_consumption_ratio(10), qr{\d+}xms, 'memory_consumption_ratio 10' ) ;
+        like( memory_consumption(), qr{\d+}xms, "memory_consumption\n" ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_memory_consumption()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub memory_consumption
+        # memory consumed by imapsync until now in bytes
+        return( ( memory_consumption_of_pids(  ) )[0] );
+sub debugmemory
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! $mysync->{debugmemory} ) { return q{} ; }
+        my $precision = shift ;
+        return( mysprintf( "Memory consumption$precision: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI ) ) ;
+sub memory_consumption_of_pids
+        my @pid = @_;
+        @pid = ( @pid ) ? @pid : ( $PROCESS_ID ) ;
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "memory_consumption_of_pids PIDs: @pid\n" ) ;
+        my @val ;
+        if ( ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) or ( 'cygwin' eq $OSNAME ) ) {
+                @val = memory_consumption_of_pids_win32( @pid ) ;
+        }else{
+                # Unix
+                my @ps = qx{ ps -o vsz -p @pid } ;
+                #myprint( "ps: @ps" ) ;
+                # Use IPC::Open3 from perlcrit -3
+                # It stalls on Darwin, don't understand why!
+                #my @ps = backtick( "ps -o vsz -p @pid" ) ;
+                #myprint( "ps: @ps" ) ;
+                shift @ps; # First line is column name "VSZ"
+                chomp @ps;
+                # convert to octets
+                @val = map { $_ * $KIBI } @ps ;
+        }
+        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "@val\n" ) ;
+        return( @val ) ;
+sub memory_consumption_of_pids_win32
+        # Windows
+        my @PID = @_;
+        my %PID;
+        # hash of pids as key values
+        map { $PID{$_}++ } @PID;
+        # Does not work but should work reading the tasklist documentation
+        #@ps = qx{ tasklist /FI "PID eq @PID" };
+        my @ps = qx{ tasklist /NH /FO CSV } ;
+        #my @ps = backtick( 'tasklist /NH /FO CSV' ) ;
+        #myprint( "-" x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n", @ps, "-" x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n" ) ;
+        my @val;
+        foreach my $line (@ps) {
+                my($name, $pid, $mem) = (split ',', $line )[0,1,4];
+                next if (! $pid);
+                #myprint( "[$name][$pid][$mem]" ) ;
+                if ($PID{remove_qq($pid)}) {
+                        #myprint( "MATCH !\n" ) ;
+                        chomp $mem ;
+                        $mem = remove_qq($mem);
+                        $mem = remove_Ko($mem);
+                        $mem = remove_not_num($mem);
+                        #myprint( "[$mem]\n" ) ;
+                        push @val, $mem * $KIBI;
+                }
+        }
+        return(@val);
+sub tests_backtick
+	note( 'Entering tests_backtick()' ) ;
+	is( undef, backtick( ), 'backtick: no args' ) ;
+	is( undef, backtick( q{} ), 'backtick: empty command' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+                skip( 'test for MSWin32', 5 ) if ('MSWin32' ne $OSNAME) ;
+                my @output ;
+                @output = backtick( 'echo Hello World!' ) ;
+                # Add \r on Windows.
+                ok( "Hello World!\r\n" eq $output[0], 'backtick: echo Hello World!' ) ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "[@output]" ) ;
+                @output = backtick( 'echo Hello & echo World!' ) ;
+                ok( "Hello \r\n" eq $output[0], 'backtick: echo Hello & echo World! line 1' ) ;
+                ok( "World!\r\n" eq $output[1], 'backtick: echo Hello & echo World! line 2' ) ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "[@output][$output[0]][$output[1]]" ) ;
+		# Scalar context
+		ok( "Hello World!\r\n" eq backtick( 'echo Hello World!' ),
+		'backtick: echo Hello World! scalar' ) ;
+		ok( "Hello \r\nWorld!\r\n" eq backtick( 'echo Hello & echo World!' ),
+		'backtick: echo Hello & echo World! scalar 2 lines' ) ;
+        } ;
+        SKIP: {
+                skip( 'test for Unix', 7 ) if ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) ;
+		is( undef, backtick( 'aaaarrrg' ), 'backtick: aaaarrrg command not found' ) ;
+		# Array context
+                my @output ;
+                @output = backtick( 'echo Hello World!' ) ;
+                ok( "Hello World!\n" eq $output[0], 'backtick: echo Hello World!' ) ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "[@output]" ) ;
+                @output = backtick( "echo Hello\necho World!" ) ;
+                ok( "Hello\n" eq $output[0], 'backtick: echo Hello; echo World! line 1' ) ;
+                ok( "World!\n" eq $output[1], 'backtick: echo Hello; echo World! line 2' ) ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "[@output]" ) ;
+		# Scalar context
+		ok( "Hello World!\n" eq backtick( 'echo Hello World!' ),
+		'backtick: echo Hello World! scalar' ) ;
+		ok( "Hello\nWorld!\n" eq backtick( "echo Hello\necho World!" ),
+		'backtick: echo Hello; echo World! scalar 2 lines' ) ;
+		# Return error positive value, that's ok
+		is( undef, backtick( 'false' ), 'backtick: false returns no output' ) ;
+                my $mem = backtick( "ps -o vsz -p $PROCESS_ID" ) ;
+                $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "MEM=$mem\n" ) ;
+        }
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_backtick()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub backtick
+        my $command = shift ;
+	if ( ! $command ) { return ; }
+        my ( $writer, $reader, $err ) ;
+        my @output ;
+        my $pid ;
+	my $eval = eval {
+		$pid = IPC::Open3::open3( $writer, $reader, $err, $command ) ;
+	} ;
+        if ( $EVAL_ERROR  ) {
+                myprint( $EVAL_ERROR ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        if ( ! $eval  ) { return ; }
+	if ( ! $pid  )  { return ; }
+	waitpid( $pid, 0 ) ;
+        @output = <$reader>;  # Output here
+	#
+        #my @errors = <$err>;    #Errors here, instead of the console
+	if ( not @output ) { return ; }
+        #myprint( @output  ) ;
+	if ( $output[0] =~ /\Qopen3: exec of $command failed\E/mxs ) { return ; }
+	if ( wantarray ) {
+		return( @output ) ;
+	} else {
+		return( join( q{}, @output) ) ;
+	}
+sub tests_check_binary_embed_all_dyn_libs
+        note( 'Entering tests_check_binary_embed_all_dyn_libs()' ) ;
+        is( 1, check_binary_embed_all_dyn_libs(  ),  'check_binary_embed_all_dyn_libs: no args => 1' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_check_binary_embed_all_dyn_libs()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub check_binary_embed_all_dyn_libs
+        my @search_dyn_lib_locale = search_dyn_lib_locale(  ) ;
+        if ( @search_dyn_lib_locale )
+        {
+                myprint( "Found myself $PROGRAM_NAME pid $PROCESS_ID using locale dynamic libraries that seems out of myself:\n" ) ;
+                myprint( @search_dyn_lib_locale ) ;
+                if ( $PROGRAM_NAME =~ m{imapsync_bin_Darwin} )
+                {
+                        return 0 ;
+                }
+                elsif ( $PROGRAM_NAME =~ m{imapsync.*\.exe} )
+                {
+                        return 0 ;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        # is always ok for non binary
+                        return 1 ;
+                }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                # Found only embedded dynamic lib
+                myprint( "Found nothing\n" ) ;
+                return 1 ;
+        }
+sub search_dyn_lib_locale
+        if ( 'darwin' eq $OSNAME )
+        {
+                return search_dyn_lib_locale_darwin(  ) ;
+        }
+        if ( 'linux' eq $OSNAME )
+        {
+                return search_dyn_lib_locale_linux(  ) ;
+        }
+        if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME )
+        {
+                return search_dyn_lib_locale_MSWin32(  ) ;
+        }
+sub search_dyn_lib_locale_darwin
+        my $command = qq{ lsof -p $PID | grep ' REG ' | grep .dylib | grep -v '/par-' } ;
+        myprint( "Search non embeded dynamic libs with the command: $command\n" ) ;
+        return backtick( $command ) ;
+sub search_dyn_lib_locale_linux
+        my $command = qq{ lsof -p $PID | grep ' REG ' | grep -v '/tmp/par-' | grep '\.so' } ;
+        myprint( "Search non embeded dynamic libs with the command: $command\n" ) ;
+        return backtick( $command ) ;
+sub search_dyn_lib_locale_MSWin32
+        my $command = qq{ Listdlls.exe $PID|findstr Strawberry } ;
+        # $command = qq{ Listdlls.exe $PID|findstr Strawberry } ;
+        myprint( "Search non embeded dynamic libs with the command: $command\n" ) ;
+        return qx( $command ) ;
+sub remove_not_num
+        my $string = shift ;
+        $string =~ tr/0-9//cd ;
+        #myprint( "tr [$string]\n" ) ;
+        return( $string ) ;
+sub tests_remove_not_num
+	note( 'Entering tests_remove_not_num()' ) ;
+        ok( '123' eq remove_not_num( 123 ), 'remove_not_num( 123 )' ) ;
+        ok( '123' eq remove_not_num( '123' ), q{remove_not_num( '123' )} ) ;
+        ok( '123' eq remove_not_num( '12 3' ), q{remove_not_num( '12 3' )} ) ;
+        ok( '123' eq remove_not_num( 'a 12 3 Ko' ), q{remove_not_num( 'a 12 3 Ko' )} ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_remove_not_num()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub remove_Ko
+        my $string = shift;
+        if ($string =~ /^(.*)\sKo$/xo) {
+                return($1);
+        }else{
+                return($string);
+        }
+sub remove_qq
+        my $string = shift;
+        if ($string =~ /^"(.*)"$/xo) {
+                return($1);
+        }else{
+                return($string);
+        }
+sub memory_consumption_ratio
+        my ($base) = @_;
+        $base ||= 1;
+        my $consu = memory_consumption();
+        return($consu / $base);
+sub date_from_rcs
+        my $d = shift ;
+        my %num2mon = qw( 01 Jan 02 Feb 03 Mar 04 Apr 05 May 06 Jun 07 Jul 08 Aug 09 Sep 10 Oct 11 Nov 12 Dec ) ;
+        if ($d =~ m{(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})}xo ) {
+                # Handles the following format
+                # 2015/07/10 11:05:59 -- Generated by RCS Date tag.
+                #myprint( "$d\n" ) ;
+                #myprint( "header: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6]\n" ) ;
+                my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) ;
+                $month = $num2mon{$month} ;
+                $d = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec +0000" ;
+                #myprint( "$d\n" ) ;
+        }
+        return( $d ) ;
+sub tests_date_from_rcs
+	note( 'Entering tests_date_from_rcs()' ) ;
+        ok('19-Sep-2015 16:11:07 +0000'
+        eq date_from_rcs('Date: 2015/09/19 16:11:07 '), 'date_from_rcs from RCS date' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_date_from_rcs()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub good_date
+        # two incoming formats:
+        # header    Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:00:00 +0200
+        # internal       24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200
+        # outgoing format: internal date format
+        #   24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200
+    my $d = shift ;
+    return(q{}) if not defined $d;
+        SWITCH: {
+        if ( $d =~ m{(\d?)(\d-...-\d{4})(\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})(\s(?:\+|-)\d{4})?}xo ) {
+                #myprint( "internal: [$1][$2][$3][$4]\n" ) ;
+                my ($day_1, $date_rest, $hour, $zone) = ($1,$2,$3,$4) ;
+                $day_1 = '0' if ($day_1 eq q{}) ;
+                $zone  = ' +0000'  if not defined $zone ;
+                $d = $day_1 . $date_rest . $hour . $zone ;
+                last SWITCH ;
+        }
+        if ($d =~ m{(?:\w{3,},\s)?(\d{1,2}),?\s+(\w{3,})\s+(\d{2,4})\s+(\d{1,2})(?::|\.)(\d{1,2})(?:(?::|\.)(\d{1,2}))?\s*((?:\+|-)\d{4})?}xo ) {
+                # Handles any combination of following formats
+                # Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:00:00 +0200 -- Standard
+                # 24 Aug 2010 16:00:00 +0200 -- Missing Day of Week
+                # Tue, 24 Aug 97 16:00:00 +0200 -- Two digit year
+                # Tue, 24 Aug 1997 16.00.00 +0200 -- Periods instead of colons
+                # Tue, 24 Aug 1997  16:00:00 +0200 -- Extra whitespace between year and hour
+                # Tue, 24 Aug 1997 6:5:2 +0200 -- Single digit hour, min, or second
+                # Tue, 24, Aug 1997 16:00:00 +0200 -- Extra comma
+                #myprint( "header: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6][$7][$8]\n" ) ;
+                my ($day, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $zone) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8);
+                $year = '19' . $year if length($year) == 2 && $year =~ m/^[789]/xo;
+                $year = '20' . $year if length($year) == 2;
+                $month = substr $month, 0, 3 if length($month) > 4;
+                $day  = mysprintf( '%02d', $day);
+                $hour = mysprintf( '%02d', $hour);
+                $min  = mysprintf( '%02d', $min);
+                $sec  = '00' if not defined  $sec  ;
+                $sec  = mysprintf( '%02d', $sec ) ;
+                $zone = '+0000' if not defined  $zone  ;
+                $d    = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec $zone" ;
+                last SWITCH ;
+        }
+        if ($d =~ m{(?:.{3})\s(...)\s+(\d{1,2})\s(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2}):(\d{1,2})\s(?:\w{3})?\s?(\d{4})}xo ) {
+                # Handles any combination of following formats
+                # Sun Aug 20 11:55:09 2006
+                # Wed Jan 24 11:58:38 MST 2007
+                # Wed Jan  2 08:40:57 2008
+                #myprint( "header: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6]\n" ) ;
+                my ($month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec, $year) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
+                $day  = mysprintf( '%02d', $day  ) ;
+                $hour = mysprintf( '%02d', $hour ) ;
+                $min  = mysprintf( '%02d', $min  ) ;
+                $sec  = mysprintf( '%02d', $sec  ) ;
+                $d    = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec +0000" ;
+                last SWITCH ;
+        }
+        my %num2mon = qw( 01 Jan 02 Feb 03 Mar 04 Apr 05 May 06 Jun 07 Jul 08 Aug 09 Sep 10 Oct 11 Nov 12 Dec ) ;
+        if ($d =~ m{(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})}xo ) {
+                # Handles the following format
+                # 2015/07/10 11:05:59 -- Generated by RCS Date tag.
+                #myprint( "$d\n" ) ;
+                #myprint( "header: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6]\n" ) ;
+                my ($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6) ;
+                $month = $num2mon{$month} ;
+                $d = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec +0000" ;
+                #myprint( "$d\n" ) ;
+                last SWITCH ;
+        }
+        if ($d =~ m{(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})}xo ) {
+                # Handles the following format
+                # 02/06/09 22:18:08 -- Generated by AVTECH TemPageR devices
+                #myprint( "header: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6]\n" ) ;
+                my ($month, $day, $year, $hour, $min, $sec) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
+                $year = '20' . $year;
+                $month = $num2mon{$month};
+                $d = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec +0000";
+                last SWITCH ;
+        }
+        if ($d =~ m{\w{6,},\s(\w{3})\w+\s+(\d{1,2}),\s(\d{4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s(AM|PM)}xo ) {
+                # Handles the following format
+                # Saturday, December 14, 2002 05:00 PM - order confirmations
+                my ($month, $day, $year, $hour, $min, $apm) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);
+                $hour += 12 if $apm eq 'PM' ;
+                $day = mysprintf( '%02d', $day ) ;
+                $d = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:00 +0000" ;
+                last SWITCH ;
+        }
+        if ($d =~ m{(\w{3})\s(\d{1,2})\s(\d{4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s((?:\+|-)\d{4})}xo ) {
+                # Handles the following format
+                # Saturday, December 14, 2002 05:00 PM - order confirmations
+                my ($month, $day, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $zone) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7);
+                $day = mysprintf( '%02d', $day ) ;
+                $d = "$day-$month-$year $hour:$min:$sec $zone";
+                last SWITCH ;
+        }
+        if ($d =~ m{(\d{1,2})-(\w{3})-(\d{4})}xo ) {
+                # Handles the following format
+                # 21-Jun-2001 - domain transfer email circa 2001
+                my ($day, $month, $year) = ($1,$2,$3);
+                $day = mysprintf( '%02d', $day);
+                $d = "$day-$month-$year 11:11:11 +0000";
+                last SWITCH ;
+        }
+        # unknown or unmatch => return same string
+        return($d);
+    }
+    $d = qq("$d") ;
+    return( $d ) ;
+sub tests_good_date
+	note( 'Entering tests_good_date()' ) ;
+        ok(q{} eq good_date(), 'good_date no arg');
+        ok('"24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date internal 2digit zone');
+        ok('"24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0000"' eq good_date('24-Aug-2010 16:00:00'), 'good_date internal 2digit no zone');
+        ok('"01-Sep-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date( '1-Sep-2010 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date internal SP 1digit');
+        ok('"24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit zone');
+        ok('"01-Sep-2010 16:00:00 +0000"' eq good_date('Wed, 1 Sep 2010 16:00:00'), 'good_date header SP 1digit zone');
+        ok('"01-Sep-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Wed, 1 Sep 2010 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header SP 1digit zone');
+        ok('"01-Sep-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Wed, 1 Sep 2010 16:00:00 +0200 (CEST)'), 'good_date header SP 1digit zone');
+        ok('"06-Feb-2009 22:18:08 +0000"' eq good_date('02/06/09 22:18:08'), 'good_date header TemPageR');
+        ok('"02-Jan-2008 08:40:57 +0000"' eq good_date('Wed Jan  2 08:40:57 2008'), 'good_date header support 1digit day');
+        ok('"20-Aug-2006 11:55:09 +0000"' eq good_date('Sun Aug 20 11:55:09 2006'), 'good_date header support 2digit day');
+        ok('"24-Jan-2007 11:58:38 +0000"' eq good_date('Wed Jan 24 11:58:38 MST 2007'), 'good_date header');
+        ok('"24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('24 Aug 2010 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header missing date of week');
+        ok('"24-Aug-2067 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 67 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit year');
+        ok('"24-Aug-1977 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 77 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit year');
+        ok('"24-Aug-1987 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 87 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit year');
+        ok('"24-Aug-1997 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 97 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit year');
+        ok('"24-Aug-2004 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 04 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header 2digit year');
+        ok('"24-Aug-1997 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 1997 16.00.00 +0200'), 'good_date header period time sep');
+        ok('"24-Aug-1997 16:00:00 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 1997 16:00:00 +0200'), 'good_date header extra white space type1');
+        ok('"24-Aug-1997 05:06:02 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24 Aug 1997 5:6:2 +0200'), 'good_date header 1digit time vals');
+        ok('"24-Aug-1997 05:06:02 +0200"' eq good_date('Tue, 24, Aug 1997 05:06:02 +0200'), 'good_date header extra commas');
+        ok('"01-Oct-2003 12:45:24 +0000"' eq good_date('Wednesday, 01 October 2003 12:45:24 CDT'), 'good_date header no abbrev');
+        ok('"11-Jan-2005 17:58:27 -0500"' eq good_date('Tue,  11 Jan 2005 17:58:27 -0500'), 'good_date extra white space');
+        ok('"18-Dec-2002 15:07:00 +0000"' eq good_date('Wednesday, December 18, 2002 03:07 PM'), 'good_date orders');
+        ok('"16-Dec-2004 02:01:49 -0500"' eq good_date('Dec 16 2004 02:01:49 -0500'), 'good_date orders');
+        ok('"21-Jun-2001 11:11:11 +0000"' eq good_date('21-Jun-2001'), 'good_date domain transfer');
+        ok('"18-Nov-2012 18:34:38 +0100"' eq good_date('Sun, 18 Nov 2012 18:34:38 +0100'), 'good_date pop2imap bug (Westeuropäische Normalzeit)');
+        ok('"19-Sep-2015 16:11:07 +0000"' eq good_date('Date: 2015/09/19 16:11:07 '), 'good_date from RCS date' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_good_date()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_list_keys_in_2_not_in_1
+	note( 'Entering tests_list_keys_in_2_not_in_1()' ) ;
+        my @list;
+        ok( ! list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {}, {}), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {} {}');
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [], [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {}, {} ) ] ), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {} {}');
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( ['a','b'], [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}) ]), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {} {a, b}');
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( ['b'],     [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {'a' => 1}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}) ]), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {a} {a, b}');
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [],        [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}) ]), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {a, b} {a, b}');
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( [],        [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1, 'c' => 1}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}) ]), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {a, b, c} {a, b}');
+        ok( 0 == compare_lists( ['b'],     [ list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( {'a' => 1, 'c' => 1}, {'a' => 1, 'b' => 1}) ]), 'list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: {a, b, c} {a, b}');
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_list_keys_in_2_not_in_1()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub list_keys_in_2_not_in_1
+        my $hash_1_ref = shift;
+        my $hash_2_ref = shift;
+        my @list;
+        foreach my $key ( sort keys %{ $hash_2_ref } ) {
+                #$sync->{ debug } and print "$key\n" ;
+                if ( exists $hash_1_ref->{$key} )
+                {
+                        next ;
+                }
+                #$sync->{ debug } and print "list_keys_in_2_not_in_1: $key\n" ;
+                push @list, $key ;
+        }
+        #$sync->{ debug } and print "@list\n" ;
+        return( @list ) ;
+sub list_folders_in_2_not_in_1
+        my ( @h2_folders_not_in_h1, %h2_folders_not_in_h1 ) ;
+        @h2_folders_not_in_h1 = list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( \%h1_folders_all, \%h2_folders_all ) ;
+        map { $h2_folders_not_in_h1{$_} = 1} @h2_folders_not_in_h1 ;
+        @h2_folders_not_in_h1 = list_keys_in_2_not_in_1( \%h2_folders_from_1_all, \%h2_folders_not_in_h1 ) ;
+        #$sync->{ debug } and print "h2_folders_not_in_h1: @h2_folders_not_in_h1\n" ;
+        return( reverse @h2_folders_not_in_h1 ) ;
+sub tests_nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1
+        note( 'Entering tests_stats_across_folders()' ) ;
+        is( undef, nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1(  ), 'nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync->{ h1_folders_of_md5 }->{ 'some_id_01' }->{ 'some_folder_01' } = 1 ;
+        is( 0, nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1( $mysync ), 'nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1: no messages in 2 => 0' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ h1_folders_of_md5 }->{ 'some_id_in_1_and_2' }->{ 'some_folder_01' } = 2 ;
+        $mysync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 }->{ 'some_id_in_1_and_2' }->{ 'some_folder_02' } = 4 ;
+        is( 0, nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1( $mysync ), 'nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1: a common message => 0' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 }->{ 'some_id_in_2_not_in_1' }->{ 'some_folder_02' } = 1 ;
+        is( 1, nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1( $mysync ), 'nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1: one message in_2_not_in_1 => 1' ) ;
+        $mysync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 }->{ 'some_other_id_in_2_not_in_1' }->{ 'some_folder_02' } = 3 ;
+        is( 2, nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1( $mysync ), 'nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1: two messages in_2_not_in_1 => 2' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_stats_across_folders()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( not defined $mysync ) { return ; }
+        $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1 } = scalar(
+                list_keys_in_2_not_in_1(
+                        $mysync->{ h1_folders_of_md5 },
+                        $mysync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 } ) ) ;
+        return $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1 } ;
+sub nb_messages_in_1_not_in_2
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( not defined $mysync ) { return ; }
+        $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_1_not_in_2 }  = scalar(
+                list_keys_in_2_not_in_1(
+                        $mysync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 },
+                        $mysync->{ h1_folders_of_md5 } ) ) ;
+        return $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_1_not_in_2 }  ;
+sub comment_on_final_diff_in_1_not_in_2
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( not defined $mysync
+             or $mysync->{ justfolders }
+             or $mysync->{ useuid }
+        )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $nb_identified_h1_messages = scalar( keys %{ $mysync->{ h1_folders_of_md5 } } ) ;
+        my $nb_identified_h2_messages = scalar( keys %{ $mysync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 } } ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "nb_keys h1_folders_of_md5 $nb_identified_h1_messages\n" ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "nb_keys h2_folders_of_md5 $nb_identified_h2_messages\n" ) ;
+        if ( 0 == $nb_identified_h1_messages ) { return ; }
+        # Calculate if not yet done
+        if ( not defined $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_1_not_in_2 } )
+        {
+                nb_messages_in_1_not_in_2( $mysync ) ;
+        }
+        if ( 0 == $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_1_not_in_2 } )
+        {
+                myprint( "The sync looks good, all ",
+                $nb_identified_h1_messages,
+                " identified messages in host1 are on host2.\n" ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                myprint( "The sync is not finished, there are ",
+                $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_1_not_in_2 },
+                " identified messages in host1 that are not on host2.\n" ) ;
+        }
+        if ( 1 <= $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_noheader } )
+        {
+                myprint( "There are ",
+                $mysync->{ h1_nb_msg_noheader },
+                " unidentified messages (usually Sent or Draft messages).",
+                " To sync them add option --addheader\n" ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                myprint( "There is no unidentified message\n" ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub comment_on_final_diff_in_2_not_in_1
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( not defined $mysync
+             or $mysync->{ justfolders }
+             or $mysync->{ useuid }
+        )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $nb_identified_h2_messages = scalar( keys %{ $mysync->{ h2_folders_of_md5 } } ) ;
+        # Calculate if not done yet
+        if ( not defined $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1 } )
+        {
+                nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1( $mysync ) ;
+        }
+        if ( 0 == $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1 } )
+        {
+                myprint( "The sync is strict, all ",
+                        $nb_identified_h2_messages,
+                        " identified messages in host2 are on host1.\n" ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                myprint( "The sync is not strict, there are ",
+                        $mysync->{ nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1 },
+                        " messages in host2 that are not on host1.",
+                        " Use --delete2 to delete them and have a strict sync.",
+                        " ($nb_identified_h2_messages identified messages in host2)\n" ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_match
+        note( 'Entering tests_match()' ) ;
+        # undef serie
+        is( undef, match(  ), 'match: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, match( 'lalala' ), 'match: one args => undef' ) ;
+        # This one gives 0 under a binary made by pp
+        # but 1 under "normal" Perl interpreter. So a PAR bug?
+        #is( 1, match( q{}, q{} ),                'match: q{}      =~ q{}      => 1' ) ;
+        is( 'lalala', match( 'lalala', 'lalala' ),      'match: lalala   =~ lalala => lalala' ) ;
+        is( 'lalala', match( 'lalala', '^lalala' ),     'match: lalala   =~ ^lalala  => lalala' ) ;
+        is( 'lalala', match( 'lalala',  'lalala$' ),    'match: lalala   =~ lalala$  => lalala' ) ;
+        is( 'lalala', match( 'lalala', '^lalala$' ),    'match: lalala   =~ ^lalala$ => lalala' ) ;
+        is( '_lalala_', match( '_lalala_', 'lalala' ),    'match: _lalala_ =~ lalala   => _lalala_' ) ;
+        is( 'lalala', match( 'lalala', '.*' ),          'match: lalala   =~ .*       => lalala' ) ;
+        is( 'lalala', match( 'lalala', '.' ),           'match: lalala   =~ .        => lalala' ) ;
+        is( '/lalala/', match( '/lalala/', '/lalala/' ),  'match: /lalala/ =~ /lalala/ => /lalala/' ) ;
+        is( 0, match( 'foo', 's/foo/bar/g' ),  'match: foo =~ s/foo/bar/g => 0' ) ;
+        is( 's/foo/bar/g', match( 's/foo/bar/g', 's/foo/bar/g' ),  'match: s/foo/bar/g =~ s/foo/bar/g => s/foo/bar/g' ) ;
+        is( 0, match( 'lalala', 'ooo' ),         'match: lalala   =~ ooo      => 0' ) ;
+        is( 0, match( 'lalala', 'lal_ala' ),     'match: lalala   =~ lal_ala  => 0' ) ;
+        is( 0, match( 'lalala', '\.' ),          'match: lalala   =~ \.       => 0' ) ;
+        is( 0, match( 'lalalaX', '^lalala$' ),   'match: lalalaX  =~ ^lalala$ => 0' ) ;
+        is( 0, match( 'lalala', '/lalala/' ),    'match: lalala   =~ /lalala/ => 0' ) ;
+	is( 'LALALA', match( 'LALALA', '(?i:lalala)' ),           'match: LALALA   =~ (?i:lalala) => 1' ) ;
+	is( undef, match( 'LALALA', '(?{`ls /`})' ),       'match: LALALA   =~ (?{`ls /`})       => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, match( 'LALALA', '(?{print "CACA"})' ), 'match: LALALA   =~ (?{print "CACA"}) => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, match( 'CACA', '(??{print "CACA"})' ),  'match: CACA     =~ (??{print "CACA"}) => undef' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_match()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub match
+	my( $var, $regex ) = @ARG ;
+	# undef cases
+	if ( ( ! defined $var ) or ( ! defined $regex ) ) { return ; }
+	# normal cases
+	if ( eval { $var =~ qr{$regex} } ) {
+		return $var ;
+	}elsif ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+		myprint( "Fatal regex $regex\n" ) ;
+		return ;
+	} else {
+		return 0 ;
+	}
+	return ;
+sub tests_notmatch
+	note( 'Entering tests_notmatch()' ) ;
+	# undef serie
+	is( undef, notmatch(  ), 'notmatch: no args => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, notmatch( 'lalala' ), 'notmatch: one args => undef' ) ;
+	is( 1, notmatch( 'lalala', '/lalala/' ),   'notmatch: lalala   !~ /lalala/ => 1' ) ;
+	is( 0, notmatch( '/lalala/', '/lalala/' ), 'notmatch: /lalala/ !~ /lalala/ => 0' ) ;
+	is( 1, notmatch( 'lalala', '/ooo/' ),      'notmatch: lalala   !~ /ooo/    => 1' ) ;
+	# This one gives 1 under a binary made by pp
+	# but 0 under "normal" Perl interpreter. So a PAR bug, same in tests_match .
+	#is( 0, notmatch( q{}, q{} ),             'notmatch: q{}      !~ q{}      => 0' ) ;
+	is( 0, notmatch( 'lalala', 'lalala' ),   'notmatch: lalala   !~ lalala   => 0' ) ;
+	is( 0, notmatch( 'lalala', '^lalala' ),  'notmatch: lalala   !~ ^lalala  => 0' ) ;
+	is( 0, notmatch( 'lalala',  'lalala$' ), 'notmatch: lalala   !~ lalala$  => 0' ) ;
+	is( 0, notmatch( 'lalala', '^lalala$' ), 'notmatch: lalala   !~ ^lalala$ => 0' ) ;
+	is( 0, notmatch( '_lalala_', 'lalala' ), 'notmatch: _lalala_ !~ lalala   => 0' ) ;
+	is( 0, notmatch( 'lalala', '.*' ),       'notmatch: lalala   !~ .*       => 0' ) ;
+	is( 0, notmatch( 'lalala', '.' ),        'notmatch: lalala   !~ .        => 0' ) ;
+	is( 1, notmatch( 'lalala', 'ooo' ), 'notmatch: does not match regex => 1' ) ;
+	is( 1, notmatch( 'lalala', 'lal_ala' ), 'notmatch: does not match regex => 1' ) ;
+	is( 1, notmatch( 'lalala', '\.' ), 'notmatch: matches regex => 0' ) ;
+	is( 1, notmatch( 'lalalaX', '^lalala$' ), 'notmatch: does not match regex => 1' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_notmatch()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub notmatch
+	my( $var, $regex ) = @ARG ;
+	# undef cases
+	if ( ( ! defined $var ) or ( ! defined $regex ) ) { return ; }
+	# normal cases
+	if ( eval { $var !~ $regex } ) {
+		return 1 ;
+	}elsif ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
+		myprint( "Fatal regex $regex\n" ) ;
+		return ;
+	}else{
+		return 0 ;
+	}
+	return ;
+sub delete_folders_in_2_not_in_1
+        foreach my $folder ( @h2_folders_not_in_1 ) {
+                if ( defined  $delete2foldersonly  and eval "\$folder !~ $delete2foldersonly" ) {
+                        myprint( "Not deleting $folder because of --delete2foldersonly $delete2foldersonly\n" ) ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                if ( defined  $delete2foldersbutnot  and eval "\$folder =~ $delete2foldersbutnot" ) {
+                        myprint( "Not deleting $folder because of --delete2foldersbutnot $delete2foldersbutnot\n" ) ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                my $res = $sync->{dry} ; # always success in dry mode!
+                $sync->{imap2}->unsubscribe( $folder ) if ( ! $sync->{dry} ) ;
+                $res = $sync->{imap2}->delete( $folder ) if ( ! $sync->{dry} ) ;
+                if ( $res ) {
+                        myprint( "Deleted $folder", "$sync->{dry_message}", "\n" ) ;
+                }else{
+                        myprint( "Deleting $folder failed", "\n" ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        return ;
+sub delete_folder
+        my ( $mysync, $imap, $folder, $Side ) = @_ ;
+        if ( ! $mysync )   { return ; }
+        if ( ! $imap )   { return ; }
+        if ( ! $folder ) { return ; }
+        $Side ||= 'HostX' ;
+        my $res = $mysync->{dry} ; # always success in dry mode!
+        if ( ! $mysync->{dry} ) {
+                $imap->unsubscribe( $folder ) ;
+                $res = $imap->delete( $folder ) ;
+        }
+        if ( $res ) {
+                myprint( "$Side deleted $folder", $mysync->{dry_message}, "\n" ) ;
+                return 1 ;
+        }else{
+                myprint( "$Side deleting $folder failed", "\n" ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+sub delete1emptyfolders
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! $mysync ) { return ; } # abort if no parameter
+        if ( ! $mysync->{delete1emptyfolders} ) { return ; } # abort if --delete1emptyfolders off
+        my $imap = $mysync->{imap1} ;
+        if ( ! $imap ) { return ; } # abort if no imap
+        if ( $imap->IsUnconnected(  ) ) { return ; } # abort if disconnected
+        my %folders_kept ;
+        myprint( qq{Host1 deleting empty folders\n} ) ;
+        foreach my $folder ( reverse sort @{ $mysync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ) {
+                my $parenthood = $imap->is_parent( $folder ) ;
+                if ( defined $parenthood and $parenthood ) {
+                        myprint( "Host1: folder $folder has subfolders\n" ) ;
+                        $folders_kept{ $folder }++ ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                my $nb_messages_select = examine_folder_and_count( $mysync, $imap, $folder, 'Host1' ) ;
+                if ( ! defined $nb_messages_select ) { next ; } # Select failed => Neither continue nor keep this folder }
+                my $nb_messages_search = scalar( @{ $imap->messages(  ) } ) ;
+                if ( 0 != $nb_messages_select and 0 != $nb_messages_search ) {
+                        myprint( "Host1: folder $folder has messages: $nb_messages_search (search) $nb_messages_select (select)\n" ) ;
+                        $folders_kept{ $folder }++ ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                if ( 0 != $nb_messages_select + $nb_messages_search ) {
+                        myprint( "Host1: folder $folder odd messages count: $nb_messages_search (search) $nb_messages_select (select)\n" ) ;
+                        $folders_kept{ $folder }++ ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                # Here we must have 0 messages by messages() aka "SEARCH ALL" and also "EXAMINE"
+                if ( uc $folder eq 'INBOX' ) {
+                        myprint( "Host1: Not deleting $folder\n" ) ;
+                        $folders_kept{ $folder }++ ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                myprint( "Host1: deleting empty folder $folder\n" ) ;
+                # can not delete a SELECTed or EXAMINEd folder so closing it
+                # could changed be SELECT INBOX
+                $imap->close(  ) ; # close after examine does not expunge; anyway expunging an empty folder...
+                if ( delete_folder( $mysync, $imap, $folder, 'Host1' ) ) {
+                        next ; # Deleted, good!
+                }else{
+                        $folders_kept{ $folder }++ ;
+                        next ; # Not deleted, bad!
+                }
+        }
+        remove_deleted_folders_from_wanted_list( $mysync, %folders_kept ) ;
+        myprint( qq{Host1 ended deleting empty folders\n} ) ;
+        return ;
+sub remove_deleted_folders_from_wanted_list
+        my ( $mysync, %folders_kept ) = @ARG ;
+        my @h1_folders_wanted_init = @{ $mysync->{h1_folders_wanted} } ;
+        my @h1_folders_wanted_last ;
+        foreach my $folder ( @h1_folders_wanted_init ) {
+                if ( $folders_kept{ $folder } ) {
+                        push @h1_folders_wanted_last, $folder ;
+                }
+        }
+        @{ $mysync->{h1_folders_wanted} } = @h1_folders_wanted_last ;
+        return ;
+sub examine_folder_and_count
+        my ( $mysync, $imap, $folder, $Side ) = @_ ;
+        $Side ||= 'HostX' ;
+        if ( ! examine_folder( $mysync, $imap, $folder, $Side ) ) {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $nb_messages_select = count_from_select( $imap->History ) ;
+        return $nb_messages_select ;
+sub tests_delete1emptyfolders
+	note( 'Entering tests_delete1emptyfolders()' ) ;
+        is( undef, delete1emptyfolders(  ), q{delete1emptyfolders: undef} ) ;
+        my $syncT ;
+        is( undef, delete1emptyfolders( $syncT ), q{delete1emptyfolders: undef 2} ) ;
+        my $imapT ;
+        $syncT->{imap1} = $imapT ;
+        is( undef, delete1emptyfolders( $syncT ), q{delete1emptyfolders: undef imap} ) ;
+        require_ok( "Test::MockObject" ) ;
+        $imapT = Test::MockObject->new(  ) ;
+        $syncT->{imap1} = $imapT ;
+        $imapT->set_true( 'IsUnconnected' ) ;
+        is( undef, delete1emptyfolders( $syncT ), q{delete1emptyfolders: Unconnected imap} ) ;
+        # Now connected tests
+        $imapT->set_false( 'IsUnconnected' ) ;
+        $imapT->mock( 'LastError', sub { q{LastError mocked} } ) ;
+        $syncT->{delete1emptyfolders} = 0 ;
+        tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit(
+                $syncT,
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: --delete1emptyfolders OFF}
+        ) ;
+        # All are parents => no deletion at all
+        $imapT->set_true( 'is_parent' ) ;
+        $syncT->{delete1emptyfolders} = 1 ;
+        tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit(
+                $syncT,
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: --delete1emptyfolders ON}
+        ) ;
+        # No parents but examine false for all => skip all
+        $imapT->set_false( 'is_parent', 'examine' ) ;
+        tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit(
+                $syncT,
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                [  ],
+                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: EXAMINE fails}
+        ) ;
+        # examine ok for all but History bad => skip all
+        $imapT->set_true( 'examine' ) ;
+        $imapT->mock( 'History', sub { ( q{History badly mocked} ) } ) ;
+        tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit(
+                $syncT,
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                [  ],
+                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: examine ok but History badly mocked so count messages fails}
+        ) ;
+        # History good but some messages EXISTS == messages() => no deletion
+        $imapT->mock( 'History', sub { ( q{* 2 EXISTS} ) } ) ;
+        $imapT->mock( 'messages', sub { [ qw{ UID_1 UID_2 } ] } ) ;
+        tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit(
+                $syncT,
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: History EXAMINE ok, several messages}
+        ) ;
+        # 0 EXISTS but != messages() => no deletion
+        $imapT->mock( 'History', sub { ( q{* 0 EXISTS} ) } ) ;
+        $imapT->mock( 'messages', sub { [ qw{ UID_1 UID_2 } ] } ) ;
+        tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit(
+                $syncT,
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: 0 EXISTS but 2 by messages()}
+        ) ;
+        # 1 EXISTS but != 0 == messages() => no deletion
+        $imapT->mock( 'History', sub { ( q{* 1 EXISTS} ) } ) ;
+        $imapT->mock( 'messages', sub { [ ] } ) ;
+        tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit(
+                $syncT,
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: 1 EXISTS but 0 by messages()}
+        ) ;
+        # 0 EXISTS and 0 == messages() => deletion except INBOX
+        $imapT->mock( 'History', sub { ( q{* 0 EXISTS} ) } ) ;
+        $imapT->mock( 'messages', sub { [ ] } ) ;
+        $imapT->set_true( qw{ delete close unsubscribe } ) ;
+        $syncT->{dry_message} = q{ (not really since in a mocked test)} ;
+        tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit(
+                $syncT,
+                [ qw{ INBOX DELME1 DELME2 } ],
+                [ qw{ INBOX } ],
+                q{tests_delete1emptyfolders: 0 EXISTS 0 by messages() delete folders, keep INBOX}
+        ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_delete1emptyfolders()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit
+	note( 'Entering tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit()' ) ;
+        my $syncT  = shift ;
+        my $folders1wanted_init_ref = shift ;
+        my $folders1wanted_after_ref = shift ;
+        my $comment = shift || q{delete1emptyfolders:} ;
+        my @folders1wanted_init  = @{ $folders1wanted_init_ref } ;
+        my @folders1wanted_after = @{ $folders1wanted_after_ref } ;
+        @{ $syncT->{h1_folders_wanted} } = @folders1wanted_init ;
+        is_deeply( $syncT->{h1_folders_wanted}, \@folders1wanted_init, qq{$comment, init check} ) ;
+        delete1emptyfolders( $syncT ) ;
+        is_deeply( $syncT->{h1_folders_wanted}, \@folders1wanted_after, qq{$comment, after check} ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_delete1emptyfolders_unit()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub extract_header
+        my $string = shift ;
+        my ( $header ) = split  /\n\n/x, $string ;
+        if ( ! $header ) { return( q{} ) ; }
+        #myprint( "[$header]\n" ) ;
+        return( $header ) ;
+sub tests_extract_header
+	note( 'Entering tests_extract_header()' ) ;
+my $h = <<'EOM';
+Message-Id: <20100428101817.A66CB162474E@plume.est.belle>
+Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:18:17 +0200 (CEST)
+From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)
+chomp $h ;
+ok( $h eq extract_header(
+Message-Id: <20100428101817.A66CB162474E@plume.est.belle>
+Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:18:17 +0200 (CEST)
+From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)
+), 'extract_header: 1') ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_extract_header()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub decompose_header{
+        my $string = shift ;
+        # a hash, for a keyword header KEY value are list of strings [VAL1, VAL1_other, etc]
+        # Think of multiple "Received:" header lines.
+        my $header = {  } ;
+        my ($key, $val ) ;
+        my @line = split /\n|\r\n/x, $string ;
+        foreach my $line ( @line ) {
+                #myprint( "DDD $line\n" ) ;
+                # End of header
+                last if ( $line =~ m{^$}xo ) ;
+                # Key: value
+                if ( $line =~ m/(^[^:]+):\s(.*)/xo ) {
+                        $key = $1 ;
+                        $val = $2 ;
+                        $debugdev and myprint( "DDD KV [$key] [$val]\n" ) ;
+                        push  @{ $header->{ $key } }, $val  ;
+                # blanc and value => value from previous line continues
+                }elsif( $line =~ m/^(\s+)(.*)/xo ) {
+                        $val = $2 ;
+                        $debugdev and myprint( "DDD V [$val]\n" ) ;
+                        @{ $header->{ $key } }[ $LAST ] .= " $val" if $key ;
+                # dirty line?
+                }else{
+                        next ;
+                }
+        }
+        #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $header ] )  ) ;
+        return( $header ) ;
+sub tests_decompose_header{
+	note( 'Entering tests_decompose_header()' ) ;
+        my $header_dec ;
+        $header_dec = decompose_header(
+KEY_1: VAL_1
+KEY_2: VAL_2
+  VAL_2_+
+        VAL_2_++
+KEY_3: VAL_3
+KEY_1: VAL_1_other
+KEY_4: VAL_4
+        VAL_4_+
+        ) ;
+        ok( 'VAL_3'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_3' }[0], 'decompose_header: VAL_3' ) ;
+        ok( 'VAL_1'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_1' }[0], 'decompose_header: VAL_1' ) ;
+        ok( 'VAL_1_other'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_1' }[1], 'decompose_header: VAL_1_other' ) ;
+        ok( 'VAL_2 VAL_2_+ VAL_2_++'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_2' }[0], 'decompose_header: VAL_2 VAL_2_+ VAL_2_++' ) ;
+        ok( 'VAL_4 VAL_4_+'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_4' }[0], 'decompose_header: VAL_4 VAL_4_+' ) ;
+        ok( ' VAL_5'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_5 BLANC' }[0], 'decompose_header: KEY_5 BLANC' ) ;
+        ok( not( defined  $header_dec->{ 'KEY_6_BAD_BODY' }[0]  ), 'decompose_header: KEY_6_BAD_BODY' ) ;
+        $header_dec = decompose_header(
+Message-Id: <20100428101817.A66CB162474E@plume.est.belle>
+Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 12:18:17 +0200 (CEST)
+From: (Gilles LAMIRAL)
+        ) ;
+        ok( '<20100428101817.A66CB162474E@plume.est.belle>'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'Message-Id' }[0], 'decompose_header: 1' ) ;
+        $header_dec = decompose_header(
+Return-Path: <>
+Received: by plume.est.belle (Postfix, from userid 1000)
+        id 120A71624742; Wed, 28 Apr 2010 01:46:40 +0200 (CEST)
+Subject: test:eekahceishukohpe
+) ;
+        ok(
+'by plume.est.belle (Postfix, from userid 1000) id 120A71624742; Wed, 28 Apr 2010 01:46:40 +0200 (CEST)'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'Received' }[0], 'decompose_header: 2' ) ;
+        $header_dec = decompose_header(
+Received: from plume (localhost [])
+        by plume.est.belle (Postfix) with ESMTP id C6EB73F6C9
+        for <gilles@localhost>; Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:39:06 +0100 (CET)
+Received: from plume []
+        by plume with POP3 (fetchmail-6.3.6)
+        for <gilles@localhost> (single-drop); Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:39:06 +0100 (CET)
+        ) ;
+        ok(
+        'from plume (localhost []) by plume.est.belle (Postfix) with ESMTP id C6EB73F6C9 for <gilles@localhost>; Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:39:06 +0100 (CET)'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'Received' }[0], 'decompose_header: 3' ) ;
+        ok(
+        'from plume [] by plume with POP3 (fetchmail-6.3.6) for <gilles@localhost> (single-drop); Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:39:06 +0100 (CET)'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'Received' }[1], 'decompose_header: 3' ) ;
+# Bad header beginning with a blank character
+        $header_dec = decompose_header(
+ KEY_1: VAL_1
+KEY_2: VAL_2
+  VAL_2_+
+        VAL_2_++
+KEY_3: VAL_3
+KEY_1: VAL_1_other
+        ) ;
+        ok( 'VAL_3'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_3' }[0], 'decompose_header: Bad header VAL_3' ) ;
+        ok( 'VAL_1_other'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_1' }[0], 'decompose_header: Bad header VAL_1_other' ) ;
+        ok( 'VAL_2 VAL_2_+ VAL_2_++'
+        eq $header_dec->{ 'KEY_2' }[0], 'decompose_header: Bad header VAL_2 VAL_2_+ VAL_2_++' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_decompose_header()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_epoch
+	note( 'Entering tests_epoch()' ) ;
+        ok( '1282658400' eq epoch( '24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200' ), 'epoch 24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200 -> 1282658400' ) ;
+        ok( '1282658400' eq epoch( '24-Aug-2010 14:00:00 +0000' ), 'epoch 24-Aug-2010 14:00:00 +0000 -> 1282658400' ) ;
+        ok( '1282658400' eq epoch( '24-Aug-2010 12:00:00 -0200' ), 'epoch 24-Aug-2010 12:00:00 -0200 -> 1282658400' ) ;
+        ok( '1282658400' eq epoch( '24-Aug-2010 16:01:00 +0201' ), 'epoch 24-Aug-2010 16:01:00 +0201 -> 1282658400' ) ;
+        ok( '1282658400' eq epoch( '24-Aug-2010 14:01:00 +0001' ), 'epoch 24-Aug-2010 14:01:00 +0001 -> 1282658400' ) ;
+        ok( '1280671200' eq epoch( '1-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200 -> 1280671200' ) ;
+        ok( '1280671200' eq epoch( '1-Aug-2010 14:00:00 +0000' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 14:00:00 +0000 -> 1280671200' ) ;
+        ok( '1280671200' eq epoch( '1-Aug-2010 12:00:00 -0200' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 12:00:00 -0200 -> 1280671200' ) ;
+        ok( '1280671200' eq epoch( '1-Aug-2010 16:01:00 +0201' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 16:01:00 +0201 -> 1280671200' ) ;
+        ok( '1280671200' eq epoch( '1-Aug-2010 14:01:00 +0001' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 14:01:00 +0001 -> 1280671200' ) ;
+        is( '1280671200', epoch( '1-Aug-2010 14:01:00 +0001' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 14:01:00 +0001 -> 1280671200' ) ;
+        is( '946684800', epoch( '00-Jan-0000 00:00:00 +0000' ), 'epoch 1-Aug-2010 14:01:00 +0001 -> 1280671200' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_epoch()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub epoch
+        # incoming format:
+        # internal date 24-Aug-2010 16:00:00 +0200
+        # outgoing format: epoch
+        my $d = shift ;
+        return(q{}) if not defined $d;
+        my ( $mday, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $sign, $zone_h, $zone_m ) ;
+        my $time ;
+        if ( $d =~ m{(\d{1,2})-([A-Z][a-z]{2})-(\d{4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\s((?:\+|-))(\d{2})(\d{2})}xo ) {
+                #myprint( "internal: [$1][$2][$3][$4][$5][$6][$7][$8][$9]\n" ) ;
+                ( $mday, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $sign, $zone_h, $zone_m )
+                =  ( $1,   $2,     $3,    $4,    $5,  $6,    $7,     $8,     $9 ) ;
+                #myprint( "( $mday, $month, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $sign, $zone_h, $zone_m )\n" ) ;
+                $sign = +1 if ( '+' eq $sign ) ;
+                $sign = $MINUS_ONE if ( '-' eq $sign ) ;
+                if ( 0 == $mday ) {
+                        myprint( "buggy day in $d. Fixed to 01\n" ) ;
+                        $mday = '01' ;
+                }
+                $time = timegm( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month_abrev{$month}, $year )
+                        - $sign * ( 3600 * $zone_h + 60 * $zone_m ) ;
+                #myprint( "$time ", scalar localtime($time), "\n");
+        }
+        return( $time ) ;
+sub tests_add_header
+	note( 'Entering tests_add_header()' ) ;
+        ok( 'Message-Id: <mistake@imapsync>' eq add_header(), 'add_header no arg' ) ;
+        ok( 'Message-Id: <123456789@imapsync>' eq add_header( '123456789' ), 'add_header 123456789' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_add_header()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub add_header
+        my $header_uid = shift || 'mistake' ;
+        my $header_Message_Id = 'Message-Id: <' . $header_uid . '@imapsync>' ;
+        return( $header_Message_Id ) ;
+sub tests_max_line_length
+	note( 'Entering tests_max_line_length()' ) ;
+        ok( 0 == max_line_length( q{} ), 'max_line_length: 0 == null string' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == max_line_length( "\n" ), 'max_line_length: 1 == \n' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == max_line_length( "\n\n" ), 'max_line_length: 1 == \n\n' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == max_line_length( "\n" x 500 ), 'max_line_length: 1 == 500 \n' ) ;
+        ok( 1 == max_line_length( 'a' ), 'max_line_length: 1 == a' ) ;
+        ok( 2 == max_line_length( "a\na" ), 'max_line_length: 2 == a\na' ) ;
+        ok( 2 == max_line_length( "a\na\n" ), 'max_line_length: 2 == a\na\n' ) ;
+        ok( 3 == max_line_length( "a\nab\n" ), 'max_line_length: 3 == a\nab\n' ) ;
+        ok( 3 == max_line_length( "a\nab\n" x 1_000 ), 'max_line_length: 3 == 1_000 a\nab\n' ) ;
+        ok( 3 == max_line_length( "a\nab\nabc" ), 'max_line_length: 3 == a\nab\nabc' ) ;
+        ok( 4 == max_line_length( "a\nab\nabc\n" ), 'max_line_length: 4 == a\nab\nabc\n' ) ;
+        ok( 5 == max_line_length( "a\nabcd\nabc\n" ), 'max_line_length: 5 == a\nabcd\nabc\n' ) ;
+        ok( 5 == max_line_length( "a\nabcd\nabc\n\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd" ), 'max_line_length: 5 == a\nabcd\nabc\n\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd\nabcd' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_max_line_length()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub max_line_length
+        my $string = shift ;
+        my $max = 0 ;
+        while ( $string =~ m/([^\n]*\n?)/msxg ) {
+                $max = max( $max, length $1 ) ;
+        }
+        return( $max ) ;
+sub tests_setlogfile
+	note( 'Entering tests_setlogfile()' ) ;
+	my $mysync = {} ;
+        $mysync->{logdir}  = 'vallogdir' ;
+        $mysync->{logfile} = 'vallogfile.txt' ;
+        is( 'vallogdir/vallogfile.txt', setlogfile( $mysync ),
+                'setlogfile: logdir vallogdir, logfile vallogfile.txt, vallogdir/vallogfile.txt' ) ;
+	SKIP: {
+	skip( 'Too hard to have a well known timezone on Windows', 9 ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ;
+        local $ENV{TZ} = 'GMT' ;
+	$mysync = {
+                timestart => 2,
+	} ;
+        is( "$DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000__.txt", setlogfile( $mysync ),
+                "setlogfile: default is like $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000__.txt" ) ;
+        $mysync = {
+                timestart => 2,
+                user1     => 'user1',
+                user2     => 'user2',
+                abort     => 1,
+        } ;
+        is( "$DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2_abort.txt", setlogfile( $mysync ),
+                "setlogfile: default is like $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2_abort.txt" ) ;
+        $mysync = {
+                timestart => 2,
+                user1     => 'user1',
+                user2     => 'user2',
+                remote    => 'zzz',
+        } ;
+        is( "$DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2_remote.txt", setlogfile( $mysync ),
+                "setlogfile: default is like $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2_remote.txt" ) ;
+        $mysync = {
+                timestart => 2,
+                user1     => 'user1',
+                user2     => 'user2',
+                remote    => 'zzz',
+                abort     => 1,
+        } ;
+        is( "$DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2_remote_abort.txt", setlogfile( $mysync ),
+                "setlogfile: default is like $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2_remote_abort.txt" ) ;
+        $mysync = {
+                timestart => 2,
+                user1     => 'user1',
+                user2     => 'user2',
+        } ;
+        is( "$DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2.txt", setlogfile( $mysync ),
+                "setlogfile: default is like $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2.txt" ) ;
+        $mysync->{logdir}  = undef ;
+        $mysync->{logfile} = undef ;
+        is( "$DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2.txt", setlogfile( $mysync ),
+                "setlogfile: logdir undef, $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2.txt" ) ;
+        $mysync->{logdir} = q{} ;
+        $mysync->{logfile} = undef ;
+        is( '1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2.txt', setlogfile( $mysync ),
+                'setlogfile: logdir empty, 1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2.txt' ) ;
+        $mysync->{logdir} = 'vallogdir' ;
+        $mysync->{logfile} = undef ;
+        is( 'vallogdir/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2.txt', setlogfile( $mysync ),
+                'setlogfile: logdir vallogdir, vallogdir/1970_01_01_00_00_02_000_user1_user2.txt' ) ;
+        $mysync = {
+                user1     => 'us/er1a*|?:"<>b',
+                user2     => 'u/ser2a*|?:"<>b',
+        } ;
+        is( "$DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_00_000_us_er1a_______b_u_ser2a_______b.txt", setlogfile( $mysync ),
+                "setlogfile: logdir undef, $DEFAULT_LOGDIR/1970_01_01_00_00_00_000_us_er1a_______b_u_ser2a_______b.txt" ) ;
+	} ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_setlogfile()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub setlogfile
+        my( $mysync ) = shift ;
+        # When aborting another process the log file name finishes with "_abort.txt"
+        my $abort_suffix = ( $mysync->{abort} ) ? '_abort' : q{} ;
+        # When acting as a proxy the log file name finishes with "_remote.txt"
+        # proxy mode is not done yet
+        my $remote_suffix = ( $mysync->{remote} ) ? '_remote' : q{} ;
+        my $suffix = (
+                filter_forbidden_characters( slash_to_underscore( $mysync->{user1} ) ) || q{} )
+                . '_'
+                . ( filter_forbidden_characters( slash_to_underscore( $mysync->{user2} ) ) || q{} )
+                . $remote_suffix . $abort_suffix ;
+        $mysync->{logdir}  = defined $mysync->{logdir}  ? $mysync->{logdir}  : $DEFAULT_LOGDIR ;
+        $mysync->{logfile} = defined $mysync->{logfile}
+                ? "$mysync->{logdir}/$mysync->{logfile}"
+                : logfile( $mysync->{timestart}, $suffix, $mysync->{logdir} ) ;
+        return( $mysync->{logfile} ) ;
+sub tests_logfile
+	note( 'Entering tests_logfile()' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+                # Too hard to have a well known timezone on Windows
+                skip( 'Too hard to have a well known timezone on Windows', 10 ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ;
+                local $ENV{TZ} = 'GMT' ;
+                { POSIX::tzset unless ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) ;
+                        is( '1970_01_01_00_00_00_000.txt', logfile(  ),           'logfile: no args    => 1970_01_01_00_00_00.txt' ) ;
+                        is( '1970_01_01_00_00_00_000.txt', logfile( 0 ),          'logfile: 0          => 1970_01_01_00_00_00.txt' ) ;
+                        is( '1970_01_01_00_01_01_000.txt', logfile( 61 ),         'logfile: 0          => 1970_01_01_00_01_01.txt' ) ;
+                        is( '1970_01_01_00_01_01_234.txt', logfile( 61.234 ),     'logfile: 0          => 1970_01_01_00_01_01.txt' ) ;
+                        is( '2010_08_24_14_00_00_000.txt', logfile( 1_282_658_400 ), 'logfile: 1_282_658_400 => 2010_08_24_14_00_00.txt' ) ;
+                        is( '2010_08_24_14_01_01_000.txt', logfile( 1_282_658_461 ), 'logfile: 1_282_658_461 => 2010_08_24_14_01_01.txt' ) ;
+                        is( '2010_08_24_14_01_01_000_poupinette.txt', logfile( 1_282_658_461, 'poupinette' ), 'logfile: 1_282_658_461 poupinette => 2010_08_24_14_01_01_poupinette.txt' ) ;
+                        is( '2010_08_24_14_01_01_000_removeblanks.txt', logfile( 1_282_658_461, '   remove blanks  ' ), 'logfile: 1_282_658_461   remove blanks   => 2010_08_24_14_01_01_000_removeblanks' ) ;
+                        is( '2010_08_24_14_01_01_234_poup.txt', logfile( 1_282_658_461.2347, 'poup' ),
+                            'logfile: 1_282_658_461.2347 poup => 2010_08_24_14_01_01_234_poup.txt' ) ;
+                        is( 'dirdir/2010_08_24_14_01_01_234_poup.txt', logfile( 1_282_658_461.2347, 'poup', 'dirdir' ),
+                            'logfile: 1_282_658_461.2347 poup dirdir => dirdir/2010_08_24_14_01_01_234_poup.txt' ) ;
+                }
+                POSIX::tzset unless ('MSWin32' eq $OSNAME) ;
+        } ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_logfile()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub logfile
+        my ( $time, $suffix, $dir ) = @_ ;
+        $time   ||= 0 ;
+        $suffix ||= q{} ;
+	$suffix =~ tr/ //ds ;
+        my $sep_suffix = ( $suffix ) ? '_' : q{} ;
+        $dir    ||= q{} ;
+        my $sep_dir = ( $dir ) ? '/' : q{} ;
+        my $date_str = POSIX::strftime( '%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S', localtime $time ) ;
+	# Because of ab tests or web accesses, more than one sync withing one second is possible
+	# so we add also milliseconds
+	$date_str .= sprintf "_%03d", ($time - int( $time ) ) * 1000 ; # without rounding
+        my $logfile = "${dir}${sep_dir}${date_str}${sep_suffix}${suffix}.txt" ;
+        return( $logfile ) ;
+sub tests_slash_to_underscore
+	note( 'Entering tests_slash_to_underscore()' ) ;
+	is( undef, slash_to_underscore(  ), 'slash_to_underscore: no parameters => undef' ) ;
+	is( '_', slash_to_underscore( '/' ), 'slash_to_underscore: / => _' ) ;
+	is( '_abc_def_', slash_to_underscore( '/abc/def/' ), 'slash_to_underscore: /abc/def/ => _abc_def_' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_slash_to_underscore()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub slash_to_underscore
+	my $string = shift ;
+	if ( ! defined $string ) { return ; }
+	$string =~ tr{/}{_} ;
+	return(  $string ) ;
+sub tests_million_folders_baby_2
+	note( 'Entering tests_million_folders_baby_2()' ) ;
+        my %long ;
+        @long{ 1 .. 900_000 } = (1) x 900_000 ;
+        #myprint( %long, "\n" ) ;
+        my $pasglop = 0 ;
+        foreach my $elem (  1 .. 900_000 ) {
+                #$debug and myprint( "$elem " ) ;
+                if ( not exists  $long{ $elem }  ) {
+                        $pasglop++ ;
+                }
+        }
+        ok( 0 == $pasglop, 'tests_million_folders_baby_2: search among 900_000' ) ;
+        # myprint( "$pasglop\n" ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_million_folders_baby_2()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_always_fail
+	note( 'Entering tests_always_fail()' ) ;
+        is( 0, 1, 'always_fail: 0 is 1' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_always_fail()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_logfileprepa
+        note( 'Entering tests_logfileprepa()' ) ;
+        is( undef, logfileprepa(  ), 'logfileprepa: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $logfile = 'W/tmp/tests/tests_logfileprepa.txt' ;
+        is( 1, logfileprepa( $logfile ), 'logfileprepa: W/tmp/tests/tests_logfileprepa.txt => 1' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_logfileprepa()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub logfileprepa
+        my $logfile = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined( $logfile ) )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }else
+        {
+                #myprint( "[$logfile]\n" ) ;
+                my $dirname = dirname( $logfile ) ;
+                do_valid_directory( $dirname ) || return( 0 ) ;
+                return( 1 ) ;
+        }
+sub tests_teelaunch
+        note( 'Entering tests_teelaunch()' ) ;
+        is( undef, teelaunch(  ), 'teelaunch: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        is( undef, teelaunch( $mysync ), 'teelaunch: arg empty {} => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync->{logfile} = q{} ;
+        is( undef, teelaunch( $mysync ), 'teelaunch: logfile empty string => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync->{logfile} = 'W/tmp/tests/tests_teelaunch.txt' ;
+        isa_ok( my $tee = teelaunch( $mysync ), 'IO::Tee' , 'teelaunch: logfile W/tmp/tests/tests_teelaunch.txt' ) ;
+        is( 1, print( $tee "Hi!\n" ), 'teelaunch: write Hi!') ;
+        is( "Hi!\n", file_to_string( 'W/tmp/tests/tests_teelaunch.txt' ), 'teelaunch: reading W/tmp/tests/tests_teelaunch.txt is Hi!\n' ) ;
+        is( 1, print( $tee "Hoo\n" ), 'teelaunch: write Hoo') ;
+        is( "Hi!\nHoo\n", file_to_string( 'W/tmp/tests/tests_teelaunch.txt' ), 'teelaunch: reading W/tmp/tests/tests_teelaunch.txt is Hi!\nHoo\n' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_teelaunch()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub teelaunch
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined( $mysync ) )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $logfile = $mysync->{logfile} ;
+        if ( ! $logfile )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        logfileprepa( $logfile ) || croak "Error no valid directory to write log file $logfile : $OS_ERROR" ;
+        # This is a log file opened during the whole sync
+        ## no critic (InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen)
+        open my $logfile_handle, '>', $logfile
+          or croak( "Can not open $logfile for write: $OS_ERROR" ) ;
+        binmode $logfile_handle, ":encoding(UTF-8)" ;
+        my $tee = IO::Tee->new( $logfile_handle, \*STDOUT ) ;
+        $tee->autoflush( 1 ) ;
+        $mysync->{logfile_handle} = $logfile_handle ;
+        $mysync->{tee} = $tee ;
+        return $tee ;
+sub getpwuid_any_os
+        my $uid = shift ;
+        return( scalar  getlogin ) if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) ; # Windows system
+        return( scalar  getpwuid $uid ) ; # Unix system
+sub simulong
+	my $max_seconds = shift ;
+	my $division = 5 ;
+	my $last_count = $division * $max_seconds ;
+	foreach my $i ( 1 .. ( $last_count ) ) {
+		 myprint( "Are you still here ETA: " . ($last_count - $i) . "/$last_count msgs left\n" ) ;
+		#myprint( "Are you still here ETA: " . ($last_count - $i) . "/$last_count  msgs left\n" . ( "Ah" x 40 . "\n") x 4000 ) ;
+		sleep( 1 / $division ) ;
+	}
+	return ;
+sub printenv
+        myprint( "Environment variables listing:\n",
+		( map { "$_ => $ENV{$_}\n" } sort keys %ENV),
+		"Environment variables listing end\n"  ) ;
+	return ;
+sub testsexit
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! ( $mysync->{ tests }  or $mysync->{ testsdebug } or $mysync->{ testsunit } ) ) {
+                return ;
+        }
+        my $test_builder = Test::More->builder ;
+        tests( $mysync ) ;
+        testsdebug( $mysync ) ;
+        testunitsession( $mysync ) ;
+        my @summary = $test_builder->summary() ;
+        my @details = $test_builder->details() ;
+        my $nb_tests_run = scalar( @summary ) ;
+        my $nb_tests_expected = $test_builder->expected_tests() ;
+        my $nb_tests_failed = count_0s( @summary ) ;
+        my $tests_failed = report_failures( @details ) ;
+        if ( $nb_tests_failed or ( $nb_tests_run != $nb_tests_expected ) ) {
+                #$test_builder->reset(  ) ;
+                myprint( "Summary of tests: failed $nb_tests_failed tests, run $nb_tests_run tests, expected to run $nb_tests_expected tests.\n",
+                "List of failed tests:\n", $tests_failed ) ;
+                exit $EXIT_TESTS_FAILED ;
+        }
+        cleanup_mess_from_tests(  ) ;
+        # Cover is larger with --tests --testslive
+        if ( ! $mysync->{ testslive } )
+        {
+                exit ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub cleanup_mess_from_tests
+        undef @pipemess ;
+        return ;
+sub after_get_options
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+	my $numopt = shift ;
+        # exit with --help option or no option at all
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "numopt:$numopt\n" ) ;
+        if ( $help or not $numopt ) {
+                myprint( usage( $mysync ) ) ;
+                exit ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_remove_edging_blanks
+        note( 'Entering tests_remove_edging_blanks()' ) ;
+        is( undef, remove_edging_blanks(  ),  'remove_edging_blanks: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is( 'abcd', remove_edging_blanks( 'abcd' ),  'remove_edging_blanks: abcd => abcd' ) ;
+        is( 'ab cd', remove_edging_blanks( ' ab cd ' ),  'remove_edging_blanks: " ab cd " => "ab cd"' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_remove_edging_blanks()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub remove_edging_blanks
+        my $string = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined $string )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        $string =~ s,^ +| +$,,g ;
+        return $string ;
+sub tests_sanitize
+        note( 'Entering tests_remove_edging_blanks()' ) ;
+        is( undef, sanitize(  ),  'sanitize: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {} ;
+        $mysync->{ host1 } = ' ' ;
+        $mysync->{ user1 } = ' to to ' ;
+        $mysync->{ password1 } = ' sex is good! ' ;
+        is( undef, sanitize( $mysync ),  'sanitize: => undef' ) ;
+        is( '', $mysync->{ host1 },        'sanitize: host1     " "  => ""' ) ;
+        is( 'to to', $mysync->{ user1 },             'sanitize: user1     "  to to  "      => "to to"' ) ;
+        is( 'sex is good!', $mysync->{ password1 },  'sanitize: password1 " sex is good! " => "sex is good!"' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_remove_edging_blanks()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub sanitize
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined $mysync )
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+        foreach my $parameter ( qw( host1 host2 user1 user2 password1 password2 ) )
+        {
+                $mysync->{ $parameter } = remove_edging_blanks( $mysync->{ $parameter } ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub easyany
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	# Gmail
+	if ( $mysync->{gmail1} and $mysync->{gmail2} ) {
+		$mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "gmail1 gmail2\n") ;
+		gmail12( $mysync ) ;
+		return ;
+	}
+	if ( $mysync->{gmail1}  ) {
+		$mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "gmail1\n" ) ;
+		gmail1( $mysync ) ;
+	}
+	if ( $mysync->{gmail2} ) {
+		$mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "gmail2\n" ) ;
+		gmail2( $mysync ) ;
+	}
+	# Office 365
+	if ( $mysync->{office1} ) {
+		office1( $mysync ) ;
+	}
+	if ( $mysync->{office2} ) {
+		office2( $mysync ) ;
+	}
+	# Exchange
+	if ( $mysync->{exchange1} ) {
+		exchange1( $mysync ) ;
+	}
+	if ( $mysync->{exchange2} ) {
+		exchange2( $mysync ) ;
+	}
+	# Domino
+	if ( $mysync->{domino1} ) {
+		domino1( $mysync ) ;
+	}
+	if ( $mysync->{domino2} ) {
+		domino2( $mysync ) ;
+	}
+	return ;
+# From and for
+sub gmail12
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	# Gmail at host1 and host2
+	$mysync->{host1} ||= '' ;
+	$mysync->{ssl1} = ( defined $mysync->{ssl1} ) ? $mysync->{ssl1} : 1 ;
+	$mysync->{host2} ||= '' ;
+	$mysync->{ssl2} = ( defined $mysync->{ssl2} ) ? $mysync->{ssl2} : 1 ;
+	$mysync->{maxbytespersecond} ||= 20_000 ; # should be 10_000 when computed from Gmail documentation
+	$mysync->{maxbytesafter} ||= 1_000_000_000 ;
+	$mysync->{automap}   = ( defined $mysync->{automap} )  ? $mysync->{automap} : 1 ;
+	$mysync->{maxsleep}  = ( defined $mysync->{maxsleep} ) ? $mysync->{maxsleep} : $MAX_SLEEP ; ;
+	$skipcrossduplicates = ( defined $skipcrossduplicates ) ? $skipcrossduplicates : 0 ;
+        $mysync->{ synclabels  }   = ( defined $mysync->{ synclabels } )  ? $mysync->{ synclabels } : 1 ;
+        $mysync->{ resynclabels }   = ( defined $mysync->{ resynclabels } )  ? $mysync->{ resynclabels } : 1 ;
+	push @exclude, '\[Gmail\]$' ;
+        push @folderlast, '[Gmail]/All Mail' ;
+	return ;
+sub gmail1
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	# Gmail at host2
+	$mysync->{host1} ||= '' ;
+	$mysync->{ssl1} = ( defined $mysync->{ssl1} ) ? $mysync->{ssl1} : 1 ;
+	$mysync->{maxbytespersecond} ||= 40_000 ; # should be 20_000 computed from by Gmail documentation
+	$mysync->{maxbytesafter} ||= 2_500_000_000 ;
+	$mysync->{automap}   = ( defined $mysync->{automap} ) ? $mysync->{automap} : 1 ;
+	$mysync->{maxsleep}  = ( defined $mysync->{maxsleep} ) ? $mysync->{maxsleep} : $MAX_SLEEP ; ;
+	$skipcrossduplicates = ( defined $skipcrossduplicates ) ? $skipcrossduplicates : 1 ;
+	push @useheader, 'X-Gmail-Received', 'Message-Id' ;
+	push @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } }, 's,\[Gmail\].,,' ;
+        push @folderlast, '[Gmail]/All Mail' ;
+	return ;
+sub gmail2
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	# Gmail at host2
+	$mysync->{host2} ||= '' ;
+	$mysync->{ssl2} = ( defined $mysync->{ssl2} ) ? $mysync->{ssl2} : 1 ;
+	$mysync->{maxbytespersecond} ||= 20_000 ; # should be 10_000 computed from by Gmail documentation
+	$mysync->{maxbytesafter} ||= 1_000_000_000 ; # In fact it is documented as half: 500_000_000
+	$mysync->{automap} = ( defined $mysync->{automap} ) ? $mysync->{automap} : 1 ;
+	#$skipcrossduplicates = ( defined $skipcrossduplicates ) ? $skipcrossduplicates : 1 ;
+	$mysync->{ expunge1 }  = ( defined $mysync->{ expunge1 } )  ? $mysync->{ expunge1 }  : 1 ;
+	$mysync->{addheader} = ( defined $mysync->{addheader} ) ? $mysync->{addheader} : 1 ;
+	$mysync->{maxsleep}  = ( defined $mysync->{maxsleep} )  ? $mysync->{maxsleep} : $MAX_SLEEP ; ;
+        $mysync->{maxsize}  = ( defined $mysync->{maxsize} )  ? $mysync->{maxsize} : $GMAIL_MAXSIZE ;
+        if ( ! $mysync->{noexclude} ) {
+                push @exclude, '\[Gmail\]$' ;
+        }
+        push @useheader, 'Message-Id' ;
+        push @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } }, 's,\[Gmail\].,,' ;
+        # push @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } }, 's/[ ]+/_/g' ; # is now replaced
+        # by the two more specific following regexes,
+        # they remove just the beginning and trailing blanks, not all.
+        push @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } }, 's,^ +| +$,,g' ;
+        push @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } }, 's,/ +| +/,/,g' ;
+        #
+	push @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } }, q{s/['\\^"]/_/g} ; # Verified this
+        push @folderlast, '[Gmail]/All Mail' ;
+	return ;
+# From
+sub office1
+        # Office 365 at host1
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        output( $mysync, q{Option --office1 is like: --host1 --ssl1 --exclude "^Files$"} . "\n" ) ;
+        output( $mysync, "Option --office1 (cont) : unless overrided with --host1 otherhost --nossl1 --noexclude\n" ) ;
+        $mysync->{host1} ||= '' ;
+        $mysync->{ssl1} = ( defined $mysync->{ssl1} ) ? $mysync->{ssl1} : 1 ;
+        if ( ! $mysync->{noexclude} ) {
+                push @exclude, '^Files$' ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub office2
+        # Office 365 at host2
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        output( $mysync, qq{Option --office2 is like: --host2 --ssl2 --maxsize 45_000_000 --maxmessagespersecond 4\n} ) ;
+        output( $mysync, qq{Option --office2 (cont) : --disarmreadreceipts --regexmess "wrap 10500" --f1f2 "Files=Files_renamed_by_imapsync"\n} ) ;
+        output( $mysync, qq{Option --office2 (cont) : unless overrided with --host2 otherhost --nossl2 ... --nodisarmreadreceipts --noregexmess\n} ) ;
+        output( $mysync, qq{Option --office2 (cont) : and --nof1f2 to avoid Files folder renamed to Files_renamed_by_imapsync\n} ) ;
+        $mysync->{host2} ||= '' ;
+        $mysync->{ssl2} = ( defined $mysync->{ssl2} ) ? $mysync->{ssl2} : 1 ;
+        $mysync->{ maxsize } ||= 45_000_000 ;
+        $mysync->{maxmessagespersecond} ||= 4 ;
+        #push @regexflag, 's/\\\\Flagged//g' ; # No problem without! tested 2018_09_10
+        $disarmreadreceipts = ( defined $disarmreadreceipts ) ? $disarmreadreceipts : 1 ;
+        # I dislike double negation but here is one
+        if ( ! $mysync->{noregexmess} )
+        {
+                push @regexmess, 's,(.{10239}),$1\r\n,g' ;
+        }
+        # and another...
+        if ( ! $mysync->{nof1f2} )
+        {
+                push @{ $mysync->{f1f2} }, 'Files=Files_renamed_by_imapsync' ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub exchange1
+        # Exchange 2010/2013 at host1
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        output( $mysync, "Option --exchange1 does nothing (except printing this line...)\n" ) ;
+        # Well nothing to do so far
+        return ;
+sub exchange2
+        # Exchange 2010/2013 at host2
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        output( $mysync, "Option --exchange2 is like: --maxsize 10_000_000 --maxmessagespersecond 4 --disarmreadreceipts\n" ) ;
+        output( $mysync, "Option --exchange2 (cont) : --regexflag del Flagged --regexmess wrap 10500\n" ) ;
+        output( $mysync, "Option --exchange2 (cont) : unless overrided with --maxsize xxx --nodisarmreadreceipts --noregexflag --noregexmess\n" ) ;
+        $mysync->{ maxsize } ||= 10_000_000 ;
+        $mysync->{maxmessagespersecond} ||= 4 ;
+        $disarmreadreceipts = ( defined $disarmreadreceipts ) ? $disarmreadreceipts : 1 ;
+        # I dislike double negation but here are two
+        if ( ! $mysync->{noregexflag} ) {
+                push @regexflag, 's/\\\\Flagged//g' ;
+        }
+        if ( ! $mysync->{noregexmess} ) {
+                push @regexmess, 's,(.{10239}),$1\r\n,g' ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub domino1
+	# Domino at host1
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	$mysync->{ sep1 }    = q{\\} ;
+	$prefix1 = q{} ;
+	$messageidnodomain = ( defined $messageidnodomain ) ? $messageidnodomain : 1 ;
+	return ;
+sub domino2
+	# Domino at host1
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	$mysync->{ sep2 }    = q{\\} ;
+	$prefix2 = q{} ;
+	$messageidnodomain = ( defined $messageidnodomain ) ? $messageidnodomain : 1 ;
+	push @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } }, 's,^Inbox\\\\(.*),$1,i' ;
+	return ;
+sub tests_resolv
+	note( 'Entering tests_resolv()' ) ;
+	# is( , resolv(  ), 'resolv:  => ' ) ;
+	is( undef, resolv(  ), 'resolv: no args => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, resolv( q{} ), 'resolv: empty string => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, resolv( 'hostnotexist' ), 'resolv: hostnotexist => undef' ) ;
+	is( '', resolv( '' ), 'resolv: =>' ) ;
+	is( '', resolv( 'localhost' ), 'resolv: localhost =>' ) ;
+	is( '', resolv( '' ), 'resolv: =>' ) ;
+	# ip6-localhost ( in /etc/hosts )
+	is( '::1', resolv( 'ip6-localhost' ), 'resolv: ip6-localhost => ::1' ) ;
+	is( '::1', resolv( '::1' ), 'resolv: ::1 => ::1' ) ;
+	# ks2
+	is( '2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1', resolv( '2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1' ),  'resolv:  2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1 => 2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1' ) ;
+	is( '2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1', resolv( '' ), 'resolv: => 2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1' ) ;
+	# ks3
+	is( '2001:41d0:8:bebd::1', resolv( '2001:41d0:8:bebd::1' ),  'resolv:  2001:41d0:8:bebd::1 => 2001:41d0:8:bebd::1' ) ;
+	is( '2001:41d0:8:bebd::1', resolv( '' ), 'resolv: => 2001:41d0:8:bebd::1' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_resolv()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub resolv
+	my $host = shift @ARG ;
+	if ( ! $host ) { return ; }
+        my $addr ;
+	if ( defined &Socket::getaddrinfo ) {
+		$addr = resolv_with_getaddrinfo( $host ) ;
+		return( $addr ) ;
+	}
+        my $iaddr = inet_aton( $host ) ;
+        if ( ! $iaddr ) { return ; }
+        $addr = inet_ntoa( $iaddr ) ;
+	return $addr ;
+sub resolv_with_getaddrinfo
+	my $host = shift @ARG ;
+	if ( ! $host ) { return ; }
+	my ( $err_getaddrinfo, @res ) = Socket::getaddrinfo( $host, "", { socktype => Socket::SOCK_RAW } ) ;
+	if (  $err_getaddrinfo ) {
+		myprint( "Cannot getaddrinfo of $host: $err_getaddrinfo\n" ) ;
+		return ;
+	}
+	my @addr ;
+	while( my $ai = shift @res ) {
+		my ( $err_getnameinfo, $ipaddr ) = Socket::getnameinfo( $ai->{addr}, Socket::NI_NUMERICHOST(), Socket::NIx_NOSERV() ) ;
+		if ( $err_getnameinfo ) {
+			myprint( "Cannot getnameinfo of $host: $err_getnameinfo\n" ) ;
+			return ;
+		}
+		$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "$host => $ipaddr\n" ) ;
+		push @addr, $ipaddr ;
+                my $reverse ;
+		( $err_getnameinfo, $reverse ) = Socket::getnameinfo( $ai->{addr}, 0, Socket::NIx_NOSERV() ) ;
+		$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "$host => $ipaddr => $reverse\n" ) ;
+	}
+        return $addr[0] ;
+sub tests_resolvrev
+	note( 'Entering tests_resolvrev()' ) ;
+	# is( , resolvrev(  ), 'resolvrev:  => ' ) ;
+	is( undef, resolvrev(  ), 'resolvrev: no args => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, resolvrev( q{} ), 'resolvrev: empty string => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, resolvrev( 'hostnotexist' ), 'resolvrev: hostnotexist => undef' ) ;
+	is( 'localhost', resolvrev( '' ), 'resolvrev: => localhost' ) ;
+	is( 'localhost', resolvrev( 'localhost' ), 'resolvrev: localhost => localhost' ) ;
+	is( '', resolvrev( '' ), 'resolvrev: =>' ) ;
+	# ip6-localhost ( in /etc/hosts )
+	is( 'ip6-localhost', resolvrev( 'ip6-localhost' ), 'resolvrev: ip6-localhost => ip6-localhost' ) ;
+	is( 'ip6-localhost', resolvrev( '::1' ), 'resolvrev: ::1 => ip6-localhost' ) ;
+	# ks2
+	is( '', resolvrev( '2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1' ),  'resolvrev:  2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1 =>' ) ;
+	is( '', resolvrev( '' ), 'resolvrev: =>' ) ;
+	# ks3
+	is( '', resolvrev( '2001:41d0:8:bebd::1' ),  'resolvrev:  2001:41d0:8:bebd::1 =>' ) ;
+	is( '', resolvrev( '' ), 'resolvrev: =>' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_resolvrev()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub resolvrev
+	my $host = shift @ARG ;
+	if ( ! $host ) { return ; }
+	if ( defined &Socket::getaddrinfo ) {
+		my $name = resolvrev_with_getaddrinfo( $host ) ;
+		return( $name ) ;
+	}
+	return ;
+sub resolvrev_with_getaddrinfo
+	my $host = shift @ARG ;
+	if ( ! $host ) { return ; }
+	my ( $err, @res ) = Socket::getaddrinfo( $host, "", { socktype => Socket::SOCK_RAW } ) ;
+	if (  $err ) {
+		myprint( "Cannot getaddrinfo of $host: $err\n" ) ;
+		return ;
+	}
+	my @name ;
+	while( my $ai = shift @res ) {
+		my ( $err, $reverse ) = Socket::getnameinfo( $ai->{addr}, 0, Socket::NIx_NOSERV() ) ;
+		if ( $err ) {
+			myprint( "Cannot getnameinfo of $host: $err\n" ) ;
+			return ;
+		}
+		$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "$host => $reverse\n" ) ;
+		push @name, $reverse ;
+	}
+    return $name[0] ;
+sub tests_imapsping
+	note( 'Entering tests_imapsping()' ) ;
+	is( undef, imapsping(  ), 'imapsping: no args => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, imapsping( 'hostnotexist' ), 'imapsping: hostnotexist => undef' ) ;
+	is( 1, imapsping( '' ), 'imapsping: => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, imapsping( '' ), 'imapsping: => 1' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_imapsping()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub imapsping
+	my $host = shift ;
+	return tcpping( $host, $IMAP_SSL_PORT ) ;
+sub tests_tcpping
+	note( 'Entering tests_tcpping()' ) ;
+	is( undef, tcpping(  ), 'tcpping: no args => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, tcpping( 'hostnotexist' ), 'tcpping: one arg => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, tcpping( undef, 888 ), 'tcpping: arg undef, port => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, tcpping( 'hostnotexist', 993 ), 'tcpping: hostnotexist 993 => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, tcpping( 'hostnotexist', 888 ), 'tcpping: hostnotexist 888 => undef' ) ;
+	is( 1, tcpping( '', 993 ), 'tcpping: 993 => 1' ) ;
+	is( 0, tcpping( '', 888 ), 'tcpping: 888 => 0' ) ;
+	is( 1, tcpping( '', 993 ), 'tcpping: 993 => 1' ) ;
+	is( 0, tcpping( '', 888 ), 'tcpping: 888 => 0' ) ;
+	# Net::Ping supports ipv6 only after release 1.50
+	#
+	# Anyway I plan to avoid Net-Ping for that too long standing feature
+	# Net-Ping is integrated in Perl itself, who knows ipv6 for a long time
+	is( 1, tcpping( '2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1', 993 ), 'tcpping: 2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1 993 => 1' ) ;
+	is( 0, tcpping( '2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1', 888 ), 'tcpping: 2001:41d0:8:d8b6::1 888 => 0' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_tcpping()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub tcpping
+	if ( 2 != scalar( @ARG ) ) {
+		return ;
+	}
+	my ( $host, $port ) = @ARG ;
+	if ( ! $host ) { return ; }
+	if ( ! $port ) { return ; }
+	my $mytimeout = $TCP_PING_TIMEOUT ;
+        require Net::Ping ;
+	#my $p = Net::Ping->new( 'tcp' ) ;
+	my $p = Net::Ping->new(  ) ;
+	$p->{port_num} = $port ;
+	$p->service_check( 1 ) ;
+	$p->hires( 1 ) ;
+	my ($ping_ok, $rtt, $ip ) = $p->ping( $host, $mytimeout ) ;
+	if ( ! defined $ping_ok ) { return ; }
+	my $rtt_approx = sprintf( "%.3f", $rtt ) ;
+	$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "Host $host timeout $mytimeout port $port ok $ping_ok ip $ip acked in $rtt_approx s\n" ) ;
+	$p->close(  ) ;
+	if( $ping_ok ) {
+		return 1 ;
+	}else{
+		return 0 ;
+	}
+sub tests_sslcheck
+	note( 'Entering tests_sslcheck()' ) ;
+	my $mysync ;
+	is( undef, sslcheck( $mysync ), 'sslcheck: no sslcheck => undef' ) ;
+	$mysync = {
+		sslcheck => 1,
+	} ;
+	is( 0, sslcheck( $mysync ), 'sslcheck: no host => 0' ) ;
+	$mysync = {
+		sslcheck => 1,
+		host1 => '',
+		tls1 => 1,
+	} ;
+	is( 0, sslcheck( $mysync ), 'sslcheck: tls1 => 0' ) ;
+	$mysync = {
+		sslcheck => 1,
+		host1 => '',
+	} ;
+	is( 1, sslcheck( $mysync ), 'sslcheck: => 1' ) ;
+	is( 1, $mysync->{ssl1}, 'sslcheck: => ssl1 1' ) ;
+	$mysync->{sslcheck} = 0 ;
+	is( undef, sslcheck( $mysync ), 'sslcheck: sslcheck off => undef' ) ;
+	$mysync = {
+		sslcheck => 1,
+		host1 => '',
+                host2 => '',
+	} ;
+        is( 2, sslcheck( $mysync ), 'sslcheck: + => 2' ) ;
+	$mysync = {
+		sslcheck => 1,
+		host1 => '',
+                host2 => '',
+                tls1  => 1,
+	} ;
+        is( 1, sslcheck( $mysync ), 'sslcheck: + + tls1 => 1' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_sslcheck()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub sslcheck
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	if ( ! $mysync->{sslcheck} ) {
+		return ;
+	}
+	my $nb_on = 0 ;
+	$mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "sslcheck\n" ) ;
+	if (
+		( ! defined $mysync->{port1} )
+		and
+		( ! defined $mysync->{tls1} )
+		and
+		( ! defined $mysync->{ssl1} )
+		and
+		( defined $mysync->{host1} )
+	) {
+                myprint( "Host1: probing ssl on port $IMAP_SSL_PORT ( use --nosslcheck to avoid this ssl probe ) \n" ) ;
+                if (  probe_imapssl( $mysync->{host1} ) ) {
+                        $mysync->{ssl1} = 1 ;
+                        myprint( "Host1: sslcheck detected open ssl port $IMAP_SSL_PORT so turning ssl on (use --nossl1 --notls1 to turn off SSL and TLS wizardry)\n" ) ;
+                        $nb_on++ ;
+                }else{
+                        myprint( "Host1: sslcheck did not detected open ssl port $IMAP_SSL_PORT. Will use standard $IMAP_PORT port.\n" ) ;
+                }
+	}
+	if (
+		( ! defined $mysync->{port2} )
+		and
+		( ! defined $mysync->{tls2} )
+		and
+		( ! defined $mysync->{ssl2} )
+		and
+		( defined $mysync->{host2} )
+	) {
+                myprint( "Host2: probing ssl on port $IMAP_SSL_PORT ( use --nosslcheck to avoid this ssl probe ) \n" ) ;
+                if (  probe_imapssl( $mysync->{host2} ) ) {
+                        $mysync->{ssl2} = 1 ;
+                        myprint( "Host2: sslcheck detected open ssl port $IMAP_SSL_PORT so turning ssl on (use --nossl2 --notls2 to turn off SSL and TLS wizardry)\n" ) ;
+                        $nb_on++ ;
+                }else{
+                        myprint( "Host2: sslcheck did not detected open ssl port $IMAP_SSL_PORT. Will use standard $IMAP_PORT port.\n" ) ;
+                }
+	}
+	return $nb_on ;
+sub testslive_init
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        $mysync->{host1}     ||= '' ;
+        $mysync->{user1}     ||= 'test1' ;
+        $mysync->{password1} ||= 'secret1' ;
+        $mysync->{host2}     ||= '' ;
+        $mysync->{user2}     ||= 'test2' ;
+        $mysync->{password2} ||= 'secret2' ;
+        return ;
+sub testslive6_init
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        $mysync->{host1}     ||= '' ;
+        $mysync->{user1}     ||= 'test1' ;
+        $mysync->{password1} ||= 'secret1' ;
+        $mysync->{host2}     ||= '' ;
+        $mysync->{user2}     ||= 'test2' ;
+        $mysync->{password2} ||= 'secret2' ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_backslash_caret
+        note( 'Entering tests_backslash_caret()' ) ;
+        is( "lalala", backslash_caret( "lalala" ), 'backslash_caret: lalala => lalala' ) ;
+        is( "lalala\n", backslash_caret( "lalala\n" ), 'backslash_caret: lalala => lalala 2nd' ) ;
+        is( '^', backslash_caret( '\\' ), 'backslash_caret: \\ => ^' ) ;
+        is( "^\n", backslash_caret( "\\\n" ), 'backslash_caret: \\ => ^' ) ;
+        is( "\\lalala", backslash_caret( "\\lalala" ), 'backslash_caret: \\lalala => \\lalala' ) ;
+        is( "\\lal\\ala", backslash_caret( "\\lal\\ala" ), 'backslash_caret: \\lal\\ala => \\lal\\ala' ) ;
+        is( "\\lalala\n", backslash_caret( "\\lalala\n" ), 'backslash_caret: \\lalala => \\lalala 2nd' ) ;
+        is( "lalala^\n", backslash_caret( "lalala\\\n" ), 'backslash_caret: lalala\\\n => lalala^\n' ) ;
+        is( "lalala^\nlalala^\n", backslash_caret( "lalala\\\nlalala\\\n" ), 'backslash_caret: lalala\\\nlalala\\\n => lalala^\nlalala^\n' ) ;
+        is( "lal\\ala^\nlalala^\n", backslash_caret( "lal\\ala\\\nlalala\\\n" ), 'backslash_caret: lal\\ala\\\nlalala\\\n => lal\\ala^\nlalala^\n' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_backslash_caret()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub backslash_caret
+        my $string = shift ;
+        $string =~ s{\\ $ }{^}gxms ;
+        return $string ;
+sub tests_split_around_equal
+        note( 'Entering tests_split_around_equal()' ) ;
+        is( undef, split_around_equal(  ), 'split_around_equal: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is_deeply( { toto => 'titi' }, { split_around_equal( 'toto=titi' ) }, 'split_around_equal: toto=titi => toto => titi' ) ;
+        is_deeply( { A => 'B', C => 'D' }, { split_around_equal( 'A=B=C=D' ) }, 'split_around_equal: toto=titi => toto => titi' ) ;
+        is_deeply( { A => 'B', C => 'D' }, { split_around_equal( 'A=B', 'C=D' ) }, 'split_around_equal: A=B C=D => A => B, C=>D' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_split_around_equal()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub split_around_equal
+        if ( ! @ARG ) { return ; } ;
+        return map { split /=/mxs, $_ } @ARG ;
+sub tests_sig_install
+        note( 'Entering tests_sig_install()' ) ;
+        my $mysync ;
+        is( undef, sig_install(  ), 'sig_install: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, sig_install( $mysync ), 'sig_install: arg undef => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync = {  } ;
+        is( undef, sig_install( $mysync ), 'sig_install: empty hash => undef' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+        Readonly my $SKIP_15 => 15 ;
+	if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) { skip( 'Tests only for Unix', $SKIP_15 ) ; }
+        # Default to ignore USR1 USR2 in case future install fails
+        local $SIG{ USR1 } = local $SIG{ USR2 } = sub {  } ;
+        kill( 'USR1', $PROCESS_ID ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debugsig } = 1 ;
+        # Assign USR1 to call sub tototo
+        # Surely a better value than undef should be returned when doing real signal stuff
+        is( undef, sig_install( $mysync, 'tototo', 'USR1' ), 'sig_install: USR1 tototo' ) ;
+        is( 1, kill( 'USR1', $PROCESS_ID ), 'sig_install: kill USR1 myself 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, $mysync->{ tototo_calls },   'sig_install: tototo call nb 1' ) ;
+        #return ;
+        # Assign USR2 to call sub tototo
+        is( undef, sig_install( $mysync, 'tototo', 'USR2' ), 'sig_install: USR2 tototo' ) ;
+        is( 1, kill( 'USR2', $PROCESS_ID ), 'sig_install: kill USR2 myself 1' ) ;
+        is( 2, $mysync->{ tototo_calls }, 'sig_install: tototo call nb 2' ) ;
+        is( 1, kill( 'USR1', $PROCESS_ID ), 'sig_install: kill USR1 myself 2' ) ;
+        is( 3, $mysync->{ tototo_calls }, 'sig_install: tototo call nb 3' ) ;
+        local $SIG{ USR1 } = local $SIG{ USR2 } = sub {  } ;
+        is( 1, kill( 'USR1', $PROCESS_ID ), 'sig_install: kill USR1 myself 3' ) ;
+        is( 3, $mysync->{ tototo_calls }, 'sig_install: tototo call still nb 3' ) ;
+        # Assign USR1 + USR2 to call sub tototo
+        is( undef, sig_install( $mysync, 'tototo', 'USR1', 'USR2' ), 'sig_install: USR1 USR2 tototo' ) ;
+        is( 1, kill( 'USR1', $PROCESS_ID ), 'sig_install: kill USR1 myself 4' ) ;
+        is( 4, $mysync->{ tototo_calls }, 'sig_install: tototo call now nb 4' ) ;
+        is( 1, kill( 'USR2', $PROCESS_ID ), 'sig_install: kill USR1 myself 2' ) ;
+        is( 5, $mysync->{ tototo_calls },  'sig_install: tototo call now nb 5' ) ;
+        }
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_sig_install()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub sig_install
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! $mysync ) { return ; }
+        my $mysubname = shift ;
+        if ( ! $mysubname ) { return ; }
+        if ( ! @ARG ) { return ; }
+        my @signals = @ARG ;
+        my $mysub = \&$mysubname ;
+        #$mysync->{ debugsig } = 1 ;
+        $mysync->{ debugsig } and myprint( "In sig_install with sub $mysubname and signal @ARG\n" ) ;
+        my $subsignal = sub {
+                my $signame = shift ;
+                $mysync->{ debugsig } and myprint( "In subsignal with $signame and $mysubname\n" ) ;
+                &$mysub( $mysync, $signame ) ;
+        } ;
+        foreach my $signal ( @signals ) {
+                $mysync->{ debugsig } and myprint(  "Installing signal $signal to call sub $mysubname\n") ;
+                output( $mysync, "kill -$signal $PROCESS_ID # special behavior: call to sub $mysubname\n" ) ;
+                ## no critic (RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
+                $SIG{ $signal } = $subsignal ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tototo
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        myprint("In tototo with @ARG\n" ) ;
+        $mysync->{ tototo_calls } += 1 ;
+        return ;
+sub mygetppid
+        if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) {
+                return( 'unknown under MSWin32 (too complicated)'  ) ;
+        } else {
+                # Unix
+                return( getppid(  ) ) ;
+        }
+sub tests_toggle_sleep
+        note( 'Entering tests_toggle_sleep()' ) ;
+        is( undef, toggle_sleep(  ),  'toggle_sleep: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync ;
+        is( undef, toggle_sleep( $mysync ),  'toggle_sleep: undef => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync = {  } ;
+        is( undef, toggle_sleep( $mysync ),  'toggle_sleep: no maxsleep => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync->{maxsleep} = 3 ;
+        is( 0, toggle_sleep( $mysync ),  'toggle_sleep: 3 => 0' ) ;
+        is( $MAX_SLEEP, toggle_sleep( $mysync ),  "toggle_sleep: 0          => $MAX_SLEEP" ) ;
+        is( 0,          toggle_sleep( $mysync ),  "toggle_sleep: $MAX_SLEEP => 0" ) ;
+        is( $MAX_SLEEP, toggle_sleep( $mysync ),  "toggle_sleep: 0          => $MAX_SLEEP" ) ;
+        is( 0,          toggle_sleep( $mysync ),  "toggle_sleep: $MAX_SLEEP => 0" ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+        Readonly my $SKIP_9 => 9 ;
+	if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) { skip( 'Tests only for Unix', $SKIP_9 ) ; }
+        # Default to ignore USR1 USR2 in case future install fails
+        local $SIG{ USR1 } = sub {  } ;
+        kill( 'USR1', $PROCESS_ID ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debugsig } = 1 ;
+        # Assign USR1 to call sub toggle_sleep
+        is( undef, sig_install( $mysync, \&toggle_sleep, 'USR1' ), 'toggle_sleep: install USR1 toggle_sleep' ) ;
+        $mysync->{maxsleep} = 4 ;
+        is( 1, kill( 'USR1', $PROCESS_ID ), 'toggle_sleep: kill USR1 myself' ) ;
+        is( 0, $mysync->{ maxsleep },   'toggle_sleep: toggle_sleep called => sleeps are 0s' ) ;
+        is( 1, kill( 'USR1', $PROCESS_ID ), 'toggle_sleep: kill USR1 myself again' ) ;
+        is( $MAX_SLEEP, $mysync->{ maxsleep },   "toggle_sleep: toggle_sleep called => sleeps are ${MAX_SLEEP}s" ) ;
+        is( 1, kill( 'USR1', $PROCESS_ID ), 'toggle_sleep: kill USR1 myself' ) ;
+        is( 0, $mysync->{ maxsleep },   'toggle_sleep: toggle_sleep called => sleeps are 0s' ) ;
+        is( 1, kill( 'USR1', $PROCESS_ID ), 'toggle_sleep: kill USR1 myself again' ) ;
+        is( $MAX_SLEEP, $mysync->{ maxsleep },   "toggle_sleep: toggle_sleep called => sleeps are ${MAX_SLEEP}s" ) ;
+        }
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_toggle_sleep()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub toggle_sleep
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        myprint("In toggle_sleep with @ARG\n" ) ;
+        if ( !defined( $mysync ) ) { return ; }
+        if ( !defined( $mysync->{maxsleep} ) ) { return ; }
+        $mysync->{ maxsleep } = max( 0, $MAX_SLEEP - $mysync->{maxsleep} ) ;
+        myprint("Resetting maxsleep to ", $mysync->{maxsleep}, "s\n" ) ;
+        return $mysync->{maxsleep} ;
+sub mypod2usage
+        my $fh_pod2usage = shift ;
+        pod2usage(
+                -exitval   => 'NOEXIT',
+                -noperldoc => 1,
+                -verbose => 99,
+                -sections => [ qw(NAME VERSION USAGE OPTIONS) ],
+                -indent => 1,
+                -loose => 1,
+                -output => $fh_pod2usage,
+        ) ;
+        return ;
+sub usage
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined $mysync ) { return ; }
+        my $usage = q{} ;
+        my $usage_from_pod ;
+        my $usage_footer = usage_footer( $mysync ) ;
+        # pod2usage writes on a filehandle only and I want a variable
+        open my $fh_pod2usage, ">", \$usage_from_pod
+                or do { warn $OS_ERROR ; return ; } ;
+        mypod2usage( $fh_pod2usage ) ;
+        close $fh_pod2usage ;
+        if ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) {
+                $usage_from_pod = backslash_caret( $usage_from_pod ) ;
+        }
+        $usage = join( q{}, $usage_from_pod, $usage_footer ) ;
+        return( $usage ) ;
+sub tests_usage
+        note( 'Entering tests_usage()' ) ;
+        my $usage ;
+        like( $usage = usage( $sync ), qr/Name:/, 'usage: contains Name:' ) ;
+        myprint( $usage ) ;
+        like( $usage, qr/Version:/, 'usage: contains Version:' ) ;
+        like( $usage, qr/Usage:/, 'usage: contains Usage:' ) ;
+        like( $usage, qr/imapsync/, 'usage: contains imapsync' ) ;
+        is( undef, usage(  ), 'usage: no args => undef' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_usage()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub usage_footer
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+        my $footer = q{} ;
+        my $localhost_info = localhost_info( $mysync ) ;
+        my $rcs = $mysync->{rcs} ;
+        my $homepage = homepage(  ) ;
+        my $imapsync_release = $STR_use_releasecheck  ;
+        if ( $mysync->{releasecheck} ) {
+                $imapsync_release = check_last_release(  )  ;
+        }
+        $footer = qq{$localhost_info
+} ;
+        return( $footer ) ;
+sub usage_complete
+        # Unused, I guess this function could be deleted
+        my $usage = <<'EOF' ;
+--skipheader   reg     : Don't take into account header keyword
+                         matching  reg    ex: --skipheader 'X.*'
+--skipsize             : Don't take message size into account to compare
+                         messages on both sides. On by default.
+                         Use --no-skipsize for using size comparaison.
+--allowsizemismatch    : allow RFC822.SIZE != fetched msg size
+                         consider also --skipsize to avoid duplicate messages
+                         when running syncs more than one time per mailbox
+--reconnectretry1  int : reconnect to host1 if connection is lost up to
+                          int  times per imap command (default is 3)
+--reconnectretry2  int : same as --reconnectretry1 but for host2
+--split1      int      : split the requests in several parts on host1.
+                          int  is the number of messages handled per request.
+                         default is like --split1 100.
+--split2      int      : same thing on host2.
+--nofixInboxINBOX      : Don't fix Inbox INBOX mapping.
+        return( $usage ) ;
+sub myGetOptions
+        # Started as a copy of Luke Ross Getopt::Long::CGI
+        #
+        # So this sub function is under the same license as Getopt-Long-CGI Luke Ross wants it,
+        # which was Perl 5.6 or later licenses at the date of the copy.
+        my $mysync        = shift @ARG ;
+        my $arguments_ref = shift @ARG ;
+        my %options       = @ARG ;
+        my $mycgi = $mysync->{cgi} ;
+        if ( not under_cgi_context() ) {
+                # Not CGI - pass upstream for normal command line handling
+                return Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray( $arguments_ref, %options ) ;
+        }
+        # We must be in CGI context now
+        if ( ! defined( $mycgi ) ) { return ; }
+        my $badthings = 0 ;
+        foreach my $key ( sort keys %options ) {
+                my $val = $options{$key} ;
+                if ( $key !~ m/^([\w\d\|]+)([=:][isf])?([\+!\@\%])?$/mxs ) {
+                        $badthings++ ;
+                        next ;    # Unknown item
+                }
+                my $name = [ split '|', $1, 1 ]->[0] ;
+                if ( ( $3 || q{} ) eq '+' ) {
+                        ${$val} = $mycgi->param( $name ) ;    # "Incremental" integer
+                }
+                elsif ( $2 ) {
+                        my @values = $mycgi->multi_param( $name ) ;
+                        my $type   = $2 ;
+                        #myprint( "type[$type]values[@values]\$3[", $3 || q{}, "]val[$val]ref(val)[", ref($val), "]\n" ) ;
+                        if ( ( $3 || q{} ) eq '%' or ref( $val ) eq 'HASH' ) {
+                                my %values = map { split /=/mxs, $_ } @values ;
+                                if ( $type =~ m/i$/mxs ) {
+                                        foreach my $k ( keys %values ) {
+                                                $values{$k} = int $values{$k} ;
+                                        }
+                                }
+                                elsif ( $type =~ m/f$/mxs ) {
+                                        foreach my $k ( keys %values ) {
+                                                $values{$k} = 0 + $values{$k};
+                                        }
+                                }
+                                if ( 'REF' eq ref $val ) {
+                                        %{ ${$val} } = %values ;
+                                }
+                                else {
+                                        %{$val} = %values ;
+                                }
+                        }
+                        else {
+                                if ( $type =~ m/i$/mxs ) {
+                                        @values = map { q{} ne $_ ? int $_ : undef } @values ;
+                                }
+                                elsif ( $type =~ m/f$/mxs ) {
+                                        @values = map { 0 + $_ } @values ;
+                                }
+                                if ( ( $3 || q{} ) eq '@' ) {
+                                        @{ ${$val} } = @values ;
+                                        my @option = map { +( "--$name", "$_" ) } @values ;
+                                        push @{ $mysync->{ cmdcgi } }, @option ;
+                                }
+                                elsif ( ref( $val ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+                                        @{$val} = @values ;
+                                }
+                                elsif ( my $value = $values[0] )
+                                {
+                                        ${$val} = $value ;
+                                        push @{ $mysync->{ cmdcgi } }, "--$name", $value ;
+                                }
+                                else
+                                {
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        # Checkbox
+                        # Considers only --name
+                        # Should consider also --no-name and --noname
+                        my $value = $mycgi->param( $name ) ;
+                        if ( $value )
+                        {
+                                ${$val} = 1 ;
+                                push @{ $mysync->{ cmdcgi } }, "--$name" ;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                                ${$val} = undef ;
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        if ( $badthings ) {
+                return ;    # undef or ()
+        }
+        else {
+                return ( 1 ) ;
+        }
+my @blabla ; # just used to check get_options_cgi() with an array
+sub tests_get_options_cgi_context
+	note( 'Entering tests_get_options_cgi()' ) ;
+# Temporary, have to think harder about testing CGI context in command line --tests
+	# API:
+	# * input arguments: two ways, command line or CGI
+	#    * the program arguments
+	#    * QUERY_STRING env variable
+	# * return
+	#   * QUERY_STRING length
+	# CGI context
+	local $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} = 'Votre serviteur' ;
+	# Real full test
+	# = ''
+	my $mysync ;
+	is( undef, get_options( $mysync ), 'get_options cgi context: no CGI module => undef' ) ;
+	require CGI ;
+	CGI->import( qw( -no_debug  -utf8 ) ) ;
+	is( undef, get_options( $mysync ), 'get_options cgi context: no CGI param => undef' ) ;
+	# Testing boolean
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( 'version=on&debugenv=on' ) ;
+	local $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = 'version=on&debugenv=on' ;
+	is( 22,   get_options( $mysync ), 'get_options cgi context: QUERY_STRING => 22' ) ;
+	is(  1,   $mysync->{ version },        'get_options cgi context: --version => 1' ) ;
+	# debugenv is not allowed in cgi context
+	is(  undef,   $mysync->{debugenv},        'get_options cgi context: $mysync->{debugenv} => undef' ) ;
+	# QUERY_STRING in this test is only for return value of get_options
+	# Have to think harder, GET/POST context, is this return value a good thing?
+	local $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = '' ;
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( '' ) ;
+	is( 36,      get_options( $mysync,  ), 'get_options cgi context: QUERY_STRING => 36' ) ;
+	is( 'test1',  $mysync->{user1},    'get_options cgi context: $mysync->{user1} => test1' ) ;
+        #local $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = undef ;
+	# Testing @
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( 'blabla=fd1' ) ;
+	get_options( $mysync ) ;
+	is_deeply( [ 'fd1' ],  [ @blabla ],    'get_options cgi context: @blabla => fd1' ) ;
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( 'blabla=fd1&blabla=fd2' ) ;
+	get_options( $mysync ) ;
+	is_deeply( [ 'fd1', 'fd2' ],  [ @blabla ],    'get_options cgi context: @blabla => fd1, fd2' ) ;
+	# Testing s@ as ref
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( 'folder=fd1' ) ;
+	get_options( $mysync ) ;
+	is_deeply( [ 'fd1' ],  $mysync->{ folder },    'get_options cgi context: $mysync->{ folder } => fd1' ) ;
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( 'folder=fd1&folder=fd2' ) ;
+	get_options( $mysync ) ;
+	is_deeply( [ 'fd1', 'fd2' ], $mysync->{ folder },    'get_options cgi context: $mysync->{ folder } => fd1, fd2' ) ;
+	# Testing %
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( 'f1f2h=s1=d1&f1f2h=s2=d2&f1f2h=s3=d3' ) ;
+	get_options( $mysync ) ;
+	is_deeply( { 's1' => 'd1', 's2' => 'd2', 's3' => 'd3' },
+	$mysync->{f1f2h}, 'get_options cgi context: f1f2h => s1=d1 s2=d2 s3=d3' ) ;
+	# Testing boolean ! with --noxxx, doesnot work
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( 'nodry=on' ) ;
+        get_options( $mysync ) ;
+	is( undef,  $mysync->{dry},    'get_options cgi context: --nodry => $mysync->{dry} => undef' ) ;
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( '' ) ;
+        get_options( $mysync ) ;
+	is( '',  $mysync->{host1},    'get_options cgi context: => $mysync->{host1} =>' ) ;
+        #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $mysync ] )  ) ;
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( 'simulong=' ) ;
+        get_options( $mysync ) ;
+	is( undef,  $mysync->{simulong},    'get_options cgi context: --simulong= => $mysync->{simulong} => undef' ) ;
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( 'simulong' ) ;
+        get_options( $mysync ) ;
+	is( undef,  $mysync->{simulong},    'get_options cgi context: --simulong => $mysync->{simulong} => undef' ) ;
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( 'simulong=4' ) ;
+        get_options( $mysync ) ;
+	is( 4,  $mysync->{simulong},    'get_options cgi context: --simulong=4 => $mysync->{simulong} => 4' ) ;
+        is( undef,  $mysync->{ folder },    'get_options cgi context: --simulong=4 => $mysync->{ folder } => undef' ) ;
+        #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $mysync ] )  ) ;
+        $mysync ={} ;
+	$mysync->{cgi} = CGI->new( 'justfoldersizes=on' ) ;
+        get_options( $mysync ) ;
+	is( 1,  $mysync->{ justfoldersizes },    'get_options cgi context: --justfoldersizes=1 => justfoldersizes => 1' ) ;
+        myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $mysync ] )  ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_get_options_cgi_context()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub get_options_cgi
+        # In CGI context arguments are not in @ARGV but in QUERY_STRING variable (with GET).
+	my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+	$mysync->{cgi} || return ;
+	my @arguments = @ARG ;
+	# final 0 is used to print usage when no option is given
+        my $numopt = length $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} || 1 ;
+	$mysync->{f1f2h} = {} ;
+        my $opt_ret = myGetOptions(
+	$mysync,
+	\@arguments,
+	'abort'            => \$mysync->{abort},
+        'host1=s'          => \$mysync->{ host1 },
+        'host2=s'          => \$mysync->{ host2 },
+        'user1=s'          => \$mysync->{ user1 },
+        'user2=s'          => \$mysync->{ user2 },
+        'password1=s'      => \$mysync->{password1},
+        'password2=s'      => \$mysync->{password2},
+        'dry!'             => \$mysync->{dry},
+        'version'          => \$mysync->{version},
+        'ssl1!'            => \$mysync->{ssl1},
+        'ssl2!'            => \$mysync->{ssl2},
+        'tls1!'            => \$mysync->{tls1},
+        'tls2!'            => \$mysync->{tls2},
+        'justlogin!'       => \$mysync->{justlogin},
+        'justconnect!'     => \$mysync->{justconnect},
+        'addheader!'       => \$mysync->{addheader},
+        'automap!'         => \$mysync->{automap},
+        'justautomap!'     => \$mysync->{justautomap},
+	'gmail1'           => \$mysync->{gmail1},
+	'gmail2'           => \$mysync->{gmail2},
+	'office1'          => \$mysync->{office1},
+	'office2'          => \$mysync->{office2},
+	'exchange1'        => \$mysync->{exchange1},
+	'exchange2'        => \$mysync->{exchange2},
+	'domino1'          => \$mysync->{domino1},
+	'domino2'          => \$mysync->{domino2},
+        'f1f2=s@'          => \$mysync->{f1f2},
+        'f1f2h=s%'         => \$mysync->{f1f2h},
+        'folder=s@'        => \$mysync->{ folder },
+        'blabla=s'         => \@blabla,
+        'testslive!'       => \$mysync->{testslive},
+        'testslive6!'      => \$mysync->{testslive6},
+        'releasecheck!'    => \$mysync->{releasecheck},
+        'simulong=i'       => \$mysync->{simulong},
+        'debugsleep=f'     => \$mysync->{debugsleep},
+        'subfolder1=s'     => \$mysync->{ subfolder1 },
+        'subfolder2=s'     => \$mysync->{ subfolder2 },
+        'justfolders!'     => \$mysync->{ justfolders },
+        'justfoldersizes!' => \$mysync->{ justfoldersizes },
+        'delete1!'         => \$mysync->{ delete1 },
+        'delete2!'         => \$mysync->{ delete2 },
+        'delete2duplicates!'  => \$mysync->{ delete2duplicates },
+        'tail!'               => \$mysync->{tail},
+#  blabla and f1f2h=s% could be removed but
+# tests_get_options_cgi() should be split before
+# with a sub tests_myGetOptions()
+        ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and output( $mysync, "get options: [$opt_ret][$numopt]\n" ) ;
+	if ( ! $opt_ret ) {
+		return ;
+	}
+	return $numopt ;
+sub get_options_cmd
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my @arguments = @ARG ;
+        my $mycgi = $mysync->{cgi} ;
+        # final 0 is used to print usage when no option is given on command line
+        my $numopt = scalar  @arguments || 0 ;
+        my $argv   = join "\x00", @arguments ;
+        if ( $argv =~ m/-delete\x002/x ) {
+                output( $mysync, "May be you mean --delete2 instead of --delete 2\n" ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        $mysync->{f1f2h} = {} ;
+        my $opt_ret = myGetOptions(
+        $mysync,
+        \@arguments,
+        'debug!'        => \$mysync->{ debug },
+        'debuglist!'    => \$debuglist,
+        'debugcontent!' => \$debugcontent,
+        'debugsleep=f'  => \$mysync->{debugsleep},
+        'debugflags!'   => \$debugflags,
+        'debugimap!'    => \$debugimap,
+        'debugimap1!'   => \$debugimap1,
+        'debugimap2!'   => \$debugimap2,
+        'debugdev!'     => \$debugdev,
+        'debugmemory!'  => \$mysync->{debugmemory},
+        'debugfolders!' => \$mysync->{debugfolders},
+        'debugssl=i'    => \$mysync->{debugssl},
+        'debugcgi!'     => \$debugcgi,
+        'debugenv!'     => \$mysync->{debugenv},
+        'debugsig!'     => \$mysync->{debugsig},
+        'debuglabels!'  => \$mysync->{debuglabels},
+        'simulong=i'    => \$mysync->{simulong},
+        'abort'         => \$mysync->{abort},
+        'host1=s'       => \$mysync->{ host1 },
+        'host2=s'       => \$mysync->{ host2 },
+        'port1=i'       => \$mysync->{port1},
+        'port2=i'       => \$mysync->{port2},
+        'inet4|ipv4'    => \$mysync->{inet4},
+        'inet6|ipv6'    => \$mysync->{inet6},
+        'user1=s'     => \$mysync->{ user1 },
+        'user2=s'     => \$mysync->{ user2 },
+        'gmail1'      => \$mysync->{gmail1},
+        'gmail2'      => \$mysync->{gmail2},
+        'office1'     => \$mysync->{office1},
+        'office2'     => \$mysync->{office2},
+        'exchange1'   => \$mysync->{exchange1},
+        'exchange2'   => \$mysync->{exchange2},
+        'domino1'     => \$mysync->{domino1},
+        'domino2'     => \$mysync->{domino2},
+        'domain1=s'   => \$domain1,
+        'domain2=s'   => \$domain2,
+        'password1=s' => \$mysync->{password1},
+        'password2=s' => \$mysync->{password2},
+        'passfile1=s' => \$mysync->{ passfile1 },
+        'passfile2=s' => \$mysync->{ passfile2 },
+        'authmd5!'    => \$authmd5,
+        'authmd51!'   => \$authmd51,
+        'authmd52!'   => \$authmd52,
+        'sep1=s'      => \$mysync->{ sep1 },
+        'sep2=s'      => \$mysync->{ sep2 },
+        'sanitize!'         => \$mysync->{ sanitize },
+        'folder=s@'         => \$mysync->{ folder },
+        'folderrec=s'       => \@folderrec,
+        'include=s'         => \@include,
+        'exclude=s'         => \@exclude,
+        'noexclude'         => \$mysync->{noexclude},
+        'folderfirst=s'     => \@folderfirst,
+        'folderlast=s'      => \@folderlast,
+        'prefix1=s'         => \$prefix1,
+        'prefix2=s'         => \$prefix2,
+        'subfolder1=s'      => \$mysync->{ subfolder1 },
+        'subfolder2=s'      => \$mysync->{ subfolder2 },
+        'fixslash2!'        => \$mysync->{ fixslash2 },
+        'fixInboxINBOX!'    => \$fixInboxINBOX,
+        'regextrans2=s@'    => \$mysync->{ regextrans2 },
+        'mixfolders!'       => \$mixfolders,
+        'skipemptyfolders!' => \$mysync->{ skipemptyfolders },
+        'regexmess=s'       => \@regexmess,
+        'noregexmess'       => \$mysync->{noregexmess},
+        'skipmess=s'        => \@skipmess,
+        'pipemess=s'        => \@pipemess,
+        'pipemesscheck!'    => \$pipemesscheck,
+        'disarmreadreceipts!' => \$disarmreadreceipts,
+        'regexflag=s'         => \@regexflag,
+        'noregexflag'         => \$mysync->{noregexflag},
+        'filterflags!'        => \$filterflags,
+        'flagscase!'          => \$flagscase,
+        'syncflagsaftercopy!' => \$syncflagsaftercopy,
+        'resyncflags!'        => \$mysync->{ resyncflags },
+        'synclabels!'         => \$mysync->{ synclabels },
+        'resynclabels!'       => \$mysync->{ resynclabels },
+        'delete|delete1!'     => \$mysync->{ delete1 },
+        'delete2!'            => \$mysync->{ delete2 },
+        'delete2duplicates!'  => \$mysync->{ delete2duplicates },
+        'delete2folders!'     => \$delete2folders,
+        'delete2foldersonly=s'   => \$delete2foldersonly,
+        'delete2foldersbutnot=s' => \$delete2foldersbutnot,
+        'syncinternaldates!' => \$syncinternaldates,
+        'idatefromheader!'   => \$idatefromheader,
+        'syncacls!'          => \$syncacls,
+        'maxsize=i'       => \$mysync->{ maxsize },
+        'appendlimit=i'   => \$mysync->{ appendlimit },
+        'truncmess=i'     => \$mysync->{ truncmess },
+        'minsize=i'       => \$minsize,
+        'maxage=f'        => \$maxage,
+        'minage=f'        => \$minage,
+        'search=s'        => \$search,
+        'search1=s'       => \$mysync->{ search1 },
+        'search2=s'       => \$mysync->{ search2 },
+        'foldersizes!'      => \$mysync->{ foldersizes },
+        'foldersizesatend!' => \$mysync->{ foldersizesatend },
+        'dry!'              => \$mysync->{dry},
+        'expunge1|expunge!' => \$mysync->{ expunge1 },
+        'expunge2!'         => \$mysync->{ expunge2 },
+        'uidexpunge2!'      => \$mysync->{ uidexpunge2 },
+        'subscribed'  => \$subscribed,
+        'subscribe!'  => \$subscribe,
+        'subscribeall|subscribe_all!'  => \$subscribeall,
+        'justbanner!' => \$justbanner,
+        'justfolders!'=> \$mysync->{ justfolders },
+        'justfoldersizes!' => \$mysync->{ justfoldersizes },
+        'fast!'       => \$fast,
+        'version'     => \$mysync->{version},
+        'help'        => \$help,
+        'timeout=i'   => \$timeout,
+        'timeout1=i'   => \$mysync->{h1}->{timeout},
+        'timeout2=i'   => \$mysync->{h2}->{timeout},
+        'skipheader=s' => \$skipheader,
+        'useheader=s' => \@useheader,
+        'wholeheaderifneeded!'   => \$wholeheaderifneeded,
+        'messageidnodomain!' => \$messageidnodomain,
+        'skipsize!'   => \$skipsize,
+        'allowsizemismatch!' => \$allowsizemismatch,
+        'fastio1!'     => \$fastio1,
+        'fastio2!'     => \$fastio2,
+        'sslcheck!'    => \$mysync->{sslcheck},
+        'ssl1!'        => \$mysync->{ssl1},
+        'ssl2!'        => \$mysync->{ssl2},
+        'ssl1_ssl_version=s' => \$mysync->{h1}->{sslargs}->{SSL_version},
+        'ssl2_ssl_version=s' => \$mysync->{h2}->{sslargs}->{SSL_version},
+        'sslargs1=s%'        => \$mysync->{h1}->{sslargs},
+        'sslargs2=s%'        => \$mysync->{h2}->{sslargs},
+        'tls1!'        => \$mysync->{tls1},
+        'tls2!'        => \$mysync->{tls2},
+        'uid1!'        => \$uid1,
+        'uid2!'        => \$uid2,
+        'authmech1=s' => \$authmech1,
+        'authmech2=s' => \$authmech2,
+        'authuser1=s' => \$authuser1,
+        'authuser2=s' => \$authuser2,
+        'proxyauth1'  => \$proxyauth1,
+        'proxyauth2'  => \$proxyauth2,
+        'split1=i'    => \$split1,
+        'split2=i'    => \$split2,
+        'buffersize=i' => \$buffersize,
+        'reconnectretry1=i' => \$reconnectretry1,
+        'reconnectretry2=i' => \$reconnectretry2,
+        'tests!'          => \$mysync->{ tests },
+        'testsdebug|tests_debug!' => \$mysync->{ testsdebug },
+        'testsunit=s@'    => \$mysync->{testsunit},
+        'testslive!'      => \$mysync->{testslive},
+        'testslive6!'     => \$mysync->{testslive6},
+        'justlogin!'      => \$mysync->{justlogin},
+        'justconnect!'    => \$mysync->{justconnect},
+        'tmpdir=s'        => \$mysync->{ tmpdir },
+        'pidfile=s'       => \$mysync->{pidfile},
+        'pidfilelocking!' => \$mysync->{pidfilelocking},
+        'sigexit=s@'      => \$mysync->{ sigexit },
+        'sigreconnect=s@' => \$mysync->{ sigreconnect },
+        'sigignore=s@'    => \$mysync->{ sigignore },
+        'releasecheck!'   => \$mysync->{releasecheck},
+        'modulesversion|modules_version!' => \$modulesversion,
+        'usecache!'    => \$usecache,
+        'cacheaftercopy!' => \$cacheaftercopy,
+        'debugcache!' => \$debugcache,
+        'useuid!'     => \$useuid,
+        'addheader!'  => \$mysync->{addheader},
+        'exitwhenover=i' => \$mysync->{ exitwhenover },
+        'checkselectable!' => \$mysync->{ checkselectable },
+        'checkfoldersexist!' => \$mysync->{ checkfoldersexist },
+        'checkmessageexists!' => \$checkmessageexists,
+        'expungeaftereach!' => \$mysync->{ expungeaftereach },
+        'abletosearch!'  => \$mysync->{abletosearch},
+        'abletosearch1!' => \$mysync->{abletosearch1},
+        'abletosearch2!' => \$mysync->{abletosearch2},
+        'showpasswords!' => \$mysync->{showpasswords},
+        'maxlinelength=i'        => \$maxlinelength,
+        'maxlinelengthcmd=s'     => \$maxlinelengthcmd,
+        'minmaxlinelength=i'     => \$minmaxlinelength,
+        'debugmaxlinelength!'    => \$debugmaxlinelength,
+        'fixcolonbug!'           => \$fixcolonbug,
+        'create_folder_old!'     => \$create_folder_old,
+        'maxmessagespersecond=f' => \$mysync->{maxmessagespersecond},
+        'maxbytespersecond=i'    => \$mysync->{maxbytespersecond},
+        'maxbytesafter=i'        => \$mysync->{maxbytesafter},
+        'maxsleep=f'             => \$mysync->{maxsleep},
+        'skipcrossduplicates!'   => \$skipcrossduplicates,
+        'debugcrossduplicates!'  => \$debugcrossduplicates,
+        'log!'                   => \$mysync->{log},
+        'tail!'                  => \$mysync->{tail},
+        'logfile=s'        => \$mysync->{logfile},
+        'logdir=s'         => \$mysync->{logdir},
+        'errorsmax=i'      => \$mysync->{errorsmax},
+        'errorsdump!'      => \$mysync->{errorsdump},
+        'fetch_hash_set=s' => \$fetch_hash_set,
+        'automap!'         => \$mysync->{automap},
+        'justautomap!'     => \$mysync->{justautomap},
+        'id!'              => \$mysync->{id},
+        'f1f2=s@'          => \$mysync->{f1f2},
+        'nof1f2'           => \$mysync->{nof1f2},
+        'f1f2h=s%'         => \$mysync->{f1f2h},
+        'justfolderlists!' => \$mysync->{justfolderlists},
+        'delete1emptyfolders' => \$mysync->{delete1emptyfolders},
+        ) ;
+        #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $mysync ] )  ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and output( $mysync, "get options: [$opt_ret][$numopt]\n" ) ;
+        my $numopt_after = scalar @arguments ;
+        #myprint( "get options: [$opt_ret][$numopt][$numopt_after]\n" ) ;
+        if ( $numopt_after ) {
+                myprint(
+                        "Extra arguments found: @arguments\n",
+                        "It usually means a quoting issue in the command line ",
+                        "or some misspelling options.\n",
+                ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+        if ( ! $opt_ret ) {
+                return ;
+        }
+        return $numopt ;
+sub tests_get_options
+	note( 'Entering tests_get_options()' ) ;
+	# CAVEAT: still setting global variables, be careful
+	# with tests, the context increases! $debug stays on for example.
+	# API:
+	# * input arguments: two ways, command line or CGI
+	#    * the program arguments
+	#    * QUERY_STRING env variable
+	# * return
+	#   * undef if bad things happened like
+	#     * options not known
+	#     * --delete 2 input
+	#   * number of arguments or QUERY_STRING length
+	my $mysync = {  } ;
+	is( undef, get_options( $mysync, qw( --noexist ) ),                   'get_options: --noexist  => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, $mysync->{ noexist },  'get_options: --noexist  => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync = {  } ;
+	is( undef, get_options( $mysync, qw( --lalala --noexist --version ) ), 'get_options: --lalala --noexist --version  => undef' ) ;
+        is( 1,     $mysync->{ version }, 'get_options: --version => 1' ) ;
+        is( undef, $mysync->{ noexist },  'get_options: --noexist  => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync = {  } ;
+	is( 1,     get_options( $mysync, qw( --delete2 ) ), 'get_options: --delete2 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, $mysync->{ delete2 },  'get_options: --delete2 => var delete2 = 1' ) ;
+        $mysync = {  } ;
+	is( undef, get_options( $mysync, qw( --delete 2 ) ), 'get_options: --delete 2 => var undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, $mysync->{ delete1 },  'get_options: --delete 2 => var still undef ; good!' ) ;
+        $mysync = {  } ;
+	is( undef, get_options( $mysync, "--delete  2" ), 'get_options: --delete  2 => undef' ) ;
+	is( 1,     get_options( $mysync, "--version" ), 'get_options: --version => 1' ) ;
+	is( 1,     get_options( $mysync, "--help" ), 'get_options: --help => 1' ) ;
+	is( undef, get_options( $mysync, qw( --noexist --version ) ), 'get_options: --debug --noexist --version  => undef' ) ;
+	is( 1,     get_options( $mysync, qw( --version ) ), 'get_options: --version => 1' ) ;
+	is( undef, get_options( $mysync, qw( extra ) ), 'get_options: extra => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, get_options( $mysync, qw( extra1 --version extra2 ) ), 'get_options: extra1 --version extra2 => undef' ) ;
+        $mysync = {  } ;
+        is( 2, get_options( $mysync, qw( --host1 HOST_01) ), 'get_options: --host1 HOST_01 => 1' ) ;
+        is( 'HOST_01',  $mysync->{ host1 }, 'get_options: --host1 HOST_01 => HOST_01' ) ;
+        #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $mysync ] )  ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_get_options()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub get_options
+	my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+	my @arguments = @ARG ;
+        #myprint( "1 mysync: ", Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $mysync ] ) ) ;
+        my $ret ;
+	if ( under_cgi_context(  ) ) {
+		# CGI context
+		$ret = get_options_cgi( $mysync, @arguments )  ;
+	}else{
+		# Command line context ;
+		$ret = get_options_cmd( $mysync, @arguments )  ;
+	} ;
+        #myprint( "2 mysync: ", Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $mysync ] ) ) ;
+        foreach my $key ( sort keys %{ $mysync } ) {
+                if ( ! defined $mysync->{$key} ) {
+                        delete $mysync->{$key} ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+                if ( 'ARRAY' eq ref( $mysync->{$key} )
+                     and 0 == scalar( @{ $mysync->{$key} } ) ) {
+                        delete $mysync->{$key} ;
+                }
+        }
+	return $ret ;
+sub testunitsession
+	my $mysync = shift ;
+	if ( ! $mysync ) { return ; }
+	if ( ! $mysync->{ testsunit } ) { return ; }
+	my @functions = @{ $mysync->{ testsunit } } ;
+	if ( ! @functions ) { return ; }
+	SKIP: {
+		if ( ! @functions ) { skip 'No test in normal run' ; }
+		testsunit( @functions ) ;
+                done_testing(  ) ;
+	}
+	return ;
+sub tests_count_0s
+	note( 'Entering tests_count_zeros()' ) ;
+	is( 0, count_0s(  ), 'count_0s: no parameters => 0' ) ;
+	is( 1, count_0s( 0 ), 'count_0s: 0 => 1' ) ;
+	is( 0, count_0s( 1 ), 'count_0s: 1 => 0' ) ;
+	is( 1, count_0s( 1, 0, 1 ), 'count_0s: 1, 0, 1 => 1' ) ;
+	is( 2, count_0s( 1, 0, 1, 0 ), 'count_0s: 1, 0, 1, 0 => 2' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_count_zeros()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub count_0s
+	my @array = @ARG ;
+	if ( ! @array ) { return 0 ; }
+	my $nb_zeros = 0 ;
+	map { $_ == 0 and $nb_zeros += 1 } @array ;
+	return $nb_zeros ;
+sub tests_report_failures
+        note( 'Entering tests_report_failures()' ) ;
+	is( undef, report_failures(  ), 'report_failures: no parameters => undef' ) ;
+	is( "nb 1 - first\n", report_failures( ({'ok' => 0, name => 'first'}) ), 'report_failures: "first" failed => nb 1 - first' ) ;
+	is( q{}, report_failures( ( {'ok' => 1, name => 'first'} ) ), 'report_failures: "first" success =>' ) ;
+	is( "nb 2 - second\n", report_failures( ( {'ok' => 1, name => 'second'}, {'ok' => 0, name => 'second'} ) ), 'report_failures: "second" failed => nb 2 - second' ) ;
+	is( "nb 1 - first\nnb 2 - second\n", report_failures( ( {'ok' => 0, name => 'first'}, {'ok' => 0, name => 'second'} ) ), 'report_failures: both failed => nb 1 - first nb 2 - second' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_report_failures()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub report_failures
+	my @details = @ARG ;
+	if ( ! @details ) { return ; }
+	my $counter = 1 ;
+	my $report  = q{} ;
+	foreach my $details ( @details ) {
+		if ( ! $details->{ 'ok' } ) {
+			my $name = $details->{ 'name' } || 'NONAME' ;
+			$report .= "nb $counter - $name\n" ;
+		}
+		$counter += 1 ;
+	}
+	return $report ;
+sub tests_true
+	note( 'Entering tests_true()' ) ;
+	is( 1, 1, 'true: 1 is 1' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_true()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub tests_testsunit
+	note( 'Entering tests_testunit()' ) ;
+	is( undef, testsunit(  ), 'testsunit: no parameters => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, testsunit( undef ), 'testsunit: an undef parameter => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, testsunit( q{} ), 'testsunit: an empty parameter => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, testsunit( 'idonotexist' ), 'testsunit: a do not exist function as parameter => undef' ) ;
+	is( undef, testsunit( 'tests_true' ), 'testsunit: tests_true => undef' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_testunit()' ) ;
+	return ;
+sub testsunit
+	my @functions = @ARG ;
+	if ( ! @functions ) { #
+                myprint( "testsunit warning: no argument given\n" ) ;
+                return ;
+        }
+	foreach my $function ( @functions ) {
+		if ( ! $function ) {
+                        myprint( "testsunit warning: argument is empty\n" ) ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+		if ( ! exists &$function ) {
+                        myprint( "testsunit warning: function $function does not exist\n" ) ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+		if ( ! defined &$function ) {
+                        myprint( "testsunit warning: function $function is not defined\n" ) ;
+                        next ;
+                }
+		my $function_ref = \&{ $function } ;
+		&$function_ref() ;
+	}
+	return ;
+sub testsdebug
+        # Now a little obsolete since there is
+        # imapsync ... --testsunit "anyfunction"
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! $mysync->{ testsdebug } ) { return ; }
+        SKIP: {
+                if ( ! $mysync->{ testsdebug } ) {
+                        skip 'No test in normal run' ;
+                }
+                note( 'Entering testsdebug()' ) ;
+                #ok( ( ( not -d 'W/tmp/tests' ) or rmtree( 'W/tmp/tests/' ) ), 'testsdebug: rmtree W/tmp/tests' ) ;
+                #tests_check_binary_embed_all_dyn_libs(  ) ;
+                #tests_killpid_by_parent(  ) ;
+                #tests_killpid_by_brother(  ) ;
+                #tests_kill_zero(  ) ;
+                #tests_connect_socket(  ) ;
+                tests_probe_imapssl(  ) ;
+                #tests_always_fail(  ) ;
+                note( 'Leaving  testsdebug()' ) ;
+                done_testing(  ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        if ( ! $mysync->{ tests } ) { return ; }
+        SKIP: {
+                skip 'No test in normal run' if ( ! $mysync->{ tests } ) ;
+                note( 'Entering tests()' ) ;
+                tests_folder_routines(  ) ;
+                tests_compare_lists(  ) ;
+                tests_regexmess(  ) ;
+                tests_skipmess(  ) ;
+                tests_flags_regex();
+                tests_ucsecond(  ) ;
+                tests_permanentflags();
+                tests_flags_filter(  ) ;
+                tests_separator_invert(  ) ;
+                tests_imap2_folder_name(  ) ;
+                tests_command_line_nopassword(  ) ;
+                tests_good_date(  ) ;
+                tests_max(  ) ;
+                tests_remove_not_num();
+                tests_memory_consumption( ) ;
+                tests_is_a_release_number();
+                tests_imapsync_basename();
+                tests_list_keys_in_2_not_in_1();
+                tests_convert_sep_to_slash(  ) ;
+                tests_match_a_cache_file(  ) ;
+                tests_cache_map(  ) ;
+                tests_get_cache(  ) ;
+                tests_clean_cache(  ) ;
+                tests_clean_cache_2(  ) ;
+                tests_touch(  ) ;
+                tests_flagscase(  ) ;
+                tests_mkpath(  ) ;
+                tests_extract_header(  ) ;
+                tests_decompose_header(  ) ;
+                tests_epoch(  ) ;
+                tests_add_header(  ) ;
+                tests_cache_dir_fix(  ) ;
+                tests_cache_dir_fix_win(  ) ;
+                tests_filter_forbidden_characters(  ) ;
+                tests_cache_folder(  ) ;
+                tests_time_remaining(  ) ;
+                tests_decompose_regex(  ) ;
+                tests_backtick(  ) ;
+                tests_bytes_display_string(  ) ;
+                tests_header_line_normalize(  ) ;
+                tests_fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping(  ) ;
+                tests_max_line_length(  ) ;
+                tests_subject(  ) ;
+                tests_msgs_from_maxmin(  ) ;
+                tests_tmpdir_has_colon_bug(  ) ;
+                tests_sleep_max_messages(  ) ;
+                tests_sleep_max_bytes(  ) ;
+                tests_logfile(  ) ;
+                tests_setlogfile(  ) ;
+                tests_jux_utf8_old(  ) ;
+                tests_jux_utf8(  ) ;
+                tests_pipemess(  ) ;
+                tests_jux_utf8_list(  ) ;
+                tests_guess_prefix(  ) ;
+                tests_guess_separator(  ) ;
+                tests_format_for_imap_arg(  ) ;
+                tests_imapsync_id(  ) ;
+                tests_date_from_rcs(  ) ;
+                tests_quota_extract_storage_limit_in_bytes(  ) ;
+                tests_quota_extract_storage_current_in_bytes(  ) ;
+                tests_guess_special(  ) ;
+                tests_do_valid_directory(  ) ;
+                tests_delete1emptyfolders(  ) ;
+                tests_message_for_host2(  ) ;
+                tests_length_ref(  ) ;
+                tests_firstline(  ) ;
+                tests_diff_or_NA(  ) ;
+                tests_match_number(  ) ;
+                tests_all_defined(  ) ;
+                tests_special_from_folders_hash(  ) ;
+		tests_notmatch(  ) ;
+		tests_match(  ) ;
+		tests_get_options(  ) ;
+		tests_get_options_cgi_context(  ) ;
+		tests_rand32(  ) ;
+		tests_hashsynclocal(  ) ;
+		tests_hashsync(  ) ;
+		tests_output(  ) ;
+		tests_output_reset_with(  ) ;
+		tests_output_start(  ) ;
+		tests_check_last_release(  ) ;
+		tests_loadavg(  ) ;
+		tests_cpu_number(  ) ;
+		tests_load_and_delay(  ) ;
+		#tests_imapsping(  ) ;
+		#tests_tcpping(  ) ;
+		tests_sslcheck(  ) ;
+		tests_not_long_imapsync_version_public(  ) ;
+		tests_reconnect_if_needed(  ) ;
+		tests_reconnect_12_if_needed(  ) ;
+		tests_sleep_if_needed(  ) ;
+		tests_string_to_file(  ) ;
+		tests_file_to_string(  ) ;
+		tests_under_cgi_context(  ) ;
+		tests_umask(  ) ;
+		tests_umask_str(  ) ;
+		tests_set_umask(  ) ;
+		tests_createhashfileifneeded(  ) ;
+		tests_slash_to_underscore(  ) ;
+		tests_testsunit(  ) ;
+		tests_count_0s(  ) ;
+		tests_report_failures(  ) ;
+		tests_min(  ) ;
+		#tests_connect_socket(  ) ;
+		#tests_resolvrev(  ) ;
+                tests_usage(  ) ;
+                tests_version_from_rcs(  ) ;
+                tests_backslash_caret(  ) ;
+                #tests_mailimapclient_connect_bug(  ) ; # it fails with Mail-IMAPClient <= 3.39
+                tests_write_pidfile(  ) ;
+                tests_remove_pidfile_not_running(  ) ;
+                tests_match_a_pid_number(  ) ;
+                tests_prefix_seperator_invertion(  ) ;
+                tests_is_an_integer(  ) ;
+                tests_integer_or_1(  ) ;
+                tests_is_number(  ) ;
+                tests_sig_install(  ) ;
+                tests_template(  ) ;
+                tests_split_around_equal(  ) ;
+                tests_toggle_sleep(  ) ;
+                tests_labels(  ) ;
+                tests_synclabels(  ) ;
+                tests_uidexpunge_or_expunge(  ) ;
+                tests_appendlimit_from_capability(  ) ;
+                tests_maxsize_setting(  ) ;
+                tests_mock_capability(  ) ;
+                tests_appendlimit(  ) ;
+                tests_capability_of(  ) ;
+                tests_search_in_array(  ) ;
+                tests_operators_and_exclam_precedence(  ) ;
+                tests_teelaunch(  ) ;
+                tests_logfileprepa(  ) ;
+                tests_useheader_suggestion(  ) ;
+                tests_nb_messages_in_2_not_in_1(  ) ;
+                tests_labels_add_subfolder2(  ) ;
+                tests_labels_remove_subfolder1(  ) ;
+                tests_resynclabels(  ) ;
+                tests_labels_remove_special(  ) ;
+                tests_uniq(  ) ;
+                tests_remove_from_requested_folders(  ) ;
+                tests_errors_log(  ) ;
+                tests_add_subfolder1_to_folderrec(  ) ;
+                tests_sanitize_subfolder(  ) ;
+                tests_remove_edging_blanks(  ) ;
+                tests_sanitize(  ) ;
+                tests_remove_last_char_if_is(  ) ;
+                tests_check_binary_embed_all_dyn_libs(  ) ;
+                tests_nthline(  ) ;
+                tests_secondline(  ) ;
+                tests_tail(  ) ;
+                tests_truncmess(  ) ;
+                tests_eta(  ) ;
+                tests_timesince(  ) ;
+                tests_timenext(  ) ;
+                tests_foldersize(  ) ;
+                tests_imapsync_context(  ) ;
+                tests_abort(  ) ;
+                tests_probe_imapssl(  ) ;
+                tests_mailimapclient_connect(  ) ;
+                #tests_resolv(  ) ;
+                # Those three are for later use, when webserver will be inside imapsync 
+                # or will be deleted them if I abandon the project.
+                #tests_killpid_by_parent(  ) ;
+                #tests_killpid_by_brother(  ) ;
+                #tests_kill_zero(  ) ;
+                #tests_always_fail(  ) ;
+                done_testing( 1496 ) ;
+                note( 'Leaving  tests()' ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub tests_template
+        note( 'Entering tests_template()' ) ;
+        is( undef, undef,  'template: no args => undef' ) ;
+        is_deeply( {}, {}, 'template: a hash is a hash' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [], [], 'template: an array is an array' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_template()' ) ;
+        return ;