git subrepo clone (merge) metrics-server

  subdir:   "metrics-server"
  merged:   "92d8412"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "92d8412"
  version:  "0.4.0"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa3b712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+package types
+import "strings"
+// Ref makes a reference to the given type. It can only be used for e.g.
+// passing to namers.
+func Ref(packageName, typeName string) *Type {
+	return &Type{Name: Name{
+		Name:    typeName,
+		Package: packageName,
+	}}
+// A type name may have a package qualifier.
+type Name struct {
+	// Empty if embedded or builtin. This is the package path unless Path is specified.
+	Package string
+	// The type name.
+	Name string
+	// An optional location of the type definition for languages that can have disjoint
+	// packages and paths.
+	Path string
+// String returns the name formatted as a string.
+func (n Name) String() string {
+	if n.Package == "" {
+		return n.Name
+	}
+	return n.Package + "." + n.Name
+// ParseFullyQualifiedName parses a name like into a Name.
+func ParseFullyQualifiedName(fqn string) Name {
+	cs := strings.Split(fqn, ".")
+	pkg := ""
+	if len(cs) > 1 {
+		pkg = strings.Join(cs[0:len(cs) - 1], ".")
+	}
+	return Name{
+		Name: cs[len(cs) - 1],
+		Package: pkg,
+	}
+// The possible classes of types.
+type Kind string
+const (
+	// Builtin is a primitive, like bool, string, int.
+	Builtin Kind = "Builtin"
+	Struct  Kind = "Struct"
+	Map     Kind = "Map"
+	Slice   Kind = "Slice"
+	Pointer Kind = "Pointer"
+	// Alias is an alias of another type, e.g. in:
+	//   type Foo string
+	//   type Bar Foo
+	// Bar is an alias of Foo.
+	//
+	// In the real go type system, Foo is a "Named" string; but to simplify
+	// generation, this type system will just say that Foo *is* a builtin.
+	// We then need "Alias" as a way for us to say that Bar *is* a Foo.
+	Alias Kind = "Alias"
+	// Interface is any type that could have differing types at run time.
+	Interface Kind = "Interface"
+	// The remaining types are included for completeness, but are not well
+	// supported.
+	Array Kind = "Array" // Array is just like slice, but has a fixed length.
+	Chan  Kind = "Chan"
+	Func  Kind = "Func"
+	// DeclarationOf is different from other Kinds; it indicates that instead of
+	// representing an actual Type, the type is a declaration of an instance of
+	// a type. E.g., a top-level function, variable, or constant. See the
+	// comment for Type.Name for more detail.
+	DeclarationOf Kind = "DeclarationOf"
+	Unknown       Kind = ""
+	Unsupported   Kind = "Unsupported"
+	// Protobuf is protobuf type.
+	Protobuf Kind = "Protobuf"
+// Package holds package-level information.
+// Fields are public, as everything in this package, to enable consumption by
+// templates (for example). But it is strongly encouraged for code to build by
+// using the provided functions.
+type Package struct {
+	// Canonical name of this package-- its path.
+	Path string
+	// The location this package was loaded from
+	SourcePath string
+	// Short name of this package; the name that appears in the
+	// 'package x' line.
+	Name string
+	// The comment right above the package declaration in doc.go, if any.
+	DocComments []string
+	// All comments from doc.go, if any.
+	// TODO: remove Comments and use DocComments everywhere.
+	Comments []string
+	// Types within this package, indexed by their name (*not* including
+	// package name).
+	Types map[string]*Type
+	// Functions within this package, indexed by their name (*not* including
+	// package name).
+	Functions map[string]*Type
+	// Global variables within this package, indexed by their name (*not* including
+	// package name).
+	Variables map[string]*Type
+	// Packages imported by this package, indexed by (canonicalized)
+	// package path.
+	Imports map[string]*Package
+// Has returns true if the given name references a type known to this package.
+func (p *Package) Has(name string) bool {
+	_, has := p.Types[name]
+	return has
+// Type gets the given Type in this Package.  If the Type is not already
+// defined, this will add it and return the new Type value.  The caller is
+// expected to finish initialization.
+func (p *Package) Type(typeName string) *Type {
+	if t, ok := p.Types[typeName]; ok {
+		return t
+	}
+	if p.Path == "" {
+		// Import the standard builtin types!
+		if t, ok := builtins.Types[typeName]; ok {
+			p.Types[typeName] = t
+			return t
+		}
+	}
+	t := &Type{Name: Name{Package: p.Path, Name: typeName}}
+	p.Types[typeName] = t
+	return t
+// Function gets the given function Type in this Package. If the function is
+// not already defined, this will add it.  If a function is added, it's the
+// caller's responsibility to finish construction of the function by setting
+// Underlying to the correct type.
+func (p *Package) Function(funcName string) *Type {
+	if t, ok := p.Functions[funcName]; ok {
+		return t
+	}
+	t := &Type{Name: Name{Package: p.Path, Name: funcName}}
+	t.Kind = DeclarationOf
+	p.Functions[funcName] = t
+	return t
+// Variable gets the given variable Type in this Package. If the variable is
+// not already defined, this will add it. If a variable is added, it's the caller's
+// responsibility to finish construction of the variable by setting Underlying
+// to the correct type.
+func (p *Package) Variable(varName string) *Type {
+	if t, ok := p.Variables[varName]; ok {
+		return t
+	}
+	t := &Type{Name: Name{Package: p.Path, Name: varName}}
+	t.Kind = DeclarationOf
+	p.Variables[varName] = t
+	return t
+// HasImport returns true if p imports packageName. Package names include the
+// package directory.
+func (p *Package) HasImport(packageName string) bool {
+	_, has := p.Imports[packageName]
+	return has
+// Universe is a map of all packages. The key is the package name, but you
+// should use Package(), Type(), Function(), or Variable() instead of direct
+// access.
+type Universe map[string]*Package
+// Type returns the canonical type for the given fully-qualified name. Builtin
+// types will always be found, even if they haven't been explicitly added to
+// the map. If a non-existing type is requested, this will create (a marker for)
+// it.
+func (u Universe) Type(n Name) *Type {
+	return u.Package(n.Package).Type(n.Name)
+// Function returns the canonical function for the given fully-qualified name.
+// If a non-existing function is requested, this will create (a marker for) it.
+// If a marker is created, it's the caller's responsibility to finish
+// construction of the function by setting Underlying to the correct type.
+func (u Universe) Function(n Name) *Type {
+	return u.Package(n.Package).Function(n.Name)
+// Variable returns the canonical variable for the given fully-qualified name.
+// If a non-existing variable is requested, this will create (a marker for) it.
+// If a marker is created, it's the caller's responsibility to finish
+// construction of the variable by setting Underlying to the correct type.
+func (u Universe) Variable(n Name) *Type {
+	return u.Package(n.Package).Variable(n.Name)
+// AddImports registers import lines for packageName. May be called multiple times.
+// You are responsible for canonicalizing all package paths.
+func (u Universe) AddImports(packagePath string, importPaths ...string) {
+	p := u.Package(packagePath)
+	for _, i := range importPaths {
+		p.Imports[i] = u.Package(i)
+	}
+// Package returns the Package for the given path.
+// If a non-existing package is requested, this will create (a marker for) it.
+// If a marker is created, it's the caller's responsibility to finish
+// construction of the package.
+func (u Universe) Package(packagePath string) *Package {
+	if p, ok := u[packagePath]; ok {
+		return p
+	}
+	p := &Package{
+		Path:      packagePath,
+		Types:     map[string]*Type{},
+		Functions: map[string]*Type{},
+		Variables: map[string]*Type{},
+		Imports:   map[string]*Package{},
+	}
+	u[packagePath] = p
+	return p
+// Type represents a subset of possible go types.
+type Type struct {
+	// There are two general categories of types, those explicitly named
+	// and those anonymous. Named ones will have a non-empty package in the
+	// name field.
+	//
+	// An exception: If Kind == DeclarationOf, then this name is the name of a
+	// top-level function, variable, or const, and the type can be found in Underlying.
+	// We do this to allow the naming system to work against these objects, even
+	// though they aren't strictly speaking types.
+	Name Name
+	// The general kind of this type.
+	Kind Kind
+	// If there are comment lines immediately before the type definition,
+	// they will be recorded here.
+	CommentLines []string
+	// If there are comment lines preceding the `CommentLines`, they will be
+	// recorded here. There are two cases:
+	// ---
+	// SecondClosestCommentLines
+	// a blank line
+	// CommentLines
+	// type definition
+	// ---
+	//
+	// or
+	// ---
+	// SecondClosestCommentLines
+	// a blank line
+	// type definition
+	// ---
+	SecondClosestCommentLines []string
+	// If Kind == Struct
+	Members []Member
+	// If Kind == Map, Slice, Pointer, or Chan
+	Elem *Type
+	// If Kind == Map, this is the map's key type.
+	Key *Type
+	// If Kind == Alias, this is the underlying type.
+	// If Kind == DeclarationOf, this is the type of the declaration.
+	Underlying *Type
+	// If Kind == Interface, this is the set of all required functions.
+	// Otherwise, if this is a named type, this is the list of methods that
+	// type has. (All elements will have Kind=="Func")
+	Methods map[string]*Type
+	// If Kind == func, this is the signature of the function.
+	Signature *Signature
+	// TODO: Add:
+	// * channel direction
+	// * array length
+// String returns the name of the type.
+func (t *Type) String() string {
+	return t.Name.String()
+// IsPrimitive returns whether the type is a built-in type or is an alias to a
+// built-in type.  For example: strings and aliases of strings are primitives,
+// structs are not.
+func (t *Type) IsPrimitive() bool {
+	if t.Kind == Builtin || (t.Kind == Alias && t.Underlying.Kind == Builtin) {
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+// IsAssignable returns whether the type is deep-assignable.  For example,
+// slices and maps and pointers are shallow copies, but ints and strings are
+// complete.
+func (t *Type) IsAssignable() bool {
+	if t.IsPrimitive() {
+		return true
+	}
+	if t.Kind == Struct {
+		for _, m := range t.Members {
+			if !m.Type.IsAssignable() {
+				return false
+			}
+		}
+		return true
+	}
+	return false
+// IsAnonymousStruct returns true if the type is an anonymous struct or an alias
+// to an anonymous struct.
+func (t *Type) IsAnonymousStruct() bool {
+	return (t.Kind == Struct && t.Name.Name == "struct{}") || (t.Kind == Alias && t.Underlying.IsAnonymousStruct())
+// A single struct member
+type Member struct {
+	// The name of the member.
+	Name string
+	// If the member is embedded (anonymous) this will be true, and the
+	// Name will be the type name.
+	Embedded bool
+	// If there are comment lines immediately before the member in the type
+	// definition, they will be recorded here.
+	CommentLines []string
+	// If there are tags along with this member, they will be saved here.
+	Tags string
+	// The type of this member.
+	Type *Type
+// String returns the name and type of the member.
+func (m Member) String() string {
+	return m.Name + " " + m.Type.String()
+// Signature is a function's signature.
+type Signature struct {
+	// TODO: store the parameter names, not just types.
+	// If a method of some type, this is the type it's a member of.
+	Receiver   *Type
+	Parameters []*Type
+	Results    []*Type
+	// True if the last in parameter is of the form ...T.
+	Variadic bool
+	// If there are comment lines immediately before this
+	// signature/method/function declaration, they will be recorded here.
+	CommentLines []string
+// Built in types.
+var (
+	String = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "string"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Int64 = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "int64"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Int32 = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "int32"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Int16 = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "int16"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Int = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "int"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Uint64 = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "uint64"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Uint32 = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "uint32"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Uint16 = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "uint16"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Uint = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "uint"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Uintptr = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "uintptr"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Float64 = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "float64"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Float32 = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "float32"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Float = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "float"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Bool = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "bool"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	Byte = &Type{
+		Name: Name{Name: "byte"},
+		Kind: Builtin,
+	}
+	builtins = &Package{
+		Types: map[string]*Type{
+			"bool":    Bool,
+			"string":  String,
+			"int":     Int,
+			"int64":   Int64,
+			"int32":   Int32,
+			"int16":   Int16,
+			"int8":    Byte,
+			"uint":    Uint,
+			"uint64":  Uint64,
+			"uint32":  Uint32,
+			"uint16":  Uint16,
+			"uint8":   Byte,
+			"uintptr": Uintptr,
+			"byte":    Byte,
+			"float":   Float,
+			"float64": Float64,
+			"float32": Float32,
+		},
+		Imports: map[string]*Package{},
+		Path:    "",
+		Name:    "",
+	}
+func IsInteger(t *Type) bool {
+	switch t {
+	case Int, Int64, Int32, Int16, Uint, Uint64, Uint32, Uint16, Byte:
+		return true
+	default:
+		return false
+	}