git subrepo clone (merge) metrics-server

  subdir:   "metrics-server"
  merged:   "92d8412"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "92d8412"
  version:  "0.4.0"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d0eace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+Copyright The Kubernetes Authors.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+// Code generated by client-gen. DO NOT EDIT.
+package kubernetes
+import (
+	discovery ""
+	admissionregistrationv1alpha1 ""
+	admissionregistrationv1beta1 ""
+	appsv1 ""
+	appsv1beta1 ""
+	appsv1beta2 ""
+	authenticationv1 ""
+	authenticationv1beta1 ""
+	authorizationv1 ""
+	authorizationv1beta1 ""
+	autoscalingv1 ""
+	autoscalingv2beta1 ""
+	batchv1 ""
+	batchv1beta1 ""
+	batchv2alpha1 ""
+	certificatesv1beta1 ""
+	corev1 ""
+	eventsv1beta1 ""
+	extensionsv1beta1 ""
+	networkingv1 ""
+	policyv1beta1 ""
+	rbacv1 ""
+	rbacv1alpha1 ""
+	rbacv1beta1 ""
+	schedulingv1alpha1 ""
+	schedulingv1beta1 ""
+	settingsv1alpha1 ""
+	storagev1 ""
+	storagev1alpha1 ""
+	storagev1beta1 ""
+	rest ""
+	flowcontrol ""
+type Interface interface {
+	Discovery() discovery.DiscoveryInterface
+	AdmissionregistrationV1alpha1() admissionregistrationv1alpha1.AdmissionregistrationV1alpha1Interface
+	AdmissionregistrationV1beta1() admissionregistrationv1beta1.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Admissionregistration() admissionregistrationv1beta1.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1Interface
+	AppsV1beta1() appsv1beta1.AppsV1beta1Interface
+	AppsV1beta2() appsv1beta2.AppsV1beta2Interface
+	AppsV1() appsv1.AppsV1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Apps() appsv1.AppsV1Interface
+	AuthenticationV1() authenticationv1.AuthenticationV1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Authentication() authenticationv1.AuthenticationV1Interface
+	AuthenticationV1beta1() authenticationv1beta1.AuthenticationV1beta1Interface
+	AuthorizationV1() authorizationv1.AuthorizationV1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Authorization() authorizationv1.AuthorizationV1Interface
+	AuthorizationV1beta1() authorizationv1beta1.AuthorizationV1beta1Interface
+	AutoscalingV1() autoscalingv1.AutoscalingV1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Autoscaling() autoscalingv1.AutoscalingV1Interface
+	AutoscalingV2beta1() autoscalingv2beta1.AutoscalingV2beta1Interface
+	BatchV1() batchv1.BatchV1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Batch() batchv1.BatchV1Interface
+	BatchV1beta1() batchv1beta1.BatchV1beta1Interface
+	BatchV2alpha1() batchv2alpha1.BatchV2alpha1Interface
+	CertificatesV1beta1() certificatesv1beta1.CertificatesV1beta1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Certificates() certificatesv1beta1.CertificatesV1beta1Interface
+	CoreV1() corev1.CoreV1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Core() corev1.CoreV1Interface
+	EventsV1beta1() eventsv1beta1.EventsV1beta1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Events() eventsv1beta1.EventsV1beta1Interface
+	ExtensionsV1beta1() extensionsv1beta1.ExtensionsV1beta1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Extensions() extensionsv1beta1.ExtensionsV1beta1Interface
+	NetworkingV1() networkingv1.NetworkingV1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Networking() networkingv1.NetworkingV1Interface
+	PolicyV1beta1() policyv1beta1.PolicyV1beta1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Policy() policyv1beta1.PolicyV1beta1Interface
+	RbacV1() rbacv1.RbacV1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Rbac() rbacv1.RbacV1Interface
+	RbacV1beta1() rbacv1beta1.RbacV1beta1Interface
+	RbacV1alpha1() rbacv1alpha1.RbacV1alpha1Interface
+	SchedulingV1alpha1() schedulingv1alpha1.SchedulingV1alpha1Interface
+	SchedulingV1beta1() schedulingv1beta1.SchedulingV1beta1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Scheduling() schedulingv1beta1.SchedulingV1beta1Interface
+	SettingsV1alpha1() settingsv1alpha1.SettingsV1alpha1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Settings() settingsv1alpha1.SettingsV1alpha1Interface
+	StorageV1beta1() storagev1beta1.StorageV1beta1Interface
+	StorageV1() storagev1.StorageV1Interface
+	// Deprecated: please explicitly pick a version if possible.
+	Storage() storagev1.StorageV1Interface
+	StorageV1alpha1() storagev1alpha1.StorageV1alpha1Interface
+// Clientset contains the clients for groups. Each group has exactly one
+// version included in a Clientset.
+type Clientset struct {
+	*discovery.DiscoveryClient
+	admissionregistrationV1alpha1 *admissionregistrationv1alpha1.AdmissionregistrationV1alpha1Client
+	admissionregistrationV1beta1  *admissionregistrationv1beta1.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1Client
+	appsV1beta1                   *appsv1beta1.AppsV1beta1Client
+	appsV1beta2                   *appsv1beta2.AppsV1beta2Client
+	appsV1                        *appsv1.AppsV1Client
+	authenticationV1              *authenticationv1.AuthenticationV1Client
+	authenticationV1beta1         *authenticationv1beta1.AuthenticationV1beta1Client
+	authorizationV1               *authorizationv1.AuthorizationV1Client
+	authorizationV1beta1          *authorizationv1beta1.AuthorizationV1beta1Client
+	autoscalingV1                 *autoscalingv1.AutoscalingV1Client
+	autoscalingV2beta1            *autoscalingv2beta1.AutoscalingV2beta1Client
+	batchV1                       *batchv1.BatchV1Client
+	batchV1beta1                  *batchv1beta1.BatchV1beta1Client
+	batchV2alpha1                 *batchv2alpha1.BatchV2alpha1Client
+	certificatesV1beta1           *certificatesv1beta1.CertificatesV1beta1Client
+	coreV1                        *corev1.CoreV1Client
+	eventsV1beta1                 *eventsv1beta1.EventsV1beta1Client
+	extensionsV1beta1             *extensionsv1beta1.ExtensionsV1beta1Client
+	networkingV1                  *networkingv1.NetworkingV1Client
+	policyV1beta1                 *policyv1beta1.PolicyV1beta1Client
+	rbacV1                        *rbacv1.RbacV1Client
+	rbacV1beta1                   *rbacv1beta1.RbacV1beta1Client
+	rbacV1alpha1                  *rbacv1alpha1.RbacV1alpha1Client
+	schedulingV1alpha1            *schedulingv1alpha1.SchedulingV1alpha1Client
+	schedulingV1beta1             *schedulingv1beta1.SchedulingV1beta1Client
+	settingsV1alpha1              *settingsv1alpha1.SettingsV1alpha1Client
+	storageV1beta1                *storagev1beta1.StorageV1beta1Client
+	storageV1                     *storagev1.StorageV1Client
+	storageV1alpha1               *storagev1alpha1.StorageV1alpha1Client
+// AdmissionregistrationV1alpha1 retrieves the AdmissionregistrationV1alpha1Client
+func (c *Clientset) AdmissionregistrationV1alpha1() admissionregistrationv1alpha1.AdmissionregistrationV1alpha1Interface {
+	return c.admissionregistrationV1alpha1
+// AdmissionregistrationV1beta1 retrieves the AdmissionregistrationV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) AdmissionregistrationV1beta1() admissionregistrationv1beta1.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.admissionregistrationV1beta1
+// Deprecated: Admissionregistration retrieves the default version of AdmissionregistrationClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Admissionregistration() admissionregistrationv1beta1.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.admissionregistrationV1beta1
+// AppsV1beta1 retrieves the AppsV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) AppsV1beta1() appsv1beta1.AppsV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.appsV1beta1
+// AppsV1beta2 retrieves the AppsV1beta2Client
+func (c *Clientset) AppsV1beta2() appsv1beta2.AppsV1beta2Interface {
+	return c.appsV1beta2
+// AppsV1 retrieves the AppsV1Client
+func (c *Clientset) AppsV1() appsv1.AppsV1Interface {
+	return c.appsV1
+// Deprecated: Apps retrieves the default version of AppsClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Apps() appsv1.AppsV1Interface {
+	return c.appsV1
+// AuthenticationV1 retrieves the AuthenticationV1Client
+func (c *Clientset) AuthenticationV1() authenticationv1.AuthenticationV1Interface {
+	return c.authenticationV1
+// Deprecated: Authentication retrieves the default version of AuthenticationClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Authentication() authenticationv1.AuthenticationV1Interface {
+	return c.authenticationV1
+// AuthenticationV1beta1 retrieves the AuthenticationV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) AuthenticationV1beta1() authenticationv1beta1.AuthenticationV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.authenticationV1beta1
+// AuthorizationV1 retrieves the AuthorizationV1Client
+func (c *Clientset) AuthorizationV1() authorizationv1.AuthorizationV1Interface {
+	return c.authorizationV1
+// Deprecated: Authorization retrieves the default version of AuthorizationClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Authorization() authorizationv1.AuthorizationV1Interface {
+	return c.authorizationV1
+// AuthorizationV1beta1 retrieves the AuthorizationV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) AuthorizationV1beta1() authorizationv1beta1.AuthorizationV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.authorizationV1beta1
+// AutoscalingV1 retrieves the AutoscalingV1Client
+func (c *Clientset) AutoscalingV1() autoscalingv1.AutoscalingV1Interface {
+	return c.autoscalingV1
+// Deprecated: Autoscaling retrieves the default version of AutoscalingClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Autoscaling() autoscalingv1.AutoscalingV1Interface {
+	return c.autoscalingV1
+// AutoscalingV2beta1 retrieves the AutoscalingV2beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) AutoscalingV2beta1() autoscalingv2beta1.AutoscalingV2beta1Interface {
+	return c.autoscalingV2beta1
+// BatchV1 retrieves the BatchV1Client
+func (c *Clientset) BatchV1() batchv1.BatchV1Interface {
+	return c.batchV1
+// Deprecated: Batch retrieves the default version of BatchClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Batch() batchv1.BatchV1Interface {
+	return c.batchV1
+// BatchV1beta1 retrieves the BatchV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) BatchV1beta1() batchv1beta1.BatchV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.batchV1beta1
+// BatchV2alpha1 retrieves the BatchV2alpha1Client
+func (c *Clientset) BatchV2alpha1() batchv2alpha1.BatchV2alpha1Interface {
+	return c.batchV2alpha1
+// CertificatesV1beta1 retrieves the CertificatesV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) CertificatesV1beta1() certificatesv1beta1.CertificatesV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.certificatesV1beta1
+// Deprecated: Certificates retrieves the default version of CertificatesClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Certificates() certificatesv1beta1.CertificatesV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.certificatesV1beta1
+// CoreV1 retrieves the CoreV1Client
+func (c *Clientset) CoreV1() corev1.CoreV1Interface {
+	return c.coreV1
+// Deprecated: Core retrieves the default version of CoreClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Core() corev1.CoreV1Interface {
+	return c.coreV1
+// EventsV1beta1 retrieves the EventsV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) EventsV1beta1() eventsv1beta1.EventsV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.eventsV1beta1
+// Deprecated: Events retrieves the default version of EventsClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Events() eventsv1beta1.EventsV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.eventsV1beta1
+// ExtensionsV1beta1 retrieves the ExtensionsV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) ExtensionsV1beta1() extensionsv1beta1.ExtensionsV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.extensionsV1beta1
+// Deprecated: Extensions retrieves the default version of ExtensionsClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Extensions() extensionsv1beta1.ExtensionsV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.extensionsV1beta1
+// NetworkingV1 retrieves the NetworkingV1Client
+func (c *Clientset) NetworkingV1() networkingv1.NetworkingV1Interface {
+	return c.networkingV1
+// Deprecated: Networking retrieves the default version of NetworkingClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Networking() networkingv1.NetworkingV1Interface {
+	return c.networkingV1
+// PolicyV1beta1 retrieves the PolicyV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) PolicyV1beta1() policyv1beta1.PolicyV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.policyV1beta1
+// Deprecated: Policy retrieves the default version of PolicyClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Policy() policyv1beta1.PolicyV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.policyV1beta1
+// RbacV1 retrieves the RbacV1Client
+func (c *Clientset) RbacV1() rbacv1.RbacV1Interface {
+	return c.rbacV1
+// Deprecated: Rbac retrieves the default version of RbacClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Rbac() rbacv1.RbacV1Interface {
+	return c.rbacV1
+// RbacV1beta1 retrieves the RbacV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) RbacV1beta1() rbacv1beta1.RbacV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.rbacV1beta1
+// RbacV1alpha1 retrieves the RbacV1alpha1Client
+func (c *Clientset) RbacV1alpha1() rbacv1alpha1.RbacV1alpha1Interface {
+	return c.rbacV1alpha1
+// SchedulingV1alpha1 retrieves the SchedulingV1alpha1Client
+func (c *Clientset) SchedulingV1alpha1() schedulingv1alpha1.SchedulingV1alpha1Interface {
+	return c.schedulingV1alpha1
+// SchedulingV1beta1 retrieves the SchedulingV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) SchedulingV1beta1() schedulingv1beta1.SchedulingV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.schedulingV1beta1
+// Deprecated: Scheduling retrieves the default version of SchedulingClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Scheduling() schedulingv1beta1.SchedulingV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.schedulingV1beta1
+// SettingsV1alpha1 retrieves the SettingsV1alpha1Client
+func (c *Clientset) SettingsV1alpha1() settingsv1alpha1.SettingsV1alpha1Interface {
+	return c.settingsV1alpha1
+// Deprecated: Settings retrieves the default version of SettingsClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Settings() settingsv1alpha1.SettingsV1alpha1Interface {
+	return c.settingsV1alpha1
+// StorageV1beta1 retrieves the StorageV1beta1Client
+func (c *Clientset) StorageV1beta1() storagev1beta1.StorageV1beta1Interface {
+	return c.storageV1beta1
+// StorageV1 retrieves the StorageV1Client
+func (c *Clientset) StorageV1() storagev1.StorageV1Interface {
+	return c.storageV1
+// Deprecated: Storage retrieves the default version of StorageClient.
+// Please explicitly pick a version.
+func (c *Clientset) Storage() storagev1.StorageV1Interface {
+	return c.storageV1
+// StorageV1alpha1 retrieves the StorageV1alpha1Client
+func (c *Clientset) StorageV1alpha1() storagev1alpha1.StorageV1alpha1Interface {
+	return c.storageV1alpha1
+// Discovery retrieves the DiscoveryClient
+func (c *Clientset) Discovery() discovery.DiscoveryInterface {
+	if c == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return c.DiscoveryClient
+// NewForConfig creates a new Clientset for the given config.
+func NewForConfig(c *rest.Config) (*Clientset, error) {
+	configShallowCopy := *c
+	if configShallowCopy.RateLimiter == nil && configShallowCopy.QPS > 0 {
+		configShallowCopy.RateLimiter = flowcontrol.NewTokenBucketRateLimiter(configShallowCopy.QPS, configShallowCopy.Burst)
+	}
+	var cs Clientset
+	var err error
+	cs.admissionregistrationV1alpha1, err = admissionregistrationv1alpha1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.admissionregistrationV1beta1, err = admissionregistrationv1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.appsV1beta1, err = appsv1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.appsV1beta2, err = appsv1beta2.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.appsV1, err = appsv1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.authenticationV1, err = authenticationv1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.authenticationV1beta1, err = authenticationv1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.authorizationV1, err = authorizationv1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.authorizationV1beta1, err = authorizationv1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.autoscalingV1, err = autoscalingv1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.autoscalingV2beta1, err = autoscalingv2beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.batchV1, err = batchv1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.batchV1beta1, err = batchv1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.batchV2alpha1, err = batchv2alpha1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.certificatesV1beta1, err = certificatesv1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.coreV1, err = corev1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.eventsV1beta1, err = eventsv1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.extensionsV1beta1, err = extensionsv1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.networkingV1, err = networkingv1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.policyV1beta1, err = policyv1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.rbacV1, err = rbacv1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.rbacV1beta1, err = rbacv1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.rbacV1alpha1, err = rbacv1alpha1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.schedulingV1alpha1, err = schedulingv1alpha1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.schedulingV1beta1, err = schedulingv1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.settingsV1alpha1, err = settingsv1alpha1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.storageV1beta1, err = storagev1beta1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.storageV1, err = storagev1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.storageV1alpha1, err = storagev1alpha1.NewForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	cs.DiscoveryClient, err = discovery.NewDiscoveryClientForConfig(&configShallowCopy)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return &cs, nil
+// NewForConfigOrDie creates a new Clientset for the given config and
+// panics if there is an error in the config.
+func NewForConfigOrDie(c *rest.Config) *Clientset {
+	var cs Clientset
+	cs.admissionregistrationV1alpha1 = admissionregistrationv1alpha1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.admissionregistrationV1beta1 = admissionregistrationv1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.appsV1beta1 = appsv1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.appsV1beta2 = appsv1beta2.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.appsV1 = appsv1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.authenticationV1 = authenticationv1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.authenticationV1beta1 = authenticationv1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.authorizationV1 = authorizationv1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.authorizationV1beta1 = authorizationv1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.autoscalingV1 = autoscalingv1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.autoscalingV2beta1 = autoscalingv2beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.batchV1 = batchv1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.batchV1beta1 = batchv1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.batchV2alpha1 = batchv2alpha1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.certificatesV1beta1 = certificatesv1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.coreV1 = corev1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.eventsV1beta1 = eventsv1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.extensionsV1beta1 = extensionsv1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.networkingV1 = networkingv1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.policyV1beta1 = policyv1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.rbacV1 = rbacv1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.rbacV1beta1 = rbacv1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.rbacV1alpha1 = rbacv1alpha1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.schedulingV1alpha1 = schedulingv1alpha1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.schedulingV1beta1 = schedulingv1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.settingsV1alpha1 = settingsv1alpha1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.storageV1beta1 = storagev1beta1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.storageV1 = storagev1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.storageV1alpha1 = storagev1alpha1.NewForConfigOrDie(c)
+	cs.DiscoveryClient = discovery.NewDiscoveryClientForConfigOrDie(c)
+	return &cs
+// New creates a new Clientset for the given RESTClient.
+func New(c rest.Interface) *Clientset {
+	var cs Clientset
+	cs.admissionregistrationV1alpha1 = admissionregistrationv1alpha1.New(c)
+	cs.admissionregistrationV1beta1 = admissionregistrationv1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.appsV1beta1 = appsv1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.appsV1beta2 = appsv1beta2.New(c)
+	cs.appsV1 = appsv1.New(c)
+	cs.authenticationV1 = authenticationv1.New(c)
+	cs.authenticationV1beta1 = authenticationv1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.authorizationV1 = authorizationv1.New(c)
+	cs.authorizationV1beta1 = authorizationv1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.autoscalingV1 = autoscalingv1.New(c)
+	cs.autoscalingV2beta1 = autoscalingv2beta1.New(c)
+	cs.batchV1 = batchv1.New(c)
+	cs.batchV1beta1 = batchv1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.batchV2alpha1 = batchv2alpha1.New(c)
+	cs.certificatesV1beta1 = certificatesv1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.coreV1 = corev1.New(c)
+	cs.eventsV1beta1 = eventsv1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.extensionsV1beta1 = extensionsv1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.networkingV1 = networkingv1.New(c)
+	cs.policyV1beta1 = policyv1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.rbacV1 = rbacv1.New(c)
+	cs.rbacV1beta1 = rbacv1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.rbacV1alpha1 = rbacv1alpha1.New(c)
+	cs.schedulingV1alpha1 = schedulingv1alpha1.New(c)
+	cs.schedulingV1beta1 = schedulingv1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.settingsV1alpha1 = settingsv1alpha1.New(c)
+	cs.storageV1beta1 = storagev1beta1.New(c)
+	cs.storageV1 = storagev1.New(c)
+	cs.storageV1alpha1 = storagev1alpha1.New(c)
+	cs.DiscoveryClient = discovery.NewDiscoveryClient(c)
+	return &cs