git subrepo clone (merge) metrics-server

  subdir:   "metrics-server"
  merged:   "92d8412"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "92d8412"
  version:  "0.4.0"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab4ab04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,989 @@
+Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+package storage
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"net/http"
+	"reflect"
+	"sync"
+	"time"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	metav1 ""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	utilruntime ""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	utilfeature ""
+	utiltrace ""
+	""
+// CacherConfig contains the configuration for a given Cache.
+type CacherConfig struct {
+	// Maximum size of the history cached in memory.
+	CacheCapacity int
+	// An underlying storage.Interface.
+	Storage Interface
+	// An underlying storage.Versioner.
+	Versioner Versioner
+	// The Cache will be caching objects of a given Type and assumes that they
+	// are all stored under ResourcePrefix directory in the underlying database.
+	Type           interface{}
+	ResourcePrefix string
+	// KeyFunc is used to get a key in the underlying storage for a given object.
+	KeyFunc func(runtime.Object) (string, error)
+	// GetAttrsFunc is used to get object labels, fields, and the uninitialized bool
+	GetAttrsFunc func(runtime.Object) (label labels.Set, field fields.Set, uninitialized bool, err error)
+	// TriggerPublisherFunc is used for optimizing amount of watchers that
+	// needs to process an incoming event.
+	TriggerPublisherFunc TriggerPublisherFunc
+	// NewList is a function that creates new empty object storing a list of
+	// objects of type Type.
+	NewListFunc func() runtime.Object
+	Codec runtime.Codec
+type watchersMap map[int]*cacheWatcher
+func (wm watchersMap) addWatcher(w *cacheWatcher, number int) {
+	wm[number] = w
+func (wm watchersMap) deleteWatcher(number int) {
+	delete(wm, number)
+func (wm watchersMap) terminateAll() {
+	for key, watcher := range wm {
+		delete(wm, key)
+		watcher.stop()
+	}
+type indexedWatchers struct {
+	allWatchers   watchersMap
+	valueWatchers map[string]watchersMap
+func (i *indexedWatchers) addWatcher(w *cacheWatcher, number int, value string, supported bool) {
+	if supported {
+		if _, ok := i.valueWatchers[value]; !ok {
+			i.valueWatchers[value] = watchersMap{}
+		}
+		i.valueWatchers[value].addWatcher(w, number)
+	} else {
+		i.allWatchers.addWatcher(w, number)
+	}
+func (i *indexedWatchers) deleteWatcher(number int, value string, supported bool) {
+	if supported {
+		i.valueWatchers[value].deleteWatcher(number)
+		if len(i.valueWatchers[value]) == 0 {
+			delete(i.valueWatchers, value)
+		}
+	} else {
+		i.allWatchers.deleteWatcher(number)
+	}
+func (i *indexedWatchers) terminateAll(objectType reflect.Type) {
+	if len(i.allWatchers) > 0 || len(i.valueWatchers) > 0 {
+		glog.Warningf("Terminating all watchers from cacher %v", objectType)
+	}
+	i.allWatchers.terminateAll()
+	for index, watchers := range i.valueWatchers {
+		watchers.terminateAll()
+		delete(i.valueWatchers, index)
+	}
+type filterWithAttrsFunc func(key string, l labels.Set, f fields.Set, uninitialized bool) bool
+// Cacher is responsible for serving WATCH and LIST requests for a given
+// resource from its internal cache and updating its cache in the background
+// based on the underlying storage contents.
+// Cacher implements storage.Interface (although most of the calls are just
+// delegated to the underlying storage).
+type Cacher struct {
+	// HighWaterMarks for performance debugging.
+	// Important: Since HighWaterMark is using sync/atomic, it has to be at the top of the struct due to a bug on 32-bit platforms
+	// See: for more information
+	incomingHWM HighWaterMark
+	// Incoming events that should be dispatched to watchers.
+	incoming chan watchCacheEvent
+	sync.RWMutex
+	// Before accessing the cacher's cache, wait for the ready to be ok.
+	// This is necessary to prevent users from accessing structures that are
+	// uninitialized or are being repopulated right now.
+	// ready needs to be set to false when the cacher is paused or stopped.
+	// ready needs to be set to true when the cacher is ready to use after
+	// initialization.
+	ready *ready
+	// Underlying storage.Interface.
+	storage Interface
+	// Expected type of objects in the underlying cache.
+	objectType reflect.Type
+	// "sliding window" of recent changes of objects and the current state.
+	watchCache *watchCache
+	reflector  *cache.Reflector
+	// Versioner is used to handle resource versions.
+	versioner Versioner
+	// triggerFunc is used for optimizing amount of watchers that needs to process
+	// an incoming event.
+	triggerFunc TriggerPublisherFunc
+	// watchers is mapping from the value of trigger function that a
+	// watcher is interested into the watchers
+	watcherIdx int
+	watchers   indexedWatchers
+	// Defines a time budget that can be spend on waiting for not-ready watchers
+	// while dispatching event before shutting them down.
+	dispatchTimeoutBudget *timeBudget
+	// Handling graceful termination.
+	stopLock sync.RWMutex
+	stopped  bool
+	stopCh   chan struct{}
+	stopWg   sync.WaitGroup
+// Create a new Cacher responsible for servicing WATCH and LIST requests from
+// its internal cache and updating its cache in the background based on the
+// given configuration.
+func NewCacherFromConfig(config CacherConfig) *Cacher {
+	watchCache := newWatchCache(config.CacheCapacity, config.KeyFunc, config.GetAttrsFunc)
+	listerWatcher := newCacherListerWatcher(config.Storage, config.ResourcePrefix, config.NewListFunc)
+	reflectorName := "storage/cacher.go:" + config.ResourcePrefix
+	// Give this error when it is constructed rather than when you get the
+	// first watch item, because it's much easier to track down that way.
+	if obj, ok := config.Type.(runtime.Object); ok {
+		if err := runtime.CheckCodec(config.Codec, obj); err != nil {
+			panic("storage codec doesn't seem to match given type: " + err.Error())
+		}
+	}
+	stopCh := make(chan struct{})
+	cacher := &Cacher{
+		ready:       newReady(),
+		storage:     config.Storage,
+		objectType:  reflect.TypeOf(config.Type),
+		watchCache:  watchCache,
+		reflector:   cache.NewNamedReflector(reflectorName, listerWatcher, config.Type, watchCache, 0),
+		versioner:   config.Versioner,
+		triggerFunc: config.TriggerPublisherFunc,
+		watcherIdx:  0,
+		watchers: indexedWatchers{
+			allWatchers:   make(map[int]*cacheWatcher),
+			valueWatchers: make(map[string]watchersMap),
+		},
+		// TODO: Figure out the correct value for the buffer size.
+		incoming:              make(chan watchCacheEvent, 100),
+		dispatchTimeoutBudget: newTimeBudget(stopCh),
+		// We need to (potentially) stop both:
+		// - wait.Until go-routine
+		// - reflector.ListAndWatch
+		// and there are no guarantees on the order that they will stop.
+		// So we will be simply closing the channel, and synchronizing on the WaitGroup.
+		stopCh: stopCh,
+	}
+	watchCache.SetOnEvent(cacher.processEvent)
+	go cacher.dispatchEvents()
+	cacher.stopWg.Add(1)
+	go func() {
+		defer cacher.stopWg.Done()
+		wait.Until(
+			func() {
+				if !cacher.isStopped() {
+					cacher.startCaching(stopCh)
+				}
+			}, time.Second, stopCh,
+		)
+	}()
+	return cacher
+func (c *Cacher) startCaching(stopChannel <-chan struct{}) {
+	// The 'usable' lock is always 'RLock'able when it is safe to use the cache.
+	// It is safe to use the cache after a successful list until a disconnection.
+	// We start with usable (write) locked. The below OnReplace function will
+	// unlock it after a successful list. The below defer will then re-lock
+	// it when this function exits (always due to disconnection), only if
+	// we actually got a successful list. This cycle will repeat as needed.
+	successfulList := false
+	c.watchCache.SetOnReplace(func() {
+		successfulList = true
+		c.ready.set(true)
+	})
+	defer func() {
+		if successfulList {
+			c.ready.set(false)
+		}
+	}()
+	c.terminateAllWatchers()
+	// Note that since onReplace may be not called due to errors, we explicitly
+	// need to retry it on errors under lock.
+	// Also note that startCaching is called in a loop, so there's no need
+	// to have another loop here.
+	if err := c.reflector.ListAndWatch(stopChannel); err != nil {
+		glog.Errorf("unexpected ListAndWatch error: %v", err)
+	}
+// Implements storage.Interface.
+func (c *Cacher) Versioner() Versioner {
+	return
+// Implements storage.Interface.
+func (c *Cacher) Create(ctx context.Context, key string, obj, out runtime.Object, ttl uint64) error {
+	return, key, obj, out, ttl)
+// Implements storage.Interface.
+func (c *Cacher) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string, out runtime.Object, preconditions *Preconditions) error {
+	return, key, out, preconditions)
+// Implements storage.Interface.
+func (c *Cacher) Watch(ctx context.Context, key string, resourceVersion string, pred SelectionPredicate) (watch.Interface, error) {
+	watchRV, err := c.versioner.ParseWatchResourceVersion(resourceVersion)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	c.ready.wait()
+	// We explicitly use thread unsafe version and do locking ourself to ensure that
+	// no new events will be processed in the meantime. The watchCache will be unlocked
+	// on return from this function.
+	// Note that we cannot do it under Cacher lock, to avoid a deadlock, since the
+	// underlying watchCache is calling processEvent under its lock.
+	c.watchCache.RLock()
+	defer c.watchCache.RUnlock()
+	initEvents, err := c.watchCache.GetAllEventsSinceThreadUnsafe(watchRV)
+	if err != nil {
+		// To match the uncached watch implementation, once we have passed authn/authz/admission,
+		// and successfully parsed a resource version, other errors must fail with a watch event of type ERROR,
+		// rather than a directly returned error.
+		return newErrWatcher(err), nil
+	}
+	triggerValue, triggerSupported := "", false
+	// TODO: Currently we assume that in a given Cacher object, any <predicate> that is
+	// passed here is aware of exactly the same trigger (at most one).
+	// Thus, either 0 or 1 values will be returned.
+	if matchValues := pred.MatcherIndex(); len(matchValues) > 0 {
+		triggerValue, triggerSupported = matchValues[0].Value, true
+	}
+	// If there is triggerFunc defined, but triggerSupported is false,
+	// we can't narrow the amount of events significantly at this point.
+	//
+	// That said, currently triggerFunc is defined only for Pods and Nodes,
+	// and there is only constant number of watchers for which triggerSupported
+	// is false (excluding those issues explicitly by users).
+	// Thus, to reduce the risk of those watchers blocking all watchers of a
+	// given resource in the system, we increase the sizes of buffers for them.
+	chanSize := 10
+	if c.triggerFunc != nil && !triggerSupported {
+		// TODO: We should tune this value and ideally make it dependent on the
+		// number of objects of a given type and/or their churn.
+		chanSize = 1000
+	}
+	c.Lock()
+	defer c.Unlock()
+	forget := forgetWatcher(c, c.watcherIdx, triggerValue, triggerSupported)
+	watcher := newCacheWatcher(watchRV, chanSize, initEvents, filterWithAttrsFunction(key, pred), forget, c.versioner)
+	c.watchers.addWatcher(watcher, c.watcherIdx, triggerValue, triggerSupported)
+	c.watcherIdx++
+	return watcher, nil
+// Implements storage.Interface.
+func (c *Cacher) WatchList(ctx context.Context, key string, resourceVersion string, pred SelectionPredicate) (watch.Interface, error) {
+	return c.Watch(ctx, key, resourceVersion, pred)
+// Implements storage.Interface.
+func (c *Cacher) Get(ctx context.Context, key string, resourceVersion string, objPtr runtime.Object, ignoreNotFound bool) error {
+	if resourceVersion == "" {
+		// If resourceVersion is not specified, serve it from underlying
+		// storage (for backward compatibility).
+		return, key, resourceVersion, objPtr, ignoreNotFound)
+	}
+	// If resourceVersion is specified, serve it from cache.
+	// It's guaranteed that the returned value is at least that
+	// fresh as the given resourceVersion.
+	getRV, err := c.versioner.ParseListResourceVersion(resourceVersion)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if getRV == 0 && !c.ready.check() {
+		// If Cacher is not yet initialized and we don't require any specific
+		// minimal resource version, simply forward the request to storage.
+		return, key, resourceVersion, objPtr, ignoreNotFound)
+	}
+	// Do not create a trace - it's not for free and there are tons
+	// of Get requests. We can add it if it will be really needed.
+	c.ready.wait()
+	objVal, err := conversion.EnforcePtr(objPtr)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	obj, exists, readResourceVersion, err := c.watchCache.WaitUntilFreshAndGet(getRV, key, nil)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if exists {
+		elem, ok := obj.(*storeElement)
+		if !ok {
+			return fmt.Errorf("non *storeElement returned from storage: %v", obj)
+		}
+		objVal.Set(reflect.ValueOf(elem.Object).Elem())
+	} else {
+		objVal.Set(reflect.Zero(objVal.Type()))
+		if !ignoreNotFound {
+			return NewKeyNotFoundError(key, int64(readResourceVersion))
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// Implements storage.Interface.
+func (c *Cacher) GetToList(ctx context.Context, key string, resourceVersion string, pred SelectionPredicate, listObj runtime.Object) error {
+	pagingEnabled := utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.APIListChunking)
+	if resourceVersion == "" || (pagingEnabled && (len(pred.Continue) > 0 || pred.Limit > 0)) {
+		// If resourceVersion is not specified, serve it from underlying
+		// storage (for backward compatibility). If a continuation or limit is
+		// requested, serve it from the underlying storage as well.
+		return, key, resourceVersion, pred, listObj)
+	}
+	// If resourceVersion is specified, serve it from cache.
+	// It's guaranteed that the returned value is at least that
+	// fresh as the given resourceVersion.
+	listRV, err := c.versioner.ParseListResourceVersion(resourceVersion)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if listRV == 0 && !c.ready.check() {
+		// If Cacher is not yet initialized and we don't require any specific
+		// minimal resource version, simply forward the request to storage.
+		return, key, resourceVersion, pred, listObj)
+	}
+	trace := utiltrace.New(fmt.Sprintf("cacher %v: List", c.objectType.String()))
+	defer trace.LogIfLong(500 * time.Millisecond)
+	c.ready.wait()
+	trace.Step("Ready")
+	// List elements with at least 'listRV' from cache.
+	listPtr, err := meta.GetItemsPtr(listObj)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	listVal, err := conversion.EnforcePtr(listPtr)
+	if err != nil || listVal.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
+		return fmt.Errorf("need a pointer to slice, got %v", listVal.Kind())
+	}
+	filter := filterWithAttrsFunction(key, pred)
+	obj, exists, readResourceVersion, err := c.watchCache.WaitUntilFreshAndGet(listRV, key, trace)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	trace.Step("Got from cache")
+	if exists {
+		elem, ok := obj.(*storeElement)
+		if !ok {
+			return fmt.Errorf("non *storeElement returned from storage: %v", obj)
+		}
+		if filter(elem.Key, elem.Labels, elem.Fields, elem.Uninitialized) {
+			listVal.Set(reflect.Append(listVal, reflect.ValueOf(elem.Object).Elem()))
+		}
+	}
+	if c.versioner != nil {
+		if err := c.versioner.UpdateList(listObj, readResourceVersion, ""); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// Implements storage.Interface.
+func (c *Cacher) List(ctx context.Context, key string, resourceVersion string, pred SelectionPredicate, listObj runtime.Object) error {
+	pagingEnabled := utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.APIListChunking)
+	hasContinuation := pagingEnabled && len(pred.Continue) > 0
+	hasLimit := pagingEnabled && pred.Limit > 0 && resourceVersion != "0"
+	if resourceVersion == "" || hasContinuation || hasLimit {
+		// If resourceVersion is not specified, serve it from underlying
+		// storage (for backward compatibility). If a continuation is
+		// requested, serve it from the underlying storage as well.
+		// Limits are only sent to storage when resourceVersion is non-zero
+		// since the watch cache isn't able to perform continuations, and
+		// limits are ignored when resource version is zero.
+		return, key, resourceVersion, pred, listObj)
+	}
+	// If resourceVersion is specified, serve it from cache.
+	// It's guaranteed that the returned value is at least that
+	// fresh as the given resourceVersion.
+	listRV, err := c.versioner.ParseListResourceVersion(resourceVersion)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if listRV == 0 && !c.ready.check() {
+		// If Cacher is not yet initialized and we don't require any specific
+		// minimal resource version, simply forward the request to storage.
+		return, key, resourceVersion, pred, listObj)
+	}
+	trace := utiltrace.New(fmt.Sprintf("cacher %v: List", c.objectType.String()))
+	defer trace.LogIfLong(500 * time.Millisecond)
+	c.ready.wait()
+	trace.Step("Ready")
+	// List elements with at least 'listRV' from cache.
+	listPtr, err := meta.GetItemsPtr(listObj)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	listVal, err := conversion.EnforcePtr(listPtr)
+	if err != nil || listVal.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
+		return fmt.Errorf("need a pointer to slice, got %v", listVal.Kind())
+	}
+	filter := filterWithAttrsFunction(key, pred)
+	objs, readResourceVersion, err := c.watchCache.WaitUntilFreshAndList(listRV, trace)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	trace.Step(fmt.Sprintf("Listed %d items from cache", len(objs)))
+	if len(objs) > listVal.Cap() && pred.Label.Empty() && pred.Field.Empty() {
+		// Resize the slice appropriately, since we already know that none
+		// of the elements will be filtered out.
+		listVal.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(c.objectType.Elem()), 0, len(objs)))
+		trace.Step("Resized result")
+	}
+	for _, obj := range objs {
+		elem, ok := obj.(*storeElement)
+		if !ok {
+			return fmt.Errorf("non *storeElement returned from storage: %v", obj)
+		}
+		if filter(elem.Key, elem.Labels, elem.Fields, elem.Uninitialized) {
+			listVal.Set(reflect.Append(listVal, reflect.ValueOf(elem.Object).Elem()))
+		}
+	}
+	trace.Step(fmt.Sprintf("Filtered %d items", listVal.Len()))
+	if c.versioner != nil {
+		if err := c.versioner.UpdateList(listObj, readResourceVersion, ""); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// Implements storage.Interface.
+func (c *Cacher) GuaranteedUpdate(
+	ctx context.Context, key string, ptrToType runtime.Object, ignoreNotFound bool,
+	preconditions *Preconditions, tryUpdate UpdateFunc, _ ...runtime.Object) error {
+	// Ignore the suggestion and try to pass down the current version of the object
+	// read from cache.
+	if elem, exists, err := c.watchCache.GetByKey(key); err != nil {
+		glog.Errorf("GetByKey returned error: %v", err)
+	} else if exists {
+		currObj := elem.(*storeElement).Object.DeepCopyObject()
+		return, key, ptrToType, ignoreNotFound, preconditions, tryUpdate, currObj)
+	}
+	// If we couldn't get the object, fallback to no-suggestion.
+	return, key, ptrToType, ignoreNotFound, preconditions, tryUpdate)
+func (c *Cacher) Count(pathPrefix string) (int64, error) {
+	return
+func (c *Cacher) triggerValues(event *watchCacheEvent) ([]string, bool) {
+	// TODO: Currently we assume that in a given Cacher object, its <c.triggerFunc>
+	// is aware of exactly the same trigger (at most one). Thus calling:
+	//   c.triggerFunc(<some object>)
+	// can return only 0 or 1 values.
+	// That means, that triggerValues itself may return up to 2 different values.
+	if c.triggerFunc == nil {
+		return nil, false
+	}
+	result := make([]string, 0, 2)
+	matchValues := c.triggerFunc(event.Object)
+	if len(matchValues) > 0 {
+		result = append(result, matchValues[0].Value)
+	}
+	if event.PrevObject == nil {
+		return result, len(result) > 0
+	}
+	prevMatchValues := c.triggerFunc(event.PrevObject)
+	if len(prevMatchValues) > 0 {
+		if len(result) == 0 || result[0] != prevMatchValues[0].Value {
+			result = append(result, prevMatchValues[0].Value)
+		}
+	}
+	return result, len(result) > 0
+func (c *Cacher) processEvent(event *watchCacheEvent) {
+	if curLen := int64(len(c.incoming)); c.incomingHWM.Update(curLen) {
+		// Monitor if this gets backed up, and how much.
+		glog.V(1).Infof("cacher (%v): %v objects queued in incoming channel.", c.objectType.String(), curLen)
+	}
+	c.incoming <- *event
+func (c *Cacher) dispatchEvents() {
+	for {
+		select {
+		case event, ok := <-c.incoming:
+			if !ok {
+				return
+			}
+			c.dispatchEvent(&event)
+		case <-c.stopCh:
+			return
+		}
+	}
+func (c *Cacher) dispatchEvent(event *watchCacheEvent) {
+	triggerValues, supported := c.triggerValues(event)
+	c.Lock()
+	defer c.Unlock()
+	// Iterate over "allWatchers" no matter what the trigger function is.
+	for _, watcher := range c.watchers.allWatchers {
+		watcher.add(event, c.dispatchTimeoutBudget)
+	}
+	if supported {
+		// Iterate over watchers interested in the given values of the trigger.
+		for _, triggerValue := range triggerValues {
+			for _, watcher := range c.watchers.valueWatchers[triggerValue] {
+				watcher.add(event, c.dispatchTimeoutBudget)
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		// supported equal to false generally means that trigger function
+		// is not defined (or not aware of any indexes). In this case,
+		// watchers filters should generally also don't generate any
+		// trigger values, but can cause problems in case of some
+		// misconfiguration. Thus we paranoidly leave this branch.
+		// Iterate over watchers interested in exact values for all values.
+		for _, watchers := range c.watchers.valueWatchers {
+			for _, watcher := range watchers {
+				watcher.add(event, c.dispatchTimeoutBudget)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+func (c *Cacher) terminateAllWatchers() {
+	c.Lock()
+	defer c.Unlock()
+	c.watchers.terminateAll(c.objectType)
+func (c *Cacher) isStopped() bool {
+	c.stopLock.RLock()
+	defer c.stopLock.RUnlock()
+	return c.stopped
+func (c *Cacher) Stop() {
+	// avoid stopping twice (note: cachers are shared with subresources)
+	if c.isStopped() {
+		return
+	}
+	c.stopLock.Lock()
+	if c.stopped {
+		c.stopLock.Unlock()
+		return
+	}
+	c.stopped = true
+	c.stopLock.Unlock()
+	close(c.stopCh)
+	c.stopWg.Wait()
+func forgetWatcher(c *Cacher, index int, triggerValue string, triggerSupported bool) func(bool) {
+	return func(lock bool) {
+		if lock {
+			c.Lock()
+			defer c.Unlock()
+		} else {
+			// false is currently passed only if we are forcing watcher to close due
+			// to its unresponsiveness and blocking other watchers.
+			// TODO: Get this information in cleaner way.
+			glog.V(1).Infof("Forcing watcher close due to unresponsiveness: %v", c.objectType.String())
+		}
+		// It's possible that the watcher is already not in the structure (e.g. in case of
+		// simultaneous Stop() and terminateAllWatchers(), but it doesn't break anything.
+		c.watchers.deleteWatcher(index, triggerValue, triggerSupported)
+	}
+func filterWithAttrsFunction(key string, p SelectionPredicate) filterWithAttrsFunc {
+	filterFunc := func(objKey string, label labels.Set, field fields.Set, uninitialized bool) bool {
+		if !hasPathPrefix(objKey, key) {
+			return false
+		}
+		return p.MatchesObjectAttributes(label, field, uninitialized)
+	}
+	return filterFunc
+// Returns resource version to which the underlying cache is synced.
+func (c *Cacher) LastSyncResourceVersion() (uint64, error) {
+	c.ready.wait()
+	resourceVersion := c.reflector.LastSyncResourceVersion()
+	return c.versioner.ParseListResourceVersion(resourceVersion)
+// cacherListerWatcher opaques storage.Interface to expose cache.ListerWatcher.
+type cacherListerWatcher struct {
+	storage        Interface
+	resourcePrefix string
+	newListFunc    func() runtime.Object
+func newCacherListerWatcher(storage Interface, resourcePrefix string, newListFunc func() runtime.Object) cache.ListerWatcher {
+	return &cacherListerWatcher{
+		storage:        storage,
+		resourcePrefix: resourcePrefix,
+		newListFunc:    newListFunc,
+	}
+// Implements cache.ListerWatcher interface.
+func (lw *cacherListerWatcher) List(options metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
+	list := lw.newListFunc()
+	if err :=, lw.resourcePrefix, "", Everything, list); err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return list, nil
+// Implements cache.ListerWatcher interface.
+func (lw *cacherListerWatcher) Watch(options metav1.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
+	return, lw.resourcePrefix, options.ResourceVersion, Everything)
+// errWatcher implements watch.Interface to return a single error
+type errWatcher struct {
+	result chan watch.Event
+func newErrWatcher(err error) *errWatcher {
+	// Create an error event
+	errEvent := watch.Event{Type: watch.Error}
+	switch err := err.(type) {
+	case runtime.Object:
+		errEvent.Object = err
+	case *errors.StatusError:
+		errEvent.Object = &err.ErrStatus
+	default:
+		errEvent.Object = &metav1.Status{
+			Status:  metav1.StatusFailure,
+			Message: err.Error(),
+			Reason:  metav1.StatusReasonInternalError,
+			Code:    http.StatusInternalServerError,
+		}
+	}
+	// Create a watcher with room for a single event, populate it, and close the channel
+	watcher := &errWatcher{result: make(chan watch.Event, 1)}
+	watcher.result <- errEvent
+	close(watcher.result)
+	return watcher
+// Implements watch.Interface.
+func (c *errWatcher) ResultChan() <-chan watch.Event {
+	return c.result
+// Implements watch.Interface.
+func (c *errWatcher) Stop() {
+	// no-op
+// cachWatcher implements watch.Interface
+type cacheWatcher struct {
+	sync.Mutex
+	input     chan *watchCacheEvent
+	result    chan watch.Event
+	done      chan struct{}
+	filter    filterWithAttrsFunc
+	stopped   bool
+	forget    func(bool)
+	versioner Versioner
+func newCacheWatcher(resourceVersion uint64, chanSize int, initEvents []*watchCacheEvent, filter filterWithAttrsFunc, forget func(bool), versioner Versioner) *cacheWatcher {
+	watcher := &cacheWatcher{
+		input:     make(chan *watchCacheEvent, chanSize),
+		result:    make(chan watch.Event, chanSize),
+		done:      make(chan struct{}),
+		filter:    filter,
+		stopped:   false,
+		forget:    forget,
+		versioner: versioner,
+	}
+	go watcher.process(initEvents, resourceVersion)
+	return watcher
+// Implements watch.Interface.
+func (c *cacheWatcher) ResultChan() <-chan watch.Event {
+	return c.result
+// Implements watch.Interface.
+func (c *cacheWatcher) Stop() {
+	c.forget(true)
+	c.stop()
+func (c *cacheWatcher) stop() {
+	c.Lock()
+	defer c.Unlock()
+	if !c.stopped {
+		c.stopped = true
+		close(c.done)
+		close(c.input)
+	}
+var timerPool sync.Pool
+func (c *cacheWatcher) add(event *watchCacheEvent, budget *timeBudget) {
+	// Try to send the event immediately, without blocking.
+	select {
+	case c.input <- event:
+		return
+	default:
+	}
+	// OK, block sending, but only for up to <timeout>.
+	// cacheWatcher.add is called very often, so arrange
+	// to reuse timers instead of constantly allocating.
+	startTime := time.Now()
+	timeout := budget.takeAvailable()
+	t, ok := timerPool.Get().(*time.Timer)
+	if ok {
+		t.Reset(timeout)
+	} else {
+		t = time.NewTimer(timeout)
+	}
+	defer timerPool.Put(t)
+	select {
+	case c.input <- event:
+		stopped := t.Stop()
+		if !stopped {
+			// Consume triggered (but not yet received) timer event
+			// so that future reuse does not get a spurious timeout.
+			<-t.C
+		}
+	case <-t.C:
+		// This means that we couldn't send event to that watcher.
+		// Since we don't want to block on it infinitely,
+		// we simply terminate it.
+		c.forget(false)
+		c.stop()
+	}
+	budget.returnUnused(timeout - time.Since(startTime))
+// NOTE: sendWatchCacheEvent is assumed to not modify <event> !!!
+func (c *cacheWatcher) sendWatchCacheEvent(event *watchCacheEvent) {
+	curObjPasses := event.Type != watch.Deleted && c.filter(event.Key, event.ObjLabels, event.ObjFields, event.ObjUninitialized)
+	oldObjPasses := false
+	if event.PrevObject != nil {
+		oldObjPasses = c.filter(event.Key, event.PrevObjLabels, event.PrevObjFields, event.PrevObjUninitialized)
+	}
+	if !curObjPasses && !oldObjPasses {
+		// Watcher is not interested in that object.
+		return
+	}
+	var watchEvent watch.Event
+	switch {
+	case curObjPasses && !oldObjPasses:
+		watchEvent = watch.Event{Type: watch.Added, Object: event.Object.DeepCopyObject()}
+	case curObjPasses && oldObjPasses:
+		watchEvent = watch.Event{Type: watch.Modified, Object: event.Object.DeepCopyObject()}
+	case !curObjPasses && oldObjPasses:
+		// return a delete event with the previous object content, but with the event's resource version
+		oldObj := event.PrevObject.DeepCopyObject()
+		if err := c.versioner.UpdateObject(oldObj, event.ResourceVersion); err != nil {
+			utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("failure to version api object (%d) %#v: %v", event.ResourceVersion, oldObj, err))
+		}
+		watchEvent = watch.Event{Type: watch.Deleted, Object: oldObj}
+	}
+	// We need to ensure that if we put event X to the c.result, all
+	// previous events were already put into it before, no matter whether
+	// c.done is close or not.
+	// Thus we cannot simply select from c.done and c.result and this
+	// would give us non-determinism.
+	// At the same time, we don't want to block infinitely on putting
+	// to c.result, when c.done is already closed.
+	// This ensures that with c.done already close, we at most once go
+	// into the next select after this. With that, no matter which
+	// statement we choose there, we will deliver only consecutive
+	// events.
+	select {
+	case <-c.done:
+		return
+	default:
+	}
+	select {
+	case c.result <- watchEvent:
+	case <-c.done:
+	}
+func (c *cacheWatcher) process(initEvents []*watchCacheEvent, resourceVersion uint64) {
+	defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
+	// Check how long we are processing initEvents.
+	// As long as these are not processed, we are not processing
+	// any incoming events, so if it takes long, we may actually
+	// block all watchers for some time.
+	// TODO: From the logs it seems that there happens processing
+	// times even up to 1s which is very long. However, this doesn't
+	// depend that much on the number of initEvents. E.g. from the
+	// 2000-node Kubemark run we have logs like this, e.g.:
+	// ... processing 13862 initEvents took 66.808689ms
+	// ... processing 14040 initEvents took 993.532539ms
+	// We should understand what is blocking us in those cases (e.g.
+	// is it lack of CPU, network, or sth else) and potentially
+	// consider increase size of result buffer in those cases.
+	const initProcessThreshold = 500 * time.Millisecond
+	startTime := time.Now()
+	for _, event := range initEvents {
+		c.sendWatchCacheEvent(event)
+	}
+	processingTime := time.Since(startTime)
+	if processingTime > initProcessThreshold {
+		objType := "<null>"
+		if len(initEvents) > 0 {
+			objType = reflect.TypeOf(initEvents[0].Object).String()
+		}
+		glog.V(2).Infof("processing %d initEvents of %s took %v", len(initEvents), objType, processingTime)
+	}
+	defer close(c.result)
+	defer c.Stop()
+	for {
+		event, ok := <-c.input
+		if !ok {
+			return
+		}
+		// only send events newer than resourceVersion
+		if event.ResourceVersion > resourceVersion {
+			c.sendWatchCacheEvent(event)
+		}
+	}
+type ready struct {
+	ok bool
+	c  *sync.Cond
+func newReady() *ready {
+	return &ready{c: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{})}
+func (r *ready) wait() {
+	r.c.L.Lock()
+	for !r.ok {
+		r.c.Wait()
+	}
+	r.c.L.Unlock()
+// TODO: Make check() function more sophisticated, in particular
+// allow it to behave as "waitWithTimeout".
+func (r *ready) check() bool {
+	r.c.L.Lock()
+	defer r.c.L.Unlock()
+	return r.ok
+func (r *ready) set(ok bool) {
+	r.c.L.Lock()
+	defer r.c.L.Unlock()
+	r.ok = ok
+	r.c.Broadcast()