git subrepo clone (merge) metrics-server

  subdir:   "metrics-server"
  merged:   "92d8412"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "92d8412"
  version:  "0.4.0"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15167cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# This source code refers to The Go Authors for copyright purposes.
+# The master list of authors is in the main Go distribution,
+# visible at
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+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# This source code was written by the Go contributors.
+# The master list of contributors is in the main Go distribution,
+# visible at
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+   * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7330990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Additional IP Rights Grant (Patents)
+"This implementation" means the copyrightable works distributed by
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+shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32017f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Copyright (c) 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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+   * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
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+this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b7052b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,627 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package astutil
+// This file defines utilities for working with source positions.
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"go/ast"
+	"go/token"
+	"sort"
+// PathEnclosingInterval returns the node that encloses the source
+// interval [start, end), and all its ancestors up to the AST root.
+// The definition of "enclosing" used by this function considers
+// additional whitespace abutting a node to be enclosed by it.
+// In this example:
+//              z := x + y // add them
+//                   <-A->
+//                  <----B----->
+// the ast.BinaryExpr(+) node is considered to enclose interval B
+// even though its [Pos()..End()) is actually only interval A.
+// This behaviour makes user interfaces more tolerant of imperfect
+// input.
+// This function treats tokens as nodes, though they are not included
+// in the result. e.g. PathEnclosingInterval("+") returns the
+// enclosing ast.BinaryExpr("x + y").
+// If start==end, the 1-char interval following start is used instead.
+// The 'exact' result is true if the interval contains only path[0]
+// and perhaps some adjacent whitespace.  It is false if the interval
+// overlaps multiple children of path[0], or if it contains only
+// interior whitespace of path[0].
+// In this example:
+//              z := x + y // add them
+//                <--C-->     <---E-->
+//                  ^
+//                  D
+// intervals C, D and E are inexact.  C is contained by the
+// z-assignment statement, because it spans three of its children (:=,
+// x, +).  So too is the 1-char interval D, because it contains only
+// interior whitespace of the assignment.  E is considered interior
+// whitespace of the BlockStmt containing the assignment.
+// Precondition: [start, end) both lie within the same file as root.
+// TODO(adonovan): return (nil, false) in this case and remove precond.
+// Requires FileSet; see loader.tokenFileContainsPos.
+// Postcondition: path is never nil; it always contains at least 'root'.
+func PathEnclosingInterval(root *ast.File, start, end token.Pos) (path []ast.Node, exact bool) {
+	// fmt.Printf("EnclosingInterval %d %d\n", start, end) // debugging
+	// Precondition: node.[Pos..End) and adjoining whitespace contain [start, end).
+	var visit func(node ast.Node) bool
+	visit = func(node ast.Node) bool {
+		path = append(path, node)
+		nodePos := node.Pos()
+		nodeEnd := node.End()
+		// fmt.Printf("visit(%T, %d, %d)\n", node, nodePos, nodeEnd) // debugging
+		// Intersect [start, end) with interval of node.
+		if start < nodePos {
+			start = nodePos
+		}
+		if end > nodeEnd {
+			end = nodeEnd
+		}
+		// Find sole child that contains [start, end).
+		children := childrenOf(node)
+		l := len(children)
+		for i, child := range children {
+			// [childPos, childEnd) is unaugmented interval of child.
+			childPos := child.Pos()
+			childEnd := child.End()
+			// [augPos, augEnd) is whitespace-augmented interval of child.
+			augPos := childPos
+			augEnd := childEnd
+			if i > 0 {
+				augPos = children[i-1].End() // start of preceding whitespace
+			}
+			if i < l-1 {
+				nextChildPos := children[i+1].Pos()
+				// Does [start, end) lie between child and next child?
+				if start >= augEnd && end <= nextChildPos {
+					return false // inexact match
+				}
+				augEnd = nextChildPos // end of following whitespace
+			}
+			// fmt.Printf("\tchild %d: [%d..%d)\tcontains interval [%d..%d)?\n",
+			// 	i, augPos, augEnd, start, end) // debugging
+			// Does augmented child strictly contain [start, end)?
+			if augPos <= start && end <= augEnd {
+				_, isToken := child.(tokenNode)
+				return isToken || visit(child)
+			}
+			// Does [start, end) overlap multiple children?
+			// i.e. left-augmented child contains start
+			// but LR-augmented child does not contain end.
+			if start < childEnd && end > augEnd {
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		// No single child contained [start, end),
+		// so node is the result.  Is it exact?
+		// (It's tempting to put this condition before the
+		// child loop, but it gives the wrong result in the
+		// case where a node (e.g. ExprStmt) and its sole
+		// child have equal intervals.)
+		if start == nodePos && end == nodeEnd {
+			return true // exact match
+		}
+		return false // inexact: overlaps multiple children
+	}
+	if start > end {
+		start, end = end, start
+	}
+	if start < root.End() && end > root.Pos() {
+		if start == end {
+			end = start + 1 // empty interval => interval of size 1
+		}
+		exact = visit(root)
+		// Reverse the path:
+		for i, l := 0, len(path); i < l/2; i++ {
+			path[i], path[l-1-i] = path[l-1-i], path[i]
+		}
+	} else {
+		// Selection lies within whitespace preceding the
+		// first (or following the last) declaration in the file.
+		// The result nonetheless always includes the ast.File.
+		path = append(path, root)
+	}
+	return
+// tokenNode is a dummy implementation of ast.Node for a single token.
+// They are used transiently by PathEnclosingInterval but never escape
+// this package.
+type tokenNode struct {
+	pos token.Pos
+	end token.Pos
+func (n tokenNode) Pos() token.Pos {
+	return n.pos
+func (n tokenNode) End() token.Pos {
+	return n.end
+func tok(pos token.Pos, len int) ast.Node {
+	return tokenNode{pos, pos + token.Pos(len)}
+// childrenOf returns the direct non-nil children of ast.Node n.
+// It may include fake ast.Node implementations for bare tokens.
+// it is not safe to call (e.g.) ast.Walk on such nodes.
+func childrenOf(n ast.Node) []ast.Node {
+	var children []ast.Node
+	// First add nodes for all true subtrees.
+	ast.Inspect(n, func(node ast.Node) bool {
+		if node == n { // push n
+			return true // recur
+		}
+		if node != nil { // push child
+			children = append(children, node)
+		}
+		return false // no recursion
+	})
+	// Then add fake Nodes for bare tokens.
+	switch n := n.(type) {
+	case *ast.ArrayType:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Lbrack, len("[")),
+			tok(n.Elt.End(), len("]")))
+	case *ast.AssignStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.TokPos, len(n.Tok.String())))
+	case *ast.BasicLit:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.ValuePos, len(n.Value)))
+	case *ast.BinaryExpr:
+		children = append(children, tok(n.OpPos, len(n.Op.String())))
+	case *ast.BlockStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Lbrace, len("{")),
+			tok(n.Rbrace, len("}")))
+	case *ast.BranchStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.TokPos, len(n.Tok.String())))
+	case *ast.CallExpr:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Lparen, len("(")),
+			tok(n.Rparen, len(")")))
+		if n.Ellipsis != 0 {
+			children = append(children, tok(n.Ellipsis, len("...")))
+		}
+	case *ast.CaseClause:
+		if n.List == nil {
+			children = append(children,
+				tok(n.Case, len("default")))
+		} else {
+			children = append(children,
+				tok(n.Case, len("case")))
+		}
+		children = append(children, tok(n.Colon, len(":")))
+	case *ast.ChanType:
+		switch n.Dir {
+		case ast.RECV:
+			children = append(children, tok(n.Begin, len("<-chan")))
+		case ast.SEND:
+			children = append(children, tok(n.Begin, len("chan<-")))
+		case ast.RECV | ast.SEND:
+			children = append(children, tok(n.Begin, len("chan")))
+		}
+	case *ast.CommClause:
+		if n.Comm == nil {
+			children = append(children,
+				tok(n.Case, len("default")))
+		} else {
+			children = append(children,
+				tok(n.Case, len("case")))
+		}
+		children = append(children, tok(n.Colon, len(":")))
+	case *ast.Comment:
+		// nop
+	case *ast.CommentGroup:
+		// nop
+	case *ast.CompositeLit:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Lbrace, len("{")),
+			tok(n.Rbrace, len("{")))
+	case *ast.DeclStmt:
+		// nop
+	case *ast.DeferStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Defer, len("defer")))
+	case *ast.Ellipsis:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Ellipsis, len("...")))
+	case *ast.EmptyStmt:
+		// nop
+	case *ast.ExprStmt:
+		// nop
+	case *ast.Field:
+		// TODO(adonovan): Field.{Doc,Comment,Tag}?
+	case *ast.FieldList:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Opening, len("(")),
+			tok(n.Closing, len(")")))
+	case *ast.File:
+		// TODO test: Doc
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Package, len("package")))
+	case *ast.ForStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.For, len("for")))
+	case *ast.FuncDecl:
+		// TODO(adonovan): FuncDecl.Comment?
+		// Uniquely, FuncDecl breaks the invariant that
+		// preorder traversal yields tokens in lexical order:
+		// in fact, FuncDecl.Recv precedes FuncDecl.Type.Func.
+		//
+		// As a workaround, we inline the case for FuncType
+		// here and order things correctly.
+		//
+		children = nil // discard ast.Walk(FuncDecl) info subtrees
+		children = append(children, tok(n.Type.Func, len("func")))
+		if n.Recv != nil {
+			children = append(children, n.Recv)
+		}
+		children = append(children, n.Name)
+		if n.Type.Params != nil {
+			children = append(children, n.Type.Params)
+		}
+		if n.Type.Results != nil {
+			children = append(children, n.Type.Results)
+		}
+		if n.Body != nil {
+			children = append(children, n.Body)
+		}
+	case *ast.FuncLit:
+		// nop
+	case *ast.FuncType:
+		if n.Func != 0 {
+			children = append(children,
+				tok(n.Func, len("func")))
+		}
+	case *ast.GenDecl:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.TokPos, len(n.Tok.String())))
+		if n.Lparen != 0 {
+			children = append(children,
+				tok(n.Lparen, len("(")),
+				tok(n.Rparen, len(")")))
+		}
+	case *ast.GoStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Go, len("go")))
+	case *ast.Ident:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.NamePos, len(n.Name)))
+	case *ast.IfStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.If, len("if")))
+	case *ast.ImportSpec:
+		// TODO(adonovan): ImportSpec.{Doc,EndPos}?
+	case *ast.IncDecStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.TokPos, len(n.Tok.String())))
+	case *ast.IndexExpr:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Lbrack, len("{")),
+			tok(n.Rbrack, len("}")))
+	case *ast.InterfaceType:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Interface, len("interface")))
+	case *ast.KeyValueExpr:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Colon, len(":")))
+	case *ast.LabeledStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Colon, len(":")))
+	case *ast.MapType:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Map, len("map")))
+	case *ast.ParenExpr:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Lparen, len("(")),
+			tok(n.Rparen, len(")")))
+	case *ast.RangeStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.For, len("for")),
+			tok(n.TokPos, len(n.Tok.String())))
+	case *ast.ReturnStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Return, len("return")))
+	case *ast.SelectStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Select, len("select")))
+	case *ast.SelectorExpr:
+		// nop
+	case *ast.SendStmt:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Arrow, len("<-")))
+	case *ast.SliceExpr:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Lbrack, len("[")),
+			tok(n.Rbrack, len("]")))
+	case *ast.StarExpr:
+		children = append(children, tok(n.Star, len("*")))
+	case *ast.StructType:
+		children = append(children, tok(n.Struct, len("struct")))
+	case *ast.SwitchStmt:
+		children = append(children, tok(n.Switch, len("switch")))
+	case *ast.TypeAssertExpr:
+		children = append(children,
+			tok(n.Lparen-1, len(".")),
+			tok(n.Lparen, len("(")),
+			tok(n.Rparen, len(")")))
+	case *ast.TypeSpec:
+		// TODO(adonovan): TypeSpec.{Doc,Comment}?
+	case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
+		children = append(children, tok(n.Switch, len("switch")))
+	case *ast.UnaryExpr:
+		children = append(children, tok(n.OpPos, len(n.Op.String())))
+	case *ast.ValueSpec:
+		// TODO(adonovan): ValueSpec.{Doc,Comment}?
+	case *ast.BadDecl, *ast.BadExpr, *ast.BadStmt:
+		// nop
+	}
+	// TODO(adonovan): opt: merge the logic of ast.Inspect() into
+	// the switch above so we can make interleaved callbacks for
+	// both Nodes and Tokens in the right order and avoid the need
+	// to sort.
+	sort.Sort(byPos(children))
+	return children
+type byPos []ast.Node
+func (sl byPos) Len() int {
+	return len(sl)
+func (sl byPos) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	return sl[i].Pos() < sl[j].Pos()
+func (sl byPos) Swap(i, j int) {
+	sl[i], sl[j] = sl[j], sl[i]
+// NodeDescription returns a description of the concrete type of n suitable
+// for a user interface.
+// TODO(adonovan): in some cases (e.g. Field, FieldList, Ident,
+// StarExpr) we could be much more specific given the path to the AST
+// root.  Perhaps we should do that.
+func NodeDescription(n ast.Node) string {
+	switch n := n.(type) {
+	case *ast.ArrayType:
+		return "array type"
+	case *ast.AssignStmt:
+		return "assignment"
+	case *ast.BadDecl:
+		return "bad declaration"
+	case *ast.BadExpr:
+		return "bad expression"
+	case *ast.BadStmt:
+		return "bad statement"
+	case *ast.BasicLit:
+		return "basic literal"
+	case *ast.BinaryExpr:
+		return fmt.Sprintf("binary %s operation", n.Op)
+	case *ast.BlockStmt:
+		return "block"
+	case *ast.BranchStmt:
+		switch n.Tok {
+		case token.BREAK:
+			return "break statement"
+		case token.CONTINUE:
+			return "continue statement"
+		case token.GOTO:
+			return "goto statement"
+		case token.FALLTHROUGH:
+			return "fall-through statement"
+		}
+	case *ast.CallExpr:
+		if len(n.Args) == 1 && !n.Ellipsis.IsValid() {
+			return "function call (or conversion)"
+		}
+		return "function call"
+	case *ast.CaseClause:
+		return "case clause"
+	case *ast.ChanType:
+		return "channel type"
+	case *ast.CommClause:
+		return "communication clause"
+	case *ast.Comment:
+		return "comment"
+	case *ast.CommentGroup:
+		return "comment group"
+	case *ast.CompositeLit:
+		return "composite literal"
+	case *ast.DeclStmt:
+		return NodeDescription(n.Decl) + " statement"
+	case *ast.DeferStmt:
+		return "defer statement"
+	case *ast.Ellipsis:
+		return "ellipsis"
+	case *ast.EmptyStmt:
+		return "empty statement"
+	case *ast.ExprStmt:
+		return "expression statement"
+	case *ast.Field:
+		// Can be any of these:
+		// struct {x, y int}  -- struct field(s)
+		// struct {T}         -- anon struct field
+		// interface {I}      -- interface embedding
+		// interface {f()}    -- interface method
+		// func (A) func(B) C -- receiver, param(s), result(s)
+		return "field/method/parameter"
+	case *ast.FieldList:
+		return "field/method/parameter list"
+	case *ast.File:
+		return "source file"
+	case *ast.ForStmt:
+		return "for loop"
+	case *ast.FuncDecl:
+		return "function declaration"
+	case *ast.FuncLit:
+		return "function literal"
+	case *ast.FuncType:
+		return "function type"
+	case *ast.GenDecl:
+		switch n.Tok {
+		case token.IMPORT:
+			return "import declaration"
+		case token.CONST:
+			return "constant declaration"
+		case token.TYPE:
+			return "type declaration"
+		case token.VAR:
+			return "variable declaration"
+		}
+	case *ast.GoStmt:
+		return "go statement"
+	case *ast.Ident:
+		return "identifier"
+	case *ast.IfStmt:
+		return "if statement"
+	case *ast.ImportSpec:
+		return "import specification"
+	case *ast.IncDecStmt:
+		if n.Tok == token.INC {
+			return "increment statement"
+		}
+		return "decrement statement"
+	case *ast.IndexExpr:
+		return "index expression"
+	case *ast.InterfaceType:
+		return "interface type"
+	case *ast.KeyValueExpr:
+		return "key/value association"
+	case *ast.LabeledStmt:
+		return "statement label"
+	case *ast.MapType:
+		return "map type"
+	case *ast.Package:
+		return "package"
+	case *ast.ParenExpr:
+		return "parenthesized " + NodeDescription(n.X)
+	case *ast.RangeStmt:
+		return "range loop"
+	case *ast.ReturnStmt:
+		return "return statement"
+	case *ast.SelectStmt:
+		return "select statement"
+	case *ast.SelectorExpr:
+		return "selector"
+	case *ast.SendStmt:
+		return "channel send"
+	case *ast.SliceExpr:
+		return "slice expression"
+	case *ast.StarExpr:
+		return "*-operation" // load/store expr or pointer type
+	case *ast.StructType:
+		return "struct type"
+	case *ast.SwitchStmt:
+		return "switch statement"
+	case *ast.TypeAssertExpr:
+		return "type assertion"
+	case *ast.TypeSpec:
+		return "type specification"
+	case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
+		return "type switch"
+	case *ast.UnaryExpr:
+		return fmt.Sprintf("unary %s operation", n.Op)
+	case *ast.ValueSpec:
+		return "value specification"
+	}
+	panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected node type: %T", n))
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04ad679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package astutil contains common utilities for working with the Go AST.
+package astutil // import ""
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"go/ast"
+	"go/token"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+// AddImport adds the import path to the file f, if absent.
+func AddImport(fset *token.FileSet, f *ast.File, ipath string) (added bool) {
+	return AddNamedImport(fset, f, "", ipath)
+// AddNamedImport adds the import path to the file f, if absent.
+// If name is not empty, it is used to rename the import.
+// For example, calling
+//	AddNamedImport(fset, f, "pathpkg", "path")
+// adds
+//	import pathpkg "path"
+func AddNamedImport(fset *token.FileSet, f *ast.File, name, ipath string) (added bool) {
+	if imports(f, ipath) {
+		return false
+	}
+	newImport := &ast.ImportSpec{
+		Path: &ast.BasicLit{
+			Kind:  token.STRING,
+			Value: strconv.Quote(ipath),
+		},
+	}
+	if name != "" {
+		newImport.Name = &ast.Ident{Name: name}
+	}
+	// Find an import decl to add to.
+	// The goal is to find an existing import
+	// whose import path has the longest shared
+	// prefix with ipath.
+	var (
+		bestMatch  = -1         // length of longest shared prefix
+		lastImport = -1         // index in f.Decls of the file's final import decl
+		impDecl    *ast.GenDecl // import decl containing the best match
+		impIndex   = -1         // spec index in impDecl containing the best match
+		isThirdPartyPath = isThirdParty(ipath)
+	)
+	for i, decl := range f.Decls {
+		gen, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
+		if ok && gen.Tok == token.IMPORT {
+			lastImport = i
+			// Do not add to import "C", to avoid disrupting the
+			// association with its doc comment, breaking cgo.
+			if declImports(gen, "C") {
+				continue
+			}
+			// Match an empty import decl if that's all that is available.
+			if len(gen.Specs) == 0 && bestMatch == -1 {
+				impDecl = gen
+			}
+			// Compute longest shared prefix with imports in this group and find best
+			// matched import spec.
+			// 1. Always prefer import spec with longest shared prefix.
+			// 2. While match length is 0,
+			// - for stdlib package: prefer first import spec.
+			// - for third party package: prefer first third party import spec.
+			// We cannot use last import spec as best match for third party package
+			// because grouped imports are usually placed last by goimports -local
+			// flag.
+			// See issue #19190.
+			seenAnyThirdParty := false
+			for j, spec := range gen.Specs {
+				impspec := spec.(*ast.ImportSpec)
+				p := importPath(impspec)
+				n := matchLen(p, ipath)
+				if n > bestMatch || (bestMatch == 0 && !seenAnyThirdParty && isThirdPartyPath) {
+					bestMatch = n
+					impDecl = gen
+					impIndex = j
+				}
+				seenAnyThirdParty = seenAnyThirdParty || isThirdParty(p)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// If no import decl found, add one after the last import.
+	if impDecl == nil {
+		impDecl = &ast.GenDecl{
+			Tok: token.IMPORT,
+		}
+		if lastImport >= 0 {
+			impDecl.TokPos = f.Decls[lastImport].End()
+		} else {
+			// There are no existing imports.
+			// Our new import, preceded by a blank line,  goes after the package declaration
+			// and after the comment, if any, that starts on the same line as the
+			// package declaration.
+			impDecl.TokPos = f.Package
+			file := fset.File(f.Package)
+			pkgLine := file.Line(f.Package)
+			for _, c := range f.Comments {
+				if file.Line(c.Pos()) > pkgLine {
+					break
+				}
+				// +2 for a blank line
+				impDecl.TokPos = c.End() + 2
+			}
+		}
+		f.Decls = append(f.Decls, nil)
+		copy(f.Decls[lastImport+2:], f.Decls[lastImport+1:])
+		f.Decls[lastImport+1] = impDecl
+	}
+	// Insert new import at insertAt.
+	insertAt := 0
+	if impIndex >= 0 {
+		// insert after the found import
+		insertAt = impIndex + 1
+	}
+	impDecl.Specs = append(impDecl.Specs, nil)
+	copy(impDecl.Specs[insertAt+1:], impDecl.Specs[insertAt:])
+	impDecl.Specs[insertAt] = newImport
+	pos := impDecl.Pos()
+	if insertAt > 0 {
+		// If there is a comment after an existing import, preserve the comment
+		// position by adding the new import after the comment.
+		if spec, ok := impDecl.Specs[insertAt-1].(*ast.ImportSpec); ok && spec.Comment != nil {
+			pos = spec.Comment.End()
+		} else {
+			// Assign same position as the previous import,
+			// so that the sorter sees it as being in the same block.
+			pos = impDecl.Specs[insertAt-1].Pos()
+		}
+	}
+	if newImport.Name != nil {
+		newImport.Name.NamePos = pos
+	}
+	newImport.Path.ValuePos = pos
+	newImport.EndPos = pos
+	// Clean up parens. impDecl contains at least one spec.
+	if len(impDecl.Specs) == 1 {
+		// Remove unneeded parens.
+		impDecl.Lparen = token.NoPos
+	} else if !impDecl.Lparen.IsValid() {
+		// impDecl needs parens added.
+		impDecl.Lparen = impDecl.Specs[0].Pos()
+	}
+	f.Imports = append(f.Imports, newImport)
+	if len(f.Decls) <= 1 {
+		return true
+	}
+	// Merge all the import declarations into the first one.
+	var first *ast.GenDecl
+	for i := 0; i < len(f.Decls); i++ {
+		decl := f.Decls[i]
+		gen, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
+		if !ok || gen.Tok != token.IMPORT || declImports(gen, "C") {
+			continue
+		}
+		if first == nil {
+			first = gen
+			continue // Don't touch the first one.
+		}
+		// We now know there is more than one package in this import
+		// declaration. Ensure that it ends up parenthesized.
+		first.Lparen = first.Pos()
+		// Move the imports of the other import declaration to the first one.
+		for _, spec := range gen.Specs {
+			spec.(*ast.ImportSpec).Path.ValuePos = first.Pos()
+			first.Specs = append(first.Specs, spec)
+		}
+		f.Decls = append(f.Decls[:i], f.Decls[i+1:]...)
+		i--
+	}
+	return true
+func isThirdParty(importPath string) bool {
+	// Third party package import path usually contains "." (".com", ".org", ...)
+	// This logic is taken from package.
+	return strings.Contains(importPath, ".")
+// DeleteImport deletes the import path from the file f, if present.
+func DeleteImport(fset *token.FileSet, f *ast.File, path string) (deleted bool) {
+	return DeleteNamedImport(fset, f, "", path)
+// DeleteNamedImport deletes the import with the given name and path from the file f, if present.
+func DeleteNamedImport(fset *token.FileSet, f *ast.File, name, path string) (deleted bool) {
+	var delspecs []*ast.ImportSpec
+	var delcomments []*ast.CommentGroup
+	// Find the import nodes that import path, if any.
+	for i := 0; i < len(f.Decls); i++ {
+		decl := f.Decls[i]
+		gen, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
+		if !ok || gen.Tok != token.IMPORT {
+			continue
+		}
+		for j := 0; j < len(gen.Specs); j++ {
+			spec := gen.Specs[j]
+			impspec := spec.(*ast.ImportSpec)
+			if impspec.Name == nil && name != "" {
+				continue
+			}
+			if impspec.Name != nil && impspec.Name.Name != name {
+				continue
+			}
+			if importPath(impspec) != path {
+				continue
+			}
+			// We found an import spec that imports path.
+			// Delete it.
+			delspecs = append(delspecs, impspec)
+			deleted = true
+			copy(gen.Specs[j:], gen.Specs[j+1:])
+			gen.Specs = gen.Specs[:len(gen.Specs)-1]
+			// If this was the last import spec in this decl,
+			// delete the decl, too.
+			if len(gen.Specs) == 0 {
+				copy(f.Decls[i:], f.Decls[i+1:])
+				f.Decls = f.Decls[:len(f.Decls)-1]
+				i--
+				break
+			} else if len(gen.Specs) == 1 {
+				if impspec.Doc != nil {
+					delcomments = append(delcomments, impspec.Doc)
+				}
+				if impspec.Comment != nil {
+					delcomments = append(delcomments, impspec.Comment)
+				}
+				for _, cg := range f.Comments {
+					// Found comment on the same line as the import spec.
+					if cg.End() < impspec.Pos() && fset.Position(cg.End()).Line == fset.Position(impspec.Pos()).Line {
+						delcomments = append(delcomments, cg)
+						break
+					}
+				}
+				spec := gen.Specs[0].(*ast.ImportSpec)
+				// Move the documentation right after the import decl.
+				if spec.Doc != nil {
+					for fset.Position(gen.TokPos).Line+1 < fset.Position(spec.Doc.Pos()).Line {
+						fset.File(gen.TokPos).MergeLine(fset.Position(gen.TokPos).Line)
+					}
+				}
+				for _, cg := range f.Comments {
+					if cg.End() < spec.Pos() && fset.Position(cg.End()).Line == fset.Position(spec.Pos()).Line {
+						for fset.Position(gen.TokPos).Line+1 < fset.Position(spec.Pos()).Line {
+							fset.File(gen.TokPos).MergeLine(fset.Position(gen.TokPos).Line)
+						}
+						break
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if j > 0 {
+				lastImpspec := gen.Specs[j-1].(*ast.ImportSpec)
+				lastLine := fset.Position(lastImpspec.Path.ValuePos).Line
+				line := fset.Position(impspec.Path.ValuePos).Line
+				// We deleted an entry but now there may be
+				// a blank line-sized hole where the import was.
+				if line-lastLine > 1 {
+					// There was a blank line immediately preceding the deleted import,
+					// so there's no need to close the hole.
+					// Do nothing.
+				} else if line != fset.File(gen.Rparen).LineCount() {
+					// There was no blank line. Close the hole.
+					fset.File(gen.Rparen).MergeLine(line)
+				}
+			}
+			j--
+		}
+	}
+	// Delete imports from f.Imports.
+	for i := 0; i < len(f.Imports); i++ {
+		imp := f.Imports[i]
+		for j, del := range delspecs {
+			if imp == del {
+				copy(f.Imports[i:], f.Imports[i+1:])
+				f.Imports = f.Imports[:len(f.Imports)-1]
+				copy(delspecs[j:], delspecs[j+1:])
+				delspecs = delspecs[:len(delspecs)-1]
+				i--
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Delete comments from f.Comments.
+	for i := 0; i < len(f.Comments); i++ {
+		cg := f.Comments[i]
+		for j, del := range delcomments {
+			if cg == del {
+				copy(f.Comments[i:], f.Comments[i+1:])
+				f.Comments = f.Comments[:len(f.Comments)-1]
+				copy(delcomments[j:], delcomments[j+1:])
+				delcomments = delcomments[:len(delcomments)-1]
+				i--
+				break
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if len(delspecs) > 0 {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("deleted specs from Decls but not Imports: %v", delspecs))
+	}
+	return
+// RewriteImport rewrites any import of path oldPath to path newPath.
+func RewriteImport(fset *token.FileSet, f *ast.File, oldPath, newPath string) (rewrote bool) {
+	for _, imp := range f.Imports {
+		if importPath(imp) == oldPath {
+			rewrote = true
+			// record old End, because the default is to compute
+			// it using the length of imp.Path.Value.
+			imp.EndPos = imp.End()
+			imp.Path.Value = strconv.Quote(newPath)
+		}
+	}
+	return
+// UsesImport reports whether a given import is used.
+func UsesImport(f *ast.File, path string) (used bool) {
+	spec := importSpec(f, path)
+	if spec == nil {
+		return
+	}
+	name := spec.Name.String()
+	switch name {
+	case "<nil>":
+		// If the package name is not explicitly specified,
+		// make an educated guess. This is not guaranteed to be correct.
+		lastSlash := strings.LastIndex(path, "/")
+		if lastSlash == -1 {
+			name = path
+		} else {
+			name = path[lastSlash+1:]
+		}
+	case "_", ".":
+		// Not sure if this import is used - err on the side of caution.
+		return true
+	}
+	ast.Walk(visitFn(func(n ast.Node) {
+		sel, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
+		if ok && isTopName(sel.X, name) {
+			used = true
+		}
+	}), f)
+	return
+type visitFn func(node ast.Node)
+func (fn visitFn) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
+	fn(node)
+	return fn
+// imports returns true if f imports path.
+func imports(f *ast.File, path string) bool {
+	return importSpec(f, path) != nil
+// importSpec returns the import spec if f imports path,
+// or nil otherwise.
+func importSpec(f *ast.File, path string) *ast.ImportSpec {
+	for _, s := range f.Imports {
+		if importPath(s) == path {
+			return s
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// importPath returns the unquoted import path of s,
+// or "" if the path is not properly quoted.
+func importPath(s *ast.ImportSpec) string {
+	t, err := strconv.Unquote(s.Path.Value)
+	if err == nil {
+		return t
+	}
+	return ""
+// declImports reports whether gen contains an import of path.
+func declImports(gen *ast.GenDecl, path string) bool {
+	if gen.Tok != token.IMPORT {
+		return false
+	}
+	for _, spec := range gen.Specs {
+		impspec := spec.(*ast.ImportSpec)
+		if importPath(impspec) == path {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+// matchLen returns the length of the longest path segment prefix shared by x and y.
+func matchLen(x, y string) int {
+	n := 0
+	for i := 0; i < len(x) && i < len(y) && x[i] == y[i]; i++ {
+		if x[i] == '/' {
+			n++
+		}
+	}
+	return n
+// isTopName returns true if n is a top-level unresolved identifier with the given name.
+func isTopName(n ast.Expr, name string) bool {
+	id, ok := n.(*ast.Ident)
+	return ok && id.Name == name && id.Obj == nil
+// Imports returns the file imports grouped by paragraph.
+func Imports(fset *token.FileSet, f *ast.File) [][]*ast.ImportSpec {
+	var groups [][]*ast.ImportSpec
+	for _, decl := range f.Decls {
+		genDecl, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
+		if !ok || genDecl.Tok != token.IMPORT {
+			break
+		}
+		group := []*ast.ImportSpec{}
+		var lastLine int
+		for _, spec := range genDecl.Specs {
+			importSpec := spec.(*ast.ImportSpec)
+			pos := importSpec.Path.ValuePos
+			line := fset.Position(pos).Line
+			if lastLine > 0 && pos > 0 && line-lastLine > 1 {
+				groups = append(groups, group)
+				group = []*ast.ImportSpec{}
+			}
+			group = append(group, importSpec)
+			lastLine = line
+		}
+		groups = append(groups, group)
+	}
+	return groups
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf72ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package astutil
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"go/ast"
+	"reflect"
+	"sort"
+// An ApplyFunc is invoked by Apply for each node n, even if n is nil,
+// before and/or after the node's children, using a Cursor describing
+// the current node and providing operations on it.
+// The return value of ApplyFunc controls the syntax tree traversal.
+// See Apply for details.
+type ApplyFunc func(*Cursor) bool
+// Apply traverses a syntax tree recursively, starting with root,
+// and calling pre and post for each node as described below.
+// Apply returns the syntax tree, possibly modified.
+// If pre is not nil, it is called for each node before the node's
+// children are traversed (pre-order). If pre returns false, no
+// children are traversed, and post is not called for that node.
+// If post is not nil, and a prior call of pre didn't return false,
+// post is called for each node after its children are traversed
+// (post-order). If post returns false, traversal is terminated and
+// Apply returns immediately.
+// Only fields that refer to AST nodes are considered children;
+// i.e., token.Pos, Scopes, Objects, and fields of basic types
+// (strings, etc.) are ignored.
+// Children are traversed in the order in which they appear in the
+// respective node's struct definition. A package's files are
+// traversed in the filenames' alphabetical order.
+func Apply(root ast.Node, pre, post ApplyFunc) (result ast.Node) {
+	parent := &struct{ ast.Node }{root}
+	defer func() {
+		if r := recover(); r != nil && r != abort {
+			panic(r)
+		}
+		result = parent.Node
+	}()
+	a := &application{pre: pre, post: post}
+	a.apply(parent, "Node", nil, root)
+	return
+var abort = new(int) // singleton, to signal termination of Apply
+// A Cursor describes a node encountered during Apply.
+// Information about the node and its parent is available
+// from the Node, Parent, Name, and Index methods.
+// If p is a variable of type and value of the current parent node
+// c.Parent(), and f is the field identifier with name c.Name(),
+// the following invariants hold:
+//   p.f            == c.Node()  if c.Index() <  0
+//   p.f[c.Index()] == c.Node()  if c.Index() >= 0
+// The methods Replace, Delete, InsertBefore, and InsertAfter
+// can be used to change the AST without disrupting Apply.
+type Cursor struct {
+	parent ast.Node
+	name   string
+	iter   *iterator // valid if non-nil
+	node   ast.Node
+// Node returns the current Node.
+func (c *Cursor) Node() ast.Node { return c.node }
+// Parent returns the parent of the current Node.
+func (c *Cursor) Parent() ast.Node { return c.parent }
+// Name returns the name of the parent Node field that contains the current Node.
+// If the parent is a *ast.Package and the current Node is a *ast.File, Name returns
+// the filename for the current Node.
+func (c *Cursor) Name() string { return }
+// Index reports the index >= 0 of the current Node in the slice of Nodes that
+// contains it, or a value < 0 if the current Node is not part of a slice.
+// The index of the current node changes if InsertBefore is called while
+// processing the current node.
+func (c *Cursor) Index() int {
+	if c.iter != nil {
+		return c.iter.index
+	}
+	return -1
+// field returns the current node's parent field value.
+func (c *Cursor) field() reflect.Value {
+	return reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(c.parent)).FieldByName(
+// Replace replaces the current Node with n.
+// The replacement node is not walked by Apply.
+func (c *Cursor) Replace(n ast.Node) {
+	if _, ok := c.node.(*ast.File); ok {
+		file, ok := n.(*ast.File)
+		if !ok {
+			panic("attempt to replace *ast.File with non-*ast.File")
+		}
+		c.parent.(*ast.Package).Files[] = file
+		return
+	}
+	v := c.field()
+	if i := c.Index(); i >= 0 {
+		v = v.Index(i)
+	}
+	v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(n))
+// Delete deletes the current Node from its containing slice.
+// If the current Node is not part of a slice, Delete panics.
+// As a special case, if the current node is a package file,
+// Delete removes it from the package's Files map.
+func (c *Cursor) Delete() {
+	if _, ok := c.node.(*ast.File); ok {
+		delete(c.parent.(*ast.Package).Files,
+		return
+	}
+	i := c.Index()
+	if i < 0 {
+		panic("Delete node not contained in slice")
+	}
+	v := c.field()
+	l := v.Len()
+	reflect.Copy(v.Slice(i, l), v.Slice(i+1, l))
+	v.Index(l - 1).Set(reflect.Zero(v.Type().Elem()))
+	v.SetLen(l - 1)
+	c.iter.step--
+// InsertAfter inserts n after the current Node in its containing slice.
+// If the current Node is not part of a slice, InsertAfter panics.
+// Apply does not walk n.
+func (c *Cursor) InsertAfter(n ast.Node) {
+	i := c.Index()
+	if i < 0 {
+		panic("InsertAfter node not contained in slice")
+	}
+	v := c.field()
+	v.Set(reflect.Append(v, reflect.Zero(v.Type().Elem())))
+	l := v.Len()
+	reflect.Copy(v.Slice(i+2, l), v.Slice(i+1, l))
+	v.Index(i + 1).Set(reflect.ValueOf(n))
+	c.iter.step++
+// InsertBefore inserts n before the current Node in its containing slice.
+// If the current Node is not part of a slice, InsertBefore panics.
+// Apply will not walk n.
+func (c *Cursor) InsertBefore(n ast.Node) {
+	i := c.Index()
+	if i < 0 {
+		panic("InsertBefore node not contained in slice")
+	}
+	v := c.field()
+	v.Set(reflect.Append(v, reflect.Zero(v.Type().Elem())))
+	l := v.Len()
+	reflect.Copy(v.Slice(i+1, l), v.Slice(i, l))
+	v.Index(i).Set(reflect.ValueOf(n))
+	c.iter.index++
+// application carries all the shared data so we can pass it around cheaply.
+type application struct {
+	pre, post ApplyFunc
+	cursor    Cursor
+	iter      iterator
+func (a *application) apply(parent ast.Node, name string, iter *iterator, n ast.Node) {
+	// convert typed nil into untyped nil
+	if v := reflect.ValueOf(n); v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil() {
+		n = nil
+	}
+	// avoid heap-allocating a new cursor for each apply call; reuse a.cursor instead
+	saved := a.cursor
+	a.cursor.parent = parent
+ = name
+	a.cursor.iter = iter
+	a.cursor.node = n
+	if a.pre != nil && !a.pre(&a.cursor) {
+		a.cursor = saved
+		return
+	}
+	// walk children
+	// (the order of the cases matches the order of the corresponding node types in go/ast)
+	switch n := n.(type) {
+	case nil:
+		// nothing to do
+	// Comments and fields
+	case *ast.Comment:
+		// nothing to do
+	case *ast.CommentGroup:
+		if n != nil {
+			a.applyList(n, "List")
+		}
+	case *ast.Field:
+		a.apply(n, "Doc", nil, n.Doc)
+		a.applyList(n, "Names")
+		a.apply(n, "Type", nil, n.Type)
+		a.apply(n, "Tag", nil, n.Tag)
+		a.apply(n, "Comment", nil, n.Comment)
+	case *ast.FieldList:
+		a.applyList(n, "List")
+	// Expressions
+	case *ast.BadExpr, *ast.Ident, *ast.BasicLit:
+		// nothing to do
+	case *ast.Ellipsis:
+		a.apply(n, "Elt", nil, n.Elt)
+	case *ast.FuncLit:
+		a.apply(n, "Type", nil, n.Type)
+		a.apply(n, "Body", nil, n.Body)
+	case *ast.CompositeLit:
+		a.apply(n, "Type", nil, n.Type)
+		a.applyList(n, "Elts")
+	case *ast.ParenExpr:
+		a.apply(n, "X", nil, n.X)
+	case *ast.SelectorExpr:
+		a.apply(n, "X", nil, n.X)
+		a.apply(n, "Sel", nil, n.Sel)
+	case *ast.IndexExpr:
+		a.apply(n, "X", nil, n.X)
+		a.apply(n, "Index", nil, n.Index)
+	case *ast.SliceExpr:
+		a.apply(n, "X", nil, n.X)
+		a.apply(n, "Low", nil, n.Low)
+		a.apply(n, "High", nil, n.High)
+		a.apply(n, "Max", nil, n.Max)
+	case *ast.TypeAssertExpr:
+		a.apply(n, "X", nil, n.X)
+		a.apply(n, "Type", nil, n.Type)
+	case *ast.CallExpr:
+		a.apply(n, "Fun", nil, n.Fun)
+		a.applyList(n, "Args")
+	case *ast.StarExpr:
+		a.apply(n, "X", nil, n.X)
+	case *ast.UnaryExpr:
+		a.apply(n, "X", nil, n.X)
+	case *ast.BinaryExpr:
+		a.apply(n, "X", nil, n.X)
+		a.apply(n, "Y", nil, n.Y)
+	case *ast.KeyValueExpr:
+		a.apply(n, "Key", nil, n.Key)
+		a.apply(n, "Value", nil, n.Value)
+	// Types
+	case *ast.ArrayType:
+		a.apply(n, "Len", nil, n.Len)
+		a.apply(n, "Elt", nil, n.Elt)
+	case *ast.StructType:
+		a.apply(n, "Fields", nil, n.Fields)
+	case *ast.FuncType:
+		a.apply(n, "Params", nil, n.Params)
+		a.apply(n, "Results", nil, n.Results)
+	case *ast.InterfaceType:
+		a.apply(n, "Methods", nil, n.Methods)
+	case *ast.MapType:
+		a.apply(n, "Key", nil, n.Key)
+		a.apply(n, "Value", nil, n.Value)
+	case *ast.ChanType:
+		a.apply(n, "Value", nil, n.Value)
+	// Statements
+	case *ast.BadStmt:
+		// nothing to do
+	case *ast.DeclStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Decl", nil, n.Decl)
+	case *ast.EmptyStmt:
+		// nothing to do
+	case *ast.LabeledStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Label", nil, n.Label)
+		a.apply(n, "Stmt", nil, n.Stmt)
+	case *ast.ExprStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "X", nil, n.X)
+	case *ast.SendStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Chan", nil, n.Chan)
+		a.apply(n, "Value", nil, n.Value)
+	case *ast.IncDecStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "X", nil, n.X)
+	case *ast.AssignStmt:
+		a.applyList(n, "Lhs")
+		a.applyList(n, "Rhs")
+	case *ast.GoStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Call", nil, n.Call)
+	case *ast.DeferStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Call", nil, n.Call)
+	case *ast.ReturnStmt:
+		a.applyList(n, "Results")
+	case *ast.BranchStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Label", nil, n.Label)
+	case *ast.BlockStmt:
+		a.applyList(n, "List")
+	case *ast.IfStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Init", nil, n.Init)
+		a.apply(n, "Cond", nil, n.Cond)
+		a.apply(n, "Body", nil, n.Body)
+		a.apply(n, "Else", nil, n.Else)
+	case *ast.CaseClause:
+		a.applyList(n, "List")
+		a.applyList(n, "Body")
+	case *ast.SwitchStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Init", nil, n.Init)
+		a.apply(n, "Tag", nil, n.Tag)
+		a.apply(n, "Body", nil, n.Body)
+	case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Init", nil, n.Init)
+		a.apply(n, "Assign", nil, n.Assign)
+		a.apply(n, "Body", nil, n.Body)
+	case *ast.CommClause:
+		a.apply(n, "Comm", nil, n.Comm)
+		a.applyList(n, "Body")
+	case *ast.SelectStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Body", nil, n.Body)
+	case *ast.ForStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Init", nil, n.Init)
+		a.apply(n, "Cond", nil, n.Cond)
+		a.apply(n, "Post", nil, n.Post)
+		a.apply(n, "Body", nil, n.Body)
+	case *ast.RangeStmt:
+		a.apply(n, "Key", nil, n.Key)
+		a.apply(n, "Value", nil, n.Value)
+		a.apply(n, "X", nil, n.X)
+		a.apply(n, "Body", nil, n.Body)
+	// Declarations
+	case *ast.ImportSpec:
+		a.apply(n, "Doc", nil, n.Doc)
+		a.apply(n, "Name", nil, n.Name)
+		a.apply(n, "Path", nil, n.Path)
+		a.apply(n, "Comment", nil, n.Comment)
+	case *ast.ValueSpec:
+		a.apply(n, "Doc", nil, n.Doc)
+		a.applyList(n, "Names")
+		a.apply(n, "Type", nil, n.Type)
+		a.applyList(n, "Values")
+		a.apply(n, "Comment", nil, n.Comment)
+	case *ast.TypeSpec:
+		a.apply(n, "Doc", nil, n.Doc)
+		a.apply(n, "Name", nil, n.Name)
+		a.apply(n, "Type", nil, n.Type)
+		a.apply(n, "Comment", nil, n.Comment)
+	case *ast.BadDecl:
+		// nothing to do
+	case *ast.GenDecl:
+		a.apply(n, "Doc", nil, n.Doc)
+		a.applyList(n, "Specs")
+	case *ast.FuncDecl:
+		a.apply(n, "Doc", nil, n.Doc)
+		a.apply(n, "Recv", nil, n.Recv)
+		a.apply(n, "Name", nil, n.Name)
+		a.apply(n, "Type", nil, n.Type)
+		a.apply(n, "Body", nil, n.Body)
+	// Files and packages
+	case *ast.File:
+		a.apply(n, "Doc", nil, n.Doc)
+		a.apply(n, "Name", nil, n.Name)
+		a.applyList(n, "Decls")
+		// Don't walk n.Comments; they have either been walked already if
+		// they are Doc comments, or they can be easily walked explicitly.
+	case *ast.Package:
+		// collect and sort names for reproducible behavior
+		var names []string
+		for name := range n.Files {
+			names = append(names, name)
+		}
+		sort.Strings(names)
+		for _, name := range names {
+			a.apply(n, name, nil, n.Files[name])
+		}
+	default:
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Apply: unexpected node type %T", n))
+	}
+	if != nil && ! {
+		panic(abort)
+	}
+	a.cursor = saved
+// An iterator controls iteration over a slice of nodes.
+type iterator struct {
+	index, step int
+func (a *application) applyList(parent ast.Node, name string) {
+	// avoid heap-allocating a new iterator for each applyList call; reuse a.iter instead
+	saved := a.iter
+	a.iter.index = 0
+	for {
+		// must reload each time, since cursor modifications might change it
+		v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(parent)).FieldByName(name)
+		if a.iter.index >= v.Len() {
+			break
+		}
+		// element x may be nil in a bad AST - be cautious
+		var x ast.Node
+		if e := v.Index(a.iter.index); e.IsValid() {
+			x = e.Interface().(ast.Node)
+		}
+		a.iter.step = 1
+		a.apply(parent, name, &a.iter, x)
+		a.iter.index += a.iter.step
+	}
+	a.iter = saved
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7630629
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+package astutil
+import "go/ast"
+// Unparen returns e with any enclosing parentheses stripped.
+func Unparen(e ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
+	for {
+		p, ok := e.(*ast.ParenExpr)
+		if !ok {
+			return e
+		}
+		e = p.X
+	}
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e556dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,1141 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package imports
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"bytes"
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"go/ast"
+	"go/build"
+	"go/parser"
+	"go/token"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"log"
+	"os"
+	"path"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"sort"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+	""
+	""
+// Debug controls verbose logging.
+var Debug = false
+// LocalPrefix is a comma-separated string of import path prefixes, which, if
+// set, instructs Process to sort the import paths with the given prefixes
+// into another group after 3rd-party packages.
+var LocalPrefix string
+func localPrefixes() []string {
+	if LocalPrefix != "" {
+		return strings.Split(LocalPrefix, ",")
+	}
+	return nil
+// importToGroup is a list of functions which map from an import path to
+// a group number.
+var importToGroup = []func(importPath string) (num int, ok bool){
+	func(importPath string) (num int, ok bool) {
+		for _, p := range localPrefixes() {
+			if strings.HasPrefix(importPath, p) || strings.TrimSuffix(p, "/") == importPath {
+				return 3, true
+			}
+		}
+		return
+	},
+	func(importPath string) (num int, ok bool) {
+		if strings.HasPrefix(importPath, "appengine") {
+			return 2, true
+		}
+		return
+	},
+	func(importPath string) (num int, ok bool) {
+		if strings.Contains(importPath, ".") {
+			return 1, true
+		}
+		return
+	},
+func importGroup(importPath string) int {
+	for _, fn := range importToGroup {
+		if n, ok := fn(importPath); ok {
+			return n
+		}
+	}
+	return 0
+// importInfo is a summary of information about one import.
+type importInfo struct {
+	Path  string // full import path (e.g. "crypto/rand")
+	Alias string // import alias, if present (e.g. "crand")
+// packageInfo is a summary of features found in a package.
+type packageInfo struct {
+	Globals map[string]bool       // symbol => true
+	Imports map[string]importInfo // pkg base name or alias => info
+	// refs are a set of package references currently satisfied by imports.
+	// first key: either base package (e.g. "fmt") or renamed package
+	// second key: referenced package symbol (e.g. "Println")
+	Refs map[string]map[string]bool
+// dirPackageInfo exposes the dirPackageInfoFile function so that it can be overridden.
+var dirPackageInfo = dirPackageInfoFile
+// dirPackageInfoFile gets information from other files in the package.
+func dirPackageInfoFile(pkgName, srcDir, filename string) (*packageInfo, error) {
+	considerTests := strings.HasSuffix(filename, "_test.go")
+	fileBase := filepath.Base(filename)
+	packageFileInfos, err := ioutil.ReadDir(srcDir)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	info := &packageInfo{
+		Globals: make(map[string]bool),
+		Imports: make(map[string]importInfo),
+		Refs:    make(map[string]map[string]bool),
+	}
+	visitor := collectReferences(info.Refs)
+	for _, fi := range packageFileInfos {
+		if fi.Name() == fileBase || !strings.HasSuffix(fi.Name(), ".go") {
+			continue
+		}
+		if !considerTests && strings.HasSuffix(fi.Name(), "_test.go") {
+			continue
+		}
+		fileSet := token.NewFileSet()
+		root, err := parser.ParseFile(fileSet, filepath.Join(srcDir, fi.Name()), nil, 0)
+		if err != nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		for _, decl := range root.Decls {
+			genDecl, ok := decl.(*ast.GenDecl)
+			if !ok {
+				continue
+			}
+			for _, spec := range genDecl.Specs {
+				valueSpec, ok := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec)
+				if !ok {
+					continue
+				}
+				info.Globals[valueSpec.Names[0].Name] = true
+			}
+		}
+		for _, imp := range root.Imports {
+			impInfo := importInfo{Path: strings.Trim(imp.Path.Value, `"`)}
+			name := path.Base(impInfo.Path)
+			if imp.Name != nil {
+				name = strings.Trim(imp.Name.Name, `"`)
+				impInfo.Alias = name
+			}
+			info.Imports[name] = impInfo
+		}
+		ast.Walk(visitor, root)
+	}
+	return info, nil
+// collectReferences returns a visitor that collects all exported package
+// references
+func collectReferences(refs map[string]map[string]bool) visitFn {
+	var visitor visitFn
+	visitor = func(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
+		if node == nil {
+			return visitor
+		}
+		switch v := node.(type) {
+		case *ast.SelectorExpr:
+			xident, ok := v.X.(*ast.Ident)
+			if !ok {
+				break
+			}
+			if xident.Obj != nil {
+				// if the parser can resolve it, it's not a package ref
+				break
+			}
+			pkgName := xident.Name
+			r := refs[pkgName]
+			if r == nil {
+				r = make(map[string]bool)
+				refs[pkgName] = r
+			}
+			if ast.IsExported(v.Sel.Name) {
+				r[v.Sel.Name] = true
+			}
+		}
+		return visitor
+	}
+	return visitor
+func fixImports(fset *token.FileSet, f *ast.File, filename string) (added []string, err error) {
+	// refs are a set of possible package references currently unsatisfied by imports.
+	// first key: either base package (e.g. "fmt") or renamed package
+	// second key: referenced package symbol (e.g. "Println")
+	refs := make(map[string]map[string]bool)
+	// decls are the current package imports. key is base package or renamed package.
+	decls := make(map[string]*ast.ImportSpec)
+	abs, err := filepath.Abs(filename)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	srcDir := filepath.Dir(abs)
+	if Debug {
+		log.Printf("fixImports(filename=%q), abs=%q, srcDir=%q ...", filename, abs, srcDir)
+	}
+	var packageInfo *packageInfo
+	var loadedPackageInfo bool
+	// collect potential uses of packages.
+	var visitor visitFn
+	visitor = visitFn(func(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
+		if node == nil {
+			return visitor
+		}
+		switch v := node.(type) {
+		case *ast.ImportSpec:
+			if v.Name != nil {
+				decls[v.Name.Name] = v
+				break
+			}
+			ipath := strings.Trim(v.Path.Value, `"`)
+			if ipath == "C" {
+				break
+			}
+			local := importPathToName(ipath, srcDir)
+			decls[local] = v
+		case *ast.SelectorExpr:
+			xident, ok := v.X.(*ast.Ident)
+			if !ok {
+				break
+			}
+			if xident.Obj != nil {
+				// if the parser can resolve it, it's not a package ref
+				break
+			}
+			pkgName := xident.Name
+			if refs[pkgName] == nil {
+				refs[pkgName] = make(map[string]bool)
+			}
+			if !loadedPackageInfo {
+				loadedPackageInfo = true
+				packageInfo, _ = dirPackageInfo(f.Name.Name, srcDir, filename)
+			}
+			if decls[pkgName] == nil && (packageInfo == nil || !packageInfo.Globals[pkgName]) {
+				refs[pkgName][v.Sel.Name] = true
+			}
+		}
+		return visitor
+	})
+	ast.Walk(visitor, f)
+	// Nil out any unused ImportSpecs, to be removed in following passes
+	unusedImport := map[string]string{}
+	for pkg, is := range decls {
+		if refs[pkg] == nil && pkg != "_" && pkg != "." {
+			name := ""
+			if is.Name != nil {
+				name = is.Name.Name
+			}
+			unusedImport[strings.Trim(is.Path.Value, `"`)] = name
+		}
+	}
+	for ipath, name := range unusedImport {
+		if ipath == "C" {
+			// Don't remove cgo stuff.
+			continue
+		}
+		astutil.DeleteNamedImport(fset, f, name, ipath)
+	}
+	for pkgName, symbols := range refs {
+		if len(symbols) == 0 {
+			// skip over packages already imported
+			delete(refs, pkgName)
+		}
+	}
+	// Fast path, all references already imported.
+	if len(refs) == 0 {
+		return nil, nil
+	}
+	// Can assume this will be necessary in all cases now.
+	if !loadedPackageInfo {
+		packageInfo, _ = dirPackageInfo(f.Name.Name, srcDir, filename)
+	}
+	// Search for imports matching potential package references.
+	type result struct {
+		ipath string // import path
+		name  string // optional name to rename import as
+	}
+	results := make(chan result, len(refs))
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
+	var wg sync.WaitGroup
+	defer func() {
+		cancel()
+		wg.Wait()
+	}()
+	var (
+		firstErr     error
+		firstErrOnce sync.Once
+	)
+	for pkgName, symbols := range refs {
+		wg.Add(1)
+		go func(pkgName string, symbols map[string]bool) {
+			defer wg.Done()
+			if packageInfo != nil {
+				sibling := packageInfo.Imports[pkgName]
+				if sibling.Path != "" {
+					refs := packageInfo.Refs[pkgName]
+					for symbol := range symbols {
+						if refs[symbol] {
+							results <- result{ipath: sibling.Path, name: sibling.Alias}
+							return
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			ipath, rename, err := findImport(ctx, pkgName, symbols, filename)
+			if err != nil {
+				firstErrOnce.Do(func() {
+					firstErr = err
+					cancel()
+				})
+				return
+			}
+			if ipath == "" {
+				return // No matching package.
+			}
+			r := result{ipath: ipath}
+			if rename {
+ = pkgName
+			}
+			results <- r
+			return
+		}(pkgName, symbols)
+	}
+	go func() {
+		wg.Wait()
+		close(results)
+	}()
+	for result := range results {
+		if != "" {
+			astutil.AddNamedImport(fset, f,, result.ipath)
+		} else {
+			astutil.AddImport(fset, f, result.ipath)
+		}
+		added = append(added, result.ipath)
+	}
+	if firstErr != nil {
+		return nil, firstErr
+	}
+	return added, nil
+// importPathToName returns the package name for the given import path.
+var importPathToName func(importPath, srcDir string) (packageName string) = importPathToNameGoPath
+// importPathToNameBasic assumes the package name is the base of import path,
+// except that if the path ends in foo/vN, it assumes the package name is foo.
+func importPathToNameBasic(importPath, srcDir string) (packageName string) {
+	base := path.Base(importPath)
+	if strings.HasPrefix(base, "v") {
+		if _, err := strconv.Atoi(base[1:]); err == nil {
+			dir := path.Dir(importPath)
+			if dir != "." {
+				return path.Base(dir)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return base
+// importPathToNameGoPath finds out the actual package name, as declared in its .go files.
+// If there's a problem, it falls back to using importPathToNameBasic.
+func importPathToNameGoPath(importPath, srcDir string) (packageName string) {
+	// Fast path for standard library without going to disk.
+	if pkg, ok := stdImportPackage[importPath]; ok {
+		return pkg
+	}
+	pkgName, err := importPathToNameGoPathParse(importPath, srcDir)
+	if Debug {
+		log.Printf("importPathToNameGoPathParse(%q, srcDir=%q) = %q, %v", importPath, srcDir, pkgName, err)
+	}
+	if err == nil {
+		return pkgName
+	}
+	return importPathToNameBasic(importPath, srcDir)
+// importPathToNameGoPathParse is a faster version of build.Import if
+// the only thing desired is the package name. It uses build.FindOnly
+// to find the directory and then only parses one file in the package,
+// trusting that the files in the directory are consistent.
+func importPathToNameGoPathParse(importPath, srcDir string) (packageName string, err error) {
+	buildPkg, err := build.Import(importPath, srcDir, build.FindOnly)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	d, err := os.Open(buildPkg.Dir)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	names, err := d.Readdirnames(-1)
+	d.Close()
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	sort.Strings(names) // to have predictable behavior
+	var lastErr error
+	var nfile int
+	for _, name := range names {
+		if !strings.HasSuffix(name, ".go") {
+			continue
+		}
+		if strings.HasSuffix(name, "_test.go") {
+			continue
+		}
+		nfile++
+		fullFile := filepath.Join(buildPkg.Dir, name)
+		fset := token.NewFileSet()
+		f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, fullFile, nil, parser.PackageClauseOnly)
+		if err != nil {
+			lastErr = err
+			continue
+		}
+		pkgName := f.Name.Name
+		if pkgName == "documentation" {
+			// Special case from go/build.ImportDir, not
+			// handled by ctx.MatchFile.
+			continue
+		}
+		if pkgName == "main" {
+			// Also skip package main, assuming it's a +build ignore generator or example.
+			// Since you can't import a package main anyway, there's no harm here.
+			continue
+		}
+		return pkgName, nil
+	}
+	if lastErr != nil {
+		return "", lastErr
+	}
+	return "", fmt.Errorf("no importable package found in %d Go files", nfile)
+var stdImportPackage = map[string]string{} // "net/http" => "http"
+func init() {
+	// Nothing in the standard library has a package name not
+	// matching its import base name.
+	for _, pkg := range stdlib {
+		if _, ok := stdImportPackage[pkg]; !ok {
+			stdImportPackage[pkg] = path.Base(pkg)
+		}
+	}
+// Directory-scanning state.
+var (
+	// scanGoRootOnce guards calling scanGoRoot (for $GOROOT)
+	scanGoRootOnce sync.Once
+	// scanGoPathOnce guards calling scanGoPath (for $GOPATH)
+	scanGoPathOnce sync.Once
+	// populateIgnoreOnce guards calling populateIgnore
+	populateIgnoreOnce sync.Once
+	ignoredDirs        []os.FileInfo
+	dirScanMu sync.Mutex
+	dirScan   map[string]*pkg // abs dir path => *pkg
+type pkg struct {
+	dir             string // absolute file path to pkg directory ("/usr/lib/go/src/net/http")
+	importPath      string // full pkg import path ("net/http", "foo/bar/vendor/a/b")
+	importPathShort string // vendorless import path ("net/http", "a/b")
+type pkgDistance struct {
+	pkg      *pkg
+	distance int // relative distance to target
+// byDistanceOrImportPathShortLength sorts by relative distance breaking ties
+// on the short import path length and then the import string itself.
+type byDistanceOrImportPathShortLength []pkgDistance
+func (s byDistanceOrImportPathShortLength) Len() int { return len(s) }
+func (s byDistanceOrImportPathShortLength) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	di, dj := s[i].distance, s[j].distance
+	if di == -1 {
+		return false
+	}
+	if dj == -1 {
+		return true
+	}
+	if di != dj {
+		return di < dj
+	}
+	vi, vj := s[i].pkg.importPathShort, s[j].pkg.importPathShort
+	if len(vi) != len(vj) {
+		return len(vi) < len(vj)
+	}
+	return vi < vj
+func (s byDistanceOrImportPathShortLength) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
+func distance(basepath, targetpath string) int {
+	p, err := filepath.Rel(basepath, targetpath)
+	if err != nil {
+		return -1
+	}
+	if p == "." {
+		return 0
+	}
+	return strings.Count(p, string(filepath.Separator)) + 1
+// guarded by populateIgnoreOnce; populates ignoredDirs.
+func populateIgnore() {
+	for _, srcDir := range build.Default.SrcDirs() {
+		if srcDir == filepath.Join(build.Default.GOROOT, "src") {
+			continue
+		}
+		populateIgnoredDirs(srcDir)
+	}
+// populateIgnoredDirs reads an optional config file at <path>/.goimportsignore
+// of relative directories to ignore when scanning for go files.
+// The provided path is one of the $GOPATH entries with "src" appended.
+func populateIgnoredDirs(path string) {
+	file := filepath.Join(path, ".goimportsignore")
+	slurp, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
+	if Debug {
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Print(err)
+		} else {
+			log.Printf("Read %s", file)
+		}
+	}
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	bs := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(slurp))
+	for bs.Scan() {
+		line := strings.TrimSpace(bs.Text())
+		if line == "" || strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
+			continue
+		}
+		full := filepath.Join(path, line)
+		if fi, err := os.Stat(full); err == nil {
+			ignoredDirs = append(ignoredDirs, fi)
+			if Debug {
+				log.Printf("Directory added to ignore list: %s", full)
+			}
+		} else if Debug {
+			log.Printf("Error statting entry in .goimportsignore: %v", err)
+		}
+	}
+func skipDir(fi os.FileInfo) bool {
+	for _, ignoredDir := range ignoredDirs {
+		if os.SameFile(fi, ignoredDir) {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+// shouldTraverse reports whether the symlink fi, found in dir,
+// should be followed.  It makes sure symlinks were never visited
+// before to avoid symlink loops.
+func shouldTraverse(dir string, fi os.FileInfo) bool {
+	path := filepath.Join(dir, fi.Name())
+	target, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(path)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	ts, err := os.Stat(target)
+	if err != nil {
+		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
+		return false
+	}
+	if !ts.IsDir() {
+		return false
+	}
+	if skipDir(ts) {
+		return false
+	}
+	// Check for symlink loops by statting each directory component
+	// and seeing if any are the same file as ts.
+	for {
+		parent := filepath.Dir(path)
+		if parent == path {
+			// Made it to the root without seeing a cycle.
+			// Use this symlink.
+			return true
+		}
+		parentInfo, err := os.Stat(parent)
+		if err != nil {
+			return false
+		}
+		if os.SameFile(ts, parentInfo) {
+			// Cycle. Don't traverse.
+			return false
+		}
+		path = parent
+	}
+var testHookScanDir = func(dir string) {}
+type goDirType string
+const (
+	goRoot goDirType = "$GOROOT"
+	goPath goDirType = "$GOPATH"
+var scanGoRootDone = make(chan struct{}) // closed when scanGoRoot is done
+// scanGoDirs populates the dirScan map for the given directory type. It may be
+// called concurrently (and usually is, if both directory types are needed).
+func scanGoDirs(which goDirType) {
+	if Debug {
+		log.Printf("scanning %s", which)
+		defer log.Printf("scanned %s", which)
+	}
+	for _, srcDir := range build.Default.SrcDirs() {
+		isGoroot := srcDir == filepath.Join(build.Default.GOROOT, "src")
+		if isGoroot != (which == goRoot) {
+			continue
+		}
+		testHookScanDir(srcDir)
+		srcV := filepath.Join(srcDir, "v")
+		srcMod := filepath.Join(srcDir, "mod")
+		walkFn := func(path string, typ os.FileMode) error {
+			if path == srcV || path == srcMod {
+				return filepath.SkipDir
+			}
+			dir := filepath.Dir(path)
+			if typ.IsRegular() {
+				if dir == srcDir {
+					// Doesn't make sense to have regular files
+					// directly in your $GOPATH/src or $GOROOT/src.
+					return nil
+				}
+				if !strings.HasSuffix(path, ".go") {
+					return nil
+				}
+				dirScanMu.Lock()
+				defer dirScanMu.Unlock()
+				if _, dup := dirScan[dir]; dup {
+					return nil
+				}
+				if dirScan == nil {
+					dirScan = make(map[string]*pkg)
+				}
+				importpath := filepath.ToSlash(dir[len(srcDir)+len("/"):])
+				dirScan[dir] = &pkg{
+					importPath:      importpath,
+					importPathShort: VendorlessPath(importpath),
+					dir:             dir,
+				}
+				return nil
+			}
+			if typ == os.ModeDir {
+				base := filepath.Base(path)
+				if base == "" || base[0] == '.' || base[0] == '_' ||
+					base == "testdata" || base == "node_modules" {
+					return filepath.SkipDir
+				}
+				fi, err := os.Lstat(path)
+				if err == nil && skipDir(fi) {
+					if Debug {
+						log.Printf("skipping directory %q under %s", fi.Name(), dir)
+					}
+					return filepath.SkipDir
+				}
+				return nil
+			}
+			if typ == os.ModeSymlink {
+				base := filepath.Base(path)
+				if strings.HasPrefix(base, ".#") {
+					// Emacs noise.
+					return nil
+				}
+				fi, err := os.Lstat(path)
+				if err != nil {
+					// Just ignore it.
+					return nil
+				}
+				if shouldTraverse(dir, fi) {
+					return fastwalk.TraverseLink
+				}
+			}
+			return nil
+		}
+		if err := fastwalk.Walk(srcDir, walkFn); err != nil {
+			log.Printf("goimports: scanning directory %v: %v", srcDir, err)
+		}
+	}
+// VendorlessPath returns the devendorized version of the import path ipath.
+// For example, VendorlessPath("foo/bar/vendor/a/b") returns "a/b".
+func VendorlessPath(ipath string) string {
+	// Devendorize for use in import statement.
+	if i := strings.LastIndex(ipath, "/vendor/"); i >= 0 {
+		return ipath[i+len("/vendor/"):]
+	}
+	if strings.HasPrefix(ipath, "vendor/") {
+		return ipath[len("vendor/"):]
+	}
+	return ipath
+// loadExports returns the set of exported symbols in the package at dir.
+// It returns nil on error or if the package name in dir does not match expectPackage.
+var loadExports func(ctx context.Context, expectPackage, dir string) (map[string]bool, error) = loadExportsGoPath
+func loadExportsGoPath(ctx context.Context, expectPackage, dir string) (map[string]bool, error) {
+	if Debug {
+		log.Printf("loading exports in dir %s (seeking package %s)", dir, expectPackage)
+	}
+	exports := make(map[string]bool)
+	buildCtx := build.Default
+	// ReadDir is like ioutil.ReadDir, but only returns *.go files
+	// and filters out _test.go files since they're not relevant
+	// and only slow things down.
+	buildCtx.ReadDir = func(dir string) (notTests []os.FileInfo, err error) {
+		all, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		notTests = all[:0]
+		for _, fi := range all {
+			name := fi.Name()
+			if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".go") && !strings.HasSuffix(name, "_test.go") {
+				notTests = append(notTests, fi)
+			}
+		}
+		return notTests, nil
+	}
+	files, err := buildCtx.ReadDir(dir)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Print(err)
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	fset := token.NewFileSet()
+	for _, fi := range files {
+		select {
+		case <-ctx.Done():
+			return nil, ctx.Err()
+		default:
+		}
+		match, err := buildCtx.MatchFile(dir, fi.Name())
+		if err != nil || !match {
+			continue
+		}
+		fullFile := filepath.Join(dir, fi.Name())
+		f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, fullFile, nil, 0)
+		if err != nil {
+			if Debug {
+				log.Printf("Parsing %s: %v", fullFile, err)
+			}
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		pkgName := f.Name.Name
+		if pkgName == "documentation" {
+			// Special case from go/build.ImportDir, not
+			// handled by buildCtx.MatchFile.
+			continue
+		}
+		if pkgName != expectPackage {
+			err := fmt.Errorf("scan of dir %v is not expected package %v (actually %v)", dir, expectPackage, pkgName)
+			if Debug {
+				log.Print(err)
+			}
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		for name := range f.Scope.Objects {
+			if ast.IsExported(name) {
+				exports[name] = true
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if Debug {
+		exportList := make([]string, 0, len(exports))
+		for k := range exports {
+			exportList = append(exportList, k)
+		}
+		sort.Strings(exportList)
+		log.Printf("loaded exports in dir %v (package %v): %v", dir, expectPackage, strings.Join(exportList, ", "))
+	}
+	return exports, nil
+// findImport searches for a package with the given symbols.
+// If no package is found, findImport returns ("", false, nil)
+// This is declared as a variable rather than a function so goimports
+// can be easily extended by adding a file with an init function.
+// The rename value tells goimports whether to use the package name as
+// a local qualifier in an import. For example, if findImports("pkg",
+// "X") returns ("foo/bar", rename=true), then goimports adds the
+// import line:
+// 	import pkg "foo/bar"
+// to satisfy uses of pkg.X in the file.
+var findImport func(ctx context.Context, pkgName string, symbols map[string]bool, filename string) (foundPkg string, rename bool, err error) = findImportGoPath
+// findImportGoPath is the normal implementation of findImport.
+// (Some companies have their own internally.)
+func findImportGoPath(ctx context.Context, pkgName string, symbols map[string]bool, filename string) (foundPkg string, rename bool, err error) {
+	pkgDir, err := filepath.Abs(filename)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", false, err
+	}
+	pkgDir = filepath.Dir(pkgDir)
+	// Fast path for the standard library.
+	// In the common case we hopefully never have to scan the GOPATH, which can
+	// be slow with moving disks.
+	if pkg, ok := findImportStdlib(pkgName, symbols); ok {
+		return pkg, false, nil
+	}
+	if pkgName == "rand" && symbols["Read"] {
+		// Special-case rand.Read.
+		//
+		// If findImportStdlib didn't find it above, don't go
+		// searching for it, lest it find and pick math/rand
+		// in GOROOT (new as of Go 1.6)
+		//
+		// crypto/rand is the safer choice.
+		return "", false, nil
+	}
+	// TODO(sameer): look at the import lines for other Go files in the
+	// local directory, since the user is likely to import the same packages
+	// in the current Go file.  Return rename=true when the other Go files
+	// use a renamed package that's also used in the current file.
+	// Read all the $GOPATH/src/.goimportsignore files before scanning directories.
+	populateIgnoreOnce.Do(populateIgnore)
+	// Start scanning the $GOROOT asynchronously, then run the
+	// GOPATH scan synchronously if needed, and then wait for the
+	// $GOROOT to finish.
+	//
+	// TODO(bradfitz): run each $GOPATH entry async. But nobody
+	// really has more than one anyway, so low priority.
+	scanGoRootOnce.Do(func() {
+		go func() {
+			scanGoDirs(goRoot)
+			close(scanGoRootDone)
+		}()
+	})
+	if !fileInDir(filename, build.Default.GOROOT) {
+		scanGoPathOnce.Do(func() { scanGoDirs(goPath) })
+	}
+	<-scanGoRootDone
+	// Find candidate packages, looking only at their directory names first.
+	var candidates []pkgDistance
+	for _, pkg := range dirScan {
+		if pkgIsCandidate(filename, pkgName, pkg) {
+			candidates = append(candidates, pkgDistance{
+				pkg:      pkg,
+				distance: distance(pkgDir, pkg.dir),
+			})
+		}
+	}
+	// Sort the candidates by their import package length,
+	// assuming that shorter package names are better than long
+	// ones.  Note that this sorts by the de-vendored name, so
+	// there's no "penalty" for vendoring.
+	sort.Sort(byDistanceOrImportPathShortLength(candidates))
+	if Debug {
+		for i, c := range candidates {
+			log.Printf("%s candidate %d/%d: %v in %v", pkgName, i+1, len(candidates), c.pkg.importPathShort, c.pkg.dir)
+		}
+	}
+	// Collect exports for packages with matching names.
+	rescv := make([]chan *pkg, len(candidates))
+	for i := range candidates {
+		rescv[i] = make(chan *pkg, 1)
+	}
+	const maxConcurrentPackageImport = 4
+	loadExportsSem := make(chan struct{}, maxConcurrentPackageImport)
+	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
+	var wg sync.WaitGroup
+	defer func() {
+		cancel()
+		wg.Wait()
+	}()
+	wg.Add(1)
+	go func() {
+		defer wg.Done()
+		for i, c := range candidates {
+			select {
+			case loadExportsSem <- struct{}{}:
+			case <-ctx.Done():
+				return
+			}
+			wg.Add(1)
+			go func(c pkgDistance, resc chan<- *pkg) {
+				defer func() {
+					<-loadExportsSem
+					wg.Done()
+				}()
+				exports, err := loadExports(ctx, pkgName, c.pkg.dir)
+				if err != nil {
+					resc <- nil
+					return
+				}
+				// If it doesn't have the right
+				// symbols, send nil to mean no match.
+				for symbol := range symbols {
+					if !exports[symbol] {
+						resc <- nil
+						return
+					}
+				}
+				resc <- c.pkg
+			}(c, rescv[i])
+		}
+	}()
+	for _, resc := range rescv {
+		pkg := <-resc
+		if pkg == nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		// If the package name in the source doesn't match the import path's base,
+		// return true so the rewriter adds a name (import foo "")
+		needsRename := path.Base(pkg.importPath) != pkgName
+		return pkg.importPathShort, needsRename, nil
+	}
+	return "", false, nil
+// pkgIsCandidate reports whether pkg is a candidate for satisfying the
+// finding which package pkgIdent in the file named by filename is trying
+// to refer to.
+// This check is purely lexical and is meant to be as fast as possible
+// because it's run over all $GOPATH directories to filter out poor
+// candidates in order to limit the CPU and I/O later parsing the
+// exports in candidate packages.
+// filename is the file being formatted.
+// pkgIdent is the package being searched for, like "client" (if
+// searching for "client.New")
+func pkgIsCandidate(filename, pkgIdent string, pkg *pkg) bool {
+	// Check "internal" and "vendor" visibility:
+	if !canUse(filename, pkg.dir) {
+		return false
+	}
+	// Speed optimization to minimize disk I/O:
+	// the last two components on disk must contain the
+	// package name somewhere.
+	//
+	// This permits mismatch naming like directory
+	// "go-foo" being package "foo", or "pkg.v3" being "pkg",
+	// or directory ""
+	// being package "cloudbilling", but doesn't
+	// permit a directory "foo" to be package
+	// "bar", which is strongly discouraged
+	// anyway. There's no reason goimports needs
+	// to be slow just to accomodate that.
+	lastTwo := lastTwoComponents(pkg.importPathShort)
+	if strings.Contains(lastTwo, pkgIdent) {
+		return true
+	}
+	if hasHyphenOrUpperASCII(lastTwo) && !hasHyphenOrUpperASCII(pkgIdent) {
+		lastTwo = lowerASCIIAndRemoveHyphen(lastTwo)
+		if strings.Contains(lastTwo, pkgIdent) {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+func hasHyphenOrUpperASCII(s string) bool {
+	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+		b := s[i]
+		if b == '-' || ('A' <= b && b <= 'Z') {
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+func lowerASCIIAndRemoveHyphen(s string) (ret string) {
+	buf := make([]byte, 0, len(s))
+	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
+		b := s[i]
+		switch {
+		case b == '-':
+			continue
+		case 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z':
+			buf = append(buf, b+('a'-'A'))
+		default:
+			buf = append(buf, b)
+		}
+	}
+	return string(buf)
+// canUse reports whether the package in dir is usable from filename,
+// respecting the Go "internal" and "vendor" visibility rules.
+func canUse(filename, dir string) bool {
+	// Fast path check, before any allocations. If it doesn't contain vendor
+	// or internal, it's not tricky:
+	// Note that this can false-negative on directories like "notinternal",
+	// but we check it correctly below. This is just a fast path.
+	if !strings.Contains(dir, "vendor") && !strings.Contains(dir, "internal") {
+		return true
+	}
+	dirSlash := filepath.ToSlash(dir)
+	if !strings.Contains(dirSlash, "/vendor/") && !strings.Contains(dirSlash, "/internal/") && !strings.HasSuffix(dirSlash, "/internal") {
+		return true
+	}
+	// Vendor or internal directory only visible from children of parent.
+	// That means the path from the current directory to the target directory
+	// can contain ../vendor or ../internal but not ../foo/vendor or ../foo/internal
+	// or bar/vendor or bar/internal.
+	// After stripping all the leading ../, the only okay place to see vendor or internal
+	// is at the very beginning of the path.
+	absfile, err := filepath.Abs(filename)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	absdir, err := filepath.Abs(dir)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	rel, err := filepath.Rel(absfile, absdir)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false
+	}
+	relSlash := filepath.ToSlash(rel)
+	if i := strings.LastIndex(relSlash, "../"); i >= 0 {
+		relSlash = relSlash[i+len("../"):]
+	}
+	return !strings.Contains(relSlash, "/vendor/") && !strings.Contains(relSlash, "/internal/") && !strings.HasSuffix(relSlash, "/internal")
+// lastTwoComponents returns at most the last two path components
+// of v, using either / or \ as the path separator.
+func lastTwoComponents(v string) string {
+	nslash := 0
+	for i := len(v) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+		if v[i] == '/' || v[i] == '\\' {
+			nslash++
+			if nslash == 2 {
+				return v[i:]
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return v
+type visitFn func(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor
+func (fn visitFn) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
+	return fn(node)
+func findImportStdlib(shortPkg string, symbols map[string]bool) (importPath string, ok bool) {
+	for symbol := range symbols {
+		key := shortPkg + "." + symbol
+		path := stdlib[key]
+		if path == "" {
+			if key == "rand.Read" {
+				continue
+			}
+			return "", false
+		}
+		if importPath != "" && importPath != path {
+			// Ambiguous. Symbols pointed to different things.
+			return "", false
+		}
+		importPath = path
+	}
+	if importPath == "" && shortPkg == "rand" && symbols["Read"] {
+		return "crypto/rand", true
+	}
+	return importPath, importPath != ""
+// fileInDir reports whether the provided file path looks like
+// it's in dir. (without hitting the filesystem)
+func fileInDir(file, dir string) bool {
+	rest := strings.TrimPrefix(file, dir)
+	if len(rest) == len(file) {
+		// dir is not a prefix of file.
+		return false
+	}
+	// Check for boundary: either nothing (file == dir), or a slash.
+	return len(rest) == 0 || rest[0] == '/' || rest[0] == '\\'
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4cbf5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+//go:generate go run mkstdlib.go
+// Package imports implements a Go pretty-printer (like package "go/format")
+// that also adds or removes import statements as necessary.
+package imports // import ""
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"bytes"
+	"fmt"
+	"go/ast"
+	"go/format"
+	"go/parser"
+	"go/printer"
+	"go/token"
+	"io"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"regexp"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	""
+// Options specifies options for processing files.
+type Options struct {
+	Fragment  bool // Accept fragment of a source file (no package statement)
+	AllErrors bool // Report all errors (not just the first 10 on different lines)
+	Comments  bool // Print comments (true if nil *Options provided)
+	TabIndent bool // Use tabs for indent (true if nil *Options provided)
+	TabWidth  int  // Tab width (8 if nil *Options provided)
+	FormatOnly bool // Disable the insertion and deletion of imports
+// Process formats and adjusts imports for the provided file.
+// If opt is nil the defaults are used.
+// Note that filename's directory influences which imports can be chosen,
+// so it is important that filename be accurate.
+// To process data ``as if'' it were in filename, pass the data as a non-nil src.
+func Process(filename string, src []byte, opt *Options) ([]byte, error) {
+	if opt == nil {
+		opt = &Options{Comments: true, TabIndent: true, TabWidth: 8}
+	}
+	if src == nil {
+		b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		src = b
+	}
+	fileSet := token.NewFileSet()
+	file, adjust, err := parse(fileSet, filename, src, opt)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if !opt.FormatOnly {
+		_, err = fixImports(fileSet, file, filename)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+	}
+	sortImports(fileSet, file)
+	imps := astutil.Imports(fileSet, file)
+	var spacesBefore []string // import paths we need spaces before
+	for _, impSection := range imps {
+		// Within each block of contiguous imports, see if any
+		// import lines are in different group numbers. If so,
+		// we'll need to put a space between them so it's
+		// compatible with gofmt.
+		lastGroup := -1
+		for _, importSpec := range impSection {
+			importPath, _ := strconv.Unquote(importSpec.Path.Value)
+			groupNum := importGroup(importPath)
+			if groupNum != lastGroup && lastGroup != -1 {
+				spacesBefore = append(spacesBefore, importPath)
+			}
+			lastGroup = groupNum
+		}
+	}
+	printerMode := printer.UseSpaces
+	if opt.TabIndent {
+		printerMode |= printer.TabIndent
+	}
+	printConfig := &printer.Config{Mode: printerMode, Tabwidth: opt.TabWidth}
+	var buf bytes.Buffer
+	err = printConfig.Fprint(&buf, fileSet, file)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	out := buf.Bytes()
+	if adjust != nil {
+		out = adjust(src, out)
+	}
+	if len(spacesBefore) > 0 {
+		out, err = addImportSpaces(bytes.NewReader(out), spacesBefore)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+	}
+	out, err = format.Source(out)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return out, nil
+// parse parses src, which was read from filename,
+// as a Go source file or statement list.
+func parse(fset *token.FileSet, filename string, src []byte, opt *Options) (*ast.File, func(orig, src []byte) []byte, error) {
+	parserMode := parser.Mode(0)
+	if opt.Comments {
+		parserMode |= parser.ParseComments
+	}
+	if opt.AllErrors {
+		parserMode |= parser.AllErrors
+	}
+	// Try as whole source file.
+	file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, src, parserMode)
+	if err == nil {
+		return file, nil, nil
+	}
+	// If the error is that the source file didn't begin with a
+	// package line and we accept fragmented input, fall through to
+	// try as a source fragment.  Stop and return on any other error.
+	if !opt.Fragment || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "expected 'package'") {
+		return nil, nil, err
+	}
+	// If this is a declaration list, make it a source file
+	// by inserting a package clause.
+	// Insert using a ;, not a newline, so that parse errors are on
+	// the correct line.
+	const prefix = "package main;"
+	psrc := append([]byte(prefix), src...)
+	file, err = parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, psrc, parserMode)
+	if err == nil {
+		// Gofmt will turn the ; into a \n.
+		// Do that ourselves now and update the file contents,
+		// so that positions and line numbers are correct going forward.
+		psrc[len(prefix)-1] = '\n'
+		fset.File(file.Package).SetLinesForContent(psrc)
+		// If a main function exists, we will assume this is a main
+		// package and leave the file.
+		if containsMainFunc(file) {
+			return file, nil, nil
+		}
+		adjust := func(orig, src []byte) []byte {
+			// Remove the package clause.
+			src = src[len(prefix):]
+			return matchSpace(orig, src)
+		}
+		return file, adjust, nil
+	}
+	// If the error is that the source file didn't begin with a
+	// declaration, fall through to try as a statement list.
+	// Stop and return on any other error.
+	if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "expected declaration") {
+		return nil, nil, err
+	}
+	// If this is a statement list, make it a source file
+	// by inserting a package clause and turning the list
+	// into a function body.  This handles expressions too.
+	// Insert using a ;, not a newline, so that the line numbers
+	// in fsrc match the ones in src.
+	fsrc := append(append([]byte("package p; func _() {"), src...), '}')
+	file, err = parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, fsrc, parserMode)
+	if err == nil {
+		adjust := func(orig, src []byte) []byte {
+			// Remove the wrapping.
+			// Gofmt has turned the ; into a \n\n.
+			src = src[len("package p\n\nfunc _() {"):]
+			src = src[:len(src)-len("}\n")]
+			// Gofmt has also indented the function body one level.
+			// Remove that indent.
+			src = bytes.Replace(src, []byte("\n\t"), []byte("\n"), -1)
+			return matchSpace(orig, src)
+		}
+		return file, adjust, nil
+	}
+	// Failed, and out of options.
+	return nil, nil, err
+// containsMainFunc checks if a file contains a function declaration with the
+// function signature 'func main()'
+func containsMainFunc(file *ast.File) bool {
+	for _, decl := range file.Decls {
+		if f, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
+			if f.Name.Name != "main" {
+				continue
+			}
+			if len(f.Type.Params.List) != 0 {
+				continue
+			}
+			if f.Type.Results != nil && len(f.Type.Results.List) != 0 {
+				continue
+			}
+			return true
+		}
+	}
+	return false
+func cutSpace(b []byte) (before, middle, after []byte) {
+	i := 0
+	for i < len(b) && (b[i] == ' ' || b[i] == '\t' || b[i] == '\n') {
+		i++
+	}
+	j := len(b)
+	for j > 0 && (b[j-1] == ' ' || b[j-1] == '\t' || b[j-1] == '\n') {
+		j--
+	}
+	if i <= j {
+		return b[:i], b[i:j], b[j:]
+	}
+	return nil, nil, b[j:]
+// matchSpace reformats src to use the same space context as orig.
+// 1) If orig begins with blank lines, matchSpace inserts them at the beginning of src.
+// 2) matchSpace copies the indentation of the first non-blank line in orig
+//    to every non-blank line in src.
+// 3) matchSpace copies the trailing space from orig and uses it in place
+//   of src's trailing space.
+func matchSpace(orig []byte, src []byte) []byte {
+	before, _, after := cutSpace(orig)
+	i := bytes.LastIndex(before, []byte{'\n'})
+	before, indent := before[:i+1], before[i+1:]
+	_, src, _ = cutSpace(src)
+	var b bytes.Buffer
+	b.Write(before)
+	for len(src) > 0 {
+		line := src
+		if i := bytes.IndexByte(line, '\n'); i >= 0 {
+			line, src = line[:i+1], line[i+1:]
+		} else {
+			src = nil
+		}
+		if len(line) > 0 && line[0] != '\n' { // not blank
+			b.Write(indent)
+		}
+		b.Write(line)
+	}
+	b.Write(after)
+	return b.Bytes()
+var impLine = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s+(?:[\w\.]+\s+)?"(.+)"`)
+func addImportSpaces(r io.Reader, breaks []string) ([]byte, error) {
+	var out bytes.Buffer
+	in := bufio.NewReader(r)
+	inImports := false
+	done := false
+	for {
+		s, err := in.ReadString('\n')
+		if err == io.EOF {
+			break
+		} else if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		if !inImports && !done && strings.HasPrefix(s, "import") {
+			inImports = true
+		}
+		if inImports && (strings.HasPrefix(s, "var") ||
+			strings.HasPrefix(s, "func") ||
+			strings.HasPrefix(s, "const") ||
+			strings.HasPrefix(s, "type")) {
+			done = true
+			inImports = false
+		}
+		if inImports && len(breaks) > 0 {
+			if m := impLine.FindStringSubmatch(s); m != nil {
+				if m[1] == breaks[0] {
+					out.WriteByte('\n')
+					breaks = breaks[1:]
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		fmt.Fprint(&out, s)
+	}
+	return out.Bytes(), nil
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..755e239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// +build ignore
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Command mkindex creates the file "pkgindex.go" containing an index of the Go
+// standard library. The file is intended to be built as part of the imports
+// package, so that the package may be used in environments where a GOROOT is
+// not available (such as App Engine).
+package main
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"fmt"
+	"go/ast"
+	"go/build"
+	"go/format"
+	"go/parser"
+	"go/token"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"log"
+	"os"
+	"path"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"strings"
+var (
+	pkgIndex = make(map[string][]pkg)
+	exports  = make(map[string]map[string]bool)
+func main() {
+	// Don't use GOPATH.
+	ctx := build.Default
+	ctx.GOPATH = ""
+	// Populate pkgIndex global from GOROOT.
+	for _, path := range ctx.SrcDirs() {
+		f, err := os.Open(path)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Print(err)
+			continue
+		}
+		children, err := f.Readdir(-1)
+		f.Close()
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Print(err)
+			continue
+		}
+		for _, child := range children {
+			if child.IsDir() {
+				loadPkg(path, child.Name())
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Populate exports global.
+	for _, ps := range pkgIndex {
+		for _, p := range ps {
+			e := loadExports(p.dir)
+			if e != nil {
+				exports[p.dir] = e
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Construct source file.
+	var buf bytes.Buffer
+	fmt.Fprint(&buf, pkgIndexHead)
+	fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "var pkgIndexMaster = %#v\n", pkgIndex)
+	fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "var exportsMaster = %#v\n", exports)
+	src := buf.Bytes()
+	// Replace main.pkg type name with pkg.
+	src = bytes.Replace(src, []byte("main.pkg"), []byte("pkg"), -1)
+	// Replace actual GOROOT with "/go".
+	src = bytes.Replace(src, []byte(ctx.GOROOT), []byte("/go"), -1)
+	// Add some line wrapping.
+	src = bytes.Replace(src, []byte("}, "), []byte("},\n"), -1)
+	src = bytes.Replace(src, []byte("true, "), []byte("true,\n"), -1)
+	var err error
+	src, err = format.Source(src)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	// Write out source file.
+	err = ioutil.WriteFile("pkgindex.go", src, 0644)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(err)
+	}
+const pkgIndexHead = `package imports
+func init() {
+	pkgIndexOnce.Do(func() {
+		pkgIndex.m = pkgIndexMaster
+	})
+	loadExports = func(dir string) map[string]bool {
+		return exportsMaster[dir]
+	}
+type pkg struct {
+	importpath string // full pkg import path, e.g. "net/http"
+	dir        string // absolute file path to pkg directory e.g. "/usr/lib/go/src/fmt"
+var fset = token.NewFileSet()
+func loadPkg(root, importpath string) {
+	shortName := path.Base(importpath)
+	if shortName == "testdata" {
+		return
+	}
+	dir := filepath.Join(root, importpath)
+	pkgIndex[shortName] = append(pkgIndex[shortName], pkg{
+		importpath: importpath,
+		dir:        dir,
+	})
+	pkgDir, err := os.Open(dir)
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	children, err := pkgDir.Readdir(-1)
+	pkgDir.Close()
+	if err != nil {
+		return
+	}
+	for _, child := range children {
+		name := child.Name()
+		if name == "" {
+			continue
+		}
+		if c := name[0]; c == '.' || ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
+			continue
+		}
+		if child.IsDir() {
+			loadPkg(root, filepath.Join(importpath, name))
+		}
+	}
+func loadExports(dir string) map[string]bool {
+	exports := make(map[string]bool)
+	buildPkg, err := build.ImportDir(dir, 0)
+	if err != nil {
+		if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no buildable Go source files in") {
+			return nil
+		}
+		log.Printf("could not import %q: %v", dir, err)
+		return nil
+	}
+	for _, file := range buildPkg.GoFiles {
+		f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filepath.Join(dir, file), nil, 0)
+		if err != nil {
+			log.Printf("could not parse %q: %v", file, err)
+			continue
+		}
+		for name := range f.Scope.Objects {
+			if ast.IsExported(name) {
+				exports[name] = true
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return exports
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02e4727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// +build ignore
+// mkstdlib generates the zstdlib.go file, containing the Go standard
+// library API symbols. It's baked into the binary to avoid scanning
+// GOPATH in the common case.
+package main
+import (
+	"bufio"
+	"bytes"
+	"fmt"
+	"go/format"
+	"io"
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"log"
+	"os"
+	"path"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"regexp"
+	"runtime"
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
+func mustOpen(name string) io.Reader {
+	f, err := os.Open(name)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	return f
+func api(base string) string {
+	return filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "api", base)
+var sym = regexp.MustCompile(`^pkg (\S+).*?, (?:var|func|type|const) ([A-Z]\w*)`)
+func main() {
+	var buf bytes.Buffer
+	outf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
+		fmt.Fprintf(&buf, format, args...)
+	}
+	outf("// Code generated by mkstdlib.go. DO NOT EDIT.\n\n")
+	outf("package imports\n")
+	outf("var stdlib = map[string]string{\n")
+	f := io.MultiReader(
+		mustOpen(api("go1.txt")),
+		mustOpen(api("go1.1.txt")),
+		mustOpen(api("go1.2.txt")),
+		mustOpen(api("go1.3.txt")),
+		mustOpen(api("go1.4.txt")),
+		mustOpen(api("go1.5.txt")),
+		mustOpen(api("go1.6.txt")),
+		mustOpen(api("go1.7.txt")),
+		mustOpen(api("go1.8.txt")),
+		mustOpen(api("go1.9.txt")),
+		mustOpen(api("go1.10.txt")),
+	)
+	sc := bufio.NewScanner(f)
+	fullImport := map[string]string{} // "zip.NewReader" => "archive/zip"
+	ambiguous := map[string]bool{}
+	var keys []string
+	for sc.Scan() {
+		l := sc.Text()
+		has := func(v string) bool { return strings.Contains(l, v) }
+		if has("struct, ") || has("interface, ") || has(", method (") {
+			continue
+		}
+		if m := sym.FindStringSubmatch(l); m != nil {
+			full := m[1]
+			key := path.Base(full) + "." + m[2]
+			if exist, ok := fullImport[key]; ok {
+				if exist != full {
+					ambiguous[key] = true
+				}
+			} else {
+				fullImport[key] = full
+				keys = append(keys, key)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if err := sc.Err(); err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	sort.Strings(keys)
+	for _, key := range keys {
+		if ambiguous[key] {
+			outf("\t// %q is ambiguous\n", key)
+		} else {
+			outf("\t%q: %q,\n", key, fullImport[key])
+		}
+	}
+	outf("\n")
+	for _, sym := range [...]string{"Alignof", "ArbitraryType", "Offsetof", "Pointer", "Sizeof"} {
+		outf("\t%q: %q,\n", "unsafe."+sym, "unsafe")
+	}
+	outf("}\n")
+	fmtbuf, err := format.Source(buf.Bytes())
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(err)
+	}
+	err = ioutil.WriteFile("zstdlib.go", fmtbuf, 0666)
+	if err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(err)
+	}
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3dd56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Hacked up copy of go/ast/import.go
+package imports
+import (
+	"go/ast"
+	"go/token"
+	"sort"
+	"strconv"
+// sortImports sorts runs of consecutive import lines in import blocks in f.
+// It also removes duplicate imports when it is possible to do so without data loss.
+func sortImports(fset *token.FileSet, f *ast.File) {
+	for i, d := range f.Decls {
+		d, ok := d.(*ast.GenDecl)
+		if !ok || d.Tok != token.IMPORT {
+			// Not an import declaration, so we're done.
+			// Imports are always first.
+			break
+		}
+		if len(d.Specs) == 0 {
+			// Empty import block, remove it.
+			f.Decls = append(f.Decls[:i], f.Decls[i+1:]...)
+		}
+		if !d.Lparen.IsValid() {
+			// Not a block: sorted by default.
+			continue
+		}
+		// Identify and sort runs of specs on successive lines.
+		i := 0
+		specs := d.Specs[:0]
+		for j, s := range d.Specs {
+			if j > i && fset.Position(s.Pos()).Line > 1+fset.Position(d.Specs[j-1].End()).Line {
+				// j begins a new run.  End this one.
+				specs = append(specs, sortSpecs(fset, f, d.Specs[i:j])...)
+				i = j
+			}
+		}
+		specs = append(specs, sortSpecs(fset, f, d.Specs[i:])...)
+		d.Specs = specs
+		// Deduping can leave a blank line before the rparen; clean that up.
+		if len(d.Specs) > 0 {
+			lastSpec := d.Specs[len(d.Specs)-1]
+			lastLine := fset.Position(lastSpec.Pos()).Line
+			if rParenLine := fset.Position(d.Rparen).Line; rParenLine > lastLine+1 {
+				fset.File(d.Rparen).MergeLine(rParenLine - 1)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+func importPath(s ast.Spec) string {
+	t, err := strconv.Unquote(s.(*ast.ImportSpec).Path.Value)
+	if err == nil {
+		return t
+	}
+	return ""
+func importName(s ast.Spec) string {
+	n := s.(*ast.ImportSpec).Name
+	if n == nil {
+		return ""
+	}
+	return n.Name
+func importComment(s ast.Spec) string {
+	c := s.(*ast.ImportSpec).Comment
+	if c == nil {
+		return ""
+	}
+	return c.Text()
+// collapse indicates whether prev may be removed, leaving only next.
+func collapse(prev, next ast.Spec) bool {
+	if importPath(next) != importPath(prev) || importName(next) != importName(prev) {
+		return false
+	}
+	return prev.(*ast.ImportSpec).Comment == nil
+type posSpan struct {
+	Start token.Pos
+	End   token.Pos
+func sortSpecs(fset *token.FileSet, f *ast.File, specs []ast.Spec) []ast.Spec {
+	// Can't short-circuit here even if specs are already sorted,
+	// since they might yet need deduplication.
+	// A lone import, however, may be safely ignored.
+	if len(specs) <= 1 {
+		return specs
+	}
+	// Record positions for specs.
+	pos := make([]posSpan, len(specs))
+	for i, s := range specs {
+		pos[i] = posSpan{s.Pos(), s.End()}
+	}
+	// Identify comments in this range.
+	// Any comment from pos[0].Start to the final line counts.
+	lastLine := fset.Position(pos[len(pos)-1].End).Line
+	cstart := len(f.Comments)
+	cend := len(f.Comments)
+	for i, g := range f.Comments {
+		if g.Pos() < pos[0].Start {
+			continue
+		}
+		if i < cstart {
+			cstart = i
+		}
+		if fset.Position(g.End()).Line > lastLine {
+			cend = i
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	comments := f.Comments[cstart:cend]
+	// Assign each comment to the import spec preceding it.
+	importComment := map[*ast.ImportSpec][]*ast.CommentGroup{}
+	specIndex := 0
+	for _, g := range comments {
+		for specIndex+1 < len(specs) && pos[specIndex+1].Start <= g.Pos() {
+			specIndex++
+		}
+		s := specs[specIndex].(*ast.ImportSpec)
+		importComment[s] = append(importComment[s], g)
+	}
+	// Sort the import specs by import path.
+	// Remove duplicates, when possible without data loss.
+	// Reassign the import paths to have the same position sequence.
+	// Reassign each comment to abut the end of its spec.
+	// Sort the comments by new position.
+	sort.Sort(byImportSpec(specs))
+	// Dedup. Thanks to our sorting, we can just consider
+	// adjacent pairs of imports.
+	deduped := specs[:0]
+	for i, s := range specs {
+		if i == len(specs)-1 || !collapse(s, specs[i+1]) {
+			deduped = append(deduped, s)
+		} else {
+			p := s.Pos()
+			fset.File(p).MergeLine(fset.Position(p).Line)
+		}
+	}
+	specs = deduped
+	// Fix up comment positions
+	for i, s := range specs {
+		s := s.(*ast.ImportSpec)
+		if s.Name != nil {
+			s.Name.NamePos = pos[i].Start
+		}
+		s.Path.ValuePos = pos[i].Start
+		s.EndPos = pos[i].End
+		nextSpecPos := pos[i].End
+		for _, g := range importComment[s] {
+			for _, c := range g.List {
+				c.Slash = pos[i].End
+				nextSpecPos = c.End()
+			}
+		}
+		if i < len(specs)-1 {
+			pos[i+1].Start = nextSpecPos
+			pos[i+1].End = nextSpecPos
+		}
+	}
+	sort.Sort(byCommentPos(comments))
+	// Fixup comments can insert blank lines, because import specs are on different lines.
+	// We remove those blank lines here by merging import spec to the first import spec line.
+	firstSpecLine := fset.Position(specs[0].Pos()).Line
+	for _, s := range specs[1:] {
+		p := s.Pos()
+		line := fset.File(p).Line(p)
+		for previousLine := line - 1; previousLine >= firstSpecLine; {
+			fset.File(p).MergeLine(previousLine)
+			previousLine--
+		}
+	}
+	return specs
+type byImportSpec []ast.Spec // slice of *ast.ImportSpec
+func (x byImportSpec) Len() int      { return len(x) }
+func (x byImportSpec) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
+func (x byImportSpec) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	ipath := importPath(x[i])
+	jpath := importPath(x[j])
+	igroup := importGroup(ipath)
+	jgroup := importGroup(jpath)
+	if igroup != jgroup {
+		return igroup < jgroup
+	}
+	if ipath != jpath {
+		return ipath < jpath
+	}
+	iname := importName(x[i])
+	jname := importName(x[j])
+	if iname != jname {
+		return iname < jname
+	}
+	return importComment(x[i]) < importComment(x[j])
+type byCommentPos []*ast.CommentGroup
+func (x byCommentPos) Len() int           { return len(x) }
+func (x byCommentPos) Swap(i, j int)      { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
+func (x byCommentPos) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i].Pos() < x[j].Pos() }
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c590a4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,9734 @@
+// Code generated by mkstdlib.go. DO NOT EDIT.
+package imports
+var stdlib = map[string]string{
+	"adler32.Checksum":                              "hash/adler32",
+	"adler32.New":                                   "hash/adler32",
+	"adler32.Size":                                  "hash/adler32",
+	"aes.BlockSize":                                 "crypto/aes",
+	"aes.KeySizeError":                              "crypto/aes",
+	"aes.NewCipher":                                 "crypto/aes",
+	"ascii85.CorruptInputError":                     "encoding/ascii85",
+	"ascii85.Decode":                                "encoding/ascii85",
+	"ascii85.Encode":                                "encoding/ascii85",
+	"ascii85.MaxEncodedLen":                         "encoding/ascii85",
+	"ascii85.NewDecoder":                            "encoding/ascii85",
+	"ascii85.NewEncoder":                            "encoding/ascii85",
+	"asn1.BitString":                                "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.ClassApplication":                         "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.ClassContextSpecific":                     "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.ClassPrivate":                             "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.ClassUniversal":                           "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.Enumerated":                               "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.Flag":                                     "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.Marshal":                                  "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.MarshalWithParams":                        "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.NullBytes":                                "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.NullRawValue":                             "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.ObjectIdentifier":                         "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.RawContent":                               "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.RawValue":                                 "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.StructuralError":                          "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.SyntaxError":                              "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagBitString":                             "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagBoolean":                               "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagEnum":                                  "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagGeneralString":                         "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagGeneralizedTime":                       "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagIA5String":                             "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagInteger":                               "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagNull":                                  "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagNumericString":                         "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagOID":                                   "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagOctetString":                           "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagPrintableString":                       "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagSequence":                              "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagSet":                                   "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagT61String":                             "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagUTCTime":                               "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.TagUTF8String":                            "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.Unmarshal":                                "encoding/asn1",
+	"asn1.UnmarshalWithParams":                      "encoding/asn1",
+	"ast.ArrayType":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.AssignStmt":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.Bad":                                       "go/ast",
+	"ast.BadDecl":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.BadExpr":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.BadStmt":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.BasicLit":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.BinaryExpr":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.BlockStmt":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.BranchStmt":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.CallExpr":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.CaseClause":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.ChanDir":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.ChanType":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.CommClause":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.Comment":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.CommentGroup":                              "go/ast",
+	"ast.CommentMap":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.CompositeLit":                              "go/ast",
+	"ast.Con":                                       "go/ast",
+	"ast.DeclStmt":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.DeferStmt":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.Ellipsis":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.EmptyStmt":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.ExprStmt":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.Field":                                     "go/ast",
+	"ast.FieldFilter":                               "go/ast",
+	"ast.FieldList":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.File":                                      "go/ast",
+	"ast.FileExports":                               "go/ast",
+	"ast.Filter":                                    "go/ast",
+	"ast.FilterDecl":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.FilterFile":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.FilterFuncDuplicates":                      "go/ast",
+	"ast.FilterImportDuplicates":                    "go/ast",
+	"ast.FilterPackage":                             "go/ast",
+	"ast.FilterUnassociatedComments":                "go/ast",
+	"ast.ForStmt":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.Fprint":                                    "go/ast",
+	"ast.Fun":                                       "go/ast",
+	"ast.FuncDecl":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.FuncLit":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.FuncType":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.GenDecl":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.GoStmt":                                    "go/ast",
+	"ast.Ident":                                     "go/ast",
+	"ast.IfStmt":                                    "go/ast",
+	"ast.ImportSpec":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.Importer":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.IncDecStmt":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.IndexExpr":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.Inspect":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.InterfaceType":                             "go/ast",
+	"ast.IsExported":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.KeyValueExpr":                              "go/ast",
+	"ast.LabeledStmt":                               "go/ast",
+	"ast.Lbl":                                       "go/ast",
+	"ast.MapType":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.MergeMode":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.MergePackageFiles":                         "go/ast",
+	"ast.NewCommentMap":                             "go/ast",
+	"ast.NewIdent":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.NewObj":                                    "go/ast",
+	"ast.NewPackage":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.NewScope":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.Node":                                      "go/ast",
+	"ast.NotNilFilter":                              "go/ast",
+	"ast.ObjKind":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.Object":                                    "go/ast",
+	"ast.Package":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.PackageExports":                            "go/ast",
+	"ast.ParenExpr":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.Pkg":                                       "go/ast",
+	"ast.Print":                                     "go/ast",
+	"ast.RECV":                                      "go/ast",
+	"ast.RangeStmt":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.ReturnStmt":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.SEND":                                      "go/ast",
+	"ast.Scope":                                     "go/ast",
+	"ast.SelectStmt":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.SelectorExpr":                              "go/ast",
+	"ast.SendStmt":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.SliceExpr":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.SortImports":                               "go/ast",
+	"ast.StarExpr":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.StructType":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.SwitchStmt":                                "go/ast",
+	"ast.Typ":                                       "go/ast",
+	"ast.TypeAssertExpr":                            "go/ast",
+	"ast.TypeSpec":                                  "go/ast",
+	"ast.TypeSwitchStmt":                            "go/ast",
+	"ast.UnaryExpr":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.ValueSpec":                                 "go/ast",
+	"ast.Var":                                       "go/ast",
+	"ast.Visitor":                                   "go/ast",
+	"ast.Walk":                                      "go/ast",
+	"atomic.AddInt32":                               "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.AddInt64":                               "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.AddUint32":                              "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.AddUint64":                              "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.AddUintptr":                             "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32":                    "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64":                    "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer":                  "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32":                   "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.CompareAndSwapUint64":                   "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.CompareAndSwapUintptr":                  "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.LoadInt32":                              "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.LoadInt64":                              "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.LoadPointer":                            "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.LoadUint32":                             "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.LoadUint64":                             "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.LoadUintptr":                            "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.StoreInt32":                             "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.StoreInt64":                             "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.StorePointer":                           "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.StoreUint32":                            "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.StoreUint64":                            "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.StoreUintptr":                           "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.SwapInt32":                              "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.SwapInt64":                              "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.SwapPointer":                            "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.SwapUint32":                             "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.SwapUint64":                             "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.SwapUintptr":                            "sync/atomic",
+	"atomic.Value":                                  "sync/atomic",
+	"base32.CorruptInputError":                      "encoding/base32",
+	"base32.Encoding":                               "encoding/base32",
+	"base32.HexEncoding":                            "encoding/base32",
+	"base32.NewDecoder":                             "encoding/base32",
+	"base32.NewEncoder":                             "encoding/base32",
+	"base32.NewEncoding":                            "encoding/base32",
+	"base32.NoPadding":                              "encoding/base32",
+	"base32.StdEncoding":                            "encoding/base32",
+	"base32.StdPadding":                             "encoding/base32",
+	"base64.CorruptInputError":                      "encoding/base64",
+	"base64.Encoding":                               "encoding/base64",
+	"base64.NewDecoder":                             "encoding/base64",
+	"base64.NewEncoder":                             "encoding/base64",
+	"base64.NewEncoding":                            "encoding/base64",
+	"base64.NoPadding":                              "encoding/base64",
+	"base64.RawStdEncoding":                         "encoding/base64",
+	"base64.RawURLEncoding":                         "encoding/base64",
+	"base64.StdEncoding":                            "encoding/base64",
+	"base64.StdPadding":                             "encoding/base64",
+	"base64.URLEncoding":                            "encoding/base64",
+	"big.Above":                                     "math/big",
+	"big.Accuracy":                                  "math/big",
+	"big.AwayFromZero":                              "math/big",
+	"big.Below":                                     "math/big",
+	"big.ErrNaN":                                    "math/big",
+	"big.Exact":                                     "math/big",
+	"big.Float":                                     "math/big",
+	"big.Int":                                       "math/big",
+	"big.Jacobi":                                    "math/big",
+	"big.MaxBase":                                   "math/big",
+	"big.MaxExp":                                    "math/big",
+	"big.MaxPrec":                                   "math/big",
+	"big.MinExp":                                    "math/big",
+	"big.NewFloat":                                  "math/big",
+	"big.NewInt":                                    "math/big",
+	"big.NewRat":                                    "math/big",
+	"big.ParseFloat":                                "math/big",
+	"big.Rat":                                       "math/big",
+	"big.RoundingMode":                              "math/big",
+	"big.ToNearestAway":                             "math/big",
+	"big.ToNearestEven":                             "math/big",
+	"big.ToNegativeInf":                             "math/big",
+	"big.ToPositiveInf":                             "math/big",
+	"big.ToZero":                                    "math/big",
+	"big.Word":                                      "math/big",
+	"binary.BigEndian":                              "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.ByteOrder":                              "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.LittleEndian":                           "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.MaxVarintLen16":                         "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.MaxVarintLen32":                         "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.MaxVarintLen64":                         "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.PutUvarint":                             "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.PutVarint":                              "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.Read":                                   "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.ReadUvarint":                            "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.ReadVarint":                             "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.Size":                                   "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.Uvarint":                                "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.Varint":                                 "encoding/binary",
+	"binary.Write":                                  "encoding/binary",
+	"bits.LeadingZeros":                             "math/bits",
+	"bits.LeadingZeros16":                           "math/bits",
+	"bits.LeadingZeros32":                           "math/bits",
+	"bits.LeadingZeros64":                           "math/bits",
+	"bits.LeadingZeros8":                            "math/bits",
+	"bits.Len":                                      "math/bits",
+	"bits.Len16":                                    "math/bits",
+	"bits.Len32":                                    "math/bits",
+	"bits.Len64":                                    "math/bits",
+	"bits.Len8":                                     "math/bits",
+	"bits.OnesCount":                                "math/bits",
+	"bits.OnesCount16":                              "math/bits",
+	"bits.OnesCount32":                              "math/bits",
+	"bits.OnesCount64":                              "math/bits",
+	"bits.OnesCount8":                               "math/bits",
+	"bits.Reverse":                                  "math/bits",
+	"bits.Reverse16":                                "math/bits",
+	"bits.Reverse32":                                "math/bits",
+	"bits.Reverse64":                                "math/bits",
+	"bits.Reverse8":                                 "math/bits",
+	"bits.ReverseBytes":                             "math/bits",
+	"bits.ReverseBytes16":                           "math/bits",
+	"bits.ReverseBytes32":                           "math/bits",
+	"bits.ReverseBytes64":                           "math/bits",
+	"bits.RotateLeft":                               "math/bits",
+	"bits.RotateLeft16":                             "math/bits",
+	"bits.RotateLeft32":                             "math/bits",
+	"bits.RotateLeft64":                             "math/bits",
+	"bits.RotateLeft8":                              "math/bits",
+	"bits.TrailingZeros":                            "math/bits",
+	"bits.TrailingZeros16":                          "math/bits",
+	"bits.TrailingZeros32":                          "math/bits",
+	"bits.TrailingZeros64":                          "math/bits",
+	"bits.TrailingZeros8":                           "math/bits",
+	"bits.UintSize":                                 "math/bits",
+	"bufio.ErrAdvanceTooFar":                        "bufio",
+	"bufio.ErrBufferFull":                           "bufio",
+	"bufio.ErrFinalToken":                           "bufio",
+	"bufio.ErrInvalidUnreadByte":                    "bufio",
+	"bufio.ErrInvalidUnreadRune":                    "bufio",
+	"bufio.ErrNegativeAdvance":                      "bufio",
+	"bufio.ErrNegativeCount":                        "bufio",
+	"bufio.ErrTooLong":                              "bufio",
+	"bufio.MaxScanTokenSize":                        "bufio",
+	"bufio.NewReadWriter":                           "bufio",
+	"bufio.NewReader":                               "bufio",
+	"bufio.NewReaderSize":                           "bufio",
+	"bufio.NewScanner":                              "bufio",
+	"bufio.NewWriter":                               "bufio",
+	"bufio.NewWriterSize":                           "bufio",
+	"bufio.ReadWriter":                              "bufio",
+	"bufio.Reader":                                  "bufio",
+	"bufio.ScanBytes":                               "bufio",
+	"bufio.ScanLines":                               "bufio",
+	"bufio.ScanRunes":                               "bufio",
+	"bufio.ScanWords":                               "bufio",
+	"bufio.Scanner":                                 "bufio",
+	"bufio.SplitFunc":                               "bufio",
+	"bufio.Writer":                                  "bufio",
+	"build.AllowBinary":                             "go/build",
+	"build.ArchChar":                                "go/build",
+	"build.Context":                                 "go/build",
+	"build.Default":                                 "go/build",
+	"build.FindOnly":                                "go/build",
+	"build.IgnoreVendor":                            "go/build",
+	"build.Import":                                  "go/build",
+	"build.ImportComment":                           "go/build",
+	"build.ImportDir":                               "go/build",
+	"build.ImportMode":                              "go/build",
+	"build.IsLocalImport":                           "go/build",
+	"build.MultiplePackageError":                    "go/build",
+	"build.NoGoError":                               "go/build",
+	"build.Package":                                 "go/build",
+	"build.ToolDir":                                 "go/build",
+	"bytes.Buffer":                                  "bytes",
+	"bytes.Compare":                                 "bytes",
+	"bytes.Contains":                                "bytes",
+	"bytes.ContainsAny":                             "bytes",
+	"bytes.ContainsRune":                            "bytes",
+	"bytes.Count":                                   "bytes",
+	"bytes.Equal":                                   "bytes",
+	"bytes.EqualFold":                               "bytes",
+	"bytes.ErrTooLarge":                             "bytes",
+	"bytes.Fields":                                  "bytes",
+	"bytes.FieldsFunc":                              "bytes",
+	"bytes.HasPrefix":                               "bytes",
+	"bytes.HasSuffix":                               "bytes",
+	"bytes.Index":                                   "bytes",
+	"bytes.IndexAny":                                "bytes",
+	"bytes.IndexByte":                               "bytes",
+	"bytes.IndexFunc":                               "bytes",
+	"bytes.IndexRune":                               "bytes",
+	"bytes.Join":                                    "bytes",
+	"bytes.LastIndex":                               "bytes",
+	"bytes.LastIndexAny":                            "bytes",
+	"bytes.LastIndexByte":                           "bytes",
+	"bytes.LastIndexFunc":                           "bytes",
+	"bytes.Map":                                     "bytes",
+	"bytes.MinRead":                                 "bytes",
+	"bytes.NewBuffer":                               "bytes",
+	"bytes.NewBufferString":                         "bytes",
+	"bytes.NewReader":                               "bytes",
+	"bytes.Reader":                                  "bytes",
+	"bytes.Repeat":                                  "bytes",
+	"bytes.Replace":                                 "bytes",
+	"bytes.Runes":                                   "bytes",
+	"bytes.Split":                                   "bytes",
+	"bytes.SplitAfter":                              "bytes",
+	"bytes.SplitAfterN":                             "bytes",
+	"bytes.SplitN":                                  "bytes",
+	"bytes.Title":                                   "bytes",
+	"bytes.ToLower":                                 "bytes",
+	"bytes.ToLowerSpecial":                          "bytes",
+	"bytes.ToTitle":                                 "bytes",
+	"bytes.ToTitleSpecial":                          "bytes",
+	"bytes.ToUpper":                                 "bytes",
+	"bytes.ToUpperSpecial":                          "bytes",
+	"bytes.Trim":                                    "bytes",
+	"bytes.TrimFunc":                                "bytes",
+	"bytes.TrimLeft":                                "bytes",
+	"bytes.TrimLeftFunc":                            "bytes",
+	"bytes.TrimPrefix":                              "bytes",
+	"bytes.TrimRight":                               "bytes",
+	"bytes.TrimRightFunc":                           "bytes",
+	"bytes.TrimSpace":                               "bytes",
+	"bytes.TrimSuffix":                              "bytes",
+	"bzip2.NewReader":                               "compress/bzip2",
+	"bzip2.StructuralError":                         "compress/bzip2",
+	"cgi.Handler":                                   "net/http/cgi",
+	"cgi.Request":                                   "net/http/cgi",
+	"cgi.RequestFromMap":                            "net/http/cgi",
+	"cgi.Serve":                                     "net/http/cgi",
+	"cipher.AEAD":                                   "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.Block":                                  "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.BlockMode":                              "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.NewCBCDecrypter":                        "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.NewCBCEncrypter":                        "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.NewCFBDecrypter":                        "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.NewCFBEncrypter":                        "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.NewCTR":                                 "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.NewGCM":                                 "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.NewGCMWithNonceSize":                    "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.NewOFB":                                 "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.Stream":                                 "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.StreamReader":                           "crypto/cipher",
+	"cipher.StreamWriter":                           "crypto/cipher",
+	"cmplx.Abs":                                     "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Acos":                                    "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Acosh":                                   "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Asin":                                    "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Asinh":                                   "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Atan":                                    "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Atanh":                                   "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Conj":                                    "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Cos":                                     "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Cosh":                                    "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Cot":                                     "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Exp":                                     "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Inf":                                     "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.IsInf":                                   "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.IsNaN":                                   "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Log":                                     "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Log10":                                   "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.NaN":                                     "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Phase":                                   "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Polar":                                   "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Pow":                                     "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Rect":                                    "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Sin":                                     "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Sinh":                                    "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Sqrt":                                    "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Tan":                                     "math/cmplx",
+	"cmplx.Tanh":                                    "math/cmplx",
+	"color.Alpha":                                   "image/color",
+	"color.Alpha16":                                 "image/color",
+	"color.Alpha16Model":                            "image/color",
+	"color.AlphaModel":                              "image/color",
+	"color.Black":                                   "image/color",
+	"color.CMYK":                                    "image/color",
+	"color.CMYKModel":                               "image/color",
+	"color.CMYKToRGB":                               "image/color",
+	"color.Color":                                   "image/color",
+	"color.Gray":                                    "image/color",
+	"color.Gray16":                                  "image/color",
+	"color.Gray16Model":                             "image/color",
+	"color.GrayModel":                               "image/color",
+	"color.Model":                                   "image/color",
+	"color.ModelFunc":                               "image/color",
+	"color.NRGBA":                                   "image/color",
+	"color.NRGBA64":                                 "image/color",
+	"color.NRGBA64Model":                            "image/color",
+	"color.NRGBAModel":                              "image/color",
+	"color.NYCbCrA":                                 "image/color",
+	"color.NYCbCrAModel":                            "image/color",
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+	"color.Palette":                                 "image/color",
+	"color.RGBA":                                    "image/color",
+	"color.RGBA64":                                  "image/color",
+	"color.RGBA64Model":                             "image/color",
+	"color.RGBAModel":                               "image/color",
+	"color.RGBToCMYK":                               "image/color",
+	"color.RGBToYCbCr":                              "image/color",
+	"color.Transparent":                             "image/color",
+	"color.White":                                   "image/color",
+	"color.YCbCr":                                   "image/color",
+	"color.YCbCrModel":                              "image/color",
+	"color.YCbCrToRGB":                              "image/color",
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+	"constant.BitLen":                               "go/constant",
+	"constant.Bool":                                 "go/constant",
+	"constant.BoolVal":                              "go/constant",
+	"constant.Bytes":                                "go/constant",
+	"constant.Compare":                              "go/constant",
+	"constant.Complex":                              "go/constant",
+	"constant.Denom":                                "go/constant",
+	"constant.Float":                                "go/constant",
+	"constant.Float32Val":                           "go/constant",
+	"constant.Float64Val":                           "go/constant",
+	"constant.Imag":                                 "go/constant",
+	"constant.Int":                                  "go/constant",
+	"constant.Int64Val":                             "go/constant",
+	"constant.Kind":                                 "go/constant",
+	"constant.MakeBool":                             "go/constant",
+	"constant.MakeFloat64":                          "go/constant",
+	"constant.MakeFromBytes":                        "go/constant",
+	"constant.MakeFromLiteral":                      "go/constant",
+	"constant.MakeImag":                             "go/constant",
+	"constant.MakeInt64":                            "go/constant",
+	"constant.MakeString":                           "go/constant",
+	"constant.MakeUint64":                           "go/constant",
+	"constant.MakeUnknown":                          "go/constant",
+	"constant.Num":                                  "go/constant",
+	"constant.Real":                                 "go/constant",
+	"constant.Shift":                                "go/constant",
+	"constant.Sign":                                 "go/constant",
+	"constant.String":                               "go/constant",
+	"constant.StringVal":                            "go/constant",
+	"constant.ToComplex":                            "go/constant",
+	"constant.ToFloat":                              "go/constant",
+	"constant.ToInt":                                "go/constant",
+	"constant.Uint64Val":                            "go/constant",
+	"constant.UnaryOp":                              "go/constant",
+	"constant.Unknown":                              "go/constant",
+	"context.Background":                            "context",
+	"context.CancelFunc":                            "context",
+	"context.Canceled":                              "context",
+	"context.Context":                               "context",
+	"context.DeadlineExceeded":                      "context",
+	"context.TODO":                                  "context",
+	"context.WithCancel":                            "context",
+	"context.WithDeadline":                          "context",
+	"context.WithTimeout":                           "context",
+	"context.WithValue":                             "context",
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+	"cookiejar.New":                                 "net/http/cookiejar",
+	"cookiejar.Options":                             "net/http/cookiejar",
+	"cookiejar.PublicSuffixList":                    "net/http/cookiejar",
+	"crc32.Castagnoli":                              "hash/crc32",
+	"crc32.Checksum":                                "hash/crc32",
+	"crc32.ChecksumIEEE":                            "hash/crc32",
+	"crc32.IEEE":                                    "hash/crc32",
+	"crc32.IEEETable":                               "hash/crc32",
+	"crc32.Koopman":                                 "hash/crc32",
+	"crc32.MakeTable":                               "hash/crc32",
+	"crc32.New":                                     "hash/crc32",
+	"crc32.NewIEEE":                                 "hash/crc32",
+	"crc32.Size":                                    "hash/crc32",
+	"crc32.Table":                                   "hash/crc32",
+	"crc32.Update":                                  "hash/crc32",
+	"crc64.Checksum":                                "hash/crc64",
+	"crc64.ECMA":                                    "hash/crc64",
+	"crc64.ISO":                                     "hash/crc64",
+	"crc64.MakeTable":                               "hash/crc64",
+	"crc64.New":                                     "hash/crc64",
+	"crc64.Size":                                    "hash/crc64",
+	"crc64.Table":                                   "hash/crc64",
+	"crc64.Update":                                  "hash/crc64",
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+	"crypto.BLAKE2b_384":                            "crypto",
+	"crypto.BLAKE2b_512":                            "crypto",
+	"crypto.BLAKE2s_256":                            "crypto",
+	"crypto.Decrypter":                              "crypto",
+	"crypto.DecrypterOpts":                          "crypto",
+	"crypto.Hash":                                   "crypto",
+	"crypto.MD4":                                    "crypto",
+	"crypto.MD5":                                    "crypto",
+	"crypto.MD5SHA1":                                "crypto",
+	"crypto.PrivateKey":                             "crypto",
+	"crypto.PublicKey":                              "crypto",
+	"crypto.RIPEMD160":                              "crypto",
+	"crypto.RegisterHash":                           "crypto",
+	"crypto.SHA1":                                   "crypto",
+	"crypto.SHA224":                                 "crypto",
+	"crypto.SHA256":                                 "crypto",
+	"crypto.SHA384":                                 "crypto",
+	"crypto.SHA3_224":                               "crypto",
+	"crypto.SHA3_256":                               "crypto",
+	"crypto.SHA3_384":                               "crypto",
+	"crypto.SHA3_512":                               "crypto",
+	"crypto.SHA512":                                 "crypto",
+	"crypto.SHA512_224":                             "crypto",
+	"crypto.SHA512_256":                             "crypto",
+	"crypto.Signer":                                 "crypto",
+	"crypto.SignerOpts":                             "crypto",
+	"csv.ErrBareQuote":                              "encoding/csv",
+	"csv.ErrFieldCount":                             "encoding/csv",
+	"csv.ErrQuote":                                  "encoding/csv",
+	"csv.ErrTrailingComma":                          "encoding/csv",
+	"csv.NewReader":                                 "encoding/csv",
+	"csv.NewWriter":                                 "encoding/csv",
+	"csv.ParseError":                                "encoding/csv",
+	"csv.Reader":                                    "encoding/csv",
+	"csv.Writer":                                    "encoding/csv",
+	"debug.FreeOSMemory":                            "runtime/debug",
+	"debug.GCStats":                                 "runtime/debug",
+	"debug.PrintStack":                              "runtime/debug",
+	"debug.ReadGCStats":                             "runtime/debug",
+	"debug.SetGCPercent":                            "runtime/debug",
+	"debug.SetMaxStack":                             "runtime/debug",
+	"debug.SetMaxThreads":                           "runtime/debug",
+	"debug.SetPanicOnFault":                         "runtime/debug",
+	"debug.SetTraceback":                            "runtime/debug",
+	"debug.Stack":                                   "runtime/debug",
+	"debug.WriteHeapDump":                           "runtime/debug",
+	"des.BlockSize":                                 "crypto/des",
+	"des.KeySizeError":                              "crypto/des",
+	"des.NewCipher":                                 "crypto/des",
+	"des.NewTripleDESCipher":                        "crypto/des",
+	"doc.AllDecls":                                  "go/doc",
+	"doc.AllMethods":                                "go/doc",
+	"doc.Example":                                   "go/doc",
+	"doc.Examples":                                  "go/doc",
+	"doc.Filter":                                    "go/doc",
+	"doc.Func":                                      "go/doc",
+	"doc.IllegalPrefixes":                           "go/doc",
+	"doc.IsPredeclared":                             "go/doc",
+	"doc.Mode":                                      "go/doc",
+	"doc.New":                                       "go/doc",
+	"doc.Note":                                      "go/doc",
+	"doc.Package":                                   "go/doc",
+	"doc.Synopsis":                                  "go/doc",
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+	"doc.ToText":                                    "go/doc",
+	"doc.Type":                                      "go/doc",
+	"doc.Value":                                     "go/doc",
+	"draw.Draw":                                     "image/draw",
+	"draw.DrawMask":                                 "image/draw",
+	"draw.Drawer":                                   "image/draw",
+	"draw.FloydSteinberg":                           "image/draw",
+	"draw.Image":                                    "image/draw",
+	"draw.Op":                                       "image/draw",
+	"draw.Over":                                     "image/draw",
+	"draw.Quantizer":                                "image/draw",
+	"draw.Src":                                      "image/draw",
+	"driver.Bool":                                   "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.ColumnConverter":                        "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Conn":                                   "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.ConnBeginTx":                            "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.ConnPrepareContext":                     "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Connector":                              "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.DefaultParameterConverter":              "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Driver":                                 "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.DriverContext":                          "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.ErrBadConn":                             "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.ErrRemoveArgument":                      "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.ErrSkip":                                "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Execer":                                 "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.ExecerContext":                          "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Int32":                                  "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.IsScanValue":                            "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.IsValue":                                "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.IsolationLevel":                         "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.NamedValue":                             "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.NamedValueChecker":                      "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.NotNull":                                "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Null":                                   "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Pinger":                                 "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Queryer":                                "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.QueryerContext":                         "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Result":                                 "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.ResultNoRows":                           "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Rows":                                   "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.RowsAffected":                           "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.RowsColumnTypeDatabaseTypeName":         "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.RowsColumnTypeLength":                   "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.RowsColumnTypeNullable":                 "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.RowsColumnTypePrecisionScale":           "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.RowsColumnTypeScanType":                 "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.RowsNextResultSet":                      "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.SessionResetter":                        "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Stmt":                                   "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.StmtExecContext":                        "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.StmtQueryContext":                       "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.String":                                 "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Tx":                                     "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.TxOptions":                              "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Value":                                  "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.ValueConverter":                         "database/sql/driver",
+	"driver.Valuer":                                 "database/sql/driver",
+	"dsa.ErrInvalidPublicKey":                       "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.GenerateKey":                               "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.GenerateParameters":                        "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.L1024N160":                                 "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.L2048N224":                                 "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.L2048N256":                                 "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.L3072N256":                                 "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.ParameterSizes":                            "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.Parameters":                                "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.PrivateKey":                                "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.PublicKey":                                 "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.Sign":                                      "crypto/dsa",
+	"dsa.Verify":                                    "crypto/dsa",
+	"dwarf.AddrType":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ArrayType":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.Attr":                                    "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrAbstractOrigin":                      "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrAccessibility":                       "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrAddrClass":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrAllocated":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrArtificial":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrAssociated":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrBaseTypes":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrBitOffset":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrBitSize":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrByteSize":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrCallColumn":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrCallFile":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrCallLine":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrCalling":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrCommonRef":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrCompDir":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrConstValue":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrContainingType":                      "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrCount":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrDataLocation":                        "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrDataMemberLoc":                       "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrDeclColumn":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrDeclFile":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrDeclLine":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrDeclaration":                         "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrDefaultValue":                        "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrDescription":                         "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrDiscr":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrDiscrList":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrDiscrValue":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrEncoding":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrEntrypc":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrExtension":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrExternal":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrFrameBase":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrFriend":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrHighpc":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrIdentifierCase":                      "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrImport":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrInline":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrIsOptional":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrLanguage":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrLocation":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrLowerBound":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrLowpc":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrMacroInfo":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrName":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrNamelistItem":                        "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrOrdering":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrPriority":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrProducer":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrPrototyped":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrRanges":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrReturnAddr":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrSegment":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrSibling":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrSpecification":                       "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrStartScope":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrStaticLink":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrStmtList":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrStride":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrStrideSize":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrStringLength":                        "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrTrampoline":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrType":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrUpperBound":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrUseLocation":                         "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrUseUTF8":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrVarParam":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrVirtuality":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrVisibility":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.AttrVtableElemLoc":                       "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.BasicType":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.BoolType":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.CharType":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.Class":                                   "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassAddress":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassBlock":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassConstant":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassExprLoc":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassFlag":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassLinePtr":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassLocListPtr":                         "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassMacPtr":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassRangeListPtr":                       "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassReference":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassReferenceAlt":                       "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassReferenceSig":                       "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassString":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassStringAlt":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ClassUnknown":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.CommonType":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ComplexType":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.Data":                                    "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.DecodeError":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.DotDotDotType":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.Entry":                                   "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.EnumType":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.EnumValue":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.ErrUnknownPC":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.Field":                                   "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.FloatType":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.FuncType":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.IntType":                                 "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.LineEntry":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.LineFile":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.LineReader":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.LineReaderPos":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.New":                                     "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.Offset":                                  "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.PtrType":                                 "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.QualType":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.Reader":                                  "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.StructField":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.StructType":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.Tag":                                     "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagAccessDeclaration":                    "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagArrayType":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagBaseType":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagCatchDwarfBlock":                      "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagClassType":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagCommonDwarfBlock":                     "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagCommonInclusion":                      "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagCompileUnit":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagCondition":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagConstType":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagConstant":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagDwarfProcedure":                       "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagEntryPoint":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagEnumerationType":                      "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagEnumerator":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagFileType":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagFormalParameter":                      "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagFriend":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagImportedDeclaration":                  "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagImportedModule":                       "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagImportedUnit":                         "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagInheritance":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagInlinedSubroutine":                    "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagInterfaceType":                        "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagLabel":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagLexDwarfBlock":                        "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagMember":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagModule":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagMutableType":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagNamelist":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagNamelistItem":                         "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagNamespace":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagPackedType":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagPartialUnit":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagPointerType":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagPtrToMemberType":                      "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagReferenceType":                        "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagRestrictType":                         "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagRvalueReferenceType":                  "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagSetType":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagSharedType":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagStringType":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagStructType":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagSubprogram":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagSubrangeType":                         "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagSubroutineType":                       "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagTemplateAlias":                        "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagTemplateTypeParameter":                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagTemplateValueParameter":               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagThrownType":                           "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagTryDwarfBlock":                        "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagTypeUnit":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagTypedef":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagUnionType":                            "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagUnspecifiedParameters":                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagUnspecifiedType":                      "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagVariable":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagVariant":                              "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagVariantPart":                          "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagVolatileType":                         "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TagWithStmt":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.Type":                                    "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.TypedefType":                             "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.UcharType":                               "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.UintType":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.UnspecifiedType":                         "debug/dwarf",
+	"dwarf.VoidType":                                "debug/dwarf",
+	"ecdsa.GenerateKey":                             "crypto/ecdsa",
+	"ecdsa.PrivateKey":                              "crypto/ecdsa",
+	"ecdsa.PublicKey":                               "crypto/ecdsa",
+	"ecdsa.Sign":                                    "crypto/ecdsa",
+	"ecdsa.Verify":                                  "crypto/ecdsa",
+	"elf.ARM_MAGIC_TRAMP_NUMBER":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.COMPRESS_HIOS":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.COMPRESS_HIPROC":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.COMPRESS_LOOS":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.COMPRESS_LOPROC":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.COMPRESS_ZLIB":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Chdr32":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Chdr64":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Class":                                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.CompressionType":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DF_BIND_NOW":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DF_ORIGIN":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DF_STATIC_TLS":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DF_SYMBOLIC":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DF_TEXTREL":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_BIND_NOW":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_DEBUG":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_ENCODING":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_FINI":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_FINI_ARRAY":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_FLAGS":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_HASH":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_HIOS":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_HIPROC":                                 "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.DT_INIT_ARRAY":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_JMPREL":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_LOOS":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_LOPROC":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_NEEDED":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_NULL":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_PLTGOT":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_PLTREL":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_PLTRELSZ":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_PREINIT_ARRAY":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_PREINIT_ARRAYSZ":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_REL":                                    "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.DT_RELENT":                                 "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.DT_RUNPATH":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_SONAME":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_STRSZ":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_STRTAB":                                 "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.DT_VERNEEDNUM":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DT_VERSYM":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Data":                                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Dyn32":                                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Dyn64":                                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DynFlag":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.DynTag":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EI_ABIVERSION":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EI_CLASS":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EI_DATA":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EI_NIDENT":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EI_OSABI":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EI_PAD":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EI_VERSION":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFCLASS32":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFCLASS64":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFCLASSNONE":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFDATA2LSB":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFDATA2MSB":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFDATANONE":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFMAG":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_86OPEN":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_AIX":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_ARM":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_FREEBSD":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_HPUX":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_HURD":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_IRIX":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_LINUX":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_MODESTO":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_NETBSD":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_NONE":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_NSK":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_OPENBSD":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_OPENVMS":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_SOLARIS":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_STANDALONE":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ELFOSABI_TRU64":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_386":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_486":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_68HC12":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_68K":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_860":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_88K":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_960":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_AARCH64":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_ALPHA":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_ALPHA_STD":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_ARC":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_ARM":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_COLDFIRE":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_FR20":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_H8S":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_H8_300":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_H8_300H":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_H8_500":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_IA_64":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_M32":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_ME16":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_MIPS":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_MIPS_RS3_LE":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_MIPS_RS4_BE":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_MIPS_X":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_MMA":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_NCPU":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_NDR1":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_NONE":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_PARISC":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_PCP":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_PPC":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_PPC64":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_RCE":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_RH32":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_S370":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_S390":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_SH":                                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_SPARC":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_SPARC32PLUS":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_SPARCV9":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_ST100":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_STARCORE":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_TINYJ":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_TRICORE":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_V800":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_VPP500":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EM_X86_64":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ET_CORE":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ET_DYN":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ET_EXEC":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ET_HIOS":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ET_HIPROC":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ET_LOOS":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ET_LOPROC":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ET_NONE":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ET_REL":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EV_CURRENT":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.EV_NONE":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ErrNoSymbols":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.File":                                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.FileHeader":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.FormatError":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Header32":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Header64":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ImportedSymbol":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Machine":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.NT_FPREGSET":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.NT_PRPSINFO":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.NT_PRSTATUS":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.NType":                                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.NewFile":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.OSABI":                                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Open":                                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PF_MASKOS":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PF_MASKPROC":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PF_R":                                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PF_W":                                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PF_X":                                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_DYNAMIC":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_HIOS":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_HIPROC":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_INTERP":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_LOAD":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_LOOS":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_LOPROC":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_NOTE":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_NULL":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_PHDR":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_SHLIB":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.PT_TLS":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Prog":                                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Prog32":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.Prog64":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ProgFlag":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ProgHeader":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.ProgType":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386":                                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_16":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_32":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_32PLT":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_8":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_COPY":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_GLOB_DAT":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_GOT32":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_GOT32X":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_GOTOFF":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_GOTPC":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_IRELATIVE":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_JMP_SLOT":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_NONE":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_PC16":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_PC32":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_PC8":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_PLT32":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_RELATIVE":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_SIZE32":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_DESC":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_DESC_CALL":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_DTPMOD32":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_DTPOFF32":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_GD":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_GD_32":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_GD_CALL":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_GD_POP":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_GD_PUSH":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_GOTDESC":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_GOTIE":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_IE":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_IE_32":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_LDM":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_LDM_32":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_LDM_CALL":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_LDM_POP":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_LDM_PUSH":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_LDO_32":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_LE":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_LE_32":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_TPOFF":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_386_TLS_TPOFF32":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390":                                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_12":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_16":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_20":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_32":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_64":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_8":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_COPY":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GLOB_DAT":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOT12":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOT16":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOT20":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOT32":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOT64":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTENT":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTOFF":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTOFF16":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTOFF64":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTPC":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTPCDBL":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTPLT12":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTPLT16":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTPLT20":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTPLT32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTPLT64":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTPLTENT":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTPLTOFF16":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTPLTOFF32":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_GOTPLTOFF64":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_JMP_SLOT":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_NONE":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_PC16":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_PC16DBL":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_PC32":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_PC32DBL":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_PC64":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_PLT16DBL":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_PLT32":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_PLT32DBL":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_PLT64":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_RELATIVE":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_DTPMOD":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_DTPOFF":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_GD32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_GD64":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_GDCALL":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_GOTIE12":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_GOTIE20":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_GOTIE32":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_GOTIE64":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_IE32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_IE64":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_IEENT":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_LDCALL":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_LDM32":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_LDM64":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_LDO32":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_LDO64":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_LE32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_LE64":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_LOAD":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_390_TLS_TPOFF":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_ABS16":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_ABS32":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_ABS64":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC":                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_ADR_GOT_PAGE":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_LO21":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21_NC":             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_CALL26":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_CONDBR19":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_COPY":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_GLOB_DAT":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_GOT_LD_PREL19":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_IRELATIVE":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_JUMP26":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_JUMP_SLOT":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_LD64_GOTOFF_LO15":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_LD64_GOTPAGE_LO15":               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_LD64_GOT_LO12_NC":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_LDST128_ABS_LO12_NC":             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_LDST16_ABS_LO12_NC":              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC":              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC":              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_LDST8_ABS_LO12_NC":               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_LD_PREL_LO19":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G0":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G1":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_MOVW_SABS_G2":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G0":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G0_NC":                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G1":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G1_NC":                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G2":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G2_NC":                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_MOVW_UABS_G3":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_NONE":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_NULL":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_ABS16":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_ABS32":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_ADD_ABS_LO12_NC":             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_ADR_GOT_PAGE":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_ADR_PREL_LO21":               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_ADR_PREL_PG_HI21":            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_CALL26":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_CONDBR19":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_COPY":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_GLOB_DAT":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_GOT_LD_PREL19":               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_IRELATIVE":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_JUMP26":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_JUMP_SLOT":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_LD32_GOT_LO12_NC":            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_LDST128_ABS_LO12_NC":         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_LDST16_ABS_LO12_NC":          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_LDST32_ABS_LO12_NC":          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_LDST64_ABS_LO12_NC":          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_LDST8_ABS_LO12_NC":           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_LD_PREL_LO19":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_SABS_G0":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_UABS_G0":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_UABS_G0_NC":             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_MOVW_UABS_G1":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_PREL16":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_PREL32":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_RELATIVE":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12_NC":         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21":          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC_ADR_PREL21":          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC_CALL":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC_LD32_LO12_NC":        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSDESC_LD_PREL19":           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSGD_ADD_LO12_NC":           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSGD_ADR_PAGE21":            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21":   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSIE_LD32_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC": "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSIE_LD_GOTTPREL_PREL19":    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_HI12":        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12":        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12_NC":     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0":         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0_NC":      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1":         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLS_DTPMOD":                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLS_DTPREL":                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TLS_TPREL":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_P32_TSTBR14":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_PREL16":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_PREL32":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_PREL64":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_RELATIVE":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADD_LO12_NC":             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PAGE21":              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_ADR_PREL21":              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_CALL":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD64_LO12_NC":            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LDR":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_LD_PREL19":               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_OFF_G0_NC":               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSDESC_OFF_G1":                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADD_LO12_NC":               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADR_PAGE21":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSGD_ADR_PREL21":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSGD_MOVW_G0_NC":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSGD_MOVW_G1":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSIE_ADR_GOTTPREL_PAGE21":       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD64_GOTTPREL_LO12_NC":     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSIE_LD_GOTTPREL_PREL19":        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSIE_MOVW_GOTTPREL_G0_NC":       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSIE_MOVW_GOTTPREL_G1":          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADR_PAGE21":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLD_ADR_PREL21":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST128_DTPREL_LO12":       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLD_LDST128_DTPREL_LO12_NC":    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_HI12":            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12":            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLE_ADD_TPREL_LO12_NC":         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST128_TPREL_LO12":        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLE_LDST128_TPREL_LO12_NC":     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0":             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G0_NC":          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1":             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G1_NC":          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLSLE_MOVW_TPREL_G2":             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPMOD64":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLS_DTPREL64":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TLS_TPREL64":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_AARCH64_TSTBR14":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_BRADDR":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_COPY":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_GLOB_DAT":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_GPDISP":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_GPREL32":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_GPRELHIGH":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_GPRELLOW":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_GPVALUE":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_HINT":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_IMMED_BR_HI32":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_IMMED_GP_16":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_IMMED_GP_HI32":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_IMMED_LO32":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_IMMED_SCN_HI32":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_JMP_SLOT":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_LITERAL":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_LITUSE":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_NONE":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_OP_PRSHIFT":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_OP_PSUB":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_OP_PUSH":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_OP_STORE":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_REFLONG":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_REFQUAD":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_RELATIVE":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_SREL16":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_SREL32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ALPHA_SREL64":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM":                                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ABS12":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ABS16":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ABS32":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ABS32_NOI":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ABS8":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_15_8":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_23_15":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_7_0":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_PC_G0":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_PC_G0_NC":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_PC_G1":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_PC_G1_NC":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_PC_G2":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_SBREL_19_12_NC":                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_SBREL_27_20_CK":                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_SB_G0":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_SB_G0_NC":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_SB_G1":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_SB_G1_NC":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ALU_SB_G2":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_AMP_VCALL9":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_BASE_ABS":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_CALL":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_COPY":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_GLOB_DAT":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_GNU_VTENTRY":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_GNU_VTINHERIT":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_GOT32":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_GOTOFF":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_GOTOFF12":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_GOTPC":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_GOTRELAX":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_GOT_ABS":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_GOT_BREL12":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_GOT_PREL":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_IRELATIVE":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_JUMP24":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDC_PC_G0":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDC_PC_G1":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDC_PC_G2":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDC_SB_G0":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDC_SB_G1":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDC_SB_G2":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G0":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G1":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G2":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G0":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G1":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G2":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDR_PC_G1":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDR_PC_G2":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDR_SBREL_11_10_NC":                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDR_SB_G0":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDR_SB_G1":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_LDR_SB_G2":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_ME_TOO":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_MOVT_ABS":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_MOVT_BREL":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_MOVT_PREL":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_MOVW_BREL":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_MOVW_BREL_NC":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_MOVW_PREL_NC":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_NONE":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PC13":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PC24":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PLT32":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PLT32_ABS":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PREL31":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_0":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_1":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_10":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_11":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_12":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_13":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_14":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_15":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_2":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_3":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_4":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_5":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_6":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_7":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_8":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_PRIVATE_9":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_RABS32":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_RBASE":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_REL32":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_REL32_NOI":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_RELATIVE":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_RPC24":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_RREL32":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_RSBREL32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_RXPC25":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_SBREL31":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_SBREL32":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_SWI24":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TARGET1":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TARGET2":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_ABS5":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_ALU_ABS_G0_NC":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_ALU_ABS_G1_NC":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_ALU_ABS_G2_NC":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_ALU_ABS_G3":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_ALU_PREL_11_0":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_GOT_BREL12":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_JUMP11":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_JUMP19":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_JUMP24":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_JUMP6":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_JUMP8":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_MOVT_ABS":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_MOVT_BREL":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_MOVT_PREL":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_MOVW_ABS_NC":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_MOVW_BREL":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_MOVW_BREL_NC":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_MOVW_PREL_NC":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_PC12":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_PC22":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_PC8":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_RPC22":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_SWI8":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_TLS_CALL":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_TLS_DESCSEQ16":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_TLS_DESCSEQ32":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_THM_XPC22":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_CALL":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_DESCSEQ":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_DTPMOD32":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_DTPOFF32":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_GD32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_GOTDESC":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_IE12GP":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_IE32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_LDM32":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_LDO12":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_LDO32":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_LE12":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_LE32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_TLS_TPOFF32":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_V4BX":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_ARM_XPC25":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_INFO":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_INFO32":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS":                                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_16":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_26":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_32":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_64":                                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_ADD_IMMEDIATE":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_CALL16":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_CALL_HI16":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_CALL_LO16":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_DELETE":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_GOT16":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_GOT_DISP":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_GOT_HI16":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_GOT_LO16":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_GOT_OFST":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_GPREL16":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_GPREL32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_HI16":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_HIGHER":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_HIGHEST":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_INSERT_A":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_INSERT_B":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_JALR":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_LITERAL":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_LO16":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_NONE":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_PC16":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_PJUMP":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_REL16":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_REL32":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_RELGOT":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_SCN_DISP":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_SHIFT5":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_SHIFT6":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_SUB":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD32":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD64":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_GD":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_LDM":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC":                                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64":                                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR14":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR14_BRNTAKEN":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR14_BRTAKEN":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16_DS":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16_HA":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16_HI":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGH":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHA":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHER":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHERA":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHEST":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16_HIGHESTA":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR16_LO_DS":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR24":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR64":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ADDR64_LOCAL":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPMOD64":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16_DS":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HA":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HI":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGH":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHA":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHER":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHERA":                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHEST":                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16_HIGHESTA":                 "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16_LO":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL16_LO_DS":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_DTPREL64":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_ENTRY":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT16":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT16_DS":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT16_HA":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT16_HI":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT16_LO":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT16_LO_DS":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_DS":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_HA":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_HI":                   "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT_DTPREL16_LO_DS":                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_HA":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_HI":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT_TLSGD16_LO":                    "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16":                       "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC64_REL14_BRTAKEN":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_REL16":                             "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC64_REL16_HA":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_REL16_HI":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_REL16_LO":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC64_REL24":                             "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC64_TLSLD":                             "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC64_TOCSAVE":                           "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC64_TPREL16_HIGHA":                     "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_ADDR14_BRTAKEN":                      "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_DTPREL16_HI":                         "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_HI":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_EMB_NADDR16_LO":                      "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_EMB_NADDR32":                         "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_EMB_RELSEC16":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HA":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_EMB_RELST_HI":                        "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_EMB_RELST_LO":                        "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_EMB_SDA2I16":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_EMB_SDA2REL":                         "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_EMB_SDAI16":                          "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_GOT16":                               "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_GOT16_HI":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_GOT16_LO":                            "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_GOT_TLSGD16_HI":                      "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_NONE":                                "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_PLT16_HA":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_PLT16_HI":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_PLT16_LO":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_PLT32":                               "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_PLTREL32":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_REL14":                               "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_REL14_BRTAKEN":                       "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_REL24":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_REL32":                               "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_RELATIVE":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_SDAREL16":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_SECTOFF":                             "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_SECTOFF_HA":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_SECTOFF_HI":                          "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_PPC_SECTOFF_LO":                          "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_TPREL16_HI":                          "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_PPC_UADDR32":                             "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_SPARC_DISP64":                            "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_SPARC_HI22":                              "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_SPARC_LM22":                              "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_SPARC_LOPLT10":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_SPARC_LOX10":                             "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_SPARC_NONE":                              "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_SPARC_PCPLT22":                           "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_SPARC_PLT64":                             "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_SPARC_UA32":                              "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_SPARC_UA64":                              "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_SPARC_WDISP30":                           "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_X86_64_TLSDESC_CALL":                     "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_X86_64_TLSGD":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.R_X86_64_TLSLD":                            "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.R_X86_64_TPOFF64":                          "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.SHT_GNU_VERDEF":                            "debug/elf",
+	"elf.SHT_GNU_VERNEED":                           "debug/elf",
+	"elf.SHT_GNU_VERSYM":                            "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.SHT_NULL":                                  "debug/elf",
+	"elf.SHT_PREINIT_ARRAY":                         "debug/elf",
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+	"elf.STB_HIPROC":                                "debug/elf",
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+	"elliptic.P224":                                 "crypto/elliptic",
+	"elliptic.P256":                                 "crypto/elliptic",
+	"elliptic.P384":                                 "crypto/elliptic",
+	"elliptic.P521":                                 "crypto/elliptic",
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+	"exec.Error":                                    "os/exec",
+	"exec.ExitError":                                "os/exec",
+	"exec.LookPath":                                 "os/exec",
+	"expvar.Do":                                     "expvar",
+	"expvar.Float":                                  "expvar",
+	"expvar.Func":                                   "expvar",
+	"expvar.Get":                                    "expvar",
+	"expvar.Handler":                                "expvar",
+	"expvar.Int":                                    "expvar",
+	"expvar.KeyValue":                               "expvar",
+	"expvar.Map":                                    "expvar",
+	"expvar.NewFloat":                               "expvar",
+	"expvar.NewInt":                                 "expvar",
+	"expvar.NewMap":                                 "expvar",
+	"expvar.NewString":                              "expvar",
+	"expvar.Publish":                                "expvar",
+	"expvar.String":                                 "expvar",
+	"expvar.Var":                                    "expvar",
+	"fcgi.ErrConnClosed":                            "net/http/fcgi",
+	"fcgi.ErrRequestAborted":                        "net/http/fcgi",
+	"fcgi.ProcessEnv":                               "net/http/fcgi",
+	"fcgi.Serve":                                    "net/http/fcgi",
+	"filepath.Abs":                                  "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.Base":                                 "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.Clean":                                "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.Dir":                                  "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.ErrBadPattern":                        "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.EvalSymlinks":                         "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.Ext":                                  "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.FromSlash":                            "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.Glob":                                 "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.HasPrefix":                            "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.IsAbs":                                "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.Join":                                 "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.ListSeparator":                        "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.Match":                                "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.Rel":                                  "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.Separator":                            "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.SkipDir":                              "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.Split":                                "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.SplitList":                            "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.ToSlash":                              "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.VolumeName":                           "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.Walk":                                 "path/filepath",
+	"filepath.WalkFunc":                             "path/filepath",
+	"flag.Arg":                                      "flag",
+	"flag.Args":                                     "flag",
+	"flag.Bool":                                     "flag",
+	"flag.BoolVar":                                  "flag",
+	"flag.CommandLine":                              "flag",
+	"flag.ContinueOnError":                          "flag",
+	"flag.Duration":                                 "flag",
+	"flag.DurationVar":                              "flag",
+	"flag.ErrHelp":                                  "flag",
+	"flag.ErrorHandling":                            "flag",
+	"flag.ExitOnError":                              "flag",
+	"flag.Flag":                                     "flag",
+	"flag.FlagSet":                                  "flag",
+	"flag.Float64":                                  "flag",
+	"flag.Float64Var":                               "flag",
+	"flag.Getter":                                   "flag",
+	"flag.Int":                                      "flag",
+	"flag.Int64":                                    "flag",
+	"flag.Int64Var":                                 "flag",
+	"flag.IntVar":                                   "flag",
+	"flag.Lookup":                                   "flag",
+	"flag.NArg":                                     "flag",
+	"flag.NFlag":                                    "flag",
+	"flag.NewFlagSet":                               "flag",
+	"flag.PanicOnError":                             "flag",
+	"flag.Parse":                                    "flag",
+	"flag.Parsed":                                   "flag",
+	"flag.PrintDefaults":                            "flag",
+	"flag.Set":                                      "flag",
+	"flag.String":                                   "flag",
+	"flag.StringVar":                                "flag",
+	"flag.Uint":                                     "flag",
+	"flag.Uint64":                                   "flag",
+	"flag.Uint64Var":                                "flag",
+	"flag.UintVar":                                  "flag",
+	"flag.UnquoteUsage":                             "flag",
+	"flag.Usage":                                    "flag",
+	"flag.Value":                                    "flag",
+	"flag.Var":                                      "flag",
+	"flag.Visit":                                    "flag",
+	"flag.VisitAll":                                 "flag",
+	"flate.BestCompression":                         "compress/flate",
+	"flate.BestSpeed":                               "compress/flate",
+	"flate.CorruptInputError":                       "compress/flate",
+	"flate.DefaultCompression":                      "compress/flate",
+	"flate.HuffmanOnly":                             "compress/flate",
+	"flate.InternalError":                           "compress/flate",
+	"flate.NewReader":                               "compress/flate",
+	"flate.NewReaderDict":                           "compress/flate",
+	"flate.NewWriter":                               "compress/flate",
+	"flate.NewWriterDict":                           "compress/flate",
+	"flate.NoCompression":                           "compress/flate",
+	"flate.ReadError":                               "compress/flate",
+	"flate.Reader":                                  "compress/flate",
+	"flate.Resetter":                                "compress/flate",
+	"flate.WriteError":                              "compress/flate",
+	"flate.Writer":                                  "compress/flate",
+	"fmt.Errorf":                                    "fmt",
+	"fmt.Formatter":                                 "fmt",
+	"fmt.Fprint":                                    "fmt",
+	"fmt.Fprintf":                                   "fmt",
+	"fmt.Fprintln":                                  "fmt",
+	"fmt.Fscan":                                     "fmt",
+	"fmt.Fscanf":                                    "fmt",
+	"fmt.Fscanln":                                   "fmt",
+	"fmt.GoStringer":                                "fmt",
+	"fmt.Print":                                     "fmt",
+	"fmt.Printf":                                    "fmt",
+	"fmt.Println":                                   "fmt",
+	"fmt.Scan":                                      "fmt",
+	"fmt.ScanState":                                 "fmt",
+	"fmt.Scanf":                                     "fmt",
+	"fmt.Scanln":                                    "fmt",
+	"fmt.Scanner":                                   "fmt",
+	"fmt.Sprint":                                    "fmt",
+	"fmt.Sprintf":                                   "fmt",
+	"fmt.Sprintln":                                  "fmt",
+	"fmt.Sscan":                                     "fmt",
+	"fmt.Sscanf":                                    "fmt",
+	"fmt.Sscanln":                                   "fmt",
+	"fmt.State":                                     "fmt",
+	"fmt.Stringer":                                  "fmt",
+	"fnv.New128":                                    "hash/fnv",
+	"fnv.New128a":                                   "hash/fnv",
+	"fnv.New32":                                     "hash/fnv",
+	"fnv.New32a":                                    "hash/fnv",
+	"fnv.New64":                                     "hash/fnv",
+	"fnv.New64a":                                    "hash/fnv",
+	"format.Node":                                   "go/format",
+	"format.Source":                                 "go/format",
+	"gif.Decode":                                    "image/gif",
+	"gif.DecodeAll":                                 "image/gif",
+	"gif.DecodeConfig":                              "image/gif",
+	"gif.DisposalBackground":                        "image/gif",
+	"gif.DisposalNone":                              "image/gif",
+	"gif.DisposalPrevious":                          "image/gif",
+	"gif.Encode":                                    "image/gif",
+	"gif.EncodeAll":                                 "image/gif",
+	"gif.GIF":                                       "image/gif",
+	"gif.Options":                                   "image/gif",
+	"gob.CommonType":                                "encoding/gob",
+	"gob.Decoder":                                   "encoding/gob",
+	"gob.Encoder":                                   "encoding/gob",
+	"gob.GobDecoder":                                "encoding/gob",
+	"gob.GobEncoder":                                "encoding/gob",
+	"gob.NewDecoder":                                "encoding/gob",
+	"gob.NewEncoder":                                "encoding/gob",
+	"gob.Register":                                  "encoding/gob",
+	"gob.RegisterName":                              "encoding/gob",
+	"gosym.DecodingError":                           "debug/gosym",
+	"gosym.Func":                                    "debug/gosym",
+	"gosym.LineTable":                               "debug/gosym",
+	"gosym.NewLineTable":                            "debug/gosym",
+	"gosym.NewTable":                                "debug/gosym",
+	"gosym.Obj":                                     "debug/gosym",
+	"gosym.Sym":                                     "debug/gosym",
+	"gosym.Table":                                   "debug/gosym",
+	"gosym.UnknownFileError":                        "debug/gosym",
+	"gosym.UnknownLineError":                        "debug/gosym",
+	"gzip.BestCompression":                          "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.BestSpeed":                                "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.DefaultCompression":                       "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.ErrChecksum":                              "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.ErrHeader":                                "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.Header":                                   "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.HuffmanOnly":                              "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.NewReader":                                "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.NewWriter":                                "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.NewWriterLevel":                           "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.NoCompression":                            "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.Reader":                                   "compress/gzip",
+	"gzip.Writer":                                   "compress/gzip",
+	"hash.Hash":                                     "hash",
+	"hash.Hash32":                                   "hash",
+	"hash.Hash64":                                   "hash",
+	"heap.Fix":                                      "container/heap",
+	"heap.Init":                                     "container/heap",
+	"heap.Interface":                                "container/heap",
+	"heap.Pop":                                      "container/heap",
+	"heap.Push":                                     "container/heap",
+	"heap.Remove":                                   "container/heap",
+	"hex.Decode":                                    "encoding/hex",
+	"hex.DecodeString":                              "encoding/hex",
+	"hex.DecodedLen":                                "encoding/hex",
+	"hex.Dump":                                      "encoding/hex",
+	"hex.Dumper":                                    "encoding/hex",
+	"hex.Encode":                                    "encoding/hex",
+	"hex.EncodeToString":                            "encoding/hex",
+	"hex.EncodedLen":                                "encoding/hex",
+	"hex.ErrLength":                                 "encoding/hex",
+	"hex.InvalidByteError":                          "encoding/hex",
+	"hex.NewDecoder":                                "encoding/hex",
+	"hex.NewEncoder":                                "encoding/hex",
+	"hmac.Equal":                                    "crypto/hmac",
+	"hmac.New":                                      "crypto/hmac",
+	"html.EscapeString":                             "html",
+	"html.UnescapeString":                           "html",
+	"http.CanonicalHeaderKey":                       "net/http",
+	"http.Client":                                   "net/http",
+	"http.CloseNotifier":                            "net/http",
+	"http.ConnState":                                "net/http",
+	"http.Cookie":                                   "net/http",
+	"http.CookieJar":                                "net/http",
+	"http.DefaultClient":                            "net/http",
+	"http.DefaultMaxHeaderBytes":                    "net/http",
+	"http.DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost":               "net/http",
+	"http.DefaultServeMux":                          "net/http",
+	"http.DefaultTransport":                         "net/http",
+	"http.DetectContentType":                        "net/http",
+	"http.Dir":                                      "net/http",
+	"http.ErrAbortHandler":                          "net/http",
+	"http.ErrBodyNotAllowed":                        "net/http",
+	"http.ErrBodyReadAfterClose":                    "net/http",
+	"http.ErrContentLength":                         "net/http",
+	"http.ErrHandlerTimeout":                        "net/http",
+	"http.ErrHeaderTooLong":                         "net/http",
+	"http.ErrHijacked":                              "net/http",
+	"http.ErrLineTooLong":                           "net/http",
+	"http.ErrMissingBoundary":                       "net/http",
+	"http.ErrMissingContentLength":                  "net/http",
+	"http.ErrMissingFile":                           "net/http",
+	"http.ErrNoCookie":                              "net/http",
+	"http.ErrNoLocation":                            "net/http",
+	"http.ErrNotMultipart":                          "net/http",
+	"http.ErrNotSupported":                          "net/http",
+	"http.ErrServerClosed":                          "net/http",
+	"http.ErrShortBody":                             "net/http",
+	"http.ErrSkipAltProtocol":                       "net/http",
+	"http.ErrUnexpectedTrailer":                     "net/http",
+	"http.ErrUseLastResponse":                       "net/http",
+	"http.ErrWriteAfterFlush":                       "net/http",
+	"http.Error":                                    "net/http",
+	"http.File":                                     "net/http",
+	"http.FileServer":                               "net/http",
+	"http.FileSystem":                               "net/http",
+	"http.Flusher":                                  "net/http",
+	"http.Get":                                      "net/http",
+	"http.Handle":                                   "net/http",
+	"http.HandleFunc":                               "net/http",
+	"http.Handler":                                  "net/http",
+	"http.HandlerFunc":                              "net/http",
+	"http.Head":                                     "net/http",
+	"http.Header":                                   "net/http",
+	"http.Hijacker":                                 "net/http",
+	"http.ListenAndServe":                           "net/http",
+	"http.ListenAndServeTLS":                        "net/http",
+	"http.LocalAddrContextKey":                      "net/http",
+	"http.MaxBytesReader":                           "net/http",
+	"http.MethodConnect":                            "net/http",
+	"http.MethodDelete":                             "net/http",
+	"http.MethodGet":                                "net/http",
+	"http.MethodHead":                               "net/http",
+	"http.MethodOptions":                            "net/http",
+	"http.MethodPatch":                              "net/http",
+	"http.MethodPost":                               "net/http",
+	"http.MethodPut":                                "net/http",
+	"http.MethodTrace":                              "net/http",
+	"http.NewFileTransport":                         "net/http",
+	"http.NewRequest":                               "net/http",
+	"http.NewServeMux":                              "net/http",
+	"http.NoBody":                                   "net/http",
+	"http.NotFound":                                 "net/http",
+	"http.NotFoundHandler":                          "net/http",
+	"http.ParseHTTPVersion":                         "net/http",
+	"http.ParseTime":                                "net/http",
+	"http.Post":                                     "net/http",
+	"http.PostForm":                                 "net/http",
+	"http.ProtocolError":                            "net/http",
+	"http.ProxyFromEnvironment":                     "net/http",
+	"http.ProxyURL":                                 "net/http",
+	"http.PushOptions":                              "net/http",
+	"http.Pusher":                                   "net/http",
+	"http.ReadRequest":                              "net/http",
+	"http.ReadResponse":                             "net/http",
+	"http.Redirect":                                 "net/http",
+	"http.RedirectHandler":                          "net/http",
+	"http.Request":                                  "net/http",
+	"http.Response":                                 "net/http",
+	"http.ResponseWriter":                           "net/http",
+	"http.RoundTripper":                             "net/http",
+	"http.Serve":                                    "net/http",
+	"http.ServeContent":                             "net/http",
+	"http.ServeFile":                                "net/http",
+	"http.ServeMux":                                 "net/http",
+	"http.ServeTLS":                                 "net/http",
+	"http.Server":                                   "net/http",
+	"http.ServerContextKey":                         "net/http",
+	"http.SetCookie":                                "net/http",
+	"http.StateActive":                              "net/http",
+	"http.StateClosed":                              "net/http",
+	"http.StateHijacked":                            "net/http",
+	"http.StateIdle":                                "net/http",
+	"http.StateNew":                                 "net/http",
+	"http.StatusAccepted":                           "net/http",
+	"http.StatusAlreadyReported":                    "net/http",
+	"http.StatusBadGateway":                         "net/http",
+	"http.StatusBadRequest":                         "net/http",
+	"http.StatusConflict":                           "net/http",
+	"http.StatusContinue":                           "net/http",
+	"http.StatusCreated":                            "net/http",
+	"http.StatusExpectationFailed":                  "net/http",
+	"http.StatusFailedDependency":                   "net/http",
+	"http.StatusForbidden":                          "net/http",
+	"http.StatusFound":                              "net/http",
+	"http.StatusGatewayTimeout":                     "net/http",
+	"http.StatusGone":                               "net/http",
+	"http.StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported":            "net/http",
+	"http.StatusIMUsed":                             "net/http",
+	"http.StatusInsufficientStorage":                "net/http",
+	"http.StatusInternalServerError":                "net/http",
+	"http.StatusLengthRequired":                     "net/http",
+	"http.StatusLocked":                             "net/http",
+	"http.StatusLoopDetected":                       "net/http",
+	"http.StatusMethodNotAllowed":                   "net/http",
+	"http.StatusMovedPermanently":                   "net/http",
+	"http.StatusMultiStatus":                        "net/http",
+	"http.StatusMultipleChoices":                    "net/http",
+	"http.StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired":      "net/http",
+	"http.StatusNoContent":                          "net/http",
+	"http.StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo":               "net/http",
+	"http.StatusNotAcceptable":                      "net/http",
+	"http.StatusNotExtended":                        "net/http",
+	"http.StatusNotFound":                           "net/http",
+	"http.StatusNotImplemented":                     "net/http",
+	"http.StatusNotModified":                        "net/http",
+	"http.StatusOK":                                 "net/http",
+	"http.StatusPartialContent":                     "net/http",
+	"http.StatusPaymentRequired":                    "net/http",
+	"http.StatusPermanentRedirect":                  "net/http",
+	"http.StatusPreconditionFailed":                 "net/http",
+	"http.StatusPreconditionRequired":               "net/http",
+	"http.StatusProcessing":                         "net/http",
+	"http.StatusProxyAuthRequired":                  "net/http",
+	"http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge":              "net/http",
+	"http.StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge":        "net/http",
+	"http.StatusRequestTimeout":                     "net/http",
+	"http.StatusRequestURITooLong":                  "net/http",
+	"http.StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable":       "net/http",
+	"http.StatusResetContent":                       "net/http",
+	"http.StatusSeeOther":                           "net/http",
+	"http.StatusServiceUnavailable":                 "net/http",
+	"http.StatusSwitchingProtocols":                 "net/http",
+	"http.StatusTeapot":                             "net/http",
+	"http.StatusTemporaryRedirect":                  "net/http",
+	"http.StatusText":                               "net/http",
+	"http.StatusTooManyRequests":                    "net/http",
+	"http.StatusUnauthorized":                       "net/http",
+	"http.StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons":         "net/http",
+	"http.StatusUnprocessableEntity":                "net/http",
+	"http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType":               "net/http",
+	"http.StatusUpgradeRequired":                    "net/http",
+	"http.StatusUseProxy":                           "net/http",
+	"http.StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates":              "net/http",
+	"http.StripPrefix":                              "net/http",
+	"http.TimeFormat":                               "net/http",
+	"http.TimeoutHandler":                           "net/http",
+	"http.TrailerPrefix":                            "net/http",
+	"http.Transport":                                "net/http",
+	"httptest.DefaultRemoteAddr":                    "net/http/httptest",
+	"httptest.NewRecorder":                          "net/http/httptest",
+	"httptest.NewRequest":                           "net/http/httptest",
+	"httptest.NewServer":                            "net/http/httptest",
+	"httptest.NewTLSServer":                         "net/http/httptest",
+	"httptest.NewUnstartedServer":                   "net/http/httptest",
+	"httptest.ResponseRecorder":                     "net/http/httptest",
+	"httptest.Server":                               "net/http/httptest",
+	"httptrace.ClientTrace":                         "net/http/httptrace",
+	"httptrace.ContextClientTrace":                  "net/http/httptrace",
+	"httptrace.DNSDoneInfo":                         "net/http/httptrace",
+	"httptrace.DNSStartInfo":                        "net/http/httptrace",
+	"httptrace.GotConnInfo":                         "net/http/httptrace",
+	"httptrace.WithClientTrace":                     "net/http/httptrace",
+	"httptrace.WroteRequestInfo":                    "net/http/httptrace",
+	"httputil.BufferPool":                           "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.ClientConn":                           "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.DumpRequest":                          "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.DumpRequestOut":                       "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.DumpResponse":                         "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.ErrClosed":                            "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.ErrLineTooLong":                       "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.ErrPersistEOF":                        "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.ErrPipeline":                          "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.NewChunkedReader":                     "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.NewChunkedWriter":                     "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.NewClientConn":                        "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.NewProxyClientConn":                   "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.NewServerConn":                        "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.NewSingleHostReverseProxy":            "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.ReverseProxy":                         "net/http/httputil",
+	"httputil.ServerConn":                           "net/http/httputil",
+	"image.Alpha":                                   "image",
+	"image.Alpha16":                                 "image",
+	"image.Black":                                   "image",
+	"image.CMYK":                                    "image",
+	"image.Config":                                  "image",
+	"image.Decode":                                  "image",
+	"image.DecodeConfig":                            "image",
+	"image.ErrFormat":                               "image",
+	"image.Gray":                                    "image",
+	"image.Gray16":                                  "image",
+	"image.Image":                                   "image",
+	"image.NRGBA":                                   "image",
+	"image.NRGBA64":                                 "image",
+	"image.NYCbCrA":                                 "image",
+	"image.NewAlpha":                                "image",
+	"image.NewAlpha16":                              "image",
+	"image.NewCMYK":                                 "image",
+	"image.NewGray":                                 "image",
+	"image.NewGray16":                               "image",
+	"image.NewNRGBA":                                "image",
+	"image.NewNRGBA64":                              "image",
+	"image.NewNYCbCrA":                              "image",
+	"image.NewPaletted":                             "image",
+	"image.NewRGBA":                                 "image",
+	"image.NewRGBA64":                               "image",
+	"image.NewUniform":                              "image",
+	"image.NewYCbCr":                                "image",
+	"image.Opaque":                                  "image",
+	"image.Paletted":                                "image",
+	"image.PalettedImage":                           "image",
+	"image.Point":                                   "image",
+	"image.Pt":                                      "image",
+	"image.RGBA":                                    "image",
+	"image.RGBA64":                                  "image",
+	"image.Rect":                                    "image",
+	"image.Rectangle":                               "image",
+	"image.RegisterFormat":                          "image",
+	"image.Transparent":                             "image",
+	"image.Uniform":                                 "image",
+	"image.White":                                   "image",
+	"image.YCbCr":                                   "image",
+	"image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio":                     "image",
+	"image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio410":                  "image",
+	"image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio411":                  "image",
+	"image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio420":                  "image",
+	"image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio422":                  "image",
+	"image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio440":                  "image",
+	"image.YCbCrSubsampleRatio444":                  "image",
+	"image.ZP":                                      "image",
+	"image.ZR":                                      "image",
+	"importer.Default":                              "go/importer",
+	"importer.For":                                  "go/importer",
+	"importer.Lookup":                               "go/importer",
+	"io.ByteReader":                                 "io",
+	"io.ByteScanner":                                "io",
+	"io.ByteWriter":                                 "io",
+	"io.Closer":                                     "io",
+	"io.Copy":                                       "io",
+	"io.CopyBuffer":                                 "io",
+	"io.CopyN":                                      "io",
+	"io.EOF":                                        "io",
+	"io.ErrClosedPipe":                              "io",
+	"io.ErrNoProgress":                              "io",
+	"io.ErrShortBuffer":                             "io",
+	"io.ErrShortWrite":                              "io",
+	"io.ErrUnexpectedEOF":                           "io",
+	"io.LimitReader":                                "io",
+	"io.LimitedReader":                              "io",
+	"io.MultiReader":                                "io",
+	"io.MultiWriter":                                "io",
+	"io.NewSectionReader":                           "io",
+	"io.Pipe":                                       "io",
+	"io.PipeReader":                                 "io",
+	"io.PipeWriter":                                 "io",
+	"io.ReadAtLeast":                                "io",
+	"io.ReadCloser":                                 "io",
+	"io.ReadFull":                                   "io",
+	"io.ReadSeeker":                                 "io",
+	"io.ReadWriteCloser":                            "io",
+	"io.ReadWriteSeeker":                            "io",
+	"io.ReadWriter":                                 "io",
+	"io.Reader":                                     "io",
+	"io.ReaderAt":                                   "io",
+	"io.ReaderFrom":                                 "io",
+	"io.RuneReader":                                 "io",
+	"io.RuneScanner":                                "io",
+	"io.SectionReader":                              "io",
+	"io.SeekCurrent":                                "io",
+	"io.SeekEnd":                                    "io",
+	"io.SeekStart":                                  "io",
+	"io.Seeker":                                     "io",
+	"io.TeeReader":                                  "io",
+	"io.WriteCloser":                                "io",
+	"io.WriteSeeker":                                "io",
+	"io.WriteString":                                "io",
+	"io.Writer":                                     "io",
+	"io.WriterAt":                                   "io",
+	"io.WriterTo":                                   "io",
+	"iotest.DataErrReader":                          "testing/iotest",
+	"iotest.ErrTimeout":                             "testing/iotest",
+	"iotest.HalfReader":                             "testing/iotest",
+	"iotest.NewReadLogger":                          "testing/iotest",
+	"iotest.NewWriteLogger":                         "testing/iotest",
+	"iotest.OneByteReader":                          "testing/iotest",
+	"iotest.TimeoutReader":                          "testing/iotest",
+	"iotest.TruncateWriter":                         "testing/iotest",
+	"ioutil.Discard":                                "io/ioutil",
+	"ioutil.NopCloser":                              "io/ioutil",
+	"ioutil.ReadAll":                                "io/ioutil",
+	"ioutil.ReadDir":                                "io/ioutil",
+	"ioutil.ReadFile":                               "io/ioutil",
+	"ioutil.TempDir":                                "io/ioutil",
+	"ioutil.TempFile":                               "io/ioutil",
+	"ioutil.WriteFile":                              "io/ioutil",
+	"jpeg.Decode":                                   "image/jpeg",
+	"jpeg.DecodeConfig":                             "image/jpeg",
+	"jpeg.DefaultQuality":                           "image/jpeg",
+	"jpeg.Encode":                                   "image/jpeg",
+	"jpeg.FormatError":                              "image/jpeg",
+	"jpeg.Options":                                  "image/jpeg",
+	"jpeg.Reader":                                   "image/jpeg",
+	"jpeg.UnsupportedError":                         "image/jpeg",
+	"json.Compact":                                  "encoding/json",
+	"json.Decoder":                                  "encoding/json",
+	"json.Delim":                                    "encoding/json",
+	"json.Encoder":                                  "encoding/json",
+	"json.HTMLEscape":                               "encoding/json",
+	"json.Indent":                                   "encoding/json",
+	"json.InvalidUTF8Error":                         "encoding/json",
+	"json.InvalidUnmarshalError":                    "encoding/json",
+	"json.Marshal":                                  "encoding/json",
+	"json.MarshalIndent":                            "encoding/json",
+	"json.Marshaler":                                "encoding/json",
+	"json.MarshalerError":                           "encoding/json",
+	"json.NewDecoder":                               "encoding/json",
+	"json.NewEncoder":                               "encoding/json",
+	"json.Number":                                   "encoding/json",
+	"json.RawMessage":                               "encoding/json",
+	"json.SyntaxError":                              "encoding/json",
+	"json.Token":                                    "encoding/json",
+	"json.Unmarshal":                                "encoding/json",
+	"json.UnmarshalFieldError":                      "encoding/json",
+	"json.UnmarshalTypeError":                       "encoding/json",
+	"json.Unmarshaler":                              "encoding/json",
+	"json.UnsupportedTypeError":                     "encoding/json",
+	"json.UnsupportedValueError":                    "encoding/json",
+	"json.Valid":                                    "encoding/json",
+	"jsonrpc.Dial":                                  "net/rpc/jsonrpc",
+	"jsonrpc.NewClient":                             "net/rpc/jsonrpc",
+	"jsonrpc.NewClientCodec":                        "net/rpc/jsonrpc",
+	"jsonrpc.NewServerCodec":                        "net/rpc/jsonrpc",
+	"jsonrpc.ServeConn":                             "net/rpc/jsonrpc",
+	"list.Element":                                  "container/list",
+	"list.List":                                     "container/list",
+	"list.New":                                      "container/list",
+	"log.Fatal":                                     "log",
+	"log.Fatalf":                                    "log",
+	"log.Fatalln":                                   "log",
+	"log.Flags":                                     "log",
+	"log.LUTC":                                      "log",
+	"log.Ldate":                                     "log",
+	"log.Llongfile":                                 "log",
+	"log.Lmicroseconds":                             "log",
+	"log.Logger":                                    "log",
+	"log.Lshortfile":                                "log",
+	"log.LstdFlags":                                 "log",
+	"log.Ltime":                                     "log",
+	"log.New":                                       "log",
+	"log.Output":                                    "log",
+	"log.Panic":                                     "log",
+	"log.Panicf":                                    "log",
+	"log.Panicln":                                   "log",
+	"log.Prefix":                                    "log",
+	"log.Print":                                     "log",
+	"log.Printf":                                    "log",
+	"log.Println":                                   "log",
+	"log.SetFlags":                                  "log",
+	"log.SetOutput":                                 "log",
+	"log.SetPrefix":                                 "log",
+	"lzw.LSB":                                       "compress/lzw",
+	"lzw.MSB":                                       "compress/lzw",
+	"lzw.NewReader":                                 "compress/lzw",
+	"lzw.NewWriter":                                 "compress/lzw",
+	"lzw.Order":                                     "compress/lzw",
+	"macho.ARM64_RELOC_ADDEND":                      "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM64_RELOC_BRANCH26":                    "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGE21":             "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD_PAGEOFF12":          "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM64_RELOC_PAGE21":                      "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM64_RELOC_PAGEOFF12":                   "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM64_RELOC_POINTER_TO_GOT":              "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR":                  "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM64_RELOC_TLVP_LOAD_PAGE21":            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM64_RELOC_TLVP_LOAD_PAGEOFF12":         "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM64_RELOC_UNSIGNED":                    "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM_RELOC_BR24":                          "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM_RELOC_HALF":                          "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM_RELOC_HALF_SECTDIFF":                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM_RELOC_LOCAL_SECTDIFF":                "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM_RELOC_PAIR":                          "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM_RELOC_PB_LA_PTR":                     "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM_RELOC_SECTDIFF":                      "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM_RELOC_VANILLA":                       "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM_THUMB_32BIT_BRANCH":                  "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ARM_THUMB_RELOC_BR22":                    "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Cpu":                                     "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Cpu386":                                  "debug/macho",
+	"macho.CpuAmd64":                                "debug/macho",
+	"macho.CpuArm":                                  "debug/macho",
+	"macho.CpuPpc":                                  "debug/macho",
+	"macho.CpuPpc64":                                "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Dylib":                                   "debug/macho",
+	"macho.DylibCmd":                                "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Dysymtab":                                "debug/macho",
+	"macho.DysymtabCmd":                             "debug/macho",
+	"macho.ErrNotFat":                               "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FatArch":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FatArchHeader":                           "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FatFile":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.File":                                    "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FileHeader":                              "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagAllModsBound":                        "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagAllowStackExecution":                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagAppExtensionSafe":                    "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagBindAtLoad":                          "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagBindsToWeak":                         "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagCanonical":                           "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagDeadStrippableDylib":                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagDyldLink":                            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagForceFlat":                           "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagHasTLVDescriptors":                   "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagIncrLink":                            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagLazyInit":                            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagNoFixPrebinding":                     "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagNoHeapExecution":                     "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagNoMultiDefs":                         "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagNoReexportedDylibs":                  "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagNoUndefs":                            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagPIE":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagPrebindable":                         "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagPrebound":                            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagRootSafe":                            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagSetuidSafe":                          "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagSplitSegs":                           "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagSubsectionsViaSymbols":               "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagTwoLevel":                            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FlagWeakDefines":                         "debug/macho",
+	"macho.FormatError":                             "debug/macho",
+	"macho.GENERIC_RELOC_LOCAL_SECTDIFF":            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.GENERIC_RELOC_PAIR":                      "debug/macho",
+	"macho.GENERIC_RELOC_PB_LA_PTR":                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.GENERIC_RELOC_SECTDIFF":                  "debug/macho",
+	"macho.GENERIC_RELOC_TLV":                       "debug/macho",
+	"macho.GENERIC_RELOC_VANILLA":                   "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Load":                                    "debug/macho",
+	"macho.LoadBytes":                               "debug/macho",
+	"macho.LoadCmd":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.LoadCmdDylib":                            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.LoadCmdDylinker":                         "debug/macho",
+	"macho.LoadCmdDysymtab":                         "debug/macho",
+	"macho.LoadCmdRpath":                            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.LoadCmdSegment":                          "debug/macho",
+	"macho.LoadCmdSegment64":                        "debug/macho",
+	"macho.LoadCmdSymtab":                           "debug/macho",
+	"macho.LoadCmdThread":                           "debug/macho",
+	"macho.LoadCmdUnixThread":                       "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Magic32":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Magic64":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.MagicFat":                                "debug/macho",
+	"macho.NewFatFile":                              "debug/macho",
+	"macho.NewFile":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Nlist32":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Nlist64":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Open":                                    "debug/macho",
+	"macho.OpenFat":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Regs386":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.RegsAMD64":                               "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Reloc":                                   "debug/macho",
+	"macho.RelocTypeARM":                            "debug/macho",
+	"macho.RelocTypeARM64":                          "debug/macho",
+	"macho.RelocTypeGeneric":                        "debug/macho",
+	"macho.RelocTypeX86_64":                         "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Rpath":                                   "debug/macho",
+	"macho.RpathCmd":                                "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Section":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Section32":                               "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Section64":                               "debug/macho",
+	"macho.SectionHeader":                           "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Segment":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Segment32":                               "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Segment64":                               "debug/macho",
+	"macho.SegmentHeader":                           "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Symbol":                                  "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Symtab":                                  "debug/macho",
+	"macho.SymtabCmd":                               "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Thread":                                  "debug/macho",
+	"macho.Type":                                    "debug/macho",
+	"macho.TypeBundle":                              "debug/macho",
+	"macho.TypeDylib":                               "debug/macho",
+	"macho.TypeExec":                                "debug/macho",
+	"macho.TypeObj":                                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.X86_64_RELOC_BRANCH":                     "debug/macho",
+	"macho.X86_64_RELOC_GOT":                        "debug/macho",
+	"macho.X86_64_RELOC_GOT_LOAD":                   "debug/macho",
+	"macho.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED":                     "debug/macho",
+	"macho.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_1":                   "debug/macho",
+	"macho.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_2":                   "debug/macho",
+	"macho.X86_64_RELOC_SIGNED_4":                   "debug/macho",
+	"macho.X86_64_RELOC_SUBTRACTOR":                 "debug/macho",
+	"macho.X86_64_RELOC_TLV":                        "debug/macho",
+	"macho.X86_64_RELOC_UNSIGNED":                   "debug/macho",
+	"mail.Address":                                  "net/mail",
+	"mail.AddressParser":                            "net/mail",
+	"mail.ErrHeaderNotPresent":                      "net/mail",
+	"mail.Header":                                   "net/mail",
+	"mail.Message":                                  "net/mail",
+	"mail.ParseAddress":                             "net/mail",
+	"mail.ParseAddressList":                         "net/mail",
+	"mail.ParseDate":                                "net/mail",
+	"mail.ReadMessage":                              "net/mail",
+	"math.Abs":                                      "math",
+	"math.Acos":                                     "math",
+	"math.Acosh":                                    "math",
+	"math.Asin":                                     "math",
+	"math.Asinh":                                    "math",
+	"math.Atan":                                     "math",
+	"math.Atan2":                                    "math",
+	"math.Atanh":                                    "math",
+	"math.Cbrt":                                     "math",
+	"math.Ceil":                                     "math",
+	"math.Copysign":                                 "math",
+	"math.Cos":                                      "math",
+	"math.Cosh":                                     "math",
+	"math.Dim":                                      "math",
+	"math.E":                                        "math",
+	"math.Erf":                                      "math",
+	"math.Erfc":                                     "math",
+	"math.Erfcinv":                                  "math",
+	"math.Erfinv":                                   "math",
+	"math.Exp":                                      "math",
+	"math.Exp2":                                     "math",
+	"math.Expm1":                                    "math",
+	"math.Float32bits":                              "math",
+	"math.Float32frombits":                          "math",
+	"math.Float64bits":                              "math",
+	"math.Float64frombits":                          "math",
+	"math.Floor":                                    "math",
+	"math.Frexp":                                    "math",
+	"math.Gamma":                                    "math",
+	"math.Hypot":                                    "math",
+	"math.Ilogb":                                    "math",
+	"math.Inf":                                      "math",
+	"math.IsInf":                                    "math",
+	"math.IsNaN":                                    "math",
+	"math.J0":                                       "math",
+	"math.J1":                                       "math",
+	"math.Jn":                                       "math",
+	"math.Ldexp":                                    "math",
+	"math.Lgamma":                                   "math",
+	"math.Ln10":                                     "math",
+	"math.Ln2":                                      "math",
+	"math.Log":                                      "math",
+	"math.Log10":                                    "math",
+	"math.Log10E":                                   "math",
+	"math.Log1p":                                    "math",
+	"math.Log2":                                     "math",
+	"math.Log2E":                                    "math",
+	"math.Logb":                                     "math",
+	"math.Max":                                      "math",
+	"math.MaxFloat32":                               "math",
+	"math.MaxFloat64":                               "math",
+	"math.MaxInt16":                                 "math",
+	"math.MaxInt32":                                 "math",
+	"math.MaxInt64":                                 "math",
+	"math.MaxInt8":                                  "math",
+	"math.MaxUint16":                                "math",
+	"math.MaxUint32":                                "math",
+	"math.MaxUint64":                                "math",
+	"math.MaxUint8":                                 "math",
+	"math.Min":                                      "math",
+	"math.MinInt16":                                 "math",
+	"math.MinInt32":                                 "math",
+	"math.MinInt64":                                 "math",
+	"math.MinInt8":                                  "math",
+	"math.Mod":                                      "math",
+	"math.Modf":                                     "math",
+	"math.NaN":                                      "math",
+	"math.Nextafter":                                "math",
+	"math.Nextafter32":                              "math",
+	"math.Phi":                                      "math",
+	"math.Pi":                                       "math",
+	"math.Pow":                                      "math",
+	"math.Pow10":                                    "math",
+	"math.Remainder":                                "math",
+	"math.Round":                                    "math",
+	"math.RoundToEven":                              "math",
+	"math.Signbit":                                  "math",
+	"math.Sin":                                      "math",
+	"math.Sincos":                                   "math",
+	"math.Sinh":                                     "math",
+	"math.SmallestNonzeroFloat32":                   "math",
+	"math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64":                   "math",
+	"math.Sqrt":                                     "math",
+	"math.Sqrt2":                                    "math",
+	"math.SqrtE":                                    "math",
+	"math.SqrtPhi":                                  "math",
+	"math.SqrtPi":                                   "math",
+	"math.Tan":                                      "math",
+	"math.Tanh":                                     "math",
+	"math.Trunc":                                    "math",
+	"math.Y0":                                       "math",
+	"math.Y1":                                       "math",
+	"math.Yn":                                       "math",
+	"md5.BlockSize":                                 "crypto/md5",
+	"md5.New":                                       "crypto/md5",
+	"md5.Size":                                      "crypto/md5",
+	"md5.Sum":                                       "crypto/md5",
+	"mime.AddExtensionType":                         "mime",
+	"mime.BEncoding":                                "mime",
+	"mime.ErrInvalidMediaParameter":                 "mime",
+	"mime.ExtensionsByType":                         "mime",
+	"mime.FormatMediaType":                          "mime",
+	"mime.ParseMediaType":                           "mime",
+	"mime.QEncoding":                                "mime",
+	"mime.TypeByExtension":                          "mime",
+	"mime.WordDecoder":                              "mime",
+	"mime.WordEncoder":                              "mime",
+	"multipart.ErrMessageTooLarge":                  "mime/multipart",
+	"multipart.File":                                "mime/multipart",
+	"multipart.FileHeader":                          "mime/multipart",
+	"multipart.Form":                                "mime/multipart",
+	"multipart.NewReader":                           "mime/multipart",
+	"multipart.NewWriter":                           "mime/multipart",
+	"multipart.Part":                                "mime/multipart",
+	"multipart.Reader":                              "mime/multipart",
+	"multipart.Writer":                              "mime/multipart",
+	"net.Addr":                                      "net",
+	"net.AddrError":                                 "net",
+	"net.Buffers":                                   "net",
+	"net.CIDRMask":                                  "net",
+	"net.Conn":                                      "net",
+	"net.DNSConfigError":                            "net",
+	"net.DNSError":                                  "net",
+	"net.DefaultResolver":                           "net",
+	"net.Dial":                                      "net",
+	"net.DialIP":                                    "net",
+	"net.DialTCP":                                   "net",
+	"net.DialTimeout":                               "net",
+	"net.DialUDP":                                   "net",
+	"net.DialUnix":                                  "net",
+	"net.Dialer":                                    "net",
+	"net.ErrWriteToConnected":                       "net",
+	"net.Error":                                     "net",
+	"net.FileConn":                                  "net",
+	"net.FileListener":                              "net",
+	"net.FilePacketConn":                            "net",
+	"net.FlagBroadcast":                             "net",
+	"net.FlagLoopback":                              "net",
+	"net.FlagMulticast":                             "net",
+	"net.FlagPointToPoint":                          "net",
+	"net.FlagUp":                                    "net",
+	"net.Flags":                                     "net",
+	"net.HardwareAddr":                              "net",
+	"net.IP":                                        "net",
+	"net.IPAddr":                                    "net",
+	"net.IPConn":                                    "net",
+	"net.IPMask":                                    "net",
+	"net.IPNet":                                     "net",
+	"net.IPv4":                                      "net",
+	"net.IPv4Mask":                                  "net",
+	"net.IPv4allrouter":                             "net",
+	"net.IPv4allsys":                                "net",
+	"net.IPv4bcast":                                 "net",
+	"net.IPv4len":                                   "net",
+	"net.IPv4zero":                                  "net",
+	"net.IPv6interfacelocalallnodes":                "net",
+	"net.IPv6len":                                   "net",
+	"net.IPv6linklocalallnodes":                     "net",
+	"net.IPv6linklocalallrouters":                   "net",
+	"net.IPv6loopback":                              "net",
+	"net.IPv6unspecified":                           "net",
+	"net.IPv6zero":                                  "net",
+	"net.Interface":                                 "net",
+	"net.InterfaceAddrs":                            "net",
+	"net.InterfaceByIndex":                          "net",
+	"net.InterfaceByName":                           "net",
+	"net.Interfaces":                                "net",
+	"net.InvalidAddrError":                          "net",
+	"net.JoinHostPort":                              "net",
+	"net.Listen":                                    "net",
+	"net.ListenIP":                                  "net",
+	"net.ListenMulticastUDP":                        "net",
+	"net.ListenPacket":                              "net",
+	"net.ListenTCP":                                 "net",
+	"net.ListenUDP":                                 "net",
+	"net.ListenUnix":                                "net",
+	"net.ListenUnixgram":                            "net",
+	"net.Listener":                                  "net",
+	"net.LookupAddr":                                "net",
+	"net.LookupCNAME":                               "net",
+	"net.LookupHost":                                "net",
+	"net.LookupIP":                                  "net",
+	"net.LookupMX":                                  "net",
+	"net.LookupNS":                                  "net",
+	"net.LookupPort":                                "net",
+	"net.LookupSRV":                                 "net",
+	"net.LookupTXT":                                 "net",
+	"net.MX":                                        "net",
+	"net.NS":                                        "net",
+	"net.OpError":                                   "net",
+	"net.PacketConn":                                "net",
+	"net.ParseCIDR":                                 "net",
+	"net.ParseError":                                "net",
+	"net.ParseIP":                                   "net",
+	"net.ParseMAC":                                  "net",
+	"net.Pipe":                                      "net",
+	"net.ResolveIPAddr":                             "net",
+	"net.ResolveTCPAddr":                            "net",
+	"net.ResolveUDPAddr":                            "net",
+	"net.ResolveUnixAddr":                           "net",
+	"net.Resolver":                                  "net",
+	"net.SRV":                                       "net",
+	"net.SplitHostPort":                             "net",
+	"net.TCPAddr":                                   "net",
+	"net.TCPConn":                                   "net",
+	"net.TCPListener":                               "net",
+	"net.UDPAddr":                                   "net",
+	"net.UDPConn":                                   "net",
+	"net.UnixAddr":                                  "net",
+	"net.UnixConn":                                  "net",
+	"net.UnixListener":                              "net",
+	"net.UnknownNetworkError":                       "net",
+	"os.Args":                                       "os",
+	"os.Chdir":                                      "os",
+	"os.Chmod":                                      "os",
+	"os.Chown":                                      "os",
+	"os.Chtimes":                                    "os",
+	"os.Clearenv":                                   "os",
+	"os.Create":                                     "os",
+	"os.DevNull":                                    "os",
+	"os.Environ":                                    "os",
+	"os.ErrClosed":                                  "os",
+	"os.ErrExist":                                   "os",
+	"os.ErrInvalid":                                 "os",
+	"os.ErrNoDeadline":                              "os",
+	"os.ErrNotExist":                                "os",
+	"os.ErrPermission":                              "os",
+	"os.Executable":                                 "os",
+	"os.Exit":                                       "os",
+	"os.Expand":                                     "os",
+	"os.ExpandEnv":                                  "os",
+	"os.File":                                       "os",
+	"os.FileInfo":                                   "os",
+	"os.FileMode":                                   "os",
+	"os.FindProcess":                                "os",
+	"os.Getegid":                                    "os",
+	"os.Getenv":                                     "os",
+	"os.Geteuid":                                    "os",
+	"os.Getgid":                                     "os",
+	"os.Getgroups":                                  "os",
+	"os.Getpagesize":                                "os",
+	"os.Getpid":                                     "os",
+	"os.Getppid":                                    "os",
+	"os.Getuid":                                     "os",
+	"os.Getwd":                                      "os",
+	"os.Hostname":                                   "os",
+	"os.Interrupt":                                  "os",
+	"os.IsExist":                                    "os",
+	"os.IsNotExist":                                 "os",
+	"os.IsPathSeparator":                            "os",
+	"os.IsPermission":                               "os",
+	"os.IsTimeout":                                  "os",
+	"os.Kill":                                       "os",
+	"os.Lchown":                                     "os",
+	"os.Link":                                       "os",
+	"os.LinkError":                                  "os",
+	"os.LookupEnv":                                  "os",
+	"os.Lstat":                                      "os",
+	"os.Mkdir":                                      "os",
+	"os.MkdirAll":                                   "os",
+	"os.ModeAppend":                                 "os",
+	"os.ModeCharDevice":                             "os",
+	"os.ModeDevice":                                 "os",
+	"os.ModeDir":                                    "os",
+	"os.ModeExclusive":                              "os",
+	"os.ModeNamedPipe":                              "os",
+	"os.ModePerm":                                   "os",
+	"os.ModeSetgid":                                 "os",
+	"os.ModeSetuid":                                 "os",
+	"os.ModeSocket":                                 "os",
+	"os.ModeSticky":                                 "os",
+	"os.ModeSymlink":                                "os",
+	"os.ModeTemporary":                              "os",
+	"os.ModeType":                                   "os",
+	"os.NewFile":                                    "os",
+	"os.NewSyscallError":                            "os",
+	"os.O_APPEND":                                   "os",
+	"os.O_CREATE":                                   "os",
+	"os.O_EXCL":                                     "os",
+	"os.O_RDONLY":                                   "os",
+	"os.O_RDWR":                                     "os",
+	"os.O_SYNC":                                     "os",
+	"os.O_TRUNC":                                    "os",
+	"os.O_WRONLY":                                   "os",
+	"os.Open":                                       "os",
+	"os.OpenFile":                                   "os",
+	"os.PathError":                                  "os",
+	"os.PathListSeparator":                          "os",
+	"os.PathSeparator":                              "os",
+	"os.Pipe":                                       "os",
+	"os.ProcAttr":                                   "os",
+	"os.Process":                                    "os",
+	"os.ProcessState":                               "os",
+	"os.Readlink":                                   "os",
+	"os.Remove":                                     "os",
+	"os.RemoveAll":                                  "os",
+	"os.Rename":                                     "os",
+	"os.SEEK_CUR":                                   "os",
+	"os.SEEK_END":                                   "os",
+	"os.SEEK_SET":                                   "os",
+	"os.SameFile":                                   "os",
+	"os.Setenv":                                     "os",
+	"os.Signal":                                     "os",
+	"os.StartProcess":                               "os",
+	"os.Stat":                                       "os",
+	"os.Stderr":                                     "os",
+	"os.Stdin":                                      "os",
+	"os.Stdout":                                     "os",
+	"os.Symlink":                                    "os",
+	"os.SyscallError":                               "os",
+	"os.TempDir":                                    "os",
+	"os.Truncate":                                   "os",
+	"os.Unsetenv":                                   "os",
+	"palette.Plan9":                                 "image/color/palette",
+	"palette.WebSafe":                               "image/color/palette",
+	"parse.ActionNode":                              "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.BoolNode":                                "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.BranchNode":                              "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.ChainNode":                               "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.CommandNode":                             "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.DotNode":                                 "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.FieldNode":                               "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.IdentifierNode":                          "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.IfNode":                                  "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.IsEmptyTree":                             "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.ListNode":                                "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.New":                                     "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NewIdentifier":                           "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NilNode":                                 "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.Node":                                    "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeAction":                              "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeBool":                                "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeChain":                               "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeCommand":                             "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeDot":                                 "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeField":                               "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeIdentifier":                          "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeIf":                                  "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeList":                                "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeNil":                                 "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeNumber":                              "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodePipe":                                "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeRange":                               "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeString":                              "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeTemplate":                            "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeText":                                "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeType":                                "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeVariable":                            "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NodeWith":                                "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.NumberNode":                              "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.Parse":                                   "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.PipeNode":                                "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.Pos":                                     "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.RangeNode":                               "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.StringNode":                              "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.TemplateNode":                            "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.TextNode":                                "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.Tree":                                    "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.VariableNode":                            "text/template/parse",
+	"parse.WithNode":                                "text/template/parse",
+	"parser.AllErrors":                              "go/parser",
+	"parser.DeclarationErrors":                      "go/parser",
+	"parser.ImportsOnly":                            "go/parser",
+	"parser.Mode":                                   "go/parser",
+	"parser.PackageClauseOnly":                      "go/parser",
+	"parser.ParseComments":                          "go/parser",
+	"parser.ParseDir":                               "go/parser",
+	"parser.ParseExpr":                              "go/parser",
+	"parser.ParseExprFrom":                          "go/parser",
+	"parser.ParseFile":                              "go/parser",
+	"parser.SpuriousErrors":                         "go/parser",
+	"parser.Trace":                                  "go/parser",
+	"path.Base":                                     "path",
+	"path.Clean":                                    "path",
+	"path.Dir":                                      "path",
+	"path.ErrBadPattern":                            "path",
+	"path.Ext":                                      "path",
+	"path.IsAbs":                                    "path",
+	"path.Join":                                     "path",
+	"path.Match":                                    "path",
+	"path.Split":                                    "path",
+	"pe.COFFSymbol":                                 "debug/pe",
+	"pe.COFFSymbolSize":                             "debug/pe",
+	"pe.DataDirectory":                              "debug/pe",
+	"pe.File":                                       "debug/pe",
+	"pe.FileHeader":                                 "debug/pe",
+	"pe.FormatError":                                "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AM33":                    "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64":                   "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM":                     "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_EBC":                     "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386":                    "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64":                    "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_M32R":                    "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPS16":                  "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU":                 "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU16":               "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC":                 "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPCFP":               "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000":                   "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3":                     "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3DSP":                  "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH4":                     "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH5":                     "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB":                   "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN":                 "debug/pe",
+	"pe.IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_WCEMIPSV2":               "debug/pe",
+	"pe.ImportDirectory":                            "debug/pe",
+	"pe.NewFile":                                    "debug/pe",
+	"pe.Open":                                       "debug/pe",
+	"pe.OptionalHeader32":                           "debug/pe",
+	"pe.OptionalHeader64":                           "debug/pe",
+	"pe.Reloc":                                      "debug/pe",
+	"pe.Section":                                    "debug/pe",
+	"pe.SectionHeader":                              "debug/pe",
+	"pe.SectionHeader32":                            "debug/pe",
+	"pe.StringTable":                                "debug/pe",
+	"pe.Symbol":                                     "debug/pe",
+	"pem.Block":                                     "encoding/pem",
+	"pem.Decode":                                    "encoding/pem",
+	"pem.Encode":                                    "encoding/pem",
+	"pem.EncodeToMemory":                            "encoding/pem",
+	"pkix.AlgorithmIdentifier":                      "crypto/x509/pkix",
+	"pkix.AttributeTypeAndValue":                    "crypto/x509/pkix",
+	"pkix.AttributeTypeAndValueSET":                 "crypto/x509/pkix",
+	"pkix.CertificateList":                          "crypto/x509/pkix",
+	"pkix.Extension":                                "crypto/x509/pkix",
+	"pkix.Name":                                     "crypto/x509/pkix",
+	"pkix.RDNSequence":                              "crypto/x509/pkix",
+	"pkix.RelativeDistinguishedNameSET":             "crypto/x509/pkix",
+	"pkix.RevokedCertificate":                       "crypto/x509/pkix",
+	"pkix.TBSCertificateList":                       "crypto/x509/pkix",
+	"plan9obj.File":                                 "debug/plan9obj",
+	"plan9obj.FileHeader":                           "debug/plan9obj",
+	"plan9obj.Magic386":                             "debug/plan9obj",
+	"plan9obj.Magic64":                              "debug/plan9obj",
+	"plan9obj.MagicAMD64":                           "debug/plan9obj",
+	"plan9obj.MagicARM":                             "debug/plan9obj",
+	"plan9obj.NewFile":                              "debug/plan9obj",
+	"plan9obj.Open":                                 "debug/plan9obj",
+	"plan9obj.Section":                              "debug/plan9obj",
+	"plan9obj.SectionHeader":                        "debug/plan9obj",
+	"plan9obj.Sym":                                  "debug/plan9obj",
+	"plugin.Open":                                   "plugin",
+	"plugin.Plugin":                                 "plugin",
+	"plugin.Symbol":                                 "plugin",
+	"png.BestCompression":                           "image/png",
+	"png.BestSpeed":                                 "image/png",
+	"png.CompressionLevel":                          "image/png",
+	"png.Decode":                                    "image/png",
+	"png.DecodeConfig":                              "image/png",
+	"png.DefaultCompression":                        "image/png",
+	"png.Encode":                                    "image/png",
+	"png.Encoder":                                   "image/png",
+	"png.EncoderBuffer":                             "image/png",
+	"png.EncoderBufferPool":                         "image/png",
+	"png.FormatError":                               "image/png",
+	"png.NoCompression":                             "image/png",
+	"png.UnsupportedError":                          "image/png",
+	"pprof.Cmdline":                                 "net/http/pprof",
+	"pprof.Do":                                      "runtime/pprof",
+	"pprof.ForLabels":                               "runtime/pprof",
+	"pprof.Handler":                                 "net/http/pprof",
+	"pprof.Index":                                   "net/http/pprof",
+	"pprof.Label":                                   "runtime/pprof",
+	"pprof.LabelSet":                                "runtime/pprof",
+	"pprof.Labels":                                  "runtime/pprof",
+	"pprof.Lookup":                                  "runtime/pprof",
+	"pprof.NewProfile":                              "runtime/pprof",
+	// "pprof.Profile" is ambiguous
+	"pprof.Profiles":            "runtime/pprof",
+	"pprof.SetGoroutineLabels":  "runtime/pprof",
+	"pprof.StartCPUProfile":     "runtime/pprof",
+	"pprof.StopCPUProfile":      "runtime/pprof",
+	"pprof.Symbol":              "net/http/pprof",
+	"pprof.Trace":               "net/http/pprof",
+	"pprof.WithLabels":          "runtime/pprof",
+	"pprof.WriteHeapProfile":    "runtime/pprof",
+	"printer.CommentedNode":     "go/printer",
+	"printer.Config":            "go/printer",
+	"printer.Fprint":            "go/printer",
+	"printer.Mode":              "go/printer",
+	"printer.RawFormat":         "go/printer",
+	"printer.SourcePos":         "go/printer",
+	"printer.TabIndent":         "go/printer",
+	"printer.UseSpaces":         "go/printer",
+	"quick.Check":               "testing/quick",
+	"quick.CheckEqual":          "testing/quick",
+	"quick.CheckEqualError":     "testing/quick",
+	"quick.CheckError":          "testing/quick",
+	"quick.Config":              "testing/quick",
+	"quick.Generator":           "testing/quick",
+	"quick.SetupError":          "testing/quick",
+	"quick.Value":               "testing/quick",
+	"quotedprintable.NewReader": "mime/quotedprintable",
+	"quotedprintable.NewWriter": "mime/quotedprintable",
+	"quotedprintable.Reader":    "mime/quotedprintable",
+	"quotedprintable.Writer":    "mime/quotedprintable",
+	"rand.ExpFloat64":           "math/rand",
+	"rand.Float32":              "math/rand",
+	"rand.Float64":              "math/rand",
+	// "rand.Int" is ambiguous
+	"rand.Int31":       "math/rand",
+	"rand.Int31n":      "math/rand",
+	"rand.Int63":       "math/rand",
+	"rand.Int63n":      "math/rand",
+	"rand.Intn":        "math/rand",
+	"rand.New":         "math/rand",
+	"rand.NewSource":   "math/rand",
+	"rand.NewZipf":     "math/rand",
+	"rand.NormFloat64": "math/rand",
+	"rand.Perm":        "math/rand",
+	"rand.Prime":       "crypto/rand",
+	"rand.Rand":        "math/rand",
+	// "rand.Read" is ambiguous
+	"rand.Reader":                     "crypto/rand",
+	"rand.Seed":                       "math/rand",
+	"rand.Shuffle":                    "math/rand",
+	"rand.Source":                     "math/rand",
+	"rand.Source64":                   "math/rand",
+	"rand.Uint32":                     "math/rand",
+	"rand.Uint64":                     "math/rand",
+	"rand.Zipf":                       "math/rand",
+	"rc4.Cipher":                      "crypto/rc4",
+	"rc4.KeySizeError":                "crypto/rc4",
+	"rc4.NewCipher":                   "crypto/rc4",
+	"reflect.Append":                  "reflect",
+	"reflect.AppendSlice":             "reflect",
+	"reflect.Array":                   "reflect",
+	"reflect.ArrayOf":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.Bool":                    "reflect",
+	"reflect.BothDir":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.Chan":                    "reflect",
+	"reflect.ChanDir":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.ChanOf":                  "reflect",
+	"reflect.Complex128":              "reflect",
+	"reflect.Complex64":               "reflect",
+	"reflect.Copy":                    "reflect",
+	"reflect.DeepEqual":               "reflect",
+	"reflect.Float32":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.Float64":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.Func":                    "reflect",
+	"reflect.FuncOf":                  "reflect",
+	"reflect.Indirect":                "reflect",
+	"reflect.Int":                     "reflect",
+	"reflect.Int16":                   "reflect",
+	"reflect.Int32":                   "reflect",
+	"reflect.Int64":                   "reflect",
+	"reflect.Int8":                    "reflect",
+	"reflect.Interface":               "reflect",
+	"reflect.Invalid":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.Kind":                    "reflect",
+	"reflect.MakeChan":                "reflect",
+	"reflect.MakeFunc":                "reflect",
+	"reflect.MakeMap":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.MakeMapWithSize":         "reflect",
+	"reflect.MakeSlice":               "reflect",
+	"reflect.Map":                     "reflect",
+	"reflect.MapOf":                   "reflect",
+	"reflect.Method":                  "reflect",
+	"reflect.New":                     "reflect",
+	"reflect.NewAt":                   "reflect",
+	"reflect.Ptr":                     "reflect",
+	"reflect.PtrTo":                   "reflect",
+	"reflect.RecvDir":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.Select":                  "reflect",
+	"reflect.SelectCase":              "reflect",
+	"reflect.SelectDefault":           "reflect",
+	"reflect.SelectDir":               "reflect",
+	"reflect.SelectRecv":              "reflect",
+	"reflect.SelectSend":              "reflect",
+	"reflect.SendDir":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.Slice":                   "reflect",
+	"reflect.SliceHeader":             "reflect",
+	"reflect.SliceOf":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.String":                  "reflect",
+	"reflect.StringHeader":            "reflect",
+	"reflect.Struct":                  "reflect",
+	"reflect.StructField":             "reflect",
+	"reflect.StructOf":                "reflect",
+	"reflect.StructTag":               "reflect",
+	"reflect.Swapper":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.TypeOf":                  "reflect",
+	"reflect.Uint":                    "reflect",
+	"reflect.Uint16":                  "reflect",
+	"reflect.Uint32":                  "reflect",
+	"reflect.Uint64":                  "reflect",
+	"reflect.Uint8":                   "reflect",
+	"reflect.Uintptr":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.UnsafePointer":           "reflect",
+	"reflect.Value":                   "reflect",
+	"reflect.ValueError":              "reflect",
+	"reflect.ValueOf":                 "reflect",
+	"reflect.Zero":                    "reflect",
+	"regexp.Compile":                  "regexp",
+	"regexp.CompilePOSIX":             "regexp",
+	"regexp.Match":                    "regexp",
+	"regexp.MatchReader":              "regexp",
+	"regexp.MatchString":              "regexp",
+	"regexp.MustCompile":              "regexp",
+	"regexp.MustCompilePOSIX":         "regexp",
+	"regexp.QuoteMeta":                "regexp",
+	"regexp.Regexp":                   "regexp",
+	"ring.New":                        "container/ring",
+	"ring.Ring":                       "container/ring",
+	"rpc.Accept":                      "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.Call":                        "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.Client":                      "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.ClientCodec":                 "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.DefaultDebugPath":            "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.DefaultRPCPath":              "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.DefaultServer":               "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.Dial":                        "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.DialHTTP":                    "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.DialHTTPPath":                "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.ErrShutdown":                 "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.HandleHTTP":                  "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.NewClient":                   "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.NewClientWithCodec":          "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.NewServer":                   "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.Register":                    "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.RegisterName":                "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.Request":                     "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.Response":                    "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.ServeCodec":                  "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.ServeConn":                   "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.ServeRequest":                "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.Server":                      "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.ServerCodec":                 "net/rpc",
+	"rpc.ServerError":                 "net/rpc",
+	"rsa.CRTValue":                    "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.DecryptOAEP":                 "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.DecryptPKCS1v15":             "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.DecryptPKCS1v15SessionKey":   "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.EncryptOAEP":                 "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.EncryptPKCS1v15":             "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.ErrDecryption":               "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.ErrMessageTooLong":           "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.ErrVerification":             "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.GenerateKey":                 "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.GenerateMultiPrimeKey":       "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.OAEPOptions":                 "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.PKCS1v15DecryptOptions":      "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.PSSOptions":                  "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.PSSSaltLengthAuto":           "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.PSSSaltLengthEqualsHash":     "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.PrecomputedValues":           "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.PrivateKey":                  "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.PublicKey":                   "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.SignPKCS1v15":                "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.SignPSS":                     "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.VerifyPKCS1v15":              "crypto/rsa",
+	"rsa.VerifyPSS":                   "crypto/rsa",
+	"runtime.BlockProfile":            "runtime",
+	"runtime.BlockProfileRecord":      "runtime",
+	"runtime.Breakpoint":              "runtime",
+	"runtime.CPUProfile":              "runtime",
+	"runtime.Caller":                  "runtime",
+	"runtime.Callers":                 "runtime",
+	"runtime.CallersFrames":           "runtime",
+	"runtime.Compiler":                "runtime",
+	"runtime.Error":                   "runtime",
+	"runtime.Frame":                   "runtime",
+	"runtime.Frames":                  "runtime",
+	"runtime.Func":                    "runtime",
+	"runtime.FuncForPC":               "runtime",
+	"runtime.GC":                      "runtime",
+	"runtime.GOARCH":                  "runtime",
+	"runtime.GOMAXPROCS":              "runtime",
+	"runtime.GOOS":                    "runtime",
+	"runtime.GOROOT":                  "runtime",
+	"runtime.Goexit":                  "runtime",
+	"runtime.GoroutineProfile":        "runtime",
+	"runtime.Gosched":                 "runtime",
+	"runtime.KeepAlive":               "runtime",
+	"runtime.LockOSThread":            "runtime",
+	"runtime.MemProfile":              "runtime",
+	"runtime.MemProfileRate":          "runtime",
+	"runtime.MemProfileRecord":        "runtime",
+	"runtime.MemStats":                "runtime",
+	"runtime.MutexProfile":            "runtime",
+	"runtime.NumCPU":                  "runtime",
+	"runtime.NumCgoCall":              "runtime",
+	"runtime.NumGoroutine":            "runtime",
+	"runtime.ReadMemStats":            "runtime",
+	"runtime.ReadTrace":               "runtime",
+	"runtime.SetBlockProfileRate":     "runtime",
+	"runtime.SetCPUProfileRate":       "runtime",
+	"runtime.SetCgoTraceback":         "runtime",
+	"runtime.SetFinalizer":            "runtime",
+	"runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction": "runtime",
+	"runtime.Stack":                   "runtime",
+	"runtime.StackRecord":             "runtime",
+	"runtime.StartTrace":              "runtime",
+	"runtime.StopTrace":               "runtime",
+	"runtime.ThreadCreateProfile":     "runtime",
+	"runtime.TypeAssertionError":      "runtime",
+	"runtime.UnlockOSThread":          "runtime",
+	"runtime.Version":                 "runtime",
+	"scanner.Char":                    "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.Comment":                 "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.EOF":                     "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.Error":                   "go/scanner",
+	"scanner.ErrorHandler":            "go/scanner",
+	"scanner.ErrorList":               "go/scanner",
+	"scanner.Float":                   "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.GoTokens":                "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.GoWhitespace":            "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.Ident":                   "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.Int":                     "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.Mode":                    "go/scanner",
+	"scanner.Position":                "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.PrintError":              "go/scanner",
+	"scanner.RawString":               "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.ScanChars":               "text/scanner",
+	// "scanner.ScanComments" is ambiguous
+	"scanner.ScanFloats":     "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.ScanIdents":     "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.ScanInts":       "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.ScanRawStrings": "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.ScanStrings":    "text/scanner",
+	// "scanner.Scanner" is ambiguous
+	"scanner.SkipComments":                                 "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.String":                                       "text/scanner",
+	"scanner.TokenString":                                  "text/scanner",
+	"sha1.BlockSize":                                       "crypto/sha1",
+	"sha1.New":                                             "crypto/sha1",
+	"sha1.Size":                                            "crypto/sha1",
+	"sha1.Sum":                                             "crypto/sha1",
+	"sha256.BlockSize":                                     "crypto/sha256",
+	"sha256.New":                                           "crypto/sha256",
+	"sha256.New224":                                        "crypto/sha256",
+	"sha256.Size":                                          "crypto/sha256",
+	"sha256.Size224":                                       "crypto/sha256",
+	"sha256.Sum224":                                        "crypto/sha256",
+	"sha256.Sum256":                                        "crypto/sha256",
+	"sha512.BlockSize":                                     "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.New":                                           "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.New384":                                        "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.New512_224":                                    "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.New512_256":                                    "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.Size":                                          "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.Size224":                                       "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.Size256":                                       "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.Size384":                                       "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.Sum384":                                        "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.Sum512":                                        "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.Sum512_224":                                    "crypto/sha512",
+	"sha512.Sum512_256":                                    "crypto/sha512",
+	"signal.Ignore":                                        "os/signal",
+	"signal.Notify":                                        "os/signal",
+	"signal.Reset":                                         "os/signal",
+	"signal.Stop":                                          "os/signal",
+	"smtp.Auth":                                            "net/smtp",
+	"smtp.CRAMMD5Auth":                                     "net/smtp",
+	"smtp.Client":                                          "net/smtp",
+	"smtp.Dial":                                            "net/smtp",
+	"smtp.NewClient":                                       "net/smtp",
+	"smtp.PlainAuth":                                       "net/smtp",
+	"smtp.SendMail":                                        "net/smtp",
+	"smtp.ServerInfo":                                      "net/smtp",
+	"sort.Float64Slice":                                    "sort",
+	"sort.Float64s":                                        "sort",
+	"sort.Float64sAreSorted":                               "sort",
+	"sort.IntSlice":                                        "sort",
+	"sort.Interface":                                       "sort",
+	"sort.Ints":                                            "sort",
+	"sort.IntsAreSorted":                                   "sort",
+	"sort.IsSorted":                                        "sort",
+	"sort.Reverse":                                         "sort",
+	"sort.Search":                                          "sort",
+	"sort.SearchFloat64s":                                  "sort",
+	"sort.SearchInts":                                      "sort",
+	"sort.SearchStrings":                                   "sort",
+	"sort.Slice":                                           "sort",
+	"sort.SliceIsSorted":                                   "sort",
+	"sort.SliceStable":                                     "sort",
+	"sort.Sort":                                            "sort",
+	"sort.Stable":                                          "sort",
+	"sort.StringSlice":                                     "sort",
+	"sort.Strings":                                         "sort",
+	"sort.StringsAreSorted":                                "sort",
+	"sql.ColumnType":                                       "database/sql",
+	"sql.Conn":                                             "database/sql",
+	"sql.DB":                                               "database/sql",
+	"sql.DBStats":                                          "database/sql",
+	"sql.Drivers":                                          "database/sql",
+	"sql.ErrConnDone":                                      "database/sql",
+	"sql.ErrNoRows":                                        "database/sql",
+	"sql.ErrTxDone":                                        "database/sql",
+	"sql.IsolationLevel":                                   "database/sql",
+	"sql.LevelDefault":                                     "database/sql",
+	"sql.LevelLinearizable":                                "database/sql",
+	"sql.LevelReadCommitted":                               "database/sql",
+	"sql.LevelReadUncommitted":                             "database/sql",
+	"sql.LevelRepeatableRead":                              "database/sql",
+	"sql.LevelSerializable":                                "database/sql",
+	"sql.LevelSnapshot":                                    "database/sql",
+	"sql.LevelWriteCommitted":                              "database/sql",
+	"sql.Named":                                            "database/sql",
+	"sql.NamedArg":                                         "database/sql",
+	"sql.NullBool":                                         "database/sql",
+	"sql.NullFloat64":                                      "database/sql",
+	"sql.NullInt64":                                        "database/sql",
+	"sql.NullString":                                       "database/sql",
+	"sql.Open":                                             "database/sql",
+	"sql.OpenDB":                                           "database/sql",
+	"sql.Out":                                              "database/sql",
+	"sql.RawBytes":                                         "database/sql",
+	"sql.Register":                                         "database/sql",
+	"sql.Result":                                           "database/sql",
+	"sql.Row":                                              "database/sql",
+	"sql.Rows":                                             "database/sql",
+	"sql.Scanner":                                          "database/sql",
+	"sql.Stmt":                                             "database/sql",
+	"sql.Tx":                                               "database/sql",
+	"sql.TxOptions":                                        "database/sql",
+	"strconv.AppendBool":                                   "strconv",
+	"strconv.AppendFloat":                                  "strconv",
+	"strconv.AppendInt":                                    "strconv",
+	"strconv.AppendQuote":                                  "strconv",
+	"strconv.AppendQuoteRune":                              "strconv",
+	"strconv.AppendQuoteRuneToASCII":                       "strconv",
+	"strconv.AppendQuoteRuneToGraphic":                     "strconv",
+	"strconv.AppendQuoteToASCII":                           "strconv",
+	"strconv.AppendQuoteToGraphic":                         "strconv",
+	"strconv.AppendUint":                                   "strconv",
+	"strconv.Atoi":                                         "strconv",
+	"strconv.CanBackquote":                                 "strconv",
+	"strconv.ErrRange":                                     "strconv",
+	"strconv.ErrSyntax":                                    "strconv",
+	"strconv.FormatBool":                                   "strconv",
+	"strconv.FormatFloat":                                  "strconv",
+	"strconv.FormatInt":                                    "strconv",
+	"strconv.FormatUint":                                   "strconv",
+	"strconv.IntSize":                                      "strconv",
+	"strconv.IsGraphic":                                    "strconv",
+	"strconv.IsPrint":                                      "strconv",
+	"strconv.Itoa":                                         "strconv",
+	"strconv.NumError":                                     "strconv",
+	"strconv.ParseBool":                                    "strconv",
+	"strconv.ParseFloat":                                   "strconv",
+	"strconv.ParseInt":                                     "strconv",
+	"strconv.ParseUint":                                    "strconv",
+	"strconv.Quote":                                        "strconv",
+	"strconv.QuoteRune":                                    "strconv",
+	"strconv.QuoteRuneToASCII":                             "strconv",
+	"strconv.QuoteRuneToGraphic":                           "strconv",
+	"strconv.QuoteToASCII":                                 "strconv",
+	"strconv.QuoteToGraphic":                               "strconv",
+	"strconv.Unquote":                                      "strconv",
+	"strconv.UnquoteChar":                                  "strconv",
+	"strings.Builder":                                      "strings",
+	"strings.Compare":                                      "strings",
+	"strings.Contains":                                     "strings",
+	"strings.ContainsAny":                                  "strings",
+	"strings.ContainsRune":                                 "strings",
+	"strings.Count":                                        "strings",
+	"strings.EqualFold":                                    "strings",
+	"strings.Fields":                                       "strings",
+	"strings.FieldsFunc":                                   "strings",
+	"strings.HasPrefix":                                    "strings",
+	"strings.HasSuffix":                                    "strings",
+	"strings.Index":                                        "strings",
+	"strings.IndexAny":                                     "strings",
+	"strings.IndexByte":                                    "strings",
+	"strings.IndexFunc":                                    "strings",
+	"strings.IndexRune":                                    "strings",
+	"strings.Join":                                         "strings",
+	"strings.LastIndex":                                    "strings",
+	"strings.LastIndexAny":                                 "strings",
+	"strings.LastIndexByte":                                "strings",
+	"strings.LastIndexFunc":                                "strings",
+	"strings.Map":                                          "strings",
+	"strings.NewReader":                                    "strings",
+	"strings.NewReplacer":                                  "strings",
+	"strings.Reader":                                       "strings",
+	"strings.Repeat":                                       "strings",
+	"strings.Replace":                                      "strings",
+	"strings.Replacer":                                     "strings",
+	"strings.Split":                                        "strings",
+	"strings.SplitAfter":                                   "strings",
+	"strings.SplitAfterN":                                  "strings",
+	"strings.SplitN":                                       "strings",
+	"strings.Title":                                        "strings",
+	"strings.ToLower":                                      "strings",
+	"strings.ToLowerSpecial":                               "strings",
+	"strings.ToTitle":                                      "strings",
+	"strings.ToTitleSpecial":                               "strings",
+	"strings.ToUpper":                                      "strings",
+	"strings.ToUpperSpecial":                               "strings",
+	"strings.Trim":                                         "strings",
+	"strings.TrimFunc":                                     "strings",
+	"strings.TrimLeft":                                     "strings",
+	"strings.TrimLeftFunc":                                 "strings",
+	"strings.TrimPrefix":                                   "strings",
+	"strings.TrimRight":                                    "strings",
+	"strings.TrimRightFunc":                                "strings",
+	"strings.TrimSpace":                                    "strings",
+	"strings.TrimSuffix":                                   "strings",
+	"subtle.ConstantTimeByteEq":                            "crypto/subtle",
+	"subtle.ConstantTimeCompare":                           "crypto/subtle",
+	"subtle.ConstantTimeCopy":                              "crypto/subtle",
+	"subtle.ConstantTimeEq":                                "crypto/subtle",
+	"subtle.ConstantTimeLessOrEq":                          "crypto/subtle",
+	"subtle.ConstantTimeSelect":                            "crypto/subtle",
+	"suffixarray.Index":                                    "index/suffixarray",
+	"suffixarray.New":                                      "index/suffixarray",
+	"sync.Cond":                                            "sync",
+	"sync.Locker":                                          "sync",
+	"sync.Map":                                             "sync",
+	"sync.Mutex":                                           "sync",
+	"sync.NewCond":                                         "sync",
+	"sync.Once":                                            "sync",
+	"sync.Pool":                                            "sync",
+	"sync.RWMutex":                                         "sync",
+	"sync.WaitGroup":                                       "sync",
+	"syntax.ClassNL":                                       "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.Compile":                                       "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.DotNL":                                         "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.EmptyBeginLine":                                "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.EmptyBeginText":                                "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.EmptyEndLine":                                  "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.EmptyEndText":                                  "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.EmptyNoWordBoundary":                           "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.EmptyOp":                                       "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.EmptyOpContext":                                "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.EmptyWordBoundary":                             "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrInternalError":                              "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrInvalidCharClass":                           "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrInvalidCharRange":                           "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrInvalidEscape":                              "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrInvalidNamedCapture":                        "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrInvalidPerlOp":                              "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrInvalidRepeatOp":                            "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrInvalidRepeatSize":                          "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrInvalidUTF8":                                "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrMissingBracket":                             "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrMissingParen":                               "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrMissingRepeatArgument":                      "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrTrailingBackslash":                          "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrUnexpectedParen":                            "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.Error":                                         "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.ErrorCode":                                     "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.Flags":                                         "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.FoldCase":                                      "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.Inst":                                          "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstAlt":                                       "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstAltMatch":                                  "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstCapture":                                   "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstEmptyWidth":                                "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstFail":                                      "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstMatch":                                     "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstNop":                                       "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstOp":                                        "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstRune":                                      "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstRune1":                                     "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstRuneAny":                                   "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.InstRuneAnyNotNL":                              "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.IsWordChar":                                    "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.Literal":                                       "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.MatchNL":                                       "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.NonGreedy":                                     "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OneLine":                                       "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.Op":                                            "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpAlternate":                                   "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpAnyChar":                                     "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpAnyCharNotNL":                                "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpBeginLine":                                   "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpBeginText":                                   "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpCapture":                                     "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpCharClass":                                   "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpConcat":                                      "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpEmptyMatch":                                  "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpEndLine":                                     "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpEndText":                                     "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpLiteral":                                     "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpNoMatch":                                     "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpNoWordBoundary":                              "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpPlus":                                        "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpQuest":                                       "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpRepeat":                                      "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpStar":                                        "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.OpWordBoundary":                                "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.POSIX":                                         "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.Parse":                                         "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.Perl":                                          "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.PerlX":                                         "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.Prog":                                          "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.Regexp":                                        "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.Simple":                                        "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.UnicodeGroups":                                 "regexp/syntax",
+	"syntax.WasDollar":                                     "regexp/syntax",
+	"syscall.AF_ALG":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_APPLETALK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ARP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ASH":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ATM":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ATMPVC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ATMSVC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_AX25":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_BLUETOOTH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_BRIDGE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_CAIF":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_CAN":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_CCITT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_CHAOS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_CNT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_COIP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_DATAKIT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_DECnet":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_DLI":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_E164":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ECMA":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ECONET":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ENCAP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_FILE":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_HYLINK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_IEEE80211":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_IEEE802154":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_IMPLINK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_INET":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_INET6":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_INET6_SDP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_INET_SDP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_IPX":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_IRDA":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ISDN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ISO":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_IUCV":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_KEY":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_LAT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_LINK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_LLC":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_LOCAL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_MAX":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_MPLS":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_NATM":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_NDRV":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_NETBEUI":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_NETBIOS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_NETGRAPH":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_NETLINK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_NETROM":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_NS":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_OROUTE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_OSI":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_PACKET":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_PHONET":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_PPP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_PPPOX":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_PUP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_RDS":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_RESERVED_36":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ROSE":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_ROUTE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_RXRPC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_SCLUSTER":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_SECURITY":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_SIP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_SLOW":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_SNA":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_SYSTEM":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_TIPC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_UNIX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_UNSPEC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR00":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR01":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR02":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR03":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR04":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR05":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR06":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR07":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR08":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR09":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR10":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR11":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR12":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR13":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR14":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR15":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR16":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR17":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR18":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR19":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR20":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR21":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR22":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR23":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR24":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR25":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR26":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR27":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR28":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR29":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR30":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR31":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR32":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR33":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR34":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR35":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR36":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR37":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR38":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR39":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR40":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR41":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR42":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR43":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR44":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR45":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR46":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_VENDOR47":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_WANPIPE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.AF_X25":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.AI_CANONNAME":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.AI_NUMERICHOST":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.AI_PASSIVE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.APPLICATION_ERROR":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_ADAPT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_APPLETLK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_ARCNET":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_ASH":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_ATM":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_AX25":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_BIF":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_CHAOS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_CISCO":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_CSLIP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_CSLIP6":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_DDCMP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_DLCI":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_ECONET":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_EETHER":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_ETHER":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_EUI64":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_FCAL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_FCFABRIC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_FCPL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_FCPP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_FDDI":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_FRAD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_FRELAY":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_HDLC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_HIPPI":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_HWX25":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_IEEE1394":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_IEEE802":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_IEEE80211":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_IEEE80211_RADIOTAP":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_IEEE802154":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_IEEE802154_PHY":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_IEEE802_TR":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_INFINIBAND":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_IPDDP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_IPGRE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_IRDA":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_LAPB":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_LOCALTLK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_LOOPBACK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_METRICOM":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_NETROM":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_NONE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_PIMREG":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_PPP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_PRONET":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_RAWHDLC":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_ROSE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_RSRVD":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_SIT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_SKIP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_SLIP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_SLIP6":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_STRIP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_TUNNEL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_TUNNEL6":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_VOID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ARPHRD_X25":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.AUTHTYPE_CLIENT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.AUTHTYPE_SERVER":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.Accept":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Accept4":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.AcceptEx":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Access":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Acct":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.AddrinfoW":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Adjtime":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Adjtimex":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.AttachLsf":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.B0":                                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.B1000000":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.B110":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.B115200":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.B1152000":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.B1200":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.B134":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.B14400":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.B150":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.B1500000":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.B1800":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.B19200":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.B200":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.B2000000":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.B230400":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.B2400":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.B2500000":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.B28800":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.B300":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.B3000000":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.B3500000":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.B38400":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.B4000000":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.B460800":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.B4800":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.B50":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.B500000":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.B57600":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.B576000":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.B600":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.B7200":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.B75":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.B76800":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.B921600":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.B9600":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.BASE_PROTOCOL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCFEEDBACK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCFLUSH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGBLEN":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGDIRECTION":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGDIRFILT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGDLT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGDLTLIST":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGETBUFMODE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGETIF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGETZMAX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGFEEDBACK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGFILDROP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGHDRCMPLT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGRSIG":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGRTIMEOUT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGSEESENT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGSTATS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGSTATSOLD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCGTSTAMP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCIMMEDIATE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCLOCK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCPROMISC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCROTZBUF":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSBLEN":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSDIRECTION":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSDIRFILT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSDLT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSETBUFMODE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSETF":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSETFNR":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSETIF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSETWF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSETZBUF":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSFEEDBACK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSFILDROP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSHDRCMPLT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSRSIG":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSRTIMEOUT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSSEESENT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSTCPF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSTSTAMP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCSUDPF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BIOCVERSION":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_A":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_ABS":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_ADD":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_ALIGNMENT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_ALIGNMENT32":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_ALU":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_AND":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_B":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_BUFMODE_BUFFER":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_BUFMODE_ZBUF":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_DFLTBUFSIZE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_DIRECTION_IN":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_DIRECTION_OUT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_DIV":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_H":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_IMM":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_IND":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_JA":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_JEQ":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_JGE":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_JGT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_JMP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_JSET":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_K":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_LD":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_LDX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_LEN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_LSH":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_MAJOR_VERSION":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_MAXBUFSIZE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_MAXINSNS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_MEM":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_MEMWORDS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_MINBUFSIZE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_MINOR_VERSION":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_MISC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_MSH":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_MUL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_NEG":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_OR":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_RELEASE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_RET":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_RSH":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_ST":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_STX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_SUB":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_TAX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_TXA":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_BINTIME":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_BINTIME_FAST":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_BINTIME_MONOTONIC":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_BINTIME_MONOTONIC_FAST":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_FAST":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_FLAG_MASK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_FORMAT_MASK":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_MICROTIME":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_MICROTIME_FAST":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_MICROTIME_MONOTONIC":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_MICROTIME_MONOTONIC_FAST":               "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_MONOTONIC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_MONOTONIC_FAST":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_NANOTIME":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_NANOTIME_FAST":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_NANOTIME_MONOTONIC":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_NANOTIME_MONOTONIC_FAST":                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_NONE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_T_NORMAL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_W":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.BPF_X":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.BRKINT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Bind":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.BindToDevice":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfBuflen":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfDatalink":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfHdr":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfHeadercmpl":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfInsn":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfInterface":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfJump":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfProgram":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfStat":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfStats":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfStmt":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfTimeout":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfTimeval":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfVersion":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfZbuf":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BpfZbufHeader":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ByHandleFileInformation":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.BytePtrFromString":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ByteSliceFromString":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CCR0_FLUSH":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_AUTHENTICODE":               "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_AUTHENTICODE_TS":            "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASE":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS":          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_EV":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_MICROSOFT_ROOT":             "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_NT_AUTH":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_SSL":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_E_CN_NO_MATCH":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_E_EXPIRED":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_E_PURPOSE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_E_ROLE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_STORE_ADD_ALWAYS":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_STORE_PROV_MEMORY":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_HAS_EXCLUDED_NAME_CONSTRAINT":      "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_INVALID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS":         "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_INVALID_EXTENSION":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_INVALID_NAME_CONSTRAINTS":          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_INVALID_POLICY_CONSTRAINTS":        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_IS_CYCLIC":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_IS_EXPLICIT_DISTRUST":              "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_SIGNATURE_VALID":            "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_TIME_VALID":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_IS_NOT_VALID_FOR_USAGE":            "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_IS_OFFLINE_REVOCATION":             "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_IS_REVOKED":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_IS_UNTRUSTED_ROOT":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_NO_ERROR":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_NO_ISSUANCE_CHAIN_POLICY":          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CERT_TRUST_REVOCATION_STATUS_UNKNOWN":         "syscall",
+	"syscall.CFLUSH":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLOCAL":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_CHILD_SETTID":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_CSIGNAL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_DETACHED":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_FILES":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_FS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_IO":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_NEWIPC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_NEWNET":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_NEWNS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_NEWPID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_NEWUSER":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_NEWUTS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_PARENT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_PARENT_SETTID":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_PID":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_PTRACE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_SETTLS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_SIGHAND":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_SYSVSEM":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_THREAD":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_UNTRACED":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_VFORK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.CLONE_VM":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.CPUID_CFLUSH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CREAD":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CREATE_ALWAYS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.CREATE_NEW":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTAINER_OPTIONAL":             "syscall",
+	"syscall.CRYPT_DELETEKEYSET":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.CRYPT_NEWKEYSET":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.CRYPT_SILENT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CS5":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CS6":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CS7":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CS8":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CSIZE":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CSTART":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.CSTATUS":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.CSTOP":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CSTOPB":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.CSUSP":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CTL_MAXNAME":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.CTL_NET":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.CTL_QUERY":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.CTRL_C_EVENT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CancelIo":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.CancelIoEx":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertAddCertificateContextToStore":             "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertChainContext":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertChainElement":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertChainPara":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertChainPolicyPara":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertChainPolicyStatus":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertCloseStore":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertContext":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertCreateCertificateContext":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertEnhKeyUsage":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertEnumCertificatesInStore":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertFreeCertificateChain":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertFreeCertificateContext":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertGetCertificateChain":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertOpenStore":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertOpenSystemStore":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertRevocationInfo":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertSimpleChain":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertTrustStatus":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertUsageMatch":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy":             "syscall",
+	"syscall.Chdir":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CheckBpfVersion":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.Chflags":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Chmod":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Chown":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Chroot":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Clearenv":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Close":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CloseHandle":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.CloseOnExec":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Closesocket":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.CmsgLen":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.CmsgSpace":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Cmsghdr":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.CommandLineToArgv":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ComputerName":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.Conn":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Connect":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ConnectEx":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ConvertSidToStringSid":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ConvertStringSidToSid":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CopySid":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Creat":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.CreateDirectory":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.CreateFile":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.CreateFileMapping":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.CreateHardLink":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.CreateIoCompletionPort":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.CreatePipe":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.CreateProcess":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.CreateProcessAsUser":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CreateSymbolicLink":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Credential":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.CryptAcquireContext":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.CryptGenRandom":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.CryptReleaseContext":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.DIOCBSFLUSH":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DIOCOSFPFLUSH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLL":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLLError":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_A429":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_A653_ICM":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_AIRONET_HEADER":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_AOS":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_APPLE_IP_OVER_IEEE1394":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_ARCNET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_ARCNET_LINUX":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_ATM_CLIP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_ATM_RFC1483":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_AURORA":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_AX25":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_AX25_KISS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_BACNET_MS_TP":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4_WITH_PHDR":               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_CAN20B":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_CAN_SOCKETCAN":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_CHAOS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_CHDLC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_CISCO_IOS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_C_HDLC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_C_HDLC_WITH_DIR":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_DBUS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_DECT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_DOCSIS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_DVB_CI":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_ECONET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_EN10MB":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_EN3MB":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_ENC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_ERF":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_ERF_ETH":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_ERF_POS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_FC_2":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_FC_2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_FDDI":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_FLEXRAY":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_FRELAY":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_FRELAY_WITH_DIR":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_GCOM_SERIAL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_GCOM_T1E1":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_GPF_F":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_GPF_T":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_GPRS_LLC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_GSMTAP_ABIS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_GSMTAP_UM":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_HDLC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_HHDLC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_HIPPI":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IBM_SN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IBM_SP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IEEE802":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IEEE802_11":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO_AVS":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IEEE802_15_4":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IEEE802_15_4_LINUX":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NOFCS":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NONASK_PHY":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS_RADIO":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IPFILTER":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IPMB":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IPMB_LINUX":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IPNET":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IPOIB":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IPV4":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IPV6":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_IP_OVER_FC":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_ATM1":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_ATM2":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_ATM_CEMIC":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_CHDLC":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_ES":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_ETHER":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_FIBRECHANNEL":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_FRELAY":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_GGSN":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_ISM":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_MFR":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_MLFR":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_MLPPP":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_MONITOR":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_PIC_PEER":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_PPP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE_ATM":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_SERVICES":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_SRX_E2E":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_ST":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_VP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_JUNIPER_VS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_LAPB_WITH_DIR":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_LAPD":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_LIN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_LINUX_EVDEV":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_LINUX_IRDA":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_LINUX_LAPD":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_LINUX_PPP_WITHDIRECTION":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_LINUX_SLL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_LOOP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_LTALK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_MATCHING_MAX":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_MATCHING_MIN":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_MFR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_MOST":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_MPEG_2_TS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_MPLS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_MTP2":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_MTP2_WITH_PHDR":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_MTP3":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_MUX27010":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_NETANALYZER":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_NETANALYZER_TRANSPARENT":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_NFC_LLCP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_NFLOG":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_NG40":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_NULL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PCI_EXP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PFLOG":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PFSYNC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PPI":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PPP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PPP_BSDOS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PPP_ETHER":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PPP_PPPD":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PPP_SERIAL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PPP_WITH_DIR":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PPP_WITH_DIRECTION":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PRISM_HEADER":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_PRONET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_RAIF1":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_RAW":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_RAWAF_MASK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_RIO":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_SCCP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_SITA":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_SLIP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_SLIP_BSDOS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_STANAG_5066_D_PDU":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_SUNATM":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_SYMANTEC_FIREWALL":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_TZSP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USB":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USB_LINUX":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USB_LINUX_MMAPPED":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER0":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER1":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER10":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER11":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER12":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER13":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER14":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER15":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER2":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER3":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER4":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER5":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER6":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER7":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER8":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_USER9":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_WIHART":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_X2E_SERIAL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DLT_X2E_XORAYA":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNSMXData":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNSPTRData":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNSRecord":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNSSRVData":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNSTXTData":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_A":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_A6":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_AAAA":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_ADDRS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_AFSDB":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_ALL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_ANY":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_ATMA":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_AXFR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_CERT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_CNAME":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_DHCID":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_DNAME":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_DNSKEY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_DS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_EID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_GID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_GPOS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_HINFO":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_ISDN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_IXFR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_KEY":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_KX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_LOC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_MAILA":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_MAILB":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_MB":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_MD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_MF":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_MG":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_MINFO":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_MR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_MX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_NAPTR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_NBSTAT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_NIMLOC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_NS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_NSAP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_NSAPPTR":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_NSEC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_NULL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_NXT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_OPT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_PTR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_PX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_RP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_RRSIG":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_RT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_SIG":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_SINK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_SOA":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_SRV":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_TEXT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_TKEY":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_TSIG":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_UID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_UINFO":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_UNSPEC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_WINS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_WINSR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_WKS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DNS_TYPE_X25":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.DT_BLK":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DT_CHR":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DT_DIR":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DT_FIFO":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DT_LNK":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DT_REG":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DT_SOCK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.DT_UNKNOWN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DT_WHT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.DeleteFile":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.DetachLsf":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.DeviceIoControl":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.Dirent":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.DnsNameCompare":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.DnsQuery":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.DnsRecordListFree":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.DnsSectionAdditional":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.DnsSectionAnswer":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.DnsSectionAuthority":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.DnsSectionQuestion":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.Dup":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.Dup2":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Dup3":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.DuplicateHandle":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.E2BIG":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EACCES":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EADDRINUSE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EADDRNOTAVAIL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.EADV":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.EAFNOSUPPORT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EAGAIN":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EALREADY":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EAUTH":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBADARCH":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBADE":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBADEXEC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBADF":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBADFD":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBADMACHO":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBADMSG":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBADR":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBADRPC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBADRQC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBADSLT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBFONT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EBUSY":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECANCELED":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECAPMODE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECHILD":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECHO":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECHOCTL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECHOE":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECHOK":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECHOKE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECHONL":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECHOPRT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECHRNG":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECOMM":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECONNABORTED":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECONNREFUSED":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ECONNRESET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EDEADLK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EDEADLOCK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.EDESTADDRREQ":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EDEVERR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EDOM":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.EDOOFUS":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EDOTDOT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EDQUOT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EEXIST":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EFAULT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EFBIG":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EFER_LMA":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EFER_LME":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EFER_NXE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EFER_SCE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EFTYPE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EHOSTDOWN":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.EHOSTUNREACH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EHWPOISON":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.EIDRM":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EILSEQ":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EINPROGRESS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EINTR":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EINVAL":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EIO":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.EIPSEC":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EISCONN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EISDIR":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EISNAM":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EKEYEXPIRED":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EKEYREJECTED":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EKEYREVOKED":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EL2HLT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EL2NSYNC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EL3HLT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EL3RST":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ELAST":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ELF_NGREG":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ELF_PRARGSZ":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ELIBACC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ELIBBAD":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ELIBEXEC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ELIBMAX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ELIBSCN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ELNRNG":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ELOOP":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EMEDIUMTYPE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EMFILE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EMLINK":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EMSGSIZE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EMT_TAGOVF":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EMULTIHOP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.EMUL_ENABLED":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EMUL_LINUX":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EMUL_LINUX32":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EMUL_MAXID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EMUL_NATIVE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENAMETOOLONG":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENAVAIL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENDRUNDISC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENEEDAUTH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENETDOWN":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENETRESET":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENETUNREACH":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENFILE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOANO":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOATTR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOBUFS":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOCSI":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENODATA":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENODEV":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOENT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOEXEC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOKEY":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOLCK":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOLINK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOMEDIUM":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOMEM":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOMSG":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENONET":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOPKG":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOPOLICY":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOPROTOOPT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOSPC":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOSR":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOSTR":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOSYS":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOTBLK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOTCAPABLE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOTCONN":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOTDIR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOTEMPTY":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOTNAM":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOTRECOVERABLE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOTSOCK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOTSUP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOTTY":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENOTUNIQ":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ENXIO":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EN_SW_CTL_INF":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.EN_SW_CTL_PREC":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.EN_SW_CTL_ROUND":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.EN_SW_DATACHAIN":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.EN_SW_DENORM":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EN_SW_INVOP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EN_SW_OVERFLOW":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.EN_SW_PRECLOSS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.EN_SW_UNDERFLOW":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.EN_SW_ZERODIV":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.EOPNOTSUPP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EOVERFLOW":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.EOWNERDEAD":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPERM":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPFNOSUPPORT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPIPE":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLERR":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLET":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLHUP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLIN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLMSG":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLONESHOT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLOUT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLPRI":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLRDBAND":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLRDHUP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLRDNORM":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLWRBAND":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLLWRNORM":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLL_CLOEXEC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLL_CTL_ADD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLL_CTL_DEL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLL_CTL_MOD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPOLL_NONBLOCK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPROCLIM":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPROCUNAVAIL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPROGMISMATCH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPROGUNAVAIL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPROTO":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPROTONOSUPPORT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPROTOTYPE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EPWROFF":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERANGE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EREMCHG":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EREMOTE":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EREMOTEIO":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERESTART":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERFKILL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EROFS":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERPCMISMATCH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_FILE_EXISTS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_HANDLE_EOF":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_IO_PENDING":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_MORE_DATA":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_NOT_FOUND":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ESHLIBVERS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ESHUTDOWN":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ESOCKTNOSUPPORT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ESPIPE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ESRCH":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ESRMNT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ESTALE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ESTRPIPE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERCAP_JUMBO_MTU":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERCAP_VLAN_HWTAGGING":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERCAP_VLAN_MTU":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERMIN":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERMTU":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERMTU_JUMBO":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_8023":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_AARP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_ACCTON":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_AEONIC":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_ALPHA":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_AMBER":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_AMOEBA":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_AOE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_APOLLO":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_APOLLODOMAIN":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_APPLETALK":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_APPLITEK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_ARGONAUT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_ARP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_AT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_ATALK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_ATOMIC":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_ATT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_ATTSTANFORD":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_AUTOPHON":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_AXIS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_BCLOOP":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_BOFL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_CABLETRON":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_CHAOS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_COMDESIGN":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_COMPUGRAPHIC":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_COUNTERPOINT":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_CRONUS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_CRONUSVLN":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DCA":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DDE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DEBNI":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DECAM":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DECCUST":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DECDIAG":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DECDNS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DECDTS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DECEXPER":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DECLAST":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DECLTM":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DECMUMPS":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DECNETBIOS":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DELTACON":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DIDDLE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DLOG1":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DLOG2":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DN":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DOGFIGHT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_DSMD":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_ECMA":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_ENCRYPT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_ES":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_EXCELAN":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_EXPERDATA":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_FLIP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_FLOWCONTROL":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_FRARP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_GENDYN":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_HAYES":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_HIPPI_FP":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_HITACHI":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_HP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_IEEEPUP":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_IEEEPUPAT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_IMLBL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_IMLBLDIAG":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_IP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_IPAS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_IPV6":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_IPX":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_IPXNEW":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_KALPANA":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_LANBRIDGE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_LANPROBE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_LAT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_LBACK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_LITTLE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_LLDP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_LOGICRAFT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_LOOPBACK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_MATRA":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_MAX":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_MERIT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_MICP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_MOPDL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_MOPRC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_MOTOROLA":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_MPLS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_MPLS_MCAST":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_MUMPS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPCC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPCLAIM":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPCLREQ":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPCLRSP":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPCREQ":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPCRSP":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPDG":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPDGB":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPDLTE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPRAR":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPRAS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPRST":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPSCD":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBPVCD":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NBS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NCD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NESTAR":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NETBEUI":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NOVELL":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NSAT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NSCOMPAT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_NTRAILER":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_OS9":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_OS9NET":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_PACER":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_PAE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_PCS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_PLANNING":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_PPP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_PPPOE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_PPPOEDISC":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_PRIMENTS":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_PUP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_PUPAT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_QINQ":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_RACAL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_RATIONAL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_RAWFR":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_RCL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_RDP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_RETIX":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_REVARP":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SCA":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SECTRA":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SECUREDATA":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SGITW":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SG_BOUNCE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SG_DIAG":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SG_NETGAMES":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SG_RESV":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SIMNET":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SLOW":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SLOWPROTOCOLS":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SNA":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SNMP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SONIX":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SPIDER":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_SPRITE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_STP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_TALARIS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_TALARISMC":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_TCPCOMP":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_TCPSM":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_TEC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_TIGAN":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_TRAIL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_TRANSETHER":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_TYMSHARE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_UBBST":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_UBDEBUG":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_UBDIAGLOOP":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_UBDL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_UBNIU":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_UBNMC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VALID":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VARIAN":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VAXELN":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VEECO":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VEXP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VGLAB":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VINES":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VINESECHO":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VINESLOOP":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VITAL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VLAN":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VLTLMAN":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VPROD":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_VURESERVED":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_WATERLOO":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_WELLFLEET":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_X25":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_X75":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_XNSSM":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHERTYPE_XTP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_ADDR_LEN":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_ALIGN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_CRC_LEN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_CRC_POLY_BE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_CRC_POLY_LE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_HDR_LEN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_MAX_DIX_LEN":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_MAX_LEN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_MAX_LEN_JUMBO":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_MIN_LEN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_PPPOE_ENCAP_LEN":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_TYPE_LEN":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETHER_VLAN_ENCAP_LEN":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_1588":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_8021Q":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_802_2":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_802_3":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_AARP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_ALL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_AOE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_ARCNET":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_ARP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_ATALK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_ATMFATE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_ATMMPOA":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_AX25":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_BPQ":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_CAIF":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_CAN":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_CONTROL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_CUST":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_DDCMP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_DEC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_DIAG":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_DNA_DL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_DNA_RC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_DNA_RT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_DSA":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_ECONET":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_EDSA":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_FCOE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_FIP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_HDLC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_IEEE802154":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_IEEEPUP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_IEEEPUPAT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_IP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_IPV6":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_IPX":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_IRDA":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_LAT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_LINK_CTL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_LOCALTALK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_LOOP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_MOBITEX":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_MPLS_MC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_MPLS_UC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_PAE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_PAUSE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_PHONET":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_PPPTALK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_PPP_DISC":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_PPP_MP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_PPP_SES":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_PUP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_PUPAT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_RARP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_SCA":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_SLOW":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_SNAP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_TEB":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_TIPC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_TRAILER":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_TR_802_2":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_WAN_PPP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_WCCP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETH_P_X25":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETIME":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETIMEDOUT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETOOMANYREFS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ETXTBSY":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EUCLEAN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EUNATCH":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EUSERS":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_AIO":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_FS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_LIO":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_MACHPORT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_PROC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_READ":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_SIGNAL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_SYSCOUNT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_THREADMARKER":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_TIMER":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_USER":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_VM":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_VNODE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EVFILT_WRITE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_ADD":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_CLEAR":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_DELETE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_DISABLE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_DISPATCH":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_DROP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_ENABLE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_EOF":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_ERROR":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_FLAG0":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_FLAG1":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_ONESHOT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_OOBAND":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_POLL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_RECEIPT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EV_SYSFLAGS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EWINDOWS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EWOULDBLOCK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EXDEV":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EXFULL":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.EXTA":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.EXTB":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.EXTPROC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Environ":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.EpollCreate":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.EpollCreate1":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.EpollCtl":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.EpollEvent":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.EpollWait":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Errno":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.EscapeArg":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Exchangedata":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.Exec":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Exit":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ExitProcess":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.FD_CLOEXEC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.FD_SETSIZE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ACTION_ADDED":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ACTION_MODIFIED":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ACTION_REMOVED":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_NEW_NAME":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ACTION_RENAMED_OLD_NAME":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_APPEND_DATA":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_BEGIN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_CURRENT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_END":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_MAP_COPY":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_MAP_EXECUTE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_MAP_READ":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_MAP_WRITE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTES":                "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_CREATION":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIR_NAME":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS":               "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE":                "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_SHARE_DELETE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_SHARE_READ":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_SHARE_WRITE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS":         "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_SKIP_SET_EVENT_ON_HANDLE":                "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_TYPE_CHAR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_TYPE_DISK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_TYPE_PIPE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_TYPE_REMOTE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.FLUSHO":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER":               "syscall",
+	"syscall.FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY":                "syscall",
+	"syscall.FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS":                "syscall",
+	"syscall.FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK":                "syscall",
+	"syscall.FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_ADDFILESIGS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_ADDSIGS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_ALLOCATEALL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_ALLOCATECONTIG":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_CANCEL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_CHKCLEAN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_CLOSEM":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_DUP2FD":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_DUP2FD_CLOEXEC":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_DUPFD":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_EXLCK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_FLUSH_DATA":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_FREEZE_FS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_FSCTL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_FSDIRMASK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_FSIN":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_FSINOUT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_FSOUT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_FSPRIV":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_FSVOID":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_FULLFSYNC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETFD":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETFL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETLEASE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETLK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETLK64":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETLKPID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETNOSIGPIPE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETOWN":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETOWN_EX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETPATH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETPATH_MTMINFO":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETPIPE_SZ":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETPROTECTIONCLASS":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GETSIG":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_GLOBAL_NOCACHE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_LOCK":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_LOG2PHYS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_LOG2PHYS_EXT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_MARKDEPENDENCY":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_MAXFD":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_NOCACHE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_NODIRECT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_NOTIFY":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_OGETLK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_OK":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_OSETLK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_OSETLKW":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_PARAM_MASK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_PARAM_MAX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_PATHPKG_CHECK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_PEOFPOSMODE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_PREALLOCATE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_RDADVISE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_RDAHEAD":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_RDLCK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_READAHEAD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_READBOOTSTRAP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETBACKINGSTORE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETFD":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETFL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETLEASE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETLK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETLK64":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETLKW":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETLKW64":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETLK_REMOTE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETNOSIGPIPE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETOWN":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETOWN_EX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETPIPE_SZ":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETPROTECTIONCLASS":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETSIG":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SETSIZE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_SHLCK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_TEST":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_THAW_FS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_TLOCK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_ULOCK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_UNLCK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_UNLCKSYS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_VOLPOSMODE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_WRITEBOOTSTRAP":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.F_WRLCK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Faccessat":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fallocate":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fbootstraptransfer_t":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fchdir":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fchflags":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fchmod":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fchmodat":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fchown":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fchownat":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.FcntlFlock":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.FdSet":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fdatasync":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.FileNotifyInformation":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Filetime":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.FindClose":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.FindFirstFile":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.FindNextFile":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.Flock":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Flock_t":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.FlushBpf":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.FlushFileBuffers":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.FlushViewOfFile":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.ForkExec":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ForkLock":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.FormatMessage":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fpathconf":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.FreeAddrInfoW":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.FreeEnvironmentStrings":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.FreeLibrary":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fsid":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fstat":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fstatfs":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fstore_t":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Fsync":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Ftruncate":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.FullPath":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Futimes":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Futimesat":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.GENERIC_ALL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.GENERIC_EXECUTE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.GENERIC_READ":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.GENERIC_WRITE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.GUID":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetAcceptExSockaddrs":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetAdaptersInfo":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetAddrInfoW":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetCommandLine":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetComputerName":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetConsoleMode":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetCurrentDirectory":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetCurrentProcess":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetEnvironmentStrings":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetEnvironmentVariable":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetExitCodeProcess":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetFileAttributes":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetFileAttributesEx":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetFileExInfoStandard":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetFileExMaxInfoLevel":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetFileInformationByHandle":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetFileType":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetFullPathName":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetHostByName":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetIfEntry":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetLastError":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetLengthSid":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetLongPathName":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetProcAddress":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetProcessTimes":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetProtoByName":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetQueuedCompletionStatus":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetServByName":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetShortPathName":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetStartupInfo":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetStdHandle":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetTempPath":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetTimeZoneInformation":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetTokenInformation":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetUserNameEx":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetUserProfileDirectory":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetVersion":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getcwd":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getdents":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getdirentries":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getdtablesize":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getegid":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getenv":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Geteuid":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getfsstat":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getgid":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getgroups":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getpagesize":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getpeername":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getpgid":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getpgrp":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getpid":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getppid":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getpriority":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getrlimit":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getrusage":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getsid":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getsockname":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getsockopt":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetsockoptByte":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetsockoptICMPv6Filter":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetsockoptIPMreq":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetsockoptIPMreqn":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetsockoptIPv6MTUInfo":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetsockoptIPv6Mreq":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetsockoptInet4Addr":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetsockoptInt":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.GetsockoptUcred":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.Gettid":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Gettimeofday":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getuid":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getwd":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Getxattr":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.HKEY_CURRENT_USER":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.HKEY_DYN_DATA":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.HKEY_USERS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.HUPCL":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Handle":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Hostent":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.ICANON":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ICMP6_FILTER":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ICMPV6_FILTER":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ICMPv6Filter":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.ICRNL":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IEXTEN":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFAN_ARRIVAL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFAN_DEPARTURE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_ADDRESS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_ANYCAST":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_BROADCAST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_CACHEINFO":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_F_DADFAILED":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_F_DEPRECATED":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_F_HOMEADDRESS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_F_NODAD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_F_OPTIMISTIC":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_F_PERMANENT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_F_SECONDARY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_F_TEMPORARY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_F_TENTATIVE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_LABEL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_LOCAL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_MAX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_MULTICAST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_ROUTE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFA_UNSPEC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_ALLMULTI":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_ALTPHYS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_AUTOMEDIA":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_BROADCAST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_CANTCHANGE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_CANTCONFIG":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_DEBUG":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_DRV_OACTIVE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_DRV_RUNNING":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_DYING":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_DYNAMIC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_LINK0":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_LINK1":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_LINK2":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_LOOPBACK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_MASTER":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_MONITOR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_MULTICAST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_NOARP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_NOTRAILERS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_NO_PI":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_OACTIVE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_ONE_QUEUE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_POINTOPOINT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_POINTTOPOINT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_PORTSEL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_PPROMISC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_PROMISC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_RENAMING":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_RUNNING":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_SIMPLEX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_SLAVE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_SMART":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_STATICARP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_TAP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_TUN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_TUN_EXCL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_UP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFF_VNET_HDR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_ADDRESS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_BROADCAST":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_COST":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_IFALIAS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_IFNAME":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_LINK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_LINKINFO":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_LINKMODE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_MAP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_MASTER":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_MAX":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_MTU":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_NET_NS_PID":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_OPERSTATE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_PRIORITY":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_PROTINFO":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_QDISC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_STATS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_TXQLEN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_UNSPEC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_WEIGHT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFLA_WIRELESS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFNAMSIZ":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_1822":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_A12MPPSWITCH":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_AAL2":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_AAL5":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ADSL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_AFLANE8023":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_AFLANE8025":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ARAP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ARCNET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ARCNETPLUS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ASYNC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ATM":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ATMDXI":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ATMFUNI":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ATMIMA":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ATMLOGICAL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ATMRADIO":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ATMSUBINTERFACE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ATMVCIENDPT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ATMVIRTUAL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_BGPPOLICYACCOUNTING":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_BLUETOOTH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_BRIDGE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_BSC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_CARP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_CCTEMUL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_CELLULAR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_CEPT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_CES":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_CHANNEL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_CNR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_COFFEE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_COMPOSITELINK":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DCN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DIGITALPOWERLINE":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DIGITALWRAPPEROVERHEADCHANNEL":            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DLSW":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DOCSCABLEDOWNSTREAM":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DOCSCABLEMACLAYER":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DOCSCABLEUPSTREAM":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DOCSCABLEUPSTREAMCHANNEL":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DS0":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DS0BUNDLE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DS1FDL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DS3":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DTM":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DUMMY":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DVBASILN":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DVBASIOUT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DVBRCCDOWNSTREAM":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DVBRCCMACLAYER":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_DVBRCCUPSTREAM":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ECONET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ENC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_EON":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_EPLRS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ESCON":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ETHER":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FAITH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FAST":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FASTETHER":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FASTETHERFX":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FDDI":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FIBRECHANNEL":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FRAMERELAYINTERCONNECT":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FRAMERELAYMPI":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FRDLCIENDPT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FRELAY":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FRELAYDCE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FRF16MFRBUNDLE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_FRFORWARD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_G703AT2MB":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_G703AT64K":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_GIF":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_GIGABITETHERNET":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_GR303IDT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_GR303RDT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_H323GATEKEEPER":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_H323PROXY":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_HDH1822":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_HDLC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_HDSL2":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_HIPERLAN2":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_HIPPI":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_HIPPIINTERFACE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_HOSTPAD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_HSSI":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_HY":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IBM370PARCHAN":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IDSL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IEEE1394":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IEEE80211":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IEEE80212":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IFGSN":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IMT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_INFINIBAND":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_INTERLEAVE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IPFORWARD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IPOVERATM":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IPOVERCDLC":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IPOVERCLAW":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IPSWITCH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_IPXIP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISDN":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISDNBASIC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISDNPRIMARY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISDNS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISDNU":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISO88022LLC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISO88023":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISO88024":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISO88025":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISO88025CRFPINT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISO88025DTR":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISO88025FIBER":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISO88026":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ISUP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_L2VLAN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_L3IPVLAN":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_L3IPXVLAN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_LAPB":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_LAPD":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_LAPF":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_LINEGROUP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_LOCALTALK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_LOOP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_MEDIAMAILOVERIP":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_MFSIGLINK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_MIOX25":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_MODEM":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_MPC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_MPLS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_MPLSTUNNEL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_MSDSL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_MVL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_MYRINET":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_NFAS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_NSIP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_OPTICALCHANNEL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_OPTICALTRANSPORT":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_OTHER":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_P10":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_P80":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PARA":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PDP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PFLOG":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PFLOW":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PFSYNC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PLC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PON155":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PON622":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_POS":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PPP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PPPMULTILINKBUNDLE":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PROPATM":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PROPBWAP2MP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PROPCNLS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PROPDOCSWIRELESSDOWNSTREAM":               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PROPDOCSWIRELESSMACLAYER":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PROPDOCSWIRELESSUPSTREAM":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PROPMUX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PROPVIRTUAL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PROPWIRELESSP2P":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PTPSERIAL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_PVC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_Q2931":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_QLLC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_RADIOMAC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_RADSL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_REACHDSL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_RFC1483":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_RS232":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_RSRB":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SDLC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SDSL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SHDSL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SIP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SIPSIG":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SIPTG":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SLIP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SMDSDXI":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SMDSICIP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SONET":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SONETOVERHEADCHANNEL":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SONETPATH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SONETVT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SRP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_SS7SIGLINK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_STACKTOSTACK":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_STARLAN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_STF":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_T1":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_TDLC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_TELINK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_TERMPAD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_TR008":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_TRANSPHDLC":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_TUNNEL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_ULTRA":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_USB":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_V11":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_V35":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_V36":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_V37":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VDSL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VIRTUALIPADDRESS":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VIRTUALTG":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VOICEDID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VOICEEM":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VOICEEMFGD":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VOICEENCAP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VOICEFGDEANA":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VOICEFXO":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VOICEFXS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VOICEOVERATM":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VOICEOVERCABLE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VOICEOVERFRAMERELAY":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_VOICEOVERIP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_X213":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_X25":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_X25DDN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_X25HUNTGROUP":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_X25MLP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_X25PLE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IFT_XETHER":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IGNBRK":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IGNCR":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IGNORE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IGNPAR":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IMAXBEL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.INFINITE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.INLCR":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.INPCK":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_ACCESS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_ALL_EVENTS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_ATTRIB":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSA_HOST":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSA_MAX":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSA_NET":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSB_HOST":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSB_MAX":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSB_NET":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSC_HOST":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSC_NET":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSD_HOST":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSD_NET":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLOEXEC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLOSE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CLOSE_WRITE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_CREATE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_DELETE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_DELETE_SELF":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_DONT_FOLLOW":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_EXCL_UNLINK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_IGNORED":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_ISDIR":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_LINKLOCALNETNUM":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_LOOPBACKNET":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_MASK_ADD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_MODIFY":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_MOVE":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_MOVED_FROM":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_MOVED_TO":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_MOVE_SELF":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_NONBLOCK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_ONESHOT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_ONLYDIR":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_OPEN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_Q_OVERFLOW":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_RFC3021_HOST":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_RFC3021_MASK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_RFC3021_NET":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_RFC3021_NSHIFT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IN_UNMOUNT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IOC_IN":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IOC_INOUT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IOC_OUT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IOC_VENDOR":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IOC_WS2":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPMreq":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPMreqn":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_3PC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_ADFS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_AH":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_AHIP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_APES":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_ARGUS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_AX25":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_BHA":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_BLT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_BRSATMON":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_CARP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_CFTP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_CHAOS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_CMTP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_COMP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_CPHB":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_CPNX":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_DCCP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_DDP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_DGP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_DIVERT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_DIVERT_INIT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_DIVERT_RESP":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_DONE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_DSTOPTS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_EGP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_EMCON":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_ENCAP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_EON":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_ESP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_ETHERIP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_FRAGMENT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_GGP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_GMTP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_GRE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_HELLO":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_HMP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_HOPOPTS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_ICMP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_ICMPV6":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IDP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IDPR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IDRP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IGMP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IGP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IGRP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_INLSP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_INP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IPCOMP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IPCV":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IPEIP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IPIP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IPPC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IPV4":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IPV6":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IPV6_ICMP":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_IRTP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_KRYPTOLAN":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_LARP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_LEAF1":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_LEAF2":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_MAX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_MAXID":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_MEAS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_MH":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_MHRP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_MICP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_MOBILE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_MPLS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_MTP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_MUX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_ND":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_NHRP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_NONE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_NSP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_NVPII":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_OLD_DIVERT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_OSPFIGP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_PFSYNC":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_PGM":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_PIGP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_PIM":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_PRM":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_PUP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_PVP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_RAW":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_RCCMON":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_RDP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_ROUTING":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_RSVP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_RVD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SATEXPAK":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SATMON":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SCCSP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SCTP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SDRP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SEND":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SEP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SKIP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SPACER":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SRPC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_ST":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SVMTP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_SWIPE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_TCF":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_TCP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_TLSP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_TP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_TPXX":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_TRUNK1":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_TRUNK2":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_TTP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_UDP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_UDPLITE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_VINES":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_VISA":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_VMTP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_VRRP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_WBEXPAK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_WBMON":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_WSN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_XNET":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPPROTO_XTP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_2292DSTOPTS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_2292HOPOPTS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_2292NEXTHOP":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_2292PKTINFO":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_2292RTHDR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_ADDRFORM":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_AUTHHDR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_AUTH_LEVEL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_BINDANY":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_BINDV6ONLY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_BOUND_IF":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_CHECKSUM":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_HOPS":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_DEFHLIM":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_DONTFRAG":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_DSTOPTS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_ESP_NETWORK_LEVEL":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_ESP_TRANS_LEVEL":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_FAITH":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_FRAGTTL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_FW_ADD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_FW_DEL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_FW_FLUSH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_FW_GET":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_FW_ZERO":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_HLIMDEC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_HOPLIMIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_HOPOPTS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_IPCOMP_LEVEL":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_JOIN_ANYCAST":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_LEAVE_ANYCAST":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MAXHLIM":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MAXOPTHDR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MAXPACKET":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MMTU":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MSFILTER":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MTU":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MTU_DISCOVER":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MULTICAST_IF":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_NEXTHOP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_OPTIONS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PATHMTU":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PIPEX":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PKTINFO":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PMTUDISC_DO":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PMTUDISC_DONT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PMTUDISC_PROBE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PORTRANGE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_PREFER_TEMPADDR":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RECVDSTPORT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RECVERR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RECVPATHMTU":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RECVPKTINFO":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RECVRTHDR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RECVTCLASS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_ROUTER_ALERT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RTABLE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RTHDR":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RXDSTOPTS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_RXHOPOPTS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_SOCKOPT_RESERVED1":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_TCLASS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_V6ONLY":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_VERSION":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_VERSION_MASK":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPV6_XFRM_POLICY":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_AUTH_LEVEL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_BINDANY":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_BLOCK_SOURCE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_BOUND_IF":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DF":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DIVERTFL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DONTFRAG":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DUMMYNET3":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DUMMYNET_DEL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_DUMMYNET_GET":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_EF":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_ERRORMTU":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_ESP_NETWORK_LEVEL":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_ESP_TRANS_LEVEL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FAITH":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FREEBIND":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW3":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_ADD":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_DEL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_FLUSH":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_GET":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_NAT_CFG":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_NAT_DEL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_NAT_GET_CONFIG":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_NAT_GET_LOG":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_RESETLOG":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_TABLE_ADD":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_TABLE_DEL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_TABLE_FLUSH":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_TABLE_GETSIZE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_TABLE_LIST":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_FW_ZERO":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_HDRINCL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_IPCOMP_LEVEL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_IPSECFLOWINFO":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_IPSEC_LOCAL_AUTH":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_IPSEC_LOCAL_CRED":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_IPSEC_LOCAL_ID":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_IPSEC_POLICY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_IPSEC_REMOTE_AUTH":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_IPSEC_REMOTE_CRED":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_IPSEC_REMOTE_ID":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MAXPACKET":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MAX_SOCK_MUTE_FILTER":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MAX_SOURCE_FILTER":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MF":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MINFRAGSIZE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MINTTL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MSFILTER":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MSS":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MTU":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MTU_DISCOVER":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MULTICAST_IF":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MULTICAST_IFINDEX":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MULTICAST_TTL":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_MULTICAST_VIF":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_NAT__XXX":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_OFFMASK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_OLD_FW_ADD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_OLD_FW_DEL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_OLD_FW_FLUSH":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_OLD_FW_GET":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_OLD_FW_RESETLOG":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_OLD_FW_ZERO":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_ONESBCAST":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_OPTIONS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_ORIGDSTADDR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PASSSEC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PIPEX":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PKTINFO":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PKTOPTIONS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PMTUDISC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PMTUDISC_DO":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PMTUDISC_DONT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PMTUDISC_WANT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PORTRANGE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_PORTRANGE_LOW":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RECVDSTADDR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RECVDSTPORT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RECVERR":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RECVIF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RECVOPTS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RECVPKTINFO":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RECVRETOPTS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RECVRTABLE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RECVTOS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RECVTTL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RETOPTS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RF":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_ROUTER_ALERT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RSVP_OFF":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RSVP_ON":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RSVP_VIF_OFF":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RSVP_VIF_ON":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_RTABLE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_SENDSRCADDR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_STRIPHDR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_TOS":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_TRAFFIC_MGT_BACKGROUND":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_TRANSPARENT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_TTL":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.IP_XFRM_POLICY":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPv6MTUInfo":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.IPv6Mreq":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.ISIG":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ISTRIP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IUCLC":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IUTF8":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IXANY":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IXOFF":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IXON":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.IfAddrmsg":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IfAnnounceMsghdr":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.IfData":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.IfInfomsg":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IfMsghdr":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.IfaMsghdr":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.IfmaMsghdr":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.IfmaMsghdr2":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ImplementsGetwd":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.Inet4Pktinfo":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.Inet6Pktinfo":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.InotifyAddWatch":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.InotifyEvent":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.InotifyInit":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.InotifyInit1":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.InotifyRmWatch":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.InterfaceAddrMessage":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.InterfaceAnnounceMessage":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.InterfaceInfo":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.InterfaceMessage":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.InterfaceMulticastAddrMessage":                "syscall",
+	"syscall.InvalidHandle":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Ioperm":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Iopl":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Iovec":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.IpAdapterInfo":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.IpAddrString":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.IpAddressString":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.IpMaskString":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.Issetugid":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_ALL_ACCESS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_CREATE_LINK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_EXECUTE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_NOTIFY":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_QUERY_VALUE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_READ":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_SET_VALUE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_WOW64_32KEY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_WOW64_64KEY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.KEY_WRITE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Kevent":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Kevent_t":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Kill":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Klogctl":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Kqueue":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.LANG_ENGLISH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.LAYERED_PROTOCOL":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.LCNT_OVERLOAD_FLUSH":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_KEXEC":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_POWER_OFF":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_RESTART2":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_SW_SUSPEND":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.LOCK_EX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.LOCK_NB":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.LOCK_SH":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.LOCK_UN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.LazyDLL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.LazyProc":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Lchown":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Linger":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Link":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Listen":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Listxattr":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.LoadCancelIoEx":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.LoadConnectEx":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.LoadCreateSymbolicLink":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.LoadDLL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.LoadGetAddrInfo":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.LoadLibrary":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.LoadSetFileCompletionNotificationModes":       "syscall",
+	"syscall.LocalFree":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Log2phys_t":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.LookupAccountName":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.LookupAccountSid":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.LookupSID":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.LsfJump":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.LsfSocket":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.LsfStmt":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Lstat":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_AUTOSYNC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_CAN_REUSE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_CORE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_DOFORK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_DONTFORK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_DONTNEED":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_FREE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_FREE_REUSABLE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_FREE_REUSE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_HUGEPAGE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_HWPOISON":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_MERGEABLE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_NOCORE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_NOHUGEPAGE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_NORMAL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_NOSYNC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_PROTECT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_RANDOM":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_REMOVE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_SEQUENTIAL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_SPACEAVAIL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_UNMERGEABLE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_WILLNEED":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MADV_ZERO_WIRED_PAGES":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_32BIT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_ALIGNED_SUPER":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_ALIGNMENT_16MB":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_ALIGNMENT_1TB":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_ALIGNMENT_256TB":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_ALIGNMENT_4GB":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_ALIGNMENT_64KB":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_ALIGNMENT_64PB":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_ALIGNMENT_MASK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_ALIGNMENT_SHIFT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_ANON":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_ANONYMOUS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_COPY":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_DENYWRITE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_EXECUTABLE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_FILE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_FIXED":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_FLAGMASK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_GROWSDOWN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_HASSEMAPHORE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_HUGETLB":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_INHERIT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_INHERIT_COPY":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_INHERIT_DEFAULT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_INHERIT_DONATE_COPY":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_INHERIT_NONE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_INHERIT_SHARE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_JIT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_LOCKED":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_NOCACHE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_NOCORE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_NOEXTEND":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_NONBLOCK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_NORESERVE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_NOSYNC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_POPULATE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_PREFAULT_READ":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_PRIVATE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_RENAME":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_RESERVED0080":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_RESERVED0100":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_SHARED":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_STACK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_TRYFIXED":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_TYPE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAP_WIRED":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE":             "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAXLEN_IFDESCR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAXLEN_PHYSADDR":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAX_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH":               "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAX_LONG_PATH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAX_PATH":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MAX_PROTOCOL_CHAIN":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.MCL_CURRENT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MCL_FUTURE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MNT_DETACH":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MNT_EXPIRE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MNT_FORCE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_BCAST":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_COMPAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_CONFIRM":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_CONTROLMBUF":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_CTRUNC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_DONTROUTE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_DONTWAIT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_EOF":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_EOR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_ERRQUEUE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_FASTOPEN":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_FIN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_FLUSH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_HAVEMORE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_HOLD":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_IOVUSRSPACE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_LENUSRSPACE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_MCAST":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_MORE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_NAMEMBUF":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_NBIO":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_NEEDSA":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_NOSIGNAL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_NOTIFICATION":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_OOB":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_PEEK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_PROXY":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_RCVMORE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_RST":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_SEND":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_SYN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_TRUNC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_TRYHARD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_USERFLAGS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_WAITALL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_WAITFORONE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.MSG_WAITSTREAM":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_ACTIVE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_ASYNC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_BIND":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_DEACTIVATE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_DIRSYNC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_INVALIDATE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_I_VERSION":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_KERNMOUNT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_KILLPAGES":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_MANDLOCK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_MGC_MSK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_MGC_VAL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_MOVE":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_NOATIME":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_NODEV":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_NODIRATIME":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_NOEXEC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_NOSUID":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_NOUSER":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_POSIXACL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_PRIVATE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_RDONLY":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_REC":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_RELATIME":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_REMOUNT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_RMT_MASK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_SHARED":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_SILENT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_SLAVE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_STRICTATIME":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_SYNC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_SYNCHRONOUS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.MS_UNBINDABLE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Madvise":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MapViewOfFile":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.MaxTokenInfoClass":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.Mclpool":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.MibIfRow":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Mkdir":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Mkdirat":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Mkfifo":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Mknod":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Mknodat":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Mlock":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Mlockall":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Mmap":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Mount":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.MoveFile":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Mprotect":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Msghdr":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Munlock":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Munlockall":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.Munmap":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.MustLoadDLL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NAME_MAX":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_AUDIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_BROADCAST_ERROR":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_CONNECTOR":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_DNRTMSG":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_DROP_MEMBERSHIP":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_ECRYPTFS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_FIB_LOOKUP":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_FIREWALL":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_GENERIC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_INET_DIAG":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_IP6_FW":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_ISCSI":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_NETFILTER":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_NFLOG":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_NO_ENOBUFS":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_PKTINFO":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_RDMA":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_ROUTE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_SCSITRANSPORT":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_SELINUX":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_UNUSED":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_USERSOCK":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.NETLINK_XFRM":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_DUMP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_DUMP2":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_FLAGS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_IFLIST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_IFLIST2":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_IFLISTL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_IFMALIST":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_MAXID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_OIFLIST":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_OOIFLIST":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_STAT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_STATS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_TABLE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NET_RT_TRASH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLA_ALIGNTO":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLA_F_NESTED":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLA_F_NET_BYTEORDER":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLA_HDRLEN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLMSG_ALIGNTO":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLMSG_DONE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLMSG_ERROR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLMSG_HDRLEN":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLMSG_MIN_TYPE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLMSG_NOOP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLMSG_OVERRUN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_ACK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_APPEND":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_ATOMIC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_CREATE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_DUMP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_ECHO":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_EXCL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_MATCH":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_MULTI":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_REPLACE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_REQUEST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NLM_F_ROOT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOFLSH":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_ABSOLUTE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_ATTRIB":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_CHILD":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_DELETE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_EOF":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_EXEC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_EXIT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_EXITSTATUS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_EXTEND":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_FFAND":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_FFCOPY":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_FFCTRLMASK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_FFLAGSMASK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_FFNOP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_FFOR":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_FORK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_LINK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_LOWAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_NONE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_NSECONDS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_PCTRLMASK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_PDATAMASK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_REAP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_RENAME":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_RESOURCEEND":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_REVOKE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_SECONDS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_SIGNAL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_TRACK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_TRACKERR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_TRIGGER":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_TRUNCATE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_USECONDS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_VM_ERROR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_VM_PRESSURE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_SUDDEN_TERMINATE":            "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NOTE_WRITE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NameCanonical":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NameCanonicalEx":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.NameDisplay":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NameDnsDomain":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.NameFullyQualifiedDN":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.NameSamCompatible":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.NameServicePrincipal":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.NameUniqueId":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.NameUnknown":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NameUserPrincipal":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.Nanosleep":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.NetApiBufferFree":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.NetGetJoinInformation":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.NetSetupDomainName":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.NetSetupUnjoined":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.NetSetupUnknownStatus":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.NetSetupWorkgroupName":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.NetUserGetInfo":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NetlinkMessage":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NetlinkRIB":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NetlinkRouteAttr":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.NetlinkRouteRequest":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.NewCallback":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.NewCallbackCDecl":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.NewLazyDLL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.NlAttr":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.NlMsgerr":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.NlMsghdr":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.NsecToFiletime":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NsecToTimespec":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.NsecToTimeval":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Ntohs":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.OCRNL":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.OFDEL":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.OFILL":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.OFIOGETBMAP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.OID_PKIX_KP_SERVER_AUTH":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.OID_SERVER_GATED_CRYPTO":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.OID_SGC_NETSCAPE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.OLCUC":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ONLCR":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ONLRET":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.ONOCR":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ONOEOT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.OPEN_ALWAYS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.OPEN_EXISTING":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.OPOST":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_ACCMODE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_ALERT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_ALT_IO":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_APPEND":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_ASYNC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_CLOEXEC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_CREAT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_DIRECT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_DIRECTORY":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_DSYNC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_EVTONLY":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_EXCL":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_EXEC":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_EXLOCK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_FSYNC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_LARGEFILE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_NDELAY":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_NOATIME":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_NOCTTY":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_NOFOLLOW":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_NONBLOCK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_NOSIGPIPE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_POPUP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_RDONLY":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_RDWR":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_RSYNC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_SHLOCK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_SYMLINK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_SYNC":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_TRUNC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_TTY_INIT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.O_WRONLY":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Open":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.OpenCurrentProcessToken":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.OpenProcess":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.OpenProcessToken":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.Openat":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Overlapped":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_BROADCAST":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_FASTROUTE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_HOST":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_LOOPBACK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_MR_MULTICAST":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_MR_PROMISC":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_MULTICAST":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_OTHERHOST":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_OUTGOING":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_RECV_OUTPUT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_RX_RING":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PACKET_STATISTICS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PAGE_EXECUTE_READ":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.PAGE_READONLY":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PAGE_READWRITE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PAGE_WRITECOPY":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PARENB":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.PARMRK":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.PARODD":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.PENDIN":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.PFL_HIDDEN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PFL_MATCHES_PROTOCOL_ZERO":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PFL_MULTIPLE_PROTO_ENTRIES":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PFL_NETWORKDIRECT_PROVIDER":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PFL_RECOMMENDED_PROTO_ENTRY":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PF_FLUSH":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.PMC5_PIPELINE_FLUSH":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.PRIO_PGRP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PRIO_PROCESS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PRIO_USER":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PRI_IOFLUSH":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROCESS_TERMINATE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROT_EXEC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROT_GROWSDOWN":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROT_GROWSUP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROT_NONE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROT_READ":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROT_WRITE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_DH_SCHANNEL":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_DSS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_DSS_DH":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_EC_ECDSA_FULL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_EC_ECDSA_SIG":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_EC_ECNRA_FULL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_EC_ECNRA_SIG":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_FORTEZZA":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_INTEL_SEC":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_MS_EXCHANGE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_REPLACE_OWF":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_RNG":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_RSA_AES":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_RSA_FULL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_RSA_SCHANNEL":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_RSA_SIG":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_SPYRUS_LYNKS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PROV_SSL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_CAPBSET_DROP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_CAPBSET_READ":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_CLEAR_SECCOMP_FILTER":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_ENDIAN_BIG":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FP_EXC_DIV":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FP_EXC_INV":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FP_EXC_OVF":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FP_EXC_RES":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_FP_EXC_UND":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_DUMPABLE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_ENDIAN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_FPEMU":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_FPEXC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_KEEPCAPS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_NAME":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_PDEATHSIG":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_SECCOMP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_SECCOMP_FILTER":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_SECUREBITS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_TIMERSLACK":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_TIMING":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_TSC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_GET_UNALIGN":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_MCE_KILL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_MCE_KILL_GET":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_MCE_KILL_LATE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_MCE_KILL_SET":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SECCOMP_FILTER_EVENT":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SECCOMP_FILTER_SYSCALL":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_DUMPABLE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_ENDIAN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_FPEMU":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_FPEXC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_KEEPCAPS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_NAME":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_PDEATHSIG":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_PTRACER":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_SECCOMP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_SECCOMP_FILTER":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_SECUREBITS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_TIMERSLACK":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_TIMING":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_TSC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_SET_UNALIGN":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_TSC_ENABLE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_TSC_SIGSEGV":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_ARCH_PRCTL":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_ATTACH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_CONT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_DETACH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_EVENT_CLONE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_EVENT_FORK":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_GETCRUNCHREGS":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_GETEVENTMSG":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_GETFPREGS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_GETFPXREGS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_GETHBPREGS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_GETREGS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_GETREGSET":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_GETSIGINFO":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_GETVFPREGS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_GETWMMXREGS":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_GET_THREAD_AREA":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_KILL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_OLDSETOPTIONS":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_O_MASK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_O_TRACECLONE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_O_TRACEEXEC":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_O_TRACEEXIT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_O_TRACEFORK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_O_TRACESYSGOOD":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORK":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_O_TRACEVFORKDONE":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_PEEKDATA":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_PEEKTEXT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_PEEKUSR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_POKEDATA":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_POKETEXT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_POKEUSR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SETCRUNCHREGS":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SETFPREGS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SETFPXREGS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SETHBPREGS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SETOPTIONS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SETREGS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SETREGSET":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SETSIGINFO":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SETVFPREGS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SETWMMXREGS":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SET_SYSCALL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SET_THREAD_AREA":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SINGLESTEP":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SYSCALL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SYSEMU":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.PTRACE_TRACEME":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_ATTACH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_ATTACHEXC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_CONTINUE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_DATA_ADDR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_DENY_ATTACH":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_DETACH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_FIRSTMACH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_FORCEQUOTA":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_KILL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_MASK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_READ_D":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_READ_I":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_READ_U":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_SIGEXC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_STEP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_TEXT_ADDR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_TEXT_END_ADDR":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_THUPDATE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_TRACE_ME":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_WRITE_D":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_WRITE_I":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PT_WRITE_U":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ParseDirent":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ParseNetlinkMessage":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ParseNetlinkRouteAttr":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.ParseRoutingMessage":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.ParseRoutingSockaddr":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ParseSocketControlMessage":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.ParseUnixCredentials":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ParseUnixRights":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.PathMax":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Pathconf":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Pause":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Pipe":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Pipe2":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.PivotRoot":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.PostQueuedCompletionStatus":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.Pread":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Proc":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ProcAttr":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Process32First":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.Process32Next":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.ProcessEntry32":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.ProcessInformation":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.Protoent":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtraceAttach":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtraceCont":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtraceDetach":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtraceGetEventMsg":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtraceGetRegs":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtracePeekData":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtracePeekText":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtracePokeData":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtracePokeText":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtraceRegs":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtraceSetOptions":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtraceSetRegs":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtraceSingleStep":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.PtraceSyscall":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Pwrite":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_BINARY":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_DWORD":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_EXPAND_SZ":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_LINK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_MULTI_SZ":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_NONE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_QWORD":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_RESOURCE_LIST":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST":               "syscall",
+	"syscall.REG_SZ":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.RLIMIT_AS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RLIMIT_CORE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RLIMIT_CPU":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RLIMIT_DATA":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RLIMIT_FSIZE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RLIMIT_STACK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RLIM_INFINITY":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_ADVMSS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_AUTHOR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_BRD":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_CWND":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_DST":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_FEATURES":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_FEATURE_ALLFRAG":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_FEATURE_ECN":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_FEATURE_SACK":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_FEATURE_TIMESTAMP":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_GATEWAY":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_GENMASK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_HOPLIMIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_IFA":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_IFP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_INITCWND":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_INITRWND":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_LABEL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_LOCK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_MAX":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_MTU":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_NETMASK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_REORDERING":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_RTO_MIN":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_RTT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_RTTVAR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_SRC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_SRCMASK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_SSTHRESH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_TAG":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_UNSPEC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTAX_WINDOW":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_ALIGNTO":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_AUTHOR":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_BRD":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_CACHEINFO":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_DST":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_FLOW":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_GATEWAY":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_GENMASK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_IFA":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_IFP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_IIF":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_LABEL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_MAX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_METRICS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_MULTIPATH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_NETMASK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_OIF":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_PREFSRC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_PRIORITY":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_SRC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_SRCMASK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_TABLE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_TAG":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTA_UNSPEC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTCF_DIRECTSRC":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTCF_DOREDIRECT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTCF_LOG":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTCF_MASQ":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTCF_NAT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTCF_VALVE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_ADDRCONF":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_ALLONLINK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_ANNOUNCE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_BLACKHOLE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_BROADCAST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_CACHE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_CLONED":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_CLONING":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_CONDEMNED":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_DEFAULT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_DELCLONE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_DONE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_DYNAMIC":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_FLOW":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_FMASK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_GATEWAY":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_GWFLAG_COMPAT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_HOST":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_IFREF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_IFSCOPE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_INTERFACE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_IRTT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_LINKRT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_LLDATA":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_LLINFO":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_LOCAL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_MASK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_MODIFIED":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_MPATH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_MPLS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_MSS":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_MTU":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_MULTICAST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_NAT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_NOFORWARD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_NONEXTHOP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_NOPMTUDISC":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_PERMANENT_ARP":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_PINNED":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_POLICY":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_PRCLONING":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_PROTO1":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_PROTO2":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_PROTO3":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_REINSTATE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_REJECT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_RNH_LOCKED":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_SOURCE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_SRC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_STATIC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_STICKY":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_THROW":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_TUNNEL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_UP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_USETRAILERS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_WASCLONED":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_WINDOW":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTF_XRESOLVE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_ADD":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_BASE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_CHANGE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_CHGADDR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELACTION":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELADDR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELADDRLABEL":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELETE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELLINK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELMADDR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELNEIGH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELQDISC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELROUTE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELRULE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELTCLASS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DELTFILTER":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_DESYNC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_F_CLONED":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_F_EQUALIZE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_F_NOTIFY":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_F_PREFIX":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GET":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GET2":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETACTION":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETADDR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETADDRLABEL":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETANYCAST":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETDCB":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETLINK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETMULTICAST":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETNEIGH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETNEIGHTBL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETQDISC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETROUTE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETRULE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETTCLASS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_GETTFILTER":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_IEEE80211":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_IFANNOUNCE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_IFINFO":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_IFINFO2":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_LLINFO_UPD":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_LOCK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_LOSING":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_MAX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_MAXSIZE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_MISS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWACTION":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWADDR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWADDRLABEL":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWLINK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWMADDR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWMADDR2":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWNDUSEROPT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWNEIGH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWPREFIX":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWQDISC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWROUTE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWRULE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWTCLASS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NEWTFILTER":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NR_FAMILIES":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_NR_MSGTYPES":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_OIFINFO":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_OLDADD":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_OLDDEL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_OOIFINFO":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_REDIRECT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_RESOLVE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_RTTUNIT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_SETDCB":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_SETGATE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_SETLINK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_SETNEIGHTBL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTM_VERSION":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNH_ALIGNTO":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNH_F_DEAD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNH_F_ONLINK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNH_F_PERVASIVE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_IPV4_IFADDR":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_IPV4_MROUTE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_IPV4_ROUTE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_IPV4_RULE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_IPV6_IFADDR":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_IPV6_IFINFO":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_IPV6_MROUTE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_IPV6_PREFIX":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_IPV6_ROUTE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_IPV6_RULE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_LINK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_ND_USEROPT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_NEIGH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_NONE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_NOTIFY":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTNLGRP_TC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_ANYCAST":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_BLACKHOLE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_BROADCAST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_LOCAL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_MAX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_MULTICAST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_NAT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_PROHIBIT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_THROW":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_UNICAST":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_UNREACHABLE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_UNSPEC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTN_XRESOLVE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_BIRD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_BOOT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_DHCP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_DNROUTED":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_GATED":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_KERNEL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_MRT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_NTK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_RA":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_REDIRECT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_STATIC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_UNSPEC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_XORP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTPROT_ZEBRA":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTV_EXPIRE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTV_HOPCOUNT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTV_MTU":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTV_RPIPE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTV_RTT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTV_RTTVAR":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTV_SPIPE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTV_SSTHRESH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RTV_WEIGHT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_CACHING_CONTEXT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_CLASS_DEFAULT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_CLASS_LOCAL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_CLASS_MAIN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_CLASS_MAX":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_CLASS_UNSPEC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_DEFAULT_FIB":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_NORTREF":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_SCOPE_HOST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_SCOPE_LINK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_SCOPE_NOWHERE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_SCOPE_SITE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_TABLEID_MAX":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_TABLE_COMPAT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_TABLE_DEFAULT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_TABLE_LOCAL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_TABLE_MAIN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_TABLE_MAX":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RT_TABLE_UNSPEC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RUSAGE_CHILDREN":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RUSAGE_SELF":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RUSAGE_THREAD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Radvisory_t":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RawConn":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RawSockaddr":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RawSockaddrAny":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.RawSockaddrDatalink":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.RawSockaddrInet4":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RawSockaddrInet6":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.RawSockaddrLinklayer":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.RawSockaddrNetlink":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.RawSockaddrUnix":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RawSyscall":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.RawSyscall6":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Read":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ReadConsole":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.ReadDirectoryChanges":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.ReadDirent":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.ReadFile":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Readlink":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Reboot":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Recvfrom":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Recvmsg":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.RegCloseKey":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.RegEnumKeyEx":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RegOpenKeyEx":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RegQueryInfoKey":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RegQueryValueEx":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.RemoveDirectory":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.Removexattr":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Rename":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Renameat":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Revoke":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Rlimit":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Rmdir":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.RouteMessage":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.RouteRIB":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RtAttr":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.RtGenmsg":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RtMetrics":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.RtMsg":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.RtMsghdr":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.RtNexthop":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Rusage":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SCM_BINTIME":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SCM_CREDENTIALS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SCM_CREDS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SCM_RIGHTS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SCM_TIMESTAMP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SCM_TIMESTAMPING":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SCM_TIMESTAMPNS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SCM_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SHUT_RD":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SHUT_RDWR":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SHUT_WR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SID":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIDAndAttributes":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGABRT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGALRM":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGBUS":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGCHLD":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGCLD":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGCONT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGEMT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGFPE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGHUP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGILL":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGINFO":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGINT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGIO":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGIOT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGKILL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGLIBRT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGLWP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGPIPE":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGPOLL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGPROF":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGPWR":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGQUIT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGSEGV":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGSTKFLT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGSTOP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGSYS":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGTERM":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGTHR":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGTRAP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGTSTP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGTTIN":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGTTOU":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGUNUSED":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGURG":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGUSR1":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGUSR2":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGVTALRM":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGWINCH":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGXCPU":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIGXFSZ":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCADDDLCI":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCADDMULTI":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCADDRT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCAIFADDR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCAIFGROUP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCALIFADDR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCARPIPLL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCATMARK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCAUTOADDR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCAUTONETMASK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGADD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGADDS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGARL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGDADDR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGDEL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGDELS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGFLUSH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGFRL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGGCACHE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGGFD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGGHT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGGIFFLGS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGGMA":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGGPARAM":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGGPRI":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGGRL":                                  "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGGTO":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGIFS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGRTS":                                  "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGSHT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGSIFCOST":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGSIFFLGS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGSIFPRIO":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGSMA":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGSPRI":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGSPROTO":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGSTO":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCBRDGSTXHC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCDARP":                                     "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCDELMULTI":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCDELRT":                                    "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCDLIFADDR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCDRARP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGARP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGDRVSPEC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGETKALIVE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGETLABEL":                                 "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGETPFSYNC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGETSGCNT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGETVIFCNT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGETVLAN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGHIWAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFADDR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFADDRPREF":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFALIAS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFALTMTU":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFASYNCMAP":                              "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGIFBR":                                    "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGIFCOUNT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFDATA":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFDESCR":                                 "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGIFDLT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFDSTADDR":                               "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGIFFIB":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFFLAGS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFGATTR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFGENERIC":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFGMEMB":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFGROUP":                                 "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGIFHWADDR":                                "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGIFKPI":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFMAC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFMAP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFMEDIA":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFMEM":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFMETRIC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFMTU":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFNAME":                                  "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGIFPFLAGS":                                "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGIFPSRCADDR":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFRDOMAIN":                               "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGIFSLAVE":                                 "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGIFTIMESLOT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFTXQLEN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFVLAN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFWAKEFLAGS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGIFXFLAGS":                                "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGLIFPHYTTL":                               "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGLOWAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGPGRP":                                    "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGPRIVATE_1":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGRARP":                                    "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCGSTAMP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGSTAMPNS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGVH":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCGVNETID":                                  "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCIFCREATE2":                                "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCINITIFADDR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCPROTOPRIVATE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCRSLVMULTI":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCRTMSG":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSARP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSDRVSPEC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSETKALIVE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSETLABEL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSETPFLOW":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSETPFSYNC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSETVLAN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSHIWAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFADDR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFADDRPREF":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFALTMTU":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFASYNCMAP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFBOND":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFBR":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFBRDADDR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFCAP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFDESCR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFDSTADDR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFENCAP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFFIB":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFFLAGS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFGATTR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFGENERIC":                               "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCSIFHWBROADCAST":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFKPI":                                   "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCSIFLLADDR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFMAC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFMAP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFMEDIA":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFMEM":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFMETRIC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFMTU":                                   "syscall",
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+	"syscall.SIOCSIFNETMASK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFPFLAGS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFPHYADDR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFPHYS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFPRIORITY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFRDOMAIN":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFRTLABEL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFRVNET":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFSLAVE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFTIMESLOT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFTXQLEN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFVLAN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFVNET":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSIFXFLAGS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSLIFPHYADDR":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSLIFPHYRTABLE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSLIFPHYTTL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSLINKSTR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSLOWAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSPGRP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSRARP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSSPPPPARAMS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSVH":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCSVNETID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIOCZIFDATA":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER":           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SIO_UDP_CONNRESET":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_CLOEXEC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_DCCP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_DGRAM":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_FLAGS_MASK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_MAXADDRLEN":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_NONBLOCK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_NOSIGPIPE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_PACKET":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_RAW":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_RDM":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_SEQPACKET":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOCK_STREAM":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_AAL":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_ATM":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_DECNET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_ICMPV6":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_IP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_IPV6":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_IRDA":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_PACKET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_RAW":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_SOCKET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_TCP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOL_X25":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SOMAXCONN":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_ACCEPTCONN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_ACCEPTFILTER":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_ATTACH_FILTER":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_BINDANY":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_BINDTODEVICE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_BINTIME":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_BROADCAST":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_BSDCOMPAT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_DEBUG":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_DETACH_FILTER":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_DOMAIN":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_DONTROUTE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_DONTTRUNC":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_ERROR":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_KEEPALIVE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_LABEL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_LINGER":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_LINGER_SEC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_LISTENINCQLEN":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_LISTENQLEN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_LISTENQLIMIT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_MARK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NETPROC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NKE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NOADDRERR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NOHEADER":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NOSIGPIPE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NOTIFYCONFLICT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NO_CHECK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NO_DDP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NO_OFFLOAD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NP_EXTENSIONS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NREAD":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_NWRITE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_OOBINLINE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_OVERFLOWED":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_PASSCRED":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_PASSSEC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_PEERCRED":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_PEERLABEL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_PEERNAME":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_PEERSEC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_PRIORITY":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_PROTOCOL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_PROTOTYPE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_RANDOMPORT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_RCVBUF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_RCVBUFFORCE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_RCVLOWAT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_RCVTIMEO":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_RESTRICTIONS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_RESTRICT_DENYIN":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_RESTRICT_DENYOUT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_RESTRICT_DENYSET":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_REUSEADDR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_REUSEPORT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_REUSESHAREUID":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_RTABLE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_RXQ_OVFL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_NETWORK":               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_TRANSPORT":             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_SETFIB":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_SNDBUF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_SNDBUFFORCE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_SNDLOWAT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_SNDTIMEO":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_SPLICE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_TIMESTAMP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_TIMESTAMPING":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_TIMESTAMPNS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_TYPE":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_USELOOPBACK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_USER_COOKIE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_VENDOR":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_WANTMORE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SO_WANTOOBFLAG":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SSLExtraCertChainPolicyPara":                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.STANDARD_RIGHTS_EXECUTE":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.STD_ERROR_HANDLE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.STD_INPUT_HANDLE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_FORCEMINIMIZE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_HIDE":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_MAXIMIZE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_MINIMIZE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_NORMAL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_RESTORE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_SHOW":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_SHOWDEFAULT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_SHOWNA":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SW_SHOWNORMAL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_DIRECTORY":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYNCHRONIZE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYSCTL_VERSION":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYSCTL_VERS_0":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYSCTL_VERS_1":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYSCTL_VERS_MASK":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ABORT2":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ACCEPT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ACCEPT4":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ACCEPT_NOCANCEL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ACCESS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ACCESS_EXTENDED":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ACCT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ADD_KEY":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ADD_PROFIL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ADJFREQ":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ADJTIME":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ADJTIMEX":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AFS_SYSCALL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AIO_CANCEL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AIO_ERROR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AIO_FSYNC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AIO_READ":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AIO_RETURN":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AIO_SUSPEND":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AIO_SUSPEND_NOCANCEL":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AIO_WRITE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ALARM":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ARCH_PRCTL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ARM_FADVISE64_64":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ARM_SYNC_FILE_RANGE":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ATGETMSG":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ATPGETREQ":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ATPGETRSP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ATPSNDREQ":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ATPSNDRSP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ATPUTMSG":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ATSOCKET":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AUDIT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AUDITCTL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AUDITON":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_JOIN":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_PORT":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_SELF":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_BDFLUSH":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_BIND":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_BINDAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_BREAK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_BRK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_BSDTHREAD_CREATE":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_BSDTHREAD_REGISTER":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_BSDTHREAD_TERMINATE":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAPGET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAPSET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAP_ENTER":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAP_FCNTLS_GET":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAP_FCNTLS_LIMIT":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAP_GETMODE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAP_GETRIGHTS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAP_IOCTLS_GET":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAP_IOCTLS_LIMIT":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAP_NEW":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAP_RIGHTS_GET":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CAP_RIGHTS_LIMIT":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CHDIR":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CHFLAGS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CHFLAGSAT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CHMOD":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CHMOD_EXTENDED":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CHOWN":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CHOWN32":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CHROOT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CHUD":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CLOCK_GETCPUCLOCKID2":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CLOCK_GETRES":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CLONE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CLOSE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CLOSEFROM":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CLOSE_NOCANCEL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CONNECT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CONNECTAT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CONNECT_NOCANCEL":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_COPYFILE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CPUSET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CPUSET_GETAFFINITY":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CPUSET_GETID":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CPUSET_SETAFFINITY":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CPUSET_SETID":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CREAT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CREATE_MODULE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_CSOPS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_DELETE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_DELETE_MODULE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_DUP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_DUP2":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_DUP3":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EACCESS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EPOLL_CREATE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EPOLL_CTL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EPOLL_CTL_OLD":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EPOLL_WAIT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EPOLL_WAIT_OLD":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EVENTFD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EVENTFD2":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXCHANGEDATA":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXECVE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXIT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXIT_GROUP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTRCTL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_DELETE_FD":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_DELETE_FILE":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_DELETE_LINK":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_GET_FD":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_GET_FILE":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_GET_LINK":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_LIST_FD":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_LIST_FILE":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_LIST_LINK":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_SET_FD":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_SET_FILE":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_EXTATTR_SET_LINK":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FACCESSAT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FADVISE64":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FADVISE64_64":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FALLOCATE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCHDIR":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCHFLAGS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCHMOD":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCHMODAT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCHMOD_EXTENDED":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCHOWN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCHOWN32":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCHOWNAT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCHROOT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCNTL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCNTL64":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FCNTL_NOCANCEL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FDATASYNC":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FEXECVE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FFCLOCK_GETCOUNTER":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FFCLOCK_GETESTIMATE":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FFCLOCK_SETESTIMATE":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FFSCTL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FGETATTRLIST":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FGETXATTR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FHOPEN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FHSTAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FHSTATFS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FILEPORT_MAKEFD":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FILEPORT_MAKEPORT":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FKTRACE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FLISTXATTR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FLOCK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FORK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FPATHCONF":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FREEBSD6_FTRUNCATE":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FREEBSD6_LSEEK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FREEBSD6_MMAP":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FREEBSD6_PREAD":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FREEBSD6_PWRITE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FREEBSD6_TRUNCATE":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FREMOVEXATTR":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSCTL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSETATTRLIST":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSETXATTR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSGETPATH":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSTAT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSTAT64":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSTAT64_EXTENDED":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSTATAT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSTATAT64":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSTATFS":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSTATFS64":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSTATV":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSTATVFS1":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSTAT_EXTENDED":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSYNC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSYNC_NOCANCEL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FSYNC_RANGE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FTIME":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FTRUNCATE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FTRUNCATE64":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FUTEX":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FUTIMENS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FUTIMES":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_FUTIMESAT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETATTRLIST":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETAUDIT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETAUDIT_ADDR":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETAUID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETCONTEXT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETCPU":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETCWD":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETDENTS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETDENTS64":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETDIRENTRIES":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETDIRENTRIESATTR":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETDTABLECOUNT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETDTABLESIZE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETEGID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETEGID32":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETEUID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETEUID32":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETFH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETFSSTAT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETFSSTAT64":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETGID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETGID32":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETGROUPS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETGROUPS32":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETHOSTUUID":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETITIMER":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETLCID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETLOGIN":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETLOGINCLASS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETPEERNAME":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETPGID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETPGRP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETPID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETPMSG":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETPPID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETPRIORITY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETRESGID":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETRESGID32":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETRESUID":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETRESUID32":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETRLIMIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETRTABLE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETRUSAGE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETSGROUPS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETSID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETSOCKNAME":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETSOCKOPT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETTHRID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETTID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETUID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETUID32":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETVFSSTAT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETWGROUPS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GETXATTR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GET_THREAD_AREA":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_GTTY":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IDENTITYSVC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IDLE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_INITGROUPS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_INIT_MODULE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_INOTIFY_INIT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IOCTL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IOPERM":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IOPL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IOPOLICYSYS":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IOPRIO_GET":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IOPRIO_SET":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IO_CANCEL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IO_DESTROY":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IO_GETEVENTS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IO_SETUP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IO_SUBMIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_IPC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ISSETUGID":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_JAIL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_JAIL_ATTACH":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_JAIL_GET":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_JAIL_REMOVE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_JAIL_SET":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KDEBUG_TRACE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KENV":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KEVENT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KEVENT64":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KEXEC_LOAD":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KEYCTL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KILL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KLDFIND":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KLDFIRSTMOD":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KLDLOAD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KLDNEXT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KLDSTAT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KLDSYM":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KLDUNLOAD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KLDUNLOADF":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KQUEUE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KQUEUE1":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KTIMER_CREATE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KTIMER_DELETE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KTIMER_GETOVERRUN":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KTIMER_GETTIME":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KTIMER_SETTIME":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_KTRACE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LCHFLAGS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LCHMOD":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LCHOWN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LCHOWN32":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LGETFH":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LGETXATTR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LINK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LINKAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LIO_LISTIO":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LISTEN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LISTXATTR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LLISTXATTR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LOCK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LPATHCONF":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LREMOVEXATTR":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LSEEK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LSETXATTR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LSTAT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LSTAT64":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LSTAT64_EXTENDED":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LSTATV":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LSTAT_EXTENDED":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_LUTIMES":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MAC_SYSCALL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MADVISE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MADVISE1":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MAXSYSCALL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MBIND":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MINCORE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MINHERIT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MKCOMPLEX":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MKDIR":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MKDIRAT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MKDIR_EXTENDED":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MKFIFO":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MKFIFOAT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MKFIFO_EXTENDED":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MKNOD":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MKNODAT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MLOCK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MLOCKALL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MMAP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MMAP2":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MODCTL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MODFIND":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MODFNEXT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MODIFY_LDT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MODNEXT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MODSTAT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MODWATCH":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MOUNT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MOVE_PAGES":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MPROTECT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MPX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MQUERY":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MQ_NOTIFY":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MQ_OPEN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MQ_UNLINK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MREMAP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MSGCTL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MSGGET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MSGRCV":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MSGRCV_NOCANCEL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MSGSND":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MSGSND_NOCANCEL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MSGSYS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MSYNC":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MSYNC_NOCANCEL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MUNLOCK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MUNLOCKALL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_MUNMAP":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NANOSLEEP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NEWFSTATAT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NFSCLNT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NFSSERVCTL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NFSSVC":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NFSTAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NICE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NLSTAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NMOUNT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NSTAT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NTP_ADJTIME":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_NTP_GETTIME":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OABI_SYSCALL_BASE":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OBREAK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OLDFSTAT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OLDLSTAT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OLDOLDUNAME":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OLDSTAT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OLDUNAME":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OPEN":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OPENAT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OPENBSD_POLL":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OPEN_EXTENDED":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OPEN_NOCANCEL":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_OVADVISE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PACCEPT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PATHCONF":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PAUSE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PCICONFIG_IOBASE":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PCICONFIG_READ":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PCICONFIG_WRITE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PDFORK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PDGETPID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PDKILL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PERSONALITY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PID_HIBERNATE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PID_RESUME":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PID_SHUTDOWN_SOCKETS":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PID_SUSPEND":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PIPE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PIPE2":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PIVOT_ROOT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PMC_CONTROL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PMC_GET_INFO":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_POLL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_POLLTS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_POLL_NOCANCEL":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_POSIX_FADVISE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_POSIX_FALLOCATE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_POSIX_OPENPT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_POSIX_SPAWN":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PPOLL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PRCTL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PREAD":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PREAD64":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PREADV":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PREAD_NOCANCEL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PRLIMIT64":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PROCCTL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PROCESS_POLICY":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PROC_INFO":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PROF":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PROFIL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSELECT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSELECT6":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSET_ASSIGN":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSET_CREATE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSET_DESTROY":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_CVBROAD":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_CVCLRPREPOST":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_CVSIGNAL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_CVWAIT":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_MUTEXDROP":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_MUTEXWAIT":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_RW_DOWNGRADE":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_RW_LONGRDLOCK":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_RW_RDLOCK":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UNLOCK":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UNLOCK2":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UPGRADE":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_RW_WRLOCK":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PSYNCH_RW_YIELDWRLOCK":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PTRACE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PUTPMSG":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PWRITE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PWRITE64":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PWRITEV":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_PWRITE_NOCANCEL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_QUERY_MODULE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_QUOTACTL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RASCTL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RCTL_ADD_RULE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RCTL_GET_LIMITS":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RCTL_GET_RACCT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RCTL_GET_RULES":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RCTL_REMOVE_RULE":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_READ":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_READAHEAD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_READDIR":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_READLINK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_READLINKAT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_READV":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_READV_NOCANCEL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_READ_NOCANCEL":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_REBOOT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RECV":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RECVFROM":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RECVFROM_NOCANCEL":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RECVMMSG":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RECVMSG":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RECVMSG_NOCANCEL":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_REMOVEXATTR":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RENAME":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RENAMEAT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_REQUEST_KEY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_REVOKE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RFORK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RMDIR":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RTPRIO":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RTPRIO_THREAD":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RT_SIGACTION":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RT_SIGPENDING":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RT_SIGRETURN":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SBRK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCHED_YIELD":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCTP_GENERIC_RECVMSG":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCTP_GENERIC_SENDMSG":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCTP_GENERIC_SENDMSG_IOV":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SCTP_PEELOFF":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEARCHFS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SECURITY":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SELECT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SELECT_NOCANCEL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEMCONFIG":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEMCTL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEMGET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEMOP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEMSYS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEMTIMEDOP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEM_CLOSE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEM_DESTROY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEM_GETVALUE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEM_INIT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEM_OPEN":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEM_POST":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEM_TRYWAIT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEM_UNLINK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEM_WAIT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEM_WAIT_NOCANCEL":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SEND":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SENDFILE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SENDFILE64":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SENDMMSG":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SENDMSG":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SENDMSG_NOCANCEL":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SENDTO":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SENDTO_NOCANCEL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETATTRLIST":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETAUDIT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETAUDIT_ADDR":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETAUID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETCONTEXT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETDOMAINNAME":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETEGID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETEUID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETFIB":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETFSGID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETFSGID32":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETFSUID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETFSUID32":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETGID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETGID32":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETGROUPS":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETGROUPS32":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETHOSTNAME":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETITIMER":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETLCID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETLOGIN":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETLOGINCLASS":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETNS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETPGID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETPRIORITY":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETPRIVEXEC":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETREGID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETREGID32":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETRESGID":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETRESGID32":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETRESUID":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETRESUID32":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETREUID":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETREUID32":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETRLIMIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETRTABLE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETSGROUPS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETSID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETSOCKOPT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETTID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETTID_WITH_PID":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETUID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETUID32":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETWGROUPS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SETXATTR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SGETMASK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SHARED_REGION_CHECK_NP":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SHARED_REGION_MAP_AND_SLIDE_NP":           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SHMAT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SHMCTL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SHMDT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SHMGET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SHMSYS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SHM_OPEN":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SHM_UNLINK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SHUTDOWN":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGACTION":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGALTSTACK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGNAL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGNALFD":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGNALFD4":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGPENDING":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGPROCMASK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGQUEUE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGQUEUEINFO":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGRETURN":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGSUSPEND":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGSUSPEND_NOCANCEL":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGTIMEDWAIT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGWAIT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SIGWAITINFO":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SOCKET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SOCKETCALL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SOCKETPAIR":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SPLICE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SSETMASK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SSTK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_STACK_SNAPSHOT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_STAT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_STAT64":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_STAT64_EXTENDED":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_STATFS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_STATFS64":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_STATV":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_STATVFS1":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_STAT_EXTENDED":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_STIME":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_STTY":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SWAPCONTEXT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SWAPCTL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SWAPOFF":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SWAPON":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SYMLINK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SYMLINKAT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SYNC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SYNCFS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SYSARCH":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SYSCALL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SYSCALL_BASE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SYSFS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SYSINFO":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_SYSLOG":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TEE":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TGKILL":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_THREAD_SELFID":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_THR_CREATE":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_THR_EXIT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_THR_KILL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_THR_KILL2":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_THR_NEW":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_THR_SELF":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_THR_SET_NAME":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_THR_SUSPEND":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_THR_WAKE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TIME":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TIMER_CREATE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TIMER_DELETE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TIMER_GETTIME":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TIMER_SETTIME":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TIMES":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TKILL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TRUNCATE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TRUNCATE64":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_TUXCALL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UGETRLIMIT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_ULIMIT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UMASK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UMASK_EXTENDED":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UMOUNT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UMOUNT2":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UNAME":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UNDELETE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UNLINK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UNLINKAT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UNMOUNT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UNSHARE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_USELIB":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_USTAT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UTIME":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UTIMENSAT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UTIMES":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UTRACE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_UUIDGEN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_VADVISE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_VFORK":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_VHANGUP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_VM86":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_VM86OLD":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_VMSPLICE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_VM_PRESSURE_MONITOR":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_VSERVER":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WAIT4":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WAIT4_NOCANCEL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WAIT6":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WAITEVENT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WAITID":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WAITID_NOCANCEL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WAITPID":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WATCHEVENT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WORKQ_KERNRETURN":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WORKQ_OPEN":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WRITE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WRITEV":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WRITEV_NOCANCEL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_WRITE_NOCANCEL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS_YIELD":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LLSEEK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_CONTINUE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_CREATE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_CTL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_DETACH":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_EXIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_GETNAME":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_GETPRIVATE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_KILL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_PARK":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_SELF":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_SETNAME":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_SETPRIVATE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_SUSPEND":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_UNPARK":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_UNPARK_ALL":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_WAIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__LWP_WAKEUP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__NEWSELECT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__PSET_BIND":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__SCHED_GETAFFINITY":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__SCHED_GETPARAM":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__SCHED_SETAFFINITY":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__SCHED_SETPARAM":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__SYSCTL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__UMTX_LOCK":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__UMTX_OP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS__UMTX_UNLOCK":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_ACLCHECK_FD":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_ACLCHECK_FILE":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_ACLCHECK_LINK":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_DELETE_FD":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_DELETE_FILE":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_DELETE_LINK":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_GET_FD":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_GET_FILE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_GET_LINK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_SET_FD":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_SET_FILE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___ACL_SET_LINK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___CLONE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___DISABLE_THREADSIGNAL":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___GETCWD":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___GETLOGIN":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___GET_TCB":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_EXECVE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_GETFSSTAT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_GET_FD":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_GET_FILE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_GET_LCID":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_GET_LCTX":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_GET_LINK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_GET_MOUNT":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_GET_PID":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_GET_PROC":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_MOUNT":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_SET_FD":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_SET_FILE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_SET_LCTX":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_SET_LINK":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_SET_PROC":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___MAC_SYSCALL":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___OLD_SEMWAIT_SIGNAL":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___OLD_SEMWAIT_SIGNAL_NOCANCEL":            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___POSIX_CHOWN":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___POSIX_FCHOWN":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___POSIX_LCHOWN":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___POSIX_RENAME":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___PTHREAD_CANCELED":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___PTHREAD_CHDIR":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___PTHREAD_FCHDIR":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___PTHREAD_KILL":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___PTHREAD_MARKCANCEL":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___PTHREAD_SIGMASK":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___QUOTACTL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___SEMCTL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___SEMWAIT_SIGNAL":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___SEMWAIT_SIGNAL_NOCANCEL":                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___SETLOGIN":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___SETUGID":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___SET_TCB":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___SIGACTION_SIGTRAMP":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___SIGTIMEDWAIT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___SIGWAIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___SIGWAIT_NOCANCEL":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___SYSCTL":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___TFORK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___THREXIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___THRSIGDIVERT":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___THRSLEEP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SYS___THRWAKEUP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_ARCH1":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_ARCH2":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_BLKSIZE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IEXEC":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IFBLK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IFCHR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IFDIR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IFIFO":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IFLNK":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IFMT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IFREG":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IFSOCK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IFWHT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IREAD":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IRGRP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IROTH":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IRUSR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IRWXG":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IRWXO":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IRWXU":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_ISGID":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_ISTXT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_ISUID":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_ISVTX":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IWGRP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IWOTH":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IWRITE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IWUSR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IXGRP":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IXOTH":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_IXUSR":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.S_LOGIN_SET":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SecurityAttributes":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.Seek":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Select":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Sendfile":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Sendmsg":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SendmsgN":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Sendto":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Servent":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetBpf":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetBpfBuflen":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetBpfDatalink":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetBpfHeadercmpl":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetBpfImmediate":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetBpfInterface":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetBpfPromisc":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetBpfTimeout":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetCurrentDirectory":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetEndOfFile":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetEnvironmentVariable":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetFileAttributes":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes":           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetFilePointer":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetFileTime":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetHandleInformation":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetKevent":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetLsfPromisc":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetNonblock":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setdomainname":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setegid":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setenv":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Seteuid":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setfsgid":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setfsuid":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setgid":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setgroups":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Sethostname":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setlogin":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setpgid":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setpriority":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setprivexec":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setregid":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setresgid":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setresuid":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setreuid":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setrlimit":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setsid":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setsockopt":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetsockoptByte":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetsockoptICMPv6Filter":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetsockoptIPMreq":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetsockoptIPMreqn":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetsockoptIPv6Mreq":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetsockoptInet4Addr":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetsockoptInt":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetsockoptLinger":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetsockoptString":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SetsockoptTimeval":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.Settimeofday":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setuid":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Setxattr":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Shutdown":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.SidTypeAlias":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SidTypeComputer":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SidTypeDeletedAccount":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SidTypeDomain":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SidTypeGroup":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SidTypeInvalid":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SidTypeLabel":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SidTypeUnknown":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SidTypeUser":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SidTypeWellKnownGroup":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Signal":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofBpfHdr":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofBpfInsn":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofBpfProgram":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofBpfStat":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofBpfVersion":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofBpfZbuf":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofBpfZbufHeader":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofCmsghdr":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofICMPv6Filter":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIPMreq":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIPMreqn":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIPv6MTUInfo":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIPv6Mreq":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIfAddrmsg":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIfAnnounceMsghdr":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIfData":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIfInfomsg":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIfMsghdr":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIfaMsghdr":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIfmaMsghdr":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofIfmaMsghdr2":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofInet4Pktinfo":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofInet6Pktinfo":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofInotifyEvent":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofLinger":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofMsghdr":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofNlAttr":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofNlMsgerr":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofNlMsghdr":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofRtAttr":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofRtGenmsg":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofRtMetrics":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofRtMsg":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofRtMsghdr":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofRtNexthop":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofSockFilter":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofSockFprog":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofSockaddrAny":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofSockaddrDatalink":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofSockaddrInet4":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofSockaddrInet6":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofSockaddrLinklayer":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofSockaddrNetlink":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofSockaddrUnix":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofTCPInfo":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SizeofUcred":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SlicePtrFromStrings":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.SockFilter":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.SockFprog":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.SockaddrDatalink":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.SockaddrGen":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SockaddrInet4":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SockaddrInet6":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SockaddrLinklayer":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.SockaddrNetlink":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.SockaddrUnix":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.Socket":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SocketControlMessage":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SocketDisableIPv6":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.Socketpair":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.Splice":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.StartProcess":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.StartupInfo":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.Stat":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Stat_t":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Statfs":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Statfs_t":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Stderr":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Stdin":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Stdout":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.StringBytePtr":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.StringByteSlice":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.StringSlicePtr":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.StringToSid":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.StringToUTF16":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.StringToUTF16Ptr":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.Symlink":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Sync":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.SyncFileRange":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.SysProcAttr":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.SysProcIDMap":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.Syscall":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Syscall12":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Syscall15":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Syscall6":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Syscall9":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Sysctl":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.SysctlUint32":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.Sysctlnode":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.Sysinfo":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Sysinfo_t":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Systemtime":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCGETS":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCIFLUSH":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCIOFLUSH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCOFLUSH":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCPInfo":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCPKeepalive":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_CA_NAME_MAX":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_CONGCTL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_CONGESTION":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_CORK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_INFO":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_KEEPALIVE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_KEEPCNT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_KEEPIDLE":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_KEEPINIT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_KEEPINTVL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_LINGER2":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MAXBURST":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MAXHLEN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MAXOLEN":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MAXSEG":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MAXWIN":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MAX_SACK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MD5SIG":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MD5SIG_MAXKEYLEN":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MINMSS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MINMSSOVERLOAD":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_MSS":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_NODELAY":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_NOOPT":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_NOPUSH":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_NSTATES":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_QUICKACK":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_RXT_CONNDROPTIME":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_RXT_FINDROP":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_SACK_ENABLE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_SYNCNT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_VENDOR":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCP_WINDOW_CLAMP":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCSAFLUSH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TCSETS":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.TF_DISCONNECT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TF_REUSE_SOCKET":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TF_USE_DEFAULT_WORKER":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.TF_USE_KERNEL_APC":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.TF_USE_SYSTEM_THREAD":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.TF_WRITE_BEHIND":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TH32CS_INHERIT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TH32CS_SNAPALL":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.TH32CS_SNAPMODULE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCCBRK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCCDTR":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCCONS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCDCDTIMESTAMP":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCDRAIN":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCDSIMICROCODE":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCEXCL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCEXT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCFLAG_CDTRCTS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCFLAG_CLOCAL":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCFLAG_CRTSCTS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCFLAG_MDMBUF":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCFLAG_PPS":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCFLAG_SOFTCAR":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCFLUSH":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGDEV":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGDRAINWAIT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGETA":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGETD":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGFLAGS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGICOUNT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGLCKTRMIOS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGLINED":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGPGRP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGPTN":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGQSIZE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGRANTPT":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGRS485":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGSERIAL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGSID":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGSIZE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGSOFTCAR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGTSTAMP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCGWINSZ":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCINQ":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCIXOFF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCIXON":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCLINUX":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCMBIC":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCMBIS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCMGDTRWAIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCMGET":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCMIWAIT":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCMODG":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCMODS":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCMSDTRWAIT":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCMSET":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_CAR":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_CD":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_CTS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_DCD":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_DSR":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_DTR":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_LE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_RI":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_RNG":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_RTS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_SR":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCM_ST":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCNOTTY":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCNXCL":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCOUTQ":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPKT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPKT_DATA":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPKT_DOSTOP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPKT_IOCTL":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPKT_NOSTOP":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPKT_START":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPKT_STOP":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPTMASTER":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPTMGET":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPTSNAME":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPTYGNAME":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPTYGRANT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCPTYUNLK":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCRCVFRAME":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCREMOTE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSBRK":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSCONS":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSCTTY":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSDRAINWAIT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSDTR":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSERCONFIG":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSERGETLSR":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSERGETMULTI":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSERGSTRUCT":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSERGWILD":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSERSETMULTI":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSERSWILD":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSER_TEMT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSETA":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSETAF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSETAW":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSETD":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSFLAGS":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSIG":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSLCKTRMIOS":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSLINED":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSPGRP":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSPTLCK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSQSIZE":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSRS485":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSSERIAL":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSSIZE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSSOFTCAR":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSTART":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSTAT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSTI":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSTOP":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSTSTAMP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCSWINSZ":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCTIMESTAMP":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCUCNTL":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCVHANGUP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TIOCXMTFRAME":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_ADJUST_DEFAULT":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_DUPLICATE":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_EXECUTE":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_IMPERSONATE":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_QUERY":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_QUERY_SOURCE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_READ":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOKEN_WRITE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TOSTOP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.TRUNCATE_EXISTING":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNATTACHFILTER":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNDETACHFILTER":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNGETFEATURES":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNGETIFF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNGETSNDBUF":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNGETVNETHDRSZ":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNSETDEBUG":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNSETGROUP":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNSETIFF":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNSETLINK":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNSETNOCSUM":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNSETOFFLOAD":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNSETOWNER":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNSETPERSIST":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNSETSNDBUF":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNSETTXFILTER":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TUNSETVNETHDRSZ":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.Tee":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.TerminateProcess":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.Termios":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Tgkill":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Time":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.Time_t":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Times":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Timespec":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TimespecToNsec":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.Timeval":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Timeval32":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TimevalToNsec":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Timex":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Timezoneinformation":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.Tms":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.Token":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenAccessInformation":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenAuditPolicy":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenDefaultDacl":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenElevation":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenElevationType":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenGroups":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenGroupsAndPrivileges":                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenHasRestrictions":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenImpersonationLevel":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenIntegrityLevel":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenLinkedToken":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenLogonSid":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenMandatoryPolicy":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenOrigin":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenOwner":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenPrimaryGroup":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenPrivileges":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenRestrictedSids":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenSandBoxInert":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenSessionId":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenSessionReference":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenSource":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenStatistics":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenType":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenUIAccess":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenUser":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenVirtualizationAllowed":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.TokenVirtualizationEnabled":                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.Tokenprimarygroup":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.Tokenuser":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.TranslateAccountName":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.TranslateName":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.TransmitFile":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.TransmitFileBuffers":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.Truncate":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_AND":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_OR":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.UTF16FromString":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.UTF16PtrFromString":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.UTF16ToString":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Ucred":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Umask":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Uname":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Undelete":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.UnixCredentials":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.UnixRights":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.Unlink":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Unlinkat":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.UnmapViewOfFile":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.Unmount":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Unsetenv":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.Unshare":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.UserInfo10":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.Ustat":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Ustat_t":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Utimbuf":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.Utime":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.Utimes":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.UtimesNano":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.Utsname":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.VDISCARD":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.VDSUSP":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.VEOF":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.VEOL":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.VEOL2":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.VERASE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.VERASE2":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.VINTR":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.VKILL":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.VLNEXT":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.VMIN":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.VQUIT":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.VREPRINT":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.VSTART":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.VSTATUS":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.VSTOP":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.VSUSP":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.VSWTC":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.VT0":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.VT1":                                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.VTDLY":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.VTIME":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.VWERASE":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.VirtualLock":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.VirtualUnlock":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.WAIT_ABANDONED":                               "syscall",
+	"syscall.WAIT_FAILED":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.WAIT_OBJECT_0":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.WAIT_TIMEOUT":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.WALL":                                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.WALLSIG":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.WALTSIG":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.WCLONE":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.WCONTINUED":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.WCOREFLAG":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.WEXITED":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.WLINUXCLONE":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.WNOHANG":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.WNOTHREAD":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.WNOWAIT":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.WNOZOMBIE":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.WOPTSCHECKED":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.WORDSIZE":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSABuf":                                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSACleanup":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSADESCRIPTION_LEN":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSAData":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSAEACCES":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSAECONNABORTED":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSAECONNRESET":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSAEnumProtocols":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSAID_CONNECTEX":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSAIoctl":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSAPROTOCOL_LEN":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSAProtocolChain":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSAProtocolInfo":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSARecv":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSARecvFrom":                                  "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSASYS_STATUS_LEN":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSASend":                                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSASendTo":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSASendto":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSAStartup":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.WSTOPPED":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.WTRAPPED":                                     "syscall",
+	"syscall.WUNTRACED":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.Wait4":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.WaitForSingleObject":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.WaitStatus":                                   "syscall",
+	"syscall.Win32FileAttributeData":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.Win32finddata":                                "syscall",
+	"syscall.Write":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.WriteConsole":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.WriteFile":                                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.X509_ASN_ENCODING":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.XCASE":                                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_CONNECTIONLESS":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_CONNECT_DATA":                             "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_DISCONNECT_DATA":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_EXPEDITED_DATA":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_GRACEFUL_CLOSE":                           "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_GUARANTEED_DELIVERY":                      "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_GUARANTEED_ORDER":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_IFS_HANDLES":                              "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_MESSAGE_ORIENTED":                         "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_MULTIPOINT_CONTROL_PLANE":                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_MULTIPOINT_DATA_PLANE":                    "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_PARTIAL_MESSAGE":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_PSEUDO_STREAM":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_QOS_SUPPORTED":                            "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_SAN_SUPPORT_SDP":                          "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_SUPPORT_BROADCAST":                        "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_SUPPORT_MULTIPOINT":                       "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_UNI_RECV":                                 "syscall",
+	"syscall.XP1_UNI_SEND":                                 "syscall",
+	"syslog.Dial":                                          "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_ALERT":                                     "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_AUTH":                                      "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_AUTHPRIV":                                  "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_CRIT":                                      "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_CRON":                                      "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_DAEMON":                                    "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_DEBUG":                                     "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_EMERG":                                     "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_ERR":                                       "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_FTP":                                       "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_INFO":                                      "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_KERN":                                      "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_LOCAL0":                                    "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_LOCAL1":                                    "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_LOCAL2":                                    "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_LOCAL3":                                    "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_LOCAL4":                                    "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_LOCAL5":                                    "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_LOCAL6":                                    "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_LOCAL7":                                    "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_LPR":                                       "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_MAIL":                                      "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_NEWS":                                      "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_NOTICE":                                    "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_SYSLOG":                                    "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_USER":                                      "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_UUCP":                                      "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.LOG_WARNING":                                   "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.New":                                           "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.NewLogger":                                     "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.Priority":                                      "log/syslog",
+	"syslog.Writer":                                        "log/syslog",
+	"tabwriter.AlignRight":                                 "text/tabwriter",
+	"tabwriter.Debug":                                      "text/tabwriter",
+	"tabwriter.DiscardEmptyColumns":                        "text/tabwriter",
+	"tabwriter.Escape":                                     "text/tabwriter",
+	"tabwriter.FilterHTML":                                 "text/tabwriter",
+	"tabwriter.NewWriter":                                  "text/tabwriter",
+	"tabwriter.StripEscape":                                "text/tabwriter",
+	"tabwriter.TabIndent":                                  "text/tabwriter",
+	"tabwriter.Writer":                                     "text/tabwriter",
+	"tar.ErrFieldTooLong":                                  "archive/tar",
+	"tar.ErrHeader":                                        "archive/tar",
+	"tar.ErrWriteAfterClose":                               "archive/tar",
+	"tar.ErrWriteTooLong":                                  "archive/tar",
+	"tar.FileInfoHeader":                                   "archive/tar",
+	"tar.Format":                                           "archive/tar",
+	"tar.FormatGNU":                                        "archive/tar",
+	"tar.FormatPAX":                                        "archive/tar",
+	"tar.FormatUSTAR":                                      "archive/tar",
+	"tar.FormatUnknown":                                    "archive/tar",
+	"tar.Header":                                           "archive/tar",
+	"tar.NewReader":                                        "archive/tar",
+	"tar.NewWriter":                                        "archive/tar",
+	"tar.Reader":                                           "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeBlock":                                        "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeChar":                                         "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeCont":                                         "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeDir":                                          "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeFifo":                                         "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeGNULongLink":                                  "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeGNULongName":                                  "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeGNUSparse":                                    "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeLink":                                         "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeReg":                                          "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeRegA":                                         "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeSymlink":                                      "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeXGlobalHeader":                                "archive/tar",
+	"tar.TypeXHeader":                                      "archive/tar",
+	"tar.Writer":                                           "archive/tar",
+	"template.CSS":                                         "html/template",
+	"template.ErrAmbigContext":                             "html/template",
+	"template.ErrBadHTML":                                  "html/template",
+	"template.ErrBranchEnd":                                "html/template",
+	"template.ErrEndContext":                               "html/template",
+	"template.ErrNoSuchTemplate":                           "html/template",
+	"template.ErrOutputContext":                            "html/template",
+	"template.ErrPartialCharset":                           "html/template",
+	"template.ErrPartialEscape":                            "html/template",
+	"template.ErrPredefinedEscaper":                        "html/template",
+	"template.ErrRangeLoopReentry":                         "html/template",
+	"template.ErrSlashAmbig":                               "html/template",
+	"template.Error":                                       "html/template",
+	"template.ErrorCode":                                   "html/template",
+	"template.ExecError":                                   "text/template",
+	// "template.FuncMap" is ambiguous
+	"template.HTML":     "html/template",
+	"template.HTMLAttr": "html/template",
+	// "template.HTMLEscape" is ambiguous
+	// "template.HTMLEscapeString" is ambiguous
+	// "template.HTMLEscaper" is ambiguous
+	// "template.IsTrue" is ambiguous
+	"template.JS": "html/template",
+	// "template.JSEscape" is ambiguous
+	// "template.JSEscapeString" is ambiguous
+	// "template.JSEscaper" is ambiguous
+	"template.JSStr": "html/template",
+	// "template.Must" is ambiguous
+	// "template.New" is ambiguous
+	"template.OK": "html/template",
+	// "template.ParseFiles" is ambiguous
+	// "template.ParseGlob" is ambiguous
+	"template.Srcset": "html/template",
+	// "template.Template" is ambiguous
+	"template.URL": "html/template",
+	// "template.URLQueryEscaper" is ambiguous
+	"testing.AllocsPerRun":                           "testing",
+	"testing.B":                                      "testing",
+	"testing.Benchmark":                              "testing",
+	"testing.BenchmarkResult":                        "testing",
+	"testing.Cover":                                  "testing",
+	"testing.CoverBlock":                             "testing",
+	"testing.CoverMode":                              "testing",
+	"testing.Coverage":                               "testing",
+	"testing.InternalBenchmark":                      "testing",
+	"testing.InternalExample":                        "testing",
+	"testing.InternalTest":                           "testing",
+	"testing.M":                                      "testing",
+	"testing.Main":                                   "testing",
+	"testing.MainStart":                              "testing",
+	"testing.PB":                                     "testing",
+	"testing.RegisterCover":                          "testing",
+	"testing.RunBenchmarks":                          "testing",
+	"testing.RunExamples":                            "testing",
+	"testing.RunTests":                               "testing",
+	"testing.Short":                                  "testing",
+	"testing.T":                                      "testing",
+	"testing.Verbose":                                "testing",
+	"textproto.CanonicalMIMEHeaderKey":               "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.Conn":                                 "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.Dial":                                 "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.Error":                                "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.MIMEHeader":                           "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.NewConn":                              "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.NewReader":                            "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.NewWriter":                            "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.Pipeline":                             "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.ProtocolError":                        "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.Reader":                               "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.TrimBytes":                            "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.TrimString":                           "net/textproto",
+	"textproto.Writer":                               "net/textproto",
+	"time.ANSIC":                                     "time",
+	"time.After":                                     "time",
+	"time.AfterFunc":                                 "time",
+	"time.April":                                     "time",
+	"time.August":                                    "time",
+	"time.Date":                                      "time",
+	"time.December":                                  "time",
+	"time.Duration":                                  "time",
+	"time.February":                                  "time",
+	"time.FixedZone":                                 "time",
+	"time.Friday":                                    "time",
+	"time.Hour":                                      "time",
+	"time.January":                                   "time",
+	"time.July":                                      "time",
+	"time.June":                                      "time",
+	"time.Kitchen":                                   "time",
+	"time.LoadLocation":                              "time",
+	"time.LoadLocationFromTZData":                    "time",
+	"time.Local":                                     "time",
+	"time.Location":                                  "time",
+	"time.March":                                     "time",
+	"time.May":                                       "time",
+	"time.Microsecond":                               "time",
+	"time.Millisecond":                               "time",
+	"time.Minute":                                    "time",
+	"time.Monday":                                    "time",
+	"time.Month":                                     "time",
+	"time.Nanosecond":                                "time",
+	"time.NewTicker":                                 "time",
+	"time.NewTimer":                                  "time",
+	"time.November":                                  "time",
+	"time.Now":                                       "time",
+	"time.October":                                   "time",
+	"time.Parse":                                     "time",
+	"time.ParseDuration":                             "time",
+	"time.ParseError":                                "time",
+	"time.ParseInLocation":                           "time",
+	"time.RFC1123":                                   "time",
+	"time.RFC1123Z":                                  "time",
+	"time.RFC3339":                                   "time",
+	"time.RFC3339Nano":                               "time",
+	"time.RFC822":                                    "time",
+	"time.RFC822Z":                                   "time",
+	"time.RFC850":                                    "time",
+	"time.RubyDate":                                  "time",
+	"time.Saturday":                                  "time",
+	"time.Second":                                    "time",
+	"time.September":                                 "time",
+	"time.Since":                                     "time",
+	"time.Sleep":                                     "time",
+	"time.Stamp":                                     "time",
+	"time.StampMicro":                                "time",
+	"time.StampMilli":                                "time",
+	"time.StampNano":                                 "time",
+	"time.Sunday":                                    "time",
+	"time.Thursday":                                  "time",
+	"time.Tick":                                      "time",
+	"time.Ticker":                                    "time",
+	"time.Time":                                      "time",
+	"time.Timer":                                     "time",
+	"time.Tuesday":                                   "time",
+	"time.UTC":                                       "time",
+	"time.Unix":                                      "time",
+	"time.UnixDate":                                  "time",
+	"time.Until":                                     "time",
+	"time.Wednesday":                                 "time",
+	"time.Weekday":                                   "time",
+	"tls.Certificate":                                "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.CertificateRequestInfo":                     "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.Client":                                     "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.ClientAuthType":                             "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.ClientHelloInfo":                            "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.ClientSessionCache":                         "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.ClientSessionState":                         "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.Config":                                     "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.Conn":                                       "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.ConnectionState":                            "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.CurveID":                                    "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.CurveP256":                                  "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.CurveP384":                                  "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.CurveP521":                                  "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.Dial":                                       "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.DialWithDialer":                             "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.ECDSAWithP256AndSHA256":                     "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.ECDSAWithP384AndSHA384":                     "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.ECDSAWithP521AndSHA512":                     "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.ECDSAWithSHA1":                              "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.Listen":                                     "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.LoadX509KeyPair":                            "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.NewLRUClientSessionCache":                   "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.NewListener":                                "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.NoClientCert":                               "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.PKCS1WithSHA1":                              "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.PKCS1WithSHA256":                            "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.PKCS1WithSHA384":                            "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.PKCS1WithSHA512":                            "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.PSSWithSHA256":                              "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.PSSWithSHA384":                              "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.PSSWithSHA512":                              "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.RecordHeaderError":                          "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.RenegotiateFreelyAsClient":                  "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.RenegotiateNever":                           "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.RenegotiateOnceAsClient":                    "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.RenegotiationSupport":                       "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.RequestClientCert":                          "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert":                 "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.RequireAnyClientCert":                       "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.Server":                                     "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.SignatureScheme":                            "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA":       "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256":    "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256":    "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA":       "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384":    "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305":     "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA":           "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA":        "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA":         "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256":      "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256":      "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA":         "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384":      "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305":       "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA":             "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV":                          "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA":              "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA":               "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256":            "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256":            "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA":               "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384":            "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA":                   "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.VerifyClientCertIfGiven":                    "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.VersionSSL30":                               "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.VersionTLS10":                               "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.VersionTLS11":                               "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.VersionTLS12":                               "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.X25519":                                     "crypto/tls",
+	"tls.X509KeyPair":                                "crypto/tls",
+	"token.ADD":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.ADD_ASSIGN":                               "go/token",
+	"token.AND":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.AND_ASSIGN":                               "go/token",
+	"token.AND_NOT":                                  "go/token",
+	"token.AND_NOT_ASSIGN":                           "go/token",
+	"token.ARROW":                                    "go/token",
+	"token.ASSIGN":                                   "go/token",
+	"token.BREAK":                                    "go/token",
+	"token.CASE":                                     "go/token",
+	"token.CHAN":                                     "go/token",
+	"token.CHAR":                                     "go/token",
+	"token.COLON":                                    "go/token",
+	"token.COMMA":                                    "go/token",
+	"token.COMMENT":                                  "go/token",
+	"token.CONST":                                    "go/token",
+	"token.CONTINUE":                                 "go/token",
+	"token.DEC":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.DEFAULT":                                  "go/token",
+	"token.DEFER":                                    "go/token",
+	"token.DEFINE":                                   "go/token",
+	"token.ELLIPSIS":                                 "go/token",
+	"token.ELSE":                                     "go/token",
+	"token.EOF":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.EQL":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.FALLTHROUGH":                              "go/token",
+	"token.FLOAT":                                    "go/token",
+	"token.FOR":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.FUNC":                                     "go/token",
+	"token.File":                                     "go/token",
+	"token.FileSet":                                  "go/token",
+	"token.GEQ":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.GO":                                       "go/token",
+	"token.GOTO":                                     "go/token",
+	"token.GTR":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.HighestPrec":                              "go/token",
+	"token.IDENT":                                    "go/token",
+	"token.IF":                                       "go/token",
+	"token.ILLEGAL":                                  "go/token",
+	"token.IMAG":                                     "go/token",
+	"token.IMPORT":                                   "go/token",
+	"token.INC":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.INT":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.INTERFACE":                                "go/token",
+	"token.LAND":                                     "go/token",
+	"token.LBRACE":                                   "go/token",
+	"token.LBRACK":                                   "go/token",
+	"token.LEQ":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.LOR":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.LPAREN":                                   "go/token",
+	"token.LSS":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.Lookup":                                   "go/token",
+	"token.LowestPrec":                               "go/token",
+	"token.MAP":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.MUL":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.MUL_ASSIGN":                               "go/token",
+	"token.NEQ":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.NOT":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.NewFileSet":                               "go/token",
+	"token.NoPos":                                    "go/token",
+	"token.OR":                                       "go/token",
+	"token.OR_ASSIGN":                                "go/token",
+	"token.PACKAGE":                                  "go/token",
+	"token.PERIOD":                                   "go/token",
+	"token.Pos":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.Position":                                 "go/token",
+	"token.QUO":                                      "go/token",
+	"token.QUO_ASSIGN":                               "go/token",
+	"token.RANGE":                                    "go/token",
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+	"x509.DecryptPEMBlock":                           "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ECDSA":                                     "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ECDSAWithSHA1":                             "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ECDSAWithSHA256":                           "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ECDSAWithSHA384":                           "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ECDSAWithSHA512":                           "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.EncryptPEMBlock":                           "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ErrUnsupportedAlgorithm":                   "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.Expired":                                   "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsage":                               "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageAny":                            "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth":                     "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageCodeSigning":                    "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageEmailProtection":                "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageIPSECEndSystem":                 "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageIPSECTunnel":                    "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageIPSECUser":                      "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageMicrosoftCommercialCodeSigning": "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageMicrosoftKernelCodeSigning":     "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageMicrosoftServerGatedCrypto":     "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageNetscapeServerGatedCrypto":      "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageOCSPSigning":                    "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth":                     "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ExtKeyUsageTimeStamping":                   "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.HostnameError":                             "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.IncompatibleUsage":                         "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.IncorrectPasswordError":                    "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.InsecureAlgorithmError":                    "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.InvalidReason":                             "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.IsEncryptedPEMBlock":                       "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.KeyUsage":                                  "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.KeyUsageCRLSign":                           "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.KeyUsageCertSign":                          "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.KeyUsageContentCommitment":                 "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.KeyUsageDataEncipherment":                  "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.KeyUsageDecipherOnly":                      "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature":                  "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.KeyUsageEncipherOnly":                      "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.KeyUsageKeyAgreement":                      "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment":                   "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.MD2WithRSA":                                "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.MD5WithRSA":                                "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.MarshalECPrivateKey":                       "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.MarshalPKCS1PrivateKey":                    "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.MarshalPKCS1PublicKey":                     "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.MarshalPKCS8PrivateKey":                    "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey":                      "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.NameConstraintsWithoutSANs":                "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.NameMismatch":                              "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.NewCertPool":                               "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.NotAuthorizedToSign":                       "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.PEMCipher":                                 "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.PEMCipher3DES":                             "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.PEMCipherAES128":                           "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.PEMCipherAES192":                           "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.PEMCipherAES256":                           "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.PEMCipherDES":                              "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ParseCRL":                                  "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ParseCertificate":                          "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ParseCertificateRequest":                   "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ParseCertificates":                         "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ParseDERCRL":                               "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ParseECPrivateKey":                         "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ParsePKCS1PrivateKey":                      "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ParsePKCS1PublicKey":                       "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ParsePKCS8PrivateKey":                      "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey":                        "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.PublicKeyAlgorithm":                        "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.RSA":                                       "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.SHA1WithRSA":                               "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.SHA256WithRSA":                             "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.SHA256WithRSAPSS":                          "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.SHA384WithRSA":                             "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.SHA384WithRSAPSS":                          "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.SHA512WithRSA":                             "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.SHA512WithRSAPSS":                          "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.SignatureAlgorithm":                        "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.SystemCertPool":                            "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.SystemRootsError":                          "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.TooManyConstraints":                        "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.TooManyIntermediates":                      "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.UnconstrainedName":                         "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.UnhandledCriticalExtension":                "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.UnknownAuthorityError":                     "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.UnknownPublicKeyAlgorithm":                 "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.UnknownSignatureAlgorithm":                 "crypto/x509",
+	"x509.VerifyOptions":                             "crypto/x509",
+	"xml.Attr":                                       "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.CharData":                                   "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Comment":                                    "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.CopyToken":                                  "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Decoder":                                    "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Directive":                                  "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Encoder":                                    "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.EndElement":                                 "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Escape":                                     "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.EscapeText":                                 "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.HTMLAutoClose":                              "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.HTMLEntity":                                 "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Header":                                     "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Marshal":                                    "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.MarshalIndent":                              "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Marshaler":                                  "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.MarshalerAttr":                              "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Name":                                       "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.NewDecoder":                                 "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.NewEncoder":                                 "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.NewTokenDecoder":                            "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.ProcInst":                                   "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.StartElement":                               "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.SyntaxError":                                "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.TagPathError":                               "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Token":                                      "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.TokenReader":                                "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Unmarshal":                                  "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.UnmarshalError":                             "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.Unmarshaler":                                "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.UnmarshalerAttr":                            "encoding/xml",
+	"xml.UnsupportedTypeError":                       "encoding/xml",
+	"zip.Compressor":                                 "archive/zip",
+	"zip.Decompressor":                               "archive/zip",
+	"zip.Deflate":                                    "archive/zip",
+	"zip.ErrAlgorithm":                               "archive/zip",
+	"zip.ErrChecksum":                                "archive/zip",
+	"zip.ErrFormat":                                  "archive/zip",
+	"zip.File":                                       "archive/zip",
+	"zip.FileHeader":                                 "archive/zip",
+	"zip.FileInfoHeader":                             "archive/zip",
+	"zip.NewReader":                                  "archive/zip",
+	"zip.NewWriter":                                  "archive/zip",
+	"zip.OpenReader":                                 "archive/zip",
+	"zip.ReadCloser":                                 "archive/zip",
+	"zip.Reader":                                     "archive/zip",
+	"zip.RegisterCompressor":                         "archive/zip",
+	"zip.RegisterDecompressor":                       "archive/zip",
+	"zip.Store":                                      "archive/zip",
+	"zip.Writer":                                     "archive/zip",
+	"zlib.BestCompression":                           "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.BestSpeed":                                 "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.DefaultCompression":                        "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.ErrChecksum":                               "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.ErrDictionary":                             "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.ErrHeader":                                 "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.HuffmanOnly":                               "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.NewReader":                                 "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.NewReaderDict":                             "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.NewWriter":                                 "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.NewWriterLevel":                            "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.NewWriterLevelDict":                        "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.NoCompression":                             "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.Resetter":                                  "compress/zlib",
+	"zlib.Writer":                                    "compress/zlib",
+	"unsafe.Alignof":       "unsafe",
+	"unsafe.ArbitraryType": "unsafe",
+	"unsafe.Offsetof":      "unsafe",
+	"unsafe.Pointer":       "unsafe",
+	"unsafe.Sizeof":        "unsafe",
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package fastwalk provides a faster version of filepath.Walk for file system
+// scanning tools.
+package fastwalk
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"runtime"
+	"sync"
+// TraverseLink is used as a return value from WalkFuncs to indicate that the
+// symlink named in the call may be traversed.
+var TraverseLink = errors.New("fastwalk: traverse symlink, assuming target is a directory")
+// Walk is a faster implementation of filepath.Walk.
+// filepath.Walk's design necessarily calls os.Lstat on each file,
+// even if the caller needs less info.
+// Many tools need only the type of each file.
+// On some platforms, this information is provided directly by the readdir
+// system call, avoiding the need to stat each file individually.
+// fastwalk_unix.go contains a fork of the syscall routines.
+// See
+// Walk walks the file tree rooted at root, calling walkFn for
+// each file or directory in the tree, including root.
+// If fastWalk returns filepath.SkipDir, the directory is skipped.
+// Unlike filepath.Walk:
+//   * file stat calls must be done by the user.
+//     The only provided metadata is the file type, which does not include
+//     any permission bits.
+//   * multiple goroutines stat the filesystem concurrently. The provided
+//     walkFn must be safe for concurrent use.
+//   * fastWalk can follow symlinks if walkFn returns the TraverseLink
+//     sentinel error. It is the walkFn's responsibility to prevent
+//     fastWalk from going into symlink cycles.
+func Walk(root string, walkFn func(path string, typ os.FileMode) error) error {
+	// TODO(bradfitz): make numWorkers configurable? We used a
+	// minimum of 4 to give the kernel more info about multiple
+	// things we want, in hopes its I/O scheduling can take
+	// advantage of that. Hopefully most are in cache. Maybe 4 is
+	// even too low of a minimum. Profile more.
+	numWorkers := 4
+	if n := runtime.NumCPU(); n > numWorkers {
+		numWorkers = n
+	}
+	// Make sure to wait for all workers to finish, otherwise
+	// walkFn could still be called after returning. This Wait call
+	// runs after close(e.donec) below.
+	var wg sync.WaitGroup
+	defer wg.Wait()
+	w := &walker{
+		fn:       walkFn,
+		enqueuec: make(chan walkItem, numWorkers), // buffered for performance
+		workc:    make(chan walkItem, numWorkers), // buffered for performance
+		donec:    make(chan struct{}),
+		// buffered for correctness & not leaking goroutines:
+		resc: make(chan error, numWorkers),
+	}
+	defer close(w.donec)
+	for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
+		wg.Add(1)
+		go w.doWork(&wg)
+	}
+	todo := []walkItem{{dir: root}}
+	out := 0
+	for {
+		workc := w.workc
+		var workItem walkItem
+		if len(todo) == 0 {
+			workc = nil
+		} else {
+			workItem = todo[len(todo)-1]
+		}
+		select {
+		case workc <- workItem:
+			todo = todo[:len(todo)-1]
+			out++
+		case it := <-w.enqueuec:
+			todo = append(todo, it)
+		case err := <-w.resc:
+			out--
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+			if out == 0 && len(todo) == 0 {
+				// It's safe to quit here, as long as the buffered
+				// enqueue channel isn't also readable, which might
+				// happen if the worker sends both another unit of
+				// work and its result before the other select was
+				// scheduled and both w.resc and w.enqueuec were
+				// readable.
+				select {
+				case it := <-w.enqueuec:
+					todo = append(todo, it)
+				default:
+					return nil
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// doWork reads directories as instructed (via workc) and runs the
+// user's callback function.
+func (w *walker) doWork(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
+	defer wg.Done()
+	for {
+		select {
+		case <-w.donec:
+			return
+		case it := <-w.workc:
+			select {
+			case <-w.donec:
+				return
+			case w.resc <- w.walk(it.dir, !it.callbackDone):
+			}
+		}
+	}
+type walker struct {
+	fn func(path string, typ os.FileMode) error
+	donec    chan struct{} // closed on fastWalk's return
+	workc    chan walkItem // to workers
+	enqueuec chan walkItem // from workers
+	resc     chan error    // from workers
+type walkItem struct {
+	dir          string
+	callbackDone bool // callback already called; don't do it again
+func (w *walker) enqueue(it walkItem) {
+	select {
+	case w.enqueuec <- it:
+	case <-w.donec:
+	}
+func (w *walker) onDirEnt(dirName, baseName string, typ os.FileMode) error {
+	joined := dirName + string(os.PathSeparator) + baseName
+	if typ == os.ModeDir {
+		w.enqueue(walkItem{dir: joined})
+		return nil
+	}
+	err := w.fn(joined, typ)
+	if typ == os.ModeSymlink {
+		if err == TraverseLink {
+			// Set callbackDone so we don't call it twice for both the
+			// symlink-as-symlink and the symlink-as-directory later:
+			w.enqueue(walkItem{dir: joined, callbackDone: true})
+			return nil
+		}
+		if err == filepath.SkipDir {
+			// Permit SkipDir on symlinks too.
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+	return err
+func (w *walker) walk(root string, runUserCallback bool) error {
+	if runUserCallback {
+		err := w.fn(root, os.ModeDir)
+		if err == filepath.SkipDir {
+			return nil
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return readDir(root, w.onDirEnt)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccffec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build freebsd openbsd netbsd
+package fastwalk
+import "syscall"
+func direntInode(dirent *syscall.Dirent) uint64 {
+	return uint64(dirent.Fileno)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab7fbc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build linux darwin
+// +build !appengine
+package fastwalk
+import "syscall"
+func direntInode(dirent *syscall.Dirent) uint64 {
+	return uint64(dirent.Ino)
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8ea50d
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build appengine !linux,!darwin,!freebsd,!openbsd,!netbsd
+package fastwalk
+import (
+	"io/ioutil"
+	"os"
+// readDir calls fn for each directory entry in dirName.
+// It does not descend into directories or follow symlinks.
+// If fn returns a non-nil error, readDir returns with that error
+// immediately.
+func readDir(dirName string, fn func(dirName, entName string, typ os.FileMode) error) error {
+	fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dirName)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	for _, fi := range fis {
+		if err := fn(dirName, fi.Name(), fi.Mode()&os.ModeType); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67db6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build linux darwin freebsd openbsd netbsd
+// +build !appengine
+package fastwalk
+import (
+	"bytes"
+	"fmt"
+	"os"
+	"syscall"
+	"unsafe"
+const blockSize = 8 << 10
+// unknownFileMode is a sentinel (and bogus) os.FileMode
+// value used to represent a syscall.DT_UNKNOWN Dirent.Type.
+const unknownFileMode os.FileMode = os.ModeNamedPipe | os.ModeSocket | os.ModeDevice
+func readDir(dirName string, fn func(dirName, entName string, typ os.FileMode) error) error {
+	fd, err := syscall.Open(dirName, 0, 0)
+	if err != nil {
+		return &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: dirName, Err: err}
+	}
+	defer syscall.Close(fd)
+	// The buffer must be at least a block long.
+	buf := make([]byte, blockSize) // stack-allocated; doesn't escape
+	bufp := 0                      // starting read position in buf
+	nbuf := 0                      // end valid data in buf
+	for {
+		if bufp >= nbuf {
+			bufp = 0
+			nbuf, err = syscall.ReadDirent(fd, buf)
+			if err != nil {
+				return os.NewSyscallError("readdirent", err)
+			}
+			if nbuf <= 0 {
+				return nil
+			}
+		}
+		consumed, name, typ := parseDirEnt(buf[bufp:nbuf])
+		bufp += consumed
+		if name == "" || name == "." || name == ".." {
+			continue
+		}
+		// Fallback for filesystems (like old XFS) that don't
+		// support Dirent.Type and have DT_UNKNOWN (0) there
+		// instead.
+		if typ == unknownFileMode {
+			fi, err := os.Lstat(dirName + "/" + name)
+			if err != nil {
+				// It got deleted in the meantime.
+				if os.IsNotExist(err) {
+					continue
+				}
+				return err
+			}
+			typ = fi.Mode() & os.ModeType
+		}
+		if err := fn(dirName, name, typ); err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+func parseDirEnt(buf []byte) (consumed int, name string, typ os.FileMode) {
+	//
+	dirent := (*syscall.Dirent)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
+	if v := unsafe.Offsetof(dirent.Reclen) + unsafe.Sizeof(dirent.Reclen); uintptr(len(buf)) < v {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("buf size of %d smaller than dirent header size %d", len(buf), v))
+	}
+	if len(buf) < int(dirent.Reclen) {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("buf size %d < record length %d", len(buf), dirent.Reclen))
+	}
+	consumed = int(dirent.Reclen)
+	if direntInode(dirent) == 0 { // File absent in directory.
+		return
+	}
+	switch dirent.Type {
+	case syscall.DT_REG:
+		typ = 0
+	case syscall.DT_DIR:
+		typ = os.ModeDir
+	case syscall.DT_LNK:
+		typ = os.ModeSymlink
+	case syscall.DT_BLK:
+		typ = os.ModeDevice
+	case syscall.DT_FIFO:
+		typ = os.ModeNamedPipe
+	case syscall.DT_SOCK:
+		typ = os.ModeSocket
+	case syscall.DT_UNKNOWN:
+		typ = unknownFileMode
+	default:
+		// Skip weird things.
+		// It's probably a DT_WHT (
+		// or something. Revisit if/when this package is moved outside
+		// of goimports. goimports only cares about regular files,
+		// symlinks, and directories.
+		return
+	}
+	nameBuf := (*[unsafe.Sizeof(dirent.Name)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&dirent.Name[0]))
+	nameLen := bytes.IndexByte(nameBuf[:], 0)
+	if nameLen < 0 {
+		panic("failed to find terminating 0 byte in dirent")
+	}
+	// Special cases for common things:
+	if nameLen == 1 && nameBuf[0] == '.' {
+		name = "."
+	} else if nameLen == 2 && nameBuf[0] == '.' && nameBuf[1] == '.' {
+		name = ".."
+	} else {
+		name = string(nameBuf[:nameLen])
+	}
+	return
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Guy Bedford, Luke Hoban, Addy Osmani
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
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+Apache License
+Version 2.0, January 2004
+1. Definitions.
+"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License.
+"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files.
+"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types.
+"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
+4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You meet the following conditions:
+You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that You changed the files; and
+You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works; and
+If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with the conditions stated in this License.
+5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
+6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
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diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e648283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Authors. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+   * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.
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