git subrepo clone (merge) metrics-server

  subdir:   "metrics-server"
  merged:   "92d8412"
  origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "92d8412"
  version:  "0.4.0"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
diff --git a/metrics-server/vendor/ b/metrics-server/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..651bf68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metrics-server/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The Prometheus Authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Package nfs implements parsing of /proc/net/rpc/nfsd.
+// Fields are documented in
+package nfs
+// ReplyCache models the "rc" line.
+type ReplyCache struct {
+	Hits    uint64
+	Misses  uint64
+	NoCache uint64
+// FileHandles models the "fh" line.
+type FileHandles struct {
+	Stale        uint64
+	TotalLookups uint64
+	AnonLookups  uint64
+	DirNoCache   uint64
+	NoDirNoCache uint64
+// InputOutput models the "io" line.
+type InputOutput struct {
+	Read  uint64
+	Write uint64
+// Threads models the "th" line.
+type Threads struct {
+	Threads uint64
+	FullCnt uint64
+// ReadAheadCache models the "ra" line.
+type ReadAheadCache struct {
+	CacheSize      uint64
+	CacheHistogram []uint64
+	NotFound       uint64
+// Network models the "net" line.
+type Network struct {
+	NetCount   uint64
+	UDPCount   uint64
+	TCPCount   uint64
+	TCPConnect uint64
+// ClientRPC models the nfs "rpc" line.
+type ClientRPC struct {
+	RPCCount        uint64
+	Retransmissions uint64
+	AuthRefreshes   uint64
+// ServerRPC models the nfsd "rpc" line.
+type ServerRPC struct {
+	RPCCount uint64
+	BadCnt   uint64
+	BadFmt   uint64
+	BadAuth  uint64
+	BadcInt  uint64
+// V2Stats models the "proc2" line.
+type V2Stats struct {
+	Null     uint64
+	GetAttr  uint64
+	SetAttr  uint64
+	Root     uint64
+	Lookup   uint64
+	ReadLink uint64
+	Read     uint64
+	WrCache  uint64
+	Write    uint64
+	Create   uint64
+	Remove   uint64
+	Rename   uint64
+	Link     uint64
+	SymLink  uint64
+	MkDir    uint64
+	RmDir    uint64
+	ReadDir  uint64
+	FsStat   uint64
+// V3Stats models the "proc3" line.
+type V3Stats struct {
+	Null        uint64
+	GetAttr     uint64
+	SetAttr     uint64
+	Lookup      uint64
+	Access      uint64
+	ReadLink    uint64
+	Read        uint64
+	Write       uint64
+	Create      uint64
+	MkDir       uint64
+	SymLink     uint64
+	MkNod       uint64
+	Remove      uint64
+	RmDir       uint64
+	Rename      uint64
+	Link        uint64
+	ReadDir     uint64
+	ReadDirPlus uint64
+	FsStat      uint64
+	FsInfo      uint64
+	PathConf    uint64
+	Commit      uint64
+// ClientV4Stats models the nfs "proc4" line.
+type ClientV4Stats struct {
+	Null               uint64
+	Read               uint64
+	Write              uint64
+	Commit             uint64
+	Open               uint64
+	OpenConfirm        uint64
+	OpenNoattr         uint64
+	OpenDowngrade      uint64
+	Close              uint64
+	Setattr            uint64
+	FsInfo             uint64
+	Renew              uint64
+	SetClientID        uint64
+	SetClientIDConfirm uint64
+	Lock               uint64
+	Lockt              uint64
+	Locku              uint64
+	Access             uint64
+	Getattr            uint64
+	Lookup             uint64
+	LookupRoot         uint64
+	Remove             uint64
+	Rename             uint64
+	Link               uint64
+	Symlink            uint64
+	Create             uint64
+	Pathconf           uint64
+	StatFs             uint64
+	ReadLink           uint64
+	ReadDir            uint64
+	ServerCaps         uint64
+	DelegReturn        uint64
+	GetACL             uint64
+	SetACL             uint64
+	FsLocations        uint64
+	ReleaseLockowner   uint64
+	Secinfo            uint64
+	FsidPresent        uint64
+	ExchangeID         uint64
+	CreateSession      uint64
+	DestroySession     uint64
+	Sequence           uint64
+	GetLeaseTime       uint64
+	ReclaimComplete    uint64
+	LayoutGet          uint64
+	GetDeviceInfo      uint64
+	LayoutCommit       uint64
+	LayoutReturn       uint64
+	SecinfoNoName      uint64
+	TestStateID        uint64
+	FreeStateID        uint64
+	GetDeviceList      uint64
+	BindConnToSession  uint64
+	DestroyClientID    uint64
+	Seek               uint64
+	Allocate           uint64
+	DeAllocate         uint64
+	LayoutStats        uint64
+	Clone              uint64
+// ServerV4Stats models the nfsd "proc4" line.
+type ServerV4Stats struct {
+	Null     uint64
+	Compound uint64
+// V4Ops models the "proc4ops" line: NFSv4 operations
+// Variable list, see:
+// v4.0 (38 operations)
+// v4.1 (58 operations)
+// v4.2 (71 operations)
+type V4Ops struct {
+	//Values       uint64 // Variable depending on v4.x sub-version. TODO: Will this always at least include the fields in this struct?
+	Op0Unused    uint64
+	Op1Unused    uint64
+	Op2Future    uint64
+	Access       uint64
+	Close        uint64
+	Commit       uint64
+	Create       uint64
+	DelegPurge   uint64
+	DelegReturn  uint64
+	GetAttr      uint64
+	GetFH        uint64
+	Link         uint64
+	Lock         uint64
+	Lockt        uint64
+	Locku        uint64
+	Lookup       uint64
+	LookupRoot   uint64
+	Nverify      uint64
+	Open         uint64
+	OpenAttr     uint64
+	OpenConfirm  uint64
+	OpenDgrd     uint64
+	PutFH        uint64
+	PutPubFH     uint64
+	PutRootFH    uint64
+	Read         uint64
+	ReadDir      uint64
+	ReadLink     uint64
+	Remove       uint64
+	Rename       uint64
+	Renew        uint64
+	RestoreFH    uint64
+	SaveFH       uint64
+	SecInfo      uint64
+	SetAttr      uint64
+	Verify       uint64
+	Write        uint64
+	RelLockOwner uint64
+// ClientRPCStats models all stats from /proc/net/rpc/nfs.
+type ClientRPCStats struct {
+	Network       Network
+	ClientRPC     ClientRPC
+	V2Stats       V2Stats
+	V3Stats       V3Stats
+	ClientV4Stats ClientV4Stats
+// ServerRPCStats models all stats from /proc/net/rpc/nfsd.
+type ServerRPCStats struct {
+	ReplyCache     ReplyCache
+	FileHandles    FileHandles
+	InputOutput    InputOutput
+	Threads        Threads
+	ReadAheadCache ReadAheadCache
+	Network        Network
+	ServerRPC      ServerRPC
+	V2Stats        V2Stats
+	V3Stats        V3Stats
+	ServerV4Stats  ServerV4Stats
+	V4Ops          V4Ops