
Adldap2 includes an implementation of PSR's widely supported Logger interface.

By default, all of Adldap2's events will call the logger you have set to utilize.

Note: Adldap2 does not include a file / text logger. You must implement your own.

Registering & Enabling a Logger

To register a logger call Adldap::setLogger(). The logger must implement the Psr\Log\LoggerInterface.

Note: Be sure to set the logger prior to creating a new Adldap instance. This ensures all events throughout the lifecycle of the request use your logger.

use Adldap\Adldap;


$config = ['...'];

$ad = new Adldap();


Disabling Logging

If you need to disable the event logger after a certain set of operations, simply pass in null and logging will be disabled:

use Adldap\Adldap;


$config = ['...'];

$ad = new Adldap();


try {
    // Disable logging anything else.
} catch (\Adldap\Connections\BindException $e) {

Logged Information

Here is a list of events that are logged along with the information included:

Authentication EventsLogged
Adldap\Auth\Events\AttemptingLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Adldap\Auth\Events\Attempting - Username: CN=Steve Bauman,OU=Users,DC=corp,DC=acme,DC=org
Adldap\Auth\Events\Binding LDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Adldap\Auth\Events\Binding - Username: CN=Steve Bauman,OU=Users,DC=corp,DC=acme,DC=org
Adldap\Auth\Events\BoundLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Adldap\Auth\Events\Bound - Username: CN=Steve Bauman,OU=Users,DC=corp,DC=acme,DC=org
Adldap\Auth\Events\PassedLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Adldap\Auth\Events\Passed - Username: CN=Steve Bauman,OU=Users,DC=corp,DC=acme,DC=org
Adldap\Auth\Events\FailedLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Adldap\Auth\Events\Failed - Username: CN=Steve Bauman,OU=Users,DC=corp,DC=acme,DC=org - Result: Invalid Credentials
Model EventsLogged
Adldap\Models\Events\SavingLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Saving - On: Adldap\Models\User - Distinguished Name: cn=John Doe,dc=acme,dc=org
Adldap\Models\Events\SavedLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Saved - On: Adldap\Models\User - Distinguished Name: cn=John Doe,dc=acme,dc=org
Adldap\Models\Events\CreatingLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Creating - On: Adldap\Models\User - Distinguished Name: cn=John Doe,dc=acme,dc=org
Adldap\Models\Events\CreatedLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Created - On: Adldap\Models\User - Distinguished Name: cn=John Doe,dc=acme,dc=org
Adldap\Models\Events\UpdatingLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Updating - On: Adldap\Models\User - Distinguished Name: cn=John Doe,dc=acme,dc=org
Adldap\Models\Events\UpdatedLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Updated - On: Adldap\Models\User - Distinguished Name: cn=John Doe,dc=acme,dc=org
Adldap\Models\Events\DeletingLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Deleting - On: Adldap\Models\User - Distinguished Name: cn=John Doe,dc=acme,dc=org
Adldap\Models\Events\DeletedLDAP (ldap:// - Operation: Deleted - On: Adldap\Models\User - Distinguished Name: cn=John Doe,dc=acme,dc=org