git subrepo commit (merge) mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized

subrepo: subdir:   "mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized"
  merged:   "02ae5285"
upstream: origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "649a5c01"
git-subrepo: version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
Change-Id: I870ad468fba026cc5abf3c5699ed1e12ff28b32b
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/lib/vendor/symfony/var-dumper/Dumper/ContextProvider/SourceContextProvider.php b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/lib/vendor/symfony/var-dumper/Dumper/ContextProvider/SourceContextProvider.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e2c818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/lib/vendor/symfony/var-dumper/Dumper/ContextProvider/SourceContextProvider.php
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+ * This file is part of the Symfony package.
+ *
+ * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
+ *
+ * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
+ * file that was distributed with this source code.
+ */
+namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\ContextProvider;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Debug\FileLinkFormatter;
+use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner;
+use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\HtmlDumper;
+use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper;
+use Twig\Template;
+ * Tries to provide context from sources (class name, file, line, code excerpt, ...).
+ *
+ * @author Nicolas Grekas <>
+ * @author Maxime Steinhausser <>
+ */
+final class SourceContextProvider implements ContextProviderInterface
+    private $limit;
+    private $charset;
+    private $projectDir;
+    private $fileLinkFormatter;
+    public function __construct(string $charset = null, string $projectDir = null, FileLinkFormatter $fileLinkFormatter = null, int $limit = 9)
+    {
+        $this->charset = $charset;
+        $this->projectDir = $projectDir;
+        $this->fileLinkFormatter = $fileLinkFormatter;
+        $this->limit = $limit;
+    }
+    public function getContext(): ?array
+    {
+        $trace = debug_backtrace(\DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT | \DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, $this->limit);
+        $file = $trace[1]['file'];
+        $line = $trace[1]['line'];
+        $name = false;
+        $fileExcerpt = false;
+        for ($i = 2; $i < $this->limit; ++$i) {
+            if (isset($trace[$i]['class'], $trace[$i]['function'])
+                && 'dump' === $trace[$i]['function']
+                && VarDumper::class === $trace[$i]['class']
+            ) {
+                $file = $trace[$i]['file'] ?? $file;
+                $line = $trace[$i]['line'] ?? $line;
+                while (++$i < $this->limit) {
+                    if (isset($trace[$i]['function'], $trace[$i]['file']) && empty($trace[$i]['class']) && !str_starts_with($trace[$i]['function'], 'call_user_func')) {
+                        $file = $trace[$i]['file'];
+                        $line = $trace[$i]['line'];
+                        break;
+                    } elseif (isset($trace[$i]['object']) && $trace[$i]['object'] instanceof Template) {
+                        $template = $trace[$i]['object'];
+                        $name = $template->getTemplateName();
+                        $src = method_exists($template, 'getSourceContext') ? $template->getSourceContext()->getCode() : (method_exists($template, 'getSource') ? $template->getSource() : false);
+                        $info = $template->getDebugInfo();
+                        if (isset($info[$trace[$i - 1]['line']])) {
+                            $line = $info[$trace[$i - 1]['line']];
+                            $file = method_exists($template, 'getSourceContext') ? $template->getSourceContext()->getPath() : null;
+                            if ($src) {
+                                $src = explode("\n", $src);
+                                $fileExcerpt = [];
+                                for ($i = max($line - 3, 1), $max = min($line + 3, \count($src)); $i <= $max; ++$i) {
+                                    $fileExcerpt[] = '<li'.($i === $line ? ' class="selected"' : '').'><code>'.$this->htmlEncode($src[$i - 1]).'</code></li>';
+                                }
+                                $fileExcerpt = '<ol start="'.max($line - 3, 1).'">'.implode("\n", $fileExcerpt).'</ol>';
+                            }
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if (false === $name) {
+            $name = str_replace('\\', '/', $file);
+            $name = substr($name, strrpos($name, '/') + 1);
+        }
+        $context = ['name' => $name, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line];
+        $context['file_excerpt'] = $fileExcerpt;
+        if (null !== $this->projectDir) {
+            $context['project_dir'] = $this->projectDir;
+            if (str_starts_with($file, $this->projectDir)) {
+                $context['file_relative'] = ltrim(substr($file, \strlen($this->projectDir)), \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
+            }
+        }
+        if ($this->fileLinkFormatter && $fileLink = $this->fileLinkFormatter->format($context['file'], $context['line'])) {
+            $context['file_link'] = $fileLink;
+        }
+        return $context;
+    }
+    private function htmlEncode(string $s): string
+    {
+        $html = '';
+        $dumper = new HtmlDumper(function ($line) use (&$html) { $html .= $line; }, $this->charset);
+        $dumper->setDumpHeader('');
+        $dumper->setDumpBoundaries('', '');
+        $cloner = new VarCloner();
+        $dumper->dump($cloner->cloneVar($s));
+        return substr(strip_tags($html), 1, -1);
+    }