blob: bdf13c58e9124498fdec0fc44002f27f2b7c7221 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package filters
import (
authenticationapi ""
utilnet ""
var _ http.ResponseWriter = &legacyAuditResponseWriter{}
type legacyAuditResponseWriter struct {
out io.Writer
id string
func (a *legacyAuditResponseWriter) printResponse(code int) {
line := fmt.Sprintf("%s AUDIT: id=%q response=\"%d\"\n", time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),, code)
if _, err := fmt.Fprint(a.out, line); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Unable to write audit log: %s, the error is: %v", line, err)
func (a *legacyAuditResponseWriter) WriteHeader(code int) {
// fancyLegacyResponseWriterDelegator implements http.CloseNotifier, http.Flusher and
// http.Hijacker which are needed to make certain http operation (e.g. watch, rsh, etc)
// working.
type fancyLegacyResponseWriterDelegator struct {
func (f *fancyLegacyResponseWriterDelegator) CloseNotify() <-chan bool {
return f.ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify()
func (f *fancyLegacyResponseWriterDelegator) Flush() {
func (f *fancyLegacyResponseWriterDelegator) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
// fake a response status before protocol switch happens
return f.ResponseWriter.(http.Hijacker).Hijack()
var _ http.CloseNotifier = &fancyLegacyResponseWriterDelegator{}
var _ http.Flusher = &fancyLegacyResponseWriterDelegator{}
var _ http.Hijacker = &fancyLegacyResponseWriterDelegator{}
// WithLegacyAudit decorates a http.Handler with audit logging information for all the
// requests coming to the server. If out is nil, no decoration takes place.
// Each audit log contains two entries:
// 1. the request line containing:
// - unique id allowing to match the response line (see 2)
// - source ip of the request
// - HTTP method being invoked
// - original user invoking the operation
// - original user's groups info
// - impersonated user for the operation
// - impersonated groups info
// - namespace of the request or <none>
// - uri is the full URI as requested
// 2. the response line containing:
// - the unique id from 1
// - response code
func WithLegacyAudit(handler http.Handler, out io.Writer) http.Handler {
if out == nil {
return handler
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
ctx := req.Context()
attribs, err := GetAuthorizerAttributes(ctx)
if err != nil {
responsewriters.InternalError(w, req, err)
username := "<none>"
groups := "<none>"
if attribs.GetUser() != nil {
username = attribs.GetUser().GetName()
if userGroups := attribs.GetUser().GetGroups(); len(userGroups) > 0 {
groups = auditStringSlice(userGroups)
asuser := req.Header.Get(authenticationapi.ImpersonateUserHeader)
if len(asuser) == 0 {
asuser = "<self>"
asgroups := "<lookup>"
requestedGroups := req.Header[authenticationapi.ImpersonateGroupHeader]
if len(requestedGroups) > 0 {
asgroups = auditStringSlice(requestedGroups)
namespace := attribs.GetNamespace()
if len(namespace) == 0 {
namespace = "<none>"
id := uuid.NewRandom().String()
line := fmt.Sprintf("%s AUDIT: id=%q ip=%q method=%q user=%q groups=%q as=%q asgroups=%q namespace=%q uri=%q\n",
time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano), id, utilnet.GetClientIP(req), req.Method, username, groups, asuser, asgroups, namespace, req.URL)
if _, err := fmt.Fprint(out, line); err != nil {
glog.Errorf("Unable to write audit log: %s, the error is: %v", line, err)
respWriter := legacyDecorateResponseWriter(w, out, id)
handler.ServeHTTP(respWriter, req)
func auditStringSlice(inList []string) string {
quotedElements := make([]string, len(inList))
for i, in := range inList {
quotedElements[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%q", in)
return strings.Join(quotedElements, ",")
func legacyDecorateResponseWriter(responseWriter http.ResponseWriter, out io.Writer, id string) http.ResponseWriter {
delegate := &legacyAuditResponseWriter{ResponseWriter: responseWriter, out: out, id: id}
// check if the ResponseWriter we're wrapping is the fancy one we need
// or if the basic is sufficient
_, cn := responseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier)
_, fl := responseWriter.(http.Flusher)
_, hj := responseWriter.(http.Hijacker)
if cn && fl && hj {
return &fancyLegacyResponseWriterDelegator{delegate}
return delegate