git subrepo commit mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized

subrepo: subdir:   "mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized"
  merged:   "308860af"
upstream: origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "3f1a5af8"
git-subrepo: version:  "0.4.5"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
Change-Id: I5d51c14b45db54fe706be40a591ddbfcea50d4b0
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/
index 60a8ead..e781f94 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   try {

     global $pdo;


-    $db_version = "31102021_0620";

+    $db_version = "23122022_1445";


     $stmt = $pdo->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'versions'");

     $num_results = count($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));

@@ -23,35 +23,35 @@


     $views = array(

-    "grouped_mail_aliases" => "CREATE VIEW grouped_mail_aliases (username, aliases) AS

-      SELECT goto, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(address ORDER BY address SEPARATOR ' '), '') AS address FROM alias

-      WHERE address!=goto

-      AND active = '1'

-      AND sogo_visible = '1'

-      AND address NOT LIKE '@%'

-      GROUP BY goto;",

-    // START

-    // Unused at the moment - we cannot allow to show a foreign mailbox as sender address in SOGo, as SOGo does not like this

-    // We need to create delegation in SOGo AND set a sender_acl in mailcow to allow to send as user X

-    "grouped_sender_acl" => "CREATE VIEW grouped_sender_acl (username, send_as_acl) AS

-      SELECT logged_in_as, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(send_as SEPARATOR ' '), '') AS send_as_acl FROM sender_acl

-      WHERE send_as NOT LIKE '@%'

-      GROUP BY logged_in_as;",

-    // END 

-    "grouped_sender_acl_external" => "CREATE VIEW grouped_sender_acl_external (username, send_as_acl) AS

-      SELECT logged_in_as, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(send_as SEPARATOR ' '), '') AS send_as_acl FROM sender_acl

-      WHERE send_as NOT LIKE '@%' AND external = '1'

-      GROUP BY logged_in_as;",

-    "grouped_domain_alias_address" => "CREATE VIEW grouped_domain_alias_address (username, ad_alias) AS

-      SELECT username, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(local_part, '@', alias_domain SEPARATOR ' '), '') AS ad_alias FROM mailbox

-      LEFT OUTER JOIN alias_domain ON target_domain=domain

-      GROUP BY username;",

-    "sieve_before" => "CREATE VIEW sieve_before (id, username, script_name, script_data) AS

-      SELECT md5(script_data), username, script_name, script_data FROM sieve_filters

-      WHERE filter_type = 'prefilter';",

-    "sieve_after" => "CREATE VIEW sieve_after (id, username, script_name, script_data) AS

-      SELECT md5(script_data), username, script_name, script_data FROM sieve_filters

-      WHERE filter_type = 'postfilter';"

+      "grouped_mail_aliases" => "CREATE VIEW grouped_mail_aliases (username, aliases) AS

+        SELECT goto, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(address ORDER BY address SEPARATOR ' '), '') AS address FROM alias

+        WHERE address!=goto

+        AND active = '1'

+        AND sogo_visible = '1'

+        AND address NOT LIKE '@%'

+        GROUP BY goto;",

+      // START

+      // Unused at the moment - we cannot allow to show a foreign mailbox as sender address in SOGo, as SOGo does not like this

+      // We need to create delegation in SOGo AND set a sender_acl in mailcow to allow to send as user X

+      "grouped_sender_acl" => "CREATE VIEW grouped_sender_acl (username, send_as_acl) AS

+        SELECT logged_in_as, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(send_as SEPARATOR ' '), '') AS send_as_acl FROM sender_acl

+        WHERE send_as NOT LIKE '@%'

+        GROUP BY logged_in_as;",

+      // END 

+      "grouped_sender_acl_external" => "CREATE VIEW grouped_sender_acl_external (username, send_as_acl) AS

+        SELECT logged_in_as, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(send_as SEPARATOR ' '), '') AS send_as_acl FROM sender_acl

+        WHERE send_as NOT LIKE '@%' AND external = '1'

+        GROUP BY logged_in_as;",

+      "grouped_domain_alias_address" => "CREATE VIEW grouped_domain_alias_address (username, ad_alias) AS

+        SELECT username, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT(local_part, '@', alias_domain SEPARATOR ' '), '') AS ad_alias FROM mailbox

+        LEFT OUTER JOIN alias_domain ON target_domain=domain

+        GROUP BY username;",

+      "sieve_before" => "CREATE VIEW sieve_before (id, username, script_name, script_data) AS

+        SELECT md5(script_data), username, script_name, script_data FROM sieve_filters

+        WHERE filter_type = 'prefilter';",

+      "sieve_after" => "CREATE VIEW sieve_after (id, username, script_name, script_data) AS

+        SELECT md5(script_data), username, script_name, script_data FROM sieve_filters

+        WHERE filter_type = 'postfilter';"



     $tables = array(

@@ -225,6 +225,22 @@



+      "templates" => array(

+        "cols" => array(

+          "id" => "INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT",

+          "template" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",

+          "type" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",

+          "attributes" => "JSON",

+          "created" => "DATETIME(0) NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(0)",


+        ),

+        "keys" => array(

+          "primary" => array(

+            "" => array("id")

+          )

+        ),


+      ),

       "domain" => array(

         // Todo: Move some attributes to json

         "cols" => array(

@@ -251,6 +267,26 @@



+      "tags_domain" => array(

+        "cols" => array(

+          "tag_name" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",

+          "domain" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL"

+        ),

+        "keys" => array(

+          "fkey" => array(

+            "fk_tags_domain" => array(

+              "col" => "domain",

+              "ref" => "domain.domain",

+              "delete" => "CASCADE",

+              "update" => "NO ACTION"

+            )

+          ),

+          "unique" => array(

+            "tag_name" => array("tag_name", "domain")

+          )

+        ),


+      ),

       "tls_policy_override" => array(

         "cols" => array(

           "id" => "INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT",

@@ -325,6 +361,26 @@



+      "tags_mailbox" => array(

+        "cols" => array(

+          "tag_name" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",

+          "username" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL"

+        ),

+        "keys" => array(

+          "fkey" => array(

+            "fk_tags_mailbox" => array(

+              "col" => "username",

+              "ref" => "mailbox.username",

+              "delete" => "CASCADE",

+              "update" => "NO ACTION"

+            )

+          ),

+          "unique" => array(

+            "tag_name" => array("tag_name", "username")

+          )

+        ),


+      ),

       "sieve_filters" => array(

         "cols" => array(

           "id" => "INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT",

@@ -400,7 +456,7 @@
           "spam_score" => "TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'",

           "spam_policy" => "TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'",

           "delimiter_action" => "TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'",

-          "syncjobs" => "TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'",

+          "syncjobs" => "TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'",

           "eas_reset" => "TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'",

           "sogo_profile_reset" => "TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'",

           "pushover" => "TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'",

@@ -696,10 +752,10 @@
           "id" => "INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT",

           "key_id" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",

           "username" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",

-          "authmech" => "ENUM('yubi_otp', 'u2f', 'hotp', 'totp')",

+          "authmech" => "ENUM('yubi_otp', 'u2f', 'hotp', 'totp', 'webauthn')",

           "secret" => "VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL",

-          "keyHandle" => "VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL",

-          "publicKey" => "VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL",

+          "keyHandle" => "VARCHAR(1023) DEFAULT NULL",

+          "publicKey" => "VARCHAR(4096) DEFAULT NULL",

           "counter" => "INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'",

           "certificate" => "TEXT",

           "active" => "TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'"

@@ -864,7 +920,7 @@
       "sogo_sessions_folder" => array(

         "cols" => array(

           "c_id" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",

-          "c_value" => "VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL",

+          "c_value" => "VARCHAR(4096) NOT NULL",

           "c_creationdate" => "INT(11) NOT NULL",

           "c_lastseen" => "INT(11) NOT NULL"


@@ -1187,8 +1243,19 @@



-    // Mitigate imapsync pipemess issue

-    $pdo->query("UPDATE `imapsync` SET `custom_params` = '' WHERE `custom_params` LIKE '%pipemess%';");

+    // Mitigate imapsync argument injection issue

+    $pdo->query("UPDATE `imapsync` SET `custom_params` = '' 

+      WHERE `custom_params` LIKE '%pipemess%' 

+        OR custom_params LIKE '%skipmess%' 

+        OR custom_params LIKE '%delete2foldersonly%' 

+        OR custom_params LIKE '%delete2foldersbutnot%' 

+        OR custom_params LIKE '%regexflag%' 

+        OR custom_params LIKE '%pipemess%' 

+        OR custom_params LIKE '%regextrans2%' 

+        OR custom_params LIKE '%maxlinelengthcmd%';");


+    // Migrate webauthn tfa

+    $stmt = $pdo->query("ALTER TABLE `tfa` MODIFY COLUMN `authmech` ENUM('yubi_otp', 'u2f', 'hotp', 'totp', 'webauthn')");


     // Inject admin if not exists

     $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT NULL FROM `admin`"); 

@@ -1213,6 +1280,7 @@
     $pdo->query("UPDATE `pushover` SET `attributes` = '{}' WHERE `attributes` = '' OR `attributes` IS NULL;");

     $pdo->query("UPDATE `pushover` SET `attributes` =  JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.evaluate_x_prio', \"0\") WHERE JSON_VALUE(`attributes`, '$.evaluate_x_prio') IS NULL;");

     $pdo->query("UPDATE `pushover` SET `attributes` =  JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.only_x_prio', \"0\") WHERE JSON_VALUE(`attributes`, '$.only_x_prio') IS NULL;");

+    $pdo->query("UPDATE `pushover` SET `attributes` =  JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.sound', \"pushover\") WHERE JSON_VALUE(`attributes`, '$.sound') IS NULL;");

     // mailbox

     $pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` = '{}' WHERE `attributes` = '' OR `attributes` IS NULL;");

     $pdo->query("UPDATE `mailbox` SET `attributes` =  JSON_SET(`attributes`, '$.passwd_update', \"0\") WHERE JSON_VALUE(`attributes`, '$.passwd_update') IS NULL;");

@@ -1241,6 +1309,95 @@
     // Fix domain_admins

     $pdo->query("DELETE FROM `domain_admins` WHERE `domain` = 'ALL';");


+    // add default templates

+    $default_domain_template = array(

+      "template" => "Default",

+      "type" => "domain",

+      "attributes" => array(

+        "tags" => array(),

+        "max_num_aliases_for_domain" => 400,

+        "max_num_mboxes_for_domain" => 10,

+        "def_quota_for_mbox" => 3072 * 1048576,

+        "max_quota_for_mbox" => 10240 * 1048576,

+        "max_quota_for_domain" => 10240 * 1048576,

+        "rl_frame" => "s",

+        "rl_value" => "",

+        "active" => 1,

+        "gal" => 1,

+        "backupmx" => 0,

+        "relay_all_recipients" => 0,

+        "relay_unknown_only" => 0,

+        "dkim_selector" => "dkim",

+        "key_size" => 2048,

+        "max_quota_for_domain" => 10240 * 1048576,

+      )

+    );     

+    $default_mailbox_template = array(

+      "template" => "Default",

+      "type" => "mailbox",

+      "attributes" => array(

+        "tags" => array(),

+        "quota" => 0,

+        "quarantine_notification" => strval($GLOBALS['MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES']['quarantine_notification']),

+        "quarantine_category" => strval($GLOBALS['MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES']['quarantine_category']),

+        "rl_frame" => "s",

+        "rl_value" => "",

+        "force_pw_update" => intval($GLOBALS['MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES']['force_pw_update']),

+        "sogo_access" => intval($GLOBALS['MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES']['sogo_access']),

+        "active" => 1,

+        "tls_enforce_in" => intval($GLOBALS['MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES']['tls_enforce_in']),

+        "tls_enforce_out" => intval($GLOBALS['MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES']['tls_enforce_out']),

+        "imap_access" => intval($GLOBALS['MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES']['imap_access']),

+        "pop3_access" => intval($GLOBALS['MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES']['pop3_access']),

+        "smtp_access" => intval($GLOBALS['MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES']['smtp_access']),

+        "sieve_access" => intval($GLOBALS['MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES']['sieve_access']),

+        "acl_spam_alias" => 1,

+        "acl_tls_policy" => 1,

+        "acl_spam_score" => 1,

+        "acl_spam_policy" => 1,

+        "acl_delimiter_action" => 1,

+        "acl_syncjobs" => 0,

+        "acl_eas_reset" => 1,

+        "acl_sogo_profile_reset" => 0,

+        "acl_pushover" => 1,

+        "acl_quarantine" => 1,

+        "acl_quarantine_attachments" => 1,

+        "acl_quarantine_notification" => 1,

+        "acl_quarantine_category" => 1,

+        "acl_app_passwds" => 1,

+      )

+    );        

+    $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM `templates` WHERE `type` = :type AND `template` = :template");

+    $stmt->execute(array(

+      ":type" => "domain",

+      ":template" => $default_domain_template["template"]

+    ));

+    $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

+    if (empty($row)){

+      $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO `templates` (`type`, `template`, `attributes`)

+        VALUES (:type, :template, :attributes)");

+      $stmt->execute(array(

+        ":type" => "domain",

+        ":template" => $default_domain_template["template"],

+        ":attributes" => json_encode($default_domain_template["attributes"])

+      )); 

+    }    

+    $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT id FROM `templates` WHERE `type` = :type AND `template` = :template");

+    $stmt->execute(array(

+      ":type" => "mailbox",

+      ":template" => $default_mailbox_template["template"]

+    ));

+    $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

+    if (empty($row)){

+      $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO `templates` (`type`, `template`, `attributes`)

+        VALUES (:type, :template, :attributes)");

+      $stmt->execute(array(

+        ":type" => "mailbox",

+        ":template" => $default_mailbox_template["template"],

+        ":attributes" => json_encode($default_mailbox_template["attributes"])

+      )); 

+    } 


     if (php_sapi_name() == "cli") {

       echo "DB initialization completed" . PHP_EOL;

     } else {