git subrepo commit mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized

subrepo: subdir:   "mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized"
  merged:   "308860af"
upstream: origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "3f1a5af8"
git-subrepo: version:  "0.4.5"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
Change-Id: I5d51c14b45db54fe706be40a591ddbfcea50d4b0
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/_status.502.html b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/_status.502.html
index ec6617e..35a66ba 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/_status.502.html
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/_status.502.html
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@
     Please check the logs or contact support if the error persists.</p>
     <h2>Quick debugging</h2>
     <p>Check Nginx and PHP logs:</p>
-    <pre>docker-compose logs --tail=200 php-fpm-mailcow nginx-mailcow</pre>
+    <pre>docker compose logs --tail=200 php-fpm-mailcow nginx-mailcow</pre>
     <p>Make sure your SQL credentials in mailcow.conf (a link to .env) do fit your initialized SQL volume. If you see an access denied, you might have the wrong mailcow.conf:</p>
-    <pre>source mailcow.conf ; docker-compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -u${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} ${DBNAME}</pre>
-    <p>In case of a previous failed installation, remove all volumes and start over (<b>NEVER</b> do this with a production system, it will remove <b>ALL</b> data):</p>
-    <pre>docker-compose down -v ; docker-compose up -d</pre>
+    <pre>source mailcow.conf ; docker compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -u${DBUSER} -p${DBPASS} ${DBNAME}</pre>
+    <p>In case of a previous failed installation, create a backup of your existing data, followed by removing all volumes and starting over (<b>NEVER</b> do this with a production system, it will remove <b>ALL</b> data):</p>
+    <pre>BACKUP_LOCATION=/tmp/ ./helper-scripts/ backup all</pre>
+    <pre>docker compose down --volumes ; docker compose up -d</pre>
     <p>Make sure your timezone is correct. Use "America/New_York" for example, do not use spaces. Check <a href="">here</a> for a list.</p>
     <br>Click to learn more about <a style="color:red;text-decoration:none;" href="" target="_blank">getting support.</a>