git subrepo commit mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized

subrepo: subdir:   "mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized"
  merged:   "308860af"
upstream: origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "3f1a5af8"
git-subrepo: version:  "0.4.5"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
Change-Id: I5d51c14b45db54fe706be40a591ddbfcea50d4b0
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/acme/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/acme/Dockerfile
index 82369a8..571c3d0 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/acme/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/acme/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM alpine:3.14
+FROM alpine:3.17
 LABEL maintainer "Andre Peters <>"
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/acme/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/acme/
index a151dff..7434411 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/acme/
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/acme/
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 printf "[SAN]\nsubjectAltName=" > /tmp/_SAN
 printf "DNS:%s," "${CERT_DOMAINS[@]}" >> /tmp/_SAN
 sed -i '$s/,$//' /tmp/_SAN
-openssl req -new -sha256 -key ${KEY} -subj "/" -reqexts SAN -config <(cat /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf /tmp/_SAN) > ${CSR}
+openssl req -new -sha256 -key ${KEY} -subj "/" -reqexts SAN -config <(cat "$(openssl version -d | sed 's/.*"\(.*\)"/\1/g')/openssl.cnf" /tmp/_SAN) > ${CSR}
 # acme-tiny writes info to stderr and ceritifcate to stdout
 # The redirects will do the following:
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/backup/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/backup/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9d849b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/backup/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+FROM debian:bullseye-slim
+RUN apt update && apt install pigz
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/clamd/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/clamd/Dockerfile
index e14858f..91716b8 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/clamd/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/clamd/Dockerfile
@@ -1,60 +1,21 @@
-FROM debian:buster-slim
+FROM clamav/clamav:1.0_base
 LABEL maintainer "André Peters <>"
-ARG CLAMAV=0.103.4
-RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
-  ca-certificates \
-  zlib1g-dev \
-  libcurl4-openssl-dev \
-  libncurses5-dev \
-  libzip-dev \
-  libpcre2-dev \
-  libxml2-dev \
-  libssl-dev \
-  build-essential \
-  libjson-c-dev \
-  curl \
-  bash \
-  wget \
-  tzdata \
-  dnsutils \
+RUN apk upgrade --no-cache \
+  && apk add --update --no-cache \
   rsync \
-  dos2unix \
-  netcat \
-  && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
-  && wget -O -${CLAMAV}.tar.gz | tar xfvz - \
-  && cd clamav-${CLAMAV} \
-  && ./configure \
-  --prefix=/usr \
-  --libdir=/usr/lib \
-  --sysconfdir=/etc/clamav \
-  --mandir=/usr/share/man \
-  --infodir=/usr/share/info \
-  --disable-llvm \
-  --with-user=clamav \
-  --with-group=clamav \
-  --with-dbdir=/var/lib/clamav \
-  --enable-clamdtop \
-  --enable-bigstack \
-  --with-pcre \
-  && make -j4 \
-  && make install \
-  && make clean \
-  && cd .. && rm -rf clamav-${CLAMAV} \
-  && apt-get -y --auto-remove purge build-essential \
-  && apt-get -y purge zlib1g-dev \
-  libncurses5-dev \
-  libzip-dev \
-  libpcre2-dev \
-  libxml2-dev \
-  libssl-dev \
-  libjson-c-dev \
-  && addgroup --system --gid 700 clamav \
-  && adduser --system --no-create-home --home /var/lib/clamav --uid 700 --gid 700 --disabled-login clamav \
-  && rm -rf /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
+  bind-tools \
+  bash 
-COPY ./
-COPY tini /sbin/tini
+# init
+RUN chmod +x /sbin/tini
-CMD ["/sbin/tini", "-g", "--", "/"]
+# healthcheck
+RUN chmod +x /
+HEALTHCHECK --start-period=6m CMD "/"
+CMD ["/sbin/tini", "-g", "--", "/"]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/clamd/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/clamd/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6c18ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/clamd/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if [[ "${SKIP_CLAMD}" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$ ]]; then
+  echo "SKIP_CLAMD=y, skipping ClamAV..."
+  exit 0
+# run clamd healthcheck
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/clamd/tini b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/clamd/tini
deleted file mode 100755
index 03af82f..0000000
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/clamd/tini
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dockerapi/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dockerapi/Dockerfile
index b6eef46..97c3808 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dockerapi/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dockerapi/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM alpine:3.14
+FROM alpine:3.17
 LABEL maintainer "Andre Peters <>"
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@
   py3-pip \
   openssl \
   tzdata \
+  py3-psutil \
 && pip3 install --upgrade pip \
-  docker \
-  flask \
-  flask-restful
+  fastapi \
+  uvicorn \
+  aiodocker \
+  redis 
+COPY /app/
 COPY /app/
-CMD ["python3", "-u", "/app/"]
+ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "/app/"]
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dockerapi/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dockerapi/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aab6cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dockerapi/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+`openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes \
+  -keyout /app/dockerapi_key.pem \
+  -out /app/dockerapi_cert.pem \
+  -subj /CN=dockerapi/O=mailcow \
+  -addext subjectAltName=DNS:dockerapi`
+`uvicorn --host --port 443 --ssl-certfile=/app/dockerapi_cert.pem --ssl-keyfile=/app/dockerapi_key.pem dockerapi:app`
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dockerapi/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dockerapi/
index 32824a2..34f9b06 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dockerapi/
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dockerapi/
@@ -1,228 +1,377 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-from flask import Flask
-from flask_restful import Resource, Api
-from flask import jsonify
-from flask import Response
-from flask import request
-from threading import Thread
-import docker
-import uuid
-import signal
+from fastapi import FastAPI, Response, Request
+import aiodocker
+import psutil
+import sys
+import re
 import time
 import os
-import re
-import sys
-import ssl
-import socket
-import subprocess
-import traceback
+import json
+import asyncio
+import redis
+from datetime import datetime
-docker_client = docker.DockerClient(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock', version='auto')
-app = Flask(__name__)
-api = Api(app)
-class containers_get(Resource):
-  def get(self):
-    containers = {}
+containerIds_to_update = []
+host_stats_isUpdating = False
+app = FastAPI()
+async def get_host_update_stats():
+  global host_stats_isUpdating
+  if host_stats_isUpdating == False:
+    print("start host stats task")
+    asyncio.create_task(get_host_stats())
+    host_stats_isUpdating = True
+  while True:
+    if redis_client.exists('host_stats'):
+      break
+    print("wait for host_stats results")
+    await asyncio.sleep(1.5)
+  print("host stats pulled")
+  stats = json.loads(redis_client.get('host_stats'))
+  return Response(content=json.dumps(stats, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
+async def get_container(container_id : str):
+  if container_id and container_id.isalnum():
-      for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True):
-        containers.update({container.attrs['Id']: container.attrs})
-      return containers
+      for container in (await async_docker_client.containers.list()):
+        if container._id == container_id:
+          container_info = await
+          return Response(content=json.dumps(container_info, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
+      res = {
+        "type": "danger",
+        "msg": "no container found"
+      }
+      return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
     except Exception as e:
-      return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e))
+      res = {
+        "type": "danger",
+        "msg": str(e)
+      }
+      return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
+  else:
+    res = {
+      "type": "danger",
+      "msg": "no or invalid id defined"
+    }
+    return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
-class container_get(Resource):
-  def get(self, container_id):
-    if container_id and container_id.isalnum():
-      try:
-        for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}):
-          return container.attrs
-      except Exception as e:
-          return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e))
-    else:
-      return jsonify(type='danger', msg='no or invalid id defined')
+async def get_containers():
+  containers = {}
+  try:
+    for container in (await async_docker_client.containers.list()):
+      container_info = await
+      containers.update({container_info['Id']: container_info})
+    return Response(content=json.dumps(containers, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
+  except Exception as e:
+    res = {
+      "type": "danger",
+      "msg": str(e)
+    }
+    return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
-class container_post(Resource):
-  def post(self, container_id, post_action):
-    if container_id and container_id.isalnum() and post_action:
-      try:
-        """Dispatch container_post api call"""
-        if post_action == 'exec':
-          if not request.json or not 'cmd' in request.json:
-            return jsonify(type='danger', msg='cmd is missing')
-          if not request.json or not 'task' in request.json:
-            return jsonify(type='danger', msg='task is missing')"/containers/{container_id}/{post_action}")
+async def post_containers(container_id : str, post_action : str, request: Request):
+  try : 
+    request_json = await request.json()
+  except Exception as err:
+    request_json = {}
-          api_call_method_name = '__'.join(['container_post', str(post_action), str(request.json['cmd']), str(request.json['task']) ])
-        else:
-          api_call_method_name = '__'.join(['container_post', str(post_action) ])
+  if container_id and container_id.isalnum() and post_action:
+    try:
+      """Dispatch container_post api call"""
+      if post_action == 'exec':
+        if not request_json or not 'cmd' in request_json:
+          res = {
+            "type": "danger",
+            "msg": "cmd is missing"
+          }
+          return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
+        if not request_json or not 'task' in request_json:
+          res = {
+            "type": "danger",
+            "msg": "task is missing"
+          }
+          return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
-        api_call_method = getattr(self, api_call_method_name, lambda container_id: jsonify(type='danger', msg='container_post - unknown api call'))
+        api_call_method_name = '__'.join(['container_post', str(post_action), str(request_json['cmd']), str(request_json['task']) ])
+      else:
+        api_call_method_name = '__'.join(['container_post', str(post_action) ])
+      docker_utils = DockerUtils(async_docker_client)
+      api_call_method = getattr(docker_utils, api_call_method_name, lambda container_id: Response(content=json.dumps({'type': 'danger', 'msg':'container_post - unknown api call' }, indent=4), media_type="application/json"))
-        print("api call: %s, container_id: %s" % (api_call_method_name, container_id))
-        return api_call_method(container_id)
-      except Exception as e:
-        print("error - container_post: %s" % str(e))
-        return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e))
+      print("api call: %s, container_id: %s" % (api_call_method_name, container_id))
+      return await api_call_method(container_id, request_json)
+    except Exception as e:
+      print("error - container_post: %s" % str(e))
+      res = {
+        "type": "danger",
+        "msg": str(e)
+      }
+      return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
-    else:
-      return jsonify(type='danger', msg='invalid container id or missing action')
+  else:
+    res = {
+      "type": "danger",
+      "msg": "invalid container id or missing action"
+    }
+    return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")"/container/{container_id}/stats/update")
+async def post_container_update_stats(container_id : str):
+  global containerIds_to_update
+  # start update task for container if no task is running
+  if container_id not in containerIds_to_update:
+    asyncio.create_task(get_container_stats(container_id))
+    containerIds_to_update.append(container_id)
+  while True:
+    if redis_client.exists(container_id + '_stats'):
+      break
+    await asyncio.sleep(1.5)
+  stats = json.loads(redis_client.get(container_id + '_stats'))
+  return Response(content=json.dumps(stats, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
+class DockerUtils:
+  def __init__(self, docker_client):
+    self.docker_client = docker_client
   # api call: container_post - post_action: stop
-  def container_post__stop(self, container_id):
-    for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}):
-      container.stop()
-    return jsonify(type='success', msg='command completed successfully')
+  async def container_post__stop(self, container_id, request_json):
+    for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+      if container._id == container_id:
+        await container.stop()
+    res = {
+      'type': 'success', 
+      'msg': 'command completed successfully'
+    }
+    return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
   # api call: container_post - post_action: start
-  def container_post__start(self, container_id):
-    for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}):
-      container.start()
-    return jsonify(type='success', msg='command completed successfully')
+  async def container_post__start(self, container_id, request_json):
+    for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+      if container._id == container_id:
+        await container.start()
+    res = {
+      'type': 'success', 
+      'msg': 'command completed successfully'
+    }
+    return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
   # api call: container_post - post_action: restart
-  def container_post__restart(self, container_id):
-    for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}):
-      container.restart()
-    return jsonify(type='success', msg='command completed successfully')
+  async def container_post__restart(self, container_id, request_json):
+    for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+      if container._id == container_id:
+        await container.restart()
+    res = {
+      'type': 'success', 
+      'msg': 'command completed successfully'
+    }
+    return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
   # api call: container_post - post_action: top
-  def container_post__top(self, container_id):
-    for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}):
-      return jsonify(type='success',
+  async def container_post__top(self, container_id, request_json):
+    for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+      if container._id == container_id:
+        ps_exec = await container.exec("ps")      
+        async with ps_exec.start(detach=False) as stream:
+          ps_return = await stream.read_out()
-  # api call: container_post - post_action: stats
-  def container_post__stats(self, container_id):
-    for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}):
-      for stat in container.stats(decode=True, stream=True):
-        return jsonify(type='success', msg=stat )
+        exec_details = await ps_exec.inspect()
+        if exec_details["ExitCode"] == None or exec_details["ExitCode"] == 0:
+          res = {
+            'type': 'success', 
+            'msg':'utf-8')
+          }
+          return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
+        else:
+          res = {
+            'type': 'danger', 
+            'msg': ''
+          }
+          return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: mailq - task: delete
-  def container_post__exec__mailq__delete(self, container_id):
-    if 'items' in request.json:
+  async def container_post__exec__mailq__delete(self, container_id, request_json):
+    if 'items' in request_json:
       r = re.compile("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$")
-      filtered_qids = filter(r.match, request.json['items'])
+      filtered_qids = filter(r.match, request_json['items'])
       if filtered_qids:
         flagged_qids = ['-d %s' % i for i in filtered_qids]
-        sanitized_string = str(' '.join(flagged_qids));
+        sanitized_string = str(' '.join(flagged_qids))
-        for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-          postsuper_r = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postsuper " + sanitized_string])
-          return exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r)
+        for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+          if container._id == container_id:
+            postsuper_r_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postsuper " + sanitized_string])
+            return await exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: mailq - task: hold
-  def container_post__exec__mailq__hold(self, container_id):
-    if 'items' in request.json:
+  async def container_post__exec__mailq__hold(self, container_id, request_json):
+    if 'items' in request_json:
       r = re.compile("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$")
-      filtered_qids = filter(r.match, request.json['items'])
+      filtered_qids = filter(r.match, request_json['items'])
       if filtered_qids:
         flagged_qids = ['-h %s' % i for i in filtered_qids]
-        sanitized_string = str(' '.join(flagged_qids));
+        sanitized_string = str(' '.join(flagged_qids))
-        for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-          postsuper_r = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postsuper " + sanitized_string])
-          return exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r)
+        for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+          if container._id == container_id:
+            postsuper_r_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postsuper " + sanitized_string])
+            return await exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: mailq - task: cat
-  def container_post__exec__mailq__cat(self, container_id):
-    if 'items' in request.json:
+  async def container_post__exec__mailq__cat(self, container_id, request_json):
+    if 'items' in request_json:
       r = re.compile("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$")
-      filtered_qids = filter(r.match, request.json['items'])
+      filtered_qids = filter(r.match, request_json['items'])
       if filtered_qids:
-        sanitized_string = str(' '.join(filtered_qids));
+        sanitized_string = str(' '.join(filtered_qids))
-        for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-          postcat_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postcat -q " + sanitized_string], user='postfix')
-        if not postcat_return:
-          postcat_return = 'err: invalid'
-        return exec_run_handler('utf8_text_only', postcat_return)
+        for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+          if container._id == container_id:
+            postcat_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postcat -q " + sanitized_string], user='postfix')
+            return await exec_run_handler('utf8_text_only', postcat_exec)
    # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: mailq - task: unhold
-  def container_post__exec__mailq__unhold(self, container_id):
-    if 'items' in request.json:
+  async def container_post__exec__mailq__unhold(self, container_id, request_json):
+    if 'items' in request_json:
       r = re.compile("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$")
-      filtered_qids = filter(r.match, request.json['items'])
+      filtered_qids = filter(r.match, request_json['items'])
       if filtered_qids:
         flagged_qids = ['-H %s' % i for i in filtered_qids]
-        sanitized_string = str(' '.join(flagged_qids));
+        sanitized_string = str(' '.join(flagged_qids))
-        for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-          postsuper_r = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postsuper " + sanitized_string])
-          return exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r)
+        for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+          if container._id == container_id:
+            postsuper_r_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postsuper " + sanitized_string])
+            return await exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: mailq - task: deliver
-  def container_post__exec__mailq__deliver(self, container_id):
-    if 'items' in request.json:
+  async def container_post__exec__mailq__deliver(self, container_id, request_json):
+    if 'items' in request_json:
       r = re.compile("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$")
-      filtered_qids = filter(r.match, request.json['items'])
+      filtered_qids = filter(r.match, request_json['items'])
       if filtered_qids:
         flagged_qids = ['-i %s' % i for i in filtered_qids]
-        for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-          for i in flagged_qids:
-            postqueue_r = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postqueue " + i], user='postfix')
-            # todo: check each exit code
-          return jsonify(type='success', msg=str("Scheduled immediate delivery"))
+        for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+          if container._id == container_id:
+            for i in flagged_qids:
+              postsuper_r_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postqueue " + i], user='postfix')      
+              async with postsuper_r_exec.start(detach=False) as stream:
+                postsuper_r_return = await stream.read_out()
+              # todo: check each exit code
+            res = {
+              'type': 'success', 
+              'msg': 'Scheduled immediate delivery'
+            }
+            return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: mailq - task: list
-  def container_post__exec__mailq__list(self, container_id):
-    for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-      mailq_return = container.exec_run(["/usr/sbin/postqueue", "-j"], user='postfix')
-      return exec_run_handler('utf8_text_only', mailq_return)
+  async def container_post__exec__mailq__list(self, container_id, request_json):
+    for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+      if container._id == container_id:
+        mailq_exec = await container.exec(["/usr/sbin/postqueue", "-j"], user='postfix')
+        return await exec_run_handler('utf8_text_only', mailq_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: mailq - task: flush
-  def container_post__exec__mailq__flush(self, container_id):
-    for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-      postqueue_r = container.exec_run(["/usr/sbin/postqueue", "-f"], user='postfix')
-      return exec_run_handler('generic', postqueue_r)
+  async def container_post__exec__mailq__flush(self, container_id, request_json):
+    for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+      if container._id == container_id:
+        postsuper_r_exec = await container.exec(["/usr/sbin/postqueue", "-f"], user='postfix')
+        return await exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: mailq - task: super_delete
-  def container_post__exec__mailq__super_delete(self, container_id):
-    for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-      postsuper_r = container.exec_run(["/usr/sbin/postsuper", "-d", "ALL"])
-      return exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r)
+  async def container_post__exec__mailq__super_delete(self, container_id, request_json):
+    for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+      if container._id == container_id:
+        postsuper_r_exec = await container.exec(["/usr/sbin/postsuper", "-d", "ALL"])
+        return await exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: system - task: fts_rescan
-  def container_post__exec__system__fts_rescan(self, container_id):
-    if 'username' in request.json:
-      for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-        rescan_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/bin/doveadm fts rescan -u '" + request.json['username'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "'"], user='vmail')
-        if rescan_return.exit_code == 0:
-          return jsonify(type='success', msg='fts_rescan: rescan triggered')
-        else:
-          return jsonify(type='warning', msg='fts_rescan error')
+  async def container_post__exec__system__fts_rescan(self, container_id, request_json):
+    if 'username' in request_json:
+      for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+        if container._id == container_id:
+          rescan_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/bin/doveadm fts rescan -u '" + request_json['username'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "'"], user='vmail')         
+          async with rescan_exec.start(detach=False) as stream:
+            rescan_return = await stream.read_out()
-    if 'all' in request.json:
-      for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-        rescan_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/bin/doveadm fts rescan -A"], user='vmail')
-        if rescan_return.exit_code == 0:
-          return jsonify(type='success', msg='fts_rescan: rescan triggered')
-        else:
-          return jsonify(type='warning', msg='fts_rescan error')
+          exec_details = await rescan_exec.inspect()
+          if exec_details["ExitCode"] == None or exec_details["ExitCode"] == 0:
+            res = {
+              'type': 'success', 
+              'msg': 'fts_rescan: rescan triggered'
+            }
+            return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
+          else:
+            res = {
+              'type': 'warning', 
+              'msg': 'fts_rescan error'
+            }
+            return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
+    if 'all' in request_json:
+      for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+        if container._id == container_id:
+          rescan_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/bin/doveadm fts rescan -A"], user='vmail')          
+          async with rescan_exec.start(detach=False) as stream:
+            rescan_return = await stream.read_out()
+          exec_details = await rescan_exec.inspect()
+          if exec_details["ExitCode"] == None or exec_details["ExitCode"] == 0:
+            res = {
+              'type': 'success', 
+              'msg': 'fts_rescan: rescan triggered'
+            }
+            return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
+          else:
+            res = {
+              'type': 'warning', 
+              'msg': 'fts_rescan error'
+            }
+            return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: system - task: df
-  def container_post__exec__system__df(self, container_id):
-    if 'dir' in request.json:
-      for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-        df_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/bin/df -H '" + request.json['dir'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' | /usr/bin/tail -n1 | /usr/bin/tr -s [:blank:] | /usr/bin/tr ' ' ','"], user='nobody')
-        if df_return.exit_code == 0:
-          return df_return.output.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
-        else:
-          return "0,0,0,0,0,0"
+  async def container_post__exec__system__df(self, container_id, request_json):
+    if 'dir' in request_json:
+      for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+        if container._id == container_id:
+          df_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/bin/df -H '" + request_json['dir'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' | /usr/bin/tail -n1 | /usr/bin/tr -s [:blank:] | /usr/bin/tr ' ' ','"], user='nobody')
+          async with df_exec.start(detach=False) as stream:
+            df_return = await stream.read_out()
+          print(df_return)
+          print(await df_exec.inspect())
+          exec_details = await df_exec.inspect()
+          if exec_details["ExitCode"] == None or exec_details["ExitCode"] == 0:
+            return'utf-8').rstrip()
+          else:
+            return "0,0,0,0,0,0"
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: system - task: mysql_upgrade
@@ -234,168 +383,188 @@
     return jsonify(type='success', msg='mysql_tzinfo_to_sql: not touching fake MySQL', text='')
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: reload - task: dovecot
-  def container_post__exec__reload__dovecot(self, container_id):
-    for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-      reload_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/dovecot reload"])
-      return exec_run_handler('generic', reload_return)
+  async def container_post__exec__reload__dovecot(self, container_id, request_json):
+    for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+      if container._id == container_id:
+        reload_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/dovecot reload"])
+        return await exec_run_handler('generic', reload_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: reload - task: postfix
-  def container_post__exec__reload__postfix(self, container_id):
-    for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-      reload_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postfix reload"])
-      return exec_run_handler('generic', reload_return)
+  async def container_post__exec__reload__postfix(self, container_id, request_json):
+    for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+      if container._id == container_id:
+        reload_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postfix reload"])
+        return await exec_run_handler('generic', reload_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: reload - task: nginx
-  def container_post__exec__reload__nginx(self, container_id):
-    for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-      reload_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/sh", "-c", "/usr/sbin/nginx -s reload"])
-      return exec_run_handler('generic', reload_return)
+  async def container_post__exec__reload__nginx(self, container_id, request_json):
+    for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+      if container._id == container_id:
+        reload_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/sh", "-c", "/usr/sbin/nginx -s reload"])
+        return await exec_run_handler('generic', reload_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: sieve - task: list
-  def container_post__exec__sieve__list(self, container_id):
-    if 'username' in request.json:
-      for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-        sieve_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/bin/doveadm sieve list -u '" + request.json['username'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "'"])
-        return exec_run_handler('utf8_text_only', sieve_return)
+  async def container_post__exec__sieve__list(self, container_id, request_json):
+    if 'username' in request_json:
+      for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+        if container._id == container_id:
+          sieve_exec = await container.exec(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/bin/doveadm sieve list -u '" + request_json['username'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "'"])
+          return await exec_run_handler('utf8_text_only', sieve_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: sieve - task: print
-  def container_post__exec__sieve__print(self, container_id):
-    if 'username' in request.json and 'script_name' in request.json:
-      for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-        cmd = ["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/bin/doveadm sieve get -u '" + request.json['username'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' '" + request.json['script_name'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "'"]
-        sieve_return = container.exec_run(cmd)
-        return exec_run_handler('utf8_text_only', sieve_return)
+  async def container_post__exec__sieve__print(self, container_id, request_json):
+    if 'username' in request_json and 'script_name' in request_json:
+      for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+        if container._id == container_id:
+          cmd = ["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/bin/doveadm sieve get -u '" + request_json['username'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' '" + request_json['script_name'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "'"]  
+          sieve_exec = await container.exec(cmd)
+          return await exec_run_handler('utf8_text_only', sieve_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: maildir - task: cleanup
-  def container_post__exec__maildir__cleanup(self, container_id):
-    if 'maildir' in request.json:
-      for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-        sane_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '', request.json['maildir'])
-        cmd = ["/bin/bash", "-c", "if [[ -d '/var/vmail/" + request.json['maildir'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' ]]; then /bin/mv '/var/vmail/" + request.json['maildir'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' '/var/vmail/_garbage/" + str(int(time.time())) + "_" + sane_name + "'; fi"]
-        maildir_cleanup = container.exec_run(cmd, user='vmail')
-        return exec_run_handler('generic', maildir_cleanup)
+  async def container_post__exec__maildir__cleanup(self, container_id, request_json):
+    if 'maildir' in request_json:
+      for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+        if container._id == container_id:
+          sane_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '', request_json['maildir'])
+          cmd = ["/bin/bash", "-c", "if [[ -d '/var/vmail/" + request_json['maildir'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' ]]; then /bin/mv '/var/vmail/" + request_json['maildir'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' '/var/vmail/_garbage/" + str(int(time.time())) + "_" + sane_name + "'; fi"]
+          maildir_cleanup_exec = await container.exec(cmd, user='vmail')
+          return await exec_run_handler('generic', maildir_cleanup_exec)
   # api call: container_post - post_action: exec - cmd: rspamd - task: worker_password
-  def container_post__exec__rspamd__worker_password(self, container_id):
-    if 'raw' in request.json:
-      for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}):
-        cmd = "/usr/bin/rspamadm pw -e -p '" + request.json['raw'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' 2> /dev/null"
-        cmd_response = exec_cmd_container(container, cmd, user="_rspamd")
-        matched = False
-        for line in cmd_response.split("\n"):
-          if '$2$' in line:
-            hash = line.strip()
-            hash_out ='\$2\$.+$', hash).group(0)
-            rspamd_passphrase_hash = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z\$]+', '', hash_out.rstrip())
+  async def container_post__exec__rspamd__worker_password(self, container_id, request_json):
+    if 'raw' in request_json:
+      for container in (await self.docker_client.containers.list()):
+        if container._id == container_id:
+          cmd = "./ '" + request_json['raw'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' 2> /dev/null"
+          rspamd_password_exec = await container.exec(cmd, user='_rspamd')  
+          async with rspamd_password_exec.start(detach=False) as stream:
+            rspamd_password_return = await stream.read_out()
-            rspamd_password_filename = "/etc/rspamd/override.d/"
-            cmd = '''/bin/echo 'enable_password = "%s";' > %s && cat %s''' % (rspamd_passphrase_hash, rspamd_password_filename, rspamd_password_filename)
-            cmd_response = exec_cmd_container(container, cmd, user="_rspamd")
+          matched = False
+          if "OK" in'utf-8'):
+            matched = True
+            await container.restart()
-            if rspamd_passphrase_hash.startswith("$2$") and rspamd_passphrase_hash in cmd_response:
-              container.restart()
-              matched = True
+          if matched:
+            res = {
+              'type': 'success', 
+              'msg': 'command completed successfully'
+            }
+            return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
+          else:
+            res = {
+              'type': 'danger', 
+              'msg': 'command did not complete'
+            }
+            return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
-        if matched:
-            return jsonify(type='success', msg='command completed successfully')
-        else:
-            return jsonify(type='danger', msg='command did not complete')
-def exec_cmd_container(container, cmd, user, timeout=2, shell_cmd="/bin/bash"):
-  def recv_socket_data(c_socket, timeout):
-    c_socket.setblocking(0)
-    total_data=[];
-    data='';
-    begin=time.time()
-    while True:
-      if total_data and time.time()-begin > timeout:
-        break
-      elif time.time()-begin > timeout*2:
-        break
-      try:
-        data = c_socket.recv(8192)
-        if data:
-          total_data.append(data.decode('utf-8'))
-          #change the beginning time for measurement
-          begin=time.time()
-        else:
-          #sleep for sometime to indicate a gap
-          time.sleep(0.1)
-          break
-      except:
-        pass
-    return ''.join(total_data)
+async def exec_run_handler(type, exec_obj):
+  async with exec_obj.start(detach=False) as stream:
+    exec_return = await stream.read_out()
-  try :
-    socket = container.exec_run([shell_cmd], stdin=True, socket=True, user=user).output._sock
-    if not cmd.endswith("\n"):
-      cmd = cmd + "\n"
-    socket.send(cmd.encode('utf-8'))
-    data = recv_socket_data(socket, timeout)
-    socket.close()
-    return data
+  if exec_return == None:
+    exec_return = ""
+  else:
+    exec_return ='utf-8')
-  except Exception as e:
-    print("error - exec_cmd_container: %s" % str(e))
-    traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
-def exec_run_handler(type, output):
-  if type == 'generic':
-    if output.exit_code == 0:
-      return jsonify(type='success', msg='command completed successfully')
+  if type == 'generic':       
+    exec_details = await exec_obj.inspect()
+    if exec_details["ExitCode"] == None or exec_details["ExitCode"] == 0:
+      res = {
+        "type": "success",
+        "msg": "command completed successfully"
+      }
+      return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
-      return jsonify(type='danger', msg='command failed: ' + output.output.decode('utf-8'))
+      res = {
+        "type": "success",
+        "msg": "'command failed: " + exec_return
+      }
+      return Response(content=json.dumps(res, indent=4), media_type="application/json")
   if type == 'utf8_text_only':
-    r = Response(response=output.output.decode('utf-8'), status=200, mimetype="text/plain")
-    r.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
-    return r
+    return Response(content=exec_return, media_type="text/plain")
-class GracefulKiller:
-  kill_now = False
-  def __init__(self):
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.exit_gracefully)
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.exit_gracefully)
+async def get_host_stats(wait=5):
+  global host_stats_isUpdating
-  def exit_gracefully(self, signum, frame):
-    self.kill_now = True
-def create_self_signed_cert():
-    process = subprocess.Popen(
-      "openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout /app/dockerapi_key.pem -out /app/dockerapi_cert.pem -subj /CN=dockerapi/O=mailcow -addext subjectAltName=DNS:dockerapi".split(),
-      stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell=False
-    )
-    process.wait()
-def startFlaskAPI():
-  create_self_signed_cert()
-    ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
-    ctx.check_hostname = False
-    ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile='/app/dockerapi_cert.pem', keyfile='/app/dockerapi_key.pem')
-  except:
-    print ("Cannot initialize TLS, retrying in 5s...")
-    time.sleep(5)
-, host='', port=443, threaded=True, ssl_context=ctx)
+    system_time =
+    host_stats = {
+      "cpu": {
+        "cores": psutil.cpu_count(),
+        "usage": psutil.cpu_percent()
+      },
+      "memory": {
+        "total": psutil.virtual_memory().total,
+        "usage": psutil.virtual_memory().percent,
+        "swap": psutil.swap_memory()
+      },
+      "uptime": time.time() - psutil.boot_time(),
+      "system_time": system_time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
+    }
-api.add_resource(containers_get, '/containers/json')
-api.add_resource(container_get,  '/containers/<string:container_id>/json')
-api.add_resource(container_post, '/containers/<string:container_id>/<string:post_action>')
+    redis_client.set('host_stats', json.dumps(host_stats), ex=10)
+  except Exception as e:
+    res = {
+      "type": "danger",
+      "msg": str(e)
+    }
+    print(json.dumps(res, indent=4))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  api_thread = Thread(target=startFlaskAPI)
-  api_thread.daemon = True
-  api_thread.start()
-  killer = GracefulKiller()
-  while True:
-    time.sleep(1)
-    if killer.kill_now:
-      break
-  print ("Stopping dockerapi-mailcow")
+  await asyncio.sleep(wait)
+  host_stats_isUpdating = False
+async def get_container_stats(container_id, wait=5, stop=False):
+  global containerIds_to_update
+  if container_id and container_id.isalnum():
+    try:
+      for container in (await async_docker_client.containers.list()):
+        if container._id == container_id:
+          res = await container.stats(stream=False)
+          if redis_client.exists(container_id + '_stats'):
+            stats = json.loads(redis_client.get(container_id + '_stats'))
+          else:
+            stats = []
+          stats.append(res[0])
+          if len(stats) > 3:
+            del stats[0]
+          redis_client.set(container_id + '_stats', json.dumps(stats), ex=60)
+    except Exception as e:
+      res = {
+        "type": "danger",
+        "msg": str(e)
+      }
+      print(json.dumps(res, indent=4))
+  else:
+    res = {
+      "type": "danger",
+      "msg": "no or invalid id defined"
+    }
+    print(json.dumps(res, indent=4))
+  await asyncio.sleep(wait)
+  if stop == True:
+    # update task was called second time, stop
+    containerIds_to_update.remove(container_id)
+  else:
+    # call update task a second time
+    await get_container_stats(container_id, wait=0, stop=True)
+if os.environ['REDIS_SLAVEOF_IP'] != "":
+  redis_client = redis.Redis(host=os.environ['REDIS_SLAVEOF_IP'], port=os.environ['REDIS_SLAVEOF_PORT'], db=0)
+  redis_client = redis.Redis(host='redis-mailcow', port=6379, db=0)
+async_docker_client = aiodocker.Docker(url='unix:///var/run/docker.sock')
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/Dockerfile
index 1fc4000..4e90052 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/Dockerfile
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-FROM debian:buster-slim
+FROM debian:bullseye-slim
 LABEL maintainer "Andre Peters <>"
 ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
 # Add groups and users before installing Dovecot to not break compatibility
 RUN groupadd -g 5000 vmail \
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
   && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gosu \
   && gosu nobody true \
   && apt-key adv --fetch-keys \
-  && echo "deb${DOVECOT}/debian/buster buster main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dovecot.list \
+  && echo "deb${DOVECOT}/debian/bullseye bullseye main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dovecot.list \
   && apt-get update \
   && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install \
   dovecot-lua \
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/
index 9ac2dc6..18746de 100755
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/
@@ -307,6 +307,7 @@
 cat <<EOF > /etc/dovecot/sogo_trusted_ip.conf
 # Autogenerated by mailcow
 remote ${IPV4_NETWORK}.248 {
@@ -349,6 +350,14 @@
 sievec /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve/report-spam.sieve
 sievec /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve/report-ham.sieve
+for file in /var/vmail/*/*/sieve/*.sieve ; do
+  if [[ "$file" == "/var/vmail/*/*/sieve/*.sieve" ]]; then
+    continue
+  fi
+  sievec "$file" "$(dirname "$file")/../.dovecot.svbin"
+  chown vmail:vmail "$(dirname "$file")/../.dovecot.svbin"
 # Fix permissions
 chown root:root /etc/dovecot/sql/*.conf
 chown root:dovecot /etc/dovecot/sql/dovecot-dict-sql-sieve* /etc/dovecot/sql/dovecot-dict-sql-quota* /etc/dovecot/lua/passwd-verify.lua
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/imapsync b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/imapsync
index 07cf58e..0d34504 100755
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/imapsync
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/imapsync
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
-# $Id: imapsync,v 2.148 2021/07/22 14:21:09 gilles Exp gilles $
+# $Id: imapsync,v 2.178 2022/01/12 21:28:37 gilles Exp gilles $
 # structure
 # pod documentation
 # use pragmas
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 =head1 VERSION
-This documentation refers to Imapsync $Revision: 2.148 $
+This documentation refers to Imapsync $Revision: 2.178 $
 =head1 USAGE
@@ -212,16 +212,6 @@
  --sslargs2     str  : Pass any ssl parameter for host2 ssl or tls connection.
                        See --sslargs1
- --timeout1     flo  : Connection timeout in seconds for host1.
-                       Default is 120 and 0 means no timeout at all.
- --timeout2     flo  : Connection timeout in seconds for host2.
-                       Default is 120 and 0 means no timeout at all.
-                       Caveat, under CGI context, you may encounter a timeout
-                       from the webserver, killing imapsync and the imap connexions.
-                       See the document INSTALL.OnlineUI.txt and search
-                       for "Timeout" for how to deal with this issue.
 =head2 OPTIONS/authentication
@@ -243,7 +233,7 @@
  --domain2      str  : Domain on host2 (NTLM authentication).
  --oauthaccesstoken1 str : The access token to authenticate with OAUTH2.
-                       It will be combined with the --user1 value to form the 
+                       It will be combined with the --user1 value to form the
                        string to pass with XOAUTH2 authentication.
                        The password given by --password1 or --passfile1
                        is ignored.
@@ -252,18 +242,18 @@
                        If the value is a file, imapsync reads its first line
                        and take this line as the access token. The advantage
                        of the file is that if the access token changes then
-                       imapsync can read it again when it needs to reconnect 
+                       imapsync can read it again when it needs to reconnect
                        during a run.
- --oauthaccesstoken2 str : same thing as --oauthaccesstoken1 
+ --oauthaccesstoken2 str : same thing as --oauthaccesstoken1
  --oauthdirect1 str  : The direct string to pass with XOAUTH2 authentication.
-                       The password given by --password1 or --passfile1 and 
+                       The password given by --password1 or --passfile1 and
                        the user given by --user1 are ignored.
  --oauthdirect2 str  : same thing as oauthdirect1
 =head2 OPTIONS/folders
@@ -432,6 +422,12 @@
                        by spaces.
  --regexmess    reg  : and this one, etc.
+ --truncmess    int  : truncates messages when their size exceed the int
+                       value, specified in bytes. Good to sync too big
+                       messages or to "suppress" attachments.
+                       Have in mind that this way, messages become
+                       uncoherent somehow.
 =head2 OPTIONS/labels
 Gmail present labels as folders in imap. Imapsync can accelerate the sync
@@ -639,7 +635,27 @@
 =head2 OPTIONS/behavior
- --maxmessagespersecond flo : limits the average number of messages 
+ --timeout1     flo  : Connection timeout in seconds for host1.
+                       Default is 120 and 0 means no timeout at all.
+ --timeout2     flo  : Connection timeout in seconds for host2.
+                       Default is 120 and 0 means no timeout at all.
+                       Caveat, under CGI context, you may encounter a timeout
+                       from the webserver, killing imapsync and the imap connexions.
+                       See the document INSTALL.OnlineUI.txt and search
+                       for "Timeout" for how to deal with this issue.
+ --keepalive1        :
+                       Some firewalls and network gears like to timeout connections
+                       prematurely if the connection sits idle.
+                       This option enables SO_KEEPALIVE on the host1 socket.
+                       --keepalive1 is on by default since imapsync release 2.169
+                       Use --nokeepalive1 to disable it.
+ --keepalive2        : Same as --keepalive2 but for host2.
+                       Use --nokeepalive2 to disable it.
+ --maxmessagespersecond flo : limits the average number of messages
                               transferred per second.
  --maxbytespersecond int : limits the average transfer rate per second.
@@ -946,6 +962,7 @@
 use warnings ;
 use Carp ;
 use Cwd ;
+use Compress::Zlib ;
 use Data::Dumper ;
 use Digest::HMAC_SHA1 qw( hmac_sha1 hmac_sha1_hex ) ;
 use Digest::MD5  qw( md5 md5_hex md5_base64 ) ;
@@ -1033,6 +1050,7 @@
 Readonly my $EXIT_TRANSFER_EXCEEDED      => 118 ;
 Readonly my $EXIT_ERR_APPEND_VIRUS       => 119 ;
+Readonly my $EXIT_ERR_FLAGS              => 120 ;
 Readonly my $EXIT_TESTS_FAILED           => 254 ; # Like Test::More API
@@ -1063,6 +1081,7 @@
         $EXIT_ERR_APPEND             => 'EXIT_ERR_APPEND',
         $EXIT_ERR_FETCH              => 'EXIT_ERR_FETCH',
+        $EXIT_ERR_FLAGS              => 'EXIT_ERR_FLAGS',
         $EXIT_ERR_CREATE             => 'EXIT_ERR_CREATE',
         $EXIT_ERR_SELECT             => 'EXIT_ERR_SELECT',
         $EXIT_TESTS_FAILED           => 'EXIT_TESTS_FAILED',
@@ -1082,6 +1101,7 @@
         ERR_CREATE       => $EXIT_ERR_CREATE,
         ERR_SELECT       => $EXIT_ERR_SELECT,
         ERR_Host1_FETCH  => $EXIT_ERR_FETCH,
+        ERR_FLAGS        => $EXIT_ERR_FLAGS,
@@ -1093,6 +1113,103 @@
 ) ;
+Readonly my %COMMENT_OF_ERR_TYPE => (
+        ERR_APPEND_SIZE                  => \&comment_err_append_size,
+        ERR_OVERQUOTA                    => \&comment_err_overquota,
+        ERR_APPEND                       => \&comment_err_blank,
+        ERR_APPEND_VIRUS                 => \&comment_err_blank,
+        ERR_CREATE                       => \&comment_err_blank,
+        ERR_SELECT                       => \&comment_err_blank,
+        ERR_Host1_FETCH                  => \&comment_err_blank,
+        ERR_FLAGS                        => \&comment_err_flags,
+        ERR_UNCLASSIFIED                 => \&comment_err_blank,
+        ERR_NOTHING_REPORTED             => \&comment_err_blank,
+        ERR_TRANSFER_EXCEEDED            => \&comment_err_transfer_exceeded,
+        ERR_CONNECTION_FAILURE_HOST1     => \&comment_err_connection_failure_host1,
+        ERR_CONNECTION_FAILURE_HOST2     => \&comment_err_connection_failure_host2,
+        ERR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_USER1 => \&comment_err_authentication_failure_host1,
+        ERR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_USER2 => \&comment_err_authentication_failure_host2,
+        ERR_EXIT_TLS_FAILURE             => \&comment_err_blank,
+) ;
+sub comment_err_blank
+        return '' ;
+sub comment_err_append_size
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $comment = "The destination server refuses too big messages. Use --truncmess option. Read" ;
+        return $comment ;
+sub comment_err_authentication_failure_host1
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $comment = "Check the credentials for $mysync->{ user1 }." ;
+        return $comment ;
+sub comment_err_authentication_failure_host2
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $comment = "Check the credentials for $mysync->{ user2 }." ;
+        return $comment ;
+sub comment_err_connection_failure_host1
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $comment = "Check that host1 $mysync->{ host1 } on port $mysync->{ port1 } is the right IMAP server to be contacted for your mailbox." ;
+        return $comment ;
+sub comment_err_connection_failure_host2
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $comment = "Check that host1 $mysync->{ host2 } on port $mysync->{ port2 } is the right IMAP server to be contacted for your mailbox." ;
+        return $comment ;
+sub comment_err_overquota
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $comment = 'The destination mailbox is 100% full, get free space on it and then resume the sync.' ;
+        return $comment ;
+sub comment_err_transfer_exceeded
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $size_limit_human = bytes_display_string_dec( $mysync->{ exitwhenover } ) ;
+        my $comment = "The maximum transfer size for a single sync is reached ( over $size_limit_human ). Relaunch the sync to sync more." ;
+        return $comment ;
+sub comment_err_flags
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $comment = 'Many STORE errors with FLAGS. Retry with the option --noresyncflags' ;
+        return $comment ;
 Readonly my $DEFAULT_LOGDIR => 'LOG_imapsync' ;
 Readonly my $ERRORS_MAX     =>  50 ; # exit after 50 errors.
@@ -1177,9 +1294,8 @@
         $sync, $acc1, $acc2,
-        $debugcontent, $debugflags,
+        $debugflags,
         $debuglist, $debugdev, $debugmaxlinelength, $debugcgi,
         @include, @exclude, @folderrec,
         @folderfirst, @folderlast,
         @h1_folders_all, %h1_folders_all,
@@ -1191,41 +1307,26 @@
         %h1_subscribed_folder, %h2_subscribed_folder,
         $prefix1, $prefix2,
         @regexmess, @skipmess, @pipemess, $pipemesscheck,
         $minsize, $maxage, $minage,
         @useheader, %useheader,
         $skipsize, $allowsizemismatch, $buffersize,
         $authmd5, $authmd51, $authmd52,
         $subscribed, $subscribe, $subscribeall,
-        $fast,
         $h1_nb_msg_end, $h1_bytes_end,
         $h2_nb_msg_end, $h2_bytes_end,
         $uid1, $uid2,
         $split1, $split2,
         $delete2folders, $delete2foldersonly, $delete2foldersbutnot,
         $usecache, $debugcache, $cacheaftercopy,
@@ -1244,7 +1345,6 @@
-        $warn_release,
 ) ;
 single_sync( $sync, $acc1, $acc2 );
@@ -1263,7 +1363,7 @@
 # or $acc1->{variable_name}
 # or $acc1->{variable_name}
 $acc1 = {} ;
 $acc2 = {} ;
 $sync->{ acc1 } = $acc1 ;
@@ -1271,10 +1371,12 @@
 $acc1->{ Side } = 'Host1' ;
 $acc2->{ Side } = 'Host2' ;
+$acc1->{ N } = '1' ;
+$acc2->{ N } = '2' ;
 $sync->{timestart} = time ; # Is a float because of use Time::HiRres
-$sync->{rcs} = q{$Id: imapsync,v 2.148 2021/07/22 14:21:09 gilles Exp gilles $} ;
+$sync->{rcs} = q{$Id: imapsync,v 2.178 2022/01/12 21:28:37 gilles Exp gilles $} ;
 $sync->{ memory_consumption_at_start } = memory_consumption(  ) || 0 ;
@@ -1383,6 +1485,8 @@
 # Under CGI environment, fix caveat emptor potential issues
 cgisetcontext( $sync ) ;
+get_options_extra( $sync ) ;
 # --gmail --gmail --exchange --office etc.
 easyany( $sync ) ;
@@ -1397,7 +1501,7 @@
 if ( condition_to_leave_after_tests( $sync ) )
-        return $unittestssuite ; 
+        return $unittestssuite ;
 # init live varaiables
@@ -1458,7 +1562,7 @@
 $modulesversion = defined  $modulesversion  ? $modulesversion : 1 ;
-$warn_release = ( $sync->{releasecheck} ) ? check_last_release(  ) : $STR_use_releasecheck ;
+$sync->{ warn_release } = ( $sync->{ releasecheck } ) ? check_last_release(  ) : $STR_use_releasecheck ;
 $wholeheaderifneeded  = defined  $wholeheaderifneeded   ? $wholeheaderifneeded  : 1;
@@ -1557,7 +1661,7 @@
-if ( $sync->{ justbanner } ) 
+if ( $sync->{ justbanner } )
         myprint( "Exiting because of --justbanner\n" ) ;
         exit_clean( $sync, $EX_OK ) ;
@@ -1766,6 +1870,11 @@
 $sync->{ acc2 }->{timeout} = defined  $sync->{ acc2 }->{timeout}  ? $sync->{ acc2 }->{timeout} : $sync->{ timeout } ;
 myprint( "Host2: imap connection timeout is $sync->{ acc2 }->{timeout} seconds\n" ) ;
+keepalive1( $sync ) ;
+keepalive2( $sync ) ;
 if ( under_cgi_context( $sync ) )
         myprint( "Under CGI context, a timeout can occur from the webserver, see\n" ) ;
@@ -1773,7 +1882,7 @@
 $sync->{ syncacls } = defined  $sync->{ syncacls } ? $sync->{ syncacls } : 0 ;
-# No folders sizes if --justfolders, unless really wanted.
+# No folders sizes at the beginning if --justfolders, unless really wanted.
 if (
         $sync->{ justfolders }
         and not defined $sync->{ foldersizes }
@@ -1786,7 +1895,8 @@
 $sync->{ foldersizes }       = ( defined  $sync->{ foldersizes } )      ? $sync->{ foldersizes }      : 1 ;
 $sync->{ foldersizesatend }  = ( defined  $sync->{ foldersizesatend } ) ? $sync->{ foldersizesatend } : $sync->{ foldersizes } ;
-$sync->{ checknoabletosearch } = ( defined  $sync->{ checknoabletosearch } ) ? $sync->{ checknoabletosearch } : 1 ;
+#$sync->{ checknoabletosearch } = ( defined  $sync->{ checknoabletosearch } ) ? $sync->{ checknoabletosearch } : 1 ;
+set_checknoabletosearch( $sync ) ;
 $acc1->{ fastio } = defined  $acc1->{ fastio }  ? $acc1->{ fastio } : 0 ;
@@ -1796,6 +1906,11 @@
 $acc1->{ reconnectretry } = defined  $acc1->{ reconnectretry }  ? $acc1->{ reconnectretry } : $DEFAULT_NB_RECONNECT_PER_IMAP_COMMAND ;
 $acc2->{ reconnectretry } = defined  $acc2->{ reconnectretry }  ? $acc2->{ reconnectretry } : $DEFAULT_NB_RECONNECT_PER_IMAP_COMMAND ;
+# IMAP compression on by default
+#$acc1->{ compress } = defined  $acc1->{ compress }  ? $acc1->{ compress } : 0 ;
+#$acc2->{ compress } = defined  $acc2->{ compress }  ? $acc2->{ compress } : 0 ;
 if ( ! @useheader ) { @useheader = qw( Message-Id Received )  ; }
@@ -1936,6 +2051,9 @@
 maxsize_setting( $sync ) ;
+acc_compress_imap( $acc1 ) ;
+acc_compress_imap( $acc2 ) ;
 if ( $sync->{ justlogin } ) {
         $sync->{imap1}->logout(  ) ;
         $sync->{imap2}->logout(  ) ;
@@ -2330,7 +2448,7 @@
         my $h2_fold_nb_messages = count_from_select( @select_results ) ;
         myprint( "Host2: folder [$h2_fold] has $h2_fold_nb_messages messages in total (mentioned by SELECT)\n" ) ;
-        my $permanentflags2 = permanentflags( @select_results ) ;
+        my $permanentflags2 = permanentflags( $sync, @select_results ) ;
         myprint( "Host2: folder [$h2_fold] permanentflags: $permanentflags2\n"  ) ;
         if ( $sync->{ expunge1 } )
@@ -2874,22 +2992,21 @@
 do_and_print_stats( $sync ) ;
-if ( $sync->{errorsdump} and $sync->{nb_errors} )
+if ( $sync->{ nb_errors } )
         myprint( errors_listing( $sync ) ) ;
-if ( $sync->{testslive} or $sync->{testslive6} )
+if ( $sync->{ testslive } or $sync->{ testslive6 } )
-        tests_live_result( $sync->{nb_errors} ) ;
+        tests_live_result( $sync->{ nb_errors } ) ;
-if ( $sync->{nb_errors} )
+if ( $sync->{ nb_errors } )
-        my $exit_value = $EXIT_VALUE_OF_ERR_TYPE{ $sync->{most_common_error} } || $EXIT_CATCH_ALL ;
+        my $exit_value = exit_value( $sync, $sync->{ most_common_error } ) ;
         exit_clean( $sync, $exit_value ) ;
@@ -3020,16 +3137,16 @@
         output( $mysync, "Hello\n" ) ;
         is( "Hello\n", print_output_if_needed( $mysync ),  'print_output_if_needed: Hello => Hello' ) ;
         $mysync->{ dockercontext } = 1 ;
         is( "Hello\n", print_output_if_needed( $mysync ),  'print_output_if_needed: dockercontext + Hello => Hello' ) ;
         $mysync->{ version } = 1 ;
         is( q{}, print_output_if_needed( $mysync ),  'print_output_if_needed: dockercontext + Hello + --version => ""' ) ;
         $mysync->{ dockercontext } = 0 ;
         is( "Hello\n", print_output_if_needed( $mysync ),  'print_output_if_needed: Hello + --version => Hello' ) ;
         note( 'Leaving  tests_print_output_if_needed()' ) ;
         return ;
@@ -3037,11 +3154,11 @@
 sub print_output_if_needed
         my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
         if ( ! defined $mysync ) { return ; }
         my $output = output( $mysync ) ;
         if ( $mysync->{ version } && under_docker_context( $mysync ) )
                 return q{} ;
@@ -3051,7 +3168,7 @@
                 myprint( $output ) ;
                 return $output ;
@@ -3415,7 +3532,7 @@
 sub under_docker_context
         my $mysync = shift ;
         if ( ! defined $mysync ) { return ; }
         if ( defined $mysync->{ dockercontext } )
@@ -3436,7 +3553,7 @@
-sub docker_context 
+sub docker_context
         my $mysync = shift ;
@@ -3447,7 +3564,7 @@
         output( $mysync, "Docker context detected with the file /.dockerenv\n" ) ;
         # No pidfile by default
         $mysync->{ pidfile } = defined( $mysync->{ pidfile } ) ? $mysync->{ pidfile } : q{} ;
         # No log by default
         if ( defined( $mysync->{ log } ) )
@@ -3461,8 +3578,11 @@
         # In case something is written relatively to .
-        output( $mysync, "Changing current directory to /var/tmp/\n" ) ;
-        chdir '/var/tmp/' ;
+        my $tmp_dir = "/var/tmp/uid_$EFFECTIVE_USER_ID" ;
+        mkpath( $tmp_dir ) ; # silly? No. it is for imapsync --version being ok.
+        do_valid_directory( $tmp_dir ) ;
+        output( $mysync, "Changing current directory to $tmp_dir\n" ) ;
+        chdir $tmp_dir ;
         return ;
@@ -3520,7 +3640,7 @@
         return ;
-sub cgibuildheader 
+sub cgibuildheader
 	my $mysync = shift ;
 	if ( ! under_cgi_context( $mysync ) ) { return ; }
@@ -3689,15 +3809,15 @@
         if ( ! under_cgi_context( $mysync ) ) { return ; }
         output( $mysync, "Under cgi context\n" ) ;
         set_umask( $mysync ) ;
         # Remove all content in unsafe evaled options
         @{ $mysync->{ regextrans2 } } = (  ) ;
         @{ $mysync->{ regexflag } } = buggyflagsregex(  ) ;
         @regexmess   = (  ) ;
         @skipmess    = (  ) ;
         @pipemess    = (  ) ;
@@ -3738,7 +3858,7 @@
         -d $cgidir or mkpath $cgidir or die "Can not create $cgidir: $OS_ERROR\n" ;
         $mysync->{ tmpdir } = $cgidir ;
         $mysync->{ logdir } = '' ;
         chdir  $cgidir or die "Can not cd to $cgidir: $OS_ERROR\n" ;
         cgioutputenvcontext( $mysync ) ;
         $mysync->{ debug } and output( $mysync, 'Current directory is ' . getcwd(  ) . "\n" ) ;
@@ -3758,7 +3878,7 @@
         # addheader on by default
         $mysync->{ addheader } = defined  $mysync->{ addheader }  ? $mysync->{ addheader } : 1 ;
         # sync duplicates by default in cgi context
         $mysync->{ syncduplicates } = defined  $mysync->{ syncduplicates }  ? $mysync->{ syncduplicates } : 1 ;
@@ -3780,7 +3900,7 @@
 	return ;
-sub announcelogfile 
+sub announcelogfile
         my $mysync = shift ;
@@ -3792,7 +3912,7 @@
                 myprint( "No log file because of option --nolog\n" ) ;
-        }  
+        }
         return ;
@@ -3802,7 +3922,7 @@
         my $mysync = shift ;
         if ( ! $mysync->{ loglogfile } ) { return ; }
         if ( ! $mysync->{ log        } ) { return ; }
         my $cwd = getcwd(  ) ;
         my $absolutelogfilepath ;
         # Fixme: add case when the logfile name is already absolute
@@ -3822,10 +3942,10 @@
-sub checkselectable 
+sub checkselectable
-        my $mysync = shift ; 
+        my $mysync = shift ;
         if ( $mysync->{ checkselectable } ) {
                 my @h1_folders_wanted_selectable ;
                 myprint( "Host1: Checking wanted folders are selectable. Use --nocheckselectable to avoid this check.\n"  ) ;
@@ -3842,7 +3962,7 @@
                 @{ $mysync->{ h1_folders_wanted } } = @h1_folders_wanted_selectable ;
-                ( $mysync->{ debug } or $mysync->{ debugfolders } ) 
+                ( $mysync->{ debug } or $mysync->{ debugfolders } )
                         and myprint( 'Host1: checking folders took ', timenext( $mysync ), " s\n"  ) ;
@@ -3852,14 +3972,14 @@
         return ;
-sub setcheckselectable 
+sub setcheckselectable
         my $mysync = shift ;
         my $h1_folders_wanted_nb = scalar @{ $mysync->{ h1_folders_wanted } } ;
         # 152 because 98% of host1 accounts have less than 152 folders on /X service.
-        # command to get this value: 
-        #     datamash_file_op_index G_Host1_Nb_folders.txt  perc:98 4  %16.1f 
+        # command to get this value:
+        #     datamash_file_op_index G_Host1_Nb_folders.txt  perc:98 4  %16.1f
         if ( ! defined $mysync->{ checkselectable } )
                 if ( 152 >= $h1_folders_wanted_nb )
@@ -4014,8 +4134,8 @@
         myprintf( "%s Nb folders:           %11s folders\n",    $side, $nb_folders ) ;
         myprintf( "%s Nb messages:          %11s messages\n",   $side, $total_nb ) ;
-        myprintf( "%s Total size:           %11s bytes (%s)\n", $side, $total_size, bytes_display_string( $total_size ) ) ;
-        myprintf( "%s Biggest message:      %11s bytes (%s)\n", $side, $biggest_in_all, bytes_display_string( $biggest_in_all ) ) ;
+        myprintf( "%s Total size:           %11s bytes (%s)\n", $side, $total_size, bytes_display_string_bin( $total_size ) ) ;
+        myprintf( "%s Biggest message:      %11s bytes (%s)\n", $side, $biggest_in_all, bytes_display_string_bin( $biggest_in_all ) ) ;
         myprintf( "%s Time spent on sizing: %11.1f seconds\n",  $side, timenext( $mysync ) ) ;
         return( $total_nb, $total_size ) ;
@@ -4319,11 +4439,11 @@
         myprintf( "Host1 Nb messages:          %11s messages\n",   $total_nb_1 ) ;
         myprintf( "Host2 Nb messages:          %11s messages\n",   $total_nb_2 ) ;
         myprint( "\n" ) ;
-        myprintf( "Host1 Total size:           %11s bytes (%s)\n", $total_size_1, bytes_display_string( $total_size_1 ) ) ;
-        myprintf( "Host2 Total size:           %11s bytes (%s)\n", $total_size_2, bytes_display_string( $total_size_2 ) ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host1 Total size:           %11s bytes (%s)\n", $total_size_1, bytes_display_string_bin( $total_size_1 ) ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host2 Total size:           %11s bytes (%s)\n", $total_size_2, bytes_display_string_bin( $total_size_2 ) ) ;
         myprint( "\n" ) ;
-        myprintf( "Host1 Biggest message:      %11s bytes (%s)\n", $biggest_in_all_1, bytes_display_string( $biggest_in_all_1 ) ) ;
-        myprintf( "Host2 Biggest message:      %11s bytes (%s)\n", $biggest_in_all_2, bytes_display_string( $biggest_in_all_2 ) ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host1 Biggest message:      %11s bytes (%s)\n", $biggest_in_all_1, bytes_display_string_bin( $biggest_in_all_1 ) ) ;
+        myprintf( "Host2 Biggest message:      %11s bytes (%s)\n", $biggest_in_all_2, bytes_display_string_bin( $biggest_in_all_2 ) ) ;
         myprint( "\n" ) ;
         myprintf( "Time spent on sizing: %11.1f seconds\n", timenext( $mysync ) ) ;
@@ -5326,7 +5446,7 @@
                 vendor        => 'Gilles LAMIRAL',
                 'support-url' => '',
                 # Example of date-time:  19-Sep-2015 08:56:07
-                date          => date_from_rcs( q{$Date: 2021/07/22 14:21:09 $ } ),
+                date          => date_from_rcs( q{$Date: 2022/01/12 21:28:37 $ } ),
         } ;
         my $imapsync_id_github  = {
@@ -5335,7 +5455,7 @@
                 os            => $OSNAME,
                 vendor        => 'github',
                 'support-url' => '',
-                date          => date_from_rcs( q{$Date: 2021/07/22 14:21:09 $ } ),
+                date          => date_from_rcs( q{$Date: 2022/01/12 21:28:37 $ } ),
         } ;
         $imapsync_id = $imapsync_id_lamiral ;
@@ -5412,11 +5532,13 @@
         my $Side = $side{ $side } ;
         my $debug_before = $imap->Debug(  ) ;
         $imap->Debug( 1 ) ;
-        if ( not $imap->has_capability( 'QUOTA' ) ) {
+        if ( not $imap->has_capability( 'QUOTA' ) )
+        {
+                myprint( "$Side: No QUOTA capability found, skipping it.\n"  ) ;
                 $imap->Debug( $debug_before ) ;
                 return ;
         } ;
-        myprint( "\n$Side: found quota, presented in raw IMAP\n"  ) ;
+        myprint( "\n$Side: QUOTA capability found, presented in raw IMAP on next lines\n"  ) ;
         my $getquotaroot = $imap->getquotaroot( 'INBOX' ) ;
         # Gmail INBOX quotaroot is "" but with it Mail::IMAPClient does a literal GETQUOTA {2} \n ""
         #$imap->quota( 'ROOT' ) ;
@@ -5517,7 +5639,7 @@
         $mysync->{h2_special} = special_from_folders_hash( $mysync, $mysync->{imap2}, 'Host2' ) ;
         build_possible_special( $mysync ) ;
-        build_guess_special(  $mysync ) ;
+        build_guess_special( $mysync ) ;
         build_automap( $mysync ) ;
         return ;
@@ -5653,7 +5775,7 @@
                                             'Junk E-Mail', 'Junk Email'] ;
         $possible_special->{'\Sent'}    = [ 'Sent', 'Sent Messages', 'Sent Items',
                                             'Gesendete Elemente', 'Gesendete Objekte',
-                                            '&AMk-l&AOk-ments envoy&AOk-s', 'Envoy&AOk-', 'Objets envoy&AOk-s',
+                                            '&AMk-l&AOk-ments envoy&AOk-s', 'E&AwE-le&AwE-ments envoye&AwE-s', 'Envoy&AOk-', 'Objets envoy&AOk-s',
                                             'Elementos enviados',
@@ -5728,32 +5850,6 @@
         return( \%special ) ;
-sub errors_incr
-        my ( $mysync, @error ) = @ARG ;
-        $mysync->{nb_errors}++ ;
-        if ( @error ) {
-                errors_log( $mysync, @error ) ;
-                myprint( @error ) ;
-        }
-        $mysync->{errorsmax} ||= $ERRORS_MAX ;
-        if ( $mysync->{nb_errors} >= $mysync->{errorsmax} ) {
-                myprint( "Maximum number of errors $mysync->{errorsmax} reached ( you can change $mysync->{errorsmax} to any value, for example 100 with --errorsmax 100 ). Exiting.\n"  ) ;
-                my $most_common_error = errorsanalyse( errors_log( $mysync ) ) ;
-                if ( $mysync->{errorsdump} ) {
-                        myprint( errorsdump( errors_log( $mysync ) ) ) ;
-                        myprint( "The most frequent error is $most_common_error\n" ) ;
-                        # again since errorsdump(  ) can be very verbose and masquerade previous warning
-                        myprint( "Maximum number of errors $mysync->{errorsmax} reached ( you can change $mysync->{errorsmax} to any value, for example 100 with --errorsmax 100 ). Exiting.\n"  ) ;
-                }
-                my $exit_value = $EXIT_VALUE_OF_ERR_TYPE{ $most_common_error } || $EXIT_CATCH_ALL ;
-                #exit_clean( $mysync, $EXIT_WITH_ERRORS_MAX ) ;
-                exit_clean( $mysync, $exit_value ) ;
-        }
-        return ;
 sub tests_errors_log
@@ -5790,6 +5886,52 @@
+sub tests_comment_of_error_type
+        note( 'Entering tests_comment_of_error_type()' ) ;
+        is( undef, comment_of_error_type(  ),  'comment_of_error_type: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {  } ;
+        is( undef, comment_of_error_type( $mysync ),  'comment_of_error_type: undef => undef' ) ;
+        is( "", comment_of_error_type( $mysync, '' ),  'comment_of_error_type: "" => ""' ) ;
+        is( "", comment_of_error_type( $mysync, 'blabla' ),  'comment_of_error_type: blabla => ""' ) ;
+        is( "", comment_of_error_type( $mysync, 'ERR_UNCLASSIFIED' ),  'comment_of_error_type: ERR_UNCLASSIFIED => ""' ) ;
+        like( comment_of_error_type( $mysync, 'ERR_OVERQUOTA' ), qr{100% full},  'comment_of_error_type: ERR_OVERQUOTA => matches 100% full' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_comment_of_error_type()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub comment_of_error_type
+        my $mysync     = shift @ARG ;
+        my $error_type = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( ! defined $mysync ) { return ; }
+        if ( ! defined $error_type ) { return ; }
+        my $comment ;
+        if ( exists( $COMMENT_OF_ERR_TYPE{ $error_type } ) )
+        {
+                $comment = $COMMENT_OF_ERR_TYPE{ $error_type }->( $mysync ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $comment = "" ;
+        }
+        return $comment ;
 sub tests_error_type
         note( 'Entering tests_error_type()' ) ;
@@ -5851,6 +5993,13 @@
                 'error_type: could not append ... virus => ERR_APPEND_VIRUS'
         ) ;
+        is( 'ERR_FLAGS',
+                error_type( 'Host2: flags msg INBOX/957910 could not add flags [PasGlop \PasGlopRe]: 33 NO Error in IMAP command received by server.' ),
+                'error_type: could not add flags => ERR_FLAGS'
+        ) ;
         note( 'Leaving  tests_error_type()' ) ;
         return ;
@@ -5902,6 +6051,10 @@
         # could not append .*NO header limit reached
         if ( $error =~ m{could not append} ) { return 'ERR_APPEND' ; } ;
+        # could not add flags
+        if ( $error =~ m{could not add flags} ) { return 'ERR_FLAGS' ; } ;
         # Could not create folder .*Invalid mailbox name
         if ( $error =~ m{Could not create folder} ) { return 'ERR_CREATE' ; } ;
@@ -5996,6 +6149,7 @@
         if ( !%{ $errors_counted_ref } ) { return 'ERR_NOTHING_REPORTED' ; }
         # non empty hash
+		# in case of equality the winner error is the first in alphabetic order
         my $most_common_error = ( sort
                 $errors_counted_ref->{$b} <=> $errors_counted_ref->{$a}
@@ -6084,17 +6238,69 @@
 sub errors_listing
         my $mysync = shift ;
-        $mysync->{most_common_error} = errorsanalyse( errors_log( $sync ) ) ;
+        $mysync->{ most_common_error } = errorsanalyse( errors_log( $mysync ) ) ;
-        my $errors_listing = join( '',
-        "++++ Listing $mysync->{nb_errors} errors encountered during the sync ( avoid this listing with --noerrorsdump ).\n",
-        errorsdump( errors_log( $mysync ) ),
-        "The most frequent error is $mysync->{most_common_error}\n",
+        my $errors_listing = '' ;
+        if ( $mysync->{ errorsdump }  )
+        {
+                $errors_listing = join( '',
+                "++++ Listing $mysync->{nb_errors} errors encountered during the sync ( avoid this listing with --noerrorsdump ).\n",
+                errorsdump( errors_log( $mysync ) ),
+                ) ;
+        }
+        $errors_listing .= join( '',
+                "The most frequent error is $mysync->{ most_common_error }. ",
+                comment_of_error_type( $mysync, $mysync->{ most_common_error } ),
+                "\n",
         ) ;
         return $errors_listing ;
+sub errors_incr
+        my ( $mysync, @error ) = @ARG ;
+        $mysync->{ nb_errors }++ ;
+        if ( @error ) {
+                errors_log( $mysync, @error ) ;
+                myprint( @error ) ;
+        }
+        $mysync->{ errorsmax } ||= $ERRORS_MAX ;
+        if ( $mysync->{ nb_errors } >= $mysync->{ errorsmax } )
+        {
+                myprint( errorsmax_msg( $mysync ) ) ;
+                myprint( errors_listing( $mysync ) ) ;
+                if ( $mysync->{ errorsdump } )
+                {
+                        # again since errorsdump(  ) can be very verbose and masquerade previous warning
+                        myprint( errorsmax_msg( $mysync ) ) ;
+                }
+                my $exit_value = exit_value( $mysync, $mysync->{ most_common_error } ) ;
+                exit_clean( $mysync, $exit_value ) ;
+        }
+        return ;
+sub errorsmax_msg
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $msg = "Maximum number of errors $mysync->{errorsmax} reached "
+        . "( you can change $mysync->{errorsmax} to any value, for example 100 with --errorsmax 100 ). "
+        . "Exiting.\n" ;
+        return $msg ;
 sub tests_live_result
@@ -6713,17 +6919,21 @@
 sub cleanup_before_exit
         my $mysync = shift ;
         remove_tmp_files( $mysync ) ;
         if ( $mysync->{imap1} and $mysync->{imap1}->IsConnected() )
                 myprint( "Disconnecting from host1 $mysync->{ host1 } user1 $mysync->{ user1 }\n" ) ;
                 $mysync->{imap1}->logout(  ) ;
         if ( $mysync->{imap2} and $mysync->{imap2}->IsConnected() )
                 myprint( "Disconnecting from host2 $mysync->{ host2 } user2 $mysync->{ user2 }\n" ) ;
                 $mysync->{imap2}->logout(  ) ;
         if ( $mysync->{log} ) {
                 myprint( "Log file is $mysync->{logfile} ( to change it, use --logfile filepath ; or use --nolog to turn off logging )\n" ) ;
@@ -6736,16 +6946,50 @@
                 #print( "Closing $mysync->{ logfile }\n" ) ;
                 teefinish( $mysync ) ;
         return ;
+sub tests_exit_value
+        note( 'Entering tests_exit_value()' ) ;
+        is( $EXIT_CATCH_ALL, exit_value(  ),  'exit_value: no args => EXIT_CATCH_ALL' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {  } ;
+        is( $EXIT_CATCH_ALL, exit_value( $mysync ),  'exit_value: undef => EXIT_CATCH_ALL' ) ;
+        is( $EXIT_CATCH_ALL, exit_value( $mysync, 'Blabla_unknown' ),  'exit_value: Blabla => EXIT_CATCH_ALL' ) ;
+        is( $EXIT_CATCH_ALL, exit_value( $mysync, '' ),                'exit_value: empty  => EXIT_CATCH_ALL' ) ;
+        is( $EXIT_OVERQUOTA,         exit_value( $mysync, 'ERR_OVERQUOTA' ),         'exit_value: ERR_OVERQUOTA => EXIT_OVERQUOTA' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_exit_value()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub exit_value
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $most_common_error = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( ! defined $most_common_error ) { return $EXIT_CATCH_ALL ; }
+        my $exit_value = $EXIT_VALUE_OF_ERR_TYPE{ $most_common_error } || $EXIT_CATCH_ALL ;
+        return $exit_value ;
 sub exit_most_errors
         my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
         myprint( errors_listing( $mysync ) ) ;
-        my $exit_value = $EXIT_VALUE_OF_ERR_TYPE{ $mysync->{most_common_error} } || $EXIT_CATCH_ALL ;
+        my $exit_value = exit_value( $mysync, $mysync->{ most_common_error } ) ;
         exit_clean( $mysync, $exit_value ) ;
         return ;
@@ -7072,8 +7316,9 @@
 sub skip_macosx
         #return ;
-        # hostname used to be
-        return( 'macosx' eq hostname(  ) && ( 'darwin' eq $OSNAME ) ) ;
+        # hostname is sometimes "" sometimes "macosx"
+        return( ( ( '' eq hostname(  ) ) || ( 'macosx' eq hostname(  ) ) )
+                && ( 'darwin' eq $OSNAME ) ) ;
 sub skip_macosx_binary
@@ -7140,7 +7385,7 @@
         is( 1, $imap->Debug( 1 ), 'mailimapclient_connect ipv4 + ssl: setting Debug( 1 )' ) ;
         # It sounds stupid but it avoids failures on the next test about $imap->connect
-        is( '2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7', resolv( '' ), 'resolv: => 2001:41d0:8:bebd::1' ) ;
+        is( '2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7', resolv( '' ), 'resolv: => 2a01:e34:ecde:70d0:223:54ff:fec2:36d7' ) ;
         like( ref( $imap->connect(  ) ), qr/IO::Socket::SSL/, 'mailimapclient_connect ipv6 + ssl: connect to' ) ;
         # This one is ok on petite, not on ks2, do not know why, so commented.
@@ -7340,6 +7585,9 @@
         $imap->Debug( $acc->{ debugimap } ) ;
         $imap->Timeout( $acc->{ timeout } ) ;
+        #$imap->Keepalive( $acc->{ keepalive } ) ;
         my $side = lc $acc->{ Side } ;
         myprint( "$acc->{ Side }: connecting on $side [$host] port [$port]\n"  ) ;
@@ -7375,7 +7623,145 @@
         return( $imap ) ;
+sub tests_compress_ssl
+        note( 'Entering tests_compress_ssl()' ) ;
+        SKIP: {
+        if ( skip_macosx(  ) )
+        {
+                skip( 'Tests avoided on host polarhome macosx, no clue "ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed"', 12 ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+        my $myimap ;
+        my $acc = {} ;
+        $acc->{ Side }      =  'HostK' ;
+        $acc->{ authmech }  = 'LOGIN' ;
+        $acc->{ debugimap } = 1 ;
+        $acc->{ compress }  = 1 ;
+        $acc->{ N }  = 'K' ;
+        ok(
+                $myimap = login_imap( '', 993, 'test1', 'secret1',
+                1, undef,
+                1, 100, $acc, {},
+                ),  'acc_compress_imap: test1 ssl' ) ;
+        ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'acc_compress_imap: test1 ssl IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+        is( $acc->{ imap }, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: ok" ) ;
+        is( undef, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: 2nd nok" ) ;
+        ok(
+                $myimap = login_imap( '', 143, 'test1', 'secret1',
+                0, undef,
+                1, 100, $acc, {},
+                ),  'acc_compress_imap: test1 tls' ) ;
+        ok( $myimap && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'acc_compress_imap: test1 tls IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+        is( $acc->{ imap }, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: tls ok" ) ;
+        is( undef, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: tls 2nd nok" ) ;
+        # Third, no compression
+        $acc->{ compress }  = 0 ;
+        ok(
+                $myimap = login_imap( '', 993, 'test1', 'secret1',
+                1, undef,
+                1, 100, $acc, {},
+                ),  'acc_compress_imap: test1 ssl' ) ;
+        ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'acc_compress_imap: test1 ssl IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+        is( undef, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: off ok" ) ;
+        is( undef, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: 2nd off ok" ) ;
+        }
+        }
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_compress_ssl()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub tests_compress
+        note( 'Entering tests_compress()' ) ;
+        my $myimap ;
+        my $acc = {} ;
+        $acc->{ Side }      =  'HostK' ;
+        $acc->{ authmech }  = 'LOGIN' ;
+        $acc->{ debugimap } = 1 ;
+        $acc->{ compress }  = 1 ;
+        $acc->{ N }  = 'K' ;
+        ok(
+                $myimap = login_imap( '', 143, 'test1', 'secret1',
+                0, 0,
+                1, 100, $acc, {},
+                ),  'acc_compress_imap: test1' ) ;
+        ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'acc_compress_imap: test1 IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+        is( $acc->{ imap }, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: ok" ) ;
+        is( undef, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: 2nd nok" ) ;
+        ok(
+                $myimap = login_imap( '', 143, 'test1', 'secret1',
+                0, 0,
+                1, 100, $acc, {},
+                ),  'acc_compress_imap: test1 tls' ) ;
+        ok( $myimap && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'acc_compress_imap: test1 tls IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+        is( $acc->{ imap }, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: tls ok" ) ;
+        is( undef, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: tls 2nd nok" ) ;
+        # Third, no compression
+        $acc->{ compress }  = 0 ;
+        ok(
+                $myimap = login_imap( '', 143, 'test1', 'secret1',
+                0, 0,
+                1, 100, $acc, {},
+                ),  'acc_compress_imap: test1 ssl' ) ;
+        ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'acc_compress_imap: test1 ssl IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+        is( undef, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: off ok" ) ;
+        is( undef, acc_compress_imap( $acc ), "acc_compress_imap: 2nd off ok" ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_compress()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub acc_compress_imap
+        my $acc = shift ;
+        if ( ! defined( $acc ) ) { return ; }
+        my $ret ;
+        my $imap = $acc->{ imap } ;
+        if ( ! defined $imap ) { return ; }
+        if ( $imap && $acc->{ compress } )
+        {
+                myprint( "$acc->{ Side }: Trying to turn imap compression on. Use --nocompress" . $acc->{ N } . " to avoid compression on " . lc( $acc->{ Side } ) . "\n" ) ;
+                if ( $ret = $imap->compress() )
+                {
+                        myprint( "$acc->{ Side }: Compression is on now\n" ) ;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                        myprint( "$acc->{ Side }: Failed to turn compression on\n" ) ;
+                }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                myprint( "$acc->{ Side }: Compression is off. Use --compress" . $acc->{ N } . " to allow compression on " . lc( $acc->{ Side } ) . "\n" ) ;
+        }
+        # $ret is $acc->{ imap } on success, undef on failure or when there is nothing to do.
+        return $ret ;
 sub tests_login_imap
@@ -7384,12 +7770,12 @@
         is( undef, login_imap(  ),  'login_imap: no args => undef' ) ;
         SKIP: {
-        if ( skip_macosx_binary(  ) )
+        if ( skip_macosx(  ) )
-                skip( 'Tests avoided only on binary on host polarhome macosx, no clue "ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed"', 11 ) ;
+                skip( 'Tests avoided only on binary on host polarhome macosx, no clue "ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed"', 15 ) ;
         my $myimap ;
         my $acc = {} ;
         $acc->{ Side }     =  'HostK' ;
@@ -7399,8 +7785,14 @@
         # echo | openssl s_client -crlf -connect
         # ...
         # certificate has expired
-        # Fix:
-        # ssh 'apt update && apt upgrade && /etc/init.d/dovecot restart'
+        # Fix: ssh 'apt update && apt upgrade && /etc/init.d/dovecot restart'
+        #
+        # or
+        # echo | openssl s_client -crlf -connect
+        # ...
+        # Verify return code: 9 (certificate is not yet valid)
+        # Fix: /etc/init.d/openntpd restart
+        # 2021_09_04 done
                 $myimap = login_imap( '', 993, 'test1', 'secret1',
                 1, undef,
@@ -7408,12 +7800,15 @@
                 ),  'login_imap: test1 ssl' ) ;
         ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'login_imap: test1 ssl IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+        is( $myimap, $acc->{ imap }, "login_imap: acc->{ imap } ok test1 ssl") ;
                 $myimap = login_imap( '', 143, 'test1', 'secret1',
                 0, undef,
                 1, 100, $acc, {},
                 ),  'login_imap: test1 tls' ) ;
         ok( $myimap && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'login_imap: test1 tls IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+        is( $myimap, $acc->{ imap }, "login_imap: acc->{ imap } ok test1 tls") ;
         #$IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG = 4 ;
         $acc->{sslargs} = { SSL_version => 'SSLv2' } ;
@@ -7425,7 +7820,7 @@
                 ),  'login_imap: test1 tls SSLv2 not supported' ) ;
 #SSL_verify_mode => 1
 #SSL_version => 'TLSv1_1'
+        is( undef, $acc->{ imap }, "login_imap: acc->{ imap } test1 tls error => undef") ;
         # I have left ? exit_clean to be replaced by errors_incr( $mysync, 'error message' )
@@ -7443,6 +7838,7 @@
                 ),  'login_imap: undef' ) ;
         is( 'ERR_CONNECTION_FAILURE_HOST2', errorsanalyse( errors_log( $mysync ) ), 'login_imap: Host2 => ERR_CONNECTION_FAILURE_HOST2' ) ;
+        is( undef, $acc->{ imap }, "login_imap: acc->{ imap } noresol error => undef") ;
         # authentication failure for user2
         $mysync = {} ;
@@ -7469,7 +7865,7 @@
         note( 'Leaving  tests_login_imap()' ) ;
         return ;
@@ -7488,7 +7884,7 @@
 sub tests_login_imap_oauth
         note( 'Entering tests_login_imap_oauth()' ) ;
         oauthgenerateaccess() ;
         SKIP: {
@@ -7552,54 +7948,65 @@
-        # oauthdirect authentication success for user1 
+        # oauthdirect authentication success for user1
         SKIP: {
-                if ( ! -r 'oauth2/' ) 
+                if ( ! -r 'oauth2/' )
-                        skip( 'oauthdirect: no oauthdirect file', 2  ) ;
+                        skip( 'oauthdirect: no oauthdirect file', 6  ) ;
                 my $myimap ;
-        my $mysync = {} ;
-        my $acc  = {} ;
-        $acc->{ Side } =  'Host1' ;
-        $acc->{ oauthdirect } = 'oauth2/' ;
-        $acc->{ debugimap } = 1 ;
-        $mysync->{ showpasswords } = 1 ;
-        $acc->{ authmech } = 'QQQ' ;
-        isa_ok(
-                $myimap = login_imap( '', 993, 'user_useless', 'password_useless',
-                1, undef,
-                1, 100, $acc,  $mysync,
-                ), 'Mail::IMAPClient', 'login_imap: user1 good oauthdirect => Mail::IMAPClient' ) ;
+                my $mysync = {} ;
+                my $acc  = {} ;
+                $acc->{ Side } =  'Host1' ;
+                $acc->{ oauthdirect } = 'oauth2/' ;
+                $acc->{ debugimap } = 1 ;
+                $mysync->{ showpasswords } = 1 ;
+                $acc->{ authmech } = 'QQQ' ;
+                isa_ok(
+                        $myimap = login_imap( '', 993, 'user_useless', 'password_useless',
+                        1, undef,
+                        1, 100, $acc,  $mysync,
+                        ), 'Mail::IMAPClient', 'login_imap: user1 good oauthdirect => Mail::IMAPClient' ) ;
-        ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+                ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 oauthdirect IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+                ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->logout( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 oauthdirect logout' ) ;
+                ok( defined( $myimap ) && ! $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 oauthdirect not IsAuthenticated after logout' ) ;
+                ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->reconnect( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 oauthdirect reconnect ok' ) ;
+                ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 oauthdirect IsAuthenticated after reconnect' ) ;
-        # oauthaccesstoken authentication success for user1 
+        # oauthaccesstoken authentication success for user1
         SKIP: {
-                if ( ! -r 'oauth2/' ) 
+                if ( ! -r 'oauth2/' )
-                        skip( 'oauthaccesstoken: no access_token file', 2  ) ;
+                        skip( 'oauthaccesstoken: no access_token file', 6  ) ;
                 my $myimap ;
-        my $mysync = {} ;
-        my $acc  = {} ;
-        $acc->{ Side } =  'Host1' ;
-        $acc->{ oauthaccesstoken } = 'oauth2/' ;
-        $acc->{ debugimap } = 1 ;
-        $mysync->{ showpasswords } = 1 ;
-        $acc->{ authmech } = 'QQQ' ;
-        isa_ok(
-                $myimap = login_imap( '', 993, '', 'password_useless',
-                1, undef,
-                1, 100, $acc,  $mysync,
-                ), 'Mail::IMAPClient', 'login_imap: user1 good oauthaccesstoken => Mail::IMAPClient' ) ;
+                my $mysync = {} ;
+                my $acc  = {} ;
+                $acc->{ Side } =  'Host1' ;
+                $acc->{ oauthaccesstoken } = 'oauth2/' ;
+                $acc->{ debugimap } = 1 ;
+                $mysync->{ showpasswords } = 1 ;
+                $acc->{ authmech } = 'QQQ' ;
+                isa_ok(
+                        $myimap = login_imap( '', 993, '', 'password_useless',
+                        1, undef,
+                        1, 100, $acc,  $mysync,
+                        ), 'Mail::IMAPClient', 'login_imap: user1 good oauthaccesstoken => Mail::IMAPClient' ) ;
-        ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 oauthaccesstoken IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+                ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 oauthaccesstoken IsAuthenticated' ) ;
+                ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->logout( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 oauthaccesstoken logout' ) ;
+                ok( defined( $myimap ) && ! $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 oauthaccesstoken not IsAuthenticated after logout' ) ;
+                ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->reconnect( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 oauthaccesstoken reconnect ok' ) ;
+                ok( defined( $myimap ) && $myimap->IsAuthenticated( ), 'login_imap: gmail oauth2 oauthaccesstoken IsAuthenticated after reconnect' ) ;
         note( 'Leaving  tests_login_imap_oauth()' ) ;
         return ;
@@ -7614,6 +8021,8 @@
                 $ssl, $tls,
                 $uid, $split, $acc, $mysync ) = @allargs ;
+        $acc->{ imap } = undef ;
         if ( ! all_defined( $host, $port, $user, $acc->{ Side } ) )
                 return ;
@@ -7676,6 +8085,7 @@
         if ( authenticate_imap( $imap, @allargs ) )
                 myprint( "$acc->{ Side }: success login on [$host] with user [$user] auth [$acc->{ authmech }] or [LOGIN]\n"  ) ;
+                $acc->{ imap } = $imap ;
                 return( $imap ) ;
@@ -7715,19 +8125,27 @@
         $imap->Buffer( $buffersize || $DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
         $imap->Uid( $uid ) ;
         $imap->Peek( 1 ) ;
         $imap->Debug( $acc->{ debugimap } ) ;
         if ( $mysync->{ showpasswords } ) {
                 $imap->Showcredentials( 1 ) ;
-        defined  $acc->{ timeout } and $imap->Timeout( $acc->{ timeout } ) ;
+        if ( defined( $acc->{ timeout } ) )
+        {
+                $imap->Timeout( $acc->{ timeout } ) ;
+        }
+        if ( defined $acc->{ keepalive } )
+        {
+                $imap->Keepalive( $acc->{ keepalive } ) ;
+        }
         if ( defined $acc->{ reconnectretry } )
                 $imap->Reconnectretry( $acc->{ reconnectretry } ) ;
         $imap->{IMAPSYNC_RECONNECT_COUNT} = 0 ;
         $imap->Ignoresizeerrors( $allowsizemismatch ) ;
         $split and $imap->Maxcommandlength( $SPLIT_FACTOR * $split ) ;
@@ -7768,15 +8186,15 @@
                 $acc->{ authmech } = 'XOAUTH2 direct' ;
                 return( oauthdirect( $mysync, $acc, $imap, $host, $user ) ) ;
         if ( defined $acc->{ oauthaccesstoken } )
                 $acc->{ authmech } = 'XOAUTH2 accesstoken' ;
                 return( oauthaccesstoken( $mysync, $acc, $imap, $host, $user ) ) ;
         if ( $acc->{ proxyauth } ) {
@@ -7877,7 +8295,12 @@
                 $oauthdirect_str = $acc->{ oauthdirect } || 'Please define oauthdirect value' ;
-        if ( $imap->authenticate('XOAUTH2', sub { return $oauthdirect_str } ) )
+        $imap->Authmechanism( 'XOAUTH2' ) ;
+        $imap->Authcallback( sub { return $oauthdirect_str } ) ;
+        #if ( $imap->authenticate('XOAUTH2', sub { return $oauthdirect_str } ) )
+        if ( $imap->login(  ) )
                 return 1 ;
@@ -7905,7 +8328,7 @@
                 $oauthaccesstoken_str = $acc->{ oauthaccesstoken } || 'Please define oauthaccesstoken value' ;
         my $oauth_string = "user=" . $user . "\x01auth=Bearer ".  $oauthaccesstoken_str . "\x01\x01" ;
         #myprint "oauth_string: $oauth_string\n" ;
@@ -7913,8 +8336,12 @@
         #myprint "oauth_string_base64: $oauth_string_base64\n" ;
         my $oauthdirect_str = $oauth_string_base64 ;
-        if ( $imap->authenticate('XOAUTH2', sub { return $oauthdirect_str } ) )
+        $imap->Authmechanism( 'XOAUTH2' ) ;
+        $imap->Authcallback( sub { return $oauthdirect_str } ) ;
+        #if ( $imap->authenticate('XOAUTH2', sub { return $oauthdirect_str } ) )
+        if ( $imap->login(  ) )
                 return 1 ;
@@ -8027,7 +8454,7 @@
         my $imap = shift;
         my $string = mysprintf("%s\x00%s\x00%s", $imap->User,
-                            $imap->Authuser, $imap->Password);
+                            defined $imap->Authuser ? $imap->Authuser : "", $imap->Password);
         return encode_base64("$string", q{});
@@ -8203,6 +8630,38 @@
         return ;
+sub keepalive1
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        $mysync->{ acc1 }->{ keepalive } = defined  $mysync->{ acc1 }->{ keepalive }  ? $mysync->{ acc1 }->{ keepalive } : 1 ;
+        if ( $mysync->{ acc1 }->{ keepalive } )
+        {
+                myprint( "Host1: imap connection keepalive is on on host1. Use --nokeepalive1 to disable it.\n" ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                myprint( "Host1: imap connection keepalive is off on host1. Use --keepalive1 to enable it.\n" ) ;
+        }
+sub keepalive2
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        $mysync->{ acc2 }->{ keepalive } = defined  $mysync->{ acc2 }->{ keepalive }  ? $mysync->{ acc2 }->{ keepalive } : 1 ;
+        if ( $mysync->{ acc2 }->{ keepalive } )
+        {
+                myprint( "Host2: imap connection keepalive is on on host2. Use --nokeepalive2 to disable it.\n" ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                myprint( "Host2: imap connection keepalive is off on host2. Use --keepalive2 to enable it.\n" ) ;
+        }
 sub banner_imapsync
@@ -8212,8 +8671,8 @@
         my $banner_imapsync = join q{},
                 q{$RCSfile: imapsync,v $ },
-                q{$Revision: 2.148 $ },
-                q{$Date: 2021/07/22 14:21:09 $ },
+                q{$Revision: 2.178 $ },
+                q{$Date: 2022/01/12 21:28:37 $ },
                 "Command line used, run by $EXECUTABLE_NAME:\n",
                 "$PROGRAM_NAME ", command_line_nopassword( $mysync, @argv ), "\n" ;
@@ -8342,16 +8801,16 @@
         my $pid_filename = shift @ARG ;
         #myprint( "In remove_pidfile_not_running $pid_filename\n" ) ;
         if ( ! $pid_filename )    { myprint( "No variable pid_filename\n" ) ; return } ;
         if ( ! -e $pid_filename )
-        { 
+        {
                 myprint( "File $pid_filename does not exist\n" ) ;
                 return ;
         #myprint( "Still In remove_pidfile_not_running $pid_filename\n" ) ;
         if ( ! -f $pid_filename ) { myprint( "File $pid_filename is not a file\n" ) ; return } ;
         my $pid = firstline( $pid_filename ) ;
@@ -8437,7 +8896,7 @@
         if ( ! $tail )    { return ; }
         if ( ! -e $pidfile ) { return ; }
         my $pidtotail = firstline( $pidfile ) ;
         if ( ! $pidtotail ) { return ; }
@@ -8550,7 +9009,7 @@
         # returns undef if something is considered fatal
         # returns 1 otherwise
         #myprint( "In write_pidfile\n" ) ;
         if ( ! @ARG ) { return 1 ; }
@@ -8912,6 +9371,7 @@
                 return( create_folder_old( $mysync, $myimap2 , $h2_fold , $h1_fold ) ) ;
+        # $imap->exists() calls $imap->status() that does an IMAP STATUS folder
         myprint( "Creating folder [$h2_fold] on host2\n"  ) ;
         if ( ( 'INBOX' eq uc  $h2_fold  )
          and ( $myimap2->exists( $h2_fold ) ) ) {
@@ -8944,9 +9404,12 @@
                                 "Could not create folder [$h2_fold] from [$h1_fold]: " ,
                                 $myimap2->LastError(  ), "\n" ;
                         errors_incr( $mysync, $error ) ;
-                        # success if folder exists ("already exists" error)
-                        return( 1 ) if $myimap2->exists( $h2_fold ) ;
-                        # failure since create failed
+                        # success if folder exists ("already exists" error) or selectable
+                        if ( $myimap2->exists( $h2_fold ) or select_folder( $mysync, $myimap2, $h2_fold, 'Host2' ) )
+                        {
+                                return( 1 ) ;
+                        }
+                        # failure since create failed + not exist + not selectable
                         return( 0 ) ;
                         #create succeeded
@@ -10119,8 +10582,8 @@
         note( 'Entering tests_regexflags()' ) ;
-        my $mysync = {} ; 
+        my $mysync = {} ;
         ok( q{} eq regexflags( $mysync, q{} ), 'regexflags, null string q{}' ) ;
         ok( q{\Seen NonJunk $Spam} eq regexflags( $mysync, q{\Seen NonJunk $Spam} ), q{regexflags, nothing to do} ) ;
@@ -10214,14 +10677,14 @@
         $mysync->{ regexflag } = [  ] ;
         $mysync->{ filterbuggyflags } = 1 ;
         filterbuggyflags( $mysync ) ;
         is( '\Deleted \Answered  \Draft  \Flagged',
         regexflags( $mysync, '\\Deleted \\Answered \\RECEIPTCHECKED \\Draft \\Indexed \\Flagged' ),
         'regexflags: remove famous /X 1' ) ;
         is( '\\Deleted  \\Flagged \\Answered  \\Draft',
         regexflags( $mysync, '\\Deleted \\RECEIPTCHECKED \\Flagged \\Answered \\Indexed \\Draft' ),
-        'regexflags: remove famous /X 2' ) ; 
+        'regexflags: remove famous /X 2' ) ;
         is( '\ ', '\\ ',  'regexflags: \ is \\ ' ) ;
         is( '\\ ', '\\ ', 'regexflags: \\ is \\ ' ) ;
@@ -10234,7 +10697,7 @@
         my $mysync = shift ;
         my $flags = shift ;
         foreach my $regexflag ( @{ $mysync->{ regexflag } } )
                 my $flags_orig = $flags ;
@@ -10347,18 +10810,21 @@
 	note( 'Entering tests_permanentflags()' ) ;
-        my $string;
-        ok(q{} eq permanentflags(' * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\* \Draft \Answered)] Limited'),
-           'permanentflags \*');
-        ok('\Draft \Answered' eq permanentflags(' * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Draft \Answered)] Limited'),
-           'permanentflags \Draft \Answered');
-        ok('\Draft \Answered'
-           eq permanentflags('Blabla',
+        my $mysync = { } ;
+        ok( q{} eq permanentflags( $mysync, ' * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\* \Draft \Answered)] Limited' ),
+           'permanentflags \*' ) ;
+        ok( '\Draft \Answered' eq permanentflags( $mysync, ' * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Draft \Answered)] Limited' ),
+           'permanentflags \Draft \Answered' ) ;
+        ok( '\Draft \Answered'
+           eq permanentflags( $mysync, 'Blabla',
                              ' * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Draft \Answered)] Limited',
-                             'Blabla'),
+                             'Blabla' ),
            'permanentflags \Draft \Answered'
-        );
-        ok(q{} eq permanentflags('Blabla'), 'permanentflags nothing');
+        ) ;
+        ok( q{} eq permanentflags( $mysync, 'Blabla' ), 'permanentflags nothing' ) ;
 	note( 'Leaving  tests_permanentflags()' ) ;
         return ;
@@ -10366,7 +10832,9 @@
 sub permanentflags
-        my @lines = @_ ;
+        my $mysync = shift ;
+        my @lines  = @_ ;
         foreach my $line (@lines) {
                 if ( $line =~ m{\[PERMANENTFLAGS\s\(([^)]+?)\)\]}x ) {
@@ -10449,37 +10917,37 @@
         note( 'Entering tests_flags_for_host2()' ) ;
         is( undef, flags_for_host2(  ),  'flags_for_host2: no args => undef' ) ;
         my $mysync ;
         is( undef, flags_for_host2( $mysync ),  'flags_for_host2: undef => undef' ) ;
         $mysync = { } ;
         is( undef, flags_for_host2( $mysync ),  'flags_for_host2: nothing => undef' ) ;
         is( q{}, flags_for_host2( $mysync, '' ),  'flags_for_host2: no flags => empty string' ) ;
         is( q{}, flags_for_host2( $mysync, '\Recent' ),  'flags_for_host2: \Recent => empty string' ) ;
         is( q{\Seen}, flags_for_host2( $mysync, '\Recent \Seen' ),  'flags_for_host2: \Recent \Seen => \Seen' ) ;
         is( q{\Deleted \Seen}, flags_for_host2( $mysync, '\Deleted \Recent \Seen' ),  'flags_for_host2: \Deleted \Recent \Seen => \Deleted \Seen' ) ;
         $mysync->{ flagscase } = 0 ;
         is( q{\DELETED \Seen}, flags_for_host2( $mysync, '\DELETED \Seen' ),  'flags_for_host2: flagscase = 0 \DELETED \Seen => \DELETED \Seen' ) ;
         $mysync->{ flagscase } = 1 ;
         is( q{\Deleted \Seen}, flags_for_host2( $mysync, '\DELETED \Seen' ),  'flags_for_host2: flagscase = 1 \DELETED \Seen => \Deleted \Seen' ) ;
         $mysync->{ filterflags } = 0 ;
         is( q{\Seen \Blabla}, flags_for_host2( $mysync, '\Seen \Blabla', '\Seen \Junk' ),  'flags_for_host2: filterflags = 0 \Seen \Blabla among \Seen \Junk  => \Seen \Blabla' ) ;
         $mysync->{ filterflags } = 1 ;
         is( q{\Seen}, flags_for_host2( $mysync, '\Seen \Blabla', '\Seen \Junk' ),  'flags_for_host2: filterflags = 1 \Seen \Blabla among \Seen \Junk  => \Seen' ) ;
         $mysync->{ filterflags } = 1 ;
         is( q{\Seen \Blabla}, flags_for_host2( $mysync, '\Seen \Blabla', '' ),  'flags_for_host2: filterflags = 1 \Seen \Blabla among "" => \Seen \Blabla' ) ;
         note( 'Leaving  tests_flags_for_host2()' ) ;
         return ;
@@ -10492,27 +10960,27 @@
         my $mysync = shift ;
         my $h1_flags = shift ;
         my $permanentflags2 = shift ;
-        if ( ! all_defined( $mysync, $h1_flags ) ) { return ; } ; 
+        if ( ! all_defined( $mysync, $h1_flags ) ) { return ; } ;
         # RFC 2060: This flag can not be altered by any client
         $h1_flags =~ s@\\Recent\s?@@xgi ;
         my $h1_flags_re ;
         if ( $mysync->{ regexflag } and defined( $h1_flags_re = regexflags( $mysync, $h1_flags ) ) ) {
                 $h1_flags = $h1_flags_re ;
         if ( $mysync->{ flagscase } )
                 $h1_flags = flagscase( $h1_flags ) ;
         if ( $permanentflags2 and $mysync->{ filterflags } )
                 $h1_flags = flags_filter( $h1_flags, $permanentflags2 ) ;
         return( $h1_flags ) ;
@@ -11052,17 +11520,59 @@
         $string_len = length_ref( $string_ref  ) ;
-        $debugcontent and myprint(
-                q{=} x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n",
-                "F message content begin next line ($string_len characters long)\n",
-                ${ $string_ref },
-                "\nF message content ended on previous line\n", q{=} x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n" ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debugcontent } and myprint( debugcontent( $mysync, $string_ref ) ) ;
         myprint( debugmemory( $mysync, " at M3" ) ) ;
         return $string_len ;
+sub tests_debugcontent
+        note( 'Entering tests_debugcontent()' ) ;
+        is( undef, debugcontent(  ),  'debugcontent: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {  } ;
+        is( undef, debugcontent( $mysync ),  'debugcontent: undef => undef' ) ;
+        is( undef, debugcontent( $mysync, 'mm' ),  'debugcontent: undef, mm => undef' ) ;
+        #my $string_ref = \'zztop' ;
+        my $string = '================================================================================
+F message content begin next line (2 characters long)
+F message content ended on previous line
+' ;
+        is( $string, debugcontent( $mysync, \'mm' ),  'debugcontent: undef, mm => mm' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_debugcontent()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub debugcontent
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( ! defined $mysync ) { return ; }
+        my $string_ref = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( ! defined $string_ref ) { return ; }
+        if ( 'SCALAR' ne ref( $string_ref ) ) { return ; }
+        my $string_len = length_ref( $string_ref  ) ;
+        my $string = join( '',
+                q{=} x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n",
+                "F message content begin next line ($string_len characters long)\n",
+                ${ $string_ref },
+                "\nF message content ended on previous line\n", q{=} x $STD_CHAR_PER_LINE, "\n",
+        ) ;
+        return $string ;
 sub tests_truncmess
         note( 'Entering tests_truncmess()' ) ;
@@ -11809,9 +12319,9 @@
                         $mysync->{ biggest_message_transferred } = max( $string_len, $mysync->{ biggest_message_transferred } ) ;
                         my $time_spent = timesince( $mysync->{begin_transfer_time} ) ;
-                        my $rate = bytes_display_string( $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} / $time_spent ) ;
+                        my $rate = bytes_display_string_bin( $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} / $time_spent ) ;
                         my $eta = eta( $mysync ) ;
-                        my $amount_transferred = bytes_display_string( $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} ) ;
+                        my $amount_transferred = bytes_display_string_bin( $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} ) ;
                         myprintf( "msg %s/%-19s copied to %s/%-10s %.2f msgs/s  %s/s %s copied %s\n",
                         $h1_fold, "$h1_msg {$string_len}", $h2_fold, $new_id, $mysync->{nb_msg_transferred}/$time_spent, $rate,
@@ -14052,42 +14562,72 @@
-sub tests_bytes_display_string
+sub tests_bytes_display_string_bin
-	note( 'Entering tests_bytes_display_string()' ) ;
+	note( 'Entering tests_bytes_display_string_bin()' ) ;
+        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string_bin(       ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: no args => NA' ) ;
+        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string_bin( undef ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: undef   => NA' ) ;
+        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string_bin( 'blabla' ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: blabla   => NA' ) ;
+        is(    '0.000 KiB', bytes_display_string_bin(       0 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:       0 => 0.000 KiB' ) ;
+        is(    '0.001 KiB', bytes_display_string_bin(       1 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:       1 => 0.001 KiB' ) ;
+        is(    '0.010 KiB', bytes_display_string_bin(      10 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:      10 => 0.010 KiB' ) ;
+        is(    '0.976 KiB', bytes_display_string_bin(     999 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:     999 => 0.976 KiB' ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 999 ) ) ;
+        is(    '0.999 KiB', bytes_display_string_bin(    1023 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:     1023 => 0.999 KiB' ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 1023 ) ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 KiB', bytes_display_string_bin(    1024 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:     1024 => 1.000 KiB' ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 1024 ) ) ;
+        is(    '1.001 KiB', bytes_display_string_bin(    1025 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:     1025 => 1.001 KiB' ) ;
+        is(    '9.999 KiB', bytes_display_string_bin(    10_239 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:     10_239 => 9.999 KiB' ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 10_239 ) ) ;
+        is(    '10.000 KiB', bytes_display_string_bin(    10_240 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:     10_240 => 10.000 KiB' ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 10_240 ) ) ;
+        is(    '999.999 KiB', bytes_display_string_bin(    1_023_999 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:     1_023_999 => 999.999 KiB' ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 1_023_999 ) ) ;
+        is(    '0.977 MiB', bytes_display_string_bin(    1_024_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:     1_024_000 => 0.977 MiB' ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 1_024_000 ) ) ;
+        is(    '0.999 MiB', bytes_display_string_bin(    1_047_527 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:     1_047_527 => 0.999 MiB' ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 1_047_527 ) ) ;
+        is(    '0.999 MiB', bytes_display_string_bin(    1_048_051 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:     1_048_051 => 0.999 MiB' ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 1_048_051 ) ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 MiB', bytes_display_string_bin(    1_048_052 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin:     1_048_052 => 1.000 MiB' ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 1_048_052 ) ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 MiB', bytes_display_string_bin( 1_048_575 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: 1_048_575 => 1.000 MiB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 MiB', bytes_display_string_bin( 1_048_576 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: 1_048_576 => 1.000 MiB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 GiB', bytes_display_string_bin( 1_073_741_823 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: 1_073_741_823 => 1.000 GiB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 GiB', bytes_display_string_bin( 1_073_741_824 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: 1_073_741_824 => 1.000 GiB' ) ;
-        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string(       ), 'bytes_display_string: no args => NA' ) ;
-        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string( undef ), 'bytes_display_string: undef   => NA' ) ;
-        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string( 'blabla' ), 'bytes_display_string: blabla   => NA' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 TiB', bytes_display_string_bin( 1_099_511_627_775 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: 1_099_511_627_775 => 1.000 TiB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 TiB', bytes_display_string_bin( 1_099_511_627_776 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: 1_099_511_627_776 => 1.000 TiB' ) ;
-        is(    '0.000 KiB', bytes_display_string(       0 ), 'bytes_display_string:       0' ) ;
-        is(    '0.001 KiB', bytes_display_string(       1 ), 'bytes_display_string:       1' ) ;
-        is(    '0.010 KiB', bytes_display_string(      10 ), 'bytes_display_string:      10' ) ;
-        is(    '1.000 MiB', bytes_display_string( 1_048_575 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_048_575' ) ;
-        is(    '1.000 MiB', bytes_display_string( 1_048_576 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_048_576' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 PiB', bytes_display_string_bin( 1_125_899_906_842_623 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: 1_125_899_906_842_623 => 1.000 PiB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 PiB', bytes_display_string_bin( 1_125_899_906_842_624 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: 1_125_899_906_842_624 => 1.000 PiB' ) ;
-        is(    '1.000 GiB', bytes_display_string( 1_073_741_823 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_073_741_823 ' ) ;
-        is(    '1.000 GiB', bytes_display_string( 1_073_741_824 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_073_741_824 ' ) ;
+        is( '1024.000 PiB', bytes_display_string_bin( 1_152_921_504_606_846_975 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: 1_152_921_504_606_846_975 => 1024.000 PiB' ) ;
+        is( '1024.000 PiB', bytes_display_string_bin( 1_152_921_504_606_846_976 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: 1_152_921_504_606_846_976 => 1024.000 PiB' ) ;
-        is(    '1.000 TiB', bytes_display_string( 1_099_511_627_775 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_099_511_627_775' ) ;
-        is(    '1.000 TiB', bytes_display_string( 1_099_511_627_776 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_099_511_627_776' ) ;
-        is(    '1.000 PiB', bytes_display_string( 1_125_899_906_842_623 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_125_899_906_842_623' ) ;
-        is(    '1.000 PiB', bytes_display_string( 1_125_899_906_842_624 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_125_899_906_842_624' ) ;
-        is( '1024.000 PiB', bytes_display_string( 1_152_921_504_606_846_975 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_152_921_504_606_846_975' ) ;
-        is( '1024.000 PiB', bytes_display_string( 1_152_921_504_606_846_976 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_152_921_504_606_846_976' ) ;
-        is( '1048576.000 PiB', bytes_display_string( 1_180_591_620_717_411_303_424 ), 'bytes_display_string: 1_180_591_620_717_411_303_424' ) ;
-        #myprint(  bytes_display_string( 1_180_591_620_717_411_303_424 ), "\n" ) ;
-	note( 'Leaving  tests_bytes_display_string()' ) ;
+        is( '1048576.000 PiB', bytes_display_string_bin( 1_180_591_620_717_411_303_424 ), 'bytes_display_string_bin: 1_180_591_620_717_411_303_424 => 1048576.000 PiB' ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 1_180_591_620_717_411_303_424 ) ) ;
+        note(  bytes_display_string_bin( 3_000_000_000 ) ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_bytes_display_string_bin()' ) ;
         return ;
-sub bytes_display_string
+sub bytes_display_string_bin
         my ( $bytes ) = @_ ;
@@ -14128,6 +14668,95 @@
         return( $readable_value ) ;
+sub tests_bytes_display_string_dec
+	note( 'Entering tests_bytes_display_string_dec()' ) ;
+        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string_dec(       ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: no args => NA' ) ;
+        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string_dec( undef ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: undef   => NA' ) ;
+        is(    'NA', bytes_display_string_dec( 'blabla' ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: blabla   => NA' ) ;
+        is(    '0 bytes', bytes_display_string_dec(       0 ),   'bytes_display_string_dec: 0 => 0 bytes' ) ;
+        is(    '1 bytes', bytes_display_string_dec(       1 ),   'bytes_display_string_dec: 1 => 1 bytes' ) ;
+        is(    '10 bytes', bytes_display_string_dec(      10 ),  'bytes_display_string_dec: 10 => 10 bytes' ) ;
+        is(    '999 bytes', bytes_display_string_dec(     999 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 999 => 999 bytes' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 KB', bytes_display_string_dec(    1000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 1000 => 1.000 KB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.001 KB', bytes_display_string_dec(    1001 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 1000 => 1.1001 KB' ) ;
+        is(    '999.999 KB', bytes_display_string_dec(     999_999 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 999_999 => 999.999 KB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 MB', bytes_display_string_dec( 1_000_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 1_000_000 => 1.000 MB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 MB', bytes_display_string_dec( 1_000_500 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 1_000_500 => 1.000 MB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.001 MB', bytes_display_string_dec( 1_000_501 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 1_000_501 => 1.001 MB' ) ;
+        is(  '999.999 MB', bytes_display_string_dec( 999_999_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 999_999_000 => 999.999 MB' ) ;
+        is(  '999.999 MB', bytes_display_string_dec( 999_999_499 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 999_999_499 => 999.999 MB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 GB', bytes_display_string_dec( 999_999_500 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 999_999_500 => 1.000 GB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 GB', bytes_display_string_dec( 1_000_000_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 1_000_000_000 => 1.000 GB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 GB', bytes_display_string_dec( 1_000_500_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 1_000_500_000 => 1.000 GB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.001 GB', bytes_display_string_dec( 1_000_500_001 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 1_000_501_000 => 1.001 GB' ) ;
+        is(  '999.999 GB', bytes_display_string_dec( 999_999_000_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 999_999_000_000 => 999.999 GB' ) ;
+        is(  '999.999 GB', bytes_display_string_dec( 999_999_499_999 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 999_999_499_999 => 999.999 GB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 TB', bytes_display_string_dec( 999_999_500_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 999_999_500_000 => 1.000 TB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 TB', bytes_display_string_dec( 1_000_000_000_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 1_000_000_000_000 => 1.000 TB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 TB', bytes_display_string_dec( 1_000_500_000_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 1_000_500_000_000 => 1.000 TB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.001 TB', bytes_display_string_dec( 1_000_500_000_001 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 1_000_500_000_000 => 1.000 TB' ) ;
+        is(  '999.999 TB', bytes_display_string_dec( 999_999_000_000_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 999_999_000_000_000 => 999.999 TB' ) ;
+        is(  '999.999 TB', bytes_display_string_dec( 999_999_499_999_999 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 999_999_499_999_999 => 999.999 TB' ) ;
+        is(    '1.000 PB', bytes_display_string_dec( 999_999_500_000_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 999_999_500_000_000 => 1.000 PB' ) ;
+        is(    '3.000 GB', bytes_display_string_dec( 3_000_000_000 ), 'bytes_display_string_dec: 3_000_000_000 => 3.000 GB' ) ;
+	note( 'Leaving  tests_bytes_display_string_dec()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub bytes_display_string_dec
+        my ( $bytes ) = @_ ;
+        my $readable_value = q{} ;
+        if ( ! defined( $bytes ) ) {
+                return( 'NA' ) ;
+        }
+        if ( not match_number( $bytes ) ) {
+                return( 'NA' ) ;
+        }
+        SWITCH: {
+                if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 1000 ) ) {
+                        $readable_value = mysprintf( '%.0f bytes', $bytes ) ;
+                        last SWITCH ;
+                }
+                if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 1000**2 ) ) {
+                        $readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f KB', $bytes / 1000 ) ;
+                        last SWITCH ;
+                }
+                if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 999_999_500 ) ) {
+                        $readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f MB', $bytes / ( 1000**2 ) ) ;
+                        last SWITCH ;
+                }
+                if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 999_999_500_000 ) ) {
+                        $readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f GB', $bytes / ( 1000**3 ) ) ;
+                        last SWITCH ;
+                }
+                if ( abs( $bytes ) < ( 999_999_500_000_000 ) ) {
+                        $readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f TB', $bytes / ( 1000**4 ) ) ;
+                        last SWITCH ;
+                } else {
+                        $readable_value = mysprintf( '%.3f PB', $bytes / ( 1000**5 ) ) ;
+                }
+                # if you have exabytes (EiB) of email to transfer, you have too much email!
+        }
+        #myprint( "$bytes = $readable_value\n" ) ;
+        return( $readable_value ) ;
 sub tests_useheader_suggestion
@@ -14209,10 +14838,10 @@
         myprint(  "Messages deleted on host2               : $mysync->{ acc2 }->{ nb_msg_deleted }\n" ) ;
         myprintf( "Total bytes transferred                 : %s (%s)\n",
-                bytes_display_string( $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} ) ) ;
+                bytes_display_string_bin( $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} ) ) ;
         myprintf( "Total bytes skipped                     : %s (%s)\n",
                 $mysync->{ total_bytes_skipped },
-                bytes_display_string( $mysync->{ total_bytes_skipped } ) ) ;
+                bytes_display_string_bin( $mysync->{ total_bytes_skipped } ) ) ;
         $timediff ||= 1 ; # No division per 0
         myprintf("Message rate                            : %.1f messages/s\n", $mysync->{nb_msg_transferred} / $timediff ) ;
         myprintf("Average bandwidth rate                  : %.1f KiB/s\n", $mysync->{total_bytes_transferred} / $KIBI / $timediff ) ;
@@ -14225,7 +14854,7 @@
         myprint( "CPU time and %cpu                       : $cpu_time sec $cpu_percent %cpu $cpu_percent_global %allcpus\n" ) ;
         myprintf("Biggest message transferred             : %s bytes (%s)\n",
                 $mysync->{ biggest_message_transferred },
-                bytes_display_string( $mysync->{ biggest_message_transferred } ) ) ;
+                bytes_display_string_bin( $mysync->{ biggest_message_transferred } ) ) ;
         myprint(  "Memory/biggest message ratio            : $memory_ratio\n" ) ;
         if ( $mysync->{ foldersizesatend } and $mysync->{ foldersizes } ) {
@@ -14235,21 +14864,21 @@
         myprintf("Start difference host2 - host1          : %s messages, %s bytes (%s)\n", $nb_msg_start_diff,
-                                                        bytes_display_string( $bytes_start_diff ) ) ;
+                                                        bytes_display_string_bin( $bytes_start_diff ) ) ;
         my $nb_msg_end_diff = diff_or_NA( $h2_nb_msg_end, $h1_nb_msg_end ) ;
         my $bytes_end_diff  = diff_or_NA( $h2_bytes_end,  $h1_bytes_end  ) ;
         myprintf("Final difference host2 - host1          : %s messages, %s bytes (%s)\n", $nb_msg_end_diff,
-                                                        bytes_display_string( $bytes_end_diff ) ) ;
+                                                        bytes_display_string_bin( $bytes_end_diff ) ) ;
         comment_on_final_diff_in_1_not_in_2( $mysync ) ;
         comment_on_final_diff_in_2_not_in_1( $mysync ) ;
         myprint( "Detected $mysync->{nb_errors} errors\n\n" ) ;
-        myprint(  $warn_release, "\n" ) ;
+        myprint(  $mysync->{ warn_release }, "\n" ) ;
         myprint(  homepage(  ), "\n" ) ;
         return ;
@@ -14696,7 +15325,7 @@
 	if ( ! -e $file ) { return ; }
 	if ( ! -f $file ) { return ; }
 	if ( ! -r $file ) { return ; }
         my @string ;
         if ( open my $FILE, '<', $file )
@@ -14741,7 +15370,7 @@
 	if ( ! -e $file ) { return ; }
 	if ( ! -f $file ) { return ; }
 	if ( ! -r $file ) { return ; }
         return( join q{}, file_to_array( $file ) ) ;
@@ -15236,7 +15865,7 @@
                 is( 4, cpu_number(  ), "cpu_number: on i005 (FreeBSD) => 4" ) ;
         } ;
         SKIP: {
                 if ( ! ( 'petite' eq hostname() ) )
@@ -15252,7 +15881,7 @@
                 is( 2, cpu_number(  ), "cpu_number: on polarhome macosx (Darwin MacOS X 10.7.5 Lion) => 2" ) ;
         } ;
         SKIP: {
                 if ( ! ( 'pcHPDV7-HP' eq hostname() ) )
@@ -15260,7 +15889,7 @@
                 is( 2, cpu_number(  ), "cpu_number: on pcHPDV7-HP (Windows 7, 64bits) => 2" ) ;
         } ;
         SKIP: {
                 if ( ! ( 'CUILLERE' eq hostname() ) )
@@ -15268,7 +15897,7 @@
                 is( 1, cpu_number(  ), "cpu_number: on CUILLERE (Windows XP, 32bits) => 1" ) ;
         } ;
         note( 'Leaving  tests_cpu_number()' ) ;
 	return ;
@@ -15288,33 +15917,33 @@
 		$cpu_number = $ENV{"NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"} ;
 		#myprint( "Number of processors found by env var NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS: $cpu_number\n" ) ;
         if ( 'darwin' eq $OSNAME )
 		$cpu_number = backtick( "sysctl -n hw.ncpu" ) ;
 		chomp( $cpu_number ) ;
                 #myprint( "Number of processors found by cmd 'sysctl -n hw.ncpu': $cpu_number\n" ) ;
         if ( 'freebsd' eq $OSNAME )
 		$cpu_number = backtick( "sysctl -n kern.smp.cpus" ) ;
 		chomp( $cpu_number ) ;
                 #myprint( "Number of processors found by cmd 'sysctl -n kern.smp.cpus': $cpu_number\n" ) ;
         if ( 'linux' eq $OSNAME && -e '/proc/cpuinfo' )
 		@cpuinfo = file_to_array( '/proc/cpuinfo' ) ;
                 $cpu_number = grep { /^processor/mxs } @cpuinfo ;
                 #myprint( "Number of processors found via /proc/cpuinfo: $cpu_number\n" ) ;
         if ( defined $cpu_number_forced )
                 $cpu_number = $cpu_number_forced ;
 	return( integer_or_1( $cpu_number ) ) ;
@@ -15375,13 +16004,16 @@
 	note( 'Entering tests_loadavg()' ) ;
 	SKIP: {
-		skip( 'Tests for darwin', 2 ) if ('darwin' ne $OSNAME) ;
+		skip( 'Tests for darwin', 3 ) if ('darwin' ne $OSNAME) ;
 		is( undef, loadavg( '/noexist' ), 'loadavg: /noexist => undef' ) ;
-		is_deeply( [ '0.11', '0.22', '0.33' ],
-		[ loadavg( 'W/t/loadavg.out' ) ],
-		'loadavg W/t/loadavg.out => 0.11 0.22 0.33' ) ;
+		is_deeply(
+			[ '0.11', '0.22', '0.33' ],
+			[ loadavg( 'vm.loadavg: { 0.11 0.22 0.33 }' ) ],
+			'loadavg:  "vm.loadavg: { 0.11 0.22 0.33 }" => 0.11 0.22 0.33'
+		) ;
+                note( join( " ", "loadavg:", loadavg(  ) ) ) ;
+		is( 3, scalar( my @loadavg = loadavg(  ) ), 'loadavg: 3 values' ) ;
 	} ;
 	SKIP: {
@@ -15399,7 +16031,6 @@
 		is_deeply( [ 0 ],
 		[ loadavg( ) ],
 		'loadavg on MSWin32 => 0' ) ;
 	} ;
 	note( 'Leaving  tests_loadavg()' ) ;
@@ -15422,7 +16053,6 @@
 		return ( loadavg_windows( @ARG ) ) ;
 	return( 'unknown' ) ;
 sub loadavg_linux
@@ -15466,24 +16096,25 @@
 sub loadavg_darwin
-	my $file = shift ;
+	my $line = shift ;
 	# Example of output of command "sysctl vm.loadavg":
 	# vm.loadavg: { 0.15 0.08 0.08 }
 	my $loadavg ;
-	if ( ! defined $file ) {
+	if ( ! defined $line ) {
 		eval {
-			$loadavg = `/usr/sbin/sysctl vm.loadavg` ;
+			# $loadavg = `/usr/sbin/sysctl vm.loadavg` ;
+			$loadavg = `LANG= /usr/sbin/sysctl vm.loadavg` ;
 			#myprint( "LOADAVG DARWIN: $loadavg\n" ) ;
 		} ;
 		if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { myprint( "[$EVAL_ERROR]\n" ) ; return ; }
-		$loadavg = firstline( $file ) or return ;
+		$loadavg = $line ;
 	my ( $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min )
 	= $loadavg =~ /vm\.loadavg\s*[:=]\s*\{?\s*(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)\s+(\d+\.?\d*)/mxs ;
-	$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "System load: $avg_1_min $avg_5_min $avg_15_min\n" ) ;
+	#$sync->{ debug } and myprint( "System load: $avg_1_min $avg_5_min $avg_15_min\n" ) ;
 	return ( $avg_1_min, $avg_5_min, $avg_15_min ) ;
@@ -15592,7 +16223,7 @@
         my $mysync = {  } ;
         $mysync->{ debug } = 1 ;
-        ok( is_number( cpu_time( $mysync ) ),  'cpu_time: {} => a number' ) ;        
+        ok( is_number( cpu_time( $mysync ) ),  'cpu_time: {} => a number' ) ;
         note( 'Leaving  tests_cpu_time()' ) ;
         return ;
@@ -15601,15 +16232,15 @@
 sub cpu_time
         my $mysync = shift ;
         my @cpu_times = times ;
         if ( ! @cpu_times ) { return ; }
         my $cpu_time = 0 ;
         # last element is the sum of all elements
         $cpu_time = ( map { $cpu_time += $_ } @cpu_times )[ -1 ] ;
-        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( join(' + ', @cpu_times), " = $cpu_time\n" ) ;
+        my $cpu_time_round = mysprintf( '%.2f', $cpu_time ) ;
+        $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( join(' + ', @cpu_times), " = $cpu_time ~ $cpu_time_round\n" ) ;
         return $cpu_time ;
@@ -15644,9 +16275,9 @@
         my $cpu_percent = 0 ;
         $cpu_percent = mysprintf( '%.1f', 100 * $cpu_time / $timediff ) ;
         $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "cpu_percent: $cpu_percent \n" ) ;
         return $cpu_percent ;
 sub tests_cpu_percent_global
@@ -15666,7 +16297,7 @@
                 is( '25.0', cpu_percent_global( $mysync, 100 ), 'cpu_percent_global: {} 100 => 25 on host i005' ) ;
         } ;
         SKIP: {
                 if ( ! ( 'petite' eq hostname() ) )
@@ -15683,13 +16314,13 @@
         my $mysync      = shift ;
         my $cpu_percent = shift || 0 ;
         my $cpu_number = cpu_number(  ) ;
         my $cpu_percent_global ;
         $cpu_percent_global = mysprintf( '%.1f', $cpu_percent / $cpu_number ) ;
         $mysync->{ debug } and myprint( "cpu_percent_global: $cpu_percent_global \n" ) ;
         return( $cpu_percent_global ) ;
@@ -15720,7 +16351,6 @@
 sub memory_stress
         my $total_ram_in_MB = Sys::MemInfo::get("totalmem") / ( $KIBI * $KIBI ) ;
         my $i = 1 ;
@@ -15728,13 +16358,13 @@
         while ( $i < $total_ram_in_MB / 1.7 ) { $a .= "A" x 1000_000; $i++ } ;
         myprintf("Stress memory consumption after: %.1f MiB\n", memory_consumption(  ) / $KIBI / $KIBI ) ;
         return ;
 sub tests_memory_consumption
 	note( 'Entering tests_memory_consumption()' ) ;
+        note(  "memory_consumption: " . memory_consumption() . " bytes aka " . bytes_display_string_dec( memory_consumption() ) ) ;
         like( memory_consumption(  ),  qr{\d+}xms,'memory_consumption no args') ;
         like( memory_consumption( 1 ), qr{\d+}xms,'memory_consumption 1') ;
         like( memory_consumption( $PROCESS_ID ), qr{\d+}xms,"memory_consumption_of_pids $PROCESS_ID") ;
@@ -15743,7 +16373,6 @@
         like( memory_consumption_ratio(1), qr{\d+}xms,  'memory_consumption_ratio 1' ) ;
         like( memory_consumption_ratio(10), qr{\d+}xms, 'memory_consumption_ratio 10' ) ;
-        like( memory_consumption(), qr{\d+}xms, "memory_consumption\n" ) ;
 	note( 'Leaving  tests_memory_consumption()' ) ;
         return ;
@@ -15774,23 +16403,36 @@
         my @val ;
         if ( ( 'MSWin32' eq $OSNAME ) or ( 'cygwin' eq $OSNAME ) ) {
                 @val = memory_consumption_of_pids_win32( @pid ) ;
-        }else{
+        }
+        elsif ( 'darwin' eq $OSNAME )
+        {
+                @val = memory_consumption_of_pids_mac( @pid ) ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
                 # Unix
                 my @ps = qx{ ps -o vsz -p @pid } ;
-                #myprint( "ps: @ps" ) ;
-                # Use IPC::Open3 from perlcrit -3
-                # But it stalls on Darwin, I don't understand why!
-                #my @ps = backtick( "ps -o vsz -p @pid" ) ;
-                #myprint( "ps: @ps" ) ;
-                shift @ps; # First line is column name "VSZ"
-                chomp @ps;
+                shift @ps ; # First line is column name "VSZ"
+                chomp @ps ;
                 # convert to octets
                 @val = map { $_ * $KIBI } @ps ;
-        $sync->{ debug } and myprint( "@val\n" ) ;
+        return( @val ) ;
+sub memory_consumption_of_pids_mac
+        my @pid = @_ ;
+        # Use IPC::Open3 from perlcrit -3
+        # But it stalls on Darwin, I don't understand why!
+        #my @ps = backtick( "ps -o rss -p @pid" ) ;
+        #myprint( "ps: @ps" ) ;
+        my @ps = qx{ ps -o rss -p @pid } ;
+        shift @ps ; # First line is column name "RSS"
+        chomp @ps ;
+        my @val = map { $_ * $KIBI } @ps ;
         return( @val ) ;
@@ -16439,7 +17081,7 @@
                         " among ",
                         " identified messages in host2 that are not on host1.",
-                        " Use --delete2 and sync again to delete them and have a strict sync.\n" 
+                        " Use --delete2 and sync again to delete them and have a strict sync.\n"
                 ) ;
         return ;
@@ -17114,6 +17756,24 @@
         return( $max ) ;
+sub set_checknoabletosearch
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( defined  $mysync->{ checknoabletosearch } )
+        {
+                        return ;
+        }
+        elsif ( $mysync->{ justfolders } )
+        {
+                $mysync->{ checknoabletosearch } = 0 ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                $mysync->{ checknoabletosearch } = 1 ;
+        }
+        return ;
 sub tests_setlogfile
@@ -17215,7 +17875,7 @@
         # When aborting another process the log file name finishes with "_abort.txt"
         my $abort_suffix = ( $mysync->{ abort } ) ? '_abort' : q{} ;
         # When acting as a proxy the log file name finishes with "_remote.txt"
         # proxy mode is not done in imapsync, it is done by proximapsync
         my $remote_suffix = ( $mysync->{ remote } ) ? '_remote' : q{} ;
@@ -17313,13 +17973,13 @@
 sub localtimez
         my $time = shift ;
         $time = defined( $time ) ? $time : time ;
         my $datetimestr = POSIX::strftime( '%A %e %B %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z %Z', localtime( $time ) ) ;
         #myprint( "$datetimestr\n" ) ;
-        return $datetimestr ;        
+        return $datetimestr ;
@@ -17761,6 +18421,7 @@
 	$skipcrossduplicates = ( defined $skipcrossduplicates ) ? $skipcrossduplicates : 0 ;
         $mysync->{ synclabels  }   = ( defined $mysync->{ synclabels } )  ? $mysync->{ synclabels } : 1 ;
         $mysync->{ resynclabels }   = ( defined $mysync->{ resynclabels } )  ? $mysync->{ resynclabels } : 1 ;
+        push @useheader, 'X-Gmail-Received', 'Message-Id' ;
 	push @exclude, '\[Gmail\]$' ;
         push @folderlast, '[Gmail]/All Mail' ;
 	return ;
@@ -17785,7 +18446,7 @@
 	return ;
-sub gmail2 
+sub gmail2
 	my $mysync = shift ;
 	# Gmail at host2
@@ -18610,8 +19271,8 @@
         my ( $mysync, $mycgi, $key, $val ) = @ARG ;
         my $badthings = 0 ;
         my ( $name, $type, $struct ) ;
         if ( $key !~ m/^([\w\d\|]+)([=:][isf])?([\+!\@\%])?$/mxs )
@@ -18624,7 +19285,7 @@
                 $type   = $2 ; # = or : followed by i or s or f
                 $struct = $3 ; # + or ! or @ or %
         if ( ( $struct || q{} ) eq '+' )
                 ${$val} = $mycgi->param( $name ) ;    # "Incremental" integer
@@ -18638,7 +19299,7 @@
                         setvalfromhash( $val, $type, @values ) ;
-                else 
+                else
                         setvalfromlist( $mysync, $val, $name, $type, $struct, @values ) ;
@@ -18647,7 +19308,7 @@
                 setvalfromcheckbox( $mysync, $mycgi, $key, $name, $val ) ;
         return $badthings ;
@@ -18681,7 +19342,7 @@
         return ;
 sub setvalfromhash
@@ -18708,11 +19369,11 @@
                 %{ ${$val} } = %values ;
-        else 
+        else
                 %{$val} = %values ;
         return ;
@@ -18720,7 +19381,7 @@
 sub setvalfromcheckbox
         my ( $mysync, $mycgi, $key, $name, $val ) = @ARG ;
         # Checkbox
         # --noname is set by name=0 or name=
         my $value = $mycgi->param( $name ) ;
@@ -18774,7 +19435,7 @@
                 $badthings += setvalfromcgikey( $mysync, $mycgi, $key, $val ) ;
         if ( $badthings ) {
                 return ;    # undef or ()
@@ -18785,6 +19446,138 @@
+sub tests_get_options_extra
+        note( 'Entering tests_get_options_extra()' ) ;
+        is( undef, get_options_extra(  ),  'get_options_extra: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {  } ;
+        is( undef, get_options_extra( $mysync ),  'get_options_extra: undef => undef' ) ;
+        my $cwd_save = getcwd(  ) ;
+        ok( (-d 'W/tmp/tests/options_extra/' or  mkpath( 'W/tmp/tests/options_extra/' )), 'get_options_extra: mkpath W/tmp/tests/options_extra/' ) ;
+        chdir 'W/tmp/tests/options_extra/' ;
+        is( '--debugimap1', string_to_file( '--debugimap1', 'options_extra.txt' ), 'get_options_extra: string_to_file filling options_extra.txt with --debugimap1' ) ;
+        is( '--debugimap1', file_to_string( 'options_extra.txt' ), 'get_options_extra: reading options_extra.txt is --debugimap1' ) ;
+        is( '', get_options_extra( $mysync ),  'get_options_extra:  --debugimap1 in options_extra.txt => nothing left, empty string return' ) ;
+        is( 1, $mysync->{ acc1 }->{ debugimap }, 'get_options_extra: --debugimap1 in options_extra.txt => ok, acc1->debugimap = 1' ) ;
+        is( '--tls1 proutcaca', string_to_file( '--tls1 proutcaca', 'options_extra.txt' ), 'get_options_extra: string_to_file filling options_extra.txt with --tls1 proutcaca' ) ;
+        is( 'proutcaca', get_options_extra( $mysync ),  'get_options_extra:  --tls1 proutcaca in options_extra.txt => proutcaca left, proutcaca return' ) ;
+        chdir $cwd_save ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_get_options_extra()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub get_options_extra
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( ! defined $mysync ) { return ; }
+        if ( -f -r 'options_extra.txt' )
+        {
+                my $cwd = getcwd(  ) ;
+                my $string = firstline( 'options_extra.txt' ) ;
+                my $rest = get_options_from_string( $mysync, $string ) ;
+                output( $mysync, "Reading extra options from file options_extra.txt (cwd: $cwd) : $string\n" ) ;
+                return $rest ;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+                return ;
+        }
+sub tests_get_options_from_string
+        note( 'Entering tests_get_options_from_string()' ) ;
+        is( undef, get_options_from_string(  ),  'get_options_from_string: no args => undef' ) ;
+        my $mysync = {  } ;
+        is( undef, get_options_from_string( $mysync ),  'get_options_from_string: undef => undef' ) ;
+        is( '', get_options_from_string( $mysync, '--debugimap1' ),
+        'get_options_from_string: --debugimap1 => ok, nothing left, empty string return' ) ;
+        is( 1, $mysync->{ acc1 }->{ debugimap }, 'get_options_from_string: --debugimap1 => ok, acc1->debugimap = 1' ) ;
+        $mysync = {  } ; # reset
+        is( 'caca', get_options_from_string( $mysync, '--debugimap1 caca' ),
+        'get_options_from_string: --debugimap1 caca => ok, caca left, caca return' ) ;
+        is( 1, $mysync->{ acc1 }->{ debugimap }, 'get_options_from_string: --debugimap1 => ok, acc1->debugimap = 1' ) ;
+        is( 'popo roro', get_options_from_string( $mysync, '--debugimap2 popo roro' ),
+        'get_options_from_string: --debugimap1 popo roro => ok, popo roro left, popo roro return' ) ;
+        is( 1, $mysync->{ acc2 }->{ debugimap }, 'get_options_from_string: --debugimap2 popo roro => ok, acc2->debugimap = 1' ) ;
+        is( 1, $mysync->{ acc1 }->{ debugimap }, 'get_options_from_string: acc1->debugimap = 1 still' ) ;
+        is( '', get_options_from_string( $mysync, '--nodebugimap1 --debugflags --errorsmax 2' ),
+        'get_options_from_string: --nodebugimap1 --debugflags --errorsmax 2 => ok, empty string return' ) ;
+        is( 0, $mysync->{ acc1 }->{ debugimap }, 'get_options_from_string: acc1->debugimap = 0 now' ) ;
+        is( 1, $debugflags, 'get_options_from_string: debugflags = 1 now' ) ;
+        is( 2, $mysync->{ errorsmax }, 'get_options_from_string: mysync->errorsmax = 2 now' ) ;
+        is( '', get_options_from_string( $mysync, '--folder "IN BOX" --folder JOE' ),
+        'get_options_from_string: --folder "IN BOX" --folder JOE => ok, empty string return' ) ;
+        is_deeply( [ 'IN BOX', 'JOE' ], [@{$mysync->{ folder  }}], 'get_options_from_string: "IN BOX" "JOE"' ) ;
+        is( '', get_options_from_string( $mysync, '--debugflags --koko' ),
+        'get_options_from_string: --debugflags --koko => ok, empty string return, with "Unknown option: koko" on STDERR' ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_get_options_from_string()' ) ;
+        return ;
+sub get_options_from_string
+        my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
+        my $mystring = shift @ARG ;
+        if ( ! defined $mystring ) { return ; }
+        my ( $ret, $args ) = Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromString( $mystring,
+        'debugimap!'    => \$mysync->{ debugimap },
+        'debugimap1!'   => \$mysync->{ acc1 }->{ debugimap },
+        'debugimap2!'   => \$mysync->{ acc2 }->{ debugimap },
+        'debugflags!'   => \$debugflags,
+        'debugsleep=f'  => \$mysync->{ debugsleep },
+        'errorsmax=i'   => \$mysync->{ errorsmax },
+        'folder=s@'     => \$mysync->{ folder  },
+        'timeout=f'     => \$mysync->{ timeout },
+        'timeout1=f'    => \$mysync->{ acc1 }->{ timeout },
+        'timeout2=f'    => \$mysync->{ acc2 }->{ timeout },
+        'keepalive1!'   => \$mysync->{ acc1 }->{ keepalive },
+        'keepalive2!'   => \$mysync->{ acc2 }->{ keepalive },
+        'reconnectretry1=i' => \$mysync->{ acc1 }->{ reconnectretry },
+        'reconnectretry2=i' => \$mysync->{ acc2 }->{ reconnectretry },
+        'ssl1!'            => \$mysync->{ ssl1 },
+        'ssl2!'            => \$mysync->{ ssl2 },
+        'tls1!'            => \$mysync->{ tls1 },
+        'tls2!'            => \$mysync->{ tls2 },
+        'compress1!'       => \$mysync->{ acc1 }->{ compress },
+        'compress2!'       => \$mysync->{ acc2 }->{ compress },
+        ) ;
+        my $left = join( ' ', @$args ) ;
+        return $left ;
 sub tests_get_options_cgi_context
@@ -18922,6 +19715,8 @@
         'ssl2!'            => \$mysync->{ ssl2 },
         'tls1!'            => \$mysync->{ tls1 },
         'tls2!'            => \$mysync->{ tls2 },
+        'compress1!'       => \$mysync->{ acc1 }->{ compress },
+        'compress2!'       => \$mysync->{ acc2 }->{ compress },
         'justbanner!'      => \$mysync->{ justbanner },
         'justlogin!'       => \$mysync->{ justlogin },
         'justconnect!'     => \$mysync->{ justconnect },
@@ -18957,7 +19752,7 @@
         'syncduplicates!'  => \$mysync->{ syncduplicates },
         'log!'             => \$mysync->{ log },
         'loglogfile!'      => \$mysync->{ loglogfile },
 # f1f2h=s% could be removed but
 # tests_get_options_cgi() should be split before
@@ -18991,8 +19786,8 @@
         'debug!'        => \$mysync->{ debug },
         'debuglist!'    => \$debuglist,
-        'debugcontent!' => \$debugcontent,
-        'debugsleep=f'  => \$mysync->{debugsleep},
+        'debugcontent!' => \$mysync->{ debugcontent },
+        'debugsleep=f'  => \$mysync->{ debugsleep },
         'debugflags!'   => \$debugflags,
         'debugimap!'    => \$mysync->{ debugimap },
         'debugimap1!'   => \$mysync->{ acc1 }->{ debugimap },
@@ -19012,10 +19807,10 @@
         'host1=s'       => \$mysync->{ host1 },
         'host2=s'       => \$mysync->{ host2 },
-        'port1=i'       => \$mysync->{port1},
-        'port2=i'       => \$mysync->{port2},
-        'inet4|ipv4'    => \$mysync->{inet4},
-        'inet6|ipv6'    => \$mysync->{inet6},
+        'port1=i'       => \$mysync->{ port1 },
+        'port2=i'       => \$mysync->{ port2 },
+        'inet4|ipv4'    => \$mysync->{ inet4 },
+        'inet6|ipv6'    => \$mysync->{ inet6 },
         'user1=s'     => \$mysync->{ user1 },
         'user2=s'     => \$mysync->{ user2 },
         'gmail1'      => \$mysync->{gmail1},
@@ -19109,7 +19904,6 @@
         'justbanner!' => \$mysync->{ justbanner },
         'justfolders!'=> \$mysync->{ justfolders },
         'justfoldersizes!' => \$mysync->{ justfoldersizes },
-        'fast!'       => \$fast,
         'version'     => \$mysync->{version},
         'help'        => \$help,
         'timeout=f'   =>  \$mysync->{timeout},
@@ -19140,6 +19934,10 @@
         'authuser2=s' => \$mysync->{ acc2 }->{ authuser },
         'proxyauth1'  => \$mysync->{ acc1 }->{ proxyauth },
         'proxyauth2'  => \$mysync->{ acc2 }->{ proxyauth },
+        'compress1!'  => \$mysync->{ acc1 }->{ compress },
+        'compress2!'  => \$mysync->{ acc2 }->{ compress },
+        'keepalive1!'  => \$mysync->{ acc1 }->{ keepalive },
+        'keepalive2!'  => \$mysync->{ acc2 }->{ keepalive },
         'split1=i'    => \$split1,
         'split2=i'    => \$split2,
         'buffersize=i' => \$buffersize,
@@ -19191,7 +19989,7 @@
         'logfile=s'        => \$mysync->{logfile},
         'logdir=s'         => \$mysync->{logdir},
         'errorsmax=i'      => \$mysync->{errorsmax},
-        'errorsdump!'      => \$mysync->{errorsdump},
+        'errorsdump!'      => \$mysync->{ errorsdump },
         'fetch_hash_set=s' => \$fetch_hash_set,
         'automap!'         => \$mysync->{automap},
         'justautomap!'     => \$mysync->{justautomap},
@@ -19204,7 +20002,7 @@
         'checknoabletosearch!' => \$mysync->{checknoabletosearch},
         'syncduplicates!'  => \$mysync->{ syncduplicates },
         'dockercontext!'   => \$mysync->{ dockercontext },
         ) ;
         #myprint( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $mysync ] )  ) ;
@@ -19294,6 +20092,7 @@
 		$ret = get_options_cmd( $mysync, @arguments )  ;
 	} ;
         #myprint( "2 mysync: ", Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $mysync ] ) ) ;
         foreach my $key ( sort keys %{ $mysync } ) {
                 if ( ! defined $mysync->{$key} ) {
                         delete $mysync->{$key} ;
@@ -19308,6 +20107,31 @@
+sub tests_infos
+        note( 'Entering tests_infos()' ) ;
+        note( "OSNAME=$OSNAME" ) ;
+        note( "hostname=". hostname() ) ;
+        note( "cwd=" . getcwd(  ) ) ;
+        note( "PROGRAM_NAME=$PROGRAM_NAME" ) ;
+        my $stat = stat("$PROGRAM_NAME") ;
+        my $perms = sprintf( "%04o\n", $stat->mode & oct($PERMISSION_FILTER) ) ;
+        note( "permissions=$perms" ) ;
+        note( "PROCESS_ID=$PROCESS_ID" ) ;
+        note( "REAL_USER_ID=$REAL_USER_ID" ) ;
+        note( "context: " . imapsync_context( $sync ) ) ;
+        note( "memory_consumption: " . memory_consumption() . " bytes aka " . bytes_display_string_dec( memory_consumption() ) ) ;
+        cpu_number
+        note( "cpu_number: " . cpu_number() ) ;
+        note( $sync->{rcs} ) ;
+        note( 'Leaving  tests_infos()' ) ;
+        return ;
 sub condition_to_leave_after_tests
         my $mysync = shift ;
@@ -19316,9 +20140,9 @@
                 return 0 ;
-        if ( $mysync->{ tests } 
-          or $mysync->{ testsdebug } 
-          or $mysync->{ testsunit } 
+        if ( $mysync->{ tests }
+          or $mysync->{ testsdebug }
+          or $mysync->{ testsunit }
                 return 1 ;
@@ -19467,8 +20291,9 @@
                 #tests_kill_zero(  ) ;
                 #tests_connect_socket(  ) ;
                 #tests_probe_imapssl(  ) ;
-                tests_cpu_number(  ) ;
-                tests_mailimapclient_connect(  ) ;
+                #tests_cpu_number(  ) ;
+                #tests_mailimapclient_connect(  ) ;
+				tests_loadavg(  ) ;
                 #tests_always_fail(  ) ;
                 note( 'Leaving  testsdebug()' ) ;
@@ -19524,7 +20349,8 @@
                 tests_time_remaining(  ) ;
                 tests_decompose_regex(  ) ;
                 tests_backtick(  ) ;
-                tests_bytes_display_string(  ) ;
+                tests_bytes_display_string_bin(  ) ;
+                tests_bytes_display_string_dec(  ) ;
                 tests_header_line_normalize(  ) ;
                 tests_fix_Inbox_INBOX_mapping(  ) ;
                 tests_max_line_length(  ) ;
@@ -19666,6 +20492,14 @@
                 tests_cpu_percent_global(  ) ;
                 tests_flags_for_host2(  ) ;
                 tests_under_docker_context(  ) ;
+                tests_exit_value(  ) ;
+                tests_comment_of_error_type(  ) ;
+                tests_debugcontent(  ) ;
+                tests_compress_ssl(  ) ;
+                tests_compress(  ) ;
+                tests_get_options_extra(  ) ;
+                tests_get_options_from_string(  ) ;
+                tests_infos(  ) ;
                 #tests_resolv(  ) ;
                 # Those three are for later use, when webserver will be inside imapsync
@@ -19675,7 +20509,7 @@
                 #tests_kill_zero(  ) ;
                 #tests_always_fail(  ) ;
-                done_testing( 1742 ) ;
+                done_testing( 1860 ) ;
                 note( 'Leaving  tests()' ) ;
         return ;
@@ -19698,6 +20532,6 @@
 sub template
         my $mysync = shift @ARG ;
         return ;
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/
index acd887a..65f2a0e 100755
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
   def query_mysql(query, headers = True, update = False):
     while True:
-        cnx = mysql.connector.connect(unix_socket = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock', user=os.environ.get('DBUSER'), passwd=os.environ.get('DBPASS'), database=os.environ.get('DBNAME'), charset="utf8")
+        cnx = mysql.connector.connect(unix_socket = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock', user=os.environ.get('DBUSER'), passwd=os.environ.get('DBPASS'), database=os.environ.get('DBNAME'), charset="utf8mb4", collation="utf8mb4_general_ci")
       except Exception as ex:
         print('%s - trying again...'  % (ex))
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@
       attrs = json.loads(attrs.decode('utf-8'))
     if attrs['quarantine_notification'] not in ('hourly', 'daily', 'weekly'):
-    if last_notification == 0 or (last_notification + time_trans[attrs['quarantine_notification']]) < time_now:
+    if last_notification == 0 or (last_notification + time_trans[attrs['quarantine_notification']]) <= time_now:
       print("Notifying %s: Considering %d new items in quarantine (policy: %s)" % (record['rcpt'], record['counter'], attrs['quarantine_notification']))
       notify_rcpt(record['rcpt'], record['counter'], record['quarantine_acl'], attrs['quarantine_category'])
-  os.unlink(pidfile)
\ No newline at end of file
+  os.unlink(pidfile)
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf
index f690509..ea2bcfb 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@version: 3.19
+@version: 3.28
 @include "scl.conf"
 options {
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/syslog-ng.conf b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/syslog-ng.conf
index bdaca9c..2ee4f62 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/syslog-ng.conf
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/syslog-ng.conf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@version: 3.19
+@version: 3.28
 @include "scl.conf"
 options {
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/netfilter/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/netfilter/Dockerfile
index 14b3464..7687c3c 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/netfilter/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/netfilter/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM alpine:3.14
+FROM alpine:3.17
 LABEL maintainer "Andre Peters <>"
 ENV XTABLES_LIBDIR /usr/lib/xtables
@@ -13,12 +13,13 @@
 && apk add -U python3 \
   iptables \
   ip6tables \
+  xtables-addons \
   tzdata \
   py3-pip \
   musl-dev \
 && pip3 install --upgrade --ignore-installed \
   packaging \
-&& pip3 install --upgrade pip \
+&& pip3 install --ignore-installed --upgrade pip \
   python-iptables \
   redis \
   ipaddress \
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/netfilter/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/netfilter/
index 1adcf59..4eb8e7a 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/netfilter/
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/netfilter/
@@ -1,491 +1,500 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3


-import re

-import os

-import sys

-import time

-import atexit

-import signal

-import ipaddress

-from collections import Counter

-from random import randint

-from threading import Thread

-from threading import Lock

-import redis

-import json

-import iptc

-import dns.resolver

-import dns.exception


-while True:

-  try:

-    redis_slaveof_ip = os.getenv('REDIS_SLAVEOF_IP', '')

-    redis_slaveof_port = os.getenv('REDIS_SLAVEOF_PORT', '')

-    if "".__eq__(redis_slaveof_ip):

-      r = redis.StrictRedis(host=os.getenv('IPV4_NETWORK', '172.22.1') + '.249', decode_responses=True, port=6379, db=0)

-    else:

-      r = redis.StrictRedis(host=redis_slaveof_ip, decode_responses=True, port=redis_slaveof_port, db=0)


-  except Exception as ex:

-    print('%s - trying again in 3 seconds'  % (ex))

-    time.sleep(3)

-  else:

-    break


-pubsub = r.pubsub()





-bans = {}


-quit_now = False

-exit_code = 0

-lock = Lock()


-def log(priority, message):

-  tolog = {}

-  tolog['time'] = int(round(time.time()))

-  tolog['priority'] = priority

-  tolog['message'] = message

-  r.lpush('NETFILTER_LOG', json.dumps(tolog, ensure_ascii=False))

-  print(message)


-def logWarn(message):

-  log('warn', message)


-def logCrit(message):

-  log('crit', message)


-def logInfo(message):

-  log('info', message)


-def refreshF2boptions():

-  global f2boptions

-  global quit_now

-  global exit_code

-  if not r.get('F2B_OPTIONS'):

-    f2boptions = {}

-    f2boptions['ban_time'] = int

-    f2boptions['max_attempts'] = int

-    f2boptions['retry_window'] = int

-    f2boptions['netban_ipv4'] = int

-    f2boptions['netban_ipv6'] = int

-    f2boptions['ban_time'] = r.get('F2B_BAN_TIME') or 1800

-    f2boptions['max_attempts'] = r.get('F2B_MAX_ATTEMPTS') or 10

-    f2boptions['retry_window'] = r.get('F2B_RETRY_WINDOW') or 600

-    f2boptions['netban_ipv4'] = r.get('F2B_NETBAN_IPV4') or 32

-    f2boptions['netban_ipv6'] = r.get('F2B_NETBAN_IPV6') or 128

-    r.set('F2B_OPTIONS', json.dumps(f2boptions, ensure_ascii=False))

-  else:

-    try:

-      f2boptions = {}

-      f2boptions = json.loads(r.get('F2B_OPTIONS'))

-    except ValueError:

-      print('Error loading F2B options: F2B_OPTIONS is not json')

-      quit_now = True

-      exit_code = 2


-def refreshF2bregex():

-  global f2bregex

-  global quit_now

-  global exit_code

-  if not r.get('F2B_REGEX'):

-    f2bregex = {}

-    f2bregex[1] = 'mailcow UI: Invalid password for .+ by ([0-9a-f\.:]+)'

-    f2bregex[2] = 'Rspamd UI: Invalid password by ([0-9a-f\.:]+)'

-    f2bregex[3] = 'warning: .*\[([0-9a-f\.:]+)\]: SASL .+ authentication failed'

-    f2bregex[4] = 'warning: non-SMTP command from .*\[([0-9a-f\.:]+)]:.+'

-    f2bregex[5] = 'NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from \[([0-9a-f\.:]+)].+Protocol error.+'

-    f2bregex[6] = '-login: Disconnected \(auth failed, .+\): user=.*, method=.+, rip=([0-9a-f\.:]+),'

-    f2bregex[7] = '-login: Aborted login \(auth failed .+\): user=.+, rip=([0-9a-f\.:]+), lip.+'

-    f2bregex[8] = '-login: Aborted login \(tried to use disallowed .+\): user=.+, rip=([0-9a-f\.:]+), lip.+'

-    f2bregex[9] = 'SOGo.+ Login from \'([0-9a-f\.:]+)\' for user .+ might not have worked'

-    f2bregex[10] = '([0-9a-f\.:]+) \"GET \/SOGo\/.* HTTP.+\" 403 .+'

-    r.set('F2B_REGEX', json.dumps(f2bregex, ensure_ascii=False))

-  else:

-    try:

-      f2bregex = {}

-      f2bregex = json.loads(r.get('F2B_REGEX'))

-    except ValueError:

-      print('Error loading F2B options: F2B_REGEX is not json')

-      quit_now = True

-      exit_code = 2


-if r.exists('F2B_LOG'):

-  r.rename('F2B_LOG', 'NETFILTER_LOG')


-def mailcowChainOrder():

-  global lock

-  global quit_now

-  global exit_code

-  while not quit_now:

-    time.sleep(10)

-    with lock:

-      filter4_table = iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER)

-      filter4_table.refresh()

-      for f in [filter4_table]:

-        forward_chain = iptc.Chain(f, 'FORWARD')

-        input_chain = iptc.Chain(f, 'INPUT')

-        for chain in [forward_chain, input_chain]:

-          target_found = False

-          for position, item in enumerate(chain.rules):

-            if == 'MAILCOW':

-              target_found = True

-              if position > 2:

-                logCrit('Error in %s chain order: MAILCOW on position %d, restarting container' % (, position))

-                quit_now = True

-                exit_code = 2

-          if not target_found:

-            logCrit('Error in %s chain: MAILCOW target not found, restarting container' % (

-            quit_now = True

-            exit_code = 2


-def ban(address):

-  global lock

-  refreshF2boptions()

-  BAN_TIME = int(f2boptions['ban_time'])

-  MAX_ATTEMPTS = int(f2boptions['max_attempts'])

-  RETRY_WINDOW = int(f2boptions['retry_window'])

-  NETBAN_IPV4 = '/' + str(f2boptions['netban_ipv4'])

-  NETBAN_IPV6 = '/' + str(f2boptions['netban_ipv6'])


-  ip = ipaddress.ip_address(address)

-  if type(ip) is ipaddress.IPv6Address and ip.ipv4_mapped:

-    ip = ip.ipv4_mapped

-    address = str(ip)

-  if ip.is_private or ip.is_loopback:

-    return


-  self_network = ipaddress.ip_network(address)


-  with lock:

-    temp_whitelist = set(WHITELIST)


-  if temp_whitelist:

-    for wl_key in temp_whitelist:

-      wl_net = ipaddress.ip_network(wl_key, False)

-      if wl_net.overlaps(self_network):

-        logInfo('Address %s is whitelisted by rule %s' % (self_network, wl_net))

-        return


-  net = ipaddress.ip_network((address + (NETBAN_IPV4 if type(ip) is ipaddress.IPv4Address else NETBAN_IPV6)), strict=False)

-  net = str(net)


-  if not net in bans or time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt'] > RETRY_WINDOW:

-    bans[net] = { 'attempts': 0 }

-    active_window = RETRY_WINDOW

-  else:

-    active_window = time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt']


-  bans[net]['attempts'] += 1

-  bans[net]['last_attempt'] = time.time()


-  active_window = time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt']


-  if bans[net]['attempts'] >= MAX_ATTEMPTS:

-    cur_time = int(round(time.time()))

-    logCrit('Banning %s for %d minutes' % (net, BAN_TIME / 60))

-    if type(ip) is ipaddress.IPv4Address:

-      with lock:

-        chain = iptc.Chain(iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER), 'MAILCOW')

-        rule = iptc.Rule()

-        rule.src = net

-        target = iptc.Target(rule, "REJECT")

- = target

-        if rule not in chain.rules:

-          chain.insert_rule(rule)

-    else:

-      pass

-    r.hset('F2B_ACTIVE_BANS', '%s' % net, cur_time + BAN_TIME)

-  else:

-    logWarn('%d more attempts in the next %d seconds until %s is banned' % (MAX_ATTEMPTS - bans[net]['attempts'], RETRY_WINDOW, net))


-def unban(net):

-  global lock

-  if not net in bans:

-   logInfo('%s is not banned, skipping unban and deleting from queue (if any)' % net)

-   r.hdel('F2B_QUEUE_UNBAN', '%s' % net)

-   return

-  logInfo('Unbanning %s' % net)

-  if type(ipaddress.ip_network(net)) is ipaddress.IPv4Network:

-    with lock:

-      chain = iptc.Chain(iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER), 'MAILCOW')

-      rule = iptc.Rule()

-      rule.src = net

-      target = iptc.Target(rule, "REJECT")

- = target

-      if rule in chain.rules:

-        chain.delete_rule(rule)

-  else:

-    pass

-  r.hdel('F2B_ACTIVE_BANS', '%s' % net)

-  r.hdel('F2B_QUEUE_UNBAN', '%s' % net)

-  if net in bans:

-    del bans[net]


-def permBan(net, unban=False):

-  global lock

-  if type(ipaddress.ip_network(net, strict=False)) is ipaddress.IPv4Network:

-    with lock:

-      chain = iptc.Chain(iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER), 'MAILCOW')

-      rule = iptc.Rule()

-      rule.src = net

-      target = iptc.Target(rule, "REJECT")

- = target

-      if rule not in chain.rules and not unban:

-        logCrit('Add host/network %s to blacklist' % net)

-        chain.insert_rule(rule)

-        r.hset('F2B_PERM_BANS', '%s' % net, int(round(time.time()))) 

-      elif rule in chain.rules and unban:

-        logCrit('Remove host/network %s from blacklist' % net)

-        chain.delete_rule(rule)

-        r.hdel('F2B_PERM_BANS', '%s' % net)

-  else:

-    pass


-def quit(signum, frame):

-  global quit_now

-  quit_now = True


-def clear():

-  global lock

-  logInfo('Clearing all bans')

-  for net in bans.copy():

-    unban(net)

-  with lock:

-    filter4_table = iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER)

-    for filter_table in [filter4_table]:

-      filter_table.autocommit = False

-      forward_chain = iptc.Chain(filter_table, "FORWARD")

-      input_chain = iptc.Chain(filter_table, "INPUT")

-      mailcow_chain = iptc.Chain(filter_table, "MAILCOW")

-      if mailcow_chain in filter_table.chains:

-        for rule in mailcow_chain.rules:

-          mailcow_chain.delete_rule(rule)

-        for rule in forward_chain.rules:

-          if == 'MAILCOW':

-            forward_chain.delete_rule(rule)

-        for rule in input_chain.rules:

-          if == 'MAILCOW':

-            input_chain.delete_rule(rule)

-        filter_table.delete_chain("MAILCOW")

-      filter_table.commit()

-      filter_table.refresh()

-      filter_table.autocommit = True

-    r.delete('F2B_ACTIVE_BANS')

-    r.delete('F2B_PERM_BANS')

-    pubsub.unsubscribe()


-def watch():

-  logInfo('Watching Redis channel F2B_CHANNEL')

-  pubsub.subscribe('F2B_CHANNEL')


-  global quit_now

-  global exit_code


-  while not quit_now:

-    try:

-      for item in pubsub.listen():

-        refreshF2bregex()

-        for rule_id, rule_regex in f2bregex.items():

-          if item['data'] and item['type'] == 'message':

-            try:

-              result =, item['data'])

-            except re.error:

-              result = False

-            if result:

-              addr =

-              ip = ipaddress.ip_address(addr)

-              if ip.is_private or ip.is_loopback:

-                continue

-              logWarn('%s matched rule id %s (%s)' % (addr, rule_id, item['data']))

-              ban(addr)

-    except Exception as ex:

-      logWarn('Error reading log line from pubsub')

-      quit_now = True

-      exit_code = 2


-def snat4(snat_target):

-  global lock

-  global quit_now


-  def get_snat4_rule():

-    rule = iptc.Rule()

-    rule.src = os.getenv('IPV4_NETWORK', '172.22.1') + '.0/24'

-    rule.dst = '!' + rule.src

-    target = rule.create_target("SNAT")

-    target.to_source = snat_target

-    return rule


-  while not quit_now:

-    time.sleep(10)

-    with lock:

-      try:

-        table = iptc.Table('nat')

-        table.refresh()

-        chain = iptc.Chain(table, 'POSTROUTING')

-        table.autocommit = False

-        if get_snat4_rule() not in chain.rules:

-          logCrit('Added POSTROUTING rule for source network %s to SNAT target %s' % (get_snat4_rule().src, snat_target))

-          chain.insert_rule(get_snat4_rule())

-          table.commit()

-        else:

-          for position, item in enumerate(chain.rules):

-            if item == get_snat4_rule():

-              if position != 0:

-                chain.delete_rule(get_snat4_rule())

-          table.commit()

-        table.autocommit = True

-      except:

-        print('Error running SNAT4, retrying...')


-def autopurge():

-  while not quit_now:

-    time.sleep(10)

-    refreshF2boptions()

-    BAN_TIME = int(f2boptions['ban_time'])

-    MAX_ATTEMPTS = int(f2boptions['max_attempts'])

-    QUEUE_UNBAN = r.hgetall('F2B_QUEUE_UNBAN')

-    if QUEUE_UNBAN:

-      for net in QUEUE_UNBAN:

-        unban(str(net))

-    for net in bans.copy():

-      if bans[net]['attempts'] >= MAX_ATTEMPTS:

-        if time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt'] > BAN_TIME:

-          unban(net)


-def isIpNetwork(address):

-  try:

-    ipaddress.ip_network(address, False)

-  except ValueError:

-    return False

-  return True



-def genNetworkList(list):

-  resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver()

-  hostnames = []

-  networks = []

-  for key in list:

-    if isIpNetwork(key):

-      networks.append(key)

-    else:

-      hostnames.append(key)

-  for hostname in hostnames:

-    hostname_ips = []

-    for rdtype in ['A', 'AAAA']:

-      try:

-        answer = resolver.resolve(qname=hostname, rdtype=rdtype, lifetime=3)

-      except dns.exception.Timeout:

-        logInfo('Hostname %s timedout on resolve' % hostname)

-        break

-      except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN, dns.resolver.NoAnswer):

-        continue

-      except dns.exception.DNSException as dnsexception:

-        logInfo('%s' % dnsexception)

-        continue

-      for rdata in answer:

-        hostname_ips.append(rdata.to_text())

-    networks.extend(hostname_ips)

-  return set(networks)


-def whitelistUpdate():

-  global lock

-  global quit_now

-  global WHITELIST

-  while not quit_now:

-    start_time = time.time()

-    list = r.hgetall('F2B_WHITELIST')

-    new_whitelist = []

-    if list:

-      new_whitelist = genNetworkList(list)

-    with lock:

-      if Counter(new_whitelist) != Counter(WHITELIST):

-        WHITELIST = new_whitelist

-        logInfo('Whitelist was changed, it has %s entries' % len(WHITELIST))

-    time.sleep(60.0 - ((time.time() - start_time) % 60.0)) 


-def blacklistUpdate():

-  global quit_now

-  global BLACKLIST

-  while not quit_now:

-    start_time = time.time()

-    list = r.hgetall('F2B_BLACKLIST')

-    new_blacklist = []

-    if list:

-      new_blacklist = genNetworkList(list)

-    if Counter(new_blacklist) != Counter(BLACKLIST): 

-      addban = set(new_blacklist).difference(BLACKLIST)

-      delban = set(BLACKLIST).difference(new_blacklist)

-      BLACKLIST = new_blacklist

-      logInfo('Blacklist was changed, it has %s entries' % len(BLACKLIST))

-      if addban:

-        for net in addban:

-          permBan(net=net)

-      if delban:

-        for net in delban:

-          permBan(net=net, unban=True)

-    time.sleep(60.0 - ((time.time() - start_time) % 60.0)) 


-def initChain():

-  # Is called before threads start, no locking

-  print("Initializing mailcow netfilter chain")

-  # IPv4

-  if not iptc.Chain(iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER), "MAILCOW") in iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER).chains:

-    iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER).create_chain("MAILCOW")

-  for c in ['FORWARD', 'INPUT']:

-    chain = iptc.Chain(iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER), c)

-    rule = iptc.Rule()

-    rule.src = ''

-    rule.dst = ''

-    target = iptc.Target(rule, "MAILCOW")

- = target

-    if rule not in chain.rules:

-      chain.insert_rule(rule)


-if __name__ == '__main__':


-  # In case a previous session was killed without cleanup

-  clear()

-  # Reinit MAILCOW chain

-  initChain()


-  watch_thread = Thread(target=watch)

-  watch_thread.daemon = True

-  watch_thread.start()


-  if os.getenv('SNAT_TO_SOURCE') and os.getenv('SNAT_TO_SOURCE') != 'n':

-    try:

-      snat_ip = os.getenv('SNAT_TO_SOURCE')

-      snat_ipo = ipaddress.ip_address(snat_ip)

-      if type(snat_ipo) is ipaddress.IPv4Address:

-        snat4_thread = Thread(target=snat4,args=(snat_ip,))

-        snat4_thread.daemon = True

-        snat4_thread.start()

-    except ValueError:

-      print(os.getenv('SNAT_TO_SOURCE') + ' is not a valid IPv4 address')


-  autopurge_thread = Thread(target=autopurge)

-  autopurge_thread.daemon = True

-  autopurge_thread.start()


-  mailcowchainwatch_thread = Thread(target=mailcowChainOrder)

-  mailcowchainwatch_thread.daemon = True

-  mailcowchainwatch_thread.start()


-  blacklistupdate_thread = Thread(target=blacklistUpdate)

-  blacklistupdate_thread.daemon = True

-  blacklistupdate_thread.start()


-  whitelistupdate_thread = Thread(target=whitelistUpdate)

-  whitelistupdate_thread.daemon = True

-  whitelistupdate_thread.start()


-  signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, quit)

-  atexit.register(clear)


-  while not quit_now:

-    time.sleep(0.5)


-  sys.exit(exit_code)

+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import atexit
+import signal
+import ipaddress
+from collections import Counter
+from random import randint
+from threading import Thread
+from threading import Lock
+import redis
+import json
+import iptc
+import dns.resolver
+import dns.exception
+while True:
+  try:
+    redis_slaveof_ip = os.getenv('REDIS_SLAVEOF_IP', '')
+    redis_slaveof_port = os.getenv('REDIS_SLAVEOF_PORT', '')
+    if "".__eq__(redis_slaveof_ip):
+      r = redis.StrictRedis(host=os.getenv('IPV4_NETWORK', '172.22.1') + '.249', decode_responses=True, port=6379, db=0)
+    else:
+      r = redis.StrictRedis(host=redis_slaveof_ip, decode_responses=True, port=redis_slaveof_port, db=0)
+  except Exception as ex:
+    print('%s - trying again in 3 seconds'  % (ex))
+    time.sleep(3)
+  else:
+    break
+pubsub = r.pubsub()
+bans = {}
+quit_now = False
+exit_code = 0
+lock = Lock()
+def log(priority, message):
+  tolog = {}
+  tolog['time'] = int(round(time.time()))
+  tolog['priority'] = priority
+  tolog['message'] = message
+  r.lpush('NETFILTER_LOG', json.dumps(tolog, ensure_ascii=False))
+  print(message)
+def logWarn(message):
+  log('warn', message)
+def logCrit(message):
+  log('crit', message)
+def logInfo(message):
+  log('info', message)
+def refreshF2boptions():
+  global f2boptions
+  global quit_now
+  global exit_code
+  if not r.get('F2B_OPTIONS'):
+    f2boptions = {}
+    f2boptions['ban_time'] = int
+    f2boptions['max_attempts'] = int
+    f2boptions['retry_window'] = int
+    f2boptions['netban_ipv4'] = int
+    f2boptions['netban_ipv6'] = int
+    f2boptions['ban_time'] = r.get('F2B_BAN_TIME') or 1800
+    f2boptions['max_attempts'] = r.get('F2B_MAX_ATTEMPTS') or 10
+    f2boptions['retry_window'] = r.get('F2B_RETRY_WINDOW') or 600
+    f2boptions['netban_ipv4'] = r.get('F2B_NETBAN_IPV4') or 32
+    f2boptions['netban_ipv6'] = r.get('F2B_NETBAN_IPV6') or 128
+    r.set('F2B_OPTIONS', json.dumps(f2boptions, ensure_ascii=False))
+  else:
+    try:
+      f2boptions = {}
+      f2boptions = json.loads(r.get('F2B_OPTIONS'))
+    except ValueError:
+      print('Error loading F2B options: F2B_OPTIONS is not json')
+      quit_now = True
+      exit_code = 2
+def refreshF2bregex():
+  global f2bregex
+  global quit_now
+  global exit_code
+  if not r.get('F2B_REGEX'):
+    f2bregex = {}
+    f2bregex[1] = 'mailcow UI: Invalid password for .+ by ([0-9a-f\.:]+)'
+    f2bregex[2] = 'Rspamd UI: Invalid password by ([0-9a-f\.:]+)'
+    f2bregex[3] = 'warning: .*\[([0-9a-f\.:]+)\]: SASL .+ authentication failed: (?!.*Connection lost to authentication server).+'
+    f2bregex[4] = 'warning: non-SMTP command from .*\[([0-9a-f\.:]+)]:.+'
+    f2bregex[5] = 'NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from \[([0-9a-f\.:]+)].+Protocol error.+'
+    f2bregex[6] = '-login: Disconnected.+ \(auth failed, .+\): user=.*, method=.+, rip=([0-9a-f\.:]+),'
+    f2bregex[7] = '-login: Aborted login.+ \(auth failed .+\): user=.+, rip=([0-9a-f\.:]+), lip.+'
+    f2bregex[8] = '-login: Aborted login.+ \(tried to use disallowed .+\): user=.+, rip=([0-9a-f\.:]+), lip.+'
+    f2bregex[9] = 'SOGo.+ Login from \'([0-9a-f\.:]+)\' for user .+ might not have worked'
+    f2bregex[10] = '([0-9a-f\.:]+) \"GET \/SOGo\/.* HTTP.+\" 403 .+'
+    r.set('F2B_REGEX', json.dumps(f2bregex, ensure_ascii=False))
+  else:
+    try:
+      f2bregex = {}
+      f2bregex = json.loads(r.get('F2B_REGEX'))
+    except ValueError:
+      print('Error loading F2B options: F2B_REGEX is not json')
+      quit_now = True
+      exit_code = 2
+if r.exists('F2B_LOG'):
+  r.rename('F2B_LOG', 'NETFILTER_LOG')
+def mailcowChainOrder():
+  global lock
+  global quit_now
+  global exit_code
+  while not quit_now:
+    time.sleep(10)
+    with lock:
+      filter4_table = iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER)
+      filter4_table.refresh()
+      for f in [filter4_table]:
+        forward_chain = iptc.Chain(f, 'FORWARD')
+        input_chain = iptc.Chain(f, 'INPUT')
+        for chain in [forward_chain, input_chain]:
+          target_found = False
+          for position, item in enumerate(chain.rules):
+            if == 'MAILCOW':
+              target_found = True
+              if position > 2:
+                logCrit('Error in %s chain order: MAILCOW on position %d, restarting container' % (, position))
+                quit_now = True
+                exit_code = 2
+          if not target_found:
+            logCrit('Error in %s chain: MAILCOW target not found, restarting container' % (
+            quit_now = True
+            exit_code = 2
+def ban(address):
+  global lock
+  refreshF2boptions()
+  BAN_TIME = int(f2boptions['ban_time'])
+  MAX_ATTEMPTS = int(f2boptions['max_attempts'])
+  RETRY_WINDOW = int(f2boptions['retry_window'])
+  NETBAN_IPV4 = '/' + str(f2boptions['netban_ipv4'])
+  NETBAN_IPV6 = '/' + str(f2boptions['netban_ipv6'])
+  ip = ipaddress.ip_address(address)
+  if type(ip) is ipaddress.IPv6Address and ip.ipv4_mapped:
+    ip = ip.ipv4_mapped
+    address = str(ip)
+  if ip.is_private or ip.is_loopback:
+    return
+  self_network = ipaddress.ip_network(address)
+  with lock:
+    temp_whitelist = set(WHITELIST)
+  if temp_whitelist:
+    for wl_key in temp_whitelist:
+      wl_net = ipaddress.ip_network(wl_key, False)
+      if wl_net.overlaps(self_network):
+        logInfo('Address %s is whitelisted by rule %s' % (self_network, wl_net))
+        return
+  net = ipaddress.ip_network((address + (NETBAN_IPV4 if type(ip) is ipaddress.IPv4Address else NETBAN_IPV6)), strict=False)
+  net = str(net)
+  if not net in bans or time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt'] > RETRY_WINDOW:
+    bans[net] = { 'attempts': 0 }
+    active_window = RETRY_WINDOW
+  else:
+    active_window = time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt']
+  bans[net]['attempts'] += 1
+  bans[net]['last_attempt'] = time.time()
+  active_window = time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt']
+  if bans[net]['attempts'] >= MAX_ATTEMPTS:
+    cur_time = int(round(time.time()))
+    logCrit('Banning %s for %d minutes' % (net, BAN_TIME / 60))
+    if type(ip) is ipaddress.IPv4Address:
+      with lock:
+        chain = iptc.Chain(iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER), 'MAILCOW')
+        rule = iptc.Rule()
+        rule.src = net
+        target = iptc.Target(rule, "REJECT")
+ = target
+        if rule not in chain.rules:
+          chain.insert_rule(rule)
+    else:
+      pass
+    r.hset('F2B_ACTIVE_BANS', '%s' % net, cur_time + BAN_TIME)
+  else:
+    logWarn('%d more attempts in the next %d seconds until %s is banned' % (MAX_ATTEMPTS - bans[net]['attempts'], RETRY_WINDOW, net))
+def unban(net):
+  global lock
+  if not net in bans:
+   logInfo('%s is not banned, skipping unban and deleting from queue (if any)' % net)
+   r.hdel('F2B_QUEUE_UNBAN', '%s' % net)
+   return
+  logInfo('Unbanning %s' % net)
+  if type(ipaddress.ip_network(net)) is ipaddress.IPv4Network:
+    with lock:
+      chain = iptc.Chain(iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER), 'MAILCOW')
+      rule = iptc.Rule()
+      rule.src = net
+      target = iptc.Target(rule, "REJECT")
+ = target
+      if rule in chain.rules:
+        chain.delete_rule(rule)
+  else:
+    pass
+  r.hdel('F2B_ACTIVE_BANS', '%s' % net)
+  r.hdel('F2B_QUEUE_UNBAN', '%s' % net)
+  if net in bans:
+    del bans[net]
+def permBan(net, unban=False):
+  global lock
+  if type(ipaddress.ip_network(net, strict=False)) is ipaddress.IPv4Network:
+    with lock:
+      chain = iptc.Chain(iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER), 'MAILCOW')
+      rule = iptc.Rule()
+      rule.src = net
+      target = iptc.Target(rule, "REJECT")
+ = target
+      if rule not in chain.rules and not unban:
+        logCrit('Add host/network %s to blacklist' % net)
+        chain.insert_rule(rule)
+        r.hset('F2B_PERM_BANS', '%s' % net, int(round(time.time())))
+      elif rule in chain.rules and unban:
+        logCrit('Remove host/network %s from blacklist' % net)
+        chain.delete_rule(rule)
+        r.hdel('F2B_PERM_BANS', '%s' % net)
+  else:
+    pass
+def quit(signum, frame):
+  global quit_now
+  quit_now = True
+def clear():
+  global lock
+  logInfo('Clearing all bans')
+  for net in bans.copy():
+    unban(net)
+  with lock:
+    filter4_table = iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER)
+    for filter_table in [filter4_table]:
+      filter_table.autocommit = False
+      forward_chain = iptc.Chain(filter_table, "FORWARD")
+      input_chain = iptc.Chain(filter_table, "INPUT")
+      mailcow_chain = iptc.Chain(filter_table, "MAILCOW")
+      if mailcow_chain in filter_table.chains:
+        for rule in mailcow_chain.rules:
+          mailcow_chain.delete_rule(rule)
+        for rule in forward_chain.rules:
+          if == 'MAILCOW':
+            forward_chain.delete_rule(rule)
+        for rule in input_chain.rules:
+          if == 'MAILCOW':
+            input_chain.delete_rule(rule)
+        filter_table.delete_chain("MAILCOW")
+      filter_table.commit()
+      filter_table.refresh()
+      filter_table.autocommit = True
+    r.delete('F2B_ACTIVE_BANS')
+    r.delete('F2B_PERM_BANS')
+    pubsub.unsubscribe()
+def watch():
+  logInfo('Watching Redis channel F2B_CHANNEL')
+  pubsub.subscribe('F2B_CHANNEL')
+  global quit_now
+  global exit_code
+  while not quit_now:
+    try:
+      for item in pubsub.listen():
+        refreshF2bregex()
+        for rule_id, rule_regex in f2bregex.items():
+          if item['data'] and item['type'] == 'message':
+            try:
+              result =, item['data'])
+            except re.error:
+              result = False
+            if result:
+              addr =
+              ip = ipaddress.ip_address(addr)
+              if ip.is_private or ip.is_loopback:
+                continue
+              logWarn('%s matched rule id %s (%s)' % (addr, rule_id, item['data']))
+              ban(addr)
+    except Exception as ex:
+      logWarn('Error reading log line from pubsub')
+      quit_now = True
+      exit_code = 2
+def snat4(snat_target):
+  global lock
+  global quit_now
+  def get_snat4_rule():
+    rule = iptc.Rule()
+    rule.src = os.getenv('IPV4_NETWORK', '172.22.1') + '.0/24'
+    rule.dst = '!' + rule.src
+    target = rule.create_target("SNAT")
+    target.to_source = snat_target
+    match = rule.create_match("comment")
+    match.comment = f'{int(round(time.time()))}'
+    return rule
+  while not quit_now:
+    time.sleep(10)
+    with lock:
+      try:
+        table = iptc.Table('nat')
+        table.refresh()
+        chain = iptc.Chain(table, 'POSTROUTING')
+        table.autocommit = False
+        new_rule = get_snat4_rule()
+        for position, rule in enumerate(chain.rules):
+          match = all((
+            new_rule.get_src() == rule.get_src(),
+            new_rule.get_dst() == rule.get_dst(),
+   ==,
+   ==
+          ))
+          if position == 0:
+            if not match:
+              logInfo(f'Added POSTROUTING rule for source network {new_rule.src} to SNAT target {snat_target}')
+              chain.insert_rule(new_rule)
+          else:
+            if match:
+              logInfo(f'Remove rule for source network {new_rule.src} to SNAT target {snat_target} from POSTROUTING chain at position {position}')
+              chain.delete_rule(rule)
+        table.commit()
+        table.autocommit = True
+      except:
+        print('Error running SNAT4, retrying...')
+def autopurge():
+  while not quit_now:
+    time.sleep(10)
+    refreshF2boptions()
+    BAN_TIME = int(f2boptions['ban_time'])
+    MAX_ATTEMPTS = int(f2boptions['max_attempts'])
+    QUEUE_UNBAN = r.hgetall('F2B_QUEUE_UNBAN')
+    if QUEUE_UNBAN:
+      for net in QUEUE_UNBAN:
+        unban(str(net))
+    for net in bans.copy():
+      if bans[net]['attempts'] >= MAX_ATTEMPTS:
+        if time.time() - bans[net]['last_attempt'] > BAN_TIME:
+          unban(net)
+def isIpNetwork(address):
+  try:
+    ipaddress.ip_network(address, False)
+  except ValueError:
+    return False
+  return True
+def genNetworkList(list):
+  resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver()
+  hostnames = []
+  networks = []
+  for key in list:
+    if isIpNetwork(key):
+      networks.append(key)
+    else:
+      hostnames.append(key)
+  for hostname in hostnames:
+    hostname_ips = []
+    for rdtype in ['A', 'AAAA']:
+      try:
+        answer = resolver.resolve(qname=hostname, rdtype=rdtype, lifetime=3)
+      except dns.exception.Timeout:
+        logInfo('Hostname %s timedout on resolve' % hostname)
+        break
+      except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN, dns.resolver.NoAnswer):
+        continue
+      except dns.exception.DNSException as dnsexception:
+        logInfo('%s' % dnsexception)
+        continue
+      for rdata in answer:
+        hostname_ips.append(rdata.to_text())
+    networks.extend(hostname_ips)
+  return set(networks)
+def whitelistUpdate():
+  global lock
+  global quit_now
+  global WHITELIST
+  while not quit_now:
+    start_time = time.time()
+    list = r.hgetall('F2B_WHITELIST')
+    new_whitelist = []
+    if list:
+      new_whitelist = genNetworkList(list)
+    with lock:
+      if Counter(new_whitelist) != Counter(WHITELIST):
+        WHITELIST = new_whitelist
+        logInfo('Whitelist was changed, it has %s entries' % len(WHITELIST))
+    time.sleep(60.0 - ((time.time() - start_time) % 60.0))
+def blacklistUpdate():
+  global quit_now
+  global BLACKLIST
+  while not quit_now:
+    start_time = time.time()
+    list = r.hgetall('F2B_BLACKLIST')
+    new_blacklist = []
+    if list:
+      new_blacklist = genNetworkList(list)
+    if Counter(new_blacklist) != Counter(BLACKLIST):
+      addban = set(new_blacklist).difference(BLACKLIST)
+      delban = set(BLACKLIST).difference(new_blacklist)
+      BLACKLIST = new_blacklist
+      logInfo('Blacklist was changed, it has %s entries' % len(BLACKLIST))
+      if addban:
+        for net in addban:
+          permBan(net=net)
+      if delban:
+        for net in delban:
+          permBan(net=net, unban=True)
+    time.sleep(60.0 - ((time.time() - start_time) % 60.0))
+def initChain():
+  # Is called before threads start, no locking
+  print("Initializing mailcow netfilter chain")
+  # IPv4
+  if not iptc.Chain(iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER), "MAILCOW") in iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER).chains:
+    iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER).create_chain("MAILCOW")
+  for c in ['FORWARD', 'INPUT']:
+    chain = iptc.Chain(iptc.Table(iptc.Table.FILTER), c)
+    rule = iptc.Rule()
+    rule.src = ''
+    rule.dst = ''
+    target = iptc.Target(rule, "MAILCOW")
+ = target
+    if rule not in chain.rules:
+      chain.insert_rule(rule)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  # In case a previous session was killed without cleanup
+  clear()
+  # Reinit MAILCOW chain
+  initChain()
+  watch_thread = Thread(target=watch)
+  watch_thread.daemon = True
+  watch_thread.start()
+  if os.getenv('SNAT_TO_SOURCE') and os.getenv('SNAT_TO_SOURCE') != 'n':
+    try:
+      snat_ip = os.getenv('SNAT_TO_SOURCE')
+      snat_ipo = ipaddress.ip_address(snat_ip)
+      if type(snat_ipo) is ipaddress.IPv4Address:
+        snat4_thread = Thread(target=snat4,args=(snat_ip,))
+        snat4_thread.daemon = True
+        snat4_thread.start()
+    except ValueError:
+      print(os.getenv('SNAT_TO_SOURCE') + ' is not a valid IPv4 address')
+  autopurge_thread = Thread(target=autopurge)
+  autopurge_thread.daemon = True
+  autopurge_thread.start()
+  mailcowchainwatch_thread = Thread(target=mailcowChainOrder)
+  mailcowchainwatch_thread.daemon = True
+  mailcowchainwatch_thread.start()
+  blacklistupdate_thread = Thread(target=blacklistUpdate)
+  blacklistupdate_thread.daemon = True
+  blacklistupdate_thread.start()
+  whitelistupdate_thread = Thread(target=whitelistUpdate)
+  whitelistupdate_thread.daemon = True
+  whitelistupdate_thread.start()
+  signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, quit)
+  atexit.register(clear)
+  while not quit_now:
+    time.sleep(0.5)
+  sys.exit(exit_code)
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/olefy/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/olefy/Dockerfile
index 6d9727c..10d63d0 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/olefy/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/olefy/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM alpine:3.14
+FROM alpine:3.17
 LABEL maintainer "Andre Peters <>"
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
   && apk add --update --no-cache python3 py3-pip openssl tzdata libmagic \
   && pip3 install --upgrade pip \
   && pip3 install --upgrade asyncio python-magic \
-  && pip3 install --upgrade \
+  && pip3 install --upgrade \
   && apk del .build-deps
-#  && sed -i 's/decompress_stream(bytearray(compressed_code))/bytes2str(decompress_stream(bytearray(compressed_code)))/g' /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/oletools/
+#  && sed -i 's/template_injection_detected = True/template_injection_detected = False/g' /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/oletools/
-ADD /app/
+ADD /app/
 RUN chown -R nobody:nobody /app /tmp
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/olefy/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/olefy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..776e786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/olefy/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Dennis Kalbhen <>
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Carsten Rosenberg <>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+#  olefy is a little helper socket to use oletools with rspamd. (
+#  Please find updates and issues here:
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+import sys
+import os
+import logging
+import asyncio
+import time
+import magic
+import re
+# merge variables from /etc/olefy.conf and the defaults
+olefy_listen_addr_string = os.getenv('OLEFY_BINDADDRESS', ',::1')
+olefy_listen_port = int(os.getenv('OLEFY_BINDPORT', '10050'))
+olefy_tmp_dir = os.getenv('OLEFY_TMPDIR', '/tmp')
+olefy_python_path = os.getenv('OLEFY_PYTHON_PATH', '/usr/bin/python3')
+olefy_olevba_path = os.getenv('OLEFY_OLEVBA_PATH', '/usr/local/bin/olevba3')
+olefy_loglvl = int(os.getenv('OLEFY_LOGLVL', 20))
+olefy_min_length = int(os.getenv('OLEFY_MINLENGTH', 500))
+olefy_del_tmp = int(os.getenv('OLEFY_DEL_TMP', 1))
+olefy_del_tmp_failed = int(os.getenv('OLEFY_DEL_TMP_FAILED', 1))
+# internal used variables
+request_time = '0000000000.000000'
+olefy_protocol = 'OLEFY'
+olefy_ping = 'PING'
+olefy_protocol_sep = '\n\n'
+olefy_headers = {}
+# init logging
+logger = logging.getLogger('olefy')
+logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=olefy_loglvl, format='olefy %(levelname)s %(funcName)s %(message)s')
+logger.debug('olefy listen address string: {} (type {})'.format(olefy_listen_addr_string, type(olefy_listen_addr_string)))
+if not olefy_listen_addr_string:
+    olefy_listen_addr = ""
+    addr_re = re.compile('[\[" \]]')
+    olefy_listen_addr = addr_re.sub('', olefy_listen_addr_string.replace("'", "")).split(',')
+# log runtime variables'olefy listen address: {} (type: {})'.format(olefy_listen_addr, type(olefy_listen_addr)))'olefy listen port: {}'.format(olefy_listen_port))'olefy tmp dir: {}'.format(olefy_tmp_dir))'olefy python path: {}'.format(olefy_python_path))'olefy olvba path: {}'.format(olefy_olevba_path))'olefy log level: {}'.format(olefy_loglvl))'olefy min file length: {}'.format(olefy_min_length))'olefy delete tmp file: {}'.format(olefy_del_tmp))'olefy delete tmp file when failed: {}'.format(olefy_del_tmp_failed))
+if not os.path.isfile(olefy_python_path):
+    logger.critical('python path not found: {}'.format(olefy_python_path))
+    exit(1)
+if not os.path.isfile(olefy_olevba_path):
+    logger.critical('olevba path not found: {}'.format(olefy_olevba_path))
+    exit(1)
+# olefy protocol function
+def protocol_split( olefy_line ):
+    header_lines = olefy_line.split('\n')
+    for line in header_lines:
+        if line == 'OLEFY/1.0':
+            olefy_headers['olefy'] = line
+        elif line != '':
+            kv = line.split(': ')
+            if kv[0] != '' and kv[1] != '':
+                olefy_headers[kv[0]] = kv[1]
+    logger.debug('olefy_headers: {}'.format(olefy_headers))
+# calling oletools
+def oletools( stream, tmp_file_name, lid ):
+    if olefy_min_length > stream.__len__():
+        logger.error('{} {} bytes (Not Scanning! File smaller than {!r})'.format(lid, stream.__len__(), olefy_min_length))
+        out = b'[ { "error": "File too small" } ]'
+    else:
+        tmp_file = open(tmp_file_name, 'wb')
+        tmp_file.write(stream)
+        tmp_file.close()
+        file_magic = magic.Magic(mime=True, uncompress=True)
+        file_mime = file_magic.from_file(tmp_file_name)
+'{} {} (libmagic output)'.format(lid, file_mime))
+        # do the olefy
+        cmd_tmp = Popen([olefy_python_path, olefy_olevba_path, '-a', '-j' , '-l', 'error', tmp_file_name], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+        out, err = cmd_tmp.communicate()
+        out = bytes(out.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').replace('  ', ' ').replace('\t', '').replace('\n', '').replace('XLMMacroDeobfuscator: pywin32 is not installed (only is required if you want to use MS Excel)', ''), encoding="utf-8")
+        failed = False
+        if out.__len__() < 30:
+            logger.error('{} olevba returned <30 chars - rc: {!r}, response: {!r}, error: {!r}'.format(lid,cmd_tmp.returncode, 
+                out.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'), err.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')))
+            out = b'[ { "error": "Unhandled error - too short olevba response" } ]'
+            failed = True
+        elif err.__len__() > 10 and cmd_tmp.returncode == 9:
+            logger.error("{} olevba stderr >10 chars - rc: {!r}, response: {!r}".format(lid, cmd_tmp.returncode, err.decode("utf-8", "ignore")))
+            out = b'[ { "error": "Decrypt failed" } ]'
+            failed = True
+        elif err.__len__() > 10 and cmd_tmp.returncode > 9:
+            logger.error('{} olevba stderr >10 chars - rc: {!r}, response: {!r}'.format(lid, cmd_tmp.returncode, err.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')))
+            out = b'[ { "error": "Unhandled oletools error" } ]'
+            failed = True
+        elif cmd_tmp.returncode != 0:
+            logger.error('{} olevba exited with code {!r}; err: {!r}'.format(lid, cmd_tmp.returncode, err.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')))
+            failed = True
+        if failed and olefy_del_tmp_failed == 0:
+            logger.debug('{} {} FAILED: not deleting tmp file'.format(lid, tmp_file_name))
+        elif olefy_del_tmp == 1:
+            logger.debug('{} {} deleting tmp file'.format(lid, tmp_file_name))
+            os.remove(tmp_file_name)
+    logger.debug('{} response: {}'.format(lid, out.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')))
+    return out + b'\t\n\n\t'
+# Asyncio data handling, default AIO-Functions
+class AIO(asyncio.Protocol):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.extra = bytearray()
+    def connection_made(self, transport):
+        global request_time
+        peer = transport.get_extra_info('peername')
+        logger.debug('{} new connection was made'.format(peer))
+        self.transport = transport
+        request_time = str(time.time())
+    def data_received(self, request, msgid=1):
+        peer = self.transport.get_extra_info('peername')
+        logger.debug('{} data received from new connection'.format(peer))
+        self.extra.extend(request)
+    def eof_received(self):
+        peer = self.transport.get_extra_info('peername')
+        olefy_protocol_err = False
+        proto_ck = self.extra[0:2000].decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
+        headers = proto_ck[0:proto_ck.find(olefy_protocol_sep)]
+        if olefy_protocol == headers[0:5]:
+            self.extra = bytearray(self.extra[len(headers)+2:len(self.extra)])
+            protocol_split(headers)
+        else:
+            olefy_protocol_err = True
+        if olefy_ping == headers[0:4]:
+            is_ping = True
+        else:
+            is_ping = False
+            rspamd_id = olefy_headers['Rspamd-ID'][:6] or ''
+            lid = 'Rspamd-ID' in olefy_headers and '<'+rspamd_id+'>'
+            tmp_file_name = olefy_tmp_dir+'/'+request_time+'.'+str(peer[1])+'.'+rspamd_id
+            logger.debug('{} {} choosen as tmp filename'.format(lid, tmp_file_name))
+        if not is_ping or olefy_loglvl == 10:
+  '{} {} bytes (stream size)'.format(lid, self.extra.__len__()))
+        if olefy_ping == headers[0:4]:
+            logger.debug('{} PING request'.format(peer))
+            out = b'PONG'
+        elif olefy_protocol_err == True or olefy_headers['olefy'] != 'OLEFY/1.0':
+            logger.error('{} Protocol ERROR: no OLEFY/1.0 found'.format(lid))
+            out = b'[ { "error": "Protocol error" } ]'
+        elif 'Method' in olefy_headers:
+            if olefy_headers['Method'] == 'oletools':
+                out = oletools(self.extra, tmp_file_name, lid)
+        else:
+            logger.error('Protocol ERROR: Method header not found')
+            out = b'[ { "error": "Protocol error: Method header not found" } ]'
+        self.transport.write(out)
+        if not is_ping or olefy_loglvl == 10:
+  '{} {} response send: {!r}'.format(lid, peer, out))
+        self.transport.close()
+# start the listeners
+loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+# each client connection will create a new protocol instance
+coro = loop.create_server(AIO, olefy_listen_addr, olefy_listen_port)
+server = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
+for sockets in server.sockets:
+'serving on {}'.format(sockets.getsockname()))
+# XXX serve requests until KeyboardInterrupt, not needed for production
+    loop.run_forever()
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+    pass
+# graceful shutdown/reload
+loop.close()'stopped serving')
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/phpfpm/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/phpfpm/Dockerfile
index ca851e6..93acb33 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/phpfpm/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/phpfpm/Dockerfile
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-FROM php:8.0-fpm-alpine3.14
+FROM php:8.1-fpm-alpine3.17
 LABEL maintainer "Andre Peters <>"
-# Mailparse is pulled from master branch
 RUN apk add -U --no-cache autoconf \
   aspell-dev \
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
   freetype-dev \
   g++ \
   git \
+  gettext \
   gettext-dev \
   gmp-dev \
   gnupg \
@@ -27,8 +28,11 @@
   imagemagick-dev \
   imap-dev \
   jq \
+  libavif \
+  libavif-dev \
   libjpeg-turbo \
   libjpeg-turbo-dev \
+  libmemcached \
   libmemcached-dev \
   libpng \
   libpng-dev \
@@ -38,7 +42,9 @@
   libtool \
   libwebp-dev \
   libxml2-dev \
+  libxpm \
   libxpm-dev \
+  libzip \
   libzip-dev \
   make \
   mysql-client \
@@ -49,22 +55,24 @@
   samba-client \
   zlib-dev \
   tzdata \
-  && git clone \
-  && cd pecl-mail-mailparse \
-  && pecl install package.xml \
-  && cd .. \
-  && rm -r pecl-mail-mailparse \
-  && pecl install redis-${REDIS_PECL} memcached-${MEMCACHED_PECL} APCu-${APCU_PECL} imagick-${IMAGICK_PECL} \
+  && pecl install mailparse-${MAILPARSE_PECL} \
+  && pecl install redis-${REDIS_PECL} \
+  && pecl install memcached-${MEMCACHED_PECL} \
+  && pecl install APCu-${APCU_PECL} \
+  && pecl install imagick-${IMAGICK_PECL} \
   && docker-php-ext-enable apcu imagick memcached mailparse redis \
   && pecl clear-cache \
   && docker-php-ext-configure intl \
   && docker-php-ext-configure exif \
   && docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype=/usr/include/ \  
     --with-jpeg=/usr/include/ \
+    --with-webp \
+    --with-xpm \
+    --with-avif \
   && docker-php-ext-install -j 4 exif gd gettext intl ldap opcache pcntl pdo pdo_mysql pspell soap sockets zip bcmath gmp \
   && docker-php-ext-configure imap --with-imap --with-imap-ssl \
   && docker-php-ext-install -j 4 imap \
-  && curl --silent --show-error | php \
+  && curl --silent --show-error | php -- --version=${COMPOSER} \
   && mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer \
   && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/composer \
   && apk del --purge autoconf \
@@ -72,15 +80,21 @@
     cyrus-sasl-dev \
     freetype-dev \
     g++ \
+    gettext-dev \
     icu-dev \
     imagemagick-dev \
     imap-dev \
+    libavif-dev \
     libjpeg-turbo-dev \
+    libmemcached-dev \
     libpng-dev \
     libressl-dev \
     libwebp-dev \
     libxml2-dev \
+    libxpm-dev \
+    libzip-dev \
     make \
+    openldap-dev \
     pcre-dev \
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/Dockerfile
index 56b274a..e3c6498 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM debian:buster-slim
+FROM debian:bullseye-slim
 LABEL maintainer "Andre Peters <>"
 ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/
index e734a9a..78b070e 100755
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/
@@ -323,7 +323,19 @@
 dbname = ${DBNAME}
 # First select queries domain and alias_domain to determine if domains are active.
 query = SELECT goto FROM alias
-  WHERE address='%s'
+  WHERE id IN (
+        (
+          SELECT id FROM alias
+            WHERE address='%s'
+            AND (active='1' OR active='2')
+        ), (
+          SELECT id FROM alias
+            WHERE address='@%d'
+            AND (active='1' OR active='2')
+        )
+      )
+    )
     AND active='1'
     AND (domain IN
       (SELECT domain FROM domain
@@ -354,7 +366,7 @@
     WHERE alias_domain.alias_domain = '%d'
       AND mailbox.username = CONCAT('%u','@',alias_domain.target_domain)
       AND ( = '1' OR ='2')
-      AND'1'
+      AND'1';
 # MX based routing
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf
index 40fb1cd..558305e 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@version: 3.19
+@version: 3.28
 @include "scl.conf"
 options {
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/syslog-ng.conf b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/syslog-ng.conf
index 8fdc104..a1ccd07 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/syslog-ng.conf
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/postfix/syslog-ng.conf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@version: 3.19
+@version: 3.28
 @include "scl.conf"
 options {
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/rspamd/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/rspamd/Dockerfile
index ee08f8d..2520ddc 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/rspamd/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/rspamd/Dockerfile
@@ -21,10 +21,12 @@
   && apt-get clean \
   && mkdir -p /run/rspamd \
   && chown _rspamd:_rspamd /run/rspamd \
-  && echo 'alias ll="ls -la --color"' >> ~/.bashrc
+  && echo 'alias ll="ls -la --color"' >> ~/.bashrc \
+  && sed -i 's/#analysis_keyword_table > 0/analysis_cat_table.macro_exist == "M"/g' /usr/share/rspamd/lualib/lua_scanners/oletools.lua
 COPY settings.conf /etc/rspamd/settings.conf
 COPY metadata_exporter.lua /usr/share/rspamd/plugins/metadata_exporter.lua
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/rspamd/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/rspamd/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7205e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/rspamd/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+password_hash=`/usr/bin/rspamadm pw -e -p $1`
+echo 'enable_password = "'$password_hash'";' > $password_file
+if grep -q "$password_hash" "$password_file"; then
+    echo "OK"
+    echo "ERROR"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/Dockerfile
index 72f7d81..f08600a 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/Dockerfile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 LABEL maintainer "Andre Peters <>"
 ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   && gosu nobody true \
   && mkdir /usr/share/doc/sogo \
   && touch /usr/share/doc/sogo/ \
-  && apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 0x810273C4 \
+  && apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 74FFC6D72B925A34B5D356BDF8A27B36A6E2EAE9 \
   && echo "deb ${SOGO_DEBIAN_REPOSITORY} bullseye bullseye" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sogo.list \
   && apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
     sogo \
@@ -52,4 +52,4 @@
-CMD exec /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
+CMD exec /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/
index 04472df..aa15525 100755
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/
@@ -142,6 +142,10 @@
+    <key>SOGoSieveServer</key>
+    <string>sieve://${IPV4_NETWORK}.250:4190/?TLS=YES&amp;tlsVerifyMode=none</string>
+    <key>SOGoSMTPServer</key>
+    <string>smtp://${IPV4_NETWORK}.253:588/?TLS=YES&amp;tlsVerifyMode=none</string>
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf
index 5a84b72..9b460bd 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/syslog-ng-redis_slave.conf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@version: 3.19
+@version: 3.28
 @include "scl.conf"
 options {
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/syslog-ng.conf b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/syslog-ng.conf
index 537038e..889a3f3 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/syslog-ng.conf
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/sogo/syslog-ng.conf
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@version: 3.19
+@version: 3.28
 @include "scl.conf"
 options {
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/solr/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/solr/Dockerfile
index 6dfec41..0629925 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/solr/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/solr/Dockerfile
@@ -16,10 +16,15 @@
   tzdata \
   curl \
   bash \
+  zip \
   && apt-get autoclean \
   && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
   && chmod +x / \
   && sync \
   && bash / --bootstrap
+RUN zip -q -d /opt/solr/server/lib/ext/log4j-core-*.jar org/apache/logging/log4j/core/lookup/JndiLookup.class
+RUN apt remove zip -y  
 CMD ["/"]
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/unbound/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/unbound/Dockerfile
index a937e7e..d9756d0 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/unbound/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/unbound/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM alpine:3.14
+FROM alpine:3.17
 LABEL maintainer "Andre Peters <>"
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/Dockerfile b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/Dockerfile
index 00cb8e9..654dea0 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/Dockerfile
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/Dockerfiles/watchdog/Dockerfile
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FROM alpine:3.14
+FROM alpine:3.17
 LABEL maintainer "André Peters <>"
 # Installation