git subrepo commit (merge) mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized

subrepo: subdir:   "mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized"
  merged:   "32243e56"
upstream: origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "e2b4b6f6"
git-subrepo: version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
Change-Id: I51e2016ef5ab88a8b0bdc08551b18f48ceef0aa5
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/lib/vendor/twig/twig/CHANGELOG b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/lib/vendor/twig/twig/CHANGELOG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..832e639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/lib/vendor/twig/twig/CHANGELOG
@@ -0,0 +1,1621 @@
+# 3.3.2 (2021-05-16)
+ * Revert "Throw a proper exception when a template name is an absolute path (as it has never been supported)"
+# 3.3.1 (2021-05-12)
+ * Fix PHP 8.1 compatibility
+ * Throw a proper exception when a template name is an absolute path (as it has never been supported)
+# 3.3.0 (2021-02-08)
+ * Fix macro calls in a "cache" tag
+ * Add the slug filter
+ * Allow extra bundle to be compatible with Twig 2
+# 3.2.1 (2021-01-05)
+ * Fix extra bundle compat with older versions of Symfony
+# 3.2.0 (2021-01-05)
+ * Add the Cache extension in the "extra" repositories: "cache" tag
+ * Add "registerUndefinedTokenParserCallback"
+ * Mark built-in node visitors as @internal
+ * Fix "odd" not working for negative numbers
+# 3.1.1 (2020-10-27)
+ * Fix "include(template_from_string())"
+# 3.1.0 (2020-10-21)
+ * Fix sandbox support when using "include(template_from_string())"
+ * Make round brackets optional for one argument tests like "same as" or "divisible by"
+ * Add support for ES2015 style object initialisation shortcut { a } is the same as { 'a': a }
+# 3.0.5 (2020-08-05)
+ * Fix twig_compare w.r.t. whitespace trimming
+ * Fix sandbox not disabled if syntax error occurs within {% sandbox %} tag
+ * Fix a regression when not using a space before an operator
+ * Restrict callables to closures in filters
+ * Allow trailing commas in argument lists (in calls as well as definitions)
+# 3.0.4 (2020-07-05)
+ * Fix comparison operators
+ * Fix options not taken into account when using "Michelf\MarkdownExtra"
+ * Fix "Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension::getCountryName()" to accept "null" as a first argument
+ * Throw exception in case non-Traversable data is passed to "filter"
+ * Fix context optimization on PHP 7.4
+ * Fix PHP 8 compatibility
+ * Fix ambiguous syntax parsing
+# 3.0.3 (2020-02-11)
+ * Add a check to ensure that iconv() is defined
+# 3.0.2 (2020-02-11)
+ * Avoid exceptions when an intl resource is not found
+ * Fix implementation of case-insensitivity for method names
+# 3.0.1 (2019-12-28)
+ * fixed Symfony 5.0 support for the HTML extra extension
+# 3.0.0 (2019-11-15)
+ * fixed number formatter in Intl extra extension when using a formatter prototype
+# 3.0.0-BETA1 (2019-11-11)
+ * removed the "if" condition support on the "for" tag
+ * made the in, <, >, <=, >=, ==, and != operators more strict when comparing strings and integers/floats
+ * removed the "filter" tag
+ * added type hints everywhere
+ * changed Environment::resolveTemplate() to always return a TemplateWrapper instance
+ * removed Template::__toString()
+ * removed Parser::isReservedMacroName()
+ * removed SanboxedPrintNode
+ * removed Node::setTemplateName()
+ * made classes maked as "@final" final
+ * removed InitRuntimeInterface, ExistsLoaderInterface, and SourceContextLoaderInterface
+ * removed the "spaceless" tag
+ * removed Twig\Environment::getBaseTemplateClass() and Twig\Environment::setBaseTemplateClass()
+ * removed the "base_template_class" option on Twig\Environment
+ * bumped minimum PHP version to 7.2
+ * removed PSR-0 classes
+# 2.14.6 (2021-XX-XX)
+ * Revert "Throw a proper exception when a template name is an absolute path (as it has never been supported)"
+# 2.14.5 (2021-05-12)
+ * Fix PHP 8.1 compatibility
+ * Throw a proper exception when a template name is an absolute path (as it has never been supported)
+# 2.14.4 (2021-03-10)
+ * Add the slug filter
+# 2.14.3 (2021-01-05)
+ * Fix extra bundle compat with older versions of Symfony
+# 2.14.2 (2021-01-05)
+ * Fix "odd" not working for negative numbers
+# 2.14.1 (2020-10-27)
+* Fix "include(template_from_string())"
+# 2.14.0 (2020-10-21)
+ * Fix sandbox support when using "include(template_from_string())"
+ * Make round brackets optional for one argument tests like "same as" or "divisible by"
+ * Add support for ES2015 style object initialisation shortcut { a } is the same as { 'a': a }
+ * Drop PHP 7.1 support
+# 2.13.1 (2020-08-05)
+ * Fix sandbox not disabled if syntax error occurs within {% sandbox %} tag
+ * Fix a regression when not using a space before an operator
+ * Restrict callables to closures in filters
+ * Allow trailing commas in argument lists (in calls as well as definitions)
+# 2.13.0 (2020-07-05)
+ * Fix options not taken into account when using "Michelf\MarkdownExtra"
+ * Fix "Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension::getCountryName()" to accept "null" as a first argument
+ * Drop support for PHP 7.0
+ * Throw exception in case non-Traversable data is passed to "filter"
+ * Fix context optimization on PHP 7.4
+ * Fix PHP 8 compatibility
+ * Fix ambiguous syntax parsing
+# 2.12.5 (2020-02-11)
+ * Add a check to ensure that iconv() is defined
+# 2.12.4 (2020-02-11)
+ * Avoid exceptions when an intl resource is not found
+ * Fix implementation of case-insensitivity for method names
+# 2.12.3 (2019-12-28)
+ * fixed Symfony 5.0 support for the HTML extra extension
+ * fixed number formatter in Intl extra extension when using a formatter prototype
+# 2.12.2 (2019-11-11)
+ * added supported for exponential numbers
+# 2.12.1 (2019-10-17)
+ * added the String extension in the "extra" repositories: "u" filter
+# 2.12.0 (2019-10-05)
+ * added the spaceship operator ("<=>"), useful when using an arrow function in the "sort" filter
+ * added support for an "arrow" function on the "sort" filter
+ * added the CssInliner extension in the "extra" repositories: "inline_css"
+   filter
+ * added the Inky extension in the "extra" repositories: "inky_to_html" filter
+ * added Intl extension in the "extra" repositories: "country_name",
+   "currency_name", "currency_symbol", "language_name", "locale_name",
+   "timezone_name", "format_currency", "format_number",
+   "format_*_number", "format_datetime", "format_date", and "format_time"
+   filters, and the "country_timezones" function
+ * added the Markdown extension in the "extra" repositories: "markdown_to_html",
+   and "html_to_markdown" filters
+ * added the HtmlExtension extension in the "extra" repositories: "date_uri"
+   filter, and "html_classes" function
+ * optimized "block('foo') ?? 'bar'"
+ * fixed the empty test on Traversable instances
+ * fixed array_key_exists() on objects
+ * fixed cache when opcache is installed but disabled
+ * fixed using macros in arrow functions
+ * fixed split filter on edge case
+# 2.11.3 (2019-06-18)
+ * display partial output (PHP buffer) when an error occurs in debug mode
+ * fixed the filter filter (allow the result to be used several times)
+ * fixed macro auto-import when a template contains only macros
+# 2.11.2 (2019-06-05)
+ * fixed macro auto-import
+# 2.11.1 (2019-06-04)
+ * added support for "Twig\Markup" instances in the "in" test (again)
+ * allowed string operators as variables names in assignments
+ * fixed support for macros defined in parent templates
+# 2.11.0 (2019-05-31)
+ * added the possibility to register classes/interfaces as being safe for the escaper ("EscaperExtension::addSafeClass()")
+ * deprecated CoreExtension::setEscaper() and CoreExtension::getEscapers() in favor of the same methods on EscaperExtension
+ * macros are now auto-imported in the template they are defined (under the ``_self`` variable)
+ * added support for macros on "is defined" tests
+ * fixed macros "import" when using the same name in the parent and child templates
+ * fixed recursive macros
+ * macros imported "globally" in a template are now available in macros without re-importing them
+ * fixed the "filter" filter when the argument is \Traversable but does not implement \Iterator (\SimpleXmlElement for instance)
+ * fixed a PHP fatal error when calling a macro imported in a block in a nested block
+ * fixed a PHP fatal error when calling a macro imported in the template in another macro
+ * fixed wrong error message on "import" and "from"
+# 2.10.0 (2019-05-14)
+ * deprecated "if" conditions on "for" tags
+ * added "filter", "map", and "reduce" filters (and support for arrow functions)
+ * fixed partial output leak when a PHP fatal error occurs
+ * optimized context access on PHP 7.4
+# 2.9.0 (2019-04-28)
+ * deprecated returning "false" to remove a Node from NodeVisitorInterface::leaveNode()
+ * allowed Twig\NodeVisitor\NodeVisitorInterface::leaveNode() to return "null" instead of "false" (same meaning)
+ * deprecated the "filter" tag (use the "apply" tag instead)
+ * added the "apply" tag as a replacement for the "filter" tag
+ * allowed Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader::findTemplate() to return "null" instead of "false" (same meaning)
+ * added support for "Twig\Markup" instances in the "in" test
+ * fixed "import" when macros are stored in a template string
+ * fixed Lexer when using custom options containing the # char
+ * added template line number to twig_get_attribute()
+# 2.8.1 (2019-04-16)
+ * fixed EscaperNodeVisitor
+ * deprecated passing a 3rd, 4th, and 5th arguments to the Sandbox exception classes
+ * deprecated Node::setTemplateName() in favor of Node::setSourceContext()
+# 2.8.0 (2019-04-16)
+ * added Traversable support for the length filter
+ * fixed some wrong location in error messages
+ * made exception creation faster
+ * made escaping on ternary expressions (?: and ??) more fine-grained
+ * added the possibility to give a nice name to string templates (template_from_string function)
+ * fixed the "with" behavior to always include the globals (for consistency with the "include" and "embed" tags)
+ * fixed "include" with "ignore missing" when an error loading occurs in the included template
+ * added support for a new whitespace trimming option ({%~ ~%}, {{~ ~}}, {#~ ~#})
+ * added the "column" filter
+# 2.7.4 (2019-03-23)
+ * fixed variadic support
+ * fixed CheckToStringNode implementation (broken when a function/filter is variadic)
+# 2.7.3 (2019-03-21)
+ * fixed the spaceless filter so that it behaves like the spaceless tag
+ * fixed BC break on Environment::resolveTemplate()
+ * allowed Traversable objects to be used in the "with" tag
+ * allowed Traversable objects to be used in the "with" tag
+ * allowed Traversable objects to be used in the "with" argument of the "include" and "embed" tags
+# 2.7.2 (2019-03-12)
+ * added TemplateWrapper::getTemplateName()
+# 2.7.1 (2019-03-12)
+ * fixed class aliases
+# 2.7.0 (2019-03-12)
+ * fixed sandbox security issue (under some circumstances, calling the
+   __toString() method on an object was possible even if not allowed by the
+   security policy)
+ * fixed batch filter clobbers array keys when fill parameter is used
+ * added preserveKeys support for the batch filter
+ * fixed "embed" support when used from "template_from_string"
+ * deprecated passing a Twig\Template to Twig\Environment::load()/Twig\Environment::resolveTemplate()
+ * added the possibility to pass a TemplateWrapper to Twig\Environment::load()
+ * marked Twig\Environment::getTemplateClass() as internal (implementation detail)
+ * improved the performance of the sandbox
+ * deprecated the spaceless tag
+ * added a spaceless filter
+ * added max value to the "random" function
+ * deprecated Twig\Extension\InitRuntimeInterface
+ * deprecated Twig\Loader\ExistsLoaderInterface
+ * deprecated PSR-0 classes in favor of namespaced ones
+ * made namespace classes the default classes (PSR-0 ones are aliases now)
+ * added Twig\Loader\ChainLoader::getLoaders()
+ * removed duplicated directory separator in FilesystemLoader
+ * deprecated the "base_template_class" option on Twig\Environment
+ * deprecated the Twig\Environment::getBaseTemplateClass() and
+   Twig\Environment::setBaseTemplateClass() methods
+ * changed internal code to use the namespaced classes as much as possible
+ * deprecated Twig_Parser::isReservedMacroName()
+# 2.6.2 (2019-01-14)
+ * fixed regression (key exists check for non ArrayObject objects)
+# 2.6.1 (2019-01-14)
+ * fixed ArrayObject access with a null value
+ * fixed embedded templates starting with a BOM
+ * fixed using a Twig_TemplateWrapper instance as an argument to extends
+ * fixed error location when calling an undefined block
+ * deprecated passing a string as a source on Twig_Error
+ * switched generated code to use the PHP short array notation
+ * fixed float representation in compiled templates
+ * added a second argument to the join filter (last separator configuration)
+# 2.6.0 (2018-12-16)
+ * made sure twig_include returns a string
+ * fixed multi-byte UFT-8 in escape('html_attr')
+ * added the "deprecated" tag
+ * added support for dynamically named tests
+ * fixed GlobalsInterface extended class
+ * fixed filesystem loader throwing an exception instead of returning false
+# 2.5.0 (2018-07-13)
+ * deprecated using the spaceless tag at the root level of a child template (noop anyway)
+ * deprecated the possibility to define a block in a non-capturing block in a child template
+ * added the Symfony ctype polyfill as a dependency
+ * fixed reporting the proper location for errors compiled in templates
+ * fixed the error handling for the optimized extension-based function calls
+ * ensured that syntax errors are triggered with the right line
+ * "js" filter now produces valid JSON
+# 2.4.8 (2018-04-02)
+ * fixed a regression when using the "default" filter or the "defined" test on non-existing arrays
+# 2.4.7 (2018-03-20)
+ * optimized runtime performance
+ * optimized parser performance by inlining the constant values
+ * fixed block names unicity
+ * fixed counting children of SimpleXMLElement objects
+ * added missing else clause to avoid infinite loops
+ * fixed .. (range operator) in sandbox policy
+# 2.4.6 (2018-03-03)
+ * fixed a regression in the way the profiler is registered in templates
+# 2.4.5 (2018-03-02)
+ * optimized the performance of calling an extension method at runtime
+ * optimized the performance of the dot operator for array and method calls
+ * added an exception when using "===" instead of "same as"
+ * fixed possible array to string conversion concealing actual error
+ * made variable names deterministic in compiled templates
+ * fixed length filter when passing an instance of IteratorAggregate
+ * fixed Environment::resolveTemplate to accept instances of TemplateWrapper
+# 2.4.4 (2017-09-27)
+ * added Twig_Profiler_Profile::reset()
+ * fixed use TokenParser to return an empty Node
+ * added RuntimeExtensionInterface
+ * added circular reference detection when loading templates
+ * added support for runtime loaders in IntegrationTestCase
+ * fixed deprecation when using Twig_Profiler_Dumper_Html
+ * removed @final from Twig_Profiler_Dumper_Text
+# 2.4.3 (2017-06-07)
+ * fixed namespaces introduction
+# 2.4.2 (2017-06-05)
+ * fixed namespaces introduction
+# 2.4.1 (2017-06-05)
+ * fixed namespaces introduction
+# 2.4.0 (2017-06-05)
+ * added support for PHPUnit 6 when testing extensions
+ * fixed PHP 7.2 compatibility
+ * fixed template name generation in Twig_Environment::createTemplate()
+ * removed final tag on Twig_TokenParser_Include
+ * dropped HHVM support
+ * added namespaced aliases for all (non-deprecated) classes and interfaces
+ * marked Twig_Filter, Twig_Function, Twig_Test, Twig_Node_Module and Twig_Profiler_Profile as final via the @final annotation
+# 2.3.2 (2017-04-20)
+ * fixed edge case in the method cache for Twig attributes
+# 2.3.1 (2017-04-18)
+ * fixed the empty() test
+# 2.3.0 (2017-03-22)
+ * fixed a race condition handling when writing cache files
+ * "length" filter now returns string length when applied to an object that does
+   not implement \Countable but provides __toString()
+ * "empty" test will now consider the return value of the __toString() method for
+   objects implement __toString() but not \Countable
+ * fixed JS escaping for unicode characters with higher code points
+ * added error message when calling `parent()` in a block that doesn't exist in the parent template
+# 2.2.0 (2017-02-26)
+ * added a PSR-11 compatible runtime loader
+ * added `side` argument to `trim` to allow left or right trimming only.
+# 2.1.0 (2017-01-11)
+ * fixed twig_get_attribute()
+ * added Twig_NodeCaptureInterface for nodes that capture all output
+# 2.0.0 (2017-01-05)
+ * removed the C extension
+ * moved Twig_Environment::getAttribute() to twig_get_attribute()
+ * removed Twig_Environment::getLexer(), Twig_Environment::getParser(), Twig_Environment::getCompiler()
+ * removed Twig_Compiler::getFilename()
+ * added hasser support in Twig_Template::getAttribute()
+ * sped up the json_encode filter
+ * removed reserved macro names; all names can be used as macro
+ * removed Twig_Template::getEnvironment()
+ * changed _self variable to return the current template name
+ * made the loader a required argument of Twig_Environment constructor
+ * removed Twig_Environment::clearTemplateCache()
+ * removed Twig_Autoloader (use Composer instead)
+ * removed `true` as an equivalent to `html` for the auto-escaping strategy
+ * removed pre-1.8 autoescape tag syntax
+ * dropped support for PHP 5.x
+ * removed the ability to register a global variable after the runtime or the extensions have been initialized
+ * improved the performance of the filesystem loader
+ * removed features that were deprecated in 1.x
+# 1.44.4 (2021-XX-XX)
+ * Revert "Throw a proper exception when a template name is an absolute path (as it has never been supported)"
+# 1.44.3 (2021-05-12)
+ * Fix PHP 8.1 compatibility
+ * Throw a proper exception when a template name is an absolute path (as it has never been supported)
+# 1.44.2 (2021-01-05)
+ * Fix "odd" not working for negative numbers
+# 1.44.1 (2020-10-27)
+ * Fix "include(template_from_string())"
+# 1.44.0 (2020-10-21)
+ * Remove implicit dependency on ext/iconv in JS escaper
+ * Fix sandbox support when using "include(template_from_string())"
+ * Make round brackets optional for one argument tests like "same as" or "divisible by"
+ * Add support for ES2015 style object initialisation shortcut { a } is the same as { 'a': a }
+ * Fix filter(), map(), and reduce() to throw a RuntimeError instead of a PHP TypeError
+ * Drop PHP 7.1 support
+# 1.43.1 (2020-08-05)
+ * Fix sandbox not disabled if syntax error occurs within {% sandbox %} tag
+ * Fix a regression when not using a space before an operator
+ * Restrict callables to closures in filters
+ * Allow trailing commas in argument lists (in calls as well as definitions)
+# 1.43.0 (2020-07-05)
+ * Throw exception in case non-Traversable data is passed to "filter"
+ * Fix context optimization on PHP 7.4
+ * Fix PHP 8 compatibility
+ * Drop PHP 5.5 5.6, and 7.0 support
+ * Fix ambiguous syntax parsing
+ * In sandbox, the `filter`, `map` and `reduce` filters require Closures in `arrow` parameter
+# 1.42.5 (2020-02-11)
+ * Fix implementation of case-insensitivity for method names
+# 1.42.4 (2019-11-11)
+ * optimized "block('foo') ?? 'bar"
+ * added supported for exponential numbers
+# 1.42.3 (2019-08-24)
+ * fixed the "split" filter when the delimiter is "0"
+ * fixed the "empty" test on Traversable instances
+ * fixed cache when opcache is installed but disabled
+ * fixed PHP 7.4 compatibility
+ * bumped the minimal PHP version to 5.5
+# 1.42.2 (2019-06-18)
+ * Display partial output (PHP buffer) when an error occurs in debug mode
+# 1.42.1 (2019-06-04)
+ * added support for "Twig\Markup" instances in the "in" test (again)
+ * allowed string operators as variables names in assignments
+# 1.42.0 (2019-05-31)
+ * fixed the "filter" filter when the argument is \Traversable but does not implement \Iterator (\SimpleXmlElement for instance)
+ * fixed a PHP fatal error when calling a macro imported in a block in a nested block
+ * fixed a PHP fatal error when calling a macro imported in the template in another macro
+ * fixed wrong error message on "import" and "from"
+# 1.41.0 (2019-05-14)
+ * fixed support for PHP 7.4
+ * added "filter", "map", and "reduce" filters (and support for arrow functions)
+ * fixed partial output leak when a PHP fatal error occurs
+ * optimized context access on PHP 7.4
+# 1.40.1 (2019-04-29)
+# fixed regression in NodeTraverser
+# 1.40.0 (2019-04-28)
+ * allowed Twig\NodeVisitor\NodeVisitorInterface::leaveNode() to return "null" instead of "false" (same meaning)
+ * added the "apply" tag as a replacement for the "filter" tag
+ * allowed Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader::findTemplate() to return "null" instead of "false" (same meaning)
+ * added support for "Twig\Markup" instances in the "in" test
+ * fixed Lexer when using custom options containing the # char
+ * fixed "import" when macros are stored in a template string
+# 1.39.1 (2019-04-16)
+ * fixed EscaperNodeVisitor
+# 1.39.0 (2019-04-16)
+ * added Traversable support for the length filter
+ * fixed some wrong location in error messages
+ * made exception creation faster
+ * made escaping on ternary expressions (?: and ??) more fine-grained
+ * added the possibility to give a nice name to string templates (template_from_string function)
+ * fixed the "with" behavior to always include the globals (for consistency with the "include" and "embed" tags)
+ * fixed "include" with "ignore missing" when an error loading occurs in the included template
+ * added support for a new whitespace trimming option ({%~ ~%}, {{~ ~}}, {#~ ~#})
+# 1.38.4 (2019-03-23)
+ * fixed CheckToStringNode implementation (broken when a function/filter is variadic)
+# 1.38.3 (2019-03-21)
+ * fixed the spaceless filter so that it behaves like the spaceless tag
+ * fixed BC break on Environment::resolveTemplate()
+ * fixed the bundled Autoloader to also load namespaced classes
+ * allowed Traversable objects to be used in the "with" tag
+ * allowed Traversable objects to be used in the "with" argument of the "include" and "embed" tags
+# 1.38.2 (2019-03-12)
+ * added TemplateWrapper::getTemplateName()
+# 1.38.1 (2019-03-12)
+ * fixed class aliases
+# 1.38.0 (2019-03-12)
+ * fixed sandbox security issue (under some circumstances, calling the
+   __toString() method on an object was possible even if not allowed by the
+   security policy)
+ * fixed batch filter clobbers array keys when fill parameter is used
+ * added preserveKeys support for the batch filter
+ * fixed "embed" support when used from "template_from_string"
+ * added the possibility to pass a TemplateWrapper to Twig\Environment::load()
+ * improved the performance of the sandbox
+ * added a spaceless filter
+ * added max value to the "random" function
+ * made namespace classes the default classes (PSR-0 ones are aliases now)
+ * removed duplicated directory separator in FilesystemLoader
+ * added Twig\Loader\ChainLoader::getLoaders()
+ * changed internal code to use the namespaced classes as much as possible
+# 1.37.1 (2019-01-14)
+ * fixed regression (key exists check for non ArrayObject objects)
+ * fixed logic in TemplateWrapper
+# 1.37.0 (2019-01-14)
+ * fixed ArrayObject access with a null value
+ * fixed embedded templates starting with a BOM
+ * fixed using a Twig_TemplateWrapper instance as an argument to extends
+ * switched generated code to use the PHP short array notation
+ * dropped PHP 5.3 support
+ * fixed float representation in compiled templates
+ * added a second argument to the join filter (last separator configuration)
+# 1.36.0 (2018-12-16)
+ * made sure twig_include returns a string
+ * fixed multi-byte UFT-8 in escape('html_attr')
+ * added the "deprecated" tag
+ * added support for dynamically named tests
+ * fixed GlobalsInterface extended class
+ * fixed filesystem loader throwing an exception instead of returning false
+# 1.35.4 (2018-07-13)
+ * ensured that syntax errors are triggered with the right line
+ * added the Symfony ctype polyfill as a dependency
+ * "js" filter now produces valid JSON
+# 1.35.3 (2018-03-20)
+ * fixed block names unicity
+ * fixed counting children of SimpleXMLElement objects
+ * added missing else clause to avoid infinite loops
+ * fixed .. (range operator) in sandbox policy
+# 1.35.2 (2018-03-03)
+ * fixed a regression in the way the profiler is registered in templates
+# 1.35.1 (2018-03-02)
+ * added an exception when using "===" instead of "same as"
+ * fixed possible array to string conversion concealing actual error
+ * made variable names deterministic in compiled templates
+ * fixed length filter when passing an instance of IteratorAggregate
+ * fixed Environment::resolveTemplate to accept instances of TemplateWrapper
+# 1.35.0 (2017-09-27)
+ * added Twig_Profiler_Profile::reset()
+ * fixed use TokenParser to return an empty Node
+ * added RuntimeExtensionInterface
+ * added circular reference detection when loading templates
+# 1.34.4 (2017-07-04)
+ * added support for runtime loaders in IntegrationTestCase
+ * fixed deprecation when using Twig_Profiler_Dumper_Html
+# 1.34.3 (2017-06-07)
+ * fixed namespaces introduction
+# 1.34.2 (2017-06-05)
+ * fixed namespaces introduction
+# 1.34.1 (2017-06-05)
+ * fixed namespaces introduction
+# 1.34.0 (2017-06-05)
+ * added support for PHPUnit 6 when testing extensions
+ * fixed PHP 7.2 compatibility
+ * fixed template name generation in Twig_Environment::createTemplate()
+ * removed final tag on Twig_TokenParser_Include
+ * added namespaced aliases for all (non-deprecated) classes and interfaces
+ * dropped HHVM support
+ * dropped PHP 5.2 support
+# 1.33.2 (2017-04-20)
+ * fixed edge case in the method cache for Twig attributes
+# 1.33.1 (2017-04-18)
+ * fixed the empty() test
+# 1.33.0 (2017-03-22)
+ * fixed a race condition handling when writing cache files
+ * "length" filter now returns string length when applied to an object that does
+   not implement \Countable but provides __toString()
+ * "empty" test will now consider the return value of the __toString() method for
+   objects implement __toString() but not \Countable
+ * fixed JS escaping for unicode characters with higher code points
+# 1.32.0 (2017-02-26)
+ * fixed deprecation notice in Twig_Util_DeprecationCollector
+ * added a PSR-11 compatible runtime loader
+ * added `side` argument to `trim` to allow left or right trimming only.
+# 1.31.0 (2017-01-11)
+ * added Twig_NodeCaptureInterface for nodes that capture all output
+ * fixed marking the environment as initialized too early
+ * fixed C89 compat for the C extension
+ * turned fatal error into exception when a previously generated cache is corrupted
+ * fixed offline cache warm-ups for embedded templates
+# 1.30.0 (2016-12-23)
+ * added Twig_FactoryRuntimeLoader
+ * deprecated function/test/filter/tag overriding
+ * deprecated the "disable_c_ext" attribute on Twig_Node_Expression_GetAttr
+# 1.29.0 (2016-12-13)
+ * fixed sandbox being left enabled if an exception is thrown while rendering
+ * marked some classes as being final (via @final)
+ * made Twig_Error report real source path when possible
+ * added support for {{ _self }} to provide an upgrade path from 1.x to 2.0 (replaces {{ _self.templateName }})
+ * deprecated silent display of undefined blocks
+ * deprecated support for mbstring.func_overload != 0
+# 1.28.2 (2016-11-23)
+ * fixed precedence between getFoo() and isFoo() in Twig_Template::getAttribute()
+ * improved a deprecation message
+# 1.28.1 (2016-11-18)
+ * fixed block() function when used with a template argument
+# 1.28.0 (2016-11-17)
+ * added support for the PHP 7 null coalescing operator for the ?? Twig implementation
+ * exposed a way to access template data and methods in a portable way
+ * changed context access to use the PHP 7 null coalescing operator when available
+ * added the "with" tag
+ * added support for a custom template on the block() function
+ * added "is defined" support for block() and constant()
+ * optimized the way attributes are fetched
+# 1.27.0 (2016-10-25)
+ * deprecated Twig_Parser::getEnvironment()
+ * deprecated Twig_Parser::addHandler() and Twig_Parser::addNodeVisitor()
+ * deprecated Twig_Compiler::addIndentation()
+ * fixed regression when registering two extensions having the same class name
+ * deprecated Twig_LoaderInterface::getSource() (implement Twig_SourceContextLoaderInterface instead)
+ * fixed the filesystem loader with relative paths
+ * deprecated Twig_Node::getLine() in favor of Twig_Node::getTemplateLine()
+ * deprecated Twig_Template::getSource() in favor of Twig_Template::getSourceContext()
+ * deprecated Twig_Node::getFilename() in favor of Twig_Node::getTemplateName()
+ * deprecated the "filename" escaping strategy (use "name" instead)
+ * added Twig_Source to hold information about the original template
+ * deprecated Twig_Error::getTemplateFile() and Twig_Error::setTemplateFile() in favor of Twig_Error::getTemplateName() and Twig_Error::setTemplateName()
+ * deprecated Parser::getFilename()
+ * fixed template paths when a template name contains a protocol like vfs://
+ * improved debugging with Twig_Sandbox_SecurityError exceptions for disallowed methods and properties
+# 1.26.1 (2016-10-05)
+ * removed template source code from generated template classes when debug is disabled
+ * fixed default implementation of Twig_Template::getDebugInfo() for better BC
+ * fixed regression on static calls for functions/filters/tests
+# 1.26.0 (2016-10-02)
+ * added template cache invalidation based on more environment options
+ * added a missing deprecation notice
+ * fixed template paths when a template is stored in a PHAR file
+ * allowed filters/functions/tests implementation to use a different class than the extension they belong to
+ * deprecated Twig_ExtensionInterface::getName()
+# 1.25.0 (2016-09-21)
+ * changed the way we store template source in template classes
+ * removed usage of realpath in cache keys
+ * fixed Twig cache sharing when used with different versions of PHP
+ * removed embed parent workaround for simple use cases
+ * deprecated the ability to store non Node instances in Node::$nodes
+ * deprecated Twig_Environment::getLexer(), Twig_Environment::getParser(), Twig_Environment::getCompiler()
+ * deprecated Twig_Compiler::getFilename()
+# 1.24.2 (2016-09-01)
+ * fixed static callables
+ * fixed a potential PHP warning when loading the cache
+ * fixed a case where the autoescaping does not work as expected
+# 1.24.1 (2016-05-30)
+ * fixed reserved keywords (forbids true, false, null and none keywords for variables names)
+ * fixed support for PHP7 (Throwable support)
+ * marked the following methods as being internals on Twig_Environment:
+   getFunctions(), getFilters(), getTests(), getFunction(), getFilter(), getTest(),
+   getTokenParsers(), getTags(), getNodeVisitors(), getUnaryOperators(), getBinaryOperators(),
+   getFunctions(), getFilters(), getGlobals(), initGlobals(), initExtensions(), and initExtension()
+# 1.24.0 (2016-01-25)
+ * adding support for the ?? operator
+ * fixed the defined test when used on a constant, a map, or a sequence
+ * undeprecated _self (should only be used to get the template name, not the template instance)
+ * fixed parsing on PHP7
+# 1.23.3 (2016-01-11)
+ * fixed typo
+# 1.23.2 (2015-01-11)
+ * added versions in deprecated messages
+ * made file cache tolerant for trailing (back)slashes on directory configuration
+ * deprecated unused Twig_Node_Expression_ExtensionReference class
+# 1.23.1 (2015-11-05)
+ * fixed some exception messages which triggered PHP warnings
+ * fixed BC on Twig_Test_NodeTestCase
+# 1.23.0 (2015-10-29)
+ * deprecated the possibility to override an extension by registering another one with the same name
+ * deprecated Twig_ExtensionInterface::getGlobals() (added Twig_Extension_GlobalsInterface for BC)
+ * deprecated Twig_ExtensionInterface::initRuntime() (added Twig_Extension_InitRuntimeInterface for BC)
+ * deprecated Twig_Environment::computeAlternatives()
+# 1.22.3 (2015-10-13)
+ * fixed regression when using null as a cache strategy
+ * improved performance when checking template freshness
+ * fixed warnings when loaded templates do not exist
+ * fixed template class name generation to prevent possible collisions
+ * fixed logic for custom escapers to call them even on integers and null values
+ * changed template cache names to take into account the Twig C extension
+# 1.22.2 (2015-09-22)
+ * fixed a race condition in template loading
+# 1.22.1 (2015-09-15)
+ * fixed regression in template_from_string
+# 1.22.0 (2015-09-13)
+ * made Twig_Test_IntegrationTestCase more flexible
+ * added an option to force PHP bytecode invalidation when writing a compiled template into the cache
+ * fixed the profiler duration for the root node
+ * changed template cache names to take into account enabled extensions
+ * deprecated Twig_Environment::clearCacheFiles(), Twig_Environment::getCacheFilename(),
+   Twig_Environment::writeCacheFile(), and Twig_Environment::getTemplateClassPrefix()
+ * added a way to override the filesystem template cache system
+ * added a way to get the original template source from Twig_Template
+# 1.21.2 (2015-09-09)
+ * fixed variable names for the deprecation triggering code
+ * fixed escaping strategy detection based on filename
+ * added Traversable support for replace, merge, and sort
+ * deprecated support for character by character replacement for the "replace" filter
+# 1.21.1 (2015-08-26)
+ * fixed regression when using the deprecated Twig_Test_* classes
+# 1.21.0 (2015-08-24)
+ * added deprecation notices for deprecated features
+ * added a deprecation "framework" for filters/functions/tests and test fixtures
+# 1.20.0 (2015-08-12)
+ * forbid access to the Twig environment from templates and internal parts of Twig_Template
+ * fixed limited RCEs when in sandbox mode
+ * deprecated Twig_Template::getEnvironment()
+ * deprecated the _self variable for usage outside of the from and import tags
+ * added Twig_BaseNodeVisitor to ease the compatibility of node visitors
+   between 1.x and 2.x
+# 1.19.0 (2015-07-31)
+ * fixed wrong error message when including an undefined template in a child template
+ * added support for variadic filters, functions, and tests
+ * added support for extra positional arguments in macros
+ * added ignore_missing flag to the source function
+ * fixed batch filter with zero items
+ * deprecated Twig_Environment::clearTemplateCache()
+ * fixed sandbox disabling when using the include function
+# 1.18.2 (2015-06-06)
+ * fixed template/line guessing in exceptions for nested templates
+ * optimized the number of inodes and the size of realpath cache when using the cache
+# 1.18.1 (2015-04-19)
+ * fixed memory leaks in the C extension
+ * deprecated Twig_Loader_String
+ * fixed the slice filter when used with a SimpleXMLElement object
+ * fixed filesystem loader when trying to load non-files (like directories)
+# 1.18.0 (2015-01-25)
+ * fixed some error messages where the line was wrong (unknown variables or argument names)
+ * added a new way to customize the main Module node (via empty nodes)
+ * added Twig_Environment::createTemplate() to create a template from a string
+ * added a profiler
+ * fixed filesystem loader cache when different file paths are used for the same template
+# 1.17.0 (2015-01-14)
+ * added a 'filename' autoescaping strategy, which dynamically chooses the
+   autoescaping strategy for a template based on template file extension.
+# 1.16.3 (2014-12-25)
+ * fixed regression for dynamic parent templates
+ * fixed cache management with statcache
+ * fixed a regression in the slice filter
+# 1.16.2 (2014-10-17)
+ * fixed timezone on dates as strings
+ * fixed 2-words test names when a custom node class is not used
+ * fixed macros when using an argument named like a PHP super global (like GET or POST)
+ * fixed date_modify when working with DateTimeImmutable
+ * optimized for loops
+ * fixed multi-byte characters handling in the split filter
+ * fixed a regression in the in operator
+ * fixed a regression in the slice filter
+# 1.16.1 (2014-10-10)
+ * improved error reporting in a sandboxed template
+ * fixed missing error file/line information under certain circumstances
+ * fixed wrong error line number in some error messages
+ * fixed the in operator to use strict comparisons
+ * sped up the slice filter
+ * fixed for mb function overload mb_substr acting different
+ * fixed the attribute() function when passing a variable for the arguments
+# 1.16.0 (2014-07-05)
+ * changed url_encode to always encode according to RFC 3986
+ * fixed inheritance in a 'use'-hierarchy
+ * removed the __toString policy check when the sandbox is disabled
+ * fixed recursively calling blocks in templates with inheritance
+# 1.15.1 (2014-02-13)
+ * fixed the conversion of the special '0000-00-00 00:00' date
+ * added an error message when trying to import an undefined block from a trait
+ * fixed a C extension crash when accessing defined but uninitialized property.
+# 1.15.0 (2013-12-06)
+ * made ignoreStrictCheck in Template::getAttribute() works with __call() methods throwing BadMethodCallException
+ * added min and max functions
+ * added the round filter
+ * fixed a bug that prevented the optimizers to be enabled/disabled selectively
+ * fixed first and last filters for UTF-8 strings
+ * added a source function to include the content of a template without rendering it
+ * fixed the C extension sandbox behavior when get or set is prepend to method name
+# 1.14.2 (2013-10-30)
+ * fixed error filename/line when an error occurs in an included file
+ * allowed operators that contain whitespaces to have more than one whitespace
+ * allowed tests to be made of 1 or 2 words (like "same as" or "divisible by")
+# 1.14.1 (2013-10-15)
+ * made it possible to use named operators as variables
+ * fixed the possibility to have a variable named 'matches'
+ * added support for PHP 5.5 DateTimeInterface
+# 1.14.0 (2013-10-03)
+ * fixed usage of the html_attr escaping strategy to avoid double-escaping with the html strategy
+ * added new operators: ends with, starts with, and matches
+ * fixed some compatibility issues with HHVM
+ * added a way to add custom escaping strategies
+ * fixed the C extension compilation on Windows
+ * fixed the batch filter when using a fill argument with an exact match of elements to batch
+ * fixed the filesystem loader cache when a template name exists in several namespaces
+ * fixed template_from_string when the template includes or extends other ones
+ * fixed a crash of the C extension on an edge case
+# 1.13.2 (2013-08-03)
+ * fixed the error line number for an error occurs in and embedded template
+ * fixed crashes of the C extension on some edge cases
+# 1.13.1 (2013-06-06)
+ * added the possibility to ignore the filesystem constructor argument in Twig_Loader_Filesystem
+ * fixed Twig_Loader_Chain::exists() for a loader which implements Twig_ExistsLoaderInterface
+ * adjusted backtrace call to reduce memory usage when an error occurs
+ * added support for object instances as the second argument of the constant test
+ * fixed the include function when used in an assignment
+# 1.13.0 (2013-05-10)
+ * fixed getting a numeric-like item on a variable ('09' for instance)
+ * fixed getting a boolean or float key on an array, so it is consistent with PHP's array access:
+   `{{ array[false] }}` behaves the same as `echo $array[false];` (equals `$array[0]`)
+ * made the escape filter 20% faster for happy path (escaping string for html with UTF-8)
+ * changed ☃ to § in tests
+ * enforced usage of named arguments after positional ones
+# 1.12.3 (2013-04-08)
+ * fixed a security issue in the filesystem loader where it was possible to include a template one
+   level above the configured path
+ * fixed fatal error that should be an exception when adding a filter/function/test too late
+ * added a batch filter
+ * added support for encoding an array as query string in the url_encode filter
+# 1.12.2 (2013-02-09)
+ * fixed the timezone used by the date filter and function when the given date contains a timezone (like 2010-01-28T15:00:00+02:00)
+ * fixed globals when getGlobals is called early on
+ * added the first and last filter
+# 1.12.1 (2013-01-15)
+ * added support for object instances as the second argument of the constant function
+ * relaxed globals management to avoid a BC break
+ * added support for {{ some_string[:2] }}
+# 1.12.0 (2013-01-08)
+ * added verbatim as an alias for the raw tag to avoid confusion with the raw filter
+ * fixed registration of tests and functions as anonymous functions
+ * fixed globals management
+# 1.12.0-RC1 (2012-12-29)
+ * added an include function (does the same as the include tag but in a more flexible way)
+ * added the ability to use any PHP callable to define filters, functions, and tests
+ * added a syntax error when using a loop variable that is not defined
+ * added the ability to set default values for macro arguments
+ * added support for named arguments for filters, tests, and functions
+ * moved filters/functions/tests syntax errors to the parser
+ * added support for extended ternary operator syntaxes
+# 1.11.1 (2012-11-11)
+ * fixed debug info line numbering (was off by 2)
+ * fixed escaping when calling a macro inside another one (regression introduced in 1.9.1)
+ * optimized variable access on PHP 5.4
+ * fixed a crash of the C extension when an exception was thrown from a macro called without being imported (using _self.XXX)
+# 1.11.0 (2012-11-07)
+ * fixed macro compilation when a variable name is a PHP reserved keyword
+ * changed the date filter behavior to always apply the default timezone, except if false is passed as the timezone
+ * fixed bitwise operator precedences
+ * added the template_from_string function
+ * fixed default timezone usage for the date function
+ * optimized the way Twig exceptions are managed (to make them faster)
+ * added Twig_ExistsLoaderInterface (implementing this interface in your loader make the chain loader much faster)
+# 1.10.3 (2012-10-19)
+ * fixed wrong template location in some error messages
+ * reverted a BC break introduced in 1.10.2
+ * added a split filter
+# 1.10.2 (2012-10-15)
+ * fixed macro calls on PHP 5.4
+# 1.10.1 (2012-10-15)
+ * made a speed optimization to macro calls when imported via the "import" tag
+ * fixed C extension compilation on Windows
+ * fixed a segfault in the C extension when using DateTime objects
+# 1.10.0 (2012-09-28)
+ * extracted functional tests framework to make it reusable for third-party extensions
+ * added namespaced templates support in Twig_Loader_Filesystem
+ * added Twig_Loader_Filesystem::prependPath()
+ * fixed an error when a token parser pass a closure as a test to the subparse() method
+# 1.9.2 (2012-08-25)
+ * fixed the in operator for objects that contain circular references
+ * fixed the C extension when accessing a public property of an object implementing the \ArrayAccess interface
+# 1.9.1 (2012-07-22)
+ * optimized macro calls when auto-escaping is on
+ * fixed wrong parent class for Twig_Function_Node
+ * made Twig_Loader_Chain more explicit about problems
+# 1.9.0 (2012-07-13)
+ * made the parsing independent of the template loaders
+ * fixed exception trace when an error occurs when rendering a child template
+ * added escaping strategies for CSS, URL, and HTML attributes
+ * fixed nested embed tag calls
+ * added the date_modify filter
+# 1.8.3 (2012-06-17)
+ * fixed paths in the filesystem loader when passing a path that ends with a slash or a backslash
+ * fixed escaping when a project defines a function named html or js
+ * fixed chmod mode to apply the umask correctly
+# 1.8.2 (2012-05-30)
+ * added the abs filter
+ * fixed a regression when using a number in template attributes
+ * fixed compiler when mbstring.func_overload is set to 2
+ * fixed DateTimeZone support in date filter
+# 1.8.1 (2012-05-17)
+ * fixed a regression when dealing with SimpleXMLElement instances in templates
+ * fixed "is_safe" value for the "dump" function when "html_errors" is not defined in php.ini
+ * switched to use mbstring whenever possible instead of iconv (you might need to update your encoding as mbstring and iconv encoding names sometimes differ)
+# 1.8.0 (2012-05-08)
+ * enforced interface when adding tests, filters, functions, and node visitors from extensions
+ * fixed a side-effect of the date filter where the timezone might be changed
+ * simplified usage of the autoescape tag; the only (optional) argument is now the escaping strategy or false (with a BC layer)
+ * added a way to dynamically change the auto-escaping strategy according to the template "filename"
+ * changed the autoescape option to also accept a supported escaping strategy (for BC, true is equivalent to html)
+ * added an embed tag
+# 1.7.0 (2012-04-24)
+ * fixed a PHP warning when using CIFS
+ * fixed template line number in some exceptions
+ * added an iterable test
+ * added an error when defining two blocks with the same name in a template
+ * added the preserves_safety option for filters
+ * fixed a PHP notice when trying to access a key on a non-object/array variable
+ * enhanced error reporting when the template file is an instance of SplFileInfo
+ * added Twig_Environment::mergeGlobals()
+ * added compilation checks to avoid misuses of the sandbox tag
+ * fixed filesystem loader freshness logic for high traffic websites
+ * fixed random function when charset is null
+# 1.6.5 (2012-04-11)
+ * fixed a regression when a template only extends another one without defining any blocks
+# 1.6.4 (2012-04-02)
+ * fixed PHP notice in Twig_Error::guessTemplateLine() introduced in 1.6.3
+ * fixed performance when compiling large files
+ * optimized parent template creation when the template does not use dynamic inheritance
+# 1.6.3 (2012-03-22)
+ * fixed usage of Z_ADDREF_P for PHP 5.2 in the C extension
+ * fixed compilation of numeric values used in templates when using a locale where the decimal separator is not a dot
+ * made the strategy used to guess the real template file name and line number in exception messages much faster and more accurate
+# 1.6.2 (2012-03-18)
+ * fixed sandbox mode when used with inheritance
+ * added preserveKeys support for the slice filter
+ * fixed the date filter when a DateTime instance is passed with a specific timezone
+ * added a trim filter
+# 1.6.1 (2012-02-29)
+ * fixed Twig C extension
+ * removed the creation of Twig_Markup instances when not needed
+ * added a way to set the default global timezone for dates
+ * fixed the slice filter on strings when the length is not specified
+ * fixed the creation of the cache directory in case of a race condition
+# 1.6.0 (2012-02-04)
+ * fixed raw blocks when used with the whitespace trim option
+ * made a speed optimization to macro calls when imported via the "from" tag
+ * fixed globals, parsers, visitors, filters, tests, and functions management in Twig_Environment when a new one or new extension is added
+ * fixed the attribute function when passing arguments
+ * added slice notation support for the [] operator (syntactic sugar for the slice operator)
+ * added a slice filter
+ * added string support for the reverse filter
+ * fixed the empty test and the length filter for Twig_Markup instances
+ * added a date function to ease date comparison
+ * fixed unary operators precedence
+ * added recursive parsing support in the parser
+ * added string and integer handling for the random function
+# 1.5.1 (2012-01-05)
+ * fixed a regression when parsing strings
+# 1.5.0 (2012-01-04)
+ * added Traversable objects support for the join filter
+# 1.5.0-RC2 (2011-12-30)
+ * added a way to set the default global date interval format
+ * fixed the date filter for DateInterval instances (setTimezone() does not exist for them)
+ * refactored Twig_Template::display() to ease its extension
+ * added a number_format filter
+# 1.5.0-RC1 (2011-12-26)
+ * removed the need to quote hash keys
+ * allowed hash keys to be any expression
+ * added a do tag
+ * added a flush tag
+ * added support for dynamically named filters and functions
+ * added a dump function to help debugging templates
+ * added a nl2br filter
+ * added a random function
+ * added a way to change the default format for the date filter
+ * fixed the lexer when an operator ending with a letter ends a line
+ * added string interpolation support
+ * enhanced exceptions for unknown filters, functions, tests, and tags
+# 1.4.0 (2011-12-07)
+ * fixed lexer when using big numbers (> PHP_INT_MAX)
+ * added missing preserveKeys argument to the reverse filter
+ * fixed macros containing filter tag calls
+# 1.4.0-RC2 (2011-11-27)
+ * removed usage of Reflection in Twig_Template::getAttribute()
+ * added a C extension that can optionally replace Twig_Template::getAttribute()
+ * added negative timestamp support to the date filter
+# 1.4.0-RC1 (2011-11-20)
+ * optimized variable access when using PHP 5.4
+ * changed the precedence of the .. operator to be more consistent with languages that implements such a feature like Ruby
+ * added an Exception to Twig_Loader_Array::isFresh() method when the template does not exist to be consistent with other loaders
+ * added Twig_Function_Node to allow more complex functions to have their own Node class
+ * added Twig_Filter_Node to allow more complex filters to have their own Node class
+ * added Twig_Test_Node to allow more complex tests to have their own Node class
+ * added a better error message when a template is empty but contain a BOM
+ * fixed "in" operator for empty strings
+ * fixed the "defined" test and the "default" filter (now works with more than one call ( and for both values of the strict_variables option)
+ * changed the way extensions are loaded (addFilter/addFunction/addGlobal/addTest/addNodeVisitor/addTokenParser/addExtension can now be called in any order)
+ * added Twig_Environment::display()
+ * made the escape filter smarter when the encoding is not supported by PHP
+ * added a convert_encoding filter
+ * moved all node manipulations outside the compile() Node method
+ * made several speed optimizations
+# 1.3.0 (2011-10-08)
+no changes
+# 1.3.0-RC1 (2011-10-04)
+ * added an optimization for the parent() function
+ * added cache reloading when auto_reload is true and an extension has been modified
+ * added the possibility to force the escaping of a string already marked as safe (instance of Twig_Markup)
+ * allowed empty templates to be used as traits
+ * added traits support for the "parent" function
+# 1.2.0 (2011-09-13)
+no changes
+# 1.2.0-RC1 (2011-09-10)
+ * enhanced the exception when a tag remains unclosed
+ * added support for empty Countable objects for the "empty" test
+ * fixed algorithm that determines if a template using inheritance is valid (no output between block definitions)
+ * added better support for encoding problems when escaping a string (available as of PHP 5.4)
+ * added a way to ignore a missing template when using the "include" tag ({% include "foo" ignore missing %})
+ * added support for an array of templates to the "include" and "extends" tags ({% include ['foo', 'bar'] %})
+ * added support for bitwise operators in expressions
+ * added the "attribute" function to allow getting dynamic attributes on variables
+ * added Twig_Loader_Chain
+ * added Twig_Loader_Array::setTemplate()
+ * added an optimization for the set tag when used to capture a large chunk of static text
+ * changed name regex to match PHP one "[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*" (works for blocks, tags, functions, filters, and macros)
+ * removed the possibility to use the "extends" tag from a block
+ * added "if" modifier support to "for" loops
+# 1.1.2 (2011-07-30)
+ * fixed json_encode filter on PHP 5.2
+ * fixed regression introduced in 1.1.1 ({{ block(foo|lower) }})
+ * fixed inheritance when using conditional parents
+ * fixed compilation of templates when the body of a child template is not empty
+ * fixed output when a macro throws an exception
+ * fixed a parsing problem when a large chunk of text is enclosed in a comment tag
+ * added PHPDoc for all Token parsers and Core extension functions
+# 1.1.1 (2011-07-17)
+ * added a performance optimization in the Optimizer (also helps to lower the number of nested level calls)
+ * made some performance improvement for some edge cases
+# 1.1.0 (2011-06-28)
+ * fixed json_encode filter
+# 1.1.0-RC3 (2011-06-24)
+ * fixed method case-sensitivity when using the sandbox mode
+ * added timezone support for the date filter
+ * fixed possible security problems with NUL bytes
+# 1.1.0-RC2 (2011-06-16)
+ * added an exception when the template passed to "use" is not a string
+ * made 'a.b is defined' not throw an exception if a is not defined (in strict mode)
+ * added {% line \d+ %} directive
+# 1.1.0-RC1 (2011-05-28)
+Flush your cache after upgrading.
+ * fixed date filter when using a timestamp
+ * fixed the defined test for some cases
+ * fixed a parsing problem when a large chunk of text is enclosed in a raw tag
+ * added support for horizontal reuse of template blocks (see docs for more information)
+ * added whitespace control modifier to all tags (see docs for more information)
+ * added null as an alias for none (the null test is also an alias for the none test now)
+ * made TRUE, FALSE, NONE equivalent to their lowercase counterparts
+ * wrapped all compilation and runtime exceptions with Twig_Error_Runtime and added logic to guess the template name and line
+ * moved display() method to Twig_Template (generated templates should now use doDisplay() instead)
+# 1.0.0 (2011-03-27)
+ * fixed output when using mbstring
+ * fixed duplicate call of methods when using the sandbox
+ * made the charset configurable for the escape filter
+# 1.0.0-RC2 (2011-02-21)
+ * changed the way {% set %} works when capturing (the content is now marked as safe)
+ * added support for macro name in the endmacro tag
+ * make Twig_Error compatible with PHP 5.3.0 >
+ * fixed an infinite loop on some Windows configurations
+ * fixed the "length" filter for numbers
+ * fixed Template::getAttribute() as properties in PHP are case sensitive
+ * removed coupling between Twig_Node and Twig_Template
+ * fixed the ternary operator precedence rule
+# 1.0.0-RC1 (2011-01-09)
+Backward incompatibilities:
+ * the "items" filter, which has been deprecated for quite a long time now, has been removed
+ * the "range" filter has been converted to a function: 0|range(10) -> range(0, 10)
+ * the "constant" filter has been converted to a function: {{ some_date|date('DATE_W3C'|constant) }} -> {{ some_date|date(constant('DATE_W3C')) }}
+ * the "cycle" filter has been converted to a function: {{ ['odd', 'even']|cycle(i) }} -> {{ cycle(['odd', 'even'], i) }}
+ * the "for" tag does not support "joined by" anymore
+ * the "autoescape" first argument is now "true"/"false" (instead of "on"/"off")
+ * the "parent" tag has been replaced by a "parent" function ({{ parent() }} instead of {% parent %})
+ * the "display" tag has been replaced by a "block" function ({{ block('title') }} instead of {% display title %})
+ * removed the grammar and simple token parser (moved to the Twig Extensions repository)
+ * added "needs_context" option for filters and functions (the context is then passed as a first argument)
+ * added global variables support
+ * made macros return their value instead of echoing directly (fixes calling a macro in sandbox mode)
+ * added the "from" tag to import macros as functions
+ * added support for functions (a function is just syntactic sugar for a getAttribute() call)
+ * made macros callable when sandbox mode is enabled
+ * added an exception when a macro uses a reserved name
+ * the "default" filter now uses the "empty" test instead of just checking for null
+ * added the "empty" test
+# 0.9.10 (2010-12-16)
+Backward incompatibilities:
+ * The Escaper extension is enabled by default, which means that all displayed
+   variables are now automatically escaped. You can revert to the previous
+   behavior by removing the extension via $env->removeExtension('escaper')
+   or just set the 'autoescape' option to 'false'.
+ * removed the "without loop" attribute for the "for" tag (not needed anymore
+   as the Optimizer take care of that for most cases)
+ * arrays and hashes have now a different syntax
+     * arrays keep the same syntax with square brackets: [1, 2]
+     * hashes now use curly braces (["a": "b"] should now be written as {"a": "b"})
+     * support for "arrays with keys" and "hashes without keys" is not supported anymore ([1, "foo": "bar"] or {"foo": "bar", 1})
+ * the i18n extension is now part of the Twig Extensions repository
+ * added the merge filter
+ * removed 'is_escaper' option for filters (a left over from the previous version) -- you must use 'is_safe' now instead
+ * fixed usage of operators as method names (like is, in, and not)
+ * changed the order of execution for node visitors
+ * fixed default() filter behavior when used with strict_variables set to on
+ * fixed filesystem loader compatibility with PHAR files
+ * enhanced error messages when an unexpected token is parsed in an expression
+ * fixed filename not being added to syntax error messages
+ * added the autoescape option to enable/disable autoescaping
+ * removed the newline after a comment (mimics PHP behavior)
+ * added a syntax error exception when parent block is used on a template that does not extend another one
+ * made the Escaper extension enabled by default
+ * fixed sandbox extension when used with auto output escaping
+ * fixed escaper when wrapping a Twig_Node_Print (the original class must be preserved)
+ * added an Optimizer extension (enabled by default; optimizes "for" loops and "raw" filters)
+ * added priority to node visitors
+# 0.9.9 (2010-11-28)
+Backward incompatibilities:
+ * the self special variable has been renamed to _self
+ * the odd and even filters are now tests:
+     {{ foo|odd }} must now be written {{ foo is odd }}
+ * the "safe" filter has been renamed to "raw"
+ * in Node classes,
+        sub-nodes are now accessed via getNode() (instead of property access)
+        attributes via getAttribute() (instead of array access)
+ * the urlencode filter had been renamed to url_encode
+ * the include tag now merges the passed variables with the current context by default
+   (the old behavior is still possible by adding the "only" keyword)
+ * moved Exceptions to Twig_Error_* (Twig_SyntaxError/Twig_RuntimeError are now Twig_Error_Syntax/Twig_Error_Runtime)
+ * removed support for {{ 1 < i < 3 }} (use {{ i > 1 and i < 3 }} instead)
+ * the "in" filter has been removed ({{ a|in(b) }} should now be written {{ a in b }})
+ * added file and line to Twig_Error_Runtime exceptions thrown from Twig_Template
+ * changed trans tag to accept any variable for the plural count
+ * fixed sandbox mode (__toString() method check was not enforced if called implicitly from complex statements)
+ * added the ** (power) operator
+ * changed the algorithm used for parsing expressions
+ * added the spaceless tag
+ * removed trim_blocks option
+ * added support for is*() methods for attributes ( now looks for foo->getBar() or foo->isBar())
+ * changed all exceptions to extend Twig_Error
+ * fixed unary expressions ({{ not(1 or 0) }})
+ * fixed child templates (with an extend tag) that uses one or more imports
+ * added support for {{ 1 not in [2, 3] }} (more readable than the current {{ not (1 in [2, 3]) }})
+ * escaping has been rewritten
+ * the implementation of template inheritance has been rewritten
+   (blocks can now be called individually and still work with inheritance)
+ * fixed error handling for if tag when a syntax error occurs within a subparse process
+ * added a way to implement custom logic for resolving token parsers given a tag name
+ * fixed js escaper to be stricter (now uses a whilelist-based js escaper)
+ * added the following filers: "constant", "trans", "replace", "json_encode"
+ * added a "constant" test
+ * fixed objects with __toString() not being autoescaped
+ * fixed subscript expressions when calling __call() (methods now keep the case)
+ * added "test" feature (accessible via the "is" operator)
+ * removed the debug tag (should be done in an extension)
+ * fixed trans tag when no vars are used in plural form
+ * fixed race condition when writing template cache
+ * added the special _charset variable to reference the current charset
+ * added the special _context variable to reference the current context
+ * renamed self to _self (to avoid conflict)
+ * fixed Twig_Template::getAttribute() for protected properties
+# 0.9.8 (2010-06-28)
+Backward incompatibilities:
+ * the trans tag plural count is now attached to the plural tag:
+    old: `{% trans count %}...{% plural %}...{% endtrans %}`
+    new: `{% trans %}...{% plural count %}...{% endtrans %}`
+ * added a way to translate strings coming from a variable ({% trans var %})
+ * fixed trans tag when used with the Escaper extension
+ * fixed default cache umask
+ * removed Twig_Template instances from the debug tag output
+ * fixed objects with __isset() defined
+ * fixed set tag when used with a capture
+ * fixed type hinting for Twig_Environment::addFilter() method
+# 0.9.7 (2010-06-12)
+Backward incompatibilities:
+ * changed 'as' to '=' for the set tag ({% set title as "Title" %} must now be {% set title = "Title" %})
+ * removed the sandboxed attribute of the include tag (use the new sandbox tag instead)
+ * refactored the Node system (if you have custom nodes, you will have to update them to use the new API)
+ * added self as a special variable that refers to the current template (useful for importing macros from the current template)
+ * added Twig_Template instance support to the include tag
+ * added support for dynamic and conditional inheritance ({% extends some_var %} and {% extends standalone ? "minimum" : "base" %})
+ * added a grammar sub-framework to ease the creation of custom tags
+ * fixed the for tag for large arrays (some loop variables are now only available for arrays and objects that implement the Countable interface)
+ * removed the Twig_Resource::resolveMissingFilter() method
+ * fixed the filter tag which did not apply filtering to included files
+ * added a bunch of unit tests
+ * added a bunch of phpdoc
+ * added a sandbox tag in the sandbox extension
+ * changed the date filter to support any date format supported by DateTime
+ * added strict_variable setting to throw an exception when an invalid variable is used in a template (disabled by default)
+ * added the lexer, parser, and compiler as arguments to the Twig_Environment constructor
+ * changed the cache option to only accepts an explicit path to a cache directory or false
+ * added a way to add token parsers, filters, and visitors without creating an extension
+ * added three interfaces: Twig_NodeInterface, Twig_TokenParserInterface, and Twig_FilterInterface
+ * changed the generated code to match the new coding standards
+ * fixed sandbox mode (__toString() method check was not enforced if called implicitly from a simple statement like {{ article }})
+ * added an exception when a child template has a non-empty body (as it is always ignored when rendering)
+# 0.9.6 (2010-05-12)
+ * fixed variables defined outside a loop and for which the value changes in a for loop
+ * fixed the test suite for PHP 5.2 and older versions of PHPUnit
+ * added support for __call() in expression resolution
+ * fixed node visiting for macros (macros are now visited by visitors as any other node)
+ * fixed nested block definitions with a parent call (rarely useful but nonetheless supported now)
+ * added the cycle filter
+ * fixed the Lexer when mbstring.func_overload is used with an mbstring.internal_encoding different from ASCII
+ * added a long-syntax for the set tag ({% set foo %}...{% endset %})
+ * unit tests are now powered by PHPUnit
+ * added support for gettext via the `i18n` extension
+ * fixed twig_capitalize_string_filter() and fixed twig_length_filter() when used with UTF-8 values
+ * added a more useful exception if an if tag is not closed properly
+ * added support for escaping strategy in the autoescape tag
+ * fixed lexer when a template has a big chunk of text between/in a block
+# 0.9.5 (2010-01-20)
+As for any new release, don't forget to remove all cached templates after
+If you have defined custom filters, you MUST upgrade them for this release. To
+upgrade, replace "array" with "new Twig_Filter_Function", and replace the
+environment constant by the "needs_environment" option:
+  // before
+  'even'   => array('twig_is_even_filter', false),
+  'escape' => array('twig_escape_filter', true),
+  // after
+  'even'   => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_is_even_filter'),
+  'escape' => new Twig_Filter_Function('twig_escape_filter', array('needs_environment' => true)),
+If you have created NodeTransformer classes, you will need to upgrade them to
+the new interface (please note that the interface is not yet considered
+ * fixed list nodes that did not extend the Twig_NodeListInterface
+ * added the "without loop" option to the for tag (it disables the generation of the loop variable)
+ * refactored node transformers to node visitors
+ * fixed automatic-escaping for blocks
+ * added a way to specify variables to pass to an included template
+ * changed the automatic-escaping rules to be more sensible and more configurable in custom filters (the documentation lists all the rules)
+ * improved the filter system to allow object methods to be used as filters
+ * changed the Array and String loaders to actually make use of the cache mechanism
+ * included the default filter function definitions in the extension class files directly (Core, Escaper)
+ * added the // operator (like the floor() PHP function)
+ * added the .. operator (as a syntactic sugar for the range filter when the step is 1)
+ * added the in operator (as a syntactic sugar for the in filter)
+ * added the following filters in the Core extension: in, range
+ * added support for arrays (same behavior as in PHP, a mix between lists and dictionaries, arrays and hashes)
+ * enhanced some error messages to provide better feedback in case of parsing errors
+# 0.9.4 (2009-12-02)
+If you have custom loaders, you MUST upgrade them for this release: The
+Twig_Loader base class has been removed, and the Twig_LoaderInterface has also
+been changed (see the source code for more information or the documentation).
+ * added support for DateTime instances for the date filter
+ * fixed loop.last when the array only has one item
+ * made it possible to insert newlines in tag and variable blocks
+ * fixed a bug when a literal '\n' were present in a template text
+ * fixed bug when the filename of a template contains */
+ * refactored loaders
+# 0.9.3 (2009-11-11)
+This release is NOT backward compatible with the previous releases.
+  The loaders do not take the cache and autoReload arguments anymore. Instead,
+  the Twig_Environment class has two new options: cache and auto_reload.
+  Upgrading your code means changing this kind of code:
+      $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('/path/to/templates', '/path/to/compilation_cache', true);
+      $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);
+  to something like this:
+      $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('/path/to/templates');
+      $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array(
+        'cache' => '/path/to/compilation_cache',
+        'auto_reload' => true,
+      ));
+ * deprecated the "items" filter as it is not needed anymore
+ * made cache and auto_reload options of Twig_Environment instead of arguments of Twig_Loader
+ * optimized template loading speed
+ * removed output when an error occurs in a template and render() is used
+ * made major speed improvements for loops (up to 300% on even the smallest loops)
+ * added properties as part of the sandbox mode
+ * added public properties support (obj.item can now be the item property on the obj object)
+ * extended set tag to support expression as value ({% set foo as 'foo' ~ 'bar' %} )
+ * fixed bug when \ was used in HTML
+# 0.9.2 (2009-10-29)
+ * made some speed optimizations
+ * changed the cache extension to .php
+ * added a js escaping strategy
+ * added support for short block tag
+ * changed the filter tag to allow chained filters
+ * made lexer more flexible as you can now change the default delimiters
+ * added set tag
+ * changed default directory permission when cache dir does not exist (more secure)
+ * added macro support
+ * changed filters first optional argument to be a Twig_Environment instance instead of a Twig_Template instance
+ * made Twig_Autoloader::autoload() a static method
+ * avoid writing template file if an error occurs
+ * added $ escaping when outputting raw strings
+ * enhanced some error messages to ease debugging
+ * fixed empty cache files when the template contains an error
+# 0.9.1 (2009-10-14)
+  * fixed a bug in PHP 5.2.6
+  * fixed numbers with one than one decimal
+  * added support for method calls with arguments ({{'a', 43) }})
+  * made small speed optimizations
+  * made minor tweaks to allow better extensibility and flexibility
+# 0.9.0 (2009-10-12)
+ * Initial release