git subrepo commit (merge) mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized

subrepo: subdir:   "mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized"
  merged:   "32243e56"
upstream: origin:   ""
  branch:   "master"
  commit:   "e2b4b6f6"
git-subrepo: version:  "0.4.3"
  origin:   "???"
  commit:   "???"
Change-Id: I51e2016ef5ab88a8b0bdc08551b18f48ceef0aa5
diff --git a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/
index f99c86d..9c08c66 100644
--- a/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/
+++ b/mailcow/src/mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/modals/footer.php';
 $hash = $js_minifier->getDataHash();
@@ -8,303 +7,46 @@
-<script src="/cache/<?=basename($JSPath)?>"></script>
-$lang_footer = json_encode($lang['footer']);
-$lang_acl = json_encode($lang['acl']);
-$lang_tfa = json_encode($lang['tfa']);
-$lang_fido2 = json_encode($lang['fido2']);
-echo "var lang_footer = ". $lang_footer . ";\n";
-echo "var lang_acl = ". $lang_acl . ";\n";
-echo "var lang_tfa = ". $lang_tfa . ";\n";
-echo "var lang_fido2 = ". $lang_fido2 . ";\n";
-echo "var docker_timeout = ". $DOCKER_TIMEOUT * 1000 . ";\n";
-$(window).scroll(function() {
-  sessionStorage.scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
-// Select language and reopen active URL without POST
-function setLang(sel) {
-  $.post( "<?= $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>", {lang: sel} );
-  window.location.href = window.location.pathname +;
-// FIDO2 functions
-function arrayBufferToBase64(buffer) {
-  let binary = '';
-  let bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
-  let len = bytes.byteLength;
-  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-    binary += String.fromCharCode( bytes[ i ] );
+$alertbox_log_parser = alertbox_log_parser($_SESSION);
+$alerts = [];
+if (is_array($alertbox_log_parser)) {
+  foreach ($alertbox_log_parser as $log) {
+    $message = strtr($log['msg'], ["\n" => '', "\r" => '', "\t" => '<br>']);
+    $alerts[trim($log['type'], '"')][] = trim($message, '"');
-  return window.btoa(binary);
-function recursiveBase64StrToArrayBuffer(obj) {
-  let prefix = '=?BINARY?B?';
-  let suffix = '?=';
-  if (typeof obj === 'object') {
-    for (let key in obj) {
-      if (typeof obj[key] === 'string') {
-        let str = obj[key];
-        if (str.substring(0, prefix.length) === prefix && str.substring(str.length - suffix.length) === suffix) {
-          str = str.substring(prefix.length, str.length - suffix.length);
-          let binary_string = window.atob(str);
-          let len = binary_string.length;
-          let bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
-          for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-            bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i);
-          }
-          obj[key] = bytes.buffer;
-        }
-      } else {
-        recursiveBase64StrToArrayBuffer(obj[key]);
-      }
-    }
+  $alert = array_filter(array_unique($alerts));
+  foreach($alert as $alert_type => $alert_msg) {
+    $alerts[$alert_type] = implode('<hr class="alert-hr">', $alert_msg);
-$(window).load(function() {
-  $(".overlay").hide();
-$(document).ready(function() {
-  $(document).on('', function(e) {
-    modal_id = $(e.relatedTarget).data('target');
-    $(modal_id).attr("aria-hidden","false");
-  });
-  // TFA, CSRF, Alerts in
-  // Other general functions in mailcow.js
-  <?php
-  $alertbox_log_parser = alertbox_log_parser($_SESSION);
-  if (is_array($alertbox_log_parser)) {
-    foreach($alertbox_log_parser as $log) {
-      $alerts[$log['type']][] = $log['msg'];
-    }
-    $alerts = array_filter(array_unique($alerts));
-    foreach($alerts as $alert_type => $alert_msg) {
-  ?>
-  mailcow_alert_box(<?=json_encode(implode('<hr class="alert-hr">', $alert_msg));?>, <?=$alert_type;?>);
-  <?php
-    }
-  }
-  ?>
-  // Confirm TFA modal
-  <?php if (isset($_SESSION['pending_tfa_method'])):?>
-  $('#ConfirmTFAModal').modal({
-    backdrop: 'static',
-    keyboard: false
-  });
-  $('#u2f_status_auth').html('<p><i class="bi bi-arrow-repeat icon-spin"></i> ' + lang_tfa.init_u2f + '</p>');
-  $('#ConfirmTFAModal').on('', function(){
-      $(this).find('input[name=token]').focus();
-      // If U2F
-      if(document.getElementById("u2f_auth_data") !== null) {
-        $.ajax({
-          type: "GET",
-          cache: false,
-          dataType: 'script',
-          url: "/api/v1/get/u2f-authentication/<?= (isset($_SESSION['pending_mailcow_cc_username'])) ? rawurlencode($_SESSION['pending_mailcow_cc_username']) : null; ?>",
-          complete: function(data){
-            $('#u2f_status_auth').html(lang_tfa.waiting_usb_auth);
-            data;
-            setTimeout(function() {
-              console.log("Ready to authenticate");
-              u2f.sign(appId, challenge, registeredKeys, function(data) {
-                var form = document.getElementById('u2f_auth_form');
-                var auth = document.getElementById('u2f_auth_data');
-                console.log("Authenticate callback", data);
-                auth.value = JSON.stringify(data);
-                form.submit();
-              });
-            }, 1000);
-          }
-        });
-      }
-  });
-  $('#ConfirmTFAModal').on('', function(){
-      $.ajax({
-        type: "GET",
-        cache: false,
-        dataType: 'script',
-        url: '/inc/ajax/destroy_tfa_auth.php',
-        complete: function(data){
-          window.location = window.location.href.split("#")[0];
-        }
-      });
-  });
-  <?php endif; ?>
-  // Validate FIDO2
-  $("#fido2-login").click(function(){
-    $('#fido2-alerts').html();
-    if (!window.fetch || !navigator.credentials || !navigator.credentials.create) {
-      window.alert('Browser not supported.');
-      return;
-    }
-    window.fetch("/api/v1/get/fido2-get-args", {method:'GET',cache:'no-cache'}).then(function(response) {
-      return response.json();
-    }).then(function(json) {
-    if (json.success === false) {
-      throw new Error();
-    }
-    recursiveBase64StrToArrayBuffer(json);
-    return json;
-    }).then(function(getCredentialArgs) {
-      return navigator.credentials.get(getCredentialArgs);
-    }).then(function(cred) {
-      return {
-        id: cred.rawId ? arrayBufferToBase64(cred.rawId) : null,
-        clientDataJSON: cred.response.clientDataJSON  ? arrayBufferToBase64(cred.response.clientDataJSON) : null,
-        authenticatorData: cred.response.authenticatorData ? arrayBufferToBase64(cred.response.authenticatorData) : null,
-        signature : cred.response.signature ? arrayBufferToBase64(cred.response.signature) : null
-      };
-    }).then(JSON.stringify).then(function(AuthenticatorAttestationResponse) {
-      return window.fetch("/api/v1/process/fido2-args", {method:'POST', body: AuthenticatorAttestationResponse, cache:'no-cache'});
-    }).then(function(response) {
-      return response.json();
-    }).then(function(json) {
-      if (json.success) {
-        window.location = window.location.href.split("#")[0];
-      } else {
-        throw new Error();
-      }
-    }).catch(function(err) {
-      if (typeof err.message === 'undefined') {
-        mailcow_alert_box(lang_fido2.fido2_validation_failed, "danger");
-      } else {
-        mailcow_alert_box(lang_fido2.fido2_validation_failed + ":<br><i>" + err.message + "</i>", "danger");
-      }
-    });
-  });
-  // Set TFA/FIDO2
-  $("#register-fido2").click(function(){
-    $("option:selected").prop("selected", false);
-    if (!window.fetch || !navigator.credentials || !navigator.credentials.create) {
-        window.alert('Browser not supported.');
-        return;
-    }
-    window.fetch("/api/v1/get/fido2-registration/<?= (isset($_SESSION['mailcow_cc_username'])) ? rawurlencode($_SESSION['mailcow_cc_username']) : null; ?>", {method:'GET',cache:'no-cache'}).then(function(response) {
-      return response.json();
-    }).then(function(json) {
-      if (json.success === false) {
-        throw new Error(json.msg);
-      }
-      recursiveBase64StrToArrayBuffer(json);
-      return json;
-    }).then(function(createCredentialArgs) {
-      console.log(createCredentialArgs);
-      return navigator.credentials.create(createCredentialArgs);
-    }).then(function(cred) {
-      return {
-        clientDataJSON: cred.response.clientDataJSON  ? arrayBufferToBase64(cred.response.clientDataJSON) : null,
-        attestationObject: cred.response.attestationObject ? arrayBufferToBase64(cred.response.attestationObject) : null
-      };
-    }).then(JSON.stringify).then(function(AuthenticatorAttestationResponse) {
-      return window.fetch("/api/v1/add/fido2-registration", {method:'POST', body: AuthenticatorAttestationResponse, cache:'no-cache'});
-    }).then(function(response) {
-      return response.json();
-    }).then(function(json) {
-      if (json.success) {
-        window.location = window.location.href.split("#")[0];
-      } else {
-        throw new Error(json.msg);
-      }
-    }).catch(function(err) {
-      $('#fido2-alerts').html('<span class="text-danger"><b>' + err.message + '</b></span>');
-    });
-  });
-  $('#selectTFA').change(function () {
-    if ($(this).val() == "yubi_otp") {
-      $('#YubiOTPModal').modal('show');
-      $("option:selected").prop("selected", false);
-    }
-    if ($(this).val() == "totp") {
-      $('#TOTPModal').modal('show');
-      request_token = $('#tfa-qr-img').data('totp-secret');
-      $.ajax({
-        url: '/inc/ajax/qr_gen.php',
-        data: {
-          token: request_token,
-        },
-      }).done(function (result) {
-        $("#tfa-qr-img").attr("src", result);
-      });
-      $("option:selected").prop("selected", false);
-    }
-    if ($(this).val() == "u2f") {
-      $('#U2FModal').modal('show');
-      $("option:selected").prop("selected", false);
-      $("#start_u2f_register").click(function(){
-        $('#u2f_return_code').html('');
-        $('#u2f_return_code').hide();
-        $('#u2f_status_reg').html('<p><i class="bi bi-arrow-repeat icon-spin"></i> ' + lang_tfa.init_u2f + '</p>');
-        $.ajax({
-          type: "GET",
-          cache: false,
-          dataType: 'script',
-          url: "/api/v1/get/u2f-registration/<?= (isset($_SESSION['mailcow_cc_username'])) ? rawurlencode($_SESSION['mailcow_cc_username']) : null; ?>",
-          complete: function(data){
-            data;
-            setTimeout(function() {
-              console.log("Ready to register");
-              $('#u2f_status_reg').html(lang_tfa.waiting_usb_register);
-              u2f.register(appId, registerRequests, registeredKeys, function(deviceResponse) {
-                var form  = document.getElementById('u2f_reg_form');
-                var reg   = document.getElementById('u2f_register_data');
-                console.log("Register callback: ", data);
-                if (deviceResponse.errorCode && deviceResponse.errorCode != 0) {
-                  var u2f_return_code = document.getElementById('u2f_return_code');
-         = === 'none' ? '' : null;
-                  if (deviceResponse.errorCode == "4") {
-                    deviceResponse.errorCode = "4 - The presented device is not eligible for this request. For a registration request this may mean that the token is already registered, and for a sign request it may mean that the token does not know the presented key handle";
-                  }
-                  else if (deviceResponse.errorCode == "5") {
-                    deviceResponse.errorCode = "5 - Timeout reached before request could be satisfied.";
-                  }
-                  u2f_return_code.innerHTML = lang_tfa.error_code + ': ' + deviceResponse.errorCode + ' ' + lang_tfa.reload_retry;
-                  return;
-                }
-                reg.value = JSON.stringify(deviceResponse);
-                form.submit();
-              });
-            }, 1000);
-          }
-        });
-      });
-    }
-    if ($(this).val() == "none") {
-      $('#DisableTFAModal').modal('show');
-      $("option:selected").prop("selected", false);
-    }
-  });
-  // Reload after session timeout
-  var session_lifetime = <?=((int)$SESSION_LIFETIME * 1000) + 15000;?>;
-  <?php
-  if (isset($_SESSION['mailcow_cc_username'])):
-  ?>
-  setTimeout(function() {
-    location.reload();
-  }, session_lifetime);
-  <?php
-  endif;
-  ?>
+$globalVariables = [
+  'js_path' => '/cache/'.basename($JSPath),
+  'pending_tfa_method' => @$_SESSION['pending_tfa_method'],
+  'pending_mailcow_cc_username' => @$_SESSION['pending_mailcow_cc_username'],
+  'lang_footer' => json_encode($lang['footer']),
+  'lang_acl' => json_encode($lang['acl']),
+  'lang_tfa' => json_encode($lang['tfa']),
+  'lang_fido2' => json_encode($lang['fido2']),
+  'docker_timeout' => $DOCKER_TIMEOUT,
+  'session_lifetime' => (int)$SESSION_LIFETIME,
+  'csrf_token' => $_SESSION['CSRF']['TOKEN'],
+  'pagination_size' => $PAGINATION_SIZE,
+  'log_pagination_size' => $LOG_PAGINATION_SIZE,
+  'alerts' => $alerts,
+  'totp_secret' => $tfa->createSecret(),
-  // CSRF
-  $('<input type="hidden" value="<?= $_SESSION['CSRF']['TOKEN']; ?>">').attr('name', 'csrf_token').appendTo('form');
-  if (sessionStorage.scrollTop != "undefined") {
-    $(window).scrollTop(sessionStorage.scrollTop);
-  }
+foreach ($globalVariables as $globalVariableName => $globalVariableValue) {
+  $twig->addGlobal($globalVariableName, $globalVariableValue);
-  <div class="container footer">
-  <?php if (!empty($UI_TEXTS['ui_footer'])) { ?>
-   <hr><span class="rot-enc"><?=str_rot13($UI_TEXTS['ui_footer']);?></span>
-  <?php } ?>
-  </div>
+if (is_array($template_data)) {
+  echo $twig->render($template, $template_data);
 if (isset($_SESSION['mailcow_cc_api'])) {