jgvariant-tool: Mark compile-time-only dependencies as optional.

The way flatten-maven-plugin is configured, optional dependencies are
omitted, but provided dependencies are included in the final POM.
Since they are not needed at runtime, it makes sense to omit them by
marking them as optional.  This causes fewer security alerts.

Change-Id: I8f39c0066331c067186b9fa016bf60477653a48c
1 file changed
tree: b9ec7117e50ec0dd26214b66a5648585a95d84c2
  1. .mvn/
  2. .reuse/
  3. jgvariant-bom/
  4. jgvariant-core/
  5. jgvariant-ostree/
  6. jgvariant-parent/
  7. jgvariant-tool/
  9. .gitignore
  10. .gitlab-ci.yml
  12. pom.xml
  13. README.md
  14. renovate.json

GVariant for Java

This library provides a GVariant parser in pure Java.


jgvariant-core provides Decoder<T>, which read a given type of GVariant-encoded value from a ByteBuffer. The class also contains factory methods to acquire those instances.

The various subclasses of Decoder together implement the GVariant serialization specification.

jgvariant-ostree provides instances of Decoder<T> for various GVariant types used in OSTree repositories.


To parse a GVariant value of type "a(si)", which is an array of pairs of String and int, you can use the following code:

record ExampleRecord(String s, int i) {}

var decoder =

byte[] bytes = ...;
List<ExampleRecord> example = decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes));

Command line tool

The jgvariant-tool module contains a tool called jgvariant that can be used to manipulate GVariant-formatted files from the command line. Its primary purpose is to enable the scripting of OSTree repository management tasks.

Usage examples

Dumping the contents of an OSTree summary file

$ jgvariant ostree summary read ./jgvariant-ostree/src/test/resources/ostree/summary


    "entries": [
            "ref": "mulkos/1.x/amd64",
            "value": {
                "checksum": "66ff167ff35ce87daac817447a9490a262ee75f095f017716a6eb1a9d9eb3350",
                "metadata": {
                    "fields": {
                        "ostree.commit.timestamp": 1640537170
                "size": 214
    "metadata": {
        "fields": {
            "ostree.summary.last-modified": 1640537300,
            "ostree.summary.tombstone-commits": false,
            "ostree.static-deltas": {
                "3d3b3329dca38871f29aeda1bf5854d76c707fa269759a899d0985c91815fe6f-66ff167ff35ce87daac817447a9490a262ee75f095f017716a6eb1a9d9eb3350": "03738040e28e7662e9c9d2599c530ea974e642c9f87e6c00cbaa39a0cdac8d44",
                "31c8835d5c9d2c6687a50091c85142d1b2d853ff416a9fb81b4ee30754510d52": "f481144629474bd88c106e45ac405ebd75b324b0655af1aec14b31786ae1fd61",
                "31c8835d5c9d2c6687a50091c85142d1b2d853ff416a9fb81b4ee30754510d52-3d3b3329dca38871f29aeda1bf5854d76c707fa269759a899d0985c91815fe6f": "2c6a07bc1cf4d7ce7d00f82d7d2d6d156fd0e31d476851b46dc2306b181b064a"
            "ostree.summary.mode": "bare",
            "ostree.summary.indexed-deltas": true

Adding a static delta to an OSTree summary file

Superblock checksum 0..., between commits 3... and 6...:

$ jgvariant ostree summary add-static-delta ./jgvariant-ostree/src/test/resources/ostree/summary 03738040e28e7662e9c9d2599c530ea974e642c9f87e6c00cbaa39a0cdac8d44 66ff167ff35ce87daac817447a9490a262ee75f095f017716a6eb1a9d9eb3350 3d3b3329dca38871f29aeda1bf5854d76c707fa269759a899d0985c91815fe6f

Superblock checksum f..., between the empty commit and 3...:

$ jgvariant ostree summary add-static-delta ./jgvariant-ostree/src/test/resources/ostree/summary f481144629474bd88c106e45ac405ebd75b324b0655af1aec14b31786ae1fd61 31c8835d5c9d2c6687a50091c85142d1b2d853ff416a9fb81b4ee30754510d52

Checksums can be given in either hex (64 digits) or a variant of Base64 (43 digits) where / is replaced by _. The latter format is used to identify the start and end commits of deltas as part of folder names below deltas/ in the OSTree repository itself.

Building the tool

You can build the tool either as a shaded JAR or as a native executable.

To build and run a shaded JAR:

$ mvn package -pl jgvariant-tool -am -Pshade
$ java -jar jgvariant-tool/target/jgvariant-tool-*.jar ...

To build and run a native executable:

$ mvn package -pl jgvariant-tool -am -Pnative
$ ./jgvariant-tool/target/jgvariant ...

You can also run the tool directly with Maven using the exec profile:

$ mvn verify -pl jgvariant-tool -am -Pexec -Dexec.args="..."

Library installation

Usage with Maven









Usage with Gradle

dependencies {

