Simplify types, replace Value with Variant.

Change-Id: I2e492ebfefc7e9a47c874ed22ff199412e9948ee
diff --git a/src/main/java/eu/mulk/jgvariant/core/ b/src/main/java/eu/mulk/jgvariant/core/
index dba7a09..1b819c5 100644
--- a/src/main/java/eu/mulk/jgvariant/core/
+++ b/src/main/java/eu/mulk/jgvariant/core/
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
- * Provides {@link eu.mulk.jgvariant.core.Value} and {@link eu.mulk.jgvariant.core.Decoder}, the
+ * Provides {@link eu.mulk.jgvariant.core.Variant} and {@link eu.mulk.jgvariant.core.Decoder}, the
  * foundational classes for <a href="">GVariant</a>
  * parsing.
- * <p>{@link eu.mulk.jgvariant.core.Value} is a sum type (sealed interface) that represents a
+ * <p>{@link eu.mulk.jgvariant.core.Variant} is a sum type (sealed interface) that represents a
  * GVariant value. Its subtypes represent the different types of values that GVariant supports.
  * <p>Instances of {@link eu.mulk.jgvariant.core.Decoder} read a given concrete subtype of {@link
- * eu.mulk.jgvariant.core.Value} from a {@link java.nio.ByteBuffer}. The class also contains factory
- * methods to create those instances.
+ * eu.mulk.jgvariant.core.Variant} from a {@link java.nio.ByteBuffer}. The class also contains
+ * factory methods to create those instances.
  * <p><strong>Example</strong>
- * <p>To parse a GVariant of type {@code "a(si)"}, which is an array of pairs of {@link String} and
- * {@code int}, you can use the following code:
+ * <p>To parse a GVariant of type {@code "a(si)"}, which is an array of pairs of {@link
+ * java.lang.String} and {@code int}, you can use the following code:
  * <pre>{@code
- * record ExampleRecord(Value.Str s, Value.Int32 i) {}
+ * record ExampleRecord(String s, int i) {}
  * var decoder =
  *   Decoder.ofArray(
  *     Decoder.ofStructure(
  *       ExampleRecord.class,
- *       Decoder.ofStr(UTF_8),
- *       Decoder.ofInt32().withByteOrder(LITTLE_ENDIAN)));
+ *       Decoder.ofString(UTF_8),
+ *       Decoder.ofInt().withByteOrder(LITTLE_ENDIAN)));
  * byte[] bytes = ...;
- * Value.Array<Value.Structure<ExampleRecord>> example = decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes));
+ * List<ExampleRecord> example = decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes));
  * }</pre>
 package eu.mulk.jgvariant.core;